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logan family massacre
A 3-Year-Old Boy Was The Only Witness To His Mother's Murder In January 1992, 26-year-old Charlene Puffenbarger was found bludgeoned in her suburban Cleveland home. Numerous places carry Logan's name, including: Direct same to Lee Sultzman, as re-directed by West Virginia Archives and History, "Heron Who Waits at the Speleawee-thepee: The Ohio River and the Shawnee World", From Documentary History of Dunmore's War, "On This Day in West Virginia History, April 30, 1774: Massacre of Logan's family", Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate of the First Americans, Appletons' Cyclopdia of American Biography, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Logan_(Iroquois_leader)&oldid=1135970551, Logan Honors Program - at Fort Steuben Scout Reservation in. In the two years prior to the killings, police had visited the main farmhouse ten times in response to noise complaints, with no charges laid. #inline-recirc-item--id-d445f4ac-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child(5) { There are many Logans in the Reservations in Pennsylvania and New York; some are descended from my brother and sisters, others adopted the name because of the honor attached to it. Sincerely, Cheryl Bowen-Hance. Three SUVs arrived, two driving ahead, one lagging behind. Their delay in travel was a fateful error. But, as anthropologist Anthony F. C. Wallace has written, "Which of Shikellamy's sons was Logan the orator has been a matter of dispute. For Logan and the natives, the massacre was a declaration of war, and so began Lord Dunmore's War. He'd been a Logan County deputy sheriff for a year longer than Stacy had been alive. Crawford County Historical Society President Dennis Roedmeier is also author of Death of Innocence. The historical short story recounts the 1886 Logan Family Massacre and its aftermath. On a quiet morning of September 24, 1774, there was a sudden retribution made in the southern most boundary of Native American territory as War Chief James Logan and his companions massacred the John Roberts family, except one son, at the north fork of Reedy Creek. In the new settlement young Benjamin Logan wooed and married Montgomery's daughter Anne. After a few d. After his 1760s move to the Ohio Country, he became affiliated with the Mingo, a tribe formed from Seneca, Cayuga, Lenape and other remnant peoples. Headstone inscription reads "Not now, but in the coming years, it will be a better land, We'll read the meaning of our tears and then sometime we'll understand.". Teen's Family Had Problems Before Shootings | Fox News Thomas in this story comes up as a true line for me when I added him as my 4th GG grandfather, but there is no Michael listed a child of theirs. Hi. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Clear skies. On November 5, 2009, 13 people are killed and more than 30 others are wounded, nearly all of them unarmed soldiers, when a U.S. Army officer goes on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in central . But despite the violence perpetrated by natives and whites alike, there seemed to be a temporary lull in the hostilities. It was shocking, yes, but was it senseless? A key figure in land distribution was James Logan, agent of the Penn family, investor and political operator. I would love stay in contact and learn more about the Spicers, my email is omiakron@gmail.com Thank you! Cassidy Stay's 911 call likely saved her grandparents' lives. Because visitors began to pick at the raisins on the cake to take as souvenirs, it was placed in a covered glass cakeserver for many years. She has said she doesn't believe he could have killed her family. For years after, Sappington took particular delight in boasting of the feat and de- scribed the trophy, which still was adorned with trade silver, as a "very fine one." The home for all Missourians on reddit. CINCINNATI (WXIX) - The family of a 19-year-old killed Tuesday is "lost for words" after a triple shooting in Roselawn claimed their loved one's . A 2019 massacre leaves nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel; Lara Logan meets with the surviving family members from La Mora, a small Mormon community in Sonora, Mexico, who recount the events of that tragic day. Hi, Betsy is my 4th GrGrandmother. I would love to know if you have any information further back on the Bowen line. Their fear was well founded. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. Logan's band had frequently visited Baker's post and usually spent their time buying liquor, milk, and other small items. Answering the Call to Serve: Camp Logan, Houston, Texas 1917-1919. The most Logan families were found in USA in 1880. Myers shot and killed the Indian. He became a leader within the Mingo and helped to establish a Mingo Settlement with farms. I married Susan, a Seneca maid, and we had one child, James Logan, who died at the age of thirty. Important details about Logan have been disputed by scholars, including his original name and whether or not the words of "Logan's Lament" were actually his. She saw the killer, and he had grey hair. I too would love to obtain a copy of the family book! Jacob Greathouse himself slaughtered Koonay and dissected her belly, removed her unborn son and scalped him. In 1840 there were 186 Logan families living in Pennsylvania. The really wild thing is that the accused tried to blame a local black man, but neither the sheriff nor the lynch mobs believed him. Today, Nathaniel Tomlinson, Baker's brother-in-law, was more generous than usual with his liquor and eventually invited the Indians to take part in a shooting match. Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated] Cops: Two Brothers, Two Motives in Beason Family Murder From that angle, you'd think she would have a single memory of his shoes or pants or something. The visiting Mingo were lured by the promise of whiskey and games. His next brother was known as Tah-gah-jute, Sayughtowa, "The Beetling Brow", or James Logan. in 1773, a Mingo headman named Johnny Logan and a small band of followers had established a village thirty miles north of Wheeling, near the mouth of Yellow Creek (close to present-day Wellsville, Ohio). I don't know what happened between them. John Petty or Sogogeghyata, was the youngest of his brothers and bore the name of a Shamokin Indian Trader. Nice to meet you cousin! The day before the book was to be published, the author received a phone call from Stella Lawson, a relative who had already been interviewed for the book. I am Afro-American, my father's name is Mr. Buford Mason Spicer. Clearly, Virginia sought to widen the conflict, hoping that a victory over the western tribes would legitimize Virginia's claims to the region. Melted window glass discovered by Missouri Humanities Council Archaeologist Erin Whitson is the best evidence yet found of the 1886 Logan Family Massacre site. I did, however, learn some new uses of the word sh#t. Thrilling Adventures Among the American Indians by Edward S. Ellis, 1905 Some indicate that the Mingo were part of the Iroquois (Seneca) that left the Iroquois between 1740 and 1750 and migrated to Western Pennsylvania, the Ohio Country and West . That angle and location is, however, consistent with the wounds of every other victim. Since her initial lengthy interview with Deputy Sheriff Jon Stout, conducted on the scene before her transfer to hospital, Stacy has been adamant that Scott was not the killer. What a marvelous trainwreck. To Captain Cressap - What did you kill my people on Yellow Creek for. William Spicer remained among the Mingo with whom he had a great respect because of his athleticism. Nicole Gee attended Wednesday's hearing but has not spoken to reporters about the case. WAVERLY, Ohio (FOX19) - Angela Wagner pleaded guilty Friday in connection with the 2016 Rhoden family massacre. My cousin said to google and that is how I came upon this conversation. This is such a great piece of information. I have sought it: I have killed many: I have fully glutted my vengeance. Within seconds, all the Mingos were dead. In their desperation, Betsy and William frantically hollered for help to the farmers to no avail. Pike County Massacre: Angela Wagner pleads guilty - FOX19 Found dead in the family massacre were Raymond and Ruth Gee, approximately 46 and 39 years old, and their three children ages 11 to 16. But I was a dead shot, and can still beat men one-quarter of my age with the gun and bow and arrow. Duperrault Family Massacre - Criminal Discourse Podcast As she rolled over she was shot in the neck. If I'm understanding her correctly, it sounds like she's not particularly interested in pursuing the killer because deep down she knows that whoever did it has close ties to the family (moving from one house to the other). Does anyone know if there were any African Americans in this Spicer's Lineage, from Nashville or Virginia? [2] Lawson, having purchased his own farm two years previous, however, together with the fact that an Associated Press wire that went out on the day after the murders characterized Lawson as a "well-to-do farmer",[3] would make a pre-Christmas shopping spree appear reasonable. [10] The American elm tree in Pickaway County, Ohio under which Logan was said to have given the speech became known as the Logan Elm. 2009 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. She was by his side for 56 years and bore him ten childrensix sons and four daughters. The girl, who police said was shot seven times by ex-Marine Bryan . Alarmed by the gunfire from across the river, seven other members of Logan's camp started across the Ohio in two canoes to investigate. Michael Bowen is my third G.G. He had 3 known brothers and one sister. I too am interested in hearing more about the Spicers, if anyone would like to get in touch with me please leave a reply! My father after retiring from the war path, settled at Cold Spring, in the Allegheny Reservation, in New York State, where he died in 1944 aged 100 years. . Investigating, they discovered an Indian apparently in the act of stealing the animal. Pennsylvania had the highest population of Logan families in 1840. We still live, and raise cattle not 2 miles from where the spicer cabin stood. Like his father, Logan generally maintained friendly relationships with white settlers who were moving from eastern Pennsylvania and Virginia into the Ohio Country: the region that is now Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and western Pennsylvania. Stacys boyfriend left a few hours later. Afterwards, Lawson returned to the house and shot Fannie, who was on the porch. I would love to read the family book you mentioned, could you please tell me the title? Now was the time that "some wise interposition of Government is truly necessary, and would undoubtedly restore peace," claimed the agent. A plot was hatched to fake a kidnapping. The party under Taylaynee behest crossed the river to visit the cabin of Joshua Baker, a settler and rum trader. Logan Massacre - Clio William was the "White Renegade" man involved with the massacre of the Crow sisters. MORE ON CRIMESIDEROctober 8, 2009 - Nicole Gee Defends Ex-Husband Christopher Harris, Accused of Killing Her FamilySeptember 22, 2009 - Beason, Illinois Killer Slays Five but a Child Survives, Trending News Bleeding and in pain, she went to her mothers room and found her injured. Killed that morning in Bellefontaine, Ohio, were: The family farm began to decline in the mid-90s, around the time of Sheri Shafers divorce from Scott and Stacys father, Steve, and the death of her grandmother, Wilma. I think the gray hair is a false memory, too. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I use tobacco and liquor sparingly. Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, NearNewell in Hancock County, West Virginia , Photographed By Dale K. Benington, July 14, 2011, Logan Massacre. / CBS News. Concrete edging borders the grave containing Charlie and the seven victims. Dr. Snitker will be assuming the position formerly held by Dr. Monica Fulton, who will serve as Assistant Superintendent next year. It stayed in the McKee family through E(dgar) M(cKee) Lackey ownership in 1898, or for about 150 years. Greentree Learning Center recently invited Missouri S&T Miner basketball players Michael Appiah-Brefo and Lovell Williams to come play basketball with preschoolers as part of its continuing effort to build and sustain relationships with people and organizations within our community. Is there any proof Stout knew Stacy/was abusing her before the murders? After the government passed the Selective Service Act, over nine million men . How does a person shoot themselves from behind and above an ear with a freaking rifle?? However, many people familiar with the incident (including George Rogers Clark) knew that the Greathouse brothers and their men were the ones who had killed the party. The Logan family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Influential tribal chiefs in the region, such as Cornstalk (Shawnee), White Eyes (Lenape), and Guyasuta (Seneca/Mingo), attempted to negotiate a peaceful resolution lest the incident develop into a larger war, but by Native American custom Logan had the right to retaliate for the murders. She was able to turn her head a bit which is when she saw gray hair -- but that's it. In all, approximately a dozen Mingo were murdered in the cabin and on the river. Going to have to call my dad about this in the morning, he currently lives in that city. Greathouse and his companions also killed Logan's sister as she carried her newborn infant on her back. Logan Family Massacre The Logan Cemetery today holds the remains of Malcolm and Anna Logan as well as their four children. Patrick Wallace was lynched from the Birds Nest Bridge outside Steelville in 1886. Logan the Orator (c. 1723-1780) was a Cayuga orator and war leader born of one of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. My maiden name is Rebecca Jo Bowen. Hello, is George Wilson related to the Spicers? ", McKee had responded appropriately and energetically to the dangerous situation. Bloomington defense attorney Steve Skelton, who is representing Jason Harris, said after the court hearing that the case involves the most charges he's ever seen in a single criminal case. While dismissing McKee's words as lies, the Shawnees refused for the moment to go to war with the Virginians. Please follow up with me on this at :themorganza@yahoo.com, Apparently the THE CHARLEROI MAIL Friday, June 9, 1950Made a similar connectionhttp://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?411,309032. Please contact me, omiakron@gmail.com . He called out the local militia, ordered needed repairs to Fort Dunmore, and sent a party of soldiers to patrol the Ohio River below Pittsburgh, hoping to engage and defeat one of the hostile bands that roamed the area. Among the group was the sister and other family members of the Mingo leader Soyechtowa, or Tocaniadorogon, who had taken the name James Logan. My mother was a daughter of the Seneca Chief Cornplanter. The murder of the Lawson family refers to a familicide which took place in [[America He performed the condolence ceremony, "covering the Bones of their deceas'd Friends with some Goods suitable to the Occasion and agreeable to their Custom," and he dispatched several messages to the western tribes "to convince those People to whom they were to be delivered, of our Sincerity, And That We did not countenance these Misdemeanors. Logan was the oldest son of Johnny Shikellamy, and both father and son were well known along the western border for their steadfast loyalty to the British. Interesting! The brothers also planned to rob the family and took an Acer Aspire laptop computer, the documents say. Among the dead were several members of Logan's immediate family, including his mother and brother. Hed been a Logan County deputy sheriff for a year longer than Stacy had been alive. I agree about the counsellor's testimony. The 11-year-old sole survivor of an ex-Marine's massacre of a Florida family told cops she made it out alive by playing dead.. Spicer heard the Mingo tribesmen approaching and struck his ax in a log and approached the house to get some food to offer to his visitors. Edward Wagner pleaded not guilty in 2018 when he was charged in the Rhoden family murders. A letter written by Colonel William Christian to Colonel William Preston, dated November 8, 1774, definitely ties the Mingo Chief John Logan, as the leader of the Roberts massacre. Logan the Mingo is usually identified as a Mingo "chief", but historian Richard White has written that "He was not a chief. It's located about 5 miles N of Lexington, take Rt. Among the dead were several members of Logan's . 9 members of Mormon family killed in Mexico - YouTube Further tension and financial stagnation arose from Wilma having written a "bad will leaving the terms of the inheritance of her significant estate unclear. By the spring of 1774, Logan and his extended family (including Gibson's Indian wife) had relocated to a camp at the mouth of Yellow Creek. I'm wondering about the location of her grave. As part of a treaty of the Lord Dunmore War between the Colony of Virginia and Shawnee and Mingo nations, she was returned as a prisoner of war at Muddy Creek on Christmas Day 1774 to Colonel George Wilson. Until October 31 of that year, when Audrey picked up an extension of their home phone and overheard Stacy telling Stout her plan to lie to Audrey and Steve about her whereabouts the following weekend so that she and Stout could be together. It was not until the book White Christmas, Bloody Christmas[5] was published in 1990 that a claim of Charlie sexually abusing Marie surfaced, beginning with an anonymous source who heard a rumor during a tour of the Lawson home shortly after the murders. Arlington survived her brother Billy Frank Gilley Jr's killing of the rest of their family, and briefly fled with him before ultimately being the sole witness at the trial that sent him to jail. }, First published on October 30, 2009 / 8:29 AM. Christopher Harris, 30, and Jason Harris, 22, are charged in the deaths. "James Logan." The Lawsons worked as tenant tobacco farmers, saving enough money by 1927 to buy their own farm on Brook Cove Road. Low 38F. When my grandfather was old he came to this Reservation, where he lived with my father until his death. At least two canoes were dispatched from the Yellow Creek village to aid their members, but they were repelled by Greathouse's men concealed along the river. Grabbing the infant from her cradleboard, he took hold of its ankles and was about to dash its brains out when one of his companions intervened to save the child's life. In 1918, following the move of his younger brothers Marion and Elijah to the Germanton area, Lawson followed suit with his family. She was shot through her neck - it's a miracle she survived, let alone can walk and talk. "I was born on the West Bank of the Allegheny River, in the Cornplanter Reservation, in 1809, the same year as Abraham Lincoln. Thank you kindly! [Unresolved Murder] Was Scott Moody framed for his family's - reddit Nicole drove over to the home and discovered the other victims while speaking with 911. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. Reply for me details, My great great grandmother was nona spicer please e mail me at ptknight@live.com, Well, how many more skeletons are in the Spicer's Family Linage? The Killing and Capture of John Robert's Family - RootsWeb Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. [citation needed]. It would appear from the linked article that she called her step sister, who then came to the house and the step sister called police. Logan was the oldest son of Johnny Shikellamy, and both father and son were well known along the western border for their steadfast loyalty to the British. The Bird's Nest Bridge is located north of Steelville and stretches across the Meramec River. Logan was not present in the area when the massacre took place, and was summoned to return by runners. Logan family | TheBoldandtheBeautiful Wiki | Fandom Joshua, I had the family history book you mentioned but lost it in a fire. Audrey contacted Childrens Services, initiating a investigation that would see 36yo Stout fired and indicted on multiple felonies. I don't know why Stacy wouldn't know about the abuse. John Sappington, one of the Virginians, shot and killed Logan's brother and then scalped him. Matewan Massacre (U.S. National Park Service) Is it possible he didn't/wasn't (and wasn't involved in the murders), but saw a vulnerable teen girl he could exploit to have a relationship with after he got to know her because of investigating the murders? The family debuted in 1987. . The Logan Cemetery as it appears today north of Interstate 44. Police have called the Gee family murders a "brutal homicide." Porcelain Dolls: The Stacy Moody Story, on YouTube, a short, well-made documentary from 2016 in which Stacy speaks at length on camera. Society in July and saw the painting and the iron. display: block; Stout has always maintained that he befriended Stacy only because he thought she knew much more about shootings than she let on; in his guilty plea he admitting only to having considered speeding once when she was a passenger in his car. They'd tie up Ashley and demand a ransom. "The panic becoming universal, claimed Connolly, "nothing but confusion, Distress and Flight was conspicuous. Do you think Stout coached or coaxed Stacy in that first interview? Lastly, he killed the baby, Mary Lou; it is thought that she was bludgeoned to death. A 2019 massacre leaves nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel; Lara Logan meets with the surviving family members from La Mora, a. Westchester Incident | X-Men Movies Wiki | Fandom Chief Logan - Genealogy Trails #27 - Pan-tex.net Logan Name Meaning & Logan Family History at Ancestry.com Stacy, attempting to move past the tragedies, has not attempted to discover the identity of the man she saw that night. The Spicer Massacre Prelude Chief Logan of the Mingo was on good terms with the English Speaking Colonist west of the Alleghenies. They attacked settlers in several frontier regions, both killing and taking captives. Logan and small parties of Shawnee and Mingo soon began striking frontier settlers in revenge for the murders at Yellow Creek. The site is located six miles east of Russell Springs. Elizabeth Spicer (Betsy) is my 4th GrGrandmother. Ohio governor says guilty verdict in 2016 family massacre - CNN Logan, the county seat of Hocking County, was named in honor of Chief Logan of the Mingo Indian tribe. Stacy told Nicole that she and her mother had been beaten up and that she could not wake up her mother. The adults standing at the back are identified as Mame Madigan and E.M. Bougler. The dark hole of Topix has quite a few opinions that it was Stout, framing Scott. This would have been an unusual occurrence for a working-class rural family of the era, which has led to speculations that Lawson's act was premeditated. Also I can't seem to find any record of William Jr's Children, though being that they were born into an Indian tribe this is not necessarily surprising. ", The frightened settlers were more than warranted in their apprehension. Background [ edit] In 1911, Charles Lawson [1] married Fannie Manring, with whom he had eight children. Theres been no proof made public that he initiated a sexual relationship with Stacy before the murders. The Mystery of the Lawson Family Massacre | by Mr. K - Medium The Dean Family Massacre - The Pennsylvania Rambler The family refused to pay the ransom and Eric was eventually released, but Benjamin and a neighbor Luis Widmar were killed when 20 heavily armed men invaded the LeBaron home and shot both . Until I watched the documentary I thought she'd been shot through the neck. NYTimes piece published within 48 hours of the murders, edit: inaccurate reference to Wilma Buroker's will. Ricky Gray, Ray Dandridge Masterminded 2 Family Massacres | Crime News Stout is implying that Stacy was either the killer, or colluded with Scott and then turned on him. |Germanton]], North Carolina, United States on December 25, 1929, in which sharecropper Charles Davis "Charlie" Lawson murdered his wife and six of his seven children. He led raids throughout the upper Ohio Valley and into the Monongahela Valley. I was very excite to find this history along with the info about the tribe. View of the historical marker looking north along state route 2, with a distant view of the Mountaineer Casino across the street. Alex Murdaugh found guilty of murders of wife and son } Unsolved Mystery of the Dowdy Family Massacre - Texas Hill Country I wish I knew your name. My grandfather Michael father Michael Bowen came form PA. I hunted elk with the famous Jim Jacobs many times. This was a reunion of descendants of John and Liddia German and descendants of Medicine Water and Calf Woman whose destinies met at this site on September 11, 1874. John Logan was also known as Tachnechtoris, "The Spreading Oak" or John Shikellamy. Michael Cresap was responsible for attack. To the best of my knowledge, he died in this reservation, and is buried near the grave of Chief Cornplanter. Huski Chocolate Owner Net Worth,
Articles L
A 3-Year-Old Boy Was The Only Witness To His Mother's Murder In January 1992, 26-year-old Charlene Puffenbarger was found bludgeoned in her suburban Cleveland home. Numerous places carry Logan's name, including: Direct same to Lee Sultzman, as re-directed by West Virginia Archives and History, "Heron Who Waits at the Speleawee-thepee: The Ohio River and the Shawnee World", From Documentary History of Dunmore's War, "On This Day in West Virginia History, April 30, 1774: Massacre of Logan's family", Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate of the First Americans, Appletons' Cyclopdia of American Biography, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Logan_(Iroquois_leader)&oldid=1135970551, Logan Honors Program - at Fort Steuben Scout Reservation in. In the two years prior to the killings, police had visited the main farmhouse ten times in response to noise complaints, with no charges laid. #inline-recirc-item--id-d445f4ac-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child(5) { There are many Logans in the Reservations in Pennsylvania and New York; some are descended from my brother and sisters, others adopted the name because of the honor attached to it. Sincerely, Cheryl Bowen-Hance. Three SUVs arrived, two driving ahead, one lagging behind. Their delay in travel was a fateful error. But, as anthropologist Anthony F. C. Wallace has written, "Which of Shikellamy's sons was Logan the orator has been a matter of dispute. For Logan and the natives, the massacre was a declaration of war, and so began Lord Dunmore's War. He'd been a Logan County deputy sheriff for a year longer than Stacy had been alive. Crawford County Historical Society President Dennis Roedmeier is also author of Death of Innocence. The historical short story recounts the 1886 Logan Family Massacre and its aftermath. On a quiet morning of September 24, 1774, there was a sudden retribution made in the southern most boundary of Native American territory as War Chief James Logan and his companions massacred the John Roberts family, except one son, at the north fork of Reedy Creek. In the new settlement young Benjamin Logan wooed and married Montgomery's daughter Anne. After a few d. After his 1760s move to the Ohio Country, he became affiliated with the Mingo, a tribe formed from Seneca, Cayuga, Lenape and other remnant peoples. Headstone inscription reads "Not now, but in the coming years, it will be a better land, We'll read the meaning of our tears and then sometime we'll understand.". Teen's Family Had Problems Before Shootings | Fox News Thomas in this story comes up as a true line for me when I added him as my 4th GG grandfather, but there is no Michael listed a child of theirs. Hi. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Clear skies. On November 5, 2009, 13 people are killed and more than 30 others are wounded, nearly all of them unarmed soldiers, when a U.S. Army officer goes on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in central . But despite the violence perpetrated by natives and whites alike, there seemed to be a temporary lull in the hostilities. It was shocking, yes, but was it senseless? A key figure in land distribution was James Logan, agent of the Penn family, investor and political operator. I would love stay in contact and learn more about the Spicers, my email is omiakron@gmail.com Thank you! Cassidy Stay's 911 call likely saved her grandparents' lives. Because visitors began to pick at the raisins on the cake to take as souvenirs, it was placed in a covered glass cakeserver for many years. She has said she doesn't believe he could have killed her family. For years after, Sappington took particular delight in boasting of the feat and de- scribed the trophy, which still was adorned with trade silver, as a "very fine one." The home for all Missourians on reddit. CINCINNATI (WXIX) - The family of a 19-year-old killed Tuesday is "lost for words" after a triple shooting in Roselawn claimed their loved one's . A 2019 massacre leaves nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel; Lara Logan meets with the surviving family members from La Mora, a small Mormon community in Sonora, Mexico, who recount the events of that tragic day. Hi, Betsy is my 4th GrGrandmother. I would love to know if you have any information further back on the Bowen line. Their fear was well founded. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. Logan's band had frequently visited Baker's post and usually spent their time buying liquor, milk, and other small items. Answering the Call to Serve: Camp Logan, Houston, Texas 1917-1919. The most Logan families were found in USA in 1880. Myers shot and killed the Indian. He became a leader within the Mingo and helped to establish a Mingo Settlement with farms. I married Susan, a Seneca maid, and we had one child, James Logan, who died at the age of thirty. Important details about Logan have been disputed by scholars, including his original name and whether or not the words of "Logan's Lament" were actually his. She saw the killer, and he had grey hair. I too would love to obtain a copy of the family book! Jacob Greathouse himself slaughtered Koonay and dissected her belly, removed her unborn son and scalped him. In 1840 there were 186 Logan families living in Pennsylvania. The really wild thing is that the accused tried to blame a local black man, but neither the sheriff nor the lynch mobs believed him. Today, Nathaniel Tomlinson, Baker's brother-in-law, was more generous than usual with his liquor and eventually invited the Indians to take part in a shooting match. Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated] Cops: Two Brothers, Two Motives in Beason Family Murder From that angle, you'd think she would have a single memory of his shoes or pants or something. The visiting Mingo were lured by the promise of whiskey and games. His next brother was known as Tah-gah-jute, Sayughtowa, "The Beetling Brow", or James Logan. in 1773, a Mingo headman named Johnny Logan and a small band of followers had established a village thirty miles north of Wheeling, near the mouth of Yellow Creek (close to present-day Wellsville, Ohio). I don't know what happened between them. John Petty or Sogogeghyata, was the youngest of his brothers and bore the name of a Shamokin Indian Trader. Nice to meet you cousin! The day before the book was to be published, the author received a phone call from Stella Lawson, a relative who had already been interviewed for the book. I am Afro-American, my father's name is Mr. Buford Mason Spicer. Clearly, Virginia sought to widen the conflict, hoping that a victory over the western tribes would legitimize Virginia's claims to the region. Melted window glass discovered by Missouri Humanities Council Archaeologist Erin Whitson is the best evidence yet found of the 1886 Logan Family Massacre site. I did, however, learn some new uses of the word sh#t. Thrilling Adventures Among the American Indians by Edward S. Ellis, 1905 Some indicate that the Mingo were part of the Iroquois (Seneca) that left the Iroquois between 1740 and 1750 and migrated to Western Pennsylvania, the Ohio Country and West . That angle and location is, however, consistent with the wounds of every other victim. Since her initial lengthy interview with Deputy Sheriff Jon Stout, conducted on the scene before her transfer to hospital, Stacy has been adamant that Scott was not the killer. What a marvelous trainwreck. To Captain Cressap - What did you kill my people on Yellow Creek for. William Spicer remained among the Mingo with whom he had a great respect because of his athleticism. Nicole Gee attended Wednesday's hearing but has not spoken to reporters about the case. WAVERLY, Ohio (FOX19) - Angela Wagner pleaded guilty Friday in connection with the 2016 Rhoden family massacre. My cousin said to google and that is how I came upon this conversation. This is such a great piece of information. I have sought it: I have killed many: I have fully glutted my vengeance. Within seconds, all the Mingos were dead. In their desperation, Betsy and William frantically hollered for help to the farmers to no avail. Pike County Massacre: Angela Wagner pleads guilty - FOX19 Found dead in the family massacre were Raymond and Ruth Gee, approximately 46 and 39 years old, and their three children ages 11 to 16. But I was a dead shot, and can still beat men one-quarter of my age with the gun and bow and arrow. Duperrault Family Massacre - Criminal Discourse Podcast As she rolled over she was shot in the neck. If I'm understanding her correctly, it sounds like she's not particularly interested in pursuing the killer because deep down she knows that whoever did it has close ties to the family (moving from one house to the other). Does anyone know if there were any African Americans in this Spicer's Lineage, from Nashville or Virginia? [2] Lawson, having purchased his own farm two years previous, however, together with the fact that an Associated Press wire that went out on the day after the murders characterized Lawson as a "well-to-do farmer",[3] would make a pre-Christmas shopping spree appear reasonable. [10] The American elm tree in Pickaway County, Ohio under which Logan was said to have given the speech became known as the Logan Elm. 2009 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. She was by his side for 56 years and bore him ten childrensix sons and four daughters. The girl, who police said was shot seven times by ex-Marine Bryan . Alarmed by the gunfire from across the river, seven other members of Logan's camp started across the Ohio in two canoes to investigate. Michael Bowen is my third G.G. He had 3 known brothers and one sister. I too am interested in hearing more about the Spicers, if anyone would like to get in touch with me please leave a reply! My father after retiring from the war path, settled at Cold Spring, in the Allegheny Reservation, in New York State, where he died in 1944 aged 100 years. . Investigating, they discovered an Indian apparently in the act of stealing the animal. Pennsylvania had the highest population of Logan families in 1840. We still live, and raise cattle not 2 miles from where the spicer cabin stood. Like his father, Logan generally maintained friendly relationships with white settlers who were moving from eastern Pennsylvania and Virginia into the Ohio Country: the region that is now Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and western Pennsylvania. Stacys boyfriend left a few hours later. Afterwards, Lawson returned to the house and shot Fannie, who was on the porch. I would love to read the family book you mentioned, could you please tell me the title? Now was the time that "some wise interposition of Government is truly necessary, and would undoubtedly restore peace," claimed the agent. A plot was hatched to fake a kidnapping. The party under Taylaynee behest crossed the river to visit the cabin of Joshua Baker, a settler and rum trader. Logan Massacre - Clio William was the "White Renegade" man involved with the massacre of the Crow sisters. MORE ON CRIMESIDEROctober 8, 2009 - Nicole Gee Defends Ex-Husband Christopher Harris, Accused of Killing Her FamilySeptember 22, 2009 - Beason, Illinois Killer Slays Five but a Child Survives, Trending News Bleeding and in pain, she went to her mothers room and found her injured. Killed that morning in Bellefontaine, Ohio, were: The family farm began to decline in the mid-90s, around the time of Sheri Shafers divorce from Scott and Stacys father, Steve, and the death of her grandmother, Wilma. I think the gray hair is a false memory, too. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I use tobacco and liquor sparingly. Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, NearNewell in Hancock County, West Virginia , Photographed By Dale K. Benington, July 14, 2011, Logan Massacre. / CBS News. Concrete edging borders the grave containing Charlie and the seven victims. Dr. Snitker will be assuming the position formerly held by Dr. Monica Fulton, who will serve as Assistant Superintendent next year. It stayed in the McKee family through E(dgar) M(cKee) Lackey ownership in 1898, or for about 150 years. Greentree Learning Center recently invited Missouri S&T Miner basketball players Michael Appiah-Brefo and Lovell Williams to come play basketball with preschoolers as part of its continuing effort to build and sustain relationships with people and organizations within our community. Is there any proof Stout knew Stacy/was abusing her before the murders? After the government passed the Selective Service Act, over nine million men . How does a person shoot themselves from behind and above an ear with a freaking rifle?? However, many people familiar with the incident (including George Rogers Clark) knew that the Greathouse brothers and their men were the ones who had killed the party. The Logan family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Influential tribal chiefs in the region, such as Cornstalk (Shawnee), White Eyes (Lenape), and Guyasuta (Seneca/Mingo), attempted to negotiate a peaceful resolution lest the incident develop into a larger war, but by Native American custom Logan had the right to retaliate for the murders. She was able to turn her head a bit which is when she saw gray hair -- but that's it. In all, approximately a dozen Mingo were murdered in the cabin and on the river. Going to have to call my dad about this in the morning, he currently lives in that city. Greathouse and his companions also killed Logan's sister as she carried her newborn infant on her back. Logan Family Massacre The Logan Cemetery today holds the remains of Malcolm and Anna Logan as well as their four children. Patrick Wallace was lynched from the Birds Nest Bridge outside Steelville in 1886. Logan the Orator (c. 1723-1780) was a Cayuga orator and war leader born of one of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. My maiden name is Rebecca Jo Bowen. Hello, is George Wilson related to the Spicers? ", McKee had responded appropriately and energetically to the dangerous situation. Bloomington defense attorney Steve Skelton, who is representing Jason Harris, said after the court hearing that the case involves the most charges he's ever seen in a single criminal case. While dismissing McKee's words as lies, the Shawnees refused for the moment to go to war with the Virginians. Please follow up with me on this at :themorganza@yahoo.com, Apparently the THE CHARLEROI MAIL Friday, June 9, 1950Made a similar connectionhttp://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?411,309032. Please contact me, omiakron@gmail.com . He called out the local militia, ordered needed repairs to Fort Dunmore, and sent a party of soldiers to patrol the Ohio River below Pittsburgh, hoping to engage and defeat one of the hostile bands that roamed the area. Among the group was the sister and other family members of the Mingo leader Soyechtowa, or Tocaniadorogon, who had taken the name James Logan. My mother was a daughter of the Seneca Chief Cornplanter. The murder of the Lawson family refers to a familicide which took place in [[America He performed the condolence ceremony, "covering the Bones of their deceas'd Friends with some Goods suitable to the Occasion and agreeable to their Custom," and he dispatched several messages to the western tribes "to convince those People to whom they were to be delivered, of our Sincerity, And That We did not countenance these Misdemeanors. Logan was the oldest son of Johnny Shikellamy, and both father and son were well known along the western border for their steadfast loyalty to the British. Interesting! The brothers also planned to rob the family and took an Acer Aspire laptop computer, the documents say. Among the dead were several members of Logan's immediate family, including his mother and brother. Hed been a Logan County deputy sheriff for a year longer than Stacy had been alive. I agree about the counsellor's testimony. The 11-year-old sole survivor of an ex-Marine's massacre of a Florida family told cops she made it out alive by playing dead.. Spicer heard the Mingo tribesmen approaching and struck his ax in a log and approached the house to get some food to offer to his visitors. Edward Wagner pleaded not guilty in 2018 when he was charged in the Rhoden family murders. A letter written by Colonel William Christian to Colonel William Preston, dated November 8, 1774, definitely ties the Mingo Chief John Logan, as the leader of the Roberts massacre. Logan the Mingo is usually identified as a Mingo "chief", but historian Richard White has written that "He was not a chief. It's located about 5 miles N of Lexington, take Rt. Among the dead were several members of Logan's . 9 members of Mormon family killed in Mexico - YouTube Further tension and financial stagnation arose from Wilma having written a "bad will leaving the terms of the inheritance of her significant estate unclear. By the spring of 1774, Logan and his extended family (including Gibson's Indian wife) had relocated to a camp at the mouth of Yellow Creek. I'm wondering about the location of her grave. As part of a treaty of the Lord Dunmore War between the Colony of Virginia and Shawnee and Mingo nations, she was returned as a prisoner of war at Muddy Creek on Christmas Day 1774 to Colonel George Wilson. Until October 31 of that year, when Audrey picked up an extension of their home phone and overheard Stacy telling Stout her plan to lie to Audrey and Steve about her whereabouts the following weekend so that she and Stout could be together. It was not until the book White Christmas, Bloody Christmas[5] was published in 1990 that a claim of Charlie sexually abusing Marie surfaced, beginning with an anonymous source who heard a rumor during a tour of the Lawson home shortly after the murders. Arlington survived her brother Billy Frank Gilley Jr's killing of the rest of their family, and briefly fled with him before ultimately being the sole witness at the trial that sent him to jail. }, First published on October 30, 2009 / 8:29 AM. Christopher Harris, 30, and Jason Harris, 22, are charged in the deaths. "James Logan." The Lawsons worked as tenant tobacco farmers, saving enough money by 1927 to buy their own farm on Brook Cove Road. Low 38F. When my grandfather was old he came to this Reservation, where he lived with my father until his death. At least two canoes were dispatched from the Yellow Creek village to aid their members, but they were repelled by Greathouse's men concealed along the river. Grabbing the infant from her cradleboard, he took hold of its ankles and was about to dash its brains out when one of his companions intervened to save the child's life. In 1918, following the move of his younger brothers Marion and Elijah to the Germanton area, Lawson followed suit with his family. She was shot through her neck - it's a miracle she survived, let alone can walk and talk. "I was born on the West Bank of the Allegheny River, in the Cornplanter Reservation, in 1809, the same year as Abraham Lincoln. Thank you kindly! [Unresolved Murder] Was Scott Moody framed for his family's - reddit Nicole drove over to the home and discovered the other victims while speaking with 911. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. Reply for me details, My great great grandmother was nona spicer please e mail me at ptknight@live.com, Well, how many more skeletons are in the Spicer's Family Linage? The Killing and Capture of John Robert's Family - RootsWeb Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. [citation needed]. It would appear from the linked article that she called her step sister, who then came to the house and the step sister called police. Logan was the oldest son of Johnny Shikellamy, and both father and son were well known along the western border for their steadfast loyalty to the British. The Bird's Nest Bridge is located north of Steelville and stretches across the Meramec River. Logan was not present in the area when the massacre took place, and was summoned to return by runners. Logan family | TheBoldandtheBeautiful Wiki | Fandom Joshua, I had the family history book you mentioned but lost it in a fire. Audrey contacted Childrens Services, initiating a investigation that would see 36yo Stout fired and indicted on multiple felonies. I don't know why Stacy wouldn't know about the abuse. John Sappington, one of the Virginians, shot and killed Logan's brother and then scalped him. Matewan Massacre (U.S. National Park Service) Is it possible he didn't/wasn't (and wasn't involved in the murders), but saw a vulnerable teen girl he could exploit to have a relationship with after he got to know her because of investigating the murders? The family debuted in 1987. . The Logan Cemetery as it appears today north of Interstate 44. Police have called the Gee family murders a "brutal homicide." Porcelain Dolls: The Stacy Moody Story, on YouTube, a short, well-made documentary from 2016 in which Stacy speaks at length on camera. Society in July and saw the painting and the iron. display: block; Stout has always maintained that he befriended Stacy only because he thought she knew much more about shootings than she let on; in his guilty plea he admitting only to having considered speeding once when she was a passenger in his car. They'd tie up Ashley and demand a ransom. "The panic becoming universal, claimed Connolly, "nothing but confusion, Distress and Flight was conspicuous. Do you think Stout coached or coaxed Stacy in that first interview? Lastly, he killed the baby, Mary Lou; it is thought that she was bludgeoned to death. A 2019 massacre leaves nine Mormon women and children dead at the hands of a Mexican cartel; Lara Logan meets with the surviving family members from La Mora, a. Westchester Incident | X-Men Movies Wiki | Fandom Chief Logan - Genealogy Trails #27 - Pan-tex.net Logan Name Meaning & Logan Family History at Ancestry.com Stacy, attempting to move past the tragedies, has not attempted to discover the identity of the man she saw that night. The Spicer Massacre Prelude Chief Logan of the Mingo was on good terms with the English Speaking Colonist west of the Alleghenies. They attacked settlers in several frontier regions, both killing and taking captives. Logan and small parties of Shawnee and Mingo soon began striking frontier settlers in revenge for the murders at Yellow Creek. The site is located six miles east of Russell Springs. Elizabeth Spicer (Betsy) is my 4th GrGrandmother. Ohio governor says guilty verdict in 2016 family massacre - CNN Logan, the county seat of Hocking County, was named in honor of Chief Logan of the Mingo Indian tribe. Stacy told Nicole that she and her mother had been beaten up and that she could not wake up her mother. The adults standing at the back are identified as Mame Madigan and E.M. Bougler. The dark hole of Topix has quite a few opinions that it was Stout, framing Scott. This would have been an unusual occurrence for a working-class rural family of the era, which has led to speculations that Lawson's act was premeditated. Also I can't seem to find any record of William Jr's Children, though being that they were born into an Indian tribe this is not necessarily surprising. ", The frightened settlers were more than warranted in their apprehension. Background [ edit] In 1911, Charles Lawson [1] married Fannie Manring, with whom he had eight children. Theres been no proof made public that he initiated a sexual relationship with Stacy before the murders. The Mystery of the Lawson Family Massacre | by Mr. K - Medium The Dean Family Massacre - The Pennsylvania Rambler The family refused to pay the ransom and Eric was eventually released, but Benjamin and a neighbor Luis Widmar were killed when 20 heavily armed men invaded the LeBaron home and shot both . Until I watched the documentary I thought she'd been shot through the neck. NYTimes piece published within 48 hours of the murders, edit: inaccurate reference to Wilma Buroker's will. Ricky Gray, Ray Dandridge Masterminded 2 Family Massacres | Crime News Stout is implying that Stacy was either the killer, or colluded with Scott and then turned on him. |Germanton]], North Carolina, United States on December 25, 1929, in which sharecropper Charles Davis "Charlie" Lawson murdered his wife and six of his seven children. He led raids throughout the upper Ohio Valley and into the Monongahela Valley. I was very excite to find this history along with the info about the tribe. View of the historical marker looking north along state route 2, with a distant view of the Mountaineer Casino across the street. Alex Murdaugh found guilty of murders of wife and son } Unsolved Mystery of the Dowdy Family Massacre - Texas Hill Country I wish I knew your name. My grandfather Michael father Michael Bowen came form PA. I hunted elk with the famous Jim Jacobs many times. This was a reunion of descendants of John and Liddia German and descendants of Medicine Water and Calf Woman whose destinies met at this site on September 11, 1874. John Logan was also known as Tachnechtoris, "The Spreading Oak" or John Shikellamy. Michael Cresap was responsible for attack. To the best of my knowledge, he died in this reservation, and is buried near the grave of Chief Cornplanter.
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