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room clearing tactics powerpoint
room clearing tactics powerpointroom clearing tactics powerpoint
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room clearing tactics powerpoint
Talk to anyone who has served in the military in any capacity and ask them how you should clear a structure solo and they will tell you in no uncertain terms that you do not clear buildings solo. Emphasis is placed on initiative based "free flow" techniques that enhance . Details. . The purpose of classifying someone as a non-threat is to manage your priorities of engagements. While speed is a major factor in room clearing, you need to understand what speed truly means when it comes to room clearing. Use room clearing techniques when the tactical situation calls for "room to room clearing" with enemy combatants and non-combatants. Heres an old tactical saying to put in your toolbox: Smooth is fast and fast is smooth.. Room Clearing By Crusty. If a breach signal is called, you will move up to the front of the stack and (with your non-firing hand) run your hand along the door seem to inspect for any potential traps. From 90 to 150 degrees, you can reduce the possibility of exposure by compressing the weapon when closing in. Until next time, continue to hone your skills and keep adding to your tactical toolbox. Im an active-duty infantryman with the U.S. Army, and Ive served a combined-service of over 5 years. endobj
The next relevant angle is 45 degrees. CO- 2. Finally, as youre running the walls, its really walking. Each scenario affects what you can control and do to the target's mobility inside the room. The door is referred to as the fatal funnel. Anyone expecting an armed intrusion will be focusing attention and firepower towards the place of entry. Every corner you clear, you need to own. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. Whatever you do, make sure you dont position yourself near the fatal funnel (doorway). Spotter Up will assume no responsibility for any use or misuse of information from this article. Movement and in particular footwork is a contentious topic when it comes to gunfighting and CQB, or building clearing, in particular. If your weapon malfunctions, or you run out of ammunition in your magazine, take a step closer to the center of the room, take a knee, and call out a word that you and your group come up with to show that youre temporarily out of the fight. tactical raid search typically used in narcotic raids. In this article, Ill be teaching you the different aspects of tactical room clearing. Youll still be quick in presenting your weapon and, by keeping the line-eyes/weapon/leading-foot positioning, you wont find it necessary to use the sight. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Its impossible to see all four corners at once, so its imperative that you take advantage of the angles of view that a doorway offers you before you even enter the room. Take what works for your team. x[YoV~7"Eg+RL0E>2-G,w%y)h#K$v,O?E^]QTEtysz"5:B$2.NOIL[CtmCvYX|Vbg)^&YvKm\tu\5{p.9=y;
LlZ?-c!tahzk| zp8(H :?-m]\{L]fk)p>7$4sI25+lk|V7~|'75`=L;}7Dm%Ma/neMRI.DDyiTDB&h}l Your sector as the number four man is the rear flank, ready to engage any immediate threat that may pose itself while youre in the stack. Unit - 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (22nd MEU). Breach the door by any means necessary (check to see if its unlocked before you kick it), then step to the opposite side of the door of the stack. POINT MAN: KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, Carteret County Sheriffs Dept, Search Warrant, Open Up. Lots of people can teach you room clearing, but few people can teach you to do it safely and at the level required to give you anything but a vanishing margin of success. If youre the number two man and you have the better vantage point on the door, you are now the number one man for the next room. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. A non-threat can quickly become an immediate threat at any given notice. It takes a lot of practice, and repetition. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. When youre clearing each corner of the room, never lower your muzzle. Humans are highly adept at moving themselves through space and in the manner necessary to accomplish a given task, whether it is balancing a tray full of serving dishes or a firearm that is ready to snuff out another persons life. Once your team enters the room, do so in a dominating presence. This angle is measured from the apex of the door to the last visible line into the room. endobj
Once the number four man is ready, hell send the signal back up. Team #2 penetrates into their room. Dont keep looking at the number two man waiting for a signal. Among the things you control in a room-clearing situation is the angle of entry. A fundamental part of intelligent behavior is planning. In the stack, the number one man (the person up front) will have his eyes and weapon fixated on the door itself, prepared to engage any enemy that may come out. endobj
After youve dominated your first corner, dont spend too much time concentrating on it. It may suck having to step over your buddy whos hurt, but if you stop clearing the room to help him, youre risking more men going down because they arent engaging the immediate threat in the room. endstream
Walk heel to toe. Remember, practice makes permanent and not perfect. It can also prevent triggering the room. Always assume the worst-case scenario when clearing a room, not doing so can result in you (or your team mates) being on the receiving end of a painful death. Because there are so many unknowns and way too many dangerous angles to be cleared immediately by one person, two shooters are needed, at a minimum. Good article. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Remain confident in every decision you make once youre inside. This was to 'secure' the entry so operators could avoid an initial door ambush and then target any unknown areas of the room with specific tactics, techniques and procedures. endobj
Fort Benning, Home of the MCoE Maneuver Center of Excellence - Team of Soldiers, Families, and Civilians from the Best Army in the World! SlideServe has a very huge collection of Room clearing PowerPoint presentations. Another scenario finds you having to return alone to a room cleared by the team moments earlier because it became apparent that some object or task detail was overlooked during the initial sweep. Dont turn at the hips. To maximize security, a four-person team is the most ideal number to have to clear a room. Before, during, and after you clear a room, your team should be constantly communicating (hand signals, or verbally) to ensure that everyone is on the same page. One slip up, and you could end up killing a team member, or vise-versa. The number four man will be turned almost completely around with his back to the number three man, though not fully turned around in case a signal is relayed. It isused when an entry-pointmust be entered from the same side by the *operators. Cross your feet. %PDF-1.5
You dont know if these animals are trained to attack, or if they feel threatened enough to attack you. Room clearing is no different, unfortunately! This allows the number two mans weapon to enter right behind you without having to move his muzzle to avoid flagging you, as his weapon will be on your outside shoulder while in the stack. 1. Once you enter the room, make sure you dont lower your barrel as you pass through the door and button-hook to your first corner. As the number one man, its your job to relay to your team when youre ready to move into the room. Despite the dangers inherent to the fatal funnel, the 90 degree angle can be a valuable asset in that it allows you to divide the room into two sectionsone, the controlled area; the other, the uncontrolled area. This method of clearing rooms is the most effective, and safest way possible. 2. Its been said that Two is one, and one is none. With at least two shooters, you can maintain 360-degree coverage. 16. However, its important to know what to do if you have enough people to secure the outside of the building that youre entering with your team. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Room clearing is a complex, and difficult process. This maximizes security, and effectiveness of your team as you prepare to move into the room. This is good news for civilian shooters who can acquire effective tactics for indoor defense by adopting the guiding principles of speed, surprise and violence of action. If you can help it, try not to clear a room alone. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE Battles that occur at close quarters, such as within a room or hallway, must be planned and executed with care. You cant just shoot anyone you see in a room. Look for arms or hands (typically in these situations they are extended from the body, which can make them easier to detect before a threat is able to recognise you). But what exactly is a fatal funnel? vFPOaTH S2]fGti^8|Et4o2+mPc.\MV\a\O@{8f08@t
ey}__w28K*_QNKcutMZrpL2Npwt|zY*zM/{%Ieo&6z[Y(iL*S`o^DeLXMI>\]ht@X>4F,k)$jh}BZEt^:A0> ('jLcObIFM5[4d}t1Pb ?&h40)gd]UvG_y7>b9:.& 6.0. Tap here to review the details. If theres time for a plan and rehearsal hours prior to the execution phase, do it; but remember to be flexible. <>
Close Quarters Battle is special room and building clearing techniques that can be employed by all Infantry or Special Operations Forces with varying degrees of speed and precision. If you need to flow into a room immediately, you dont have to send back a signal. One such scenario arises from loss of comms with the rest of your team. A simple, yet effective way to handle a close quarters hostile is to strike them with the muzzle of your weapon like a spear. PRINCIPLES OF CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE. Gear up with peace of mind with 30-day free returns. If its a smaller building (like your BOL) and you have more than four people, have the remaining people secure the outer perimeter of the building to increase your level of security and safety. When anybody killed a few bees, the smell of bee venom would fill the air, inciting the bees to attack. ,ig 4[sR )XQL%WlW&(C&*!J)a,&X(&bDhIeh4a$N
%:8!d0"p( In the ITCQB system you dont rely on theory but actual datasets from real life scenarios. This is called the hard corner. Here, your goal is to cheat the angle and see as much of the room as you can. Once the number four man is ready, he will lean forward, causing the team to lean forward. Earlier this year, a video of 10th Mountain Division soldiers conducting live-fire room-clearing trainingthe famous "Battle Drill 6"went viral. Just like immediate threats, intermediate ones can be classified many ways. However, I recommend button-hooking into the room (entering the doorway, and making a 180-degree turn to clear the corner on the same wall you were stacked on). I will NOT disclose sensitive information regarding any aspect of the United States Armed Forces. Get through the fatal funnel, then clear the near corner. Remember, your point of aim should never come closer than three feet off the number one mans barrel. You cant say youll never clear a structure because you arent in the military, arent law enforcement or dont have the training to do so. 4t>-b:$RlKPqT]JyV@?iJx-!?u&?b'H8 ~UCD{`enm),k[gD%*aC\t3FD.|5Ct%` As far as legitimate threats are concerned, there is an order of precedence that you need to follow in order to accurately engage your threats in order. Though it is true you can take individuals from different teams or units as part of the same parent organization, and put them together with a reasonable expectation of efficient function, owing to them using the same playbook more or less, theyre effectiveness compared to a well-oiled and tight-knit team that is used to working with each other will be drastically reduced. hbbd``b`$_X+" 2H Y@SHpE) &c$rmYt!3n~
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hYmo6O&4l SWAT TACTICS Dr. Paul Mears. Following the command, the number one man will say one up, followed by the number two man saying two up and so on until the number four man states hes up. Normally, youll be back-stepping as you move to the door, then finally turning around to enter the room. As a civilian prepper, we are always our own first responders. One such rarity is the ground-breaking ITCQB system. In this blog post we discuss lone-operator room-clearing tactics and walk you through the fundamentals of how to minimize the risk you face while slicing the pie without backup. And so on and so forth. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Move your legs in the leg-pushes-leg sequence. You wont be in the room at the same time as the number three man, which is fine. Anyone who is still standing and acting in an aggressive manner can be placed in either the immediate, or intermediate threat category (depending on the situation). These threats should be given a verbal warning to get on the ground. 3 Principles of CQB. Dont be a robot, though. Its okay to try new configurations, but dont keep jumping back and forth. Most of the time, people who dont wish to fight back will willingly get on the ground. Explorers should be able to use tactical thinking during these scenarios and demonstrate the ability for a team to work together in clearing a building. Remember slow is smooth, smooth is fast. You have to be close on the heels of the guy/gal in front of you or you wont be able to protect his/her backside as soon as theyre in the building. If the building is large enough, you will need at least two teams to leap-frog rooms to maintain enough security. Your sector of fire as you enter the room will be the center of the room (so the main part of the room is cleared four times). When you practice, make sure youre practicing it right. Avoid very thin or decorative fonts that might impair readability, especially at small sizes. Dont drag your feet. The number one man in the stack will normally have a shotgun, this way if he needs to engage a group of enemies upon entering a room, he has a weapon with the most spread. The odds of looters finding and occupying your bug out location after SHTF are high. Final Assault Position (FAP). Be smooth. Never become complacent when clearing rooms, a threat can emerge at any given moment. With relaxed security, your outer-security personnel will push further out from the building, and create a circle (if theres enough personnel) on the outer perimeter facing outwards. Maintain security at all times and be prepared to react to more enemy If any signal is relayed back from the number one man, your job is to repeat the signal given by the number one man. Being too nervous before entering a room can be deadly, as confidence is a key factor when it comes to owning the room. This and much more esoteric information besides. As the number four man, youre the last person to enter the room. That means every angle you take should be a crisp, sharp, and dominant movement. These hostiles are within combatives (hand-to-hand combat) range, and should be dealt with accordingly. qI6TED*\ATI@H8 ;`23;'FGB{rU Ultimately, the clearing of any structure will be done by necessity, and it is far from out of the question that you will have to clear a structure as a matter of course to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones or members of your survival group when youre in the middle of an SHTF scenario. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. 3 0 obj
This increases the amount of the room covered by both of you. Slicing the pie is a technique for gaining information about whats inside a room. endobj
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This way, he can control the flow of the team, and push the number one man through the door if he hesitates. There are simply way, way too many variables and permutations on otherwise established team-based building clearing tactics to get into a lengthy discussion on solo clearing tactics, exceptions and other special case situations but you should know that this is a skill set that is yet taught to civilians by precious few vetted, worthwhile trainers and you should definitely seek them out. See other options. By Eliran Feildboy, founder ofProject Gecko. This ensures that youll make less mistakes, and in turn, youll move faster. Different angles present drastically different scenarios. The fight wont wait, and pretty much all the time if you are a good guy it is the circumstances or the bad guys that dictate the location, initiation and duration of the encounter. Anyways, if youre worried about people breaking into your house as you bug in, I suggest having a plan to barricade yourself in while having an emergency exit strategy in place as well. If this happens, step over him and continue clearing the room. If the door requires a breach (whether its with a hammer, or a kick), youll signal with your hand (make your own signal) to convey that a breach is needed. Your teams life depends on it. Browse for the presentations on every topic that you want. Only after the room has been successfully cleared, will you render aid to your fallen teammate. When I slid out the bottom of the hive, the only way out of the hive would be through the chute. ?H?,^8qku;/ulio/x\8;zSZK1]S;`b-\ cm D@E*lJ2hZ*dS|a04\iqRxFa31E[m
R]8=4*jSMBH_!=3#wTPZaZ~,;_r6d{?Lg,$I{s8jjc^JwVUhl:.'0&US_xH3-. Room clearing is a fundamental skill for all ground troops to learn and eventually master as we continue the War on Terror. f/.Xx5
_+-+?+- Using these types of targets will help train your mind to distinguish between friendly and enemy faster. If you mess up, keep moving, stopping the forward momentum while clearing a room could mean the death of the entire team. There is no simple description of a non-threat, however most of them look scared, and are weaponless. Reconnaissance Marines conduct a close quarters tactics training course at Camp Lejeune, NC on May 23, 2018. You currently have items in your cart. 5 0 obj
STANDARDS. Once a room has been cleared, and your team is ready to follow onto the next, crack a green or blue chem-light and drop it in the first doorway. 9 0 obj
The number two man will usually be the most experienced person in the team (although it never hurts to practice other roles). The doorway is a fatal funnel, meaning for a moment, all gunfire will be directed at that door once you start moving in. Pick one configuration and stick with it, this way you can practice and become efficient with it. Everyone else has already exited and youre about to do likewise when your eye catches sight of a hidden door in a far corner. If you clear the room with no issues, and the room was empty, dont waste time by getting an up. Room Clearing By Crusty 2. Doing so will give you better exposure management, more cover, and enhanced body synchronisation of the door threshold. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Mark the room as cleared, using a simple, clearly identifiable marking in accordance with the unit SOP. You may need to adjust the position of your barrel as you enter the room to keep yourself from flagging the number two man, which is fine. So, lets take a look at five universals when if comes to room clearing: Room clearing should always be done by at least two shooters. The second operator (2) crosses the entry-point, into the portaland stands within the room, away from the fatal funnel, without changing his facing direction. Remember, speed and violence are key factors when it comes to room clearing. If they dont understand, use your non-firing hand and signal for them to get down. If they dont, handle the threat accordingly. Once the initial room is clear, have everyone stack on the person who has the better vantage point of the doorway. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. Land Clearing. What that means, is instead of trying to rush through a room guns blazing, you should slow it down and tactically clear your sectors. And remember team trust is absolute so practice, practice and practice, together. During the entire process (except outside of the room in the stack) of clearing a room with a team, each team members point of aim should never come closer than three feet of another team members barrel. The number three man will usually be the person with the best accuracy. Once there are follow-on rooms, you will rarely be in the same order as you were in the beginning in the stack. Well written. Once inside, things have a tendency to change based on new information and real or perceived threats. CO- 3. stream
It is true that close quarters battle and room clearing is a thinking mans game with extremely high stakes and a precious little margin for error. $zu&4x| Gx5ITB:$pY,M#AqZ_8*j}K?{d a`gDR+tn]V+,ixb$ZZK]OJt 8O8uVmds$+IB_eZ:=| Points of Domination & Areas of Responsibility: The purpose of running the long wall and establishing points of domination is that: #1 man can clear behind many deep threats. 360-Degree coverage by both of you Ill be teaching you the best experience on our website these. Will give you the different aspects of tactical room clearing once the initial is! Pdf-1.5 % you dont position yourself near the fatal funnel, then clear the at... Simple description of a non-threat, however most of them look scared, repetition. Until next time, people who dont wish to fight back will willingly get on the ground rooms! Cheat the angle and see as much of the United States armed Forces with accordingly Rimfires Engineered to last method. 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Talk to anyone who has served in the military in any capacity and ask them how you should clear a structure solo and they will tell you in no uncertain terms that you do not clear buildings solo. Emphasis is placed on initiative based "free flow" techniques that enhance . Details. . The purpose of classifying someone as a non-threat is to manage your priorities of engagements. While speed is a major factor in room clearing, you need to understand what speed truly means when it comes to room clearing. Use room clearing techniques when the tactical situation calls for "room to room clearing" with enemy combatants and non-combatants. Heres an old tactical saying to put in your toolbox: Smooth is fast and fast is smooth.. Room Clearing By Crusty. If a breach signal is called, you will move up to the front of the stack and (with your non-firing hand) run your hand along the door seem to inspect for any potential traps. From 90 to 150 degrees, you can reduce the possibility of exposure by compressing the weapon when closing in. Until next time, continue to hone your skills and keep adding to your tactical toolbox. Im an active-duty infantryman with the U.S. Army, and Ive served a combined-service of over 5 years. endobj The next relevant angle is 45 degrees. CO- 2. Finally, as youre running the walls, its really walking. Each scenario affects what you can control and do to the target's mobility inside the room. The door is referred to as the fatal funnel. Anyone expecting an armed intrusion will be focusing attention and firepower towards the place of entry. Every corner you clear, you need to own. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. Whatever you do, make sure you dont position yourself near the fatal funnel (doorway). Spotter Up will assume no responsibility for any use or misuse of information from this article. Movement and in particular footwork is a contentious topic when it comes to gunfighting and CQB, or building clearing, in particular. If your weapon malfunctions, or you run out of ammunition in your magazine, take a step closer to the center of the room, take a knee, and call out a word that you and your group come up with to show that youre temporarily out of the fight. tactical raid search typically used in narcotic raids. In this article, Ill be teaching you the different aspects of tactical room clearing. Youll still be quick in presenting your weapon and, by keeping the line-eyes/weapon/leading-foot positioning, you wont find it necessary to use the sight. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Its impossible to see all four corners at once, so its imperative that you take advantage of the angles of view that a doorway offers you before you even enter the room. Take what works for your team. x[YoV~7"Eg+RL0E>2-G,w%y)h#K$v,O?E^]QTEtysz"5:B$2.NOIL[CtmCvYX|Vbg)^&YvKm\tu\5{p.9=y; LlZ?-c!tahzk| zp8(H :?-m]\{L]fk)p>7$4sI25+lk|V7~|'75`=L;}7Dm%Ma/neMRI.DDyiTDB&h}l Your sector as the number four man is the rear flank, ready to engage any immediate threat that may pose itself while youre in the stack. Unit - 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (22nd MEU). Breach the door by any means necessary (check to see if its unlocked before you kick it), then step to the opposite side of the door of the stack. POINT MAN: KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, Carteret County Sheriffs Dept, Search Warrant, Open Up. Lots of people can teach you room clearing, but few people can teach you to do it safely and at the level required to give you anything but a vanishing margin of success. If youre the number two man and you have the better vantage point on the door, you are now the number one man for the next room. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. A non-threat can quickly become an immediate threat at any given notice. It takes a lot of practice, and repetition. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. When youre clearing each corner of the room, never lower your muzzle. Humans are highly adept at moving themselves through space and in the manner necessary to accomplish a given task, whether it is balancing a tray full of serving dishes or a firearm that is ready to snuff out another persons life. Once your team enters the room, do so in a dominating presence. This angle is measured from the apex of the door to the last visible line into the room. endobj Once the number four man is ready, hell send the signal back up. Team #2 penetrates into their room. Dont keep looking at the number two man waiting for a signal. Among the things you control in a room-clearing situation is the angle of entry. A fundamental part of intelligent behavior is planning. In the stack, the number one man (the person up front) will have his eyes and weapon fixated on the door itself, prepared to engage any enemy that may come out. endobj After youve dominated your first corner, dont spend too much time concentrating on it. It may suck having to step over your buddy whos hurt, but if you stop clearing the room to help him, youre risking more men going down because they arent engaging the immediate threat in the room. endstream endobj startxref Walk heel to toe. Remember, practice makes permanent and not perfect. It can also prevent triggering the room. Always assume the worst-case scenario when clearing a room, not doing so can result in you (or your team mates) being on the receiving end of a painful death. Because there are so many unknowns and way too many dangerous angles to be cleared immediately by one person, two shooters are needed, at a minimum. Good article. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Remain confident in every decision you make once youre inside. This was to 'secure' the entry so operators could avoid an initial door ambush and then target any unknown areas of the room with specific tactics, techniques and procedures. endobj Fort Benning, Home of the MCoE Maneuver Center of Excellence - Team of Soldiers, Families, and Civilians from the Best Army in the World! SlideServe has a very huge collection of Room clearing PowerPoint presentations. Another scenario finds you having to return alone to a room cleared by the team moments earlier because it became apparent that some object or task detail was overlooked during the initial sweep. Dont turn at the hips. To maximize security, a four-person team is the most ideal number to have to clear a room. Before, during, and after you clear a room, your team should be constantly communicating (hand signals, or verbally) to ensure that everyone is on the same page. One slip up, and you could end up killing a team member, or vise-versa. The number four man will be turned almost completely around with his back to the number three man, though not fully turned around in case a signal is relayed. It isused when an entry-pointmust be entered from the same side by the *operators. Cross your feet. %PDF-1.5 % You dont know if these animals are trained to attack, or if they feel threatened enough to attack you. Room clearing is no different, unfortunately! This allows the number two mans weapon to enter right behind you without having to move his muzzle to avoid flagging you, as his weapon will be on your outside shoulder while in the stack. 1. Once you enter the room, make sure you dont lower your barrel as you pass through the door and button-hook to your first corner. As the number one man, its your job to relay to your team when youre ready to move into the room. Despite the dangers inherent to the fatal funnel, the 90 degree angle can be a valuable asset in that it allows you to divide the room into two sectionsone, the controlled area; the other, the uncontrolled area. This method of clearing rooms is the most effective, and safest way possible. 2. Its been said that Two is one, and one is none. With at least two shooters, you can maintain 360-degree coverage. 16. However, its important to know what to do if you have enough people to secure the outside of the building that youre entering with your team. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Room clearing is a complex, and difficult process. This maximizes security, and effectiveness of your team as you prepare to move into the room. This is good news for civilian shooters who can acquire effective tactics for indoor defense by adopting the guiding principles of speed, surprise and violence of action. If you can help it, try not to clear a room alone. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE Battles that occur at close quarters, such as within a room or hallway, must be planned and executed with care. You cant just shoot anyone you see in a room. Look for arms or hands (typically in these situations they are extended from the body, which can make them easier to detect before a threat is able to recognise you). But what exactly is a fatal funnel? vFPOaTH S2]fGti^8|Et4o2+mPc.\MV\a\O@{8f08@t ey}__w28K*_QNKcutMZrpL2Npwt|zY*zM/{%Ieo&6z[Y(iL*S`o^DeLXMI>\]ht@X>4F,k)$jh}BZEt^:A0> ('jLcObIFM5[4d}t1Pb ?&h40)gd]UvG_y7>b9:.& 6.0. Tap here to review the details. If theres time for a plan and rehearsal hours prior to the execution phase, do it; but remember to be flexible. <> Close Quarters Battle is special room and building clearing techniques that can be employed by all Infantry or Special Operations Forces with varying degrees of speed and precision. If you need to flow into a room immediately, you dont have to send back a signal. One such scenario arises from loss of comms with the rest of your team. A simple, yet effective way to handle a close quarters hostile is to strike them with the muzzle of your weapon like a spear. PRINCIPLES OF CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE. Gear up with peace of mind with 30-day free returns. If its a smaller building (like your BOL) and you have more than four people, have the remaining people secure the outer perimeter of the building to increase your level of security and safety. When anybody killed a few bees, the smell of bee venom would fill the air, inciting the bees to attack. ,ig 4[sR )XQL%WlW&(C&*!J)a,&X(&bDhIeh4a$N %:8!d0"p( In the ITCQB system you dont rely on theory but actual datasets from real life scenarios. This is called the hard corner. Here, your goal is to cheat the angle and see as much of the room as you can. Once the number four man is ready, he will lean forward, causing the team to lean forward. Earlier this year, a video of 10th Mountain Division soldiers conducting live-fire room-clearing trainingthe famous "Battle Drill 6"went viral. Just like immediate threats, intermediate ones can be classified many ways. However, I recommend button-hooking into the room (entering the doorway, and making a 180-degree turn to clear the corner on the same wall you were stacked on). I will NOT disclose sensitive information regarding any aspect of the United States Armed Forces. Get through the fatal funnel, then clear the near corner. Remember, your point of aim should never come closer than three feet off the number one mans barrel. You cant say youll never clear a structure because you arent in the military, arent law enforcement or dont have the training to do so. 4t>-b:$RlKPqT]JyV@?iJx-!?u&?b'H8 ~UCD{`enm),k[gD%*aC\t3FD.|5Ct%` As far as legitimate threats are concerned, there is an order of precedence that you need to follow in order to accurately engage your threats in order. Though it is true you can take individuals from different teams or units as part of the same parent organization, and put them together with a reasonable expectation of efficient function, owing to them using the same playbook more or less, theyre effectiveness compared to a well-oiled and tight-knit team that is used to working with each other will be drastically reduced. hbbd``b`$_X+" 2H Y@SHpE) &c$rmYt!3n~ ` : hYmo6O&4l SWAT TACTICS Dr. Paul Mears. Following the command, the number one man will say one up, followed by the number two man saying two up and so on until the number four man states hes up. Normally, youll be back-stepping as you move to the door, then finally turning around to enter the room. As a civilian prepper, we are always our own first responders. One such rarity is the ground-breaking ITCQB system. In this blog post we discuss lone-operator room-clearing tactics and walk you through the fundamentals of how to minimize the risk you face while slicing the pie without backup. And so on and so forth. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Move your legs in the leg-pushes-leg sequence. You wont be in the room at the same time as the number three man, which is fine. Anyone who is still standing and acting in an aggressive manner can be placed in either the immediate, or intermediate threat category (depending on the situation). These threats should be given a verbal warning to get on the ground. 3 Principles of CQB. Dont be a robot, though. Its okay to try new configurations, but dont keep jumping back and forth. Most of the time, people who dont wish to fight back will willingly get on the ground. Explorers should be able to use tactical thinking during these scenarios and demonstrate the ability for a team to work together in clearing a building. Remember slow is smooth, smooth is fast. You have to be close on the heels of the guy/gal in front of you or you wont be able to protect his/her backside as soon as theyre in the building. If the building is large enough, you will need at least two teams to leap-frog rooms to maintain enough security. Your sector of fire as you enter the room will be the center of the room (so the main part of the room is cleared four times). When you practice, make sure youre practicing it right. Avoid very thin or decorative fonts that might impair readability, especially at small sizes. Dont drag your feet. The number one man in the stack will normally have a shotgun, this way if he needs to engage a group of enemies upon entering a room, he has a weapon with the most spread. The odds of looters finding and occupying your bug out location after SHTF are high. Final Assault Position (FAP). Be smooth. Never become complacent when clearing rooms, a threat can emerge at any given moment. With relaxed security, your outer-security personnel will push further out from the building, and create a circle (if theres enough personnel) on the outer perimeter facing outwards. Maintain security at all times and be prepared to react to more enemy If any signal is relayed back from the number one man, your job is to repeat the signal given by the number one man. Being too nervous before entering a room can be deadly, as confidence is a key factor when it comes to owning the room. This and much more esoteric information besides. As the number four man, youre the last person to enter the room. That means every angle you take should be a crisp, sharp, and dominant movement. These hostiles are within combatives (hand-to-hand combat) range, and should be dealt with accordingly. qI6TED*\ATI@H8 ;`23;'FGB{rU Ultimately, the clearing of any structure will be done by necessity, and it is far from out of the question that you will have to clear a structure as a matter of course to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones or members of your survival group when youre in the middle of an SHTF scenario. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. 3 0 obj This increases the amount of the room covered by both of you. Slicing the pie is a technique for gaining information about whats inside a room. endobj 11 0 obj This way, he can control the flow of the team, and push the number one man through the door if he hesitates. There are simply way, way too many variables and permutations on otherwise established team-based building clearing tactics to get into a lengthy discussion on solo clearing tactics, exceptions and other special case situations but you should know that this is a skill set that is yet taught to civilians by precious few vetted, worthwhile trainers and you should definitely seek them out. See other options. By Eliran Feildboy, founder ofProject Gecko. This ensures that youll make less mistakes, and in turn, youll move faster. Different angles present drastically different scenarios. The fight wont wait, and pretty much all the time if you are a good guy it is the circumstances or the bad guys that dictate the location, initiation and duration of the encounter. Anyways, if youre worried about people breaking into your house as you bug in, I suggest having a plan to barricade yourself in while having an emergency exit strategy in place as well. If this happens, step over him and continue clearing the room. If the door requires a breach (whether its with a hammer, or a kick), youll signal with your hand (make your own signal) to convey that a breach is needed. Your teams life depends on it. Browse for the presentations on every topic that you want. Only after the room has been successfully cleared, will you render aid to your fallen teammate. When I slid out the bottom of the hive, the only way out of the hive would be through the chute. ?H?,^8qku;/ulio/x\8;zSZK1]S;`b-\ cm D@E*lJ2hZ*dS|a04\iqRxFa31E[m R]8=4*jSMBH_!=3#wTPZaZ~,;_r6d{?Lg,$I{s8jjc^JwVUhl:.'0&US_xH3-. Room clearing is a fundamental skill for all ground troops to learn and eventually master as we continue the War on Terror. f/.Xx5 _+-+?+- Using these types of targets will help train your mind to distinguish between friendly and enemy faster. If you mess up, keep moving, stopping the forward momentum while clearing a room could mean the death of the entire team. There is no simple description of a non-threat, however most of them look scared, and are weaponless. Reconnaissance Marines conduct a close quarters tactics training course at Camp Lejeune, NC on May 23, 2018. You currently have items in your cart. 5 0 obj stream STANDARDS. Once a room has been cleared, and your team is ready to follow onto the next, crack a green or blue chem-light and drop it in the first doorway. 9 0 obj The number two man will usually be the most experienced person in the team (although it never hurts to practice other roles). The doorway is a fatal funnel, meaning for a moment, all gunfire will be directed at that door once you start moving in. Pick one configuration and stick with it, this way you can practice and become efficient with it. Everyone else has already exited and youre about to do likewise when your eye catches sight of a hidden door in a far corner. If you clear the room with no issues, and the room was empty, dont waste time by getting an up. Room Clearing By Crusty 2. Doing so will give you better exposure management, more cover, and enhanced body synchronisation of the door threshold. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Mark the room as cleared, using a simple, clearly identifiable marking in accordance with the unit SOP. You may need to adjust the position of your barrel as you enter the room to keep yourself from flagging the number two man, which is fine. So, lets take a look at five universals when if comes to room clearing: Room clearing should always be done by at least two shooters. The second operator (2) crosses the entry-point, into the portaland stands within the room, away from the fatal funnel, without changing his facing direction. Remember, speed and violence are key factors when it comes to room clearing. If they dont understand, use your non-firing hand and signal for them to get down. If they dont, handle the threat accordingly. Once the initial room is clear, have everyone stack on the person who has the better vantage point of the doorway. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. Land Clearing. What that means, is instead of trying to rush through a room guns blazing, you should slow it down and tactically clear your sectors. And remember team trust is absolute so practice, practice and practice, together. During the entire process (except outside of the room in the stack) of clearing a room with a team, each team members point of aim should never come closer than three feet of another team members barrel. The number three man will usually be the person with the best accuracy. Once there are follow-on rooms, you will rarely be in the same order as you were in the beginning in the stack. Well written. Once inside, things have a tendency to change based on new information and real or perceived threats. CO- 3. stream It is true that close quarters battle and room clearing is a thinking mans game with extremely high stakes and a precious little margin for error. $zu&4x| Gx5ITB:$pY,M#AqZ_8*j}K?{d a`gDR+tn]V+,ixb$ZZK]OJt 8O8uVmds$+IB_eZ:=| Points of Domination & Areas of Responsibility: The purpose of running the long wall and establishing points of domination is that: #1 man can clear behind many deep threats. 360-Degree coverage by both of you Ill be teaching you the best experience on our website these. Will give you the different aspects of tactical room clearing once the initial is! Pdf-1.5 % you dont position yourself near the fatal funnel, then clear the at... Simple description of a non-threat, however most of them look scared, repetition. Until next time, people who dont wish to fight back will willingly get on the ground rooms! Cheat the angle and see as much of the United States armed Forces with accordingly Rimfires Engineered to last method. 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