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secret floating prisons
Secret Floating Prisons - Explained - VideoLink I dont like the US govt at times but some of these conspiracy theories by the left are just absurd and dont make ANY sense at all and yet people willingly accept them as truth and swallow the kool aid because theyre posted on a public conspiracy theory forum and because theres a VERY small footnote of a theory of this in the Guardian that it HAS to be true! US Slammed for Secret 'Floating Prisons' Jun 2, 2008 5:07 AM CDT. [61] The Temara interrogation centre, 8 kilometres (5mi) outside the Moroccan capital, Rabat, is cited as one such site. But a thing like this, it never leaves you.. But the Coast Guard has no clear rules about how long they can hold people. I havent heard a thing since on this floating prison claim. [28], On April 21, 2006, The New York Times reported that European investigators said they had not been able to find conclusive evidence of the existence of European black sites. Reprieve uses international and domestic law as a tool to save lives, deliver justice and make the case for world-wide reform. Eventually, they are delivered to the U.S. where most will face criminal charges. Details of ships where detainees have been held and sites. He also announced that the CIA was no longer allowing outside "contractors" to carry out interrogations and that the CIA no longer employed controversial "harsh interrogation techniques". Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. The Secret Life of Prisons podcast on Apple Podcasts The questioning of these and other suspected terrorists provided information that helped us protect the American people. Black site - Wikipedia Planning and building a new prison is a time consuming exercise. The argument by the Coast Guard and by federal prosecutors [is] that these logistical delays are legitimate, as its hard enough to get people back. You won't believe these insane secret floating prisons the US deploys as means to crack down on the \"War on drugs\". SUBSCRIBE TO THE INFOGRAPHICS SHOW MY SOCIAL PAGESTikTok SUGGEST A TOPIC SOURCES: videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted. Secret floating prisons They describe that as a really terrible disgusting process. His investigation has found that no evidence exists establishing the existence of secret CIA prisons in Europe, but added that it was "highly unlikely" that European governments were unaware of the American program of renditions. The Assembly declared that it was established with a high degree of probability that secret detention centres had been operated by the CIA under the High Value Detainee (HVD) program for some years in Poland and Romania. A new viral video reveals what Mormon teens are doing to get around the "no sex" rule: It's penetration without "thrusting," an act known as "soaking" and its hashtag has some 25.5 . 7. Katalyst said: "In an effort to staunch the flow of cocaine and other hard drugs from South America to Central America and points north, Coast Guard cutters have been deployed farther and farther from the shore in the Pacific Ocean" Wait, you mean the wall won't stop this? But this isn't a wait of just a few hours or days. Governments are notorious for their secrets, and prisons are no exception to this. Black site. The vast majority of information that has been provided to the public about black sites has been the result of investigative reporting. It remains the only district of Russia where homosexuality is outlawed and punishable with jail time. 11/28/17: 5 . Now Donald Trump's chief of staff, General John Kelly, he played a key role in expanding the reach of the Coast Guard in this way. who pays the tax on non qualified 529 distributions . [2] Black sites in China are also known as black jails. The 6,000-page report produced 20 key findings. shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Infographics Show: We all know prisoners are kept locked inside prison cells and monitored. [83] In January 2022, it was reported in a Washington Post article that a former black site has been put up for sale by the Lithuanian government. Other flights began in places such as Dubai (June 2, 2003 and December 30, 2003), Mitiga (October 29, 2003 and April 27, 2004), Baghdad (2003) and Marka (February 8, 2004, March 4, 2004, May 10, 2004), all of which ended in Washington, D.C.. Secret Floating Prisons - Explained | We all know prisoners are kept "[116], On December 6, 2007, the CIA admitted that it had destroyed videotapes recordings of CIA interrogations of terrorism suspects involving harsh interrogation techniques, tapes which critics suggest may have documented the use of torture by the CIA, such as waterboarding. Diego Garcia is an atoll in the Indian Ocean located around 1,600 kilometers (1,000 mi) south of India and 3,200 kilometers (2,000 mi) east of Tanzania. how to sync kubernetes logs to graylog; signs a married woman is attracted to another woman; ansell gloves malaysia address In 2011, the Obama administration admitted that it had been holding a Somali prisoner for two months aboard a U.S. naval ship at sea for interrogation. Germany had issued warrants for 13 people suspected to be involved with the abduction but dropped them in September 2007. The report continued to state that the site was used to interrogate Al-Qaeda suspects who had been captured in Afghanistan. Morocco officially denies that the facility exists. Operated Secret Dark Prison in Kabul (Human Rights Watch, 19-12-2005), "Sexual abuse rife at UAE-run jails in Yemen, prisoners claim", "Disappearances and torture in southern Yemen detention facilities must be investigated as war crimes", "Inside numerous secret prisons in Yemen, the UAE tortures and the U.S. interrogates detainees: Re", "HRW: UAE backs torture and disappearances in Yemen", "Amnesty urges probe into report of UAE torture in Yemen", "UAE runs 'horrific network of torture' in secret Yemen prisons: report", "NGO calls for closing UAE's 'secret prisons' in Yemen", "The UAE and Saudi Arabia Supervise the Arrest and Torture of Dozens of Yemenis", "The #UAE an #SaudiArabia supervise the arrest and torture of dozens of Yemenis", "Authorities in Mukalla must free those being arbitrarily detained in Al Munawara Central Prison", "Is Europe being used to hold CIA detainees? A great way to honor those who suffered for this country I wonder how many of those tortured in Japanses POW camps would approve of this. In the 1960s and 1970s, the UK deported the native people of the atoll to Mauritius and the Seychelles in order to allow the United States to construct a large naval and military base now known as Camp Thunder Cove. Then they built the Preston Castle which is now known as California youth Authority P. US Accused of Regime of Secret Floating Prisons. [95] Several other articles reported the retention of ghost detainees by the CIA, alongside the other official "enemy combatants". Reprieve's research pointed to at least 17 US warships being used as secret CIA black sites. Bush said that the interrogation techniques "have been fully disclosed to appropriate members of Congress".[113]. Eight airports outside Europe are also cited. Your email address will not be published. Someone would ask to be taken to the restroom so that we could try to reach the trash and take the food, Quijije said in testimony. I had a terrible nightmare about the chains, he said. The CIA and their operatives methods allegedly include waterboarding, sleep deprivation, humiliation, physical beatings, electric shocks, and worse. In 2008, a British newspaper published a huge story stating that the CIA and other US secret services have been holding up to 25,000 people captive in secret sites across the world. Furthermore, the CIA apparently financially assists and directs the jails in these countries. [120], In November 2005, El Pas reported that CIA planes had landed in the Canary Islands and in Palma de Mallorca. [109], On October 4, 2007, The New York Times reported that, shortly after Alberto Gonzales became Attorney General in February 2005, the Justice Department issued a secret opinion which for the first time provided CIA explicit authorization to barrage terror suspects with a combination of painful physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures. In 2008, The Guardian reported that human rights organization Reprieve, which claimed that the US has admitted to holding at least 26,000 people in secret prisons, had discovered that the US was operating a fleet of "floating prisons" that span the globe. Reprieve, a human right's organization, claims there have been more than 200 new cases of rendition since 2006 and that the US may have used as many as 17 ships as "floating prisons" since 2001. According to The Washington Post, the school was converted into a jail by the CIA in 2004. . [127], Approximately 150 CIA flights have been identified as having flown through Portugal. Surely there are no laws way up there. They also said that they were threatened and told not to speak publicly about what had happened to them. However, the officer said it was unlikely either man knew if the prisoners were being tortured because the Poles had no control over the Americans' activities. Reprieves research pointed to at least 17 US warships being used as secret CIA black sites. An eye-opening report from The New York Times has exposed the existence of multiple "floating Guantanamos" operated by the U.S. Coast Guard throughout the Pacific Ocean. 's secret interrogation program", "Senate Intelligence Panel Seeks CIA Nominee's Withdrawal", "Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations", "Congress Seeks Justice Dept. British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that the report "added absolutely nothing new whatever to the information we have". Ghost Of Tsushima Longbow How To Zoom,
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Secret Floating Prisons - Explained - VideoLink I dont like the US govt at times but some of these conspiracy theories by the left are just absurd and dont make ANY sense at all and yet people willingly accept them as truth and swallow the kool aid because theyre posted on a public conspiracy theory forum and because theres a VERY small footnote of a theory of this in the Guardian that it HAS to be true! US Slammed for Secret 'Floating Prisons' Jun 2, 2008 5:07 AM CDT. [61] The Temara interrogation centre, 8 kilometres (5mi) outside the Moroccan capital, Rabat, is cited as one such site. But a thing like this, it never leaves you.. But the Coast Guard has no clear rules about how long they can hold people. I havent heard a thing since on this floating prison claim. [28], On April 21, 2006, The New York Times reported that European investigators said they had not been able to find conclusive evidence of the existence of European black sites. Reprieve uses international and domestic law as a tool to save lives, deliver justice and make the case for world-wide reform. Eventually, they are delivered to the U.S. where most will face criminal charges. Details of ships where detainees have been held and sites. He also announced that the CIA was no longer allowing outside "contractors" to carry out interrogations and that the CIA no longer employed controversial "harsh interrogation techniques". Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. The Secret Life of Prisons podcast on Apple Podcasts The questioning of these and other suspected terrorists provided information that helped us protect the American people. Black site - Wikipedia Planning and building a new prison is a time consuming exercise. The argument by the Coast Guard and by federal prosecutors [is] that these logistical delays are legitimate, as its hard enough to get people back. You won't believe these insane secret floating prisons the US deploys as means to crack down on the \"War on drugs\". SUBSCRIBE TO THE INFOGRAPHICS SHOW MY SOCIAL PAGESTikTok SUGGEST A TOPIC SOURCES: videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted. Secret floating prisons They describe that as a really terrible disgusting process. His investigation has found that no evidence exists establishing the existence of secret CIA prisons in Europe, but added that it was "highly unlikely" that European governments were unaware of the American program of renditions. The Assembly declared that it was established with a high degree of probability that secret detention centres had been operated by the CIA under the High Value Detainee (HVD) program for some years in Poland and Romania. A new viral video reveals what Mormon teens are doing to get around the "no sex" rule: It's penetration without "thrusting," an act known as "soaking" and its hashtag has some 25.5 . 7. Katalyst said: "In an effort to staunch the flow of cocaine and other hard drugs from South America to Central America and points north, Coast Guard cutters have been deployed farther and farther from the shore in the Pacific Ocean" Wait, you mean the wall won't stop this? But this isn't a wait of just a few hours or days. Governments are notorious for their secrets, and prisons are no exception to this. Black site. The vast majority of information that has been provided to the public about black sites has been the result of investigative reporting. It remains the only district of Russia where homosexuality is outlawed and punishable with jail time. 11/28/17: 5 . Now Donald Trump's chief of staff, General John Kelly, he played a key role in expanding the reach of the Coast Guard in this way. who pays the tax on non qualified 529 distributions . [2] Black sites in China are also known as black jails. The 6,000-page report produced 20 key findings. shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Infographics Show: We all know prisoners are kept locked inside prison cells and monitored. [83] In January 2022, it was reported in a Washington Post article that a former black site has been put up for sale by the Lithuanian government. Other flights began in places such as Dubai (June 2, 2003 and December 30, 2003), Mitiga (October 29, 2003 and April 27, 2004), Baghdad (2003) and Marka (February 8, 2004, March 4, 2004, May 10, 2004), all of which ended in Washington, D.C.. Secret Floating Prisons - Explained | We all know prisoners are kept "[116], On December 6, 2007, the CIA admitted that it had destroyed videotapes recordings of CIA interrogations of terrorism suspects involving harsh interrogation techniques, tapes which critics suggest may have documented the use of torture by the CIA, such as waterboarding. Diego Garcia is an atoll in the Indian Ocean located around 1,600 kilometers (1,000 mi) south of India and 3,200 kilometers (2,000 mi) east of Tanzania. how to sync kubernetes logs to graylog; signs a married woman is attracted to another woman; ansell gloves malaysia address In 2011, the Obama administration admitted that it had been holding a Somali prisoner for two months aboard a U.S. naval ship at sea for interrogation. Germany had issued warrants for 13 people suspected to be involved with the abduction but dropped them in September 2007. The report continued to state that the site was used to interrogate Al-Qaeda suspects who had been captured in Afghanistan. Morocco officially denies that the facility exists. Operated Secret Dark Prison in Kabul (Human Rights Watch, 19-12-2005), "Sexual abuse rife at UAE-run jails in Yemen, prisoners claim", "Disappearances and torture in southern Yemen detention facilities must be investigated as war crimes", "Inside numerous secret prisons in Yemen, the UAE tortures and the U.S. interrogates detainees: Re", "HRW: UAE backs torture and disappearances in Yemen", "Amnesty urges probe into report of UAE torture in Yemen", "UAE runs 'horrific network of torture' in secret Yemen prisons: report", "NGO calls for closing UAE's 'secret prisons' in Yemen", "The UAE and Saudi Arabia Supervise the Arrest and Torture of Dozens of Yemenis", "The #UAE an #SaudiArabia supervise the arrest and torture of dozens of Yemenis", "Authorities in Mukalla must free those being arbitrarily detained in Al Munawara Central Prison", "Is Europe being used to hold CIA detainees? A great way to honor those who suffered for this country I wonder how many of those tortured in Japanses POW camps would approve of this. In the 1960s and 1970s, the UK deported the native people of the atoll to Mauritius and the Seychelles in order to allow the United States to construct a large naval and military base now known as Camp Thunder Cove. Then they built the Preston Castle which is now known as California youth Authority P. US Accused of Regime of Secret Floating Prisons. [95] Several other articles reported the retention of ghost detainees by the CIA, alongside the other official "enemy combatants". Reprieve's research pointed to at least 17 US warships being used as secret CIA black sites. Bush said that the interrogation techniques "have been fully disclosed to appropriate members of Congress".[113]. Eight airports outside Europe are also cited. Your email address will not be published. Someone would ask to be taken to the restroom so that we could try to reach the trash and take the food, Quijije said in testimony. I had a terrible nightmare about the chains, he said. The CIA and their operatives methods allegedly include waterboarding, sleep deprivation, humiliation, physical beatings, electric shocks, and worse. In 2008, a British newspaper published a huge story stating that the CIA and other US secret services have been holding up to 25,000 people captive in secret sites across the world. Furthermore, the CIA apparently financially assists and directs the jails in these countries. [120], In November 2005, El Pas reported that CIA planes had landed in the Canary Islands and in Palma de Mallorca. [109], On October 4, 2007, The New York Times reported that, shortly after Alberto Gonzales became Attorney General in February 2005, the Justice Department issued a secret opinion which for the first time provided CIA explicit authorization to barrage terror suspects with a combination of painful physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures. In 2008, The Guardian reported that human rights organization Reprieve, which claimed that the US has admitted to holding at least 26,000 people in secret prisons, had discovered that the US was operating a fleet of "floating prisons" that span the globe. Reprieve, a human right's organization, claims there have been more than 200 new cases of rendition since 2006 and that the US may have used as many as 17 ships as "floating prisons" since 2001. According to The Washington Post, the school was converted into a jail by the CIA in 2004. . [127], Approximately 150 CIA flights have been identified as having flown through Portugal. Surely there are no laws way up there. They also said that they were threatened and told not to speak publicly about what had happened to them. However, the officer said it was unlikely either man knew if the prisoners were being tortured because the Poles had no control over the Americans' activities. Reprieves research pointed to at least 17 US warships being used as secret CIA black sites. An eye-opening report from The New York Times has exposed the existence of multiple "floating Guantanamos" operated by the U.S. Coast Guard throughout the Pacific Ocean. 's secret interrogation program", "Senate Intelligence Panel Seeks CIA Nominee's Withdrawal", "Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations", "Congress Seeks Justice Dept. British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that the report "added absolutely nothing new whatever to the information we have".
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