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mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe
mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safemass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe
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mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe
Finish them off then join Aria at the force field. While Aria T'Loak was lured off the station in the process, a rebellion is rising against Cerberus. Test adjutants have escaped. As you head down the corridor, assault troopers and more Rampart Mechs will run into the corridor from the landing pad. It might be a good idea to hole up in there yourself as it's on higher ground and there are only two easily defensible entrances. You can also make use of the weapon bench and armor locker in a corner of the room to prepare. To: Echor This only occurs after the first three generators are destroyed, so a maximum of eight Adjutants can be encountered. Return to the path and enter the airlock to access the vents. As a communication war starts between the two belligerents, the Talons attempt to hack the Alliance News Network in order to recruit "Codebreakers" to help in decrypting Cerberus' coded messages. Warning: Vanguards will find it prudent to limit usage of Biotic Charge in this section as executing it improperly WILL cause Shepard to die even with full health and shields. Primary Menu. Omega-3 bad side effects can include digestive troubles, including nausea, bloating, burping, stomach upset and loose stools. Word is the attack on the station was led by Aria and that she's onboard now. #1 Edited By Frag_Maniac I'd already played the Citadel DLC on Hardcore, so I thought I was prepared to handle anything ME on Insanity. Inside Aria's Bunker, Aria leaves you to your own devices and says to meet her in the control room to discuss the next leg of the mission. Related: Mass Effect 3: How to Take Back the Quarian Homeworld. A message from your dedicated Talon fighters, live from Omega: Cerberus may have taken over Omega, but that doesnt mean theyve won. When you climb up the ladder and see the elevator in the distance, there is another dead trooper (2250 credits) to your left. After you go down the ladder outside the vents, you will find salvage on the left behind some crates (1500 credits). . See. She can generally be found on Tuesday nights playing Drow Warlock Zaelien Vel'raiin the So Many Levels D&D campaignon Twitch! With that in mind, you can just circle the area's perimeter, gunning down mechs as they come. Hop over the crates and into the next battle, then head toward the elevator. When you're ready, go through the doors and take the elevator up. The elevator up is not much farther now; you can use the direction finder safely at this point. Sailor Moon, originally released in Japan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Japanese: , Hepburn: Bishjo Senshi Sr Mn) and later as Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, is a Japanese superhero anime television series produced by Toei Animation using Super Sentai motifs. Their shots will not damage you. There's plenty of cover in the rigged support structures, simply pop out and shoot anybody who goes near you. However, the turret in the wheeled vehicle just outside to the left of the barricades and accessible via ladder is mountable, so provided you've cleared a path to there you can use it to mop up the remaining goons with less effort. Eezo is only dangarous[sic] to us as dust. Reply 1 + XP Me too Accepted Solution #2 December 2012 - last edited December 2012 Options As Nyreen leadsher people, Shepard and Ariago to Afterlife and disable the bombs outside. The Paragon option in this situation is obviously to try and complete the mission without sacrificing anyone. Mass Effect 3 saw the return of Omega's pirate queenAria T'Loak. Looks like Nyreen is not the only one who disapproves of the speech, as Cerberus forces are once again assaulting the outpost en masse. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe. Descend the tunnel to the ladder. After you defeat them, the bridge across explodes. Pressing the red button will shut it down but also disable life support in many civilian filled areas. Given Aria's previous indifference towards Shepard,this promised to be an uneasy alliance because of Aria's tendency to take control. Sparing Petrovsky will earn you a third War Asset worth 30 points. The Talons are in an all-out war with Cerberus, which leaves many dead or wounded along the way. To shut down the force fields around Omega Aria wants you to shut down the main reactor. Rampart Mechs are added to the mix, along with a Nemesis, a turret-laying Engineer and a shield pylon in their location to give them extra staying power. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe - You'll have to make your way to the reactor alone, and a med kit is immediately to your left up the stairs. There is a Med Kit at the far end of the hall near the force field for you to collect. The final battle in Afterlife is one of the most challenging fights in the entire game. Once cleared, Aria will call to Shepards attention that the room ahead needs to be pressurized. Related: Mass Effect 3: How to Find the Prothean Artifact On Thessia. A datapad (1500 credits) is in the right corner of the lockdown control room. Follow dead bodies until seeing a figure leaping across the overhead pipes; head in that direction. Clear out the garage, then proceed through the far door. Just don't let them get too close to use their powerful melee attacks. Your enemies include a mix of familiar Cerberus types and some new opponent types. There's another one hidden up there on the right as well - you can decide if it's worth lobbing a grenade in. Morality choices: The many morality choices available from dialogue and interrupts during this mission have a collective influence on Aria which in turn influences what can occur during the mission's final scenes. For ammo refills, head up to the higher ground marked "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" and dispose of any Cerberus that may have holed up in there. To keep their footing, they had to engage the mass effect fields on their boots to keep from staggering. One more med kit is on the left near the entry point close to the burning fire. If Aria delivers Petrovsky to you, you can use two Renegade Interrupts to kill the general yourself by shooting him in the head. Nyreen is killed, fueling Aria's rage and sending her rampaging into a trap. There are numerous Cerberus enemies in the area, including Troopers and Centurions. Our forces are tied down right now, so rescue options are limited. Note that you will be unable to return to the room once you leave. If you leveled up fighting all those Cerberus goons it might be a good time to bring you and your squad's skills up to speed. Rinse and repeat. If the choice is between "checkered" in a taxi and "go", the majority will choose to go. However, if you're an Engineer, after skipping the first Renegade interrupt, you can use a Paragon interrupt to reroute reactor power quickly. Stay in one place for too long and you run a high risk of getting boxed in by grenades, Adjutant Singularities and sniper fire while the Adjutants (and the occasional trooper) close to melee range. Harrot will ask you to get him coordinates for Aria's couch, and has a few weapon mods for sale at his kiosk. . After the cutscenes turn left for a datapad (1200 credits). There will be a locked area labeled "MAINTENANCE AREA" not far from your initial position. The Mass Effect trilogy is a series full of different choices that can really branch the narrative off in a variety of directions. *** This is a priority Alpha order. The Paragon decision gives you the chance to spare him, while the Renegade option lets you interrupt Aria as long as you also have enough Paragon points. Mass Effect 2: How To Save All Civilians From The Plague - Game Rant There's a med kit to the right before the stairs. Tu-204/214 flew for more than one year, until they were slammed with an administrative club. Combat Strategy: On higher difficulties this fight can be challenging, as enemies continuously spawn until all of the bombs are disarmed and they can occasionally drop in on top of you, especially unwelcome if the enemy is a Rampart Mech. Reactivate the generator to operate the terminal, which is not one of the three hacker terminals, and open the air seal to continue. Aria will spot a maintenance lift you can use to reach the upper levels, but Cerberus will blow the bridge before you get to it. Pressing this button at any time will cue a cutscene where the forcefields are taken down and thousands of citizens die. When you're done open the door to exit the maintenance area and head up the ladder. At least until Aria is freed, all enemies remain singularly focused on Shepard, to an unusual degree: they will totally ignore, On Insanity, it's almost impossible to avoid being nailed by a Nemesis at least once or twice in this fight as you move around the area. Head to the left for a datapad (1500 credits), then return to the right. Also, be wary of any Engineers setting up Turrets, so don't rush blindly around but check your surroundings carefully; this can be made even more challenging due to the smoke screens laid down by Centurions. Aria wants to recruit the Talons and use them as cannon fodder. Go to the lift and take it up, disposing of the Rampart Mech at the top before grabbing the Shotgun Omni-Blade. We shall not rest until Cerberus is out of Omega and your homes are returned to you. There's a Sniper Rifle Thermal Scope on the right-side catwalk near an ammo pile. Her Reave power is a fairly effective way to make her durable enough to stay alive during this fight, but that only applies if it's used against organic enemies, not the mechs or any Turrets. Open the door and head down the stairs into a fight with centurions, assault troopers, a combat engineer, and a shield pylon in the far right of the room. Eliminate him any way you want, after turn to your right and take the Shotgun Omni-Blade from the container along the wall, also ammo is there if you need it. Aria's unique Flare power has interesting possibilities despite a long recharge, but you should also consider which of her abilities can help Shepard detonate power combos. Before moving onward, be sure to pick up the 1500 Credits from the salvage next to the dead batarian, a Pistol Heavy Barrel mod to the left of the same corpse. The elevator door won't open unless you clear the area, so do it then enter the elevator to advance. There are also two Med Kits close to the right wall near the entrance. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe When the waves end, the two combine their biotics to let you through a small gap in the barrier. After collecting any missed items, use the door on the right to enter an elevator, which takes you to an upper level. After exiting, grab 2,250 credits and move on to the rendezvous point. Depending on your moves that may either turn out to be a hindrance or an advantage. There is a med-kit and some salvage to grab here before moving on to the reactor. Also, keep Aria on a short leash, as if she goes down it can be too dangerous to reach her body for a manual revive and you want her nearby to defend you while you are on defusing duty anyway. On occasion they may try for the lower ground, and there's a ladder near the destroyed bridge that drops down to the same area. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe - Omega DLC - Mass Effect 3 Wiki Guide - IGN Follow the rendezvous point marker to advance. This results in complete loss of the ship, with everyone forcedinto escape pods. This account uses low-tech microwave emissions to propagate its signal. There are a few Assault Troopers and a Nemesis here. You may want to take out the shield pylons at the middle and far end of the landing pad before you finish killing off the enemies here, because as soon as the last one falls a shuttle flies in to drop another wave of Rampart Mechs, Troopers and Combat Engineers, followed by a wave of Centurions, Troopers, and another Engineer. H. To: Scouting Team E Aria is informed by Bray that Nyreen has vanished from the bunker, but chooses to forge ahead with the mission. Pick up the Shotgun High-Velocity Barrel and hit the medical station before proceeding into the hidden parts of Omega. This choice keeps you and your squadmates safe and saves a lot of lives since you didnt have to sacrifice anyone. Related: Mass Effect 3 - Priority: Horizon Walkthrough. A datapad pertaining to the escaped test Adjutants is on your right just before the next door. And we wont stand idly by while Cerberus turns this place into a prison. Crossing over a crate, you will find more Cerberus soldiers protected by two Shield Pylons. Examine the video log for more information on how Cerberus created the Adjutants. A datapad (1500 credits) can be found straight ahead soon after Ahz patches you in to Cerberus comms. I'd recommend another observation run before we try to extract the civilians. Rendezvous with Aria's Fleet in the Widow system of the Serpent Nebula. What are the different outcomes if you do a paragon Omega run Be mindful of shield pylons to either use to your advantage or destroy, and kill all troops you come across. Right at the start of the fight, duck quickly to your right and head up the stairs to hit the first override. If youre playing as this class, you can choose the Renegade option and then perform a quick Paragon option. Turn A Blind Eye -> Mass Effect: Journey to the Stars 30, 2565 . It's also fairly easy to get the enemies to train out behind you as you run quickly to each successive bomb, and of course if you're an Infiltrator this whole section will be much easier especially as you can cloak while disarming the bombs. Once you're clear of the ladder, although Aria states "head up", ignore the stairs as there's nothing worthwhile in there. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe After clearing them out, examine the computer terminal on the right wall, then bypass the door leading into the defense controls. Nyreen will be waiting near the Med Bay doors and will ask to speak with you, giving you the opportunity to inquire about her past and what's happening on Omega. No products in the cart. As soon as you enter the doorway an Atlas will drop and start circling to your right. If not, no worries, they're still there regardless of lighting conditions. Notes: My excuse is that I have very little excuse except that february has been HARD on me for no damned reason and uh, I might have put out a 19k oneshot halfway through the month which wiped me out considerably. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safeliturgical books used in orthodox church. Restore the power to finally catch sight of whatever is infesting the area. Take this time to acquire two side missions, Omega: Assist the Hacker and Omega: Assist the Mechanic, both of which can be completed in the next mission area. There's a med kit at the bottom of the ladder on the left side of the room from the entrance and a second one on the other (right) side. Ignore the open doorway and go ahead around the corner to salvage 1500 credits from a pile of boxes. So at first, just follow the trail of dead Cerberus Troopers. Clear the garage of enemies, grab 3,000 credits from the nearby wall safe and head out into the streets. The Chatham News Obituaries,
Articles M
Finish them off then join Aria at the force field. While Aria T'Loak was lured off the station in the process, a rebellion is rising against Cerberus. Test adjutants have escaped. As you head down the corridor, assault troopers and more Rampart Mechs will run into the corridor from the landing pad. It might be a good idea to hole up in there yourself as it's on higher ground and there are only two easily defensible entrances. You can also make use of the weapon bench and armor locker in a corner of the room to prepare. To: Echor This only occurs after the first three generators are destroyed, so a maximum of eight Adjutants can be encountered. Return to the path and enter the airlock to access the vents. As a communication war starts between the two belligerents, the Talons attempt to hack the Alliance News Network in order to recruit "Codebreakers" to help in decrypting Cerberus' coded messages. Warning: Vanguards will find it prudent to limit usage of Biotic Charge in this section as executing it improperly WILL cause Shepard to die even with full health and shields. Primary Menu. Omega-3 bad side effects can include digestive troubles, including nausea, bloating, burping, stomach upset and loose stools. Word is the attack on the station was led by Aria and that she's onboard now. #1 Edited By Frag_Maniac I'd already played the Citadel DLC on Hardcore, so I thought I was prepared to handle anything ME on Insanity. Inside Aria's Bunker, Aria leaves you to your own devices and says to meet her in the control room to discuss the next leg of the mission. Related: Mass Effect 3: How to Take Back the Quarian Homeworld. A message from your dedicated Talon fighters, live from Omega: Cerberus may have taken over Omega, but that doesnt mean theyve won. When you climb up the ladder and see the elevator in the distance, there is another dead trooper (2250 credits) to your left. After you go down the ladder outside the vents, you will find salvage on the left behind some crates (1500 credits). . See. She can generally be found on Tuesday nights playing Drow Warlock Zaelien Vel'raiin the So Many Levels D&D campaignon Twitch! With that in mind, you can just circle the area's perimeter, gunning down mechs as they come. Hop over the crates and into the next battle, then head toward the elevator. When you're ready, go through the doors and take the elevator up. The elevator up is not much farther now; you can use the direction finder safely at this point. Sailor Moon, originally released in Japan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Japanese: , Hepburn: Bishjo Senshi Sr Mn) and later as Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, is a Japanese superhero anime television series produced by Toei Animation using Super Sentai motifs. Their shots will not damage you. There's plenty of cover in the rigged support structures, simply pop out and shoot anybody who goes near you. However, the turret in the wheeled vehicle just outside to the left of the barricades and accessible via ladder is mountable, so provided you've cleared a path to there you can use it to mop up the remaining goons with less effort. Eezo is only dangarous[sic] to us as dust. Reply 1 + XP Me too Accepted Solution #2 December 2012 - last edited December 2012 Options As Nyreen leadsher people, Shepard and Ariago to Afterlife and disable the bombs outside. The Paragon option in this situation is obviously to try and complete the mission without sacrificing anyone. Mass Effect 3 saw the return of Omega's pirate queenAria T'Loak. Looks like Nyreen is not the only one who disapproves of the speech, as Cerberus forces are once again assaulting the outpost en masse. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe. Descend the tunnel to the ladder. After you defeat them, the bridge across explodes. Pressing the red button will shut it down but also disable life support in many civilian filled areas. Given Aria's previous indifference towards Shepard,this promised to be an uneasy alliance because of Aria's tendency to take control. Sparing Petrovsky will earn you a third War Asset worth 30 points. The Talons are in an all-out war with Cerberus, which leaves many dead or wounded along the way. To shut down the force fields around Omega Aria wants you to shut down the main reactor. Rampart Mechs are added to the mix, along with a Nemesis, a turret-laying Engineer and a shield pylon in their location to give them extra staying power. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe - You'll have to make your way to the reactor alone, and a med kit is immediately to your left up the stairs. There is a Med Kit at the far end of the hall near the force field for you to collect. The final battle in Afterlife is one of the most challenging fights in the entire game. Once cleared, Aria will call to Shepards attention that the room ahead needs to be pressurized. Related: Mass Effect 3: How to Find the Prothean Artifact On Thessia. A datapad (1500 credits) is in the right corner of the lockdown control room. Follow dead bodies until seeing a figure leaping across the overhead pipes; head in that direction. Clear out the garage, then proceed through the far door. Just don't let them get too close to use their powerful melee attacks. Your enemies include a mix of familiar Cerberus types and some new opponent types. There's another one hidden up there on the right as well - you can decide if it's worth lobbing a grenade in. Morality choices: The many morality choices available from dialogue and interrupts during this mission have a collective influence on Aria which in turn influences what can occur during the mission's final scenes. For ammo refills, head up to the higher ground marked "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" and dispose of any Cerberus that may have holed up in there. To keep their footing, they had to engage the mass effect fields on their boots to keep from staggering. One more med kit is on the left near the entry point close to the burning fire. If Aria delivers Petrovsky to you, you can use two Renegade Interrupts to kill the general yourself by shooting him in the head. Nyreen is killed, fueling Aria's rage and sending her rampaging into a trap. There are numerous Cerberus enemies in the area, including Troopers and Centurions. Our forces are tied down right now, so rescue options are limited. Note that you will be unable to return to the room once you leave. If you leveled up fighting all those Cerberus goons it might be a good time to bring you and your squad's skills up to speed. Rinse and repeat. If the choice is between "checkered" in a taxi and "go", the majority will choose to go. However, if you're an Engineer, after skipping the first Renegade interrupt, you can use a Paragon interrupt to reroute reactor power quickly. Stay in one place for too long and you run a high risk of getting boxed in by grenades, Adjutant Singularities and sniper fire while the Adjutants (and the occasional trooper) close to melee range. Harrot will ask you to get him coordinates for Aria's couch, and has a few weapon mods for sale at his kiosk. . After the cutscenes turn left for a datapad (1200 credits). There will be a locked area labeled "MAINTENANCE AREA" not far from your initial position. The Mass Effect trilogy is a series full of different choices that can really branch the narrative off in a variety of directions. *** This is a priority Alpha order. The Paragon decision gives you the chance to spare him, while the Renegade option lets you interrupt Aria as long as you also have enough Paragon points. Mass Effect 2: How To Save All Civilians From The Plague - Game Rant There's a med kit to the right before the stairs. Tu-204/214 flew for more than one year, until they were slammed with an administrative club. Combat Strategy: On higher difficulties this fight can be challenging, as enemies continuously spawn until all of the bombs are disarmed and they can occasionally drop in on top of you, especially unwelcome if the enemy is a Rampart Mech. Reactivate the generator to operate the terminal, which is not one of the three hacker terminals, and open the air seal to continue. Aria will spot a maintenance lift you can use to reach the upper levels, but Cerberus will blow the bridge before you get to it. Pressing this button at any time will cue a cutscene where the forcefields are taken down and thousands of citizens die. When you're done open the door to exit the maintenance area and head up the ladder. At least until Aria is freed, all enemies remain singularly focused on Shepard, to an unusual degree: they will totally ignore, On Insanity, it's almost impossible to avoid being nailed by a Nemesis at least once or twice in this fight as you move around the area. Head to the left for a datapad (1500 credits), then return to the right. Also, be wary of any Engineers setting up Turrets, so don't rush blindly around but check your surroundings carefully; this can be made even more challenging due to the smoke screens laid down by Centurions. Aria wants to recruit the Talons and use them as cannon fodder. Go to the lift and take it up, disposing of the Rampart Mech at the top before grabbing the Shotgun Omni-Blade. We shall not rest until Cerberus is out of Omega and your homes are returned to you. There's a Sniper Rifle Thermal Scope on the right-side catwalk near an ammo pile. Her Reave power is a fairly effective way to make her durable enough to stay alive during this fight, but that only applies if it's used against organic enemies, not the mechs or any Turrets. Open the door and head down the stairs into a fight with centurions, assault troopers, a combat engineer, and a shield pylon in the far right of the room. Eliminate him any way you want, after turn to your right and take the Shotgun Omni-Blade from the container along the wall, also ammo is there if you need it. Aria's unique Flare power has interesting possibilities despite a long recharge, but you should also consider which of her abilities can help Shepard detonate power combos. Before moving onward, be sure to pick up the 1500 Credits from the salvage next to the dead batarian, a Pistol Heavy Barrel mod to the left of the same corpse. The elevator door won't open unless you clear the area, so do it then enter the elevator to advance. There are also two Med Kits close to the right wall near the entrance. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe When the waves end, the two combine their biotics to let you through a small gap in the barrier. After collecting any missed items, use the door on the right to enter an elevator, which takes you to an upper level. After exiting, grab 2,250 credits and move on to the rendezvous point. Depending on your moves that may either turn out to be a hindrance or an advantage. There is a med-kit and some salvage to grab here before moving on to the reactor. Also, keep Aria on a short leash, as if she goes down it can be too dangerous to reach her body for a manual revive and you want her nearby to defend you while you are on defusing duty anyway. On occasion they may try for the lower ground, and there's a ladder near the destroyed bridge that drops down to the same area. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe - Omega DLC - Mass Effect 3 Wiki Guide - IGN Follow the rendezvous point marker to advance. This results in complete loss of the ship, with everyone forcedinto escape pods. This account uses low-tech microwave emissions to propagate its signal. There are a few Assault Troopers and a Nemesis here. You may want to take out the shield pylons at the middle and far end of the landing pad before you finish killing off the enemies here, because as soon as the last one falls a shuttle flies in to drop another wave of Rampart Mechs, Troopers and Combat Engineers, followed by a wave of Centurions, Troopers, and another Engineer. H. To: Scouting Team E Aria is informed by Bray that Nyreen has vanished from the bunker, but chooses to forge ahead with the mission. Pick up the Shotgun High-Velocity Barrel and hit the medical station before proceeding into the hidden parts of Omega. This choice keeps you and your squadmates safe and saves a lot of lives since you didnt have to sacrifice anyone. Related: Mass Effect 3 - Priority: Horizon Walkthrough. A datapad pertaining to the escaped test Adjutants is on your right just before the next door. And we wont stand idly by while Cerberus turns this place into a prison. Crossing over a crate, you will find more Cerberus soldiers protected by two Shield Pylons. Examine the video log for more information on how Cerberus created the Adjutants. A datapad (1500 credits) can be found straight ahead soon after Ahz patches you in to Cerberus comms. I'd recommend another observation run before we try to extract the civilians. Rendezvous with Aria's Fleet in the Widow system of the Serpent Nebula. What are the different outcomes if you do a paragon Omega run Be mindful of shield pylons to either use to your advantage or destroy, and kill all troops you come across. Right at the start of the fight, duck quickly to your right and head up the stairs to hit the first override. If youre playing as this class, you can choose the Renegade option and then perform a quick Paragon option. Turn A Blind Eye -> Mass Effect: Journey to the Stars 30, 2565 . It's also fairly easy to get the enemies to train out behind you as you run quickly to each successive bomb, and of course if you're an Infiltrator this whole section will be much easier especially as you can cloak while disarming the bombs. Once you're clear of the ladder, although Aria states "head up", ignore the stairs as there's nothing worthwhile in there. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safe After clearing them out, examine the computer terminal on the right wall, then bypass the door leading into the defense controls. Nyreen will be waiting near the Med Bay doors and will ask to speak with you, giving you the opportunity to inquire about her past and what's happening on Omega. No products in the cart. As soon as you enter the doorway an Atlas will drop and start circling to your right. If not, no worries, they're still there regardless of lighting conditions. Notes: My excuse is that I have very little excuse except that february has been HARD on me for no damned reason and uh, I might have put out a 19k oneshot halfway through the month which wiped me out considerably. mass effect 3 omega keep civilians safeliturgical books used in orthodox church. Restore the power to finally catch sight of whatever is infesting the area. Take this time to acquire two side missions, Omega: Assist the Hacker and Omega: Assist the Mechanic, both of which can be completed in the next mission area. There's a med kit at the bottom of the ladder on the left side of the room from the entrance and a second one on the other (right) side. Ignore the open doorway and go ahead around the corner to salvage 1500 credits from a pile of boxes. So at first, just follow the trail of dead Cerberus Troopers. Clear the garage of enemies, grab 3,000 credits from the nearby wall safe and head out into the streets.
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