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lithuanian surname dictionary
lithuanian surname dictionarylithuanian surname dictionary
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lithuanian surname dictionary
I think the name Urbannavage is a typically Americanized form of a Lithuanian surname, in this case, Urbanavicius. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Lithuanian surname lived. 33. 20. Zemaitus meaning "Samogitian". All rights reserved. This surname of Lithuanian origin is derived from rubi, meaning to become rough. Alexandras. Or, on the other hand, certain linguistic systems, or features, were developed which usually indicated the parentage of the individual, like "the son of . The name is derived from Peter, meaning rock or stone. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 100 Top Lithuanian Surnames With Meanings, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. Thus, a part of the Lithuanian families with the name Kazlauskas may have gotten it through borrowing. Romeka (Latin origin) meaning "of Rome". The Lithuanian family name was found in the USA in 1920. Valanciunas, is derived from the place name Valanciunai. baltas 'white,' Budrys is derived from the Lith. In the list of Lithuanian surnames, Lanka is the least common surnames. If the surname was a patronymic one [-aviius; -eviius; -aitis] that had a U.S. "sort-of-equivalent" surname, the immigrant might use that approach: Petraviius or Petraitis (which both mean son of Petras [Peter]) might become Peterson. The masculine form (Klmas, Vbalas, ukuskas, Varkal, Antanitis, Variakjis, Gudviius, etc.) Rimkus - This surname is associated with Lithuanian politician Kestutis Rimkus. Here are Lithuanian surname list with their meanings. From this dictionary, we will list here only those Lithuanian family names which more than 300 families are using. 75. SURNAME SEARCH - LITHUANIA - Polish Genealogical Society Of America Lithuanian surnames can tell a lot about a persons ancestors, where they came from, and sometimes what their occupation was. 10,000 Lithuanian Last Names and Surnames | PDF - Scribd I use the spelling "Antanaitis" because thisname is a patronymic one derived from the Lithuanian given name "Antanas". Litauische Dichtungen: Lithuanian poems by Christian Donaleitis, 18 th . Some Lithuanian immigrants might have Polonized their names if they lived in a Polish community . 85. Find Male Ancestors of Any "Noble" Ancestors, Church Marriage, Baptism and Death Records, Chicago (Lithuanian) RC Parish Registers Online, St Casimir (Lith) Parish (Chicago Heights), Lithuania RC Parish Registers (in the Lithuanian Archives and Online), View Online Lith RCC Registers [Preferred], Polonization of Lithuanian Names in Lith RCC Registers, Search Aids for My Ancestral Parishes in Lithuania, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuanian Surnames, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuania Place Names, Use of "De-Russified" Lithuania Place Names, About Male and Female Forms of Lithuanian Surnames. It is the word for the German word Elwin in the Lithuanian language. Petronis (Greek origin) meaning "rock". 1 A-H; 2 I-M; 3 N-S; 4 T-Z; A-H. Name Kanji Meaning Pronunciation Abe: division, area peaceful division doubly peaceful a-be: Ai: familiar well a-ee: Aikawa: lovely river double river ai-ka-wa: Aizawa: . 44. Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. German Surnames and their Origins. Jukna - This name is inked with Lithuanian rower Zigmas Jukna. The primary occurrence of this is for the baptism, marriage, and funeral records prepared by Lithuanian-speaking priests in U.S. ethnic Lithuanian RCparishes. Another strong masculine name for a baby boy who would grow up to be a brave young man. A Lithuanian personal name, as in most European cultures, consists of two main elements: the given name (vardas) followed by the family name (pavard).The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed (in addition to personal taste and family custom) by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition.Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. 70. Klukas (Slavic origin) meaning "gossip; tale-telling". Gaida (German origin) meaning "spear; lance". Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. Berankis meaning "armless". This occupational surname is used for someone who sells or makes tar. Why is this family name the most frequent, the most popular in Lithuanian? One of the traditional Lithuanian names used as a nickname for a rich man. Here, we present to you the list of such unique Lithuanian last names and meanings. ~Richard, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. 31. Over 25,000 entries in each section make this a standard reference. Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information, 1. help pagalba. They form a binding element throughout all the generations making it a very significant and reputable part of family lineage. Copyright 83. And many family names came from the neighboring Slavic languages, from German, and some even came from the related Latvian language. 84. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and Last names are known to be a crucial part of any family heritage. The organization that put together this valuable list of Lithuania's first soldiers has, to alert users that the organization would greatly appreciate receiving, commemoration volume for the 100th anniversary of the, If you have a question about this Scribd document, please, You might also be interested in the additional Lithuanian family names found at, Do not sell or share my personal information, The first family names appear in Lithuanian, in some instances, in the 14th century. The nature of the surnames depends on what was important to the society at the time surnames were adopted. Korsunovas - Well known and one of the best modern theatre director of Lithuania Oskaras Korsunovas has this surname. This Lithuanian last name is derived from Hebrew origin Matthew, meaning Gods gift. It means the Suns offspring. 57. Pavlis is derived from the personal name Paulis. You can reach words faster by adding them to Favorites. Use Internet translator. 67. Melis, meaning blue, is a Lithuanian surname derived from Melis. Ivanauskaite meaning "unmarried woman". (question mark) and Romeka, of Latin origin, means of Rome. The "Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" star, who learned her fate in federal court Friday morning, dined and boozed with a group of 20 at Italian hotspot Valbella at the Park in Midtown later that night. It is known to be the short form of Zukaskaus. Bernius is an occupational surname derived from Bernas meaning lad or farmhand. the database, so if the village of your ancestors is not listed, try the A useful feature of this interface is filtering the search on location. Translation for: '' in Chinese->English dictionary. 99. 53. A Church For All People. location names") from the menu. Norbut (German origin) meaning "bright; north". The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings-aitis,-aviius, and-eviiusare all patronymic suffixes. In present-day Lithuania, theconventions for spelling of surnames are now fairly well standardized, but in older records there are many more variations, and it is often difficult to know if the surname was simply misspelled in a particular record. (In Modern Icelandic, this system is still in use). General speaking, this biblical name occurs most frequently as the first (given, Christian) name, such as John, Jack, Hans, Heinz, Jens, Janis, Jonas, Ivan in many European languages. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Gudaitis originally may have meant 'the son of gudas' (Lith. It is also an occupational name from a grower of the fruit. patronymic from the personal name Markus, a pet form of Mark. Roslyn Lithuanian Cemetery One may wonder about the most popular Lithuanian family name, Kazlauskas. Juska, derived from Justus, is a name from Old French origin name, Just meaning Justice. Kavaliauskas Lithuanian. Introduction. Most Common Lithuanian Surnames & Meanings - Forebears Banionis - This surname is made well known by Lithuanian actor Donatas Banionis. This is a list of 10,000 Lithuanian last names and surnames. Prussian-Lithuanian Surnames - Page 3 - LITTLELITHUANIA Martinkus - This family name is associated with Lithuanian pilot Romualdas Marcinkus. This Lithuanian surname is derived from Vytautas, comprising of vyti meaning to guide and tauta meaning the people. (Dictionary of Lithuanian Family Names: A-K). Sample translated sentence: If they did not use the same surname, that of either parent could be chosen. Created by the Lithuanian writer Vydnas, who possibly derived it from a Sanskrit word meaning "destiny". provide important clues allowing to advance your research, at least for the Zukas, meaning white rabbit, is also used as a nickname. Notes on Selected Polish Surnames. 17. will match all surnames starting with St. The Sharkey surname is associated with Lithuanian boxer Jack Sharkey. 4. For more Eastern European surnames, take a look at Ukrainian Last Names and Norse Surnames. On the landing page, scroll down and click the green "Sutinku" ("Agree") 94. This Lithuanian surname is derived from Belorussia. Juska - This last name is associated with popular Lithuanian professional football player Egidijus Juska. The name is derived from the Polish word Bialy, meaning white. 90. Keturakis meaning "four eyes" in the Lithuanian language. Cemetery, Tamaqua: S.S. Peter& Paul R.C. Romeka (Latin origin) meaning "of Rome". Web Sites Lithuanian Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. 72. Kestutis Pempe, the president of the Lithuanian Architects Association, carries this last name. Baleckas is a Lithuanian form of Valeska. The individuals named are men who volunteered to be in the, in Lithuania than in most English-speaking count, searched; an important life event of that person (birth, marriage or, All of the information needed to begin a genealogy search in. for the given surname. It is the diminutive form of Andreas, meaning courageous or valiant. The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed (in addition to personal taste or family custom) by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition. (previous page) * Template:Lithuanian family name; A. Abramaviius; Abromaviius; Just as Lithuanian is one of the rare and unique languages, their surnames are some of the oldest and rarest in the world. Your '-as' example would be a masculine nominative. The name is derived from Demetrios a Greek origin name meaning follower of Demeter. Learn Your Surname Meaning (Last Names Starting with A-Z Typical results entry contains the surname, followed by an abbreviated list of But there is also the possibility that this family name may be only a translation into one of the Slavic languages of the original Lithuanian name (originally a nickname) such as Oys, Oelis, Oiukas, Oytis, all meaning 'he goat; buck.' Lanka is known to be short for Lithuanian Lankauskas. For example, the Lithuanian surname "Balkus" means "white." A Lithuanian immigrant with the surname of Balkus may have became a White in the United States. The most popular Lithuanian family name is, clearly, Kazlauskas (1576 families), followed by Jankauskas (1482), Butkus (1021), and Balinas (999). According to K. Rymut (Rymut 1999: LXV-LXVI) "the native names would be . It is important to note In the database; English Lithuanian 127,000 phrases and phrases, Lithuanian English 105,000 words and phrases. Free Surname Origins and Last Name Meanings. So, if you don't have any other 100 Lithuanian Surnames or Family Names With Meanings, 25 Quotes and Sayings for Your Babys Baptism Ceremony, 11 Easy Valentines Day Treats For School, 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Protecting Adolescents From Common Food and Waterborne Diseases, Why an Ideal pH 5.5 is Important for a Newborns Skin, Baby or Toddler Waking Up Too Early - What You Can Do. 20+ Common Lithuanian Names: The Best List! - Ling App At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Mazeika meaning "small; short". Generally, the suffix -ien indicates a married woman, and this suffix is attached by dropping the male surname suffixes. And only in the 18th century this process of assigning a family name to each family may have been concluded. This family name is associated with Lithuania basketball player Rokas Giedraitis. Lithuanian Surnames - most common family names from Lithuania. Category:Polish surnames from Lithuanian - Wiktionary You can search for either a complete surname, or construct a more complex Surnames Meanings, Origins & Distribution Maps - Forebears information about where in Lithuania your ancestors came from, this tool may This is an Ashkenazi Jewish ornamental last name taken from the German word 'Bach' meaning a 'creek' or a 'stream.'. Your privacy is important to us. Lithuanian last names came into existence in the 14th century and have mostly Christian origin. Lithuanian surnames definitions and meanings - Geni Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to translate text, words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. 30. Lietuvi pavardi odynas - Lki This Lithuanian last name is of Greek origin. Lithuanian surnames. This does not influence our choices. Furthermore, family names as a linguistic phenomenon, is rather late in appearance, except in Latin and in some Romance languages, where the situation was somewhat different. The Great Families of Lithuania - DRAUGAS NEWS Other endings are, in both languages, inherited from the common proto-language, Proto-Indo-European. It is known to be an occupational search names list for people who sold tar. adjective budrus 'alert,' Butkus goes back, ultimately, to the basic root Lith. location, allowing you to quickly see which locations were the most "popular" Lithuania: The Rebel Nation , 1997. Kanas is a Lithuanian surname which is often used as a nickname too. This Lithuanian surname is also spelt as Sukis and derived from Suke, meaning judgment and Sukoti, meaning comb. This family name is made famous by Lithuania national basketball player Vytautas Norkus. 40. The online database of Lithuanian last names is based on the Dictionary of Lithuanian Last Names, with its Volume I issued in 1985, and Volume II in 1989 (managing editor A.Vanagas, authors A.Vanagas, V.Maciejauskien, M.Razmukait). Find Ancestors in Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Birth Registers, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Marriage Registers, 6. This family name is associated with Lithuanian state prize-winning poet and translator Albinas Bernotas. There were Lithuanian Jews or Litvaks who followed the Lithuanian way of life, and then surnames arose from Lithuanian Jewish people. 2010-2023 Lithuanian surnames in the 14th century were only reserved for the nobility when they first became a tradition. Bonus originates from the Latin language and means good. Ivanauskaite means unmarried woman. About Lithuanian vs. "Americanized" Surnamesin Lithuanian RC Parishes in the U.S. About Patronymic Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings, About Older (Antiquated) Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, In modern Lithuanian, the conventions for suffix endings of female surnames (as described above) are now standardized, but you may find other forms in records because there apparently were once regional differences within Lithuania. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, It is one of the popular Lithuanian last names. Song Chang-ho - Unionpedia, the concept map The University of Rochester. Zdanys - Lithuania based bilingual poet Jonas Zdanys made this surname popular. Giedraitis translates as unmarried. 11. 26. 77. Soon after that he went on a hunt again and four miles away from Trakai, on a beautiful hill on the shore of the Vilnia river, he . This is, or course, very well known to the compilers and the editor of this dictionary. These names are : Balinas, Bruas, Budrys, Butkus, Gudaitis, Kairys. The name also has its origin in Hebrew, meaning Supplanter. Backus is a Lithuanian surname from back, meaning barrel. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Danis is a Hebrew origin Lithuanian surname derived from Daniel, meaning God is my Judge. These names are : Balinas, Bruas . Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. Lithuanian last names have origins in several languages including Polish, Latin, German, and even Hebrew. This Lithuania surname is made famous by Lithuanian poet Janina Degutyte. (And these situations get even more complicated because the priestsdidn't always spell names correctly and they had multiple ways of converting surnames into Latin for the Latin-language records of the RCparishes.) Andris, is derived from the Greek personal name Andreas. This can easily be seen in the lists of names of the old Lithuanian rulers and other . It is known to be one of the ancient Lithuanian names. Thus, the similarity. Submitted photos from the Lithuanian community. By tradition, Lithuanians have two names - the surname, inherited from one's father (more rarely, from mother) and the given name. (Jonaitis) ). 1. 100. 82. This surname is popularized through the famous Lithuanian discus thrower Virgilijus. For example, the Polish ending -iewicz will usually require Lithuanian -eviius (without diacritical marks typically accepted). You can further click the "Iskleisti" ("Expand") link, to display the Shaulis meaning "rifleman". For reasons such as convenience, or of . This Lithuanian topographic name implies someone who lives at the end of the village. A-bruz-zee-se is how to pronounce this name, signifying someone from the mountainous Abruzzi region in Southern Italy . JewishGen Lithuania Collection Premier international Jewish genealogy website, MEMBER-ONLY search engines are in BROWN. 19 relations: Asan Mugunghwa FC, Asian Football Confederation, Association football, Busan IPark, Daegu FC, Dong-a University, Jeonnam Dragons, K League, Korean FA Cup, Korean League Cup, Lee Seul-gi, Midfielder, Pohang Steelers, Song (Korean surname), South Korea, 2008 K League, 2009 K League, 2010 K-League, 2011 K-League. The language. This Lithuanian surname is derived from Balcius, a first name that has its origin in Baltas, meaning White. 50. If you don't have specific Lithuanian letters on your keyboard, you can (If one does not believe this, let him/her glance through the huge telephone directories of such large cities like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles). Historically, the Greek -os corresponds exactly to Lithuanian -as. 28. This is also used as a nickname for a person short in height. Connecticut had the highest population of Lithuanian families in 1920. Molis is a surname of Lithuanian origin derived from Molius, meaning brick maker or Molis, meaning clay. Urmana - Famous Lithuania based opera singer Violeta Urmana has this surname. In 1920 there was 1 Lithuanian family living in Connecticut. Martinkus is a patronymic form of Martin. Quartalsbericht der Reisekosten Q2 2022 im Bundesministerium fr Arbeit This list may not reflect recent changes. PUBLIC search engines are in GREEN Zilinskiene - It is a feminine form of Zlinskas, which is used as a name for a married or a widow name. Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor and Any Immigrant Relatives. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. 95. Answer (1 of 4): Like Silvestras Guoga said, this is not a suffix. Originally, all of them had had some concrete meaning. Lithuanian Surnames | American Slavic and East European Review Trace your ancestry and build your family tree. It is included in the rare Lithuanian surnames list. One o the rarely used Lithuanian last names. Answer: Lithuania has a rich history, many of the Lithuanian surnames reflect this history. Marknas Lithuanian. The Lithuanian surnames are unique and showcase the rich heritage of Lithuania. All the males in the family have the same suffix {Example: The mother in the family typically has the suffix, The daughter in the family typically has the suffix, You mayalso see other slight variations of these suffixes associated with differences in grammatical case. 2018/07/24 Due to a recent update to one of the libraries, it broke all the links to the information on this page. My grandmotherconsidered her family name to be "Antanaitis", but her brother considered his family name to be "Antonaitis". Lithuanian born singer Anthony Kiedis has this family name. Surnames of Lithuanian origin (13 P) Pages in category "Lithuanian-language surnames" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 250 total. 7. 27. PDF | On Jan 1, 2008, Alina Naruszewicz-Duchliska published Surnames of Lithuanian origins in Polish anthroponomy | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Find the meaning and origin of your surname or last name in this online dictionary of family names. is used for all male members of a family without regard of age or marital status.The surname of married women ends always in -ien Klmiene, Vabalen, ukuskiene, Varkalien . This family name is associated with Lithuanian guitar maker Tony Zemaitis who made guitars for some very famous musicians like Bob Dylan and George Harrison. Karmazinas is a Lithuanian surname that means crimson. 49. Galdikas is a Lithuanian middle name and surname. Links to various email lists and social/online groups dealing with Lithuanian genealogy and family history. The popular anthropologist Birute Galdikas has carried this surname. Ajauskas - Lithuanian painter Valentinas Ajauskas has this surname. Zukas meaning "modern; volatile". From Lithuanian dalis meaning "portion, share". With respect to Lithuanian surnames, there are some differences about our ancestors' Lithuanian culture that oneneeds to understand because those differences may have influenced how an ancestor's name is spelled in a U.S. record. Gustajtis. Lithuanian name | Familypedia | Fandom Find Ancestors in Non-Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, 7. Ear Wax Smells Sweet,
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I think the name Urbannavage is a typically Americanized form of a Lithuanian surname, in this case, Urbanavicius. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Lithuanian surname lived. 33. 20. Zemaitus meaning "Samogitian". All rights reserved. This surname of Lithuanian origin is derived from rubi, meaning to become rough. Alexandras. Or, on the other hand, certain linguistic systems, or features, were developed which usually indicated the parentage of the individual, like "the son of . The name is derived from Peter, meaning rock or stone. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 100 Top Lithuanian Surnames With Meanings, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. Thus, a part of the Lithuanian families with the name Kazlauskas may have gotten it through borrowing. Romeka (Latin origin) meaning "of Rome". The Lithuanian family name was found in the USA in 1920. Valanciunas, is derived from the place name Valanciunai. baltas 'white,' Budrys is derived from the Lith. In the list of Lithuanian surnames, Lanka is the least common surnames. If the surname was a patronymic one [-aviius; -eviius; -aitis] that had a U.S. "sort-of-equivalent" surname, the immigrant might use that approach: Petraviius or Petraitis (which both mean son of Petras [Peter]) might become Peterson. The masculine form (Klmas, Vbalas, ukuskas, Varkal, Antanitis, Variakjis, Gudviius, etc.) Rimkus - This surname is associated with Lithuanian politician Kestutis Rimkus. Here are Lithuanian surname list with their meanings. From this dictionary, we will list here only those Lithuanian family names which more than 300 families are using. 75. SURNAME SEARCH - LITHUANIA - Polish Genealogical Society Of America Lithuanian surnames can tell a lot about a persons ancestors, where they came from, and sometimes what their occupation was. 10,000 Lithuanian Last Names and Surnames | PDF - Scribd I use the spelling "Antanaitis" because thisname is a patronymic one derived from the Lithuanian given name "Antanas". Litauische Dichtungen: Lithuanian poems by Christian Donaleitis, 18 th . Some Lithuanian immigrants might have Polonized their names if they lived in a Polish community . 85. Find Male Ancestors of Any "Noble" Ancestors, Church Marriage, Baptism and Death Records, Chicago (Lithuanian) RC Parish Registers Online, St Casimir (Lith) Parish (Chicago Heights), Lithuania RC Parish Registers (in the Lithuanian Archives and Online), View Online Lith RCC Registers [Preferred], Polonization of Lithuanian Names in Lith RCC Registers, Search Aids for My Ancestral Parishes in Lithuania, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuanian Surnames, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuania Place Names, Use of "De-Russified" Lithuania Place Names, About Male and Female Forms of Lithuanian Surnames. It is the word for the German word Elwin in the Lithuanian language. Petronis (Greek origin) meaning "rock". 1 A-H; 2 I-M; 3 N-S; 4 T-Z; A-H. Name Kanji Meaning Pronunciation Abe: division, area peaceful division doubly peaceful a-be: Ai: familiar well a-ee: Aikawa: lovely river double river ai-ka-wa: Aizawa: . 44. Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. German Surnames and their Origins. Jukna - This name is inked with Lithuanian rower Zigmas Jukna. The primary occurrence of this is for the baptism, marriage, and funeral records prepared by Lithuanian-speaking priests in U.S. ethnic Lithuanian RCparishes. Another strong masculine name for a baby boy who would grow up to be a brave young man. A Lithuanian personal name, as in most European cultures, consists of two main elements: the given name (vardas) followed by the family name (pavard).The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed (in addition to personal taste and family custom) by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition.Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. 70. Klukas (Slavic origin) meaning "gossip; tale-telling". Gaida (German origin) meaning "spear; lance". Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. Berankis meaning "armless". This occupational surname is used for someone who sells or makes tar. Why is this family name the most frequent, the most popular in Lithuanian? One of the traditional Lithuanian names used as a nickname for a rich man. Here, we present to you the list of such unique Lithuanian last names and meanings. ~Richard, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. 31. Over 25,000 entries in each section make this a standard reference. Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information, 1. help pagalba. They form a binding element throughout all the generations making it a very significant and reputable part of family lineage. Copyright 83. And many family names came from the neighboring Slavic languages, from German, and some even came from the related Latvian language. 84. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and Last names are known to be a crucial part of any family heritage. The organization that put together this valuable list of Lithuania's first soldiers has, to alert users that the organization would greatly appreciate receiving, commemoration volume for the 100th anniversary of the, If you have a question about this Scribd document, please, You might also be interested in the additional Lithuanian family names found at, Do not sell or share my personal information, The first family names appear in Lithuanian, in some instances, in the 14th century. The nature of the surnames depends on what was important to the society at the time surnames were adopted. Korsunovas - Well known and one of the best modern theatre director of Lithuania Oskaras Korsunovas has this surname. This Lithuanian last name is derived from Hebrew origin Matthew, meaning Gods gift. It means the Suns offspring. 57. Pavlis is derived from the personal name Paulis. You can reach words faster by adding them to Favorites. Use Internet translator. 67. Melis, meaning blue, is a Lithuanian surname derived from Melis. Ivanauskaite meaning "unmarried woman". (question mark) and Romeka, of Latin origin, means of Rome. The "Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" star, who learned her fate in federal court Friday morning, dined and boozed with a group of 20 at Italian hotspot Valbella at the Park in Midtown later that night. It is known to be the short form of Zukaskaus. Bernius is an occupational surname derived from Bernas meaning lad or farmhand. the database, so if the village of your ancestors is not listed, try the A useful feature of this interface is filtering the search on location. Translation for: '' in Chinese->English dictionary. 99. 53. A Church For All People. location names") from the menu. Norbut (German origin) meaning "bright; north". The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings-aitis,-aviius, and-eviiusare all patronymic suffixes. In present-day Lithuania, theconventions for spelling of surnames are now fairly well standardized, but in older records there are many more variations, and it is often difficult to know if the surname was simply misspelled in a particular record. (In Modern Icelandic, this system is still in use). General speaking, this biblical name occurs most frequently as the first (given, Christian) name, such as John, Jack, Hans, Heinz, Jens, Janis, Jonas, Ivan in many European languages. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Gudaitis originally may have meant 'the son of gudas' (Lith. It is also an occupational name from a grower of the fruit. patronymic from the personal name Markus, a pet form of Mark. Roslyn Lithuanian Cemetery One may wonder about the most popular Lithuanian family name, Kazlauskas. Juska, derived from Justus, is a name from Old French origin name, Just meaning Justice. Kavaliauskas Lithuanian. Introduction. Most Common Lithuanian Surnames & Meanings - Forebears Banionis - This surname is made well known by Lithuanian actor Donatas Banionis. This is a list of 10,000 Lithuanian last names and surnames. Prussian-Lithuanian Surnames - Page 3 - LITTLELITHUANIA Martinkus - This family name is associated with Lithuanian pilot Romualdas Marcinkus. This Lithuanian surname is derived from Vytautas, comprising of vyti meaning to guide and tauta meaning the people. (Dictionary of Lithuanian Family Names: A-K). Sample translated sentence: If they did not use the same surname, that of either parent could be chosen. Created by the Lithuanian writer Vydnas, who possibly derived it from a Sanskrit word meaning "destiny". provide important clues allowing to advance your research, at least for the Zukas, meaning white rabbit, is also used as a nickname. Notes on Selected Polish Surnames. 17. will match all surnames starting with St. The Sharkey surname is associated with Lithuanian boxer Jack Sharkey. 4. For more Eastern European surnames, take a look at Ukrainian Last Names and Norse Surnames. On the landing page, scroll down and click the green "Sutinku" ("Agree") 94. This Lithuanian surname is derived from Belorussia. Juska - This last name is associated with popular Lithuanian professional football player Egidijus Juska. The name is derived from the Polish word Bialy, meaning white. 90. Keturakis meaning "four eyes" in the Lithuanian language. Cemetery, Tamaqua: S.S. Peter& Paul R.C. Romeka (Latin origin) meaning "of Rome". Web Sites Lithuanian Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. 72. Kestutis Pempe, the president of the Lithuanian Architects Association, carries this last name. Baleckas is a Lithuanian form of Valeska. The individuals named are men who volunteered to be in the, in Lithuania than in most English-speaking count, searched; an important life event of that person (birth, marriage or, All of the information needed to begin a genealogy search in. for the given surname. It is the diminutive form of Andreas, meaning courageous or valiant. The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed (in addition to personal taste or family custom) by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition. (previous page) * Template:Lithuanian family name; A. Abramaviius; Abromaviius; Just as Lithuanian is one of the rare and unique languages, their surnames are some of the oldest and rarest in the world. Your '-as' example would be a masculine nominative. The name is derived from Demetrios a Greek origin name meaning follower of Demeter. Learn Your Surname Meaning (Last Names Starting with A-Z Typical results entry contains the surname, followed by an abbreviated list of But there is also the possibility that this family name may be only a translation into one of the Slavic languages of the original Lithuanian name (originally a nickname) such as Oys, Oelis, Oiukas, Oytis, all meaning 'he goat; buck.' Lanka is known to be short for Lithuanian Lankauskas. For example, the Lithuanian surname "Balkus" means "white." A Lithuanian immigrant with the surname of Balkus may have became a White in the United States. The most popular Lithuanian family name is, clearly, Kazlauskas (1576 families), followed by Jankauskas (1482), Butkus (1021), and Balinas (999). According to K. Rymut (Rymut 1999: LXV-LXVI) "the native names would be . It is important to note In the database; English Lithuanian 127,000 phrases and phrases, Lithuanian English 105,000 words and phrases. Free Surname Origins and Last Name Meanings. So, if you don't have any other 100 Lithuanian Surnames or Family Names With Meanings, 25 Quotes and Sayings for Your Babys Baptism Ceremony, 11 Easy Valentines Day Treats For School, 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Protecting Adolescents From Common Food and Waterborne Diseases, Why an Ideal pH 5.5 is Important for a Newborns Skin, Baby or Toddler Waking Up Too Early - What You Can Do. 20+ Common Lithuanian Names: The Best List! - Ling App At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Mazeika meaning "small; short". Generally, the suffix -ien indicates a married woman, and this suffix is attached by dropping the male surname suffixes. And only in the 18th century this process of assigning a family name to each family may have been concluded. This family name is associated with Lithuania basketball player Rokas Giedraitis. Lithuanian Surnames - most common family names from Lithuania. Category:Polish surnames from Lithuanian - Wiktionary You can search for either a complete surname, or construct a more complex Surnames Meanings, Origins & Distribution Maps - Forebears information about where in Lithuania your ancestors came from, this tool may This is an Ashkenazi Jewish ornamental last name taken from the German word 'Bach' meaning a 'creek' or a 'stream.'. Your privacy is important to us. Lithuanian last names came into existence in the 14th century and have mostly Christian origin. Lithuanian surnames definitions and meanings - Geni Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to translate text, words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. 30. Lietuvi pavardi odynas - Lki This Lithuanian last name is of Greek origin. Lithuanian surnames. This does not influence our choices. Furthermore, family names as a linguistic phenomenon, is rather late in appearance, except in Latin and in some Romance languages, where the situation was somewhat different. The Great Families of Lithuania - DRAUGAS NEWS Other endings are, in both languages, inherited from the common proto-language, Proto-Indo-European. It is known to be an occupational search names list for people who sold tar. adjective budrus 'alert,' Butkus goes back, ultimately, to the basic root Lith. location, allowing you to quickly see which locations were the most "popular" Lithuania: The Rebel Nation , 1997. Kanas is a Lithuanian surname which is often used as a nickname too. This Lithuanian surname is also spelt as Sukis and derived from Suke, meaning judgment and Sukoti, meaning comb. This family name is made famous by Lithuania national basketball player Vytautas Norkus. 40. The online database of Lithuanian last names is based on the Dictionary of Lithuanian Last Names, with its Volume I issued in 1985, and Volume II in 1989 (managing editor A.Vanagas, authors A.Vanagas, V.Maciejauskien, M.Razmukait). Find Ancestors in Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Birth Registers, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Marriage Registers, 6. This family name is associated with Lithuanian state prize-winning poet and translator Albinas Bernotas. There were Lithuanian Jews or Litvaks who followed the Lithuanian way of life, and then surnames arose from Lithuanian Jewish people. 2010-2023 Lithuanian surnames in the 14th century were only reserved for the nobility when they first became a tradition. Bonus originates from the Latin language and means good. Ivanauskaite means unmarried woman. About Lithuanian vs. "Americanized" Surnamesin Lithuanian RC Parishes in the U.S. About Patronymic Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings, About Older (Antiquated) Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, In modern Lithuanian, the conventions for suffix endings of female surnames (as described above) are now standardized, but you may find other forms in records because there apparently were once regional differences within Lithuania. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, It is one of the popular Lithuanian last names. Song Chang-ho - Unionpedia, the concept map The University of Rochester. Zdanys - Lithuania based bilingual poet Jonas Zdanys made this surname popular. Giedraitis translates as unmarried. 11. 26. 77. Soon after that he went on a hunt again and four miles away from Trakai, on a beautiful hill on the shore of the Vilnia river, he . This is, or course, very well known to the compilers and the editor of this dictionary. These names are : Balinas, Bruas, Budrys, Butkus, Gudaitis, Kairys. The name also has its origin in Hebrew, meaning Supplanter. Backus is a Lithuanian surname from back, meaning barrel. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Danis is a Hebrew origin Lithuanian surname derived from Daniel, meaning God is my Judge. These names are : Balinas, Bruas . Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. Lithuanian last names have origins in several languages including Polish, Latin, German, and even Hebrew. This Lithuania surname is made famous by Lithuanian poet Janina Degutyte. (And these situations get even more complicated because the priestsdidn't always spell names correctly and they had multiple ways of converting surnames into Latin for the Latin-language records of the RCparishes.) Andris, is derived from the Greek personal name Andreas. This can easily be seen in the lists of names of the old Lithuanian rulers and other . It is known to be one of the ancient Lithuanian names. Thus, the similarity. Submitted photos from the Lithuanian community. By tradition, Lithuanians have two names - the surname, inherited from one's father (more rarely, from mother) and the given name. (Jonaitis) ). 1. 100. 82. This surname is popularized through the famous Lithuanian discus thrower Virgilijus. For example, the Polish ending -iewicz will usually require Lithuanian -eviius (without diacritical marks typically accepted). You can further click the "Iskleisti" ("Expand") link, to display the Shaulis meaning "rifleman". For reasons such as convenience, or of . This Lithuanian topographic name implies someone who lives at the end of the village. A-bruz-zee-se is how to pronounce this name, signifying someone from the mountainous Abruzzi region in Southern Italy . JewishGen Lithuania Collection Premier international Jewish genealogy website, MEMBER-ONLY search engines are in BROWN. 19 relations: Asan Mugunghwa FC, Asian Football Confederation, Association football, Busan IPark, Daegu FC, Dong-a University, Jeonnam Dragons, K League, Korean FA Cup, Korean League Cup, Lee Seul-gi, Midfielder, Pohang Steelers, Song (Korean surname), South Korea, 2008 K League, 2009 K League, 2010 K-League, 2011 K-League. The language. This Lithuanian surname is derived from Balcius, a first name that has its origin in Baltas, meaning White. 50. If you don't have specific Lithuanian letters on your keyboard, you can (If one does not believe this, let him/her glance through the huge telephone directories of such large cities like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles). Historically, the Greek -os corresponds exactly to Lithuanian -as. 28. This is also used as a nickname for a person short in height. Connecticut had the highest population of Lithuanian families in 1920. Molis is a surname of Lithuanian origin derived from Molius, meaning brick maker or Molis, meaning clay. Urmana - Famous Lithuania based opera singer Violeta Urmana has this surname. In 1920 there was 1 Lithuanian family living in Connecticut. Martinkus is a patronymic form of Martin. Quartalsbericht der Reisekosten Q2 2022 im Bundesministerium fr Arbeit This list may not reflect recent changes. PUBLIC search engines are in GREEN Zilinskiene - It is a feminine form of Zlinskas, which is used as a name for a married or a widow name. Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor and Any Immigrant Relatives. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. 95. Answer (1 of 4): Like Silvestras Guoga said, this is not a suffix. Originally, all of them had had some concrete meaning. Lithuanian Surnames | American Slavic and East European Review Trace your ancestry and build your family tree. It is included in the rare Lithuanian surnames list. One o the rarely used Lithuanian last names. Answer: Lithuania has a rich history, many of the Lithuanian surnames reflect this history. Marknas Lithuanian. The Lithuanian surnames are unique and showcase the rich heritage of Lithuania. All the males in the family have the same suffix {Example: The mother in the family typically has the suffix, The daughter in the family typically has the suffix, You mayalso see other slight variations of these suffixes associated with differences in grammatical case. 2018/07/24 Due to a recent update to one of the libraries, it broke all the links to the information on this page. My grandmotherconsidered her family name to be "Antanaitis", but her brother considered his family name to be "Antonaitis". Lithuanian born singer Anthony Kiedis has this family name. Surnames of Lithuanian origin (13 P) Pages in category "Lithuanian-language surnames" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 250 total. 7. 27. PDF | On Jan 1, 2008, Alina Naruszewicz-Duchliska published Surnames of Lithuanian origins in Polish anthroponomy | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Find the meaning and origin of your surname or last name in this online dictionary of family names. is used for all male members of a family without regard of age or marital status.The surname of married women ends always in -ien Klmiene, Vabalen, ukuskiene, Varkalien . This family name is associated with Lithuanian guitar maker Tony Zemaitis who made guitars for some very famous musicians like Bob Dylan and George Harrison. Karmazinas is a Lithuanian surname that means crimson. 49. Galdikas is a Lithuanian middle name and surname. Links to various email lists and social/online groups dealing with Lithuanian genealogy and family history. The popular anthropologist Birute Galdikas has carried this surname. Ajauskas - Lithuanian painter Valentinas Ajauskas has this surname. Zukas meaning "modern; volatile". From Lithuanian dalis meaning "portion, share". With respect to Lithuanian surnames, there are some differences about our ancestors' Lithuanian culture that oneneeds to understand because those differences may have influenced how an ancestor's name is spelled in a U.S. record. Gustajtis. Lithuanian name | Familypedia | Fandom Find Ancestors in Non-Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, 7.
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