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microsoft patent
With its decisions in AMP v. Myriad, Mayo v. Prometheus, and Bilski v. Kappos, the Supreme Court capped a longstanding trend away from the patentability of the human body, human embryonic stem cells, human physiology, diagnosis of human disease, human Best Microsoft Patents. Microsofts patent portfolio, like our products and services, has a global focus. Bill Gates & Water March 4, 2023. Dual screen is cool, but 1 screen is totally fine too. A recently published patent spotted by LetsGoDigital discusses an under-display camera setup. You can learn about the Microsoft commitment to interoperability by watching our Open Specifications Plugfest videos, such as the Interoperability Protocols Keynote. Surface Laptop 4 Amd 2021 Keyboard Lights, (Image credit: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central), Destiny 2 Lightfall: How to beat Tormentors, the new enemy type, Surprisingly, Destiny 2: Lightfall is kind of awful, OneNote on Windows finally lets you switch between vertical and horizontal tabs, Halo Infinite's awesome Forge Mode hits over 1 million creations, Windows 11 is finally getting a much better volume mixer and sound settings menu. Our verdict. by Nat Levy on December 27, 2019 at 8:26 am December 27, 2019 at 8:27 am. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). With its decisions in AMP v. Myriad, Mayo v. Prometheus, and Bilski v. Kappos, the Supreme Court capped a longstanding trend away from the patentability of the human body, human embryonic stem cells, human physiology, diagnosis of human disease, human Big companies such as Microsoft have joined the fight against patent trolls to safeguard the open-source realm. 3 shows a flow diagram of a computer-implemented method according to an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure; This (see below) will also happen in the Microsoft-ActivisionBlizzard case. The patent also hints towards edge display notifications. If patents or patents from a particular technology area of a company receive a lot of citations, it implies that the technology is being followed and incrementally innovated by the citing companies. The explanation of the publication date is found on the website. The Andromeda device is not a Smart phone it's an exotic shaped PC. Microsoft is committed to responsible intellectual property management, including the creation of a healthy patent ecosystem around the world that promotes and encourages innovation. Microsoft's patent filing recently made public has juiced up curiosity over what Microsoft might debut sooner or later as its own version of a folding computing Microsoft patent talk includes foldable with electromagnetic coil - Tech Xplore Read More Notice that Microsoft Technology Licensing, the subsidiary of Microsoft managing its patents and No creases in the middle of the screen messing up pen inputjust one beautiful flexible screen! The creator of ANS, There was a problem. The basic offer of the patent pick is straightforward; Microsoft will make available a list of 10,000 patents (download here) that qualified Microsoft Azure customers can choose from to help them defend against patent lawsuits brought by operating companies against their cloud service offerings that run on Azure. The feel and the durability for an item that bends would need to be some new composite material. Microsoft's chat bots may imitate the dead. Looks like a different take on a Surface Book hinge to avoid as much screen fold-radius-fatigue as possible. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. She invented a special way for cleaning and curing corn crops. This search facility features: flexible search syntax; automatic word stemming and relevance ranking; as well as graphical results. Cyberpunk 2077 Has Been Verified for Steam Deck Compatibility. It has made lots of rounds on Reddit and many people are drawing their own conclusions in regard. Microsoft patent shows new advances in reading and summarizing emails. They couldnt because Microsoft had protected those before them. Does Win8 tablet run XPA? Innovation is at the heart of Microsoft as a company, and it is a driving force behind our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Does this mean I can | 25 comments on LinkedIn We estimate that Microsoft will make close to a billion dollars from Android which Multiyear settlement represents one of many largest deployments of Groups within the monetary companies business. There is no mention of putting sensors in the body, and the drawing for the patent clearly shows the person separate from the sensor that would be in the device: Within the "Original Documents" there is a description of the user devices, and microchips are never mentioned. A new Microsoft patent shows a triple-screen device. She invented a process for weaving straw with silk or thread. L'activit du corps humain associe une tche fournie un utilisateur peut tre utilise dans un processus de minage d'un systme de cryptomonnaie. A new patent application by Microsoft, spotted by Walking Cat, demonstrates a unique way to make a foldable display happen without creating an angled gap and how to reverse-fold it 360-degrees for a single-display mode. For more information, please see the Programs and Patents links. So you don't have a Windows PC? WebMicrosoft patent talk includes foldable with electromagnetic coil Tech Xplore. A new Microsoft Patent has been filed which would allow owners of discless consoles like the Xbox Series S to validate a game license for a physical game disc -- a move that could significantly expand backwards compatibility. Microsoft is committed to doing what it can to protect open-source from patent threats and to prevent low-quality patents from harming innovation.". Before all this tech stuff, he worked on a Ph.D. in linguistics, watched people sleep (for medical purposes! Just this week, as reported by Gizmo China, LG showed off some of its new display technology at SID 2022 Display Week. Inventors: Neil Rust Hinnant, Isuru Chamara Pathirana, Sandeep Patnaik. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. Get the best of Windows Central in your inbox, every day! Heres how it works. Microsoft already planning on bringing ads to Bing's chatbot. The WO in the patent stands for the governing body that will be granting the patent - the WIPO. Le systme de cryptomonnaie de la prsente invention coupl de manire communiquer avec le dispositif de l'utilisateur peut vrifier si les donnes d'activit corporelle satisfont une ou plusieurs conditions dfinies par le systme de cryptomonnaie, et attribuer une cryptomonnaie l'utilisateur dont les donnes d'activit corporelle sont vrifies. The order addresses Sony's motion to quash or limit Microsoft's subpoena in the FTC's in-house adjudicative proceeding concerning the acquisition of You will receive a verification email shortly. The Microsoft Patent Pledges for Implementations of Microsoft Communications Protocol Program Technical Specifications NOTE: The Microsoft Communications Protocol Program (MCPP) has been superseded by other programs and is no longer available. Please refresh the page and try again. A Microsoft patent filed last month revealed plans for controllers that will transform smartphones into handheld Xbox consoles, in what may be the systems first foray into gaming on the go. DES systems ; or RC4; Hash functions; Pseudorandom sequence generators, Block ciphers, i.e. for user immersion in virtual reality, Private payment circuits, e.g. On March 26, 2020 patent WO/2020/060606 was published. The patent, registered under code WO 2020060606, was applied for by Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC (MTL) of Redmond, the Microsoft Group company that owns the vast majority of patents previously owned by Microsoft Corporation and refers to a cryptocurrency system using body activity data. This same spirit is what brought the #MakeWhatsNext Patent Program to life. Light app programming or new game programming concept /or tech experiments sure, so some quick work while waiting? WebBusiness, Economics, and Finance. It has received 1050 citations so far from companies like Google, Samsung, Apple, and Artilux Inc. Are you wonderingwhy there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? WebAssuming a $10 licensing fee for each device, Microsoft will make $30 million from Quanta in 2011, and presumably much more in the coming years. This process takes time and patience. IBM, Samsung, and Google as the top forward citing assignees. He's a big fan of Kinect (it lives on in his heart), Sonic the Hedgehog, and the legendary intersection of those two titans, Sonic Free Riders. Without the assembly at the fold, Microsoft notes that the middle portion of the device might feel, and I quote, "mushy," while elaborating on how they intend to solve these hurdles. Now, Microsoft wants to improve your conference call experience. This high school team developed an underwater camera to study the prevalence of invasive species in the Great Lakes. Alexis crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others. Keep records of your progress. Microsoft Patents Key Insights and Statistics. The next Surface Duo may be the best of everything: A foldable display that can still reverse fold for one-handed mode. Microsoft, GitHub, and OpenAI are currently facing a lawsuit that accuses them of infringing upon licensed code in order to develop Copilot, a cloud-based AI tool that autocompletes code for software developers. Microsofts patent suggests the company could use crowdsourced data to fill in any gaps. Last point: one of the requirements for a patent in patent law is "diligence in reduction to practice," which means you can't just sit on the idea. 20030703 20:06:27 . And affordable for its specs. getty. Microsoft is among the top investors in innovation worldwide. But between this new patent application and LGs news, such a device could be a possibility. . Microsoft's 060606 patent doesn't reference injectable microchips.,,, Awareness Act 2022 All Rights Reserved. The company filed the biggest number of patent families in 2005. Total Government Control March 4, 2023. In the 37-page patent application (US 2022/0158124), Microsoft outlines what the patent application is for, noting, Examples are disclosed relating to foldable display devices and methods for folding a display device through a range of degrees at a folding portion. Those degrees range from 0 to 360 (Figures 16, 17, and 18). Instead, it serves as a vision of what the future of repossession could look like with self-driving and smart cars. Or will they each only be getting the new HoloLens? Maybe some transparent Carbine fiber composite? Date of Patent: February 21, 2023. WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA, AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW, CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA, SYSTME DE CRYPTOMONNAIE UTILISANT DES DONNES D'ACTIVIT CORPORELLE. Fact Check: Pelosi Was NOT In Wuhan, China, In 2019 Ahead Of COVID-19 Outbreak; Did NOT Sabotage Now-Signed Trade Deal, Fact Check: Coronavirus NOT Sparing Essential Workers (But Most Victims Are Elderly), WO in the patent stands for the governing body, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. Downtown Magazine PRO. The patent, spotted by GameRant, suggests that players would be able to use an external disc drive, in this case, an Xbox One, in order to verify ownership of a game.The player would then be able to play the digital version on their what is your app? The last few years have witnessed historic developments in U.S. patent law. WebGot my first Microsoft patent cube this week. The actual number is WO2020060606A1. As the Entertainment Editor, she investigated Hollywood stories and conducted interviews with A-list celebrities and reality stars. I'm sure he has an idea of what he feels this device will be like. last updated October 11, 2018. You can search international patents An all-girl high school team from Pomona, California, developed an at-home device to aid in monitoring progress and development of the health of diabetics feetthrough the gathering of useful and relevant medical data. Heres how it works. WebAverage salary for Microsoft Patent Paralegal in Stanwood, WA: [salary]. Arg!!!!! Her patent was issued in her husbands name by the British courts in 1715. Please refresh the page and try again. This! I don't want a two screen device, I want a phone-sized screen that unfolds into a tablet-sized one. That being said there are as usual tons of people saying the patent doesnt exist because its not a US patent. Sybilla Masters was the first female inventor in recorded history. Anti-corruption & anti-bribery commitments, Report copyright & trademark infringement. Our non-Apple patent site called Patently Mobile first covered a Microsoft for a foldable device in January 2017, four years prior to it's debut on the market as the Surface Duo. A device that does "everything" but is good at none of those things. Thank you for signing up to Windows Central. A claim in memes and some accompanying posts is that the patent will use sensors placed in the human body. Win32 is only necessary if you are a creator e.g. Spotted something? thanks, I missed it! As recently as 2013 a Nomura analyst estimated that Microsoft was extracting patent royalty streams of around $2 billion a year from makers of Android-running smartphones. I see purpose. The same may be said regarding Microsoft and the future of its foldable phone, the Surface Duo, and some new information all coming to light this week. WebAn ITC ruling has found that the Xbox 360 infringes on four patents owned by Motorola. In recent times a lot of people have been talking about this specific patent online. Would be cool if they go for e.g. Can't stand those oversized phones. But to each their own. In 1809, Mary Dixon Kies was the first American woman to receive a US patent. Our patent portfolio reflects our long-time investment in R&D across multiple technology areas, ranging from operating systems, security, productivity, and cloud computing to emerging technologies like AI, mixed reality, and quantum computing. The memes that went viral note that the patent number is a variation of "666" which users associated with the biblical "mark of the beast." Microsoft may have a unique design on the way in the tech industry's neverending battle against notches. While Surface Duo can reverse fold into many different postures, including a single-screen mode, the gap created by the two displays can be frustrating for those who would prefer one large, single-screen experience, especially when watching a video. Assignee: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC. In 2009, they sued TomTom for violating two of their patents on the FAT file system. Spotted something? involving electronic currency used only among participants of a common payment scheme, characterised by the use of specific devices, TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. A female MIT MBA/MPP student and her team created an app based on the Waze API that allows users to report dangerous areas in a given geography. By contrast, Surface Duo 2 has an 8.3-inch 1892 x 2688 (401 PPI) OLED display, which isnt all that dissimilar to what LG demonstrated. In other words, the resulting chatbot could end up saying things the person never said. It has announced today a multi-faceted deal with the company including sales of patents, cross-licensing arrangements, and software pre-installation, expanding its OEM partnerships and its services' worldwide reach while also providing Microsoft filed a total of 1,969 patent families in 2018. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. The application was filed on June 20 last year. In 2010, patents granted to women jumped 35% faster than the overall 27% increase. Entrepreneur and robot designer, Melonee Wise, headed Fetch Robotics in 2013. That's what I want out of this device! 21.9 C. Karachi. The statistics below share strategic R&D insights. As one of the largest open source collaborators in the world, Microsoft shares innovation in open ecosystems for everyone to improve and build upon with us. Featured at CES 2023: Save 19% on the Bento Stack Charge 8000. Now that the EU Commission is reportedly fine with Microsoft acquiring Call of Duty (subject to whatever remedies will be worked out), this is no longer a question of those "console wars". Luckily, LG just showed it could do ju All legal expertise and application fees are covered pro bono by the Microsoft patent law department, at an estimated value of $50,000. interface arrangements, Input arrangements or combined input and output arrangements for interaction between user and computer, Arrangements for interaction with the human body, e.g. A close up of the hinge in Microsoft's foldable display patent application showing 0, 300, and 360-degrees. In order to be granted the protection of a patent, the inventor is obligated to use his or her reasonable efforts to bring it to market. And no longer have a phone to run my own app!!! Just because people are carrying oversized phones doesn't mean they are great. I even remember a parent from MS that showed how to bury the port in smaller/flatter devices. Instead, it will focus on software, including delivering Android 12L in the coming months to the original Surface Duo and current Surface Duo 2. That being said there are as usual tons of people saying the patent doesnt exist because its not a US patent. . The abstract of this patent goes as follows: On one Reddit thread, many were going back and forth on this being nothing more than an advanced ad insight plan and some were very much comparing it to Sweatcoin, an app that pays you for walking. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The camera is able to take key measurements like salinity and pH level, and they are developing a fish recognition system. 26 Feb 2023 15:43:19 Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) are sometimes called "patent trolls" because their schtick is filing questionable lawsuits against companies in the hopes that their claims will score them easy money. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty guide How to defeat legendary warrior Lu Bu, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's PC port put on blast in Steam reviews, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty How to upgrade weapons and armor. Fascinating. Out of these 45896 have been granted leading to agrant rate of 78.62%. Patricia Billings received a patent in 1997 for a fire-resistant building material called GeoBond. 4 hours ago. We chose the patents Story Highlights. In some cases, a patent is the only viable defense against that, increasing competition and encouraging true innovation. May 10, 2022. These patents belong to 30704 unique patent families. Send it to Never mind the fact that often the patents being used to prop up the lawsuits in question aren't legitimate ammo for whatever legal claims are being asserted. WebMicrosoft. Ford has filed for a patent on a new type of system that is designed to cause drivers "discomfort" if they happen to miss consecutive car repayments. Let us know!. The patents geographical coverage is in major countries like United States, Europe, China, and Australia. It's destined to fail. That's why Microsoft is contributing to the fight against patent troll activity: To protect open-source operations and entities that may not have the resources to defend themselves. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Follow on Twitter @JezCorden and listen to his Xbox Two podcast, all about, you guessed it, Xbox! WebMicrosoft is a multinational computer technology corporation. Filed: May 6, 2021. The order addresses Sony's motion to quash or limit Microsoft's subpoena in the FTC's in-house adjudicative proceeding concerning the acquisition of Microsoft is about to hit it big with one of China's top smartphone manufacturers: Xiaomi. Microsoft also identifies Microsoft EU patents and patent applications that may cover technical documents included in the Workgroup Server but Microsoft's. While this patent is quite a departure from some of the other Andromeda schematics we've seen recently, it does resemble some of the earlier designs Microsoft was exploring for foldable devices. It's great to see these designs hope they'd turn it into real products! a bezeless 6 inch phone-like screen size x 2, that would folded still perfectly fit in a pocket while unfolded being able to offer an Ipad Mini like screen size (~8 inch 4:3). Microsoft commits patents to help fight COVID-19 Apr 20, 2020 | Jennifer Yokoyama - Chief IP Counsel I am very pleased to announce that, today, Microsoft is committing to the Open COVID Pledge by making its patents available free of charge for use in efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic and minimize the impact of the disease. Which Companies are using Microsoft Patents to Advance their Research? The inventors are Microsoft employees Dustin Abraham, Derrick Fu, and Joseph Edwin Johnson. By: Robert N. Adams. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Or transparent Aluminum composite? Dawr symudiad yn sgil Apple yn cwyno bod system FRAND yn cael ei cham-drin yn Ewrop, lle mae Samsung wedi bod yn ymladd yn l yn erbyn honiadau Apple trwy ddefnyddio eu Microsoft is grateful for the trust that people place in our products, services, and experiences. Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories andan award-winning journalist who spent over a decade breaking hard news and celebrity scoop with RadarOnline and Us Weekly. Get the best of Windows Central in your inbox, every day! Burton Davis, Microsoft VP and Deputy General Counsel, weighed in on the matter with the following statement (via ZDNet): "Low-quality patents continue to be a drain on innovation in the software industry and a threat to open source. Microsoft Technology Licensing, the licensing arm of Microsoft Corp., has been granted an international patent for a "cryptocurrency system using body activity data." The estimated additional pay is $67,226 per year. The top-cited technologies in the Microsoft patent portfolio are Software & Services, Operating systems (OS) & PC & devices. I think the main purpose of the diagram is to show how the parts would work, not that its an actual device at that aspect ratio From what I can see, this patent has nothing to do with dimensions. market research and analysis, surveying, promotions, advertising, buyer profiling, customer management or rewards; Price estimation or determination, COMPUTER SYSTEMS BASED ON SPECIFIC COMPUTATIONAL MODELS, Computer systems based on biological models, Input arrangements for transferring data to be processed into a form capable of being handled by the computer; Output arrangements for transferring data from processing unit to output unit, e.g. Microsoft products and servicesincluding images, text, and software downloads (the "content")are owned either by Microsoft Corporation or by third parties who have granted Microsoft permission to use the content. If this was bad for PlayStation gamers, the EC would not take that (reported) position. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Related: Everything we know about Surface "Andromeda". The publication date of the application was March 26, 2020, and it was then assigned the number WO2020060606A1. In the method, an area between a first and second display windows of a computer program is selected. Gave in and purchased an Android based Honor 7x. Our Trademark and BrandGuidelines detail how you can help us protect Microsofts brand assets, including logos, names, and app and product icons, and the trust that they represent. So you think it'll be larger than 6.5 inches folded? WebPleased to share that an analysis conducted by Docket Navigator ranks Perkins Coie among the top three busiest law rms nationally for representing patent Tyler Bowen on LinkedIn: Perkins Coie Ranks as Leading Patent Litigation Firm for Technology Cases The first inventor listed is a jew named Dustin Abramson, who is a software engineer working with AI. WebExciting news from Microsoft! Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. Microsoft Is Awarded US Patent for Crypto Token-Creation Service - CoinDesk Webinars Indices About Markets Finance Technology Web3 Policy Sponsored Content Upcoming event New Pass! The technology could be used to create chatbots of dead people, fictional characters, and relatives. Is it useful? Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, To assist developers in clearly understanding whether or not Microsoft patents may apply to any of the protocols, Microsoft will make available a list of the specific Microsoft patents and patent applications that cover each protocol. This high school team developed a smart wallet that helps people who are blind or low vision sort their money into their wallet. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or On one Reddit thread, many were going back and forth on this being nothing more than an advanced ad insight plan and some were very much comparing it to Sweatcoin, an app that pays you for walking. WebA recently-published patent by Microsoft envisions a stylus that can be used as a Bluetooth headset, thanks to a flexible design that allows the pen to wrap around your ear and a dockable earpiece. The days of them handing out expensive gifts at Build are over. All patents are public, but the rights to monetize remain with the patent holder until they expire. generation, sharing or updating, of cryptographic keys or passwords, Generation of secret information including derivation or calculation of cryptographic keys or passwords, involving user or device identifiers, e.g. Chips Bill Gates Microsoft patent March 4, 2023. 4 hours ago. 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With its decisions in AMP v. Myriad, Mayo v. Prometheus, and Bilski v. Kappos, the Supreme Court capped a longstanding trend away from the patentability of the human body, human embryonic stem cells, human physiology, diagnosis of human disease, human Best Microsoft Patents. Microsofts patent portfolio, like our products and services, has a global focus. Bill Gates & Water March 4, 2023. Dual screen is cool, but 1 screen is totally fine too. A recently published patent spotted by LetsGoDigital discusses an under-display camera setup. You can learn about the Microsoft commitment to interoperability by watching our Open Specifications Plugfest videos, such as the Interoperability Protocols Keynote. Surface Laptop 4 Amd 2021 Keyboard Lights, (Image credit: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central), Destiny 2 Lightfall: How to beat Tormentors, the new enemy type, Surprisingly, Destiny 2: Lightfall is kind of awful, OneNote on Windows finally lets you switch between vertical and horizontal tabs, Halo Infinite's awesome Forge Mode hits over 1 million creations, Windows 11 is finally getting a much better volume mixer and sound settings menu. Our verdict. by Nat Levy on December 27, 2019 at 8:26 am December 27, 2019 at 8:27 am. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). With its decisions in AMP v. Myriad, Mayo v. Prometheus, and Bilski v. Kappos, the Supreme Court capped a longstanding trend away from the patentability of the human body, human embryonic stem cells, human physiology, diagnosis of human disease, human Big companies such as Microsoft have joined the fight against patent trolls to safeguard the open-source realm. 3 shows a flow diagram of a computer-implemented method according to an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure; This (see below) will also happen in the Microsoft-ActivisionBlizzard case. The patent also hints towards edge display notifications. If patents or patents from a particular technology area of a company receive a lot of citations, it implies that the technology is being followed and incrementally innovated by the citing companies. The explanation of the publication date is found on the website. The Andromeda device is not a Smart phone it's an exotic shaped PC. Microsoft is committed to responsible intellectual property management, including the creation of a healthy patent ecosystem around the world that promotes and encourages innovation. Microsoft's patent filing recently made public has juiced up curiosity over what Microsoft might debut sooner or later as its own version of a folding computing Microsoft patent talk includes foldable with electromagnetic coil - Tech Xplore Read More Notice that Microsoft Technology Licensing, the subsidiary of Microsoft managing its patents and No creases in the middle of the screen messing up pen inputjust one beautiful flexible screen! The creator of ANS, There was a problem. The basic offer of the patent pick is straightforward; Microsoft will make available a list of 10,000 patents (download here) that qualified Microsoft Azure customers can choose from to help them defend against patent lawsuits brought by operating companies against their cloud service offerings that run on Azure. The feel and the durability for an item that bends would need to be some new composite material. Microsoft's chat bots may imitate the dead. Looks like a different take on a Surface Book hinge to avoid as much screen fold-radius-fatigue as possible. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. She invented a special way for cleaning and curing corn crops. This search facility features: flexible search syntax; automatic word stemming and relevance ranking; as well as graphical results. Cyberpunk 2077 Has Been Verified for Steam Deck Compatibility. It has made lots of rounds on Reddit and many people are drawing their own conclusions in regard. Microsoft patent shows new advances in reading and summarizing emails. They couldnt because Microsoft had protected those before them. Does Win8 tablet run XPA? Innovation is at the heart of Microsoft as a company, and it is a driving force behind our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Does this mean I can | 25 comments on LinkedIn We estimate that Microsoft will make close to a billion dollars from Android which Multiyear settlement represents one of many largest deployments of Groups within the monetary companies business. There is no mention of putting sensors in the body, and the drawing for the patent clearly shows the person separate from the sensor that would be in the device: Within the "Original Documents" there is a description of the user devices, and microchips are never mentioned. A new Microsoft patent shows a triple-screen device. She invented a process for weaving straw with silk or thread. L'activit du corps humain associe une tche fournie un utilisateur peut tre utilise dans un processus de minage d'un systme de cryptomonnaie. A new patent application by Microsoft, spotted by Walking Cat, demonstrates a unique way to make a foldable display happen without creating an angled gap and how to reverse-fold it 360-degrees for a single-display mode. For more information, please see the Programs and Patents links. So you don't have a Windows PC? WebMicrosoft patent talk includes foldable with electromagnetic coil Tech Xplore. A new Microsoft Patent has been filed which would allow owners of discless consoles like the Xbox Series S to validate a game license for a physical game disc -- a move that could significantly expand backwards compatibility. Microsoft is committed to doing what it can to protect open-source from patent threats and to prevent low-quality patents from harming innovation.". Before all this tech stuff, he worked on a Ph.D. in linguistics, watched people sleep (for medical purposes! Just this week, as reported by Gizmo China, LG showed off some of its new display technology at SID 2022 Display Week. Inventors: Neil Rust Hinnant, Isuru Chamara Pathirana, Sandeep Patnaik. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. Get the best of Windows Central in your inbox, every day! Heres how it works. Microsoft already planning on bringing ads to Bing's chatbot. The WO in the patent stands for the governing body that will be granting the patent - the WIPO. Le systme de cryptomonnaie de la prsente invention coupl de manire communiquer avec le dispositif de l'utilisateur peut vrifier si les donnes d'activit corporelle satisfont une ou plusieurs conditions dfinies par le systme de cryptomonnaie, et attribuer une cryptomonnaie l'utilisateur dont les donnes d'activit corporelle sont vrifies. The order addresses Sony's motion to quash or limit Microsoft's subpoena in the FTC's in-house adjudicative proceeding concerning the acquisition of You will receive a verification email shortly. The Microsoft Patent Pledges for Implementations of Microsoft Communications Protocol Program Technical Specifications NOTE: The Microsoft Communications Protocol Program (MCPP) has been superseded by other programs and is no longer available. Please refresh the page and try again. A Microsoft patent filed last month revealed plans for controllers that will transform smartphones into handheld Xbox consoles, in what may be the systems first foray into gaming on the go. DES systems ; or RC4; Hash functions; Pseudorandom sequence generators, Block ciphers, i.e. for user immersion in virtual reality, Private payment circuits, e.g. On March 26, 2020 patent WO/2020/060606 was published. The patent, registered under code WO 2020060606, was applied for by Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC (MTL) of Redmond, the Microsoft Group company that owns the vast majority of patents previously owned by Microsoft Corporation and refers to a cryptocurrency system using body activity data. This same spirit is what brought the #MakeWhatsNext Patent Program to life. Light app programming or new game programming concept /or tech experiments sure, so some quick work while waiting? WebBusiness, Economics, and Finance. It has received 1050 citations so far from companies like Google, Samsung, Apple, and Artilux Inc. Are you wonderingwhy there is a drop in patent filing for the last two years? WebAssuming a $10 licensing fee for each device, Microsoft will make $30 million from Quanta in 2011, and presumably much more in the coming years. This process takes time and patience. IBM, Samsung, and Google as the top forward citing assignees. He's a big fan of Kinect (it lives on in his heart), Sonic the Hedgehog, and the legendary intersection of those two titans, Sonic Free Riders. Without the assembly at the fold, Microsoft notes that the middle portion of the device might feel, and I quote, "mushy," while elaborating on how they intend to solve these hurdles. Now, Microsoft wants to improve your conference call experience. This high school team developed an underwater camera to study the prevalence of invasive species in the Great Lakes. Alexis crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others. Keep records of your progress. Microsoft Patents Key Insights and Statistics. The next Surface Duo may be the best of everything: A foldable display that can still reverse fold for one-handed mode. Microsoft, GitHub, and OpenAI are currently facing a lawsuit that accuses them of infringing upon licensed code in order to develop Copilot, a cloud-based AI tool that autocompletes code for software developers. Microsofts patent suggests the company could use crowdsourced data to fill in any gaps. Last point: one of the requirements for a patent in patent law is "diligence in reduction to practice," which means you can't just sit on the idea. 20030703 20:06:27 . And affordable for its specs. getty. Microsoft is among the top investors in innovation worldwide. But between this new patent application and LGs news, such a device could be a possibility. . Microsoft's 060606 patent doesn't reference injectable microchips.,,, Awareness Act 2022 All Rights Reserved. The company filed the biggest number of patent families in 2005. Total Government Control March 4, 2023. In the 37-page patent application (US 2022/0158124), Microsoft outlines what the patent application is for, noting, Examples are disclosed relating to foldable display devices and methods for folding a display device through a range of degrees at a folding portion. Those degrees range from 0 to 360 (Figures 16, 17, and 18). Instead, it serves as a vision of what the future of repossession could look like with self-driving and smart cars. Or will they each only be getting the new HoloLens? Maybe some transparent Carbine fiber composite? Date of Patent: February 21, 2023. WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA, AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW, CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA, SYSTME DE CRYPTOMONNAIE UTILISANT DES DONNES D'ACTIVIT CORPORELLE. Fact Check: Pelosi Was NOT In Wuhan, China, In 2019 Ahead Of COVID-19 Outbreak; Did NOT Sabotage Now-Signed Trade Deal, Fact Check: Coronavirus NOT Sparing Essential Workers (But Most Victims Are Elderly), WO in the patent stands for the governing body, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. Downtown Magazine PRO. The patent, spotted by GameRant, suggests that players would be able to use an external disc drive, in this case, an Xbox One, in order to verify ownership of a game.The player would then be able to play the digital version on their what is your app? The last few years have witnessed historic developments in U.S. patent law. WebGot my first Microsoft patent cube this week. The actual number is WO2020060606A1. As the Entertainment Editor, she investigated Hollywood stories and conducted interviews with A-list celebrities and reality stars. I'm sure he has an idea of what he feels this device will be like. last updated October 11, 2018. You can search international patents An all-girl high school team from Pomona, California, developed an at-home device to aid in monitoring progress and development of the health of diabetics feetthrough the gathering of useful and relevant medical data. Heres how it works. WebAverage salary for Microsoft Patent Paralegal in Stanwood, WA: [salary]. Arg!!!!! Her patent was issued in her husbands name by the British courts in 1715. Please refresh the page and try again. This! I don't want a two screen device, I want a phone-sized screen that unfolds into a tablet-sized one. That being said there are as usual tons of people saying the patent doesnt exist because its not a US patent. Sybilla Masters was the first female inventor in recorded history. Anti-corruption & anti-bribery commitments, Report copyright & trademark infringement. Our non-Apple patent site called Patently Mobile first covered a Microsoft for a foldable device in January 2017, four years prior to it's debut on the market as the Surface Duo. A device that does "everything" but is good at none of those things. Thank you for signing up to Windows Central. A claim in memes and some accompanying posts is that the patent will use sensors placed in the human body. Win32 is only necessary if you are a creator e.g. Spotted something? thanks, I missed it! As recently as 2013 a Nomura analyst estimated that Microsoft was extracting patent royalty streams of around $2 billion a year from makers of Android-running smartphones. I see purpose. The same may be said regarding Microsoft and the future of its foldable phone, the Surface Duo, and some new information all coming to light this week. WebAn ITC ruling has found that the Xbox 360 infringes on four patents owned by Motorola. In recent times a lot of people have been talking about this specific patent online. Would be cool if they go for e.g. Can't stand those oversized phones. But to each their own. In 1809, Mary Dixon Kies was the first American woman to receive a US patent. Our patent portfolio reflects our long-time investment in R&D across multiple technology areas, ranging from operating systems, security, productivity, and cloud computing to emerging technologies like AI, mixed reality, and quantum computing. The memes that went viral note that the patent number is a variation of "666" which users associated with the biblical "mark of the beast." Microsoft may have a unique design on the way in the tech industry's neverending battle against notches. While Surface Duo can reverse fold into many different postures, including a single-screen mode, the gap created by the two displays can be frustrating for those who would prefer one large, single-screen experience, especially when watching a video. Assignee: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC. In 2009, they sued TomTom for violating two of their patents on the FAT file system. Spotted something? involving electronic currency used only among participants of a common payment scheme, characterised by the use of specific devices, TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. A female MIT MBA/MPP student and her team created an app based on the Waze API that allows users to report dangerous areas in a given geography. By contrast, Surface Duo 2 has an 8.3-inch 1892 x 2688 (401 PPI) OLED display, which isnt all that dissimilar to what LG demonstrated. In other words, the resulting chatbot could end up saying things the person never said. It has announced today a multi-faceted deal with the company including sales of patents, cross-licensing arrangements, and software pre-installation, expanding its OEM partnerships and its services' worldwide reach while also providing Microsoft filed a total of 1,969 patent families in 2018. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. The application was filed on June 20 last year. In 2010, patents granted to women jumped 35% faster than the overall 27% increase. Entrepreneur and robot designer, Melonee Wise, headed Fetch Robotics in 2013. That's what I want out of this device! 21.9 C. Karachi. The statistics below share strategic R&D insights. As one of the largest open source collaborators in the world, Microsoft shares innovation in open ecosystems for everyone to improve and build upon with us. Featured at CES 2023: Save 19% on the Bento Stack Charge 8000. Now that the EU Commission is reportedly fine with Microsoft acquiring Call of Duty (subject to whatever remedies will be worked out), this is no longer a question of those "console wars". Luckily, LG just showed it could do ju All legal expertise and application fees are covered pro bono by the Microsoft patent law department, at an estimated value of $50,000. interface arrangements, Input arrangements or combined input and output arrangements for interaction between user and computer, Arrangements for interaction with the human body, e.g. A close up of the hinge in Microsoft's foldable display patent application showing 0, 300, and 360-degrees. In order to be granted the protection of a patent, the inventor is obligated to use his or her reasonable efforts to bring it to market. And no longer have a phone to run my own app!!! Just because people are carrying oversized phones doesn't mean they are great. I even remember a parent from MS that showed how to bury the port in smaller/flatter devices. Instead, it will focus on software, including delivering Android 12L in the coming months to the original Surface Duo and current Surface Duo 2. That being said there are as usual tons of people saying the patent doesnt exist because its not a US patent. . The abstract of this patent goes as follows: On one Reddit thread, many were going back and forth on this being nothing more than an advanced ad insight plan and some were very much comparing it to Sweatcoin, an app that pays you for walking. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The camera is able to take key measurements like salinity and pH level, and they are developing a fish recognition system. 26 Feb 2023 15:43:19 Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) are sometimes called "patent trolls" because their schtick is filing questionable lawsuits against companies in the hopes that their claims will score them easy money. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty guide How to defeat legendary warrior Lu Bu, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's PC port put on blast in Steam reviews, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty How to upgrade weapons and armor. Fascinating. Out of these 45896 have been granted leading to agrant rate of 78.62%. Patricia Billings received a patent in 1997 for a fire-resistant building material called GeoBond. 4 hours ago. We chose the patents Story Highlights. In some cases, a patent is the only viable defense against that, increasing competition and encouraging true innovation. May 10, 2022. These patents belong to 30704 unique patent families. Send it to Never mind the fact that often the patents being used to prop up the lawsuits in question aren't legitimate ammo for whatever legal claims are being asserted. WebMicrosoft. Ford has filed for a patent on a new type of system that is designed to cause drivers "discomfort" if they happen to miss consecutive car repayments. Let us know!. The patents geographical coverage is in major countries like United States, Europe, China, and Australia. It's destined to fail. That's why Microsoft is contributing to the fight against patent troll activity: To protect open-source operations and entities that may not have the resources to defend themselves. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Follow on Twitter @JezCorden and listen to his Xbox Two podcast, all about, you guessed it, Xbox! WebMicrosoft is a multinational computer technology corporation. Filed: May 6, 2021. The order addresses Sony's motion to quash or limit Microsoft's subpoena in the FTC's in-house adjudicative proceeding concerning the acquisition of Microsoft is about to hit it big with one of China's top smartphone manufacturers: Xiaomi. Microsoft also identifies Microsoft EU patents and patent applications that may cover technical documents included in the Workgroup Server but Microsoft's. While this patent is quite a departure from some of the other Andromeda schematics we've seen recently, it does resemble some of the earlier designs Microsoft was exploring for foldable devices. It's great to see these designs hope they'd turn it into real products! a bezeless 6 inch phone-like screen size x 2, that would folded still perfectly fit in a pocket while unfolded being able to offer an Ipad Mini like screen size (~8 inch 4:3). Microsoft commits patents to help fight COVID-19 Apr 20, 2020 | Jennifer Yokoyama - Chief IP Counsel I am very pleased to announce that, today, Microsoft is committing to the Open COVID Pledge by making its patents available free of charge for use in efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic and minimize the impact of the disease. Which Companies are using Microsoft Patents to Advance their Research? The inventors are Microsoft employees Dustin Abraham, Derrick Fu, and Joseph Edwin Johnson. By: Robert N. Adams. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Or transparent Aluminum composite? Dawr symudiad yn sgil Apple yn cwyno bod system FRAND yn cael ei cham-drin yn Ewrop, lle mae Samsung wedi bod yn ymladd yn l yn erbyn honiadau Apple trwy ddefnyddio eu Microsoft is grateful for the trust that people place in our products, services, and experiences. Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories andan award-winning journalist who spent over a decade breaking hard news and celebrity scoop with RadarOnline and Us Weekly. Get the best of Windows Central in your inbox, every day! Burton Davis, Microsoft VP and Deputy General Counsel, weighed in on the matter with the following statement (via ZDNet): "Low-quality patents continue to be a drain on innovation in the software industry and a threat to open source. Microsoft Technology Licensing, the licensing arm of Microsoft Corp., has been granted an international patent for a "cryptocurrency system using body activity data." The estimated additional pay is $67,226 per year. The top-cited technologies in the Microsoft patent portfolio are Software & Services, Operating systems (OS) & PC & devices. I think the main purpose of the diagram is to show how the parts would work, not that its an actual device at that aspect ratio From what I can see, this patent has nothing to do with dimensions. market research and analysis, surveying, promotions, advertising, buyer profiling, customer management or rewards; Price estimation or determination, COMPUTER SYSTEMS BASED ON SPECIFIC COMPUTATIONAL MODELS, Computer systems based on biological models, Input arrangements for transferring data to be processed into a form capable of being handled by the computer; Output arrangements for transferring data from processing unit to output unit, e.g. Microsoft products and servicesincluding images, text, and software downloads (the "content")are owned either by Microsoft Corporation or by third parties who have granted Microsoft permission to use the content. If this was bad for PlayStation gamers, the EC would not take that (reported) position. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Related: Everything we know about Surface "Andromeda". The publication date of the application was March 26, 2020, and it was then assigned the number WO2020060606A1. In the method, an area between a first and second display windows of a computer program is selected. Gave in and purchased an Android based Honor 7x. Our Trademark and BrandGuidelines detail how you can help us protect Microsofts brand assets, including logos, names, and app and product icons, and the trust that they represent. So you think it'll be larger than 6.5 inches folded? WebPleased to share that an analysis conducted by Docket Navigator ranks Perkins Coie among the top three busiest law rms nationally for representing patent Tyler Bowen on LinkedIn: Perkins Coie Ranks as Leading Patent Litigation Firm for Technology Cases The first inventor listed is a jew named Dustin Abramson, who is a software engineer working with AI. WebExciting news from Microsoft! Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. Microsoft Is Awarded US Patent for Crypto Token-Creation Service - CoinDesk Webinars Indices About Markets Finance Technology Web3 Policy Sponsored Content Upcoming event New Pass! The technology could be used to create chatbots of dead people, fictional characters, and relatives. Is it useful? Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, To assist developers in clearly understanding whether or not Microsoft patents may apply to any of the protocols, Microsoft will make available a list of the specific Microsoft patents and patent applications that cover each protocol. This high school team developed a smart wallet that helps people who are blind or low vision sort their money into their wallet. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or On one Reddit thread, many were going back and forth on this being nothing more than an advanced ad insight plan and some were very much comparing it to Sweatcoin, an app that pays you for walking. WebA recently-published patent by Microsoft envisions a stylus that can be used as a Bluetooth headset, thanks to a flexible design that allows the pen to wrap around your ear and a dockable earpiece. The days of them handing out expensive gifts at Build are over. All patents are public, but the rights to monetize remain with the patent holder until they expire. generation, sharing or updating, of cryptographic keys or passwords, Generation of secret information including derivation or calculation of cryptographic keys or passwords, involving user or device identifiers, e.g. Chips Bill Gates Microsoft patent March 4, 2023. 4 hours ago. In fact I would assume a ARM device and, at best, a Win32 hyper layer for those occasional 32bit needed apps.
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