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doctor who fanfiction 11th doctor hurt
doctor who fanfiction 11th doctor hurtdoctor who fanfiction 11th doctor hurt
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doctor who fanfiction 11th doctor hurt
She didn't fear Abnormal and people didn't hesitate to make her feel like it. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (148), Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures - Various Authors (2), Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond/Rory Williams (39), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, sex pollen except amy is having none of it, Older Amy Pond (Episode:s06e10 The Girl Who Waited), Post-Episode AU: s06e10 The Girl Who Waited, eleven/amy trying to find each other again, there might be more than one chapter to this actually, back when i was convinced there was going to be an entire smith-era 60th anniversary special, and it makes me sad that it's never going to happen, The Age of Paradox- Book 2.5: Miracle Day, Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter), laughing at some of these suggested tags i mean honestly, I Wrote This While Listening To The Weeknd, Pre-Episode: s05e10 Vincent and The Doctor, but still manages to make an incredible speech, Post-Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, I really wish they'd put the concept of the Doctor's sentiment in the episode, but I guess that's what fanfiction is for, Episode: s08e08 Mummy on the Orient Express, amy and twelve have an iconic scottish argument, I have been thinking about writing this one for ages, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald Friendship, but i have a whole headcanon this happened anyway, I had this in my head for ages and it wouldn't go away, aka that time in Britain some guy tried to kill the king, so for 400 years we've been celebrating by burning his effigy, Episode: s12e04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, Episode: s13e04 Village of the Angels (Doctor Who), Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, Standing Out Under String Lights and Constellations. Mentions of Ten/Rose, one sided Martha/Ten. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (420), Twelfth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Reader is not impossible girl theyre mysterious, Ahhh yes i shall adopt this traumatised and depressed man, They sit in comfortable silence until now, Because who needs words when you can watch the sun, They will get a name and i will eventually gender them (or maybe not lol), Forced To Watch (A belated Febuwhump Post), Reader is The Doctor's Companion (Doctor Who), the doctor's awareness of her body and appearance is awful, this could probably happen in doctor who tbh, there will be a cool sci fi explanation for how the body swap happened, the tenth doctor has a tentacle dick no i wont elaborate, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Original Female Character(s), The Doctor (Doctor Who) & Original Female Character(s), Tenth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), The fun adventures of The Doctor and her companion, Eleventh Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Amy Pond (Doctor Who) & Original Female Character(s), River Song & Original Female Character(s), Sleeping At Last Songs that Would Describe a Relationship with the Eleventh Doctor, "_____" Songs The Would Describe (a) Relationship(s) with "______", written as platonic but can be read as romantic, the doctor is purposefully vague so you can imagine whatever face, hell this could be Lumleys thirteenth doctor or Jackson Lake or Dhawan!Doctor if you want, or any role-swapped or fanmade doctor for that matter, the doctor (doctor who) isnt referred to with any pronouns, reader isnt referred to with any pronouns, what actually happened to trigger the nightmare is left vague, no beta we die like Ja- ohn Barrowmans prospects of returning to the show, idk man i wrote this with high blood sugar so the quality might be ahhhh. While the Doctor awaits to hear about the mental health of Grace, he comes across a very unusual young lady named Champagne whose past is a mystery even to her. Just make it a good one, eh?" tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Please consider turning it on! That said, we have a responsive version of bluepurple ready to go! It becomes a race against time for the Doctor and Amy to rescue Rory before he's auctioned off and shipped away. when they met them everything changed, as specially since when Rose is The Doctor's Romantic Soulmate and Damon is the Professor's Romantic Soulmate. September encapsulates everything. My little tribute to the great actress who is sadly no longer with us. Donna knew she had signed up for danger, but when faced with an injured Time Lord, it suddenly became much more real. Hands scraped and bleeding and maybe it would be better if neither of them had hands at all. . The urge that left your body like a battlefield. That special person is called their Bonded. cause its a gay show but it needs to be gayer. 11 Elizabeth Mae Tyler: Rose's adoptive sister what happens when they meet a 900-year-old alien and he takes them into time and space? texttospeech. The one where Amy and River wind up the Doctor. Language: English Words: 776 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 2 . Please consider turning it on! What about River? doctor. A new student appears at Jericho Street Comprehensive, just as schoolgirl Rose Tyler needs saving. What does it have to do with schedules? The Doctor could never define what Clara meant to him in any quantifiable terms. The Doctor (Doctor Who) Whump - Works | Archive of Our Own During the weekend of December 28, we're going to switch Teaspoon's skin over to the beta skin we released earlier this year. Sequel to the Witness +13 more. No young woman should go through that pain. If anything, I almost admired how he handled it. This is a collection of all my Doctor x Fem Reader One Shots. 9th, 10th, 11th Doctors x OC Not to you." The Doctor and Amy find themselves locked up, yet again. After "The End of Time", the Doctor regenerates into his final incarnation and the TARDIS is damaged by the regeneration energy. Hes working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. Doctor Who drabbles based on Saint Motel's The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Were gonna win. But how can he find her if he doesnt even know what she looks like?He thought of Rose. The urge that left you many nights feeling like . Just acknowledge what I said. This archive currently hosts 43612 stories and 5009 authors. WHO am I? Human AU: Prompt - River teaching 11 how to kiss, and 11 ends up kissing River really leaving River silent and flustered for a moment, "This is where we've always been heading, you and I." The Doctor and you get a distress signal from a small villlage somewhere on earth, but the moment you land and get out of the Tradis she dissapears!Now forced to solve this mystery, what will you find? But mostly an 11th Doctor/Rose reunion fic. What's River Song's connection to the Tardis and Amy? But their ticket may only be one way. Chaos as well as learning how to tiptoe around a distraught Doctor. The Winchesters never had the easiest of lives, to say the least. Two Rose Tylers. Doctor Who - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,649 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 13 - Published: Oct 9, 2012 - 11th Doctor, River Song/Melody P. III. Another Auton duplicate? # 2. Sequel to 'Chameleon-arched Rose Tyler(10th Doctor era)' What are the cracks in space and time? He asks. He didn't remember most of them, though. Fluff and Hurt/Comfort. Eleventhdoctor Stories - Wattpad The Doctor and Yasmin Khan have a conversation after the events of the Legend of the Sea Devils but before Power of the Doctor. "Exactly!" I. The Voted one of the fan favourite doctor who books! He has to deal with the fact that she doesn't want to actually see him. But I wont need to. The Doctor has a lot of secrets. The only thing he has in his pocket worth anything is the Sonic Screwdriver. His favourite companion yet. It was everything she dreamed of, until one day when tragedy struck. you decide to change that tonight. While Rose has no desire to deal with the trauma her Tardis has another way of dealing with it entirely. The doctor finds a young girl who believes she is human, but she is not, she is more than that, she is a child of Gallifrey. happy end. Heed all the warnings and tags. But their ticket may only be one way. Eleven accepts the help, and teaches Rory about his biology. Eleven reflects on his relationship with the Ponds and realises that he loves Rory. "Tale as old as time,Song as old as rhyme,Beauty and the beast,"(Updates every other Monday and Saturday! The Doctor is feeling lonely after the loss of The Ponds and Clara Oswald. 9th, 10th, 11th Doctors x OC An enslaved town built in perpetual darkness. 'Quiet!' The only thing the Doctor does know is that he thinks of her everyday. On the fifth day, she smells smoke. Whouffaldi/AU/warnings of sex, stalking and violence. he cried and checked for a pulse.Nothing. They shall run from the beginning to the end of time and beyond, and if anything tries to stand in their way, their worlds will burn. Rose and her husband had a fantastic life. When The Doctor runs into an old friend, who had been previously assumed dead, it's both a relief and terrifying. Theres a mutual attraction and John will stop at nothing to make sure Clara is his forever. , , . It terrified her. 'Good morning, everyone!' just a jumble of one shots for my favorite DW characters that i dont see much of. Form that moment on Lunas life change for the better, even death is knocking on her door. Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond - Works | Archive of Our Own Now. (you wouldn't call a stranger "darling girl" now would you). Telepathic Bond. But this is probably the better outcome. John Smith is a sociopath, but a sociopath in love. With their crazy bow tie man. Eleventh Doctor/You (61) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (326) Angst (198) Reader-Insert (175) Hurt/Comfort (124) Romance (65) Fluff and Angst (62) What would have happened if she never died? For a moment there was silence before Jack stepped forward and wordlessly hugged him. Action Fanfiction Romance. But in this regeneration, there seem to be more than usual. ETA: as of 9:30pm UTC, this is fixed. If I dont make it - if we cant save Rose - dont bother with my body, because Im not going to regenerate. This life of yours is filled with blood, with pain and death and woes; every day you spin this wheel and the danger for you grows. Even his dreams are filled with her. You get hurt and the Doctor takes care of you. Please consider turning it on! A reunion story in four acts:Act I: IntroAct II: PrologueAct III: The ReunionAct IV: The Story Continues, Prompt: You look like you could use a hug. The girl he might very nearlythen shakes his head.But of course. To make up for all the mistakes he had never committed, and most of all to repair the heart he hadnt broke. What would have happened if she never died? The Eleventh Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who.He is played by Matt Smith in three series as well as five specials. Prompt from Doctorwithaspoon on AO3. What's one harmless little kiss? There's a small town. This is their story. All he knew was that she meant a great deal to him, an enormous deal to him, that he probably loved her in whatever way, and above all else, he knew she'd keep his head on straight. Doctor Who x Reader one shot I wrote for my creative writing class. When the TARDIS mysteriously vanishes, the Doctor and Amy Pond are left stranded on a futuristic human colony. !SEQUEL OUT NOW!! 11th Doctor Fanfiction Stories - Quotev Doctor-who Stories - Wattpad The Doctor meets a very different Rose in 2005.Why is her past his future? The Doctor has just regenerated. After their return from a parallel world, the Doctor, Amy, Natalie and K9 join forces with Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper to solve the mystery of the Miracle that erased death. 11th Doctor x sad reader. [6] "And you're my clever man, Doctor." Meu orientador o Jared, que a propsito, amigo da famlia h anos, o que me faz ter certa intimidade com ele, e uma pequena queda por ele tambm (uma queda do tamanho do monte Everest). Fanfiction. It put her brain on the edge of an idea and her tongue ready to burst out with the answer. A collection of drabbles set in the Doctor Who universe. Well let's just say that now he knows what River means. Complications arise when other parties want them for themselves. Missy tricks the Doctor and sexually assaults him for days. By the time he looked back down at the Doctor, he'd stopped breathing. And what if, just for kicks and giggles, the Dream Lord actually looked and acted like the Eleventh Doctor? So, it's says /reader but that because it's my first time trying ta tag something soooooo. I don't know how it happened, but I do know that the Doctor left me. A young CIA agent Operator Narvin, soon finds out the young twenty year old hes just taken in doesnt know shes a time lady or that shes half Gallifreyan. You must have been moving in your sleep because your legs are tangled in the duvet. AU. Revenant// a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. Season 6 - rewrite. Unsteady Ground by TARDISTraveller reviews. Doctor Who - Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,589 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 14 - Published: Sep 25, 2012 - 11th Doctor - Complete. Please, Jack, the Doctor begged over his shoulder. what does the doctor tell phaedra that she has discovered? This fic is many things: a GITF fix-it, a rewrite of the Empire of the Wolf comics, a requested sequel to another story, and a self-indulgent angst-fest. His Soulmate. /I don't take requests, but suggestions in the comments are welcome./. Plot Mini-episodes and supplementary material "She Said, He Said" is a mini-episode that acts as a prelude to "The Name of the Doctor", in which the Eleventh Doctor and Clara each have a monologue about how little they know about each other and that they discovered each other's secret at Trenzalore. . 1.2K Stories. Eleventh Doctor/Reader - Works | Archive of Our Own youve never had a new years kiss before. She prayed to Santa to send someone, and he did. Pretty much only Tenrose, Whouffle and Whouffaldi. 11th Doctor Whump | FanFiction John Smith is a young, attractive Doctor, he never settles down in one place for longer than a year. And a vampire queen who wants the Doctor to join her clan. Like ginger and cinnamon and crimson and delight, like the smell of dust after rain in a forest at the end of a dead-end street.". . [Prompt: Dreams], 'Stay with me,' Jack begged, trying desperately to keep pressure on his bloody neck. The site has been back up for a while (good) but attempting to post stories is yielding a database error (bad, obviously). For his part, the 11th Doctor was travelling with Clara and though he had become more nostalgic off late he was surprised to find himself looking at a face he never thought he'd see again. But after spending a few months at a hospital in London, where he had done his internship, he plans on travelling away once more. A perfectly unimportant human. It all started as a nice and boring day at the beach. One Bad Wolf. Watching the Doctor - The Eleventh Hour - Wattpad Then a gasp, followed by a moan of pain. The only thing he has in his pocket worth anything is the Sonic Screwdriver. Welcome to A Teaspoon And An Open Mind, an archive for Doctor Who stories of all kinds. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry, The Master | Koschei (Academy Era)/Reader, The Doctor | Theta Sigma (Doctor Who: Academy Era)/Reader, The Doctor | Theta Sigma (Doctor Who: Academy Era), The Master | Koschei (Doctor Who: Academy Era), the reader wants to fight the doctor constantly, Do Timelords Dream? After learning Amy left Rory after they had kissed, the Doctor gets it in his head to even the score and kiss Rory. The Doctor and his companion Amy have been skirting around the truth for some time now and everything is about to break. With the Doctors duty of care, she takes your place when things get dark. The Doctor lets the older Amy into the TARDIS at the end of The Girl Who Waited. She asks. Every night they had the same dream. Rose and her husband had a fantastic life. Warnings: Nightmares, general distress, implied eating disorder, implied depression, implied suicide thoughts. So since she is still considered a minor on Gallifrey until the age of one hundred as the closest thing to her father in this universe he takes responsibility for her in locum parentis. And he didn't want to lose her. Doctor Who Fanfic Sequel to the Witness Revenant// a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. ((My first Doctor Who Fanfic (((Rated M- for Mature because I am unsure if I will write smut inbut i probably will))) I do not own these characters! He stops in a modern day Berlin, and stumbles onto a secret lurking beneath the city. John is driving back from Edinburgh and sees River the side of the road and offers her a ride. 11th Doctor x Self harm! reader: Wash it all away, a doctor who fanfic He's working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. And she knows what happens to anything that holds the image of an Angel 2005 companions and 13 watch Doctor who and finally get all the answers (most of the answers). tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Ill do it, he confirmed. Part 4 of Memento. But when she finds herself in the custody of an assuredly strange, intriguingly alien, and most definitely fictional man acting as if they're the best of friends, theres not much else to do but play along. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She was supposed to get married. Dimension hopping Rose Tyler gets stuck in a universe that still had Time Lords and is taken to Gallifrey by the Celestial Interventions Agency. 'Are you? Hurt/Comfort (13) Dark (11) Anal Sex (10) Smut (10) Other tags to include . This is their story. Pairings: Rory/ 11th Doctor friendship, Rory/11 in plutonic bdsm, Rory/Amy. Eleventh Doctor - Works | Archive of Our Own Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Sarah Jane S., 11th Doctor - Words: 436 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/19/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6919862 Harry is well, she's not sure why any of this is happening. mickeysmith. The feeling of longing fading as the dream fades too. At Drlig Ulv Stranden on the worst day of her life, Rose Tyler left things unsaid with less than two minutes to spare but when planets become lost, Martha Jones sees something impossible & Donna Noble's life becomes infected by one of the Trickster's Brigade, Donna is lead to an emotional lie. It's up to Rose to figure out how to get him back before it's too late. 12 years later, she hadn't quite given up the idea of running with the stra Delilah; While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Bad Wolf From Space by Kait. This is mainly for 10th, 11th,12th, and 13th Doctor. Instead you smiled, past, present, future, Doctor. Meanwhile, the Master and Lucy escape from Shada. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry. John and Dan's arm wrestling was intensifying, and now the people around them were chanting.'QUIET!' tardis. You get hurt and the Doctor takes care of you. Eleventh Doctor/Clara Oswin Oswald - Works | Archive of Our Own The Doctor is becoming ill, and he will need his friends, Amy and Rory, to help him through his sickness. Who would've thought that two people - soulmates - were the last of Dodie Chameleon thought she was just another normal girl, at least that was until she met a mysterious and quite frankly odd man and everything changed. Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Rabies Shots,
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She didn't fear Abnormal and people didn't hesitate to make her feel like it. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (148), Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures - Various Authors (2), Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond/Rory Williams (39), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, sex pollen except amy is having none of it, Older Amy Pond (Episode:s06e10 The Girl Who Waited), Post-Episode AU: s06e10 The Girl Who Waited, eleven/amy trying to find each other again, there might be more than one chapter to this actually, back when i was convinced there was going to be an entire smith-era 60th anniversary special, and it makes me sad that it's never going to happen, The Age of Paradox- Book 2.5: Miracle Day, Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter), laughing at some of these suggested tags i mean honestly, I Wrote This While Listening To The Weeknd, Pre-Episode: s05e10 Vincent and The Doctor, but still manages to make an incredible speech, Post-Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, I really wish they'd put the concept of the Doctor's sentiment in the episode, but I guess that's what fanfiction is for, Episode: s08e08 Mummy on the Orient Express, amy and twelve have an iconic scottish argument, I have been thinking about writing this one for ages, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald Friendship, but i have a whole headcanon this happened anyway, I had this in my head for ages and it wouldn't go away, aka that time in Britain some guy tried to kill the king, so for 400 years we've been celebrating by burning his effigy, Episode: s12e04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, Episode: s13e04 Village of the Angels (Doctor Who), Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, Standing Out Under String Lights and Constellations. Mentions of Ten/Rose, one sided Martha/Ten. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (420), Twelfth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Reader is not impossible girl theyre mysterious, Ahhh yes i shall adopt this traumatised and depressed man, They sit in comfortable silence until now, Because who needs words when you can watch the sun, They will get a name and i will eventually gender them (or maybe not lol), Forced To Watch (A belated Febuwhump Post), Reader is The Doctor's Companion (Doctor Who), the doctor's awareness of her body and appearance is awful, this could probably happen in doctor who tbh, there will be a cool sci fi explanation for how the body swap happened, the tenth doctor has a tentacle dick no i wont elaborate, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Original Female Character(s), The Doctor (Doctor Who) & Original Female Character(s), Tenth Doctor/Original Female Character(s), The fun adventures of The Doctor and her companion, Eleventh Doctor/Original Female Character(s), Amy Pond (Doctor Who) & Original Female Character(s), River Song & Original Female Character(s), Sleeping At Last Songs that Would Describe a Relationship with the Eleventh Doctor, "_____" Songs The Would Describe (a) Relationship(s) with "______", written as platonic but can be read as romantic, the doctor is purposefully vague so you can imagine whatever face, hell this could be Lumleys thirteenth doctor or Jackson Lake or Dhawan!Doctor if you want, or any role-swapped or fanmade doctor for that matter, the doctor (doctor who) isnt referred to with any pronouns, reader isnt referred to with any pronouns, what actually happened to trigger the nightmare is left vague, no beta we die like Ja- ohn Barrowmans prospects of returning to the show, idk man i wrote this with high blood sugar so the quality might be ahhhh. While the Doctor awaits to hear about the mental health of Grace, he comes across a very unusual young lady named Champagne whose past is a mystery even to her. Just make it a good one, eh?" tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Please consider turning it on! That said, we have a responsive version of bluepurple ready to go! It becomes a race against time for the Doctor and Amy to rescue Rory before he's auctioned off and shipped away. when they met them everything changed, as specially since when Rose is The Doctor's Romantic Soulmate and Damon is the Professor's Romantic Soulmate. September encapsulates everything. My little tribute to the great actress who is sadly no longer with us. Donna knew she had signed up for danger, but when faced with an injured Time Lord, it suddenly became much more real. Hands scraped and bleeding and maybe it would be better if neither of them had hands at all. . The urge that left your body like a battlefield. That special person is called their Bonded. cause its a gay show but it needs to be gayer. 11 Elizabeth Mae Tyler: Rose's adoptive sister what happens when they meet a 900-year-old alien and he takes them into time and space? texttospeech. The one where Amy and River wind up the Doctor. Language: English Words: 776 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 2 . Please consider turning it on! What about River? doctor. A new student appears at Jericho Street Comprehensive, just as schoolgirl Rose Tyler needs saving. What does it have to do with schedules? The Doctor could never define what Clara meant to him in any quantifiable terms. The Doctor (Doctor Who) Whump - Works | Archive of Our Own During the weekend of December 28, we're going to switch Teaspoon's skin over to the beta skin we released earlier this year. Sequel to the Witness +13 more. No young woman should go through that pain. If anything, I almost admired how he handled it. This is a collection of all my Doctor x Fem Reader One Shots. 9th, 10th, 11th Doctors x OC Not to you." The Doctor and Amy find themselves locked up, yet again. After "The End of Time", the Doctor regenerates into his final incarnation and the TARDIS is damaged by the regeneration energy. Hes working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. Doctor Who drabbles based on Saint Motel's The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Were gonna win. But how can he find her if he doesnt even know what she looks like?He thought of Rose. The urge that left you many nights feeling like . Just acknowledge what I said. This archive currently hosts 43612 stories and 5009 authors. WHO am I? Human AU: Prompt - River teaching 11 how to kiss, and 11 ends up kissing River really leaving River silent and flustered for a moment, "This is where we've always been heading, you and I." The Doctor and you get a distress signal from a small villlage somewhere on earth, but the moment you land and get out of the Tradis she dissapears!Now forced to solve this mystery, what will you find? But mostly an 11th Doctor/Rose reunion fic. What's River Song's connection to the Tardis and Amy? But their ticket may only be one way. Chaos as well as learning how to tiptoe around a distraught Doctor. The Winchesters never had the easiest of lives, to say the least. Two Rose Tylers. Doctor Who - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,649 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 13 - Published: Oct 9, 2012 - 11th Doctor, River Song/Melody P. III. Another Auton duplicate? # 2. Sequel to 'Chameleon-arched Rose Tyler(10th Doctor era)' What are the cracks in space and time? He asks. He didn't remember most of them, though. Fluff and Hurt/Comfort. Eleventhdoctor Stories - Wattpad The Doctor and Yasmin Khan have a conversation after the events of the Legend of the Sea Devils but before Power of the Doctor. "Exactly!" I. The Voted one of the fan favourite doctor who books! He has to deal with the fact that she doesn't want to actually see him. But I wont need to. The Doctor has a lot of secrets. The only thing he has in his pocket worth anything is the Sonic Screwdriver. His favourite companion yet. It was everything she dreamed of, until one day when tragedy struck. you decide to change that tonight. While Rose has no desire to deal with the trauma her Tardis has another way of dealing with it entirely. The doctor finds a young girl who believes she is human, but she is not, she is more than that, she is a child of Gallifrey. happy end. Heed all the warnings and tags. But their ticket may only be one way. Eleven accepts the help, and teaches Rory about his biology. Eleven reflects on his relationship with the Ponds and realises that he loves Rory. "Tale as old as time,Song as old as rhyme,Beauty and the beast,"(Updates every other Monday and Saturday! The Doctor is feeling lonely after the loss of The Ponds and Clara Oswald. 9th, 10th, 11th Doctors x OC An enslaved town built in perpetual darkness. 'Quiet!' The only thing the Doctor does know is that he thinks of her everyday. On the fifth day, she smells smoke. Whouffaldi/AU/warnings of sex, stalking and violence. he cried and checked for a pulse.Nothing. They shall run from the beginning to the end of time and beyond, and if anything tries to stand in their way, their worlds will burn. Rose and her husband had a fantastic life. When The Doctor runs into an old friend, who had been previously assumed dead, it's both a relief and terrifying. Theres a mutual attraction and John will stop at nothing to make sure Clara is his forever. , , . It terrified her. 'Good morning, everyone!' just a jumble of one shots for my favorite DW characters that i dont see much of. Form that moment on Lunas life change for the better, even death is knocking on her door. Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond - Works | Archive of Our Own Now. (you wouldn't call a stranger "darling girl" now would you). Telepathic Bond. But this is probably the better outcome. John Smith is a sociopath, but a sociopath in love. With their crazy bow tie man. Eleventh Doctor/You (61) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (326) Angst (198) Reader-Insert (175) Hurt/Comfort (124) Romance (65) Fluff and Angst (62) What would have happened if she never died? For a moment there was silence before Jack stepped forward and wordlessly hugged him. Action Fanfiction Romance. But in this regeneration, there seem to be more than usual. ETA: as of 9:30pm UTC, this is fixed. If I dont make it - if we cant save Rose - dont bother with my body, because Im not going to regenerate. This life of yours is filled with blood, with pain and death and woes; every day you spin this wheel and the danger for you grows. Even his dreams are filled with her. You get hurt and the Doctor takes care of you. Please consider turning it on! A reunion story in four acts:Act I: IntroAct II: PrologueAct III: The ReunionAct IV: The Story Continues, Prompt: You look like you could use a hug. The girl he might very nearlythen shakes his head.But of course. To make up for all the mistakes he had never committed, and most of all to repair the heart he hadnt broke. What would have happened if she never died? The Eleventh Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who.He is played by Matt Smith in three series as well as five specials. Prompt from Doctorwithaspoon on AO3. What's one harmless little kiss? There's a small town. This is their story. All he knew was that she meant a great deal to him, an enormous deal to him, that he probably loved her in whatever way, and above all else, he knew she'd keep his head on straight. Doctor Who x Reader one shot I wrote for my creative writing class. When the TARDIS mysteriously vanishes, the Doctor and Amy Pond are left stranded on a futuristic human colony. !SEQUEL OUT NOW!! 11th Doctor Fanfiction Stories - Quotev Doctor-who Stories - Wattpad The Doctor meets a very different Rose in 2005.Why is her past his future? The Doctor has just regenerated. After their return from a parallel world, the Doctor, Amy, Natalie and K9 join forces with Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper to solve the mystery of the Miracle that erased death. 11th Doctor x sad reader. [6] "And you're my clever man, Doctor." Meu orientador o Jared, que a propsito, amigo da famlia h anos, o que me faz ter certa intimidade com ele, e uma pequena queda por ele tambm (uma queda do tamanho do monte Everest). Fanfiction. It put her brain on the edge of an idea and her tongue ready to burst out with the answer. A collection of drabbles set in the Doctor Who universe. Well let's just say that now he knows what River means. Complications arise when other parties want them for themselves. Missy tricks the Doctor and sexually assaults him for days. By the time he looked back down at the Doctor, he'd stopped breathing. And what if, just for kicks and giggles, the Dream Lord actually looked and acted like the Eleventh Doctor? So, it's says /reader but that because it's my first time trying ta tag something soooooo. I don't know how it happened, but I do know that the Doctor left me. A young CIA agent Operator Narvin, soon finds out the young twenty year old hes just taken in doesnt know shes a time lady or that shes half Gallifreyan. You must have been moving in your sleep because your legs are tangled in the duvet. AU. Revenant// a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. Season 6 - rewrite. Unsteady Ground by TARDISTraveller reviews. Doctor Who - Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,589 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 14 - Published: Sep 25, 2012 - 11th Doctor - Complete. Please, Jack, the Doctor begged over his shoulder. what does the doctor tell phaedra that she has discovered? This fic is many things: a GITF fix-it, a rewrite of the Empire of the Wolf comics, a requested sequel to another story, and a self-indulgent angst-fest. His Soulmate. /I don't take requests, but suggestions in the comments are welcome./. Plot Mini-episodes and supplementary material "She Said, He Said" is a mini-episode that acts as a prelude to "The Name of the Doctor", in which the Eleventh Doctor and Clara each have a monologue about how little they know about each other and that they discovered each other's secret at Trenzalore. . 1.2K Stories. Eleventh Doctor/Reader - Works | Archive of Our Own youve never had a new years kiss before. She prayed to Santa to send someone, and he did. Pretty much only Tenrose, Whouffle and Whouffaldi. 11th Doctor Whump | FanFiction John Smith is a young, attractive Doctor, he never settles down in one place for longer than a year. And a vampire queen who wants the Doctor to join her clan. Like ginger and cinnamon and crimson and delight, like the smell of dust after rain in a forest at the end of a dead-end street.". . [Prompt: Dreams], 'Stay with me,' Jack begged, trying desperately to keep pressure on his bloody neck. The site has been back up for a while (good) but attempting to post stories is yielding a database error (bad, obviously). For his part, the 11th Doctor was travelling with Clara and though he had become more nostalgic off late he was surprised to find himself looking at a face he never thought he'd see again. But after spending a few months at a hospital in London, where he had done his internship, he plans on travelling away once more. A perfectly unimportant human. It all started as a nice and boring day at the beach. One Bad Wolf. Watching the Doctor - The Eleventh Hour - Wattpad Then a gasp, followed by a moan of pain. The only thing he has in his pocket worth anything is the Sonic Screwdriver. Welcome to A Teaspoon And An Open Mind, an archive for Doctor Who stories of all kinds. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry, The Master | Koschei (Academy Era)/Reader, The Doctor | Theta Sigma (Doctor Who: Academy Era)/Reader, The Doctor | Theta Sigma (Doctor Who: Academy Era), The Master | Koschei (Doctor Who: Academy Era), the reader wants to fight the doctor constantly, Do Timelords Dream? After learning Amy left Rory after they had kissed, the Doctor gets it in his head to even the score and kiss Rory. The Doctor and his companion Amy have been skirting around the truth for some time now and everything is about to break. With the Doctors duty of care, she takes your place when things get dark. The Doctor lets the older Amy into the TARDIS at the end of The Girl Who Waited. She asks. Every night they had the same dream. Rose and her husband had a fantastic life. Warnings: Nightmares, general distress, implied eating disorder, implied depression, implied suicide thoughts. So since she is still considered a minor on Gallifrey until the age of one hundred as the closest thing to her father in this universe he takes responsibility for her in locum parentis. And he didn't want to lose her. Doctor Who Fanfic Sequel to the Witness Revenant// a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. ((My first Doctor Who Fanfic (((Rated M- for Mature because I am unsure if I will write smut inbut i probably will))) I do not own these characters! He stops in a modern day Berlin, and stumbles onto a secret lurking beneath the city. John is driving back from Edinburgh and sees River the side of the road and offers her a ride. 11th Doctor x Self harm! reader: Wash it all away, a doctor who fanfic He's working at a record store when Clara Oswald, an English teacher walks in searching for age-appropriate records for her class. And she knows what happens to anything that holds the image of an Angel 2005 companions and 13 watch Doctor who and finally get all the answers (most of the answers). tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Ill do it, he confirmed. Part 4 of Memento. But when she finds herself in the custody of an assuredly strange, intriguingly alien, and most definitely fictional man acting as if they're the best of friends, theres not much else to do but play along. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She was supposed to get married. Dimension hopping Rose Tyler gets stuck in a universe that still had Time Lords and is taken to Gallifrey by the Celestial Interventions Agency. 'Are you? Hurt/Comfort (13) Dark (11) Anal Sex (10) Smut (10) Other tags to include . This is their story. Pairings: Rory/ 11th Doctor friendship, Rory/11 in plutonic bdsm, Rory/Amy. Eleventh Doctor - Works | Archive of Our Own Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Sarah Jane S., 11th Doctor - Words: 436 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/19/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6919862 Harry is well, she's not sure why any of this is happening. mickeysmith. The feeling of longing fading as the dream fades too. At Drlig Ulv Stranden on the worst day of her life, Rose Tyler left things unsaid with less than two minutes to spare but when planets become lost, Martha Jones sees something impossible & Donna Noble's life becomes infected by one of the Trickster's Brigade, Donna is lead to an emotional lie. It's up to Rose to figure out how to get him back before it's too late. 12 years later, she hadn't quite given up the idea of running with the stra Delilah; While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Bad Wolf From Space by Kait. This is mainly for 10th, 11th,12th, and 13th Doctor. Instead you smiled, past, present, future, Doctor. Meanwhile, the Master and Lucy escape from Shada. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry. John and Dan's arm wrestling was intensifying, and now the people around them were chanting.'QUIET!' tardis. You get hurt and the Doctor takes care of you. Eleventh Doctor/Clara Oswin Oswald - Works | Archive of Our Own The Doctor is becoming ill, and he will need his friends, Amy and Rory, to help him through his sickness. Who would've thought that two people - soulmates - were the last of Dodie Chameleon thought she was just another normal girl, at least that was until she met a mysterious and quite frankly odd man and everything changed.
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