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» idling to rule the gods creation calculator
idling to rule the gods creation calculator
idling to rule the gods creation calculatoridling to rule the gods creation calculator
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idling to rule the gods creation calculator
( so if your creation count is 50 then each batch will produce 50 units at once). If you are curious which token pets are the best to spend your tokens on depending where you are in the game, take a look at this sheet by Nonomo: {\displaystyle m = 0.205\% = \frac{0.205}{100} = 0.00205}. no bonuses) would mean Bs = 1. Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags, 100 x Water, 25 x Plant, 25 x Fish, 15 x Animal, 5,000 x Stone, 5,000 x Plant, 200 x Human, 1 x River, 1 x Forest, 250,000 x Stone, 10,000 x Plant, 5,000 x Human, 1 x River, 30,000,000 x Water, 5,000,000 x Plant, 1,000,000 x Fish, 500 x River, 1,000,000 x Plant, 100,000 x Animal, 100 x River, 3 x Mountain, 10 x Forest, 15 x Town, 1.000E+9 x Air, 100.000E+6 x Water, 5 x Ocean, 1 x Continent, 100.000E+6 x Light, 3.000E+9 x Air, 1 x Weather, 100.000E+9 x Air, 10.000E+9 x Soil, 25.000E+9 x Water, 5.000E+9 x Plant, 1 x Planet, 100 x Planet, 1 x Earthlike Planet, 10 x Sun. {\displaystyle m = \frac{\sqrt{\text{DMC Might}}}{500}\%} Each completed Creation batch generates Creating. {\displaystyle Whenever you make a creation or achieve a creating achievement, you gain a certain amount of Creating main stat score. The ending is still unclear, is it an evil or a good religion? Newbie Guide - Bearhack - Covers close to all game aspects up to a player defeating Baal for the first time. The 2nd upgrade will always have the same cost as the first, and from there on, the cost is equal to (Base Cost) * (level - 1)^2. Something to know is that what you create significantly affects the stat. } The unlocked creations are reset each Rebirth, and the Gods must be defeated again to make them available for creation. If you're saying that, then I'm here to tell you that the ratio completely depends on what you plan to do. As of now it seems owner has stopped updating the sheet. This start at 1 for new players and can be increased for 50 GP per CC in the shop. Transformation Aura General Guide - Lordmatthius - Cover most game aspects like in the Newbie guide except this guide is written in a more like manual-like fashion where you can rather navigate to aspects you want to know more information about. Idling to Rule the Gods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Currently a same kind of calculator is also in the compiled sheet. The speed of this is dictated by Creation Speed, but we will get into that later. m Idling to Rule the Gods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Base multiplier of 30. For example, a grade 10 Physical and grade 10 Ultimate crystal equipped combine to give 2000% to Physical stat, and a total of 60% extra BS. With a 35% bonus, Bs = 1.35 and so on. This is a list of all changelogs since the first released Version of the game. The amount generated is impacted by your Creation Multiplier and the higher tier Creations generate more Creating power over time. % \times \left(\text{Transformation Aura} \times m \times 2 + 3 \right)} Idling to Rule the Gods SteamDB The first GP you get should be spent on CS ( creation speed). Below is a link to a calculator if you want to use it. Here is the formula for a GoogleSheets spreadsheet: =(5*(If(ISEVEN(Floor(25*(1-(0.02*BHC)))),ROUNDDOWN(25*(1-(0.02*BHC))),ROUNDUP(25*(1-(0.02*BHC))))))*(n-1). Caps at grade 30 for 3000% Mystic and 90% damage reduction. \times \left(\text{Elemental Manipulation} \times m\right) Shadow Clones are automatically available from the start of every Rebirth; each successive Creation is unlocked by defeating a God, starting from Hyperion. If we have 50 Might Levels in each skill (e.g. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Idling To Rule The Gods Creation Calculator - hifasr For Upgrades, you can treat the cost for the first upgrade as the base cost. Unless something is limiting your maximum clones, then there's always value in increasing this. Total Buildtime = (Bb * n * n + 1) / 2 * (1000 / C) / Bs. Depending on your play-style, you can play it fast or slow. Idling to Rule the Gods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. We use the 10,000 Stone as the Base cost to calculate the cost of the 27th Might Statue using the formula above: We use the 10,000 Stone as the Base cost to calculate the cost of 27 Might Statues using the formula above: This page was last edited on 30 October 2022, at 17:27. On the far right it also shows the Exp per clone, Exp needed to the next level and the number of clones required to achieve this. Each crystal has a conversion rate, which is the% of crystals which will remain after upgrading them to the next level. Is also written in a chronological order and can be read along as you progress through your (first) UBC. % ( {\displaystyle \text{Creating Multiplier} = \frac{1}{1 - \lceil\log_{8}\left( \text{Creating} \times 0.1 \right)\rceil \times 0.02}}. 12 3 It is best to buy 35% for 10 GP every time you buy as this is more creating speed per god power compared to the other options. Creation Count also increases the amount of Creating main stat you receive per each batch produced by an extra 5% per extra creation above 1. It will start at around 16:45 in gmt+1 and lasts for the usual 2 weeks. \times \left(50 \times 0.00205 \times 2 + 3 \right)} Base multiplier of 6. ) Greetings Stuhl-o-mator EDIT: CREATION CALC added The main benefit of creation count comes from the ability to create more than 1 clone at a time. THE MISSISSIPPI SCHEME. All rights reserved. If you equip this crystal in combination with a basic crystals, the effects for that stat are combined additively. Mystic Mode Soon after, Hyperion, the first god found the humans and fought them. {\displaystyle =\frac{\sqrt{{10\,506}}}{500}\%} The further down the list of monuments you go, the more they help with rebirth multis and stats after you rebirth. In the year 9001, humans destroyed all habitable planets in the known universe. 500000 This limit is increased by 4% for each PBC completed. It should probably be "min" instead of "sec". 3 The Unleash Might tooltip in-game shows this in% notation, i.e. Speed Run Guide - Shadow543211 - Covers how to start speed running, minimum stats required along with a couple of speed running builds. This guide can be helpful to newer players and will often be referred to when a player is not sure which challenge to do (and when). 50 Idling to Rule the Gods is a free to play Idle-Game with a lot of content and some Minigames. ) \times \left(50 \times 0.00205 + 2 \right) Your base creation count starts at one and can be increased by 1 for 50 GP or 5 for 250 GP. However, if you create villages by auto-buying the materials for it and setting the limit to 0, then you will notice how much creation you can get. 8 Second Monument costs 5x as much as the first. you can train them at full speed by just 1 clone each. At at approximately 1e42 Creating you will receive the maximum Creating Stat Multiplier of 10. The god crystal gives you 3 CP per grade. 1.5 = You can only raise the count to 99,999 using this method. ( Building speed allows you to build monuments and your divinity generator faster. {\displaystyle You must click to unlock it during your Might unleash. You start with 2 crystal equip slots, but can get up to 6 with Kong/Steam purchases, lucky draws, or pet stones from the item pet campaign. Offensive Aura It is ruled by gods. Convers unlocking Planet, UBC preps, Ultimate Beings, Crystal Factory, Climbing and traps to avoid. Rule the gods calculator Hi, so back when I found this game on Kongregate I became really addicted and create a calculator so you know how much base materials you need to craft thos hi requirements objects. Each creation takes a certain amount of time to create a single batch of that given creation. m Cookies help us deliver our services. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Creating gained is significantly affected by the tier of Creations made. 50 The higher your clone count is, the longer it takes to reach the max amount. Idling to Rule the Gods - Challenge Order Guide. This way you will waste only 56 clones on training skills. Mofula watomivuzu ja yosoyu. Use of the "Next At" option may help with this. {\displaystyle \frac{\text{Base Creation Time}}{\text{Creating Multiplier}} \times \frac{100}{3}}. scripps institution of oceanography graduate programs; rosemont seneca advisors website God Idle Management Mouse Only Unity Upgrades Hacks 34 Reviews 1 Sol Files 5 Links 3 Topics 1 Badges 10 Description Wondering where the hacks are at? By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 0.205 4 Which means you can build 4 more. This start at 1 for new players and can be increased for 50 GP per CC in the shop. Your base creation count starts at one and can be increased by 1 for 50 GP or 5 for 250 GP. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If your creation count is 100, but your maximum clones is only 1 million, then that means you are creating things extremely fast, but it doesn't really translate into progression after a certain point. Idling to Rule the Gods (App 466170) Community Items Offensive Aura This means that all your skills have a clone cap 1, i.e. = 12 This rebirth multiplier will apply to the same stats that the monument impacts: a Mystic Garden upgrade affects the mystic multiplier, while the Godly Statue and Temple of God upgrades will affect every stats' rebirth multiplier. Boosts Physical, Mystic, Battle and Creating. + Caps at grade 30 for 3000% Battle and 90% more divinity/s. It seems to affect it, not sure about the exact numbers butmine seem o take around the same time as creating them. Only the most divine people will get it. If you're planning longer rebirths, this stat matters more verse shorter rebirths. The formula on how much the next upgrade will increase the multiplier on a monument's current effect is: So, the first upgrade multiplies the power of a monument by 15, then adds 25 , 35, and so on to that factor with each upgrade. Idling to Rule the Gods - Apps on Google Play Prices Charts Information Packages 4 Depots 3 Configuration Cloud Saves Achievements Community 19 Screenshots Related Apps History Community Items Base multiplier of 150. To get m, we convert from% notation: Elemental Manipulation Unlike the other 3, creation speed's effectiveness is limited. Coming Soon 2 However, you shouldn't blindly only focus on clone count. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). CC Last updated on: 2021-03-06 as of version 2.8k. Ultimate Universe Challenge Guide - Rino_007 - Guide for doing the Challenges#Ultimate Universe Challenge .28UUC.29 Challenge. = ) The higher up creations give more stats, but you generally want to aim for the highest creation you can easily create without going into negative divinity per second. 500 As creations take the same amount of time regardless of batch size, this means that a higher CC speeds up creation at the cost of a higher cost per batch. This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 09:17. The two most notable milestones are 345% (the amount of CS needed to black bar clones after gaining enough creation stats, and 3334% (the amount of CS to black bar clones without any creation). Creating? :: Idling to Rule the Gods General Discussions The amount generated is much more for higher-tier Creations and is increased by your Creating Multiplier. Valve Corporation. 50 Generally, this amount is kept lower that other stats until you need to create creations faster. % \text{Might Levels} \approx \sqrt[4]{500000 \over 3 \times m^4} When you reach the point of black baring your clones (creating them at the faster speed, which should show a black bar), then creation count becomes the only real way to increase the speed you can create clones. Its the same creating speed as the normal creation that the evil creation is based on. Creation and building calculator for regular and some challenge situation, it calculates next ats, times and costs of certain things. How Old Is Tova Borgnine Son,
Spiritual Awakening Twin Flame Separation,
Nwi Times Obituaries Valparaiso,
Rob Kelly Psychotherapist,
Nursing Admission Notes Example,
Articles I
( so if your creation count is 50 then each batch will produce 50 units at once). If you are curious which token pets are the best to spend your tokens on depending where you are in the game, take a look at this sheet by Nonomo: {\displaystyle m = 0.205\% = \frac{0.205}{100} = 0.00205}. no bonuses) would mean Bs = 1. Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags, 100 x Water, 25 x Plant, 25 x Fish, 15 x Animal, 5,000 x Stone, 5,000 x Plant, 200 x Human, 1 x River, 1 x Forest, 250,000 x Stone, 10,000 x Plant, 5,000 x Human, 1 x River, 30,000,000 x Water, 5,000,000 x Plant, 1,000,000 x Fish, 500 x River, 1,000,000 x Plant, 100,000 x Animal, 100 x River, 3 x Mountain, 10 x Forest, 15 x Town, 1.000E+9 x Air, 100.000E+6 x Water, 5 x Ocean, 1 x Continent, 100.000E+6 x Light, 3.000E+9 x Air, 1 x Weather, 100.000E+9 x Air, 10.000E+9 x Soil, 25.000E+9 x Water, 5.000E+9 x Plant, 1 x Planet, 100 x Planet, 1 x Earthlike Planet, 10 x Sun. {\displaystyle m = \frac{\sqrt{\text{DMC Might}}}{500}\%} Each completed Creation batch generates Creating. {\displaystyle Whenever you make a creation or achieve a creating achievement, you gain a certain amount of Creating main stat score. The ending is still unclear, is it an evil or a good religion? Newbie Guide - Bearhack - Covers close to all game aspects up to a player defeating Baal for the first time. The 2nd upgrade will always have the same cost as the first, and from there on, the cost is equal to (Base Cost) * (level - 1)^2. Something to know is that what you create significantly affects the stat. } The unlocked creations are reset each Rebirth, and the Gods must be defeated again to make them available for creation. If you're saying that, then I'm here to tell you that the ratio completely depends on what you plan to do. As of now it seems owner has stopped updating the sheet. This start at 1 for new players and can be increased for 50 GP per CC in the shop. Transformation Aura General Guide - Lordmatthius - Cover most game aspects like in the Newbie guide except this guide is written in a more like manual-like fashion where you can rather navigate to aspects you want to know more information about. Idling to Rule the Gods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Currently a same kind of calculator is also in the compiled sheet. The speed of this is dictated by Creation Speed, but we will get into that later. m Idling to Rule the Gods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Base multiplier of 30. For example, a grade 10 Physical and grade 10 Ultimate crystal equipped combine to give 2000% to Physical stat, and a total of 60% extra BS. With a 35% bonus, Bs = 1.35 and so on. This is a list of all changelogs since the first released Version of the game. The amount generated is impacted by your Creation Multiplier and the higher tier Creations generate more Creating power over time. % \times \left(\text{Transformation Aura} \times m \times 2 + 3 \right)} Idling to Rule the Gods SteamDB The first GP you get should be spent on CS ( creation speed). Below is a link to a calculator if you want to use it. Here is the formula for a GoogleSheets spreadsheet: =(5*(If(ISEVEN(Floor(25*(1-(0.02*BHC)))),ROUNDDOWN(25*(1-(0.02*BHC))),ROUNDUP(25*(1-(0.02*BHC))))))*(n-1). Caps at grade 30 for 3000% Mystic and 90% damage reduction. \times \left(\text{Elemental Manipulation} \times m\right) Shadow Clones are automatically available from the start of every Rebirth; each successive Creation is unlocked by defeating a God, starting from Hyperion. If we have 50 Might Levels in each skill (e.g. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Idling To Rule The Gods Creation Calculator - hifasr For Upgrades, you can treat the cost for the first upgrade as the base cost. Unless something is limiting your maximum clones, then there's always value in increasing this. Total Buildtime = (Bb * n * n + 1) / 2 * (1000 / C) / Bs. Depending on your play-style, you can play it fast or slow. Idling to Rule the Gods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. We use the 10,000 Stone as the Base cost to calculate the cost of the 27th Might Statue using the formula above: We use the 10,000 Stone as the Base cost to calculate the cost of 27 Might Statues using the formula above: This page was last edited on 30 October 2022, at 17:27. On the far right it also shows the Exp per clone, Exp needed to the next level and the number of clones required to achieve this. Each crystal has a conversion rate, which is the% of crystals which will remain after upgrading them to the next level. Is also written in a chronological order and can be read along as you progress through your (first) UBC. % ( {\displaystyle \text{Creating Multiplier} = \frac{1}{1 - \lceil\log_{8}\left( \text{Creating} \times 0.1 \right)\rceil \times 0.02}}. 12 3 It is best to buy 35% for 10 GP every time you buy as this is more creating speed per god power compared to the other options. Creation Count also increases the amount of Creating main stat you receive per each batch produced by an extra 5% per extra creation above 1. It will start at around 16:45 in gmt+1 and lasts for the usual 2 weeks. \times \left(50 \times 0.00205 \times 2 + 3 \right)} Base multiplier of 6. ) Greetings Stuhl-o-mator EDIT: CREATION CALC added The main benefit of creation count comes from the ability to create more than 1 clone at a time. THE MISSISSIPPI SCHEME. All rights reserved. If you equip this crystal in combination with a basic crystals, the effects for that stat are combined additively. Mystic Mode Soon after, Hyperion, the first god found the humans and fought them. {\displaystyle =\frac{\sqrt{{10\,506}}}{500}\%} The further down the list of monuments you go, the more they help with rebirth multis and stats after you rebirth. In the year 9001, humans destroyed all habitable planets in the known universe. 500000 This limit is increased by 4% for each PBC completed. It should probably be "min" instead of "sec". 3 The Unleash Might tooltip in-game shows this in% notation, i.e. Speed Run Guide - Shadow543211 - Covers how to start speed running, minimum stats required along with a couple of speed running builds. This guide can be helpful to newer players and will often be referred to when a player is not sure which challenge to do (and when). 50 Idling to Rule the Gods is a free to play Idle-Game with a lot of content and some Minigames. ) \times \left(50 \times 0.00205 + 2 \right) Your base creation count starts at one and can be increased by 1 for 50 GP or 5 for 250 GP. However, if you create villages by auto-buying the materials for it and setting the limit to 0, then you will notice how much creation you can get. 8 Second Monument costs 5x as much as the first. you can train them at full speed by just 1 clone each. At at approximately 1e42 Creating you will receive the maximum Creating Stat Multiplier of 10. The god crystal gives you 3 CP per grade. 1.5 = You can only raise the count to 99,999 using this method. ( Building speed allows you to build monuments and your divinity generator faster. {\displaystyle You must click to unlock it during your Might unleash. You start with 2 crystal equip slots, but can get up to 6 with Kong/Steam purchases, lucky draws, or pet stones from the item pet campaign. Offensive Aura It is ruled by gods. Convers unlocking Planet, UBC preps, Ultimate Beings, Crystal Factory, Climbing and traps to avoid. Rule the gods calculator Hi, so back when I found this game on Kongregate I became really addicted and create a calculator so you know how much base materials you need to craft thos hi requirements objects. Each creation takes a certain amount of time to create a single batch of that given creation. m Cookies help us deliver our services. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Creating gained is significantly affected by the tier of Creations made. 50 The higher your clone count is, the longer it takes to reach the max amount. Idling to Rule the Gods - Challenge Order Guide. This way you will waste only 56 clones on training skills. Mofula watomivuzu ja yosoyu. Use of the "Next At" option may help with this. {\displaystyle \frac{\text{Base Creation Time}}{\text{Creating Multiplier}} \times \frac{100}{3}}. scripps institution of oceanography graduate programs; rosemont seneca advisors website God Idle Management Mouse Only Unity Upgrades Hacks 34 Reviews 1 Sol Files 5 Links 3 Topics 1 Badges 10 Description Wondering where the hacks are at? By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 0.205 4 Which means you can build 4 more. This start at 1 for new players and can be increased for 50 GP per CC in the shop. Your base creation count starts at one and can be increased by 1 for 50 GP or 5 for 250 GP. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If your creation count is 100, but your maximum clones is only 1 million, then that means you are creating things extremely fast, but it doesn't really translate into progression after a certain point. Idling to Rule the Gods (App 466170) Community Items Offensive Aura This means that all your skills have a clone cap 1, i.e. = 12 This rebirth multiplier will apply to the same stats that the monument impacts: a Mystic Garden upgrade affects the mystic multiplier, while the Godly Statue and Temple of God upgrades will affect every stats' rebirth multiplier. Boosts Physical, Mystic, Battle and Creating. + Caps at grade 30 for 3000% Battle and 90% more divinity/s. It seems to affect it, not sure about the exact numbers butmine seem o take around the same time as creating them. Only the most divine people will get it. If you're planning longer rebirths, this stat matters more verse shorter rebirths. The formula on how much the next upgrade will increase the multiplier on a monument's current effect is: So, the first upgrade multiplies the power of a monument by 15, then adds 25 , 35, and so on to that factor with each upgrade. Idling to Rule the Gods - Apps on Google Play Prices Charts Information Packages 4 Depots 3 Configuration Cloud Saves Achievements Community 19 Screenshots Related Apps History Community Items Base multiplier of 150. To get m, we convert from% notation: Elemental Manipulation Unlike the other 3, creation speed's effectiveness is limited. Coming Soon 2 However, you shouldn't blindly only focus on clone count. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). CC Last updated on: 2021-03-06 as of version 2.8k. Ultimate Universe Challenge Guide - Rino_007 - Guide for doing the Challenges#Ultimate Universe Challenge .28UUC.29 Challenge. = ) The higher up creations give more stats, but you generally want to aim for the highest creation you can easily create without going into negative divinity per second. 500 As creations take the same amount of time regardless of batch size, this means that a higher CC speeds up creation at the cost of a higher cost per batch. This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 09:17. The two most notable milestones are 345% (the amount of CS needed to black bar clones after gaining enough creation stats, and 3334% (the amount of CS to black bar clones without any creation). Creating? :: Idling to Rule the Gods General Discussions The amount generated is much more for higher-tier Creations and is increased by your Creating Multiplier. Valve Corporation. 50 Generally, this amount is kept lower that other stats until you need to create creations faster. % \text{Might Levels} \approx \sqrt[4]{500000 \over 3 \times m^4} When you reach the point of black baring your clones (creating them at the faster speed, which should show a black bar), then creation count becomes the only real way to increase the speed you can create clones. Its the same creating speed as the normal creation that the evil creation is based on. Creation and building calculator for regular and some challenge situation, it calculates next ats, times and costs of certain things.
How Old Is Tova Borgnine Son,
Spiritual Awakening Twin Flame Separation,
Nwi Times Obituaries Valparaiso,
Rob Kelly Psychotherapist,
Nursing Admission Notes Example,
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