when does naruto control kurama

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when does naruto control kurama

when does naruto control kurama

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when does naruto control kurama

Kurama is a powerful being who has immense knowledge and control over wind-style chakra, but Kurama does . And that was the final and last step in getting Kurama to become his ally. [8] Over time, Kurama gained a fearsome reputation as a natural disaster that can desolate areas where the darkest aspects of human nature collect and fester. Its pupil alone was bigger than a tall human. Kurama and Naruto battle against Madara's wooden dragon. Kurama and Naruto were able to withstand the attack (losing six of its tails in exchange) and threw Kakashi and Naruto's Sage Mode shadow clone above the Ten-Tails, where Kakashi teleported Gyki who prepared to launch a Tailed Beast Ball from the beast's blind-spot. During Naruto's training to control the Nine-Tails' chakra, the fox had been consuming a certain amount of Naruto's chakra while he was using its own, which recovered it from its emaciated state. While on his search for Tsunade with Jiraiya, Naruto was confronted by Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki of Akatsuki. The Art of Summoning. During Naruto's nature transformation training, the Nine-Tails' chakra was surfacing within some of his shadow clones that had grown very frustrated with combining the Rasengan with his wind element. The first place they head to is Falls of Truth, which is a place that possesses the ability to reflect peoples true thoughts. Kurama has some minor roles in some of the Naruto video games. To understand how this happens and what is involved, we actually have to go through the full story of Naruto and Kurama. With the tailed beasts stunned, Madara then proceeded to chain them up and prepared to remove Yang-Kurama and Gyki from their jinchriki. Using the Rasengan Naruto had created, they all attacked and broke through Obito's shield, allowing Naruto and Sasuke to deliver a devastating blow against Obito and forcing out the chakra of all the tailed beasts. No, Kurama does not have a son. January 18, 2022. Immediately, Kakashi placed Jiraiya's special seal tag on Naruto's forehead, restoring him back to normal. The Nine-Tails became impressed with Sasuke's growth and ability, but as it stated that Sasuke's chakra was similar to Madara Uchiha, Sasuke effortlessly suppressed the fox's residual chakra with his Sharingan. Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission Naruto took on a new form of Baryon Mode. [17], While Kurama was rampaging in the village, Minato fought against Tobi and soon managed to place a Contract Seal on him, which freed the fox from his control. [16], Soon after the end of the Third Shinobi World War, the Third Hokage made special arrangements for Minato to ensure that Kurama would remain sealed inside Kushina while she gave birth to Naruto on the night of October 10. Thinking it would be him, Naruto was prepared to die, but Kurama revealed that he would be fine, as it was Kurama's life that was gambled through using . Here Is When & How Naruto Learns How to Control Kurama! Jan 13, 2016 at 4:29. Naruto fights Kurama in Episode #245, titled "The Next Challenge! In a word, yes. The Ninth Sacred Beast. Kurama's chakra is enough to power up an entire shinobi army. The most recently revealed of Naruto's Jinkurchi forms is the Asura Kurama Form. [14][15] After his victory over Madara, Hashirama's wife Mito Uzumaki sealed the fox within herself, becoming its first jinchriki. - MathIsNice1729. [43] In the anime, Kurama came to fear Himawari after being incapacitated by a Gentle Fist attack used by her during an incident where Naruto had to shield Boruto from Himawari, who attacked him in anger for damaging her plushy. When Naruto is about to be eaten by the Four-Tails, the Nine-Tails refuses to help him, despite the Eight-Tails scolding and knowing that Naruto is the only human who has not wanted to control him. Jutsus: - Lava release chakra mode: is enabled when player becomes the 4-tail jinchuriki. In a desperate act to save his own life, Naruto entered his subconscious and met with the Nine-Tails for the first time. Later, at a remote island in the Land of Lightning, after Naruto completed the first step at the Falls of Truth, Killer B then led Naruto to a special room within the secret temple behind the waterfall, to prepare Naruto in fighting the Nine-Tails. [21][46] While the two were basically identical to the other, Yang-Kurama retained its original colouring while Yin-Kurama was darker coloured. Kurama, recalling what Minato said to Naruto during his battle with Nagato, requested Naruto to switch again and directly told Tobi that Naruto would never follow his ideals and that Minato sealed it into Naruto so that he could defeat Tobi. [49] Upon gaining Naruto's Six Paths Chakra, Kurama's Tailed Beast Mode avatar grew to tremendous proportions, roughly the same size as Sasuke Uchiha's Six Paths Chakra-enhanced Complete Body Susanoo, with its tails becoming bushier.[50]. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown [11][12][13], After Madara Uchiha's defection from Konohagakure, he found Kurama and used his Sharingan to control it, forcing the fox to help him fight against Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage. Throughout the series, Naruto received a huge power boost. Brought to another dimension, Naruto stubbornly resisted Momoshiki's attempt to effectively extract Kurama's chakra from him, as the other four Kage, Sasuke, and Naruto's son, Boruto, managed to arrive in the dimension and free him from his bounds. [56] It could also accumulate a huge amount of chakra shortly after it has used up most of its own, enough to be passed on to the entire Allied Shinobi Forces and be felt countries away by non-sensors. Kurama and Naruto, with the other tailed beasts in a meeting. Some filler have Naruto raging out, of the top of my head there's Naruto vs Sora, Naruto vs the akatsuki from the Killer Bee filler, and whilst not technically Naruto, there is Naruto's Kyuubi clone created by Kabuto in . Later, as Naruto and Killer B continued their way toward the battlefield, the Nine-Tails pulled its jinchriki into his subconscious, berating him for squandering its chakra and calling him naive for thinking he could stop the war and bear the hatred by himself. Having no other choice, Naruto opened the seal to summon the Nine-Tails in a similar matter to fight against its opposite. As Momoshiki created an amplified Tailed Beast Ball to obliterate everyone with it, Naruto entered Tailed Beast Mode in order to stop the attack, and warned Kurama that it better not have gotten out of shape, to which Kurama refuted and declared it was going with all the power it had stored up. Kurama was an exceptionally powerful ally, but like every Tailed-Beast, it wanted its freedom, and since it was forcefully tied to Naruto after losing to his father, it rebelled against Naruto as its host and constantly tried to escape. Before this, Naruto had only been able to access a small portion of Kurama's power. After hearing about the Killer B incident, Naruto decides to meditate on the words that the other Naruto said, but there the giant squid appears again, but with Motoi trapped. During the climax of Naruto's fight against Gaara, the Nine-Tails gave some of its chakra to Naruto, leading to him defeating Shukaku's jinchriki. Centuries of being regarded as a mindless monster and sought after as a tool for war caused Kurama to hate humans. Since he lacked the power to defeat Isshiki, he had to tap into a life-threatening power. The Tailed Beasts can die, and it seems that is really what happened in the anime's latest episode. Later, during Naruto's battle with Pain, he slipped into his six-tailed form right after Pain appeared to have killed Hinata Hyga. Then, at that moment, a door to a room opens, in which Naruto is going to fight the Kyubi. It used "washi" () when referring to itself, which is generally used by older men. . Delighted that Naruto finally became consciously aware of its presence, the Nine-Tails became convinced that it could influence Naruto even more to use its power.[22]. Kurama also echoed Kakashi's words that something needed to be done before the Ten-Tails' revival was completed, afterwhich, on Naruto's request, Kurama switched back with him. The ritual : The place of the ritual is on a giant turtle used by the Hidden Cloud village ( which explains why killer-bee has the 8 Tails control) . Kazuma, a former member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja, collected and sealed the chakra within his son, Sora, hoping to make use of its power for his own agenda. Main article: Search for Tsunade - using chidori with a weapon in hand no longer . Naruto quickly began overwhelming Isshiki. What Happened to Him? There are instances in the manga where Kurama "speaks through . After fighting with the spirit for a while, he turned back to normal when a seal on Naruto given by Jiraiya came off and reminded him of how the tailed beast chakra hurt his friends in which he immediately turned back to normal. But it turns out that time had run out, causing Kushina to disappear, causing her tears of happiness to fall on her beloved son. [53][7] At full power, Kurama's Tailed Beast Ball could blast Toneri's giant golem through the moon and into orbit. Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie: Bonds Kurama was widely known as the strongest of the nine tailed beasts. Later, as the boy along with his father battled Naruto and Sasuke, Kurama criticised its jinchriki for being careless, commenting on how easily he was stabbed by the enemy's technique. He can actually release his chakra in waves, which can physically affect his surroundings, a skill that few other ninjas can match. However, it would also drain Isshiki's with each contact, meaning they just had to keep pressuring Isshiki until his already diminished lifespan ran out. Using the telepathic link, Naruto called for his comrades who rallied to his side all donning Tailed Beast Mode mantles as they entered Kurama's tails. After the team defeated Boro and returned to Konoha with Naruto, they were all taken to the hospital for treatment, with Naruto making a swift recovery. Naruto opened the seal's gate and acknowledged Kurama as his teammate from Konoha. The Zero-Tails then taunted Naruto and coaxed him into using the fox's power by saying that he couldn't save anyone without it. During their fight, Kurama was initially overwhelmed by its opponent, but eventually the fox was able to blast the golem away into space with a Tailed Beast Ball. After Madara Uchiha's defection from Konohagakure, he found Kurama and used his Sharingan to control it, forcing the fox to help him fight against Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage.The epic battle left a colossal scar in the earth that would come to be called the Valley of the End. Are All The Tailed Beast Resurrected during the war. They soon arrived at the arena where the Chnin Exams were held and proceeded to attack, creating chaos. When Naruto entered his subconscious, the Nine-Tails expressed surprise as it could no longer sense any hatred within him, and questioned Naruto about where the "real him" was, to which Naruto replied that the real him was right in front of it. Later, before Naruto defeated Kabuto Yakushi with a completed Rasengan, Kabuto severed Naruto's heart muscles, and his neighbouring chakra system, to which the Nine-Tails was unable to heal its host. Even for a tailed beast, Kurama possessed massive reserves of powerful chakra, required to be sealed last into the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to avoid overloading it. Once Naruto learns the Nine-Tails' name - Kurama - their hearts synchronise and Naruto becomes able to enter what is referred to as Kurama Mode (, Kurama Mdo). [44], Kurama was a red-orange coloured kitsune with black fur around its red eyes that stretch up to its ears, and nine long swiping tails. Although Kushina was terrified with the responsibility of containing Kurama, Mito assured her successor that the fox's hatred was powerless against her love. Naruto - (Or any other that has control over the beast) The Nine Tails. During the Second Stage of the Chnin Exams, the Nine-Tails' chakra emerged again while Naruto battled with a disguised Orochimaru in the Forest of Death. Some time after being created, the Sage explained to the young tailed beasts that a link existed between them despite their separation. Naruto, thus, had to prove his worth in order to gain Kuramas respect and, after that, his friendship. [30] Ever since its sealing within Naruto, Kurama plotted to use his dependence on its power to break free from the seal. This is how Naruto ultimately managed to control Kurama. As Naruto was prepared to die, Kurama revealed that Naruto would be fine, as it was Kurama's life that was gambled from using Baryon Mode. When Kurama noticed that Kakashi was low on chakra, it told Naruto to switch places with it, and, through Naruto's body, tossed Kakashi at Obito, who used Kamui to absorb him into Kamui's dimension. While Your Using the nine tails chakra it takes your own chakra. In this state, similar to nuclear fusion, Kurama's chakra was consumed as raw materials to produce a new type of energy. However, the two brothers survived and gained some of its power by eating the flesh of its stomach for two weeks, forcing Kurama to regurgitate them. Kurama later became able to manifest itself outside of Naruto, allowing the two to fight independently and away from each other. In this way they form a Great Bond, watching all of the memories of each other. In the first one, during his training with Killer B, Naruto had to defeat his inner darkness, which he ultimately succeeded in. The thing is though, they aren't whiskers at all: Naruto Uzumaki has "marks" on his face that appear to be an animal mustache, and they were created by a mystical nine-tailed fox by the name of Kurama that shared his chakra with Naruto while he was in his mother, Kushina's, womb. Later, during the final battle with Shin, Naruto brought one of Shin's clones into his subconscious with Kurama glaring down at the boy, scaring him and his clones to surrender. Main article: Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchriki. Later, after the reincarnated Madara Uchiha was fighting against one of Naruto's shadow clones and the Fourth Division, he attempted to summon the Nine-Tails. But the one that stands out is the Sage mode- which gathers chakra from nature. After passing the first test, he enters, together with his teacher, some temples that are behind the waterfall, where B said that Naruto would face the Kyubi. This was the second part of his test, as Naruto had to defeat Kurama in battle. When the genjutsu-controlled missing shinobi were attacking Konoha, Kurama assisted Naruto by infusing its chakra to his Rasengan: Flash to repel them. They managed to break free and Naruto used the Tornado Rasengan to defeat it. However, the Nine-Tails planted its hatred within its drained chakra, and it suddenly began to consume Naruto, making him lose the control and forcing him out of Sage Mode. When Naruto was soon contained by Pain's Chibaku Tensei technique, the Nine-Tails tempted Naruto to entrust his heart to it so that it could destroy everything that was causing Naruto pain, thus distorting the seal to the point where the eight-tailed form was released. While Tsunade desperately tried to save Naruto, the Nine-Tails noticed that its power was fading as its surroundings grew darker and darker. Moved by the story, Kawaki wondered if he could become someone like Naruto, to which Kurama believed that it would be all up to him, before directing him to go to sleep. In the anime, it was revealed that Kurama had left behind large amounts of its chakra during the attack. At first, Naruto thought that Kushina was the nine-tailed true form but was later beaten up by an angry Kushina, who then apologized and said that she hoped Naruto didnt get the hot-tempered attitude from her. Kurama then silently praised Naruto's ability to distribute his chakra to others despite how different they were, the fox noted that Naruto had surpassed his father and mother. This outburst also forced Naruto to enter his Version 1 state. The tailed beasts then ran away from the new moon and joined the rest of Team 7. Beside above, does Naruto learn to control Kurama? Black lines also ran the length of its spine, arms, legs and tails. Naruto agreed to it, declaring that the moment he decided to become Hokage, he knew the risks and was prepared to die. Shukaku, vowing to get back at the fox for teasing it, was intrigued to learn that Himawari once knocked out Kurama, and decided to play nice with the young girl in hopes of learning how she did it as a chance to have some mocking rights on the fox. The Nine-Tails took control of his senses and began to attack everything that was around him, including both Orochimaru and Sakura Haruno. Yin-Kurama, alongside the chakra portions of its brethren, helped Naruto create an onslaught of Rasenshuriken that dealt a significant blow against Kaguya. Main article: Time Slip Arc With this, both shinobi, shrouded in Kurama's form, created a giant, senjutsu-enhanced Rasengan and were teleported to Obito's location by Tobirama. During the first stage of Naruto's battle with Sasuke at the Valley of the End, Sasuke, in his first level of the Cursed Seal of Heaven, pierced a fatal wound in Naruto's right shoulder with his Chidori. That how madara and obito controls the nine tails. 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Kurama is a powerful being who has immense knowledge and control over wind-style chakra, but Kurama does . And that was the final and last step in getting Kurama to become his ally. [8] Over time, Kurama gained a fearsome reputation as a natural disaster that can desolate areas where the darkest aspects of human nature collect and fester. Its pupil alone was bigger than a tall human. Kurama and Naruto battle against Madara's wooden dragon. Kurama and Naruto were able to withstand the attack (losing six of its tails in exchange) and threw Kakashi and Naruto's Sage Mode shadow clone above the Ten-Tails, where Kakashi teleported Gyki who prepared to launch a Tailed Beast Ball from the beast's blind-spot. During Naruto's training to control the Nine-Tails' chakra, the fox had been consuming a certain amount of Naruto's chakra while he was using its own, which recovered it from its emaciated state. While on his search for Tsunade with Jiraiya, Naruto was confronted by Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki of Akatsuki. The Art of Summoning. During Naruto's nature transformation training, the Nine-Tails' chakra was surfacing within some of his shadow clones that had grown very frustrated with combining the Rasengan with his wind element. The first place they head to is Falls of Truth, which is a place that possesses the ability to reflect peoples true thoughts. Kurama has some minor roles in some of the Naruto video games. To understand how this happens and what is involved, we actually have to go through the full story of Naruto and Kurama. With the tailed beasts stunned, Madara then proceeded to chain them up and prepared to remove Yang-Kurama and Gyki from their jinchriki. Using the Rasengan Naruto had created, they all attacked and broke through Obito's shield, allowing Naruto and Sasuke to deliver a devastating blow against Obito and forcing out the chakra of all the tailed beasts. No, Kurama does not have a son. January 18, 2022. Immediately, Kakashi placed Jiraiya's special seal tag on Naruto's forehead, restoring him back to normal. The Nine-Tails became impressed with Sasuke's growth and ability, but as it stated that Sasuke's chakra was similar to Madara Uchiha, Sasuke effortlessly suppressed the fox's residual chakra with his Sharingan. Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission Naruto took on a new form of Baryon Mode. [17], While Kurama was rampaging in the village, Minato fought against Tobi and soon managed to place a Contract Seal on him, which freed the fox from his control. [16], Soon after the end of the Third Shinobi World War, the Third Hokage made special arrangements for Minato to ensure that Kurama would remain sealed inside Kushina while she gave birth to Naruto on the night of October 10. Thinking it would be him, Naruto was prepared to die, but Kurama revealed that he would be fine, as it was Kurama's life that was gambled through using . Here Is When & How Naruto Learns How to Control Kurama! Jan 13, 2016 at 4:29. Naruto fights Kurama in Episode #245, titled "The Next Challenge! In a word, yes. The Ninth Sacred Beast. Kurama's chakra is enough to power up an entire shinobi army. The most recently revealed of Naruto's Jinkurchi forms is the Asura Kurama Form. [14][15] After his victory over Madara, Hashirama's wife Mito Uzumaki sealed the fox within herself, becoming its first jinchriki. - MathIsNice1729. [43] In the anime, Kurama came to fear Himawari after being incapacitated by a Gentle Fist attack used by her during an incident where Naruto had to shield Boruto from Himawari, who attacked him in anger for damaging her plushy. When Naruto is about to be eaten by the Four-Tails, the Nine-Tails refuses to help him, despite the Eight-Tails scolding and knowing that Naruto is the only human who has not wanted to control him. Jutsus: - Lava release chakra mode: is enabled when player becomes the 4-tail jinchuriki. In a desperate act to save his own life, Naruto entered his subconscious and met with the Nine-Tails for the first time. Later, at a remote island in the Land of Lightning, after Naruto completed the first step at the Falls of Truth, Killer B then led Naruto to a special room within the secret temple behind the waterfall, to prepare Naruto in fighting the Nine-Tails. [21][46] While the two were basically identical to the other, Yang-Kurama retained its original colouring while Yin-Kurama was darker coloured. Kurama, recalling what Minato said to Naruto during his battle with Nagato, requested Naruto to switch again and directly told Tobi that Naruto would never follow his ideals and that Minato sealed it into Naruto so that he could defeat Tobi. [49] Upon gaining Naruto's Six Paths Chakra, Kurama's Tailed Beast Mode avatar grew to tremendous proportions, roughly the same size as Sasuke Uchiha's Six Paths Chakra-enhanced Complete Body Susanoo, with its tails becoming bushier.[50]. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown [11][12][13], After Madara Uchiha's defection from Konohagakure, he found Kurama and used his Sharingan to control it, forcing the fox to help him fight against Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage. Throughout the series, Naruto received a huge power boost. Brought to another dimension, Naruto stubbornly resisted Momoshiki's attempt to effectively extract Kurama's chakra from him, as the other four Kage, Sasuke, and Naruto's son, Boruto, managed to arrive in the dimension and free him from his bounds. [56] It could also accumulate a huge amount of chakra shortly after it has used up most of its own, enough to be passed on to the entire Allied Shinobi Forces and be felt countries away by non-sensors. Kurama and Naruto, with the other tailed beasts in a meeting. Some filler have Naruto raging out, of the top of my head there's Naruto vs Sora, Naruto vs the akatsuki from the Killer Bee filler, and whilst not technically Naruto, there is Naruto's Kyuubi clone created by Kabuto in . Later, as Naruto and Killer B continued their way toward the battlefield, the Nine-Tails pulled its jinchriki into his subconscious, berating him for squandering its chakra and calling him naive for thinking he could stop the war and bear the hatred by himself. Having no other choice, Naruto opened the seal to summon the Nine-Tails in a similar matter to fight against its opposite. As Momoshiki created an amplified Tailed Beast Ball to obliterate everyone with it, Naruto entered Tailed Beast Mode in order to stop the attack, and warned Kurama that it better not have gotten out of shape, to which Kurama refuted and declared it was going with all the power it had stored up. Kurama was an exceptionally powerful ally, but like every Tailed-Beast, it wanted its freedom, and since it was forcefully tied to Naruto after losing to his father, it rebelled against Naruto as its host and constantly tried to escape. Before this, Naruto had only been able to access a small portion of Kurama's power. After hearing about the Killer B incident, Naruto decides to meditate on the words that the other Naruto said, but there the giant squid appears again, but with Motoi trapped. During the climax of Naruto's fight against Gaara, the Nine-Tails gave some of its chakra to Naruto, leading to him defeating Shukaku's jinchriki. Centuries of being regarded as a mindless monster and sought after as a tool for war caused Kurama to hate humans. Since he lacked the power to defeat Isshiki, he had to tap into a life-threatening power. The Tailed Beasts can die, and it seems that is really what happened in the anime's latest episode. Later, during Naruto's battle with Pain, he slipped into his six-tailed form right after Pain appeared to have killed Hinata Hyga. Then, at that moment, a door to a room opens, in which Naruto is going to fight the Kyubi. It used "washi" () when referring to itself, which is generally used by older men. . Delighted that Naruto finally became consciously aware of its presence, the Nine-Tails became convinced that it could influence Naruto even more to use its power.[22]. Kurama also echoed Kakashi's words that something needed to be done before the Ten-Tails' revival was completed, afterwhich, on Naruto's request, Kurama switched back with him. The ritual : The place of the ritual is on a giant turtle used by the Hidden Cloud village ( which explains why killer-bee has the 8 Tails control) . Kazuma, a former member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja, collected and sealed the chakra within his son, Sora, hoping to make use of its power for his own agenda. Main article: Search for Tsunade - using chidori with a weapon in hand no longer . Naruto quickly began overwhelming Isshiki. What Happened to Him? There are instances in the manga where Kurama "speaks through . After fighting with the spirit for a while, he turned back to normal when a seal on Naruto given by Jiraiya came off and reminded him of how the tailed beast chakra hurt his friends in which he immediately turned back to normal. But it turns out that time had run out, causing Kushina to disappear, causing her tears of happiness to fall on her beloved son. [53][7] At full power, Kurama's Tailed Beast Ball could blast Toneri's giant golem through the moon and into orbit. Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie: Bonds Kurama was widely known as the strongest of the nine tailed beasts. Later, as the boy along with his father battled Naruto and Sasuke, Kurama criticised its jinchriki for being careless, commenting on how easily he was stabbed by the enemy's technique. He can actually release his chakra in waves, which can physically affect his surroundings, a skill that few other ninjas can match. However, it would also drain Isshiki's with each contact, meaning they just had to keep pressuring Isshiki until his already diminished lifespan ran out. Using the telepathic link, Naruto called for his comrades who rallied to his side all donning Tailed Beast Mode mantles as they entered Kurama's tails. After the team defeated Boro and returned to Konoha with Naruto, they were all taken to the hospital for treatment, with Naruto making a swift recovery. Naruto opened the seal's gate and acknowledged Kurama as his teammate from Konoha. The Zero-Tails then taunted Naruto and coaxed him into using the fox's power by saying that he couldn't save anyone without it. During their fight, Kurama was initially overwhelmed by its opponent, but eventually the fox was able to blast the golem away into space with a Tailed Beast Ball. After Madara Uchiha's defection from Konohagakure, he found Kurama and used his Sharingan to control it, forcing the fox to help him fight against Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage.The epic battle left a colossal scar in the earth that would come to be called the Valley of the End. Are All The Tailed Beast Resurrected during the war. They soon arrived at the arena where the Chnin Exams were held and proceeded to attack, creating chaos. When Naruto entered his subconscious, the Nine-Tails expressed surprise as it could no longer sense any hatred within him, and questioned Naruto about where the "real him" was, to which Naruto replied that the real him was right in front of it. Later, before Naruto defeated Kabuto Yakushi with a completed Rasengan, Kabuto severed Naruto's heart muscles, and his neighbouring chakra system, to which the Nine-Tails was unable to heal its host. Even for a tailed beast, Kurama possessed massive reserves of powerful chakra, required to be sealed last into the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to avoid overloading it. Once Naruto learns the Nine-Tails' name - Kurama - their hearts synchronise and Naruto becomes able to enter what is referred to as Kurama Mode (, Kurama Mdo). [44], Kurama was a red-orange coloured kitsune with black fur around its red eyes that stretch up to its ears, and nine long swiping tails. Although Kushina was terrified with the responsibility of containing Kurama, Mito assured her successor that the fox's hatred was powerless against her love. Naruto - (Or any other that has control over the beast) The Nine Tails. During the Second Stage of the Chnin Exams, the Nine-Tails' chakra emerged again while Naruto battled with a disguised Orochimaru in the Forest of Death. Some time after being created, the Sage explained to the young tailed beasts that a link existed between them despite their separation. Naruto, thus, had to prove his worth in order to gain Kuramas respect and, after that, his friendship. [30] Ever since its sealing within Naruto, Kurama plotted to use his dependence on its power to break free from the seal. This is how Naruto ultimately managed to control Kurama. As Naruto was prepared to die, Kurama revealed that Naruto would be fine, as it was Kurama's life that was gambled from using Baryon Mode. When Kurama noticed that Kakashi was low on chakra, it told Naruto to switch places with it, and, through Naruto's body, tossed Kakashi at Obito, who used Kamui to absorb him into Kamui's dimension. While Your Using the nine tails chakra it takes your own chakra. In this state, similar to nuclear fusion, Kurama's chakra was consumed as raw materials to produce a new type of energy. However, the two brothers survived and gained some of its power by eating the flesh of its stomach for two weeks, forcing Kurama to regurgitate them. Kurama later became able to manifest itself outside of Naruto, allowing the two to fight independently and away from each other. In this way they form a Great Bond, watching all of the memories of each other. In the first one, during his training with Killer B, Naruto had to defeat his inner darkness, which he ultimately succeeded in. The thing is though, they aren't whiskers at all: Naruto Uzumaki has "marks" on his face that appear to be an animal mustache, and they were created by a mystical nine-tailed fox by the name of Kurama that shared his chakra with Naruto while he was in his mother, Kushina's, womb. Later, during the final battle with Shin, Naruto brought one of Shin's clones into his subconscious with Kurama glaring down at the boy, scaring him and his clones to surrender. Main article: Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchriki. Later, after the reincarnated Madara Uchiha was fighting against one of Naruto's shadow clones and the Fourth Division, he attempted to summon the Nine-Tails. But the one that stands out is the Sage mode- which gathers chakra from nature. After passing the first test, he enters, together with his teacher, some temples that are behind the waterfall, where B said that Naruto would face the Kyubi. This was the second part of his test, as Naruto had to defeat Kurama in battle. When the genjutsu-controlled missing shinobi were attacking Konoha, Kurama assisted Naruto by infusing its chakra to his Rasengan: Flash to repel them. They managed to break free and Naruto used the Tornado Rasengan to defeat it. However, the Nine-Tails planted its hatred within its drained chakra, and it suddenly began to consume Naruto, making him lose the control and forcing him out of Sage Mode. When Naruto was soon contained by Pain's Chibaku Tensei technique, the Nine-Tails tempted Naruto to entrust his heart to it so that it could destroy everything that was causing Naruto pain, thus distorting the seal to the point where the eight-tailed form was released. While Tsunade desperately tried to save Naruto, the Nine-Tails noticed that its power was fading as its surroundings grew darker and darker. Moved by the story, Kawaki wondered if he could become someone like Naruto, to which Kurama believed that it would be all up to him, before directing him to go to sleep. In the anime, it was revealed that Kurama had left behind large amounts of its chakra during the attack. At first, Naruto thought that Kushina was the nine-tailed true form but was later beaten up by an angry Kushina, who then apologized and said that she hoped Naruto didnt get the hot-tempered attitude from her. Kurama then silently praised Naruto's ability to distribute his chakra to others despite how different they were, the fox noted that Naruto had surpassed his father and mother. This outburst also forced Naruto to enter his Version 1 state. The tailed beasts then ran away from the new moon and joined the rest of Team 7. Beside above, does Naruto learn to control Kurama? Black lines also ran the length of its spine, arms, legs and tails. Naruto agreed to it, declaring that the moment he decided to become Hokage, he knew the risks and was prepared to die. Shukaku, vowing to get back at the fox for teasing it, was intrigued to learn that Himawari once knocked out Kurama, and decided to play nice with the young girl in hopes of learning how she did it as a chance to have some mocking rights on the fox. The Nine-Tails took control of his senses and began to attack everything that was around him, including both Orochimaru and Sakura Haruno. Yin-Kurama, alongside the chakra portions of its brethren, helped Naruto create an onslaught of Rasenshuriken that dealt a significant blow against Kaguya. Main article: Time Slip Arc With this, both shinobi, shrouded in Kurama's form, created a giant, senjutsu-enhanced Rasengan and were teleported to Obito's location by Tobirama. During the first stage of Naruto's battle with Sasuke at the Valley of the End, Sasuke, in his first level of the Cursed Seal of Heaven, pierced a fatal wound in Naruto's right shoulder with his Chidori. That how madara and obito controls the nine tails. 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