which of the following is true about unclassified data
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» which of the following is true about unclassified data
which of the following is true about unclassified data
which of the following is true about unclassified datawhich of the following is true about unclassified data
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which of the following is true about unclassified data
8. Physically assess that everyone within listening distance is cleared and has a need-to-know for the information being discussed. **Insider Threat Based on the description that follows, how many potential insider threat indicator(s) are displayed? (social networking) Which of the following is a security best practice when using social networking sites? Coworker making consistent statements indicative of hostility or anger toward the United States and its policies. What information posted publicly on your personal social networking profile represents a security risk? Position your monitor so that it is not facing others or easily observed by others when in use Correct. UNCLASSIFIED - CLASSIFICATION MARKINGS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Marking in the Electronic Environment Short Student Guide Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 4 UNCLASSIFIED - CLASSIFICATION MARKINGS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY IM and Chat Instant messages and chats are brief, text-based message exchanges and conversations. Back up your data: This will help you recover your data if it's lost or corrupted. Were mitochondria as abundant in human epithelial cells as in onion epidermal cells (procedure 4.6)? Which of the following is true of protecting classified data? **Social Networking When is the safest time to post details of your vacation activities on your social networking website? What should you do? CUI may be stored on any password-protected system. A colleague has won 10 high-performance awards, can be playful and charming, is not currently in a relationship, and occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive information. Under what circumstances could unclassified information be considered a threat to national security? *Classified Data which of the following is true about unclassified data. Insiders are given a level of trust and have authorized access to Government information systems. (Insider Threat) A colleague vacations at the beach every year, is married and a father of four, his work quality is sometimes poor, and he is pleasant to work with. Follow instructions given only by verified personnel. Note any identifying information and the websites Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Use TinyURLs preview feature to investigate where the link leads. b. What is a proper response if spillage occurs? Discrete data involves whole numbers (integers - like 1, 356, or 9) that can't be divided based on the nature of what they are. **Social Networking Which piece if information is safest to include on your social media profile? Retrieve classified documents promptly from printers. For programmatic questions regarding Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), including any challenges to CUI marked by EPA, pleasecontact EPA's CUI Program Office. f. Get an answer. Which of these is true of unclassified data? Unusual interest in classified information. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. What should you do? Who can be permitted access to classified data? Unclassified information can become a threat to national security. correct. Information should be secured in a cabinet or container while not in use. *Controlled Unclassified Information Which of the following best describes a way to safely transmit Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)? (Sensitive Information) Which of the following represents a good physical security practice? Don't talk about work outside your workspace unless it is a specifically designated public meeting environment and is controlled by the event planners. Ch 1 Flashcards by Josh Selkirk | Brainscape What is the basis for the handling and storage of classified data? When leaving your work area, what is the first thing you should do? Which of the following is true of downloading apps? E-mailing your co-workers to let them know you are taking a sick day. Maybe *Sensitive Information Under what circumstances could classified information be considered a threat to national security? Understanding and using the available privacy settings. Which of the following is NOT a good way to protect your identity? The following practices help prevent viruses and the downloading of malicious code except. What should you do? A colleague complains about anxiety and exhaustion, makes coworkers uncomfortable by asking excessive questions about classified projects, and complains about the credit card bills that his wife runs up. Based on the description that follows how many potential insider threat indicators are displayed? When may you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online harassment, bullying, stalking, hazing, discrimination, or retaliation? However, agency personnel and contractors should first consult their agency's CUI implementing policies and program management for guidance. A smartphone that transmits credit card payment information when held in proximity to a credit card reader. Is it permitted to share an unclassified draft document with a non-DoD professional discussion group? Approved Security Classification Guide (SCG). A Coworker has asked if you want to download a programmers game to play at work. Identification, encryption, and digital signature. It never requires classification markings, is true about unclassified data. Security Classification Guides (SCGs).??? Which of the following should you do immediately? Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Of the following, which is NOT an intelligence community mandate for passwords? Cyber Awareness 2022 I Hate CBT's Store your Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card in a shielded sleeve ~Write your password down on a device that only you access (e.g., your smartphone) Change your password at least every 3 months Enable two-factor authentication whenever available, even for personal accounts. Which of the following is a concern when using your Government-issued laptop in public? Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) | National Archives (Mobile Devices) Which of the following statements is true? A colleague is playful and charming, consistently wins performance awards, and is occasionally aggressive in trying to access classified information. Which type of information includes personal, payroll, medical, and operational information? How are Trojan horses, worms, and malicious scripts spread? After work hours, storing sensitive information in unlocked containers, desks, or cabinets if security is not present. Select the information on the data sheet that is personally identifiable information (PII). How can you protect your information when using wireless technology? To determine premiums for automobile insurance, companies must have an understanding of the variables that affect whether a driver will have an accident. Which of the following is NOT an example of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? *Spillage What should you do if you suspect spillage has occurred? Which of the following is NOT a best practice to protect data on your mobile computing device? Not correct. Press release data. Physically assess that everyone within listening distance is cleared and has a need-to-know for the information being discussed. **Physical Security What is a good practice for physical security? Create separate user accounts with strong individual passwords. *Spillage Which of the following may help prevent inadvertent spillage? Malicious code can include viruses, worms, and macros. How many potential insider threat indicators is Bob displaying? CPCON 3 (Medium: Critical, Essential, and Support Functions) Delete email from senders you do not know. not correct Which of the following is a best practice to protect information about you and your organization on social networking sites and applications? If aggregated, the classification of the information may not be changed. *Sensitive Compartmented Information When faxing Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), what actions should you take? What is NOT Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Spillage because classified data was moved to a lower classification level system without authorization. Spillage can be either inadvertent or intentional. (Malicious Code) What is a good practice to protect data on your home wireless systems? Which of the following is NOT Government computer misuse? Exceptionally grave damage. Which of the following is not Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)? Photos of your pet Correct. ALways mark classified information appropriately and retrieve classified documents promptly from the printer. -It never requires classification markings. A colleague has visited several foreign countries recently, has adequate work quality, speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy, and recently had his car repossessed. It never requires classification markings, is true about unclassified data. Store classified data appropriately in a GSA-approved vault/container. Spillage occurs when information is spilled from a higher classification or protection level to a lower classification or protection level. "Unclassified" or a lack of security marking denotes non-sensitive information. Which of the following is NOT Protected Health Information (PHI)? Call your security point of contact immediately. Which of the following is true about unclassified data? d. giving a spanking or a scolding. Which of the following is true about telework? Use only personal contact information when establishing personal social networking accounts, never use Government contact information. How do you respond? What type of security is part of your responsibility and placed above all else?, If your wireless device is improperly configured someone could gain control of the device? Which of the following makes Alexs personal information vulnerable to attacks by identity thieves? You can email your employees information to yourself so you can work on it this weekend and go home now. It should only be in a system while actively using it for a PKI-required task. Write your password down on a device that only you access. (Wrong). Unclassified documents do not need to be marked as a SCIF. Classified DVD distribution should be controlled just like any other classified media. (Sensitive Information) What guidance is available from marking Sensitive Information information (SCI)? What should be done if you find classified Government Data/Information Not Cleared for Public Release on the Internet? Use online sites to confirm or expose potential hoaxes, Follow instructions given only by verified personnel, Investigate the links actual destination using the preview feature, Determine if the software or service is authorized. On a NIPRNET system while using it for a PKI-required task. -TRUE What action is recommended when somebody calls you to inquire about your work environment or specific account information? How should you respond? Which of these is true of unclassified data? All https sites are legitimate. c. What similarities and differences are there between plant and animal cells? The EPA will phase out legacy markings and safeguarding practices as implementation proceeds. (Malicious Code) Which are examples of portable electronic devices (PEDs)? What would you do if you receive a game application request on your government computer that includes permission to access your friends, profile information, cookies, and sites visited? What type of social engineering targets senior officials? Organizational Policy Not correct What should be done to sensitive data on laptops and other mobile computing devices? How Do I Answer The CISSP Exam Questions? Which of the following may help to prevent spillage? How can you protect your information when using wireless technology? (Identity Management) What certificates are contained on the Common Access Card (CAC)? Enable automatic screen locking after a period of inactivity. If you participate in or condone it at any time. Which of the following is a practice that helps to protect you from identity theft? Use personal information to help create strong passwords. Under which circumstances may you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online misconduct? A colleague complains about anxiety and exhaustion, makes coworkers uncomfortable by asking excessive questions about classified projects, and complain about the credit card bills that his wife runs up. a. Which of the following should you NOT do if you find classified information on the internet? Rashard Higgins Daughter,
Articles W
8. Physically assess that everyone within listening distance is cleared and has a need-to-know for the information being discussed. **Insider Threat Based on the description that follows, how many potential insider threat indicator(s) are displayed? (social networking) Which of the following is a security best practice when using social networking sites? Coworker making consistent statements indicative of hostility or anger toward the United States and its policies. What information posted publicly on your personal social networking profile represents a security risk? Position your monitor so that it is not facing others or easily observed by others when in use Correct. UNCLASSIFIED - CLASSIFICATION MARKINGS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Marking in the Electronic Environment Short Student Guide Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 4 UNCLASSIFIED - CLASSIFICATION MARKINGS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY IM and Chat Instant messages and chats are brief, text-based message exchanges and conversations. Back up your data: This will help you recover your data if it's lost or corrupted. Were mitochondria as abundant in human epithelial cells as in onion epidermal cells (procedure 4.6)? Which of the following is true of protecting classified data? **Social Networking When is the safest time to post details of your vacation activities on your social networking website? What should you do? CUI may be stored on any password-protected system. A colleague has won 10 high-performance awards, can be playful and charming, is not currently in a relationship, and occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive information. Under what circumstances could unclassified information be considered a threat to national security? *Classified Data which of the following is true about unclassified data. Insiders are given a level of trust and have authorized access to Government information systems. (Insider Threat) A colleague vacations at the beach every year, is married and a father of four, his work quality is sometimes poor, and he is pleasant to work with. Follow instructions given only by verified personnel. Note any identifying information and the websites Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Use TinyURLs preview feature to investigate where the link leads. b. What is a proper response if spillage occurs? Discrete data involves whole numbers (integers - like 1, 356, or 9) that can't be divided based on the nature of what they are. **Social Networking Which piece if information is safest to include on your social media profile? Retrieve classified documents promptly from printers. For programmatic questions regarding Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), including any challenges to CUI marked by EPA, pleasecontact EPA's CUI Program Office. f. Get an answer. Which of these is true of unclassified data? Unusual interest in classified information. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. What should you do? Who can be permitted access to classified data? Unclassified information can become a threat to national security. correct. Information should be secured in a cabinet or container while not in use. *Controlled Unclassified Information Which of the following best describes a way to safely transmit Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)? (Sensitive Information) Which of the following represents a good physical security practice? Don't talk about work outside your workspace unless it is a specifically designated public meeting environment and is controlled by the event planners. Ch 1 Flashcards by Josh Selkirk | Brainscape What is the basis for the handling and storage of classified data? When leaving your work area, what is the first thing you should do? Which of the following is true of downloading apps? E-mailing your co-workers to let them know you are taking a sick day. Maybe *Sensitive Information Under what circumstances could classified information be considered a threat to national security? Understanding and using the available privacy settings. Which of the following is NOT a good way to protect your identity? The following practices help prevent viruses and the downloading of malicious code except. What should you do? A colleague complains about anxiety and exhaustion, makes coworkers uncomfortable by asking excessive questions about classified projects, and complains about the credit card bills that his wife runs up. Based on the description that follows how many potential insider threat indicators are displayed? When may you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online harassment, bullying, stalking, hazing, discrimination, or retaliation? However, agency personnel and contractors should first consult their agency's CUI implementing policies and program management for guidance. A smartphone that transmits credit card payment information when held in proximity to a credit card reader. Is it permitted to share an unclassified draft document with a non-DoD professional discussion group? Approved Security Classification Guide (SCG). A Coworker has asked if you want to download a programmers game to play at work. Identification, encryption, and digital signature. It never requires classification markings, is true about unclassified data. Security Classification Guides (SCGs).??? Which of the following should you do immediately? Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Of the following, which is NOT an intelligence community mandate for passwords? Cyber Awareness 2022 I Hate CBT's Store your Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card in a shielded sleeve ~Write your password down on a device that only you access (e.g., your smartphone) Change your password at least every 3 months Enable two-factor authentication whenever available, even for personal accounts. Which of the following is a concern when using your Government-issued laptop in public? Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) | National Archives (Mobile Devices) Which of the following statements is true? A colleague is playful and charming, consistently wins performance awards, and is occasionally aggressive in trying to access classified information. Which type of information includes personal, payroll, medical, and operational information? How are Trojan horses, worms, and malicious scripts spread? After work hours, storing sensitive information in unlocked containers, desks, or cabinets if security is not present. Select the information on the data sheet that is personally identifiable information (PII). How can you protect your information when using wireless technology? To determine premiums for automobile insurance, companies must have an understanding of the variables that affect whether a driver will have an accident. Which of the following is NOT an example of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? *Spillage What should you do if you suspect spillage has occurred? Which of the following is NOT a best practice to protect data on your mobile computing device? Not correct. Press release data. Physically assess that everyone within listening distance is cleared and has a need-to-know for the information being discussed. **Physical Security What is a good practice for physical security? Create separate user accounts with strong individual passwords. *Spillage Which of the following may help prevent inadvertent spillage? Malicious code can include viruses, worms, and macros. How many potential insider threat indicators is Bob displaying? CPCON 3 (Medium: Critical, Essential, and Support Functions) Delete email from senders you do not know. not correct Which of the following is a best practice to protect information about you and your organization on social networking sites and applications? If aggregated, the classification of the information may not be changed. *Sensitive Compartmented Information When faxing Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), what actions should you take? What is NOT Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Spillage because classified data was moved to a lower classification level system without authorization. Spillage can be either inadvertent or intentional. (Malicious Code) What is a good practice to protect data on your home wireless systems? Which of the following is NOT Government computer misuse? Exceptionally grave damage. Which of the following is not Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)? Photos of your pet Correct. ALways mark classified information appropriately and retrieve classified documents promptly from the printer. -It never requires classification markings. A colleague has visited several foreign countries recently, has adequate work quality, speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy, and recently had his car repossessed. It never requires classification markings, is true about unclassified data. Store classified data appropriately in a GSA-approved vault/container. Spillage occurs when information is spilled from a higher classification or protection level to a lower classification or protection level. "Unclassified" or a lack of security marking denotes non-sensitive information. Which of the following is NOT Protected Health Information (PHI)? Call your security point of contact immediately. Which of the following is true about unclassified data? d. giving a spanking or a scolding. Which of the following is true about telework? Use only personal contact information when establishing personal social networking accounts, never use Government contact information. How do you respond? What type of security is part of your responsibility and placed above all else?, If your wireless device is improperly configured someone could gain control of the device? Which of the following makes Alexs personal information vulnerable to attacks by identity thieves? You can email your employees information to yourself so you can work on it this weekend and go home now. It should only be in a system while actively using it for a PKI-required task. Write your password down on a device that only you access. (Wrong). Unclassified documents do not need to be marked as a SCIF. Classified DVD distribution should be controlled just like any other classified media. (Sensitive Information) What guidance is available from marking Sensitive Information information (SCI)? What should be done if you find classified Government Data/Information Not Cleared for Public Release on the Internet? Use online sites to confirm or expose potential hoaxes, Follow instructions given only by verified personnel, Investigate the links actual destination using the preview feature, Determine if the software or service is authorized. On a NIPRNET system while using it for a PKI-required task. -TRUE What action is recommended when somebody calls you to inquire about your work environment or specific account information? How should you respond? Which of these is true of unclassified data? All https sites are legitimate. c. What similarities and differences are there between plant and animal cells? The EPA will phase out legacy markings and safeguarding practices as implementation proceeds. (Malicious Code) Which are examples of portable electronic devices (PEDs)? What would you do if you receive a game application request on your government computer that includes permission to access your friends, profile information, cookies, and sites visited? What type of social engineering targets senior officials? Organizational Policy Not correct What should be done to sensitive data on laptops and other mobile computing devices? How Do I Answer The CISSP Exam Questions? Which of the following may help to prevent spillage? How can you protect your information when using wireless technology? (Identity Management) What certificates are contained on the Common Access Card (CAC)? Enable automatic screen locking after a period of inactivity. If you participate in or condone it at any time. Which of the following is a practice that helps to protect you from identity theft? Use personal information to help create strong passwords. Under which circumstances may you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online misconduct? A colleague complains about anxiety and exhaustion, makes coworkers uncomfortable by asking excessive questions about classified projects, and complain about the credit card bills that his wife runs up. a. Which of the following should you NOT do if you find classified information on the internet?
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