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colt 38 super texas ranger
Johnson went on to take the Senate seat that he stole from Stevenson and Stevenson retired to Junction, Texas. What drew me to the round was the cool history and the cool factor (and yeah, its cool, lol). We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions. Caliber: 38 COLT SPECIAL. In those days, Republicans had no possibility of winning a Senatorial race and the ruling ensured that Johnson was elected to the U.S. Senate from Texas. Please be respectful of others. Nevertheless, the brief opportunity to look at the election documents inside the bank was made possible by Hamers 200 yard walk down the center of Alice, Texas with his coat off. I love Super 38! I even doubt his first efforts at pistolsmithing caused anyone to say, Hey, why dont you found a world-class pistolsmithing company? Many handgun aficionados did kitchen table pistolsmithing then, usually inspired by George Nontes Pistolsmithing. Colt 1911 in 38 Super - 24hourcampfire The .38 ACP Super was a sensation noted for its high velocity of 1,300 fps and nine fast shots. Colt was discontinuing the long-serving .38 ACP automatic and wished to introduce a mid bore to replace it. Cheaper Than Dirt has a plethora of excellent .38 Super ammo in stock, as well as a TON of reloading stuff. Some nations, notably Mexico, prohibit military calibers such as the 9mm and .45, but not the .38 Super. Your email address will not be published. 2007-2023 Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. Colt 38 Super; Colt 380; Colt 45; Colt AR 15; Colt AR-15; Colt Cobra; Colt Cobra .38 Spl +P; Colt Combat Unit CCO; My harem of 1911s that I shoot regularly include 45s, three 9mm and two 38 Supers. So, other calibers become cost competitive, and although I shoot a lot of 9mm for practice, .38 Super will always be my first choice. Hamer retained a Special Ranger commission after retirement and he put it to good use. Hard to find ammo in a platform I dont particularly care for and no, I cant stand Glock either. Four of his five brothers also became Texas Rangers. Sometimes, Timing is everything. It only made sense to chamber the 1911 Government Model in a .38 caliber cartridge. There are a lot of opinions on the .38 Super. While I like the Para very much, if you are interested in a .38 ACP Super, the readily available Rock Island 1911 is a better choice than hunting down an out-of-production handgun. I bought a RIA 1911 in 38 Super a couple of years ago, always been fascinated by the round that gives you 357 Magnum ballistics in a 1911 platform. But when you are not much from arms length of a life and death situation I suggest a 45acp in 180 xtp hollow point. Got the 38 Super bug a little late to convert one of my Glocks since the source for the barrels dried up. They seem to have been imported during the 1930's, designed to look roughly like a Colt Single Action ( for the cowboy fans ) but in double action. I have a Colt 1911 in 38 special.. (not a super) that was made for the U.S. ARMY NATIONAL MATCH TEAM in the 1960s. Stevenson was elected to a full term in 1942, winning the Democratic primary with 69% and being unopposed in the general election. Not far from my Bar.Sto, Clark, Briley bbls. Great Britain took delivery of 1429 1911s in .38 Super in the 30s to . We clamped 3 Oklahoma City phone books together and took them down to the end of the range. . Slides are engraved Texas Rangers on the left side, and wear the Ranger badge logo on the right. Trace brought the pistol, and I furnished the ammo (except the load from Atlanta Arms, a company he routinely uses) and targets, and snapped the accompanying photos. . Just pick up your brass. Austin called them Rangers because they ranged across the new Republic of Texas in their line of duty. Ahhhh, the good old days. In 1948, Hamer accompanied Gov. Competition shooters are .38 Super Auto fanatics. The Wilson Combat Texas Ranger Professional on Ranger Trace McDonalds belt works, as our range outing proved. Throwback Thursday: Taurus Judge Range Report, ATI Milsport SGA 410 All the Advantages of an AR in .410, Ruger SR1911 LW Commander The Lightweight .45 ACP, Rifle Hack: Sighting for 100 Yards at a Distance of 25 Yards, Throwback Thursday: All About Bullet Grain. colt 38 revolver | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values - COLT 1911 TEXAS RANGER 45 ACP 5" 1 of 500 200th anniversary I own five theyre just plain fun to shoot. On the morning of May 23, 1934, when my father and the officers with him in Louisiana killed Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, a notarized letter written by Hamer on the gun reads. The .45 SAA Colt was a mainstay until John Browning completed his 1911 project. The Republic of Texas served as its proving ground and was nearly the only market for Colt's revolutionary product. I rank the .38 Super along with the .45 ACP and the .44 Special as the 3 best calibers in America. Over generations of colorful history, his creation has evolved into todays highly regarded Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The gang murdered two Texas Highway Patrol officers at Grapevine, Texas. That is, you cant have a gun which is chambered for any cartridge which has been used by any military anywhere at any time (Im sure theres an exception for 12 gauge shotguns and rimfires). Wow! Regular Price Oak Hill Price Cash Price. This style of barrel also puts a bit more weight forward in the gun. Old-School Guns: .45 Colt, .44 Special, .38 Super - SkyAboveUs Ive been around Rangers, guns, and popping primers, and they all can shoot. The 9mm and .45 probably offer advantages over the .38 Super in many categories, but the old Super is a cartridge with plenty of panache, style, flash, and performance. COLT .38 SUPER AUTOMATIC - 50 Famous Firearms You've Got to Own: Rick Texas Meet Arkansas Corrosion-resistant stainless steel and chambered in .38 Super, this firearm is a pure and simple 1911 designed for you to make it your own. This is an easier cartridge to master than the .45 and has two more rounds of magazine capacity. With the bull barrel there is no bushing used in the slide so the problem of bushing breakup that some Colt officer-sized guns have experienced is now a thing of the past. (Normal boolits are .355 .356. I certainly do! 1819 North Flintlock Pistol I fit a Super 38 barrel to it and a 1lb. The mob battled National Guardsmen who were sent into Sherman by Governor Moody and tried to break into the vault. John B. Jones, 1860 Colt Army Richards Transition Revolver, 1878 Smith & Wesson New Model No. I had long suspected that this Colt was not a .45 but one of the then new .38 Supers and I had three reasons for believing this. The Pre-War Colt .38 Super or "Super 38" were produced from 1929-1945. Its very accurate too, I was easily hitting a bowling pin at 50 yards repeatedly. Wilsons attractive and functional, fully-checkered Diamondwood grips and a single-side, extended Tactical Thumb Safety are standard, as is the High-Ride Beavertail Grip Safety. The smaller-diameter .38 Super in its hottest loads offer greater penetration against light cover than the .45 ACP or 9mm cartridges. Sheriff Henderson Jordan and his deputy, Prentiss Oakley, joined Hamer along with former Ranger Manny Gault. It is just that ammunition and handguns in this caliber are sometimes difficult to come by. Scared him 1/2 to death at a Dennys one day. My son went from a intelegence analyst to a diplomatic security agent and was only allowed a issued 9mm for his side arm. Market data provided by Factset. After acquiring his first Wilson Combat pistol, Trace McDonald started competing in USPSA matches. Why did Colt make the 38 Super? | 1911Forum The article covers the bases pretty well the 38 super is to a 9mm what the 357 is to the 38 splin short more bang. The effectiveness of the caliber cannot be argued. I request a letter from Colt on all pre-war Super .38s as many were carried by various LEOs. Francis Augustus Hamer (March 17, 1884 July 10, 1955) is best known for ambushing Bonnie and Clyde in 1934. Elliott carried the pistol on duty while assigned to work with the Texas Rangers in the 1957 Lone Star Steel Strike. colt 38 super for sale on GunsAmerica. Buy a colt 38 super o After shooting M9s in the military I was a decent shot. PDF The Following Article was Originally Published in the Texas Ranger The idea of the Texas Ranger Commemorative Colt Single Action Army revolver was conceived by Charles Schreiner III and Robert B. And it was so heavy that Colt said it would take a "Texan to shoot it.". However, for the hunt on Bonnie & Clyde, he replaced the S&W revolver with a .38 Colt Super Auto pistol (pp. Add to Wish List. I figured that if you go oddball with the Super, why go very normal with a 1911? I happen to have a Colt 1911 National Match in the .38 Super Full Wad Cutter. I love my 38 supers! Power factors have dropped and the original power factors surely stretched a gun after a very active season. Winchester makes a 124gr nickel coated brass case jacketed soft point ammo. Colt Guns, Colt Paterson, Colt Walker for Sale | Collectors Firearms You can also crank it up quite hot. To Chris. Little did anyone with whom Bill Wilson began his 1911 shooting, well over three decades ago, realize his interest in Colt 1911s would prove such a driving factor in his life. Finally, after the last batch of rounds, which I paid extra attention to the details, still had an alarmingly high rejection rate, I finally said I had enough and sold it for a 10mm. This gun is in excellent condition and is covered by Dury's Lifetime Warranty. Born in Rowena, Texas, Parker met Barrow at the home of a mutual friend in January 1930, according to the most credible accounts. Muzzle brake . Lastly, a coated Speed Chute mag well was added to smooth-out reloads. And of course, all of the preceding is fitted by one of Wilson Combats skilled smiths, using CNC-machined internal parts, and the entire package dehorned. I have heard all the bull about the 9mm. $1,999.99 $1,699.99. One often hears that the Texas Rangers and other Texans were among Colt's best customers for the early Super .38. By the time Bar-Sto got around to changing it to headspace on the case mouth, the market was nearly gone. Colt 1911 Classic Government 38 Super Stainless Pistol An advantage of this caliber is penetration. While I enjoy the wonderful 45 cartridge I much prefer the higher capacity and easier control of follow up shots with the 9mm and 38 Super. The Commander Model 38 Super pistol on the left includes the standard blued finish and checkered wood grips. He had to pull it on several occasions, but only used it 3 or 4 times. bullets topping 1400 fps. Bond Arms Texas Defender; Bond Arms The Texan, Derringer BATX; Bravo Company Mfg Recce 11 MCMR; . Not much more if any discernable recoil and I have had several shoulder surgeries and doesnt bother me. This example comes with a handmade tooled holster from the period. By Rick Cartledge. $901.00 $901.00. I have had the itch for a cap & ball revolver and I can't even find those (or at least not the one's I'm lookin for). Read on. It will be robust and potent equipment, because when working alone only the best will do. Energy equals the current watered-down .357 Magnum. At distances of 50 or less, the Super has virtually the same muzzle velocity of the .357 Magnum. One of my favorites! Hamer, by then an accomplished detective and gunfighter, studied the way in which Barrow made a wide circle along certain state borders. Texas became a proving ground and nearly the only market for Colt's revolutionary product. The 38 Super is a great cartridge which has been kind of left behind with the popularity of 9mm Plus-P loadings. After entering the Ranger service in 1961, Elliot . COLT 1911 38 SUPER STAINLESS . The Colt .38-caliber Detective's Special revolver, which was recovered from Parker's body by Texas Ranger Capt. I bought this pistol off a table at a small gun show in Custer, WA. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. I loved my .38 super so much i bought a colt competition series a few years ago. Tangfolio Match Elite chambered in 9mm. And Colt got the finest product placement/celebrity endorsement in marketing history: his guns were the official guns of Texas Rangers. The Winchester Silvertip breaks about 1,200 fps with a 125-grain bullet. The Defender is an officer-sized aluminum framed gun with a 3 inch bull barrel. After that the reputation of the weapon (and my dad) seemed to quiet things down nicely. Cartledge provides some interesting comments that contradict the conventional belief that Hamer also toted a 1911 pistol in .45 ACP: Two months later, Frank Hamer opted for the Remington .35 as his hole puncher and he picked an interesting pistol to go with his quick-pointing rifle. The 38 super is fantastic. SS 5" w/KNIFE 1 OF 500 (TALO) Out of stock View Details . Adding a stainless-steel Tactical Ambidextrous Thumb Safety accommodated his left-handedness. My first handgun was a Colt Government Model in .38 Super (built in 1947) which Ive had since the mid-70s. According to one of the posters, the reason that the Texas Rangers liked the Super 38 was that it would penetrate car bodies better than other calibers. Colt 1911 Texas Ranger commemorative chambered in .38 Super with a 4 1/4 inch barrel bright bore and good grooves with a display case and Texas Ranger Medallion. Ive had it since 1979 and love it. Hamer also owned many other guns. Colt's Manufacturing Company - Wikipedia . Today, Texas DPS issues Sig Sauer pistols in .357 Sig, undeniably robust, and potent, equipment. However, as an elite division, the Rangers are allowed some latitude in what they carry, and a large number choose the 1911. Very inexpensively made and prone to breakage with no parts availability. It fits like a glove. The little guy hold an honorary place in my collection and I smile when I think back to when I purchased it for $100.00. Jun 25, 2019. The .38 ACP fired a 130-grain bullet at 1,100 fps. Got my grouping back, sold the glock. Coke Stevenson to the Texas State Bank in Alice, county seat of Jim Wells County in South Texas. Colt 1911 El Samuel Colt 38 Super Engraved 1 of 500 O1911C-38-ESB I never got around to installing a Bar-Sto barrel, so my hand loading bullet choices were limited. Hamer was a cowboy on the Carr Ranch, between Sheffield and Fort Stockton when he captured the horse thief. In the future might try to acquire a Sig in 38 Super. The penetration of the cartridge and reliability of the 1911 gave law officers a great advantage. The 38 Super fills the bill here. Life With the 1911 | An Official Journal Of The NRA It was my Grandfathers gun and one of my favorite in the gun safe. Picked up 150 Rounds of 38 Super by mistake. Have been reading about early Texas history and am amazed by accounts of the states way of life in the early 1900s and the stories of men like Frank Hamer and LBJ who contributed so much good and bad. The 9mm is not my choice short of shooting at paper. Enjoy your new .38 Super! Is the .38 ACP Super a viable personal defense and tactical combination today? I would recommend it for any novice shooter or women; especially the unfortunately short-lived downsized frame which made it an excellent choice for concealed carry or purses. 38 Super Pistols For Sale - Hinterland Outfitters Editors note: This post was originally published in January of 2020. Regardless, any load tested had more than enough accuracy to put paid to a miscreant. Notify Me When Available. The 38 special penetrated around 1/4 inch into the second book. Its too bad, that it didnt take off the way Colt intended, because it is a good round that most likely would have had a stellar LEO career. He slept under his horse drawn wagon in bad weather and studied accounting alone by the light of campfires often with snow and rain falling around him. After the Hollywood version of Bonnie and Clyde, Mrs. Frank Hamer and Frank Hamer, Jr., sued Warner Bros.-Seven Arts for the defamatory manner in which the movie depicted the famous lawman. Still. The Combat Commander 45 ACP pistol on the right includes a nickel engraved finish and custom silver grips. Out of stock. per page . The .38-caliber revolver taped to Bonnie Parkers inner thigh when she and Clyde Barrow were killed by a Texas posse in 1934 has been made federally compliant and will be auctioned later this week. One can assume this must have been at a bit of a distance or Hamer hit him in the legs as apparently the guy lived. Also W.C. combat hammer. Both use the same Wilson See Sold Price. WE BUY GUNS! It made an excellent weapon for aircrew members, combat medics , radiomen and machine gunners. I now carry the .45 ACP. Well, my grouping sucked. Add to this, all his SAA pistols were short barreled. I pretty much fell in love with the Colt 1911 38 Super I have. Action works in both single and double action. 26 years and still my favorite pistol. Legal Statement. Texas Ranger Joaquin Jackson who spent the later part of his illustrious career looking after the harsh, massive Texas Big Bend Country, packed a Colt .45 auto throughout his distinguished career. His favorite longarm was a .30-30 Winchester M1894 lever-action rifle. In 1928, The Texas Bankers Association gave rewards to officers that set up certain petty criminals to be killed so that corrupt police officers could collect the rewards and pay finders fees. Bore is near excellent. . SDS Imports 10100513 1911A1 Regulator 9+1 5" Hard Chrome Plated Barrel, High Polished Chomium Coated Serrated Steel Slide & Frame w/Beavertail Frame Checkered Wood Grips. Bonnie Parker was just 24 in 1934 when she and Clyde Barrow died in a hail of gunfire after being ambushed by authorities in Louisiana. Its previous owner was a Texas county sheriff. All rights reserved. He knew that if any members of the Barrow gang survived the fusillade, a .38 Super round would penetrate the vehicles heavy steel body and body armor, too, if necessary! If you can. Colt 38 Super - Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum COLT 1911 TEXAS RANGER 38 SUPER USED GUN INV 219948 - Guns International Lock up okay, but gun is likely non functional. As to the rifles ability to tear holes in a V8 Ford, Frank Hamer had an unimpeachable source Clyde Barrow. Glad both calibers are being produced again in greater numbers. Does anyone know how I can obtain ammunition ? defense as they sell hollow points as well. They cost me $35.00 a box, so $105.00 is nothing to sneeze at. colt .38 Super head space 1911forum - Google Search. The factory letter confirms this is one of only 94 Texas Ranger Special Edition revolvers manufactured, lists the configuration, and notes that is chemically etched with "TEXAS RANGERS" in block letters down the back strap and inlaid with a flush silver "10" on the heel. Secondly, a slide short enough to help with concealment, yet long enough to reduce the whippiness found on many truly short-barreled pistols, and still providing a good sight radius. Gun #: 962326740. Colt Defender - The Sight M1911A1 Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. M. T. Gonzaullas, 1921 Thompson Sub-Machine Gun, Ranger H. Purvis, 1950 Colt .38 Super, Ranger Glenn Elliott, 1857 Manhattan Firearms Co. "Navy" Revolver, Capt. The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! Hughes trial was scheduled for trial within a week and a mob gathered outside the jail every night. Colt 38 Super - Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum Accuracy is pretty good. I presently shot mostly bullseye. At about 9:15 AM just after the thundering torrent of lead subsided, Frank Hamer, Sr. approached the 1934 Ford V8 with his 1911 style .38 Super drawn. Long-range practical shooting is possible with the 1911/.38 Super format. Colt - 38 Super ? | 1911 Firearm Addicts I know this will sound funny but about the only time I ever even think about the .38 Super is when happening to catch re-reuns of Nash Bridges. Bill Wilson and Trace understood this, and Wilson had a simple solution: Offer each Ranger any 1911 Wilson Combat made, modified as they requested, but with special Texas Ranger markings. His training, natural abilities and the Wilson were enough for a good start in the sport. Myths and Legends of the 1911 .45 ACP - Sight M1911 The Starburst Pattern G-10 grips really grabbed and held onto the hand, too. *For safetys sake, use Ramped / FULLY supported bbls, (My 1.911s been cut for Para/Clark/Briley style ramps),like Bar.Sto, (My Bar.Stos being fire.lapped / crowned @ 11 degree muzzle, as well as most others, for best accuracy), Wilson.Nowlin, Para.Ord, Springfield, RIA, (EAA/ Tanfoglio, very strong, but different platform, also ramped bbls). Frank Hamer, on the other hand, retired in 1949 and lived in Austin until his death in 1955. During that period roughly 37,000 pistols were manufactured mainly for commercial sales although some Foreign and U.S. Government Contracts existed. . Colt is known for the engineering, production, and marketing of . Gun Review: Cimarron McCulloch Colt Revolver - The Truth About Guns First, a frame handling eight-round Wilson magazines, for a nine-shot capacity, and one on which you can always get all your fingers. The 1911 is a good home for the .38 Super. , There is also a brief history after that on the Colt Commander. Throwback Thursday: Does Anyone Still Use the .38 Super? or redistributed. It can be loaded just like a 9mm with the same bullets and powder. Sold my Glock 17 (after 15 years of daily service as my carry gun) and bought a new Tangfoglio Combat 38 Super. It proved an effective and easy to shoot defensive cartridge. Look at some old gangster photos for 1911s with curiously small holes in the barrel. Stephen F. Austin probably never anticipated the historical impact of his organizing a small civilian group to provide protection for immigrants into Tejas. For more information, please call our knowledgeable staff about our Colt guns today at (877) 214-9327 or feel free to send us email inquiry at COLT 1911 45 ACP STAINLESS . It was shipped to McBride's Guns, Inc. in Austin, Texas, on March 24, 1984. A .38 Super fired in a .38 ACP could prove disastrous. Gun #: 999474294. No FTF, as long as no lead exposed @ tip. Im glad for that because todays Texas Rangers, just like those hard men who came before, still work in harms way. There is nothing wrong with the .38 ACP Super, to use its proper name. I first discovered the .38 Super when I read one of Stephen Hunters Bob Lee Swagger books. Can someone give me an idea of what they are selling for? Call me the oddball but I prefer the .40 S&W in an actual S&W or the .38 Spl. The mob, estimated at 5,000 people, then proceeded to burn black businesses. Thus, Johnson was off the ballot in the general election unless Johnson could do something quickly. Richland County Arrests Today,
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Johnson went on to take the Senate seat that he stole from Stevenson and Stevenson retired to Junction, Texas. What drew me to the round was the cool history and the cool factor (and yeah, its cool, lol). We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions. Caliber: 38 COLT SPECIAL. In those days, Republicans had no possibility of winning a Senatorial race and the ruling ensured that Johnson was elected to the U.S. Senate from Texas. Please be respectful of others. Nevertheless, the brief opportunity to look at the election documents inside the bank was made possible by Hamers 200 yard walk down the center of Alice, Texas with his coat off. I love Super 38! I even doubt his first efforts at pistolsmithing caused anyone to say, Hey, why dont you found a world-class pistolsmithing company? Many handgun aficionados did kitchen table pistolsmithing then, usually inspired by George Nontes Pistolsmithing. Colt 1911 in 38 Super - 24hourcampfire The .38 ACP Super was a sensation noted for its high velocity of 1,300 fps and nine fast shots. Colt was discontinuing the long-serving .38 ACP automatic and wished to introduce a mid bore to replace it. Cheaper Than Dirt has a plethora of excellent .38 Super ammo in stock, as well as a TON of reloading stuff. Some nations, notably Mexico, prohibit military calibers such as the 9mm and .45, but not the .38 Super. Your email address will not be published. 2007-2023 Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. Colt 38 Super; Colt 380; Colt 45; Colt AR 15; Colt AR-15; Colt Cobra; Colt Cobra .38 Spl +P; Colt Combat Unit CCO; My harem of 1911s that I shoot regularly include 45s, three 9mm and two 38 Supers. So, other calibers become cost competitive, and although I shoot a lot of 9mm for practice, .38 Super will always be my first choice. Hamer retained a Special Ranger commission after retirement and he put it to good use. Hard to find ammo in a platform I dont particularly care for and no, I cant stand Glock either. Four of his five brothers also became Texas Rangers. Sometimes, Timing is everything. It only made sense to chamber the 1911 Government Model in a .38 caliber cartridge. There are a lot of opinions on the .38 Super. While I like the Para very much, if you are interested in a .38 ACP Super, the readily available Rock Island 1911 is a better choice than hunting down an out-of-production handgun. I bought a RIA 1911 in 38 Super a couple of years ago, always been fascinated by the round that gives you 357 Magnum ballistics in a 1911 platform. But when you are not much from arms length of a life and death situation I suggest a 45acp in 180 xtp hollow point. Got the 38 Super bug a little late to convert one of my Glocks since the source for the barrels dried up. They seem to have been imported during the 1930's, designed to look roughly like a Colt Single Action ( for the cowboy fans ) but in double action. I have a Colt 1911 in 38 special.. (not a super) that was made for the U.S. ARMY NATIONAL MATCH TEAM in the 1960s. Stevenson was elected to a full term in 1942, winning the Democratic primary with 69% and being unopposed in the general election. Not far from my Bar.Sto, Clark, Briley bbls. Great Britain took delivery of 1429 1911s in .38 Super in the 30s to . We clamped 3 Oklahoma City phone books together and took them down to the end of the range. . Slides are engraved Texas Rangers on the left side, and wear the Ranger badge logo on the right. Trace brought the pistol, and I furnished the ammo (except the load from Atlanta Arms, a company he routinely uses) and targets, and snapped the accompanying photos. . Just pick up your brass. Austin called them Rangers because they ranged across the new Republic of Texas in their line of duty. Ahhhh, the good old days. In 1948, Hamer accompanied Gov. Competition shooters are .38 Super Auto fanatics. The Wilson Combat Texas Ranger Professional on Ranger Trace McDonalds belt works, as our range outing proved. Throwback Thursday: Taurus Judge Range Report, ATI Milsport SGA 410 All the Advantages of an AR in .410, Ruger SR1911 LW Commander The Lightweight .45 ACP, Rifle Hack: Sighting for 100 Yards at a Distance of 25 Yards, Throwback Thursday: All About Bullet Grain. colt 38 revolver | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values - COLT 1911 TEXAS RANGER 45 ACP 5" 1 of 500 200th anniversary I own five theyre just plain fun to shoot. On the morning of May 23, 1934, when my father and the officers with him in Louisiana killed Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, a notarized letter written by Hamer on the gun reads. The .45 SAA Colt was a mainstay until John Browning completed his 1911 project. The Republic of Texas served as its proving ground and was nearly the only market for Colt's revolutionary product. I rank the .38 Super along with the .45 ACP and the .44 Special as the 3 best calibers in America. Over generations of colorful history, his creation has evolved into todays highly regarded Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The gang murdered two Texas Highway Patrol officers at Grapevine, Texas. That is, you cant have a gun which is chambered for any cartridge which has been used by any military anywhere at any time (Im sure theres an exception for 12 gauge shotguns and rimfires). Wow! Regular Price Oak Hill Price Cash Price. This style of barrel also puts a bit more weight forward in the gun. Old-School Guns: .45 Colt, .44 Special, .38 Super - SkyAboveUs Ive been around Rangers, guns, and popping primers, and they all can shoot. The 9mm and .45 probably offer advantages over the .38 Super in many categories, but the old Super is a cartridge with plenty of panache, style, flash, and performance. COLT .38 SUPER AUTOMATIC - 50 Famous Firearms You've Got to Own: Rick Texas Meet Arkansas Corrosion-resistant stainless steel and chambered in .38 Super, this firearm is a pure and simple 1911 designed for you to make it your own. This is an easier cartridge to master than the .45 and has two more rounds of magazine capacity. With the bull barrel there is no bushing used in the slide so the problem of bushing breakup that some Colt officer-sized guns have experienced is now a thing of the past. (Normal boolits are .355 .356. I certainly do! 1819 North Flintlock Pistol I fit a Super 38 barrel to it and a 1lb. The mob battled National Guardsmen who were sent into Sherman by Governor Moody and tried to break into the vault. John B. Jones, 1860 Colt Army Richards Transition Revolver, 1878 Smith & Wesson New Model No. I had long suspected that this Colt was not a .45 but one of the then new .38 Supers and I had three reasons for believing this. The Pre-War Colt .38 Super or "Super 38" were produced from 1929-1945. Its very accurate too, I was easily hitting a bowling pin at 50 yards repeatedly. Wilsons attractive and functional, fully-checkered Diamondwood grips and a single-side, extended Tactical Thumb Safety are standard, as is the High-Ride Beavertail Grip Safety. The smaller-diameter .38 Super in its hottest loads offer greater penetration against light cover than the .45 ACP or 9mm cartridges. Sheriff Henderson Jordan and his deputy, Prentiss Oakley, joined Hamer along with former Ranger Manny Gault. It is just that ammunition and handguns in this caliber are sometimes difficult to come by. Scared him 1/2 to death at a Dennys one day. My son went from a intelegence analyst to a diplomatic security agent and was only allowed a issued 9mm for his side arm. Market data provided by Factset. After acquiring his first Wilson Combat pistol, Trace McDonald started competing in USPSA matches. Why did Colt make the 38 Super? | 1911Forum The article covers the bases pretty well the 38 super is to a 9mm what the 357 is to the 38 splin short more bang. The effectiveness of the caliber cannot be argued. I request a letter from Colt on all pre-war Super .38s as many were carried by various LEOs. Francis Augustus Hamer (March 17, 1884 July 10, 1955) is best known for ambushing Bonnie and Clyde in 1934. Elliott carried the pistol on duty while assigned to work with the Texas Rangers in the 1957 Lone Star Steel Strike. colt 38 super for sale on GunsAmerica. Buy a colt 38 super o After shooting M9s in the military I was a decent shot. PDF The Following Article was Originally Published in the Texas Ranger The idea of the Texas Ranger Commemorative Colt Single Action Army revolver was conceived by Charles Schreiner III and Robert B. And it was so heavy that Colt said it would take a "Texan to shoot it.". However, for the hunt on Bonnie & Clyde, he replaced the S&W revolver with a .38 Colt Super Auto pistol (pp. Add to Wish List. I figured that if you go oddball with the Super, why go very normal with a 1911? I happen to have a Colt 1911 National Match in the .38 Super Full Wad Cutter. I love my 38 supers! Power factors have dropped and the original power factors surely stretched a gun after a very active season. Winchester makes a 124gr nickel coated brass case jacketed soft point ammo. Colt Guns, Colt Paterson, Colt Walker for Sale | Collectors Firearms You can also crank it up quite hot. To Chris. Little did anyone with whom Bill Wilson began his 1911 shooting, well over three decades ago, realize his interest in Colt 1911s would prove such a driving factor in his life. Finally, after the last batch of rounds, which I paid extra attention to the details, still had an alarmingly high rejection rate, I finally said I had enough and sold it for a 10mm. This gun is in excellent condition and is covered by Dury's Lifetime Warranty. Born in Rowena, Texas, Parker met Barrow at the home of a mutual friend in January 1930, according to the most credible accounts. Muzzle brake . Lastly, a coated Speed Chute mag well was added to smooth-out reloads. And of course, all of the preceding is fitted by one of Wilson Combats skilled smiths, using CNC-machined internal parts, and the entire package dehorned. I have heard all the bull about the 9mm. $1,999.99 $1,699.99. One often hears that the Texas Rangers and other Texans were among Colt's best customers for the early Super .38. By the time Bar-Sto got around to changing it to headspace on the case mouth, the market was nearly gone. Colt 1911 Classic Government 38 Super Stainless Pistol An advantage of this caliber is penetration. While I enjoy the wonderful 45 cartridge I much prefer the higher capacity and easier control of follow up shots with the 9mm and 38 Super. The Commander Model 38 Super pistol on the left includes the standard blued finish and checkered wood grips. He had to pull it on several occasions, but only used it 3 or 4 times. bullets topping 1400 fps. Bond Arms Texas Defender; Bond Arms The Texan, Derringer BATX; Bravo Company Mfg Recce 11 MCMR; . Not much more if any discernable recoil and I have had several shoulder surgeries and doesnt bother me. This example comes with a handmade tooled holster from the period. By Rick Cartledge. $901.00 $901.00. I have had the itch for a cap & ball revolver and I can't even find those (or at least not the one's I'm lookin for). Read on. It will be robust and potent equipment, because when working alone only the best will do. Energy equals the current watered-down .357 Magnum. At distances of 50 or less, the Super has virtually the same muzzle velocity of the .357 Magnum. One of my favorites! Hamer, by then an accomplished detective and gunfighter, studied the way in which Barrow made a wide circle along certain state borders. Texas became a proving ground and nearly the only market for Colt's revolutionary product. The 38 Super is a great cartridge which has been kind of left behind with the popularity of 9mm Plus-P loadings. After entering the Ranger service in 1961, Elliot . COLT 1911 38 SUPER STAINLESS . The Colt .38-caliber Detective's Special revolver, which was recovered from Parker's body by Texas Ranger Capt. I bought this pistol off a table at a small gun show in Custer, WA. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. I loved my .38 super so much i bought a colt competition series a few years ago. Tangfolio Match Elite chambered in 9mm. And Colt got the finest product placement/celebrity endorsement in marketing history: his guns were the official guns of Texas Rangers. The Winchester Silvertip breaks about 1,200 fps with a 125-grain bullet. The Defender is an officer-sized aluminum framed gun with a 3 inch bull barrel. After that the reputation of the weapon (and my dad) seemed to quiet things down nicely. Cartledge provides some interesting comments that contradict the conventional belief that Hamer also toted a 1911 pistol in .45 ACP: Two months later, Frank Hamer opted for the Remington .35 as his hole puncher and he picked an interesting pistol to go with his quick-pointing rifle. The 38 super is fantastic. SS 5" w/KNIFE 1 OF 500 (TALO) Out of stock View Details . Adding a stainless-steel Tactical Ambidextrous Thumb Safety accommodated his left-handedness. My first handgun was a Colt Government Model in .38 Super (built in 1947) which Ive had since the mid-70s. According to one of the posters, the reason that the Texas Rangers liked the Super 38 was that it would penetrate car bodies better than other calibers. Colt 1911 Texas Ranger commemorative chambered in .38 Super with a 4 1/4 inch barrel bright bore and good grooves with a display case and Texas Ranger Medallion. Ive had it since 1979 and love it. Hamer also owned many other guns. Colt's Manufacturing Company - Wikipedia . Today, Texas DPS issues Sig Sauer pistols in .357 Sig, undeniably robust, and potent, equipment. However, as an elite division, the Rangers are allowed some latitude in what they carry, and a large number choose the 1911. Very inexpensively made and prone to breakage with no parts availability. It fits like a glove. The little guy hold an honorary place in my collection and I smile when I think back to when I purchased it for $100.00. Jun 25, 2019. The .38 ACP fired a 130-grain bullet at 1,100 fps. Got my grouping back, sold the glock. Coke Stevenson to the Texas State Bank in Alice, county seat of Jim Wells County in South Texas. Colt 1911 El Samuel Colt 38 Super Engraved 1 of 500 O1911C-38-ESB I never got around to installing a Bar-Sto barrel, so my hand loading bullet choices were limited. Hamer was a cowboy on the Carr Ranch, between Sheffield and Fort Stockton when he captured the horse thief. In the future might try to acquire a Sig in 38 Super. The penetration of the cartridge and reliability of the 1911 gave law officers a great advantage. The 38 Super fills the bill here. Life With the 1911 | An Official Journal Of The NRA It was my Grandfathers gun and one of my favorite in the gun safe. Picked up 150 Rounds of 38 Super by mistake. Have been reading about early Texas history and am amazed by accounts of the states way of life in the early 1900s and the stories of men like Frank Hamer and LBJ who contributed so much good and bad. The 9mm is not my choice short of shooting at paper. Enjoy your new .38 Super! Is the .38 ACP Super a viable personal defense and tactical combination today? I would recommend it for any novice shooter or women; especially the unfortunately short-lived downsized frame which made it an excellent choice for concealed carry or purses. 38 Super Pistols For Sale - Hinterland Outfitters Editors note: This post was originally published in January of 2020. Regardless, any load tested had more than enough accuracy to put paid to a miscreant. Notify Me When Available. The 38 special penetrated around 1/4 inch into the second book. Its too bad, that it didnt take off the way Colt intended, because it is a good round that most likely would have had a stellar LEO career. He slept under his horse drawn wagon in bad weather and studied accounting alone by the light of campfires often with snow and rain falling around him. After the Hollywood version of Bonnie and Clyde, Mrs. Frank Hamer and Frank Hamer, Jr., sued Warner Bros.-Seven Arts for the defamatory manner in which the movie depicted the famous lawman. Still. The Combat Commander 45 ACP pistol on the right includes a nickel engraved finish and custom silver grips. Out of stock. per page . The .38-caliber revolver taped to Bonnie Parkers inner thigh when she and Clyde Barrow were killed by a Texas posse in 1934 has been made federally compliant and will be auctioned later this week. One can assume this must have been at a bit of a distance or Hamer hit him in the legs as apparently the guy lived. Also W.C. combat hammer. Both use the same Wilson See Sold Price. WE BUY GUNS! It made an excellent weapon for aircrew members, combat medics , radiomen and machine gunners. I now carry the .45 ACP. Well, my grouping sucked. Add to this, all his SAA pistols were short barreled. I pretty much fell in love with the Colt 1911 38 Super I have. Action works in both single and double action. 26 years and still my favorite pistol. Legal Statement. Texas Ranger Joaquin Jackson who spent the later part of his illustrious career looking after the harsh, massive Texas Big Bend Country, packed a Colt .45 auto throughout his distinguished career. His favorite longarm was a .30-30 Winchester M1894 lever-action rifle. In 1928, The Texas Bankers Association gave rewards to officers that set up certain petty criminals to be killed so that corrupt police officers could collect the rewards and pay finders fees. Bore is near excellent. . SDS Imports 10100513 1911A1 Regulator 9+1 5" Hard Chrome Plated Barrel, High Polished Chomium Coated Serrated Steel Slide & Frame w/Beavertail Frame Checkered Wood Grips. Bonnie Parker was just 24 in 1934 when she and Clyde Barrow died in a hail of gunfire after being ambushed by authorities in Louisiana. Its previous owner was a Texas county sheriff. All rights reserved. He knew that if any members of the Barrow gang survived the fusillade, a .38 Super round would penetrate the vehicles heavy steel body and body armor, too, if necessary! If you can. Colt 38 Super - Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum COLT 1911 TEXAS RANGER 38 SUPER USED GUN INV 219948 - Guns International Lock up okay, but gun is likely non functional. As to the rifles ability to tear holes in a V8 Ford, Frank Hamer had an unimpeachable source Clyde Barrow. Glad both calibers are being produced again in greater numbers. Does anyone know how I can obtain ammunition ? defense as they sell hollow points as well. They cost me $35.00 a box, so $105.00 is nothing to sneeze at. colt .38 Super head space 1911forum - Google Search. The factory letter confirms this is one of only 94 Texas Ranger Special Edition revolvers manufactured, lists the configuration, and notes that is chemically etched with "TEXAS RANGERS" in block letters down the back strap and inlaid with a flush silver "10" on the heel. Secondly, a slide short enough to help with concealment, yet long enough to reduce the whippiness found on many truly short-barreled pistols, and still providing a good sight radius. Gun #: 962326740. Colt Defender - The Sight M1911A1 Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. M. T. Gonzaullas, 1921 Thompson Sub-Machine Gun, Ranger H. Purvis, 1950 Colt .38 Super, Ranger Glenn Elliott, 1857 Manhattan Firearms Co. "Navy" Revolver, Capt. The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! Hughes trial was scheduled for trial within a week and a mob gathered outside the jail every night. Colt 38 Super - Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum Accuracy is pretty good. I presently shot mostly bullseye. At about 9:15 AM just after the thundering torrent of lead subsided, Frank Hamer, Sr. approached the 1934 Ford V8 with his 1911 style .38 Super drawn. Long-range practical shooting is possible with the 1911/.38 Super format. Colt - 38 Super ? | 1911 Firearm Addicts I know this will sound funny but about the only time I ever even think about the .38 Super is when happening to catch re-reuns of Nash Bridges. Bill Wilson and Trace understood this, and Wilson had a simple solution: Offer each Ranger any 1911 Wilson Combat made, modified as they requested, but with special Texas Ranger markings. His training, natural abilities and the Wilson were enough for a good start in the sport. Myths and Legends of the 1911 .45 ACP - Sight M1911 The Starburst Pattern G-10 grips really grabbed and held onto the hand, too. *For safetys sake, use Ramped / FULLY supported bbls, (My 1.911s been cut for Para/Clark/Briley style ramps),like Bar.Sto, (My Bar.Stos being fire.lapped / crowned @ 11 degree muzzle, as well as most others, for best accuracy), Wilson.Nowlin, Para.Ord, Springfield, RIA, (EAA/ Tanfoglio, very strong, but different platform, also ramped bbls). Frank Hamer, on the other hand, retired in 1949 and lived in Austin until his death in 1955. During that period roughly 37,000 pistols were manufactured mainly for commercial sales although some Foreign and U.S. Government Contracts existed. . Colt is known for the engineering, production, and marketing of . Gun Review: Cimarron McCulloch Colt Revolver - The Truth About Guns First, a frame handling eight-round Wilson magazines, for a nine-shot capacity, and one on which you can always get all your fingers. The 1911 is a good home for the .38 Super. , There is also a brief history after that on the Colt Commander. Throwback Thursday: Does Anyone Still Use the .38 Super? or redistributed. It can be loaded just like a 9mm with the same bullets and powder. Sold my Glock 17 (after 15 years of daily service as my carry gun) and bought a new Tangfoglio Combat 38 Super. It proved an effective and easy to shoot defensive cartridge. Look at some old gangster photos for 1911s with curiously small holes in the barrel. Stephen F. Austin probably never anticipated the historical impact of his organizing a small civilian group to provide protection for immigrants into Tejas. For more information, please call our knowledgeable staff about our Colt guns today at (877) 214-9327 or feel free to send us email inquiry at COLT 1911 45 ACP STAINLESS . It was shipped to McBride's Guns, Inc. in Austin, Texas, on March 24, 1984. A .38 Super fired in a .38 ACP could prove disastrous. Gun #: 999474294. No FTF, as long as no lead exposed @ tip. Im glad for that because todays Texas Rangers, just like those hard men who came before, still work in harms way. There is nothing wrong with the .38 ACP Super, to use its proper name. I first discovered the .38 Super when I read one of Stephen Hunters Bob Lee Swagger books. Can someone give me an idea of what they are selling for? Call me the oddball but I prefer the .40 S&W in an actual S&W or the .38 Spl. The mob, estimated at 5,000 people, then proceeded to burn black businesses. Thus, Johnson was off the ballot in the general election unless Johnson could do something quickly.
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