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sto doff farming
Nah, im in a fleet with my 2 RL friends. (It also includes two scaling ground weapons.). Finally, many Marauding assignments have a chance of awarding prisoners. NOTE: a 4 hour cooldown for this mission was introduced with the launch of the Legacy of Romulus expansion pack in 2013. The ability is what sets the price for doffs, generally speaking. Getting an Critical success result is very important is for several reasons. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Farmer's Guide to Energy Credits and Dilithium, Farming EC with Duty Officer missions (FED), Farming Dilithium with Duty Officer missions, Infuse Alien Artifact with Rare Particles, Completion of the respective star cluster's. Fleet doffs can be recruited at many fleet holdings by spending an absolutely outrageous number of fleddits for each doff purchased. Fleet Research Lab has a doff mission, K13, and Mine Holding do too. Assimilated Subtranswarp Engine / Gamma Synergistic Overcharged Core: These two do not stack, alas, but both are very useful for improving the speed of your assignment-gathering expeditions. If you are running very rare doffs and can critical the assignments you can get a large amount of CXP points from this assignments. We've already looked at the Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion mission, with its 2 hr. Permit Crippled Warrior to Perform the Hegh'bat, Legacy of Romulus Release Notes (21 May 2013). On the upside FED, your strength in earning dilithium will be in transporting colonists, and I've found that the missions that provide colonists occur in ratio to missions that take colonists to be slightly better then KDF prisoner missions, with the caveat that KDF will always have available the opportunity to turn in ten prisoners for an almost guaranteed 1000 dil. Every morning, I spend about five or six million EC on blue doffs on the exchange. Star Trek Online General Discussion. Try it if you're feeling lucky. If you Crit it, you get one of 14 Very Rare Duty officers. This is a 'Per Toon'/'Per Character' limit, so if you have an alt, you can switch to it and continue to farm loot for EC. If you check the in-game calendar, there is a "multiphasic" event that improves the drops from scanning anomalies. An escort/DPS Ship makes it fly by quickly. Like items, doffs can be bound to your character. Quality (purple, blue) depends on refugee quality and crit traits. I would ask that you please refrain from adding negative comments and keep the intent of the guide at face value for what it was designed to do. Since there is no guarantee that the mission will succeed I would only consider this option as a alternative. Many of you are already aware that you need to get your AOY or Gamma recruits commendation levels up in order to unlock your rewards. And speaking of rewards: through the doffing system, it is possible to earn XP, dilithium, energy credits, rare commodities, equipment, special bridge officers, and even additional doffs. Race only matters for the Federation; Ferengi offer a marginal benefit in reducing the cost of purchased commodities that may be required for missions. Negotiate Prisoner Exchange: Allows you to trade a prisoner for a new, random doff. By choosing to Visit the Bridge (which is an option from the small drop down arrow at the bottom-right of the mini-map) you can walk to other parts of the ship where certain officers will offer a list of specialized assignments in specific categories. There are a number of different methods to obtain doffs--some more worthwhile than others. Colonial missions are also not as frequent for the KDF. Tellarite Engineers with Stubborn and Resolve fetch 20 million plus. Much of the build-focused subject matter is beyond the scope of this guide, Fleet projects: A still-important facet of doffing is turning in common doffs for fleet project progress. These include the Lower Decks doffs, Neal Falconer, and the doff version of Holo-Leeta previously given out at conventions. Otherwise, all that flying around is annoying. I am coming along well with the Trade CXP as well. Quality depends on quality and rarity of duty officers assigned. Therefore it may be subjective as to which is easier or harder and what to order to complete them. Use a map if you're unfamiliar with sector space. You select an assignment from any of the several lists. Tour the Galaxy is a good source of exploration xp. Those also drop craft items. They're mostly all gone. This is always a good trade for common prisoners, especially if you already have access to admiralty. I have played many, many, many different MMO's, and my favorite thing to do is crafting. All players receive bonus packs at levels 18, 23, 31, and 41. Upon transwarp to the Undine battlezone, starting flying your ship and stop when you immediately see the doff assignments option. Caveat emptor. The best way to farm crafting mats is to farm EC and buy them on the exchange. For example, you might 350 Eng points /350 colonial points. You can confirm that the pool has been added in the upper corner of your screen. But what if I told you that you're leaving dilithium on the ground, and that Cryptic laughs at your foolishness, dishonorable toHpaH that they are? For best results, send a purple trader on the mission. The reason I picked the support missions is because there's a lot of them, half of the DOFFs you get from them are useless, and they're FREE. This mission can be found under "Current Map" in sector space but is more likely to be found under "Department Heads." In addition, a Romulan captain (or one with Rank 4 in Diplomacy/Marauding) can recruit Rai during Mine Enemy. Since the Materials are "Bind to Character on Pickup.". These are preferred because you can obviously double down and cut your doff time in half. FED players, do not despair! If someone is a Excel Guru then by all means please add it. Particle Traces and other bridge missions, colonial chains, analyzing Gamma commodity properties, Undine BZ, Dyson allied/contested when available, one at K-13, one at the Research Lab, and two at the Dilithium Mine. You can still farm dilithium on your main, and make a good showing for it, without having to spend time on an alt that you don't care about and which makes DOffing a chore. If all else fails, the Exchange usually has exactly what you want. What are the traits listed next to Critical, success and failure? You'll almost inevitably end up with a few spare Rare DOFFs, but those can always hang around until you have other Rares to combine them with. Before you waste time and credits, however, always check to make sure you do not have free doffs waiting. In general, be on the lookout for doffs with the Telekinetic, Shroud, and Resolve traits, as these are required for some very rewarding missions. Personal: location varies; Engineering under Department Heads, Duty officers. For some reason it wont take bound greens from me. Just a thought. The other faction's duty officers will go into your roster/passengers/brig but they will not be displayed as a slottable Recommendation from the assignment Department Heads. Same applies to colonial. Obviously, if you are grinding Commendation XP you should buy as many CXP boosts as you can afford. You should be a KDF-aligned Romulan, however, as Romulans have access to a third set of doffs the other two factions cannot use. At the respective factions academies, Personnel Officers allow a captain to commission cadres of duty officers, and also to turn in five underperforming duty officers, plus a modest amount of Dilithium, for a random duty officer of the next highest quality. It was at that point that I first considered collating what I had learned into a new doffing guide. The higher the Doff rarity the more points you will receive. behind the building with Lt. Ferrera and the DOFF combiner, talking to the Andorian personnel officer. https://discord.. Duty officers, with the exception of civilians, will have an enlisted or officer rank. You should make anywhere between 300,000 to 500,000 EC, depending how lucky you were. Only white quality duty officers have a chance of dying while on assignment (note the difficulty of the assignment). Use the mission list below as a guide and plot your route. To replace it, the Duty Officer system was introduced. With the help of a variety of resources and advice, I was able to complete this work in a far shorter amount of time than I expected. Those also drop craft items. This is meant to bring the newbies up to speed and why Doffs matter. 1 MK X or XI Warp Core. wtf. Ferengi Awards. Specialist Fleet Awards. Both recruit types, if you created one of each, requires you to achieve Tier IV in 6 different commendation categories. There are a handful of doffs available to buy during the Summer Event. Look for the Mission called 'One and Done' via the 'Browse All' Tab on the Sidebar, and pressing the downwards triangle at the top to open the search dialogue. Star Trek Online: The Admiralty System and Farming Dilithium February 27, 2020 / Roger Edwards Dilithium is one of the major currencies that can be earned in the MMORPG Star Trek Online. Investigate Temporal Anomaly: A non-repeatable assignment which awards a purple-quality bartender. In Star Trek Online, there is a particular function for players who need so as to add bridge crew members to their ship. Operations Facilities Tier III is required to buy the additional active space roster slot. You go to your one stop shop for dilithium DOffing and then your off to slay any weak and helpless Federation that happen across your path. farshore Member Posts: 353 Arc User. C. This option is probably the easiest and makes the most sense. If you can't find it on the current map anywhere (gasp!) You get commendation by initiating DOFF assignments and completing them. Winters STO Top Tips. So, what we have here is an unlimited supply of redundant Very Rare duty officers that can be obtained relatively quickly and in large quantity, while also awarding Refugees that can be exchanged via Asylum missions for more DOFFs of varying quality. Snagged a Stubborn + Resolve damage control engineer doff outta this, instant +17 mil, made about 30 or so when the next two (including the 17 mil) doffs sell. The other faction's duty officers CAN, however, be used to supply Starbase projects. If you need specific samples, make sure you're looking in the right place. This usually does not take me even half and hour, and this is spent mostly in between waiting for STFs to start. Video Guides. A player's starship has five slots for duty officers that enhance space operations and five slots for duty officers that enhance ground operations, depending on the officer's specialization. If cryptic ever does do an update, at least i can be there waiting. Caitian Diaspora / Unforgiven of Ferasa assignment chains: Awards a very rare flight deck officer and unlocks a repeatable assignment to get more. It isn't hard to see that by doing Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion often, your brig will be swiftly depleted. Doff missions. Cryptic, in an effort to make getting Rare/Uncommon/Common DOFFs for Starbase projects easier, introduced the DOFF Grinder at Starfleet Academy, which lets you turn an Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare duty officer into three of the next lowest category of duty officer. Some doffs are affiliated with certain R&D schools, allowing them to be used to create certain items. This defines what effect the officer has if assigned to a space or ground role. All rights reserved. Before embarking on doffing for EC, it is recommended that the player amass a sizable amount of purple and blue doffs to send on doff missions. Regular doff assignments can be re-tried after you fail and the cool off has come around. See how to distinguish faction side on this frame comparison image. Tellarites with Stubborn and Resolve fetch around a million EC on the Exchange. Also some doff missions like Scan for genetic anomaly or scan for re sequencers show up in sector and department head tabs sometimes. This is a guide to farming EC, originally written by RockyCoon. These are low-rarity, but free. A good farming mission will give you at least 500k EC in items (yes, that's a 10-minute half-million). It can be a bit of a grind, but with patience can be quite profitable. This is one of the factors that determines which doffs can go on which missions. In essence, they are "fire and forget:" assign your officers, wait some real-world number of hours, and reap the rewards. Forced Labor Camp in the
Nah, im in a fleet with my 2 RL friends. (It also includes two scaling ground weapons.). Finally, many Marauding assignments have a chance of awarding prisoners. NOTE: a 4 hour cooldown for this mission was introduced with the launch of the Legacy of Romulus expansion pack in 2013. The ability is what sets the price for doffs, generally speaking. Getting an Critical success result is very important is for several reasons. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Farmer's Guide to Energy Credits and Dilithium, Farming EC with Duty Officer missions (FED), Farming Dilithium with Duty Officer missions, Infuse Alien Artifact with Rare Particles, Completion of the respective star cluster's. Fleet doffs can be recruited at many fleet holdings by spending an absolutely outrageous number of fleddits for each doff purchased. Fleet Research Lab has a doff mission, K13, and Mine Holding do too. Assimilated Subtranswarp Engine / Gamma Synergistic Overcharged Core: These two do not stack, alas, but both are very useful for improving the speed of your assignment-gathering expeditions. If you are running very rare doffs and can critical the assignments you can get a large amount of CXP points from this assignments. We've already looked at the Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion mission, with its 2 hr. Permit Crippled Warrior to Perform the Hegh'bat, Legacy of Romulus Release Notes (21 May 2013). On the upside FED, your strength in earning dilithium will be in transporting colonists, and I've found that the missions that provide colonists occur in ratio to missions that take colonists to be slightly better then KDF prisoner missions, with the caveat that KDF will always have available the opportunity to turn in ten prisoners for an almost guaranteed 1000 dil. Every morning, I spend about five or six million EC on blue doffs on the exchange. Star Trek Online General Discussion. Try it if you're feeling lucky. If you Crit it, you get one of 14 Very Rare Duty officers. This is a 'Per Toon'/'Per Character' limit, so if you have an alt, you can switch to it and continue to farm loot for EC. If you check the in-game calendar, there is a "multiphasic" event that improves the drops from scanning anomalies. An escort/DPS Ship makes it fly by quickly. Like items, doffs can be bound to your character. Quality (purple, blue) depends on refugee quality and crit traits. I would ask that you please refrain from adding negative comments and keep the intent of the guide at face value for what it was designed to do. Since there is no guarantee that the mission will succeed I would only consider this option as a alternative. Many of you are already aware that you need to get your AOY or Gamma recruits commendation levels up in order to unlock your rewards. And speaking of rewards: through the doffing system, it is possible to earn XP, dilithium, energy credits, rare commodities, equipment, special bridge officers, and even additional doffs. Race only matters for the Federation; Ferengi offer a marginal benefit in reducing the cost of purchased commodities that may be required for missions. Negotiate Prisoner Exchange: Allows you to trade a prisoner for a new, random doff. By choosing to Visit the Bridge (which is an option from the small drop down arrow at the bottom-right of the mini-map) you can walk to other parts of the ship where certain officers will offer a list of specialized assignments in specific categories. There are a number of different methods to obtain doffs--some more worthwhile than others. Colonial missions are also not as frequent for the KDF. Tellarite Engineers with Stubborn and Resolve fetch 20 million plus. Much of the build-focused subject matter is beyond the scope of this guide, Fleet projects: A still-important facet of doffing is turning in common doffs for fleet project progress. These include the Lower Decks doffs, Neal Falconer, and the doff version of Holo-Leeta previously given out at conventions. Otherwise, all that flying around is annoying. I am coming along well with the Trade CXP as well. Quality depends on quality and rarity of duty officers assigned. Therefore it may be subjective as to which is easier or harder and what to order to complete them. Use a map if you're unfamiliar with sector space. You select an assignment from any of the several lists. Tour the Galaxy is a good source of exploration xp. Those also drop craft items. They're mostly all gone. This is always a good trade for common prisoners, especially if you already have access to admiralty. I have played many, many, many different MMO's, and my favorite thing to do is crafting. All players receive bonus packs at levels 18, 23, 31, and 41. Upon transwarp to the Undine battlezone, starting flying your ship and stop when you immediately see the doff assignments option. Caveat emptor. The best way to farm crafting mats is to farm EC and buy them on the exchange. For example, you might 350 Eng points /350 colonial points. You can confirm that the pool has been added in the upper corner of your screen. But what if I told you that you're leaving dilithium on the ground, and that Cryptic laughs at your foolishness, dishonorable toHpaH that they are? For best results, send a purple trader on the mission. The reason I picked the support missions is because there's a lot of them, half of the DOFFs you get from them are useless, and they're FREE. This mission can be found under "Current Map" in sector space but is more likely to be found under "Department Heads." In addition, a Romulan captain (or one with Rank 4 in Diplomacy/Marauding) can recruit Rai during Mine Enemy. Since the Materials are "Bind to Character on Pickup.". These are preferred because you can obviously double down and cut your doff time in half. FED players, do not despair! If someone is a Excel Guru then by all means please add it. Particle Traces and other bridge missions, colonial chains, analyzing Gamma commodity properties, Undine BZ, Dyson allied/contested when available, one at K-13, one at the Research Lab, and two at the Dilithium Mine. You can still farm dilithium on your main, and make a good showing for it, without having to spend time on an alt that you don't care about and which makes DOffing a chore. If all else fails, the Exchange usually has exactly what you want. What are the traits listed next to Critical, success and failure? You'll almost inevitably end up with a few spare Rare DOFFs, but those can always hang around until you have other Rares to combine them with. Before you waste time and credits, however, always check to make sure you do not have free doffs waiting. In general, be on the lookout for doffs with the Telekinetic, Shroud, and Resolve traits, as these are required for some very rewarding missions. Personal: location varies; Engineering under Department Heads, Duty officers. For some reason it wont take bound greens from me. Just a thought. The other faction's duty officers will go into your roster/passengers/brig but they will not be displayed as a slottable Recommendation from the assignment Department Heads. Same applies to colonial. Obviously, if you are grinding Commendation XP you should buy as many CXP boosts as you can afford. You should be a KDF-aligned Romulan, however, as Romulans have access to a third set of doffs the other two factions cannot use. At the respective factions academies, Personnel Officers allow a captain to commission cadres of duty officers, and also to turn in five underperforming duty officers, plus a modest amount of Dilithium, for a random duty officer of the next highest quality. It was at that point that I first considered collating what I had learned into a new doffing guide. The higher the Doff rarity the more points you will receive. behind the building with Lt. Ferrera and the DOFF combiner, talking to the Andorian personnel officer. https://discord.. Duty officers, with the exception of civilians, will have an enlisted or officer rank. You should make anywhere between 300,000 to 500,000 EC, depending how lucky you were. Only white quality duty officers have a chance of dying while on assignment (note the difficulty of the assignment). Use the mission list below as a guide and plot your route. To replace it, the Duty Officer system was introduced. With the help of a variety of resources and advice, I was able to complete this work in a far shorter amount of time than I expected. Those also drop craft items. This is meant to bring the newbies up to speed and why Doffs matter. 1 MK X or XI Warp Core. wtf. Ferengi Awards. Specialist Fleet Awards. Both recruit types, if you created one of each, requires you to achieve Tier IV in 6 different commendation categories. There are a handful of doffs available to buy during the Summer Event. Look for the Mission called 'One and Done' via the 'Browse All' Tab on the Sidebar, and pressing the downwards triangle at the top to open the search dialogue. Star Trek Online: The Admiralty System and Farming Dilithium February 27, 2020 / Roger Edwards Dilithium is one of the major currencies that can be earned in the MMORPG Star Trek Online. Investigate Temporal Anomaly: A non-repeatable assignment which awards a purple-quality bartender. In Star Trek Online, there is a particular function for players who need so as to add bridge crew members to their ship. Operations Facilities Tier III is required to buy the additional active space roster slot. You go to your one stop shop for dilithium DOffing and then your off to slay any weak and helpless Federation that happen across your path. farshore Member Posts: 353 Arc User. C. This option is probably the easiest and makes the most sense. If you can't find it on the current map anywhere (gasp!) You get commendation by initiating DOFF assignments and completing them. Winters STO Top Tips. So, what we have here is an unlimited supply of redundant Very Rare duty officers that can be obtained relatively quickly and in large quantity, while also awarding Refugees that can be exchanged via Asylum missions for more DOFFs of varying quality. Snagged a Stubborn + Resolve damage control engineer doff outta this, instant +17 mil, made about 30 or so when the next two (including the 17 mil) doffs sell. The other faction's duty officers CAN, however, be used to supply Starbase projects. If you need specific samples, make sure you're looking in the right place. This usually does not take me even half and hour, and this is spent mostly in between waiting for STFs to start. Video Guides. A player's starship has five slots for duty officers that enhance space operations and five slots for duty officers that enhance ground operations, depending on the officer's specialization. If cryptic ever does do an update, at least i can be there waiting. Caitian Diaspora / Unforgiven of Ferasa assignment chains: Awards a very rare flight deck officer and unlocks a repeatable assignment to get more. It isn't hard to see that by doing Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion often, your brig will be swiftly depleted. Doff missions. Cryptic, in an effort to make getting Rare/Uncommon/Common DOFFs for Starbase projects easier, introduced the DOFF Grinder at Starfleet Academy, which lets you turn an Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare duty officer into three of the next lowest category of duty officer. Some doffs are affiliated with certain R&D schools, allowing them to be used to create certain items. This defines what effect the officer has if assigned to a space or ground role. All rights reserved. Before embarking on doffing for EC, it is recommended that the player amass a sizable amount of purple and blue doffs to send on doff missions. Regular doff assignments can be re-tried after you fail and the cool off has come around. See how to distinguish faction side on this frame comparison image. Tellarites with Stubborn and Resolve fetch around a million EC on the Exchange. Also some doff missions like Scan for genetic anomaly or scan for re sequencers show up in sector and department head tabs sometimes. This is a guide to farming EC, originally written by RockyCoon. These are low-rarity, but free. A good farming mission will give you at least 500k EC in items (yes, that's a 10-minute half-million). It can be a bit of a grind, but with patience can be quite profitable. This is one of the factors that determines which doffs can go on which missions. In essence, they are "fire and forget:" assign your officers, wait some real-world number of hours, and reap the rewards. Forced Labor Camp in the
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