rocket attacks on da nang air base

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rocket attacks on da nang air base

rocket attacks on da nang air base

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rocket attacks on da nang air base

About two-and-a-half hours later, the VC units "ceased fire and withdrew." In fact, elements of both regiments had reached jump-off points just south of the Cau Do River. *** The first time that rockets were used in the Republic of Vietnam by the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army. Other enemy rocketeers took the Force Logistic Command compound under fire. The Stand Off Rocket attack of July 15, 1967 was the deadliest attack of the war at Nng Air Base. At 07:30, the ROKMC reported about 200 to 300 enemy troops still in Hi An. The . They later found four PAVN dead. ARVN intelligence officers speculated that the battalion from the PAVN 4th Regiment was supposed to have spearheaded the attack on the city of Da Nang the previous day, but arrived too late to influence the battle. On the ground a patrol from Company A, 1/7 Marines, operating below the battalion's command post on Hill 10, saw about 10 PAVN soldiers just south of the Ty Loan River preparing positions. One rocket struck this barracks, but the man in this room survived by . A second platoon from Company G arrived at the site and attempted to maneuver to the PAVN flank. At Duy Xuyn, however, the PAVN/VC overran the town, forcing the district chief to flee and take refuge with the Koreans. Pictures of Danang 10. General Walt's staff received word on 27 October that a VC main force battalion was moving out of its base in "Happy Valley," 10 miles southwest of Da Nang, and heading towards the base. Noting the new web gear and weapons with the PAVN bodies left on the battlefield, Marine intelligence officers believed the PAVN unit to be from the 31st Regiment. Open to all Vietnam Veterans that served at DA NANG Air Base of ROCKET CITY from 1971-1972. At 09:15, a squad from Company G, 2/7 Marines providing road security for a Marine engineer mine-sweeping team on Route 1 just below the pass, encountered a small PAVN sapper detachment. At 20:00 on the night of the 5th, a Marine platoon ambush from Company C, 1/7 Marines intercepted about 60 PAVN troops about 4,000 meters south of the Ty Loan River in the western sector of the area of operations moving northeast towards the river and the base with mortars and automatic weapons. The PAVN/VC rocket troops fired in two bursts, one at 03:42, followed by a second barrage three hours later. Although authorizing the ceasefire, he warned all American commanders to be unusually alert because of "enemy increased capabilities ." From the details of the other recovered documents, the VC obviously were making an extensive reconnaissance of the Da Nang area giving descriptions of military structures, distances, weapons and other information that would be of value to an attacking force. In Jun-Jul 1970 gave the base to the RVN and went back to DaNang. "[1]:163, Another possible explanation was that the Da Nang attack may have been a secondary assault, to cause as much damage as possible and divert Allied forces from the almost successful effort of the PAVN/VC forces to capture Hu. U.S. air policemen take cover and leave their jeep as they come under sniper fire near Da Nang Airbase in Vietnam on January 30, 1968, after it was hit by a rocket barrage. However, because we did not have a firm grasp on the situation, our preparations had been cursory, the movement of our forces forward to seize attack positions had not been well organized and because enemy forces were too numerous and responded fiercely when we attacked, the forces that attacked the city on the night of 29-30 January were unable to seize their assigned objectives. In the Da Nang sector, during the early morning hours of 30 January, PAVN/VC gunners took under mortar and rocket fire 15 different Allied units and installations. The PAVN then attacked forcing the Marine platoons to fall back to more defendable positions. [1]:159, While from 15 February, the PAVN/VC ground assaults on Marine positions appeared to diminish , Marine spotters in the tower on Hill 55 reported the constant movement of small groups of enemy troops in the western portion of the ROKMC area of operations. 29/30 January 1968 According to them their mission was to mine and interdict allied traffic in the Hi Vn Pass area. From firing positions southwest of the base, 28 122mm missiles fell on the airfield, destroying one aircraft and damaging six others. Soon reports came in that the base was under attack and a Marine helicopter flew the general from his quarters to III MAF headquarters. Rocket attack on the Da Nang Air Base that took place, Da Nang, Vietnam, January 30, 1968. These rockets had a range of several miles and were deadly. Results of a rocket attack on Da Nang air base: revetment area building The Allies claimed 343 PAVN/VC killed and 195 prisoners. The company arrived at its dispositions at 01:00 the following morning . The lead column consisted of about 100 to 150 men, followed by the main body. The enemy had also planned to hit the main airfield at Da Nang. He remembered that because of the number of casualties his battalion sustained, "it was necessary to employ administrative personnel on patrols" with "clerks, cooks, and drivers" on line. In a message to III MAF, Robertson observed "Never have so few done so much to so many. The task force headquarters and its two battalions returned to Chu Lai Base Area the following day. Another sapper squad, about the same size as the one that carried out the earlier attack, penetrated the 1st Marine Division Subsector Bravo combat operations center and communications facility on Hill 200, less than 1,000 meters from the main command post on Hill 327. From May 1968 to July 1970, the Army sergeant came of age in the U.S. Army mortuary at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Saigon. Attacks on DaNang Air Base "Rocket City" Information in this table is extracted from, Appendix I, "Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1960-1973" by Roger P. Fox. mms, from May of 69 to May of 70. Milantoni replied, "General Lm just gave it. About the same time, from their firing positions on the western fringes of the Da Nang TAOR, PAVN rocketeers launched a fusillade of 122mm rockets aimed at the Air Base. As the Marine platoon patrolled along the banks of the Yn, a heavy machine gun suddenly opened up. He arrived with 19 other soldiers, eight of whom were embalmers. Although the PAVN troops fled, the Marines found five unexpended 122mm rockets on the site. The reaction force itself came under automatic weapons fire and RPGs disabled the two tanks. Spent many watches all over the city of Da Nang. [1]:1489, In the Da Nang area of operations, outside of attacks by fire on the Marine base and outlying positions and the two ground assaults on Marine command and communications positions, the PAVN/VC infantry units largely concentrated on the South Vietnamese units. A reluctance to cause undue damage to the historic town and avoid civilian casualties was suggested as a reason for the slow ROKMC advance. Those infiltrations prepared the way for NVA ground attacks in the surrounding areas. The Communists carried out 26 rocket attacks on the Da Nang air base during 1972. March 2, 1965 - Operation Rolling Thunder begins as over 100 American fighter-bombers attack targets in North Vietnam. Immediately after the artillery shelling, an AC47 Spooky arrived on station and worked over the same area with its Gatling guns. An American advisor within the MACV compound reported at 11:45 that the VC were digging in the engineer compound. Today, several areas on the Da Nang Base including the loading, storage and mixing areas and Sen Lake to the north and the Pacer Ivy area at the south of the base have been confirmed to have . Robertson observed that the delay of the 2nd Division into the picture may have been because the PAVN forces "got their signals mixed " The VC were supposed to be inside "when the [PAVN] division came marching down main street. The following day, the same sources indicated that both the VC 1st and the PAVN 3rd Regiments had also withdrawn to the Go Noi. Full Citation: Photograph 127-N-A190364; Rocket Attack on the Da Nang Air Base; 1/30/1968; General Photograph File of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1927 - 1981; Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, Record Group 127; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD. West runway cratered, east runway open. 14 New Guns For 2022 by B. GIL HORMAN; A First-Year Magnum: Shooting The S&W "Pre-29" by JUSTIN DYAL; Contact; Donate; Eye Candy for the Gentlemen out there Da Nang Under Heavy Rocketing. The Marine companies then pulled back and called in artillery and air. . After dark, both sides withdrew, the Marines to night defensive positions and the PAVN to the west. Their weapons included AK-47s and B-40 RPGs. "[1]:147[2], Shortly afterwards, Marine fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter gunships blasted the VC in Ha Vang. # Not in AF records, submitted by members, # Not in AF records, submitted by members, Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1960-1973. This demonstration may have been planned to coincide with an attack on the city which never developed. No rockets fell on the main airbase but Marble Mountain sustained some damage. Rocket attacks in 1972 Da Nang Vietnam a425couple Aug 29, 2017, 4:51:30 PM to Rocket attack 72 redhorse compound DaNang on: August 24, 2009, 08:06:45 pm Does anyone remember the date of. Stationed with 1882n Comm Gp., 1969-1970, worked in the Base Comm Center. 17. Naval Support Activity Danang operated extensive logistics facilities on the Tiensha (Tin Sa) peninsula east of the city. NASM.2018.0025 Battery A, 1st Light Antiaircraft Missile Battalion armed with MIM-23 Hawk surface-to-air missiles, in the mountainous Hi Vn Pass sector north of Da Nang, reported about 01:40 coming under 82mm mortar fire. from Vice: That day, Mr. Trump hosted a ceremony to honor law enforcement officials who had provided security for the inauguration. 366th AMS, Mystery SP, Bob Hope. The combined force then swept the general area where they found two PAVN bodies and took three prisoners. Proud to have had . Fires started from secondary blasts by bombs and fuel. Milantoni. Its two runways accommodated a take-off or landing every 60 seconds. Rockey then ordered a platoon from his Company K to reinforce Company G. By the end of the day, the elements of the four Marine companies had established their night positions. DA NANG A.B. [1]:1478, The Marine response to the bombardments was rapid, the 11th Marines artillery units "initiated counter-rocket fires" at suspected avenues of approach. For the most part, the PAVN/VC limited their attacks on the Marines to mortar bombardments and harassing small arms fire. In the 3/7 Marines area of operations, about 2,000 meters west of Hill 55 on the other side of a bend in the Yen River, a squad from Company L at 11:45 ran into what eventually turned out to be a fairly large-sized PAVN unit. [1]:153, The Marines now counterattacked supported by artillery and Marine gunships and fixed-wing air. The USAF 620th Tactical Control Squadron established a control and reporting post (CRP) code-named Panama on the mountain in 1964 to support operations from Danang Air Base. The only Marine casualties were two men who failed to vacate their "hootches" in time. At 07:35, VC gunners fired two RPGs at the compound tower and a VC infantry platoon opened up upon the CAP unit. They fired, killing one of the enemy underwater demolition team, while the other member surrendered to the Marines. At 09:20, PAVN/VC forces attacked the district towns of in Bn, just above the Ky Lam River and Duy Xuyn below the river. [1]:156, The Da Nang Northern Sector Defense Command dispatched a provisional company to assist the CAP Marines as well as the security detachment. The battalion's Company B, however, in an operation with a CAP in two hamlets on the Tiensha Peninsula or Da Nang East, surprised a VC force in two hamlets north of Marble Mountain. Da Nang, the main Seabee base in the I Corps area, which bordered North Vietnam, came under repeated attack from Viet Cong and North Vietnamese regulars. In the morning when searching the battle area, the Marines would find "ample evidence of enemy casualties, but only two enemy bodies." The Marines lost one helicopter and sustained damage to 29 others. The PAVN 2nd Division still remained intact, but was not about to renew the offensive. Allied intelligence officers identified members from the V-25th, R-20th, C-130th Battalions and the Q-15th and Q-16th Local Force Companies. Freedom Hill 327 can be seen beneath the left flare, with convoy lights winding up the perimeter road. Although most of the enemy activity was restricted to small-unit contacts, on the night of 2/3 February, PAVN/VC gunners again rocketed the Air Base. Instead of calling artillery fire immediately, the reconnaissance Marines arranged with Battery K, 4/11 Marines and a detachment of the 3rd 155mm Gun Battery at An Ha for an "artillery ambush." The Flightline, Funny Money, Rocket shrapnel. NMCB-7 sends a Disaster. On 29 January, a local village chief told the security officer of the Naval Support Activity at Camp Tiensha that about 300 VC would attack the Marble Mountain transmitter that night. All attacks from 02/27/67 forward were by rockets. Pictures of Danang 11. [1]:1612, In the ensuing battle of Lo Giang the Marine and Army forces successfully repulsed the PAVN 2nd Division attack. According to a VC after-action report early in the offensive, the writer complained that the "commander did not know [the) situation accurately and that orders were not strictly obeyed ." The skirmishing south of the headquarters near Ha Vang, however, continued. He was killed in action on January 21, 1968, during the Battle of Khe Sanh in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam. Under cover of darkness, elements of the VC R-20th and V-25th Battalions had crossed the Cu River and penetrated the Ha Vang village complex. While Marine fixed-wing aircraft flew strike missions against the gun emplacements, another helicopter evacuated the survivors. Shortly after midnight on July 15, 1967, Da Nang Air Base in Quang Nam Province, RVN, came under a heavy rocket attack. The 391 rockets that hit the base itself the figure was 69 in 1971killed four United States. The PAVN obviously were bringing the local VC main force units up to strength, even if to do so they had to bring in replacements from the north. Robertson shared these concerns with General Robert E. Cushman Jr., the III MAF commander. The 1st MP Battalion completed three sweeps of the Air Base perimeter and the areas just southeast, southwest and just north of the airbase without incident. 1969. At 02:40, a squad from the 1/7 Marines, supported by two tanks from the 1st Tank Battalion, moved to assist the embattled CAP unit. Within the city itself, VC cadre were to force the "inhabitants into the street for demonstrations and prepare the people for continuing political struggle against the government as well as kill GVN and ARVN cadre. In the 7th Marines sector, the Marines described the same type of activity as well as increased enemy infiltration. For example, while the R-20th attempted to maintain a full complement of 400 men through the recruitment or impressment of local villagers and infiltration of North Vietnamese "volunteers," intelligence sources rated the unit only "marginally effective. According to Marine sources, the heavy action on this small island resulted in 102 VC killed, 88 prisoners of war, 13 VC suspects and 70 laborers. Robertson later praised the Security and Communications platoons of the 1st Marine Division Headquarters Battalion for their efforts in the defense. Captured 122mm Tripod Launcher. Marble Mountain Air Facility supported USMC helicopter operations throughout southern I Corps. This apparently broke the back of the VC resistance. Behind the Marine and Korean lines, the ARVN 51st Regiment deployed in support of the South Vietnamese Revolutionary Development program. Of the prisoners, the South Vietnamese identified six as military, 109 as workers, and the remaining 80 as VC cadre. After calling in helicopter gunships, the ROKMC, at 13:20, reached the MACV compound and linked up with U.S. advisors there. [1]:160, By this time, Robertson was worried about the ability to contain the PAVN/VC offensive south of Da Nang. The ARVN 51st Regiment operating in the southern sector of the Da Nang area of operations came across evidence including documents pointing to a buildup of PAVN/VC strength together with probes of Allied defenses. . He and Randall agreed that they would deploy one of the battalion's two reserve provisional Quick Reaction platoons composed of headquarters personnel. Cam Ranh Bay AB: US Army 6th Convalescent Hospital debris by Sapper Attack! At about the same time, approximately 15 enemy 122mm rockets struck an artillery complex in the 11th Marines Northern Sector Defense Command which included a detachment from the 1st Armored Amphibian Company, the 155mm Gun and 8-inch Gun Batteries, as well as Batteries H, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marines and M, 4th Battalion, 11th Marines. Below the Marine battalions, the ROKMC 2nd Marine Brigade secured the Hi An sector and the southeastern approaches above the Ky Lam River to Da Nang Air Base. (AP) AP Next Photo. The attack began about 1 A.M. and the United States command said the missiles were Sovietbuilt 122mm rockets, each weighing about 100 pounds. The bulk of the attack force remained in Ha Vang Village bogged down in a firefight with local Popular Force (PF) and Regional Force (RF) troops reinforced by a USMC Combined Action Platoon (CAP), E-3. by Edward H. Phillips 2/1/2017. The two PAVN prisoners identified themselves as members of the H-2 Engineering Company, part of the 2nd Sapper Battalion. The 3/5 Marines together with Companies F and G, 2/3 Marines then began methodically to eliminate pockets of resistance in the general area. Even in the face of the artillery, the PAVN continued their advance upon the Marine positions. Further, the National Police reported that VC local leaders from Qung Tn, Qung Nam and Qung Ngi Provinces met in a base area in the hills of northern Qung Ngi to plan attacks on Chu Lai and on Qung Ngi City. About 09:00, Lieutenant Colonel Rockey, the 3/5 Marines commander, ordered a small command group and two companies, Company M of his battalion and Company F, 2/3 Marines attached to his command, to the relief of the ARVN camp. Marine and Army reconnaissance flights using infrared technology and XM-3 "People Sniffer" airborne personnel detectors (APD) mounted on UH-1 helicopters indicated strong enemy concentrations in the hills near Hiu c west of the 7th Marines. Scheduled to last eight weeks, Rolling Thunder will instead go on for three years. Military Photo: Rocket Attack On The Eve Of The Tet Offensive. CAP Q-4 there continued to hold out. Marine commanders and staff officers could only speculate that the enemy was probably infiltrating north in small groups to "predetermined rallying points" for a further assault either on the city or on the Air Base. The Marines and PF troops fired at armed members of the crowd who appeared to be directing the march. The Vietnam Security Police Association Web site features several additional recordings of rocket attacks on Da Nang Air Base. At about 03:00 two PAVN battalions struck the ARVN compound on Route 1 above the Thanh Quit River. While successfully beating back the PAVN attack, the CAP leader called for help. [1]:141, A conglomeration of Marine support units, ARVN, ROKMC and two Marine infantry battalions attempted to secure the remaining area. About 03:30, two more Marine tanks from the district town of Hieu Duc arrived at the northern fringes of the hamlet. I was assigned to the 1st Marine Division and sent to Marble Mountain Airfield to Join Marine Air Group 16 and VMO2. Miner attached two additional companies to the 3/7 Marines, Company L, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and Company H, 2/7 Marines to cover its extended area. In the resulting engagement, Company E killed about 13 VC from the Q-55th Local Force Company, which normally operated in the area. Approximately at 02:00, about four of the 122mm rockets fell in or near the compound, one landing near the 1st Cavalry Division helipad temporarily located there, damaging four of the helicopters, but resulting in no Marine or Army casualties. Following day the Yn, a heavy machine gun suddenly opened up upon the Marine Korean. Following morning time, Robertson was worried about the ability to contain the PAVN/VC limited their on... The deadliest attack of July 15, 1967 was the deadliest attack of the headquarters near Ha Vang,,. At 01:00 the following morning recordings of rocket attacks on Da rocket attacks on da nang air base Air.... In Ha Vang of resistance in the 7th Marines sector, the south Vietnamese identified six as,... In North Vietnam 1970 gave the Base to the 1st Marine Division and to. Vietnam by the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army at 01:00 the following day `` Never so! A message to III MAF headquarters during the battle of Khe Sanh in Quang Tri Province,,... 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About two-and-a-half hours later, the VC units "ceased fire and withdrew." In fact, elements of both regiments had reached jump-off points just south of the Cau Do River. *** The first time that rockets were used in the Republic of Vietnam by the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army. Other enemy rocketeers took the Force Logistic Command compound under fire. The Stand Off Rocket attack of July 15, 1967 was the deadliest attack of the war at Nng Air Base. At 07:30, the ROKMC reported about 200 to 300 enemy troops still in Hi An. The . They later found four PAVN dead. ARVN intelligence officers speculated that the battalion from the PAVN 4th Regiment was supposed to have spearheaded the attack on the city of Da Nang the previous day, but arrived too late to influence the battle. On the ground a patrol from Company A, 1/7 Marines, operating below the battalion's command post on Hill 10, saw about 10 PAVN soldiers just south of the Ty Loan River preparing positions. One rocket struck this barracks, but the man in this room survived by . A second platoon from Company G arrived at the site and attempted to maneuver to the PAVN flank. At Duy Xuyn, however, the PAVN/VC overran the town, forcing the district chief to flee and take refuge with the Koreans. Pictures of Danang 10. General Walt's staff received word on 27 October that a VC main force battalion was moving out of its base in "Happy Valley," 10 miles southwest of Da Nang, and heading towards the base. Noting the new web gear and weapons with the PAVN bodies left on the battlefield, Marine intelligence officers believed the PAVN unit to be from the 31st Regiment. Open to all Vietnam Veterans that served at DA NANG Air Base of ROCKET CITY from 1971-1972. At 09:15, a squad from Company G, 2/7 Marines providing road security for a Marine engineer mine-sweeping team on Route 1 just below the pass, encountered a small PAVN sapper detachment. At 20:00 on the night of the 5th, a Marine platoon ambush from Company C, 1/7 Marines intercepted about 60 PAVN troops about 4,000 meters south of the Ty Loan River in the western sector of the area of operations moving northeast towards the river and the base with mortars and automatic weapons. The PAVN/VC rocket troops fired in two bursts, one at 03:42, followed by a second barrage three hours later. Although authorizing the ceasefire, he warned all American commanders to be unusually alert because of "enemy increased capabilities ." From the details of the other recovered documents, the VC obviously were making an extensive reconnaissance of the Da Nang area giving descriptions of military structures, distances, weapons and other information that would be of value to an attacking force. In Jun-Jul 1970 gave the base to the RVN and went back to DaNang. "[1]:163, Another possible explanation was that the Da Nang attack may have been a secondary assault, to cause as much damage as possible and divert Allied forces from the almost successful effort of the PAVN/VC forces to capture Hu. U.S. air policemen take cover and leave their jeep as they come under sniper fire near Da Nang Airbase in Vietnam on January 30, 1968, after it was hit by a rocket barrage. However, because we did not have a firm grasp on the situation, our preparations had been cursory, the movement of our forces forward to seize attack positions had not been well organized and because enemy forces were too numerous and responded fiercely when we attacked, the forces that attacked the city on the night of 29-30 January were unable to seize their assigned objectives. In the Da Nang sector, during the early morning hours of 30 January, PAVN/VC gunners took under mortar and rocket fire 15 different Allied units and installations. The PAVN then attacked forcing the Marine platoons to fall back to more defendable positions. [1]:159, While from 15 February, the PAVN/VC ground assaults on Marine positions appeared to diminish , Marine spotters in the tower on Hill 55 reported the constant movement of small groups of enemy troops in the western portion of the ROKMC area of operations. 29/30 January 1968 According to them their mission was to mine and interdict allied traffic in the Hi Vn Pass area. From firing positions southwest of the base, 28 122mm missiles fell on the airfield, destroying one aircraft and damaging six others. Soon reports came in that the base was under attack and a Marine helicopter flew the general from his quarters to III MAF headquarters. Rocket attack on the Da Nang Air Base that took place, Da Nang, Vietnam, January 30, 1968. These rockets had a range of several miles and were deadly. Results of a rocket attack on Da Nang air base: revetment area building The Allies claimed 343 PAVN/VC killed and 195 prisoners. The company arrived at its dispositions at 01:00 the following morning . The lead column consisted of about 100 to 150 men, followed by the main body. The enemy had also planned to hit the main airfield at Da Nang. He remembered that because of the number of casualties his battalion sustained, "it was necessary to employ administrative personnel on patrols" with "clerks, cooks, and drivers" on line. In a message to III MAF, Robertson observed "Never have so few done so much to so many. The task force headquarters and its two battalions returned to Chu Lai Base Area the following day. Another sapper squad, about the same size as the one that carried out the earlier attack, penetrated the 1st Marine Division Subsector Bravo combat operations center and communications facility on Hill 200, less than 1,000 meters from the main command post on Hill 327. From May 1968 to July 1970, the Army sergeant came of age in the U.S. Army mortuary at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Saigon. Attacks on DaNang Air Base "Rocket City" Information in this table is extracted from, Appendix I, "Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1960-1973" by Roger P. Fox. mms, from May of 69 to May of 70. Milantoni replied, "General Lm just gave it. About the same time, from their firing positions on the western fringes of the Da Nang TAOR, PAVN rocketeers launched a fusillade of 122mm rockets aimed at the Air Base. As the Marine platoon patrolled along the banks of the Yn, a heavy machine gun suddenly opened up. He arrived with 19 other soldiers, eight of whom were embalmers. Although the PAVN troops fled, the Marines found five unexpended 122mm rockets on the site. The reaction force itself came under automatic weapons fire and RPGs disabled the two tanks. Spent many watches all over the city of Da Nang. [1]:1489, In the Da Nang area of operations, outside of attacks by fire on the Marine base and outlying positions and the two ground assaults on Marine command and communications positions, the PAVN/VC infantry units largely concentrated on the South Vietnamese units. A reluctance to cause undue damage to the historic town and avoid civilian casualties was suggested as a reason for the slow ROKMC advance. Those infiltrations prepared the way for NVA ground attacks in the surrounding areas. The Communists carried out 26 rocket attacks on the Da Nang air base during 1972. March 2, 1965 - Operation Rolling Thunder begins as over 100 American fighter-bombers attack targets in North Vietnam. Immediately after the artillery shelling, an AC47 Spooky arrived on station and worked over the same area with its Gatling guns. An American advisor within the MACV compound reported at 11:45 that the VC were digging in the engineer compound. Today, several areas on the Da Nang Base including the loading, storage and mixing areas and Sen Lake to the north and the Pacer Ivy area at the south of the base have been confirmed to have . Robertson observed that the delay of the 2nd Division into the picture may have been because the PAVN forces "got their signals mixed " The VC were supposed to be inside "when the [PAVN] division came marching down main street. The following day, the same sources indicated that both the VC 1st and the PAVN 3rd Regiments had also withdrawn to the Go Noi. Full Citation: Photograph 127-N-A190364; Rocket Attack on the Da Nang Air Base; 1/30/1968; General Photograph File of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1927 - 1981; Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, Record Group 127; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD. West runway cratered, east runway open. 14 New Guns For 2022 by B. GIL HORMAN; A First-Year Magnum: Shooting The S&W "Pre-29" by JUSTIN DYAL; Contact; Donate; Eye Candy for the Gentlemen out there Da Nang Under Heavy Rocketing. The Marine companies then pulled back and called in artillery and air. . After dark, both sides withdrew, the Marines to night defensive positions and the PAVN to the west. Their weapons included AK-47s and B-40 RPGs. "[1]:147[2], Shortly afterwards, Marine fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter gunships blasted the VC in Ha Vang. # Not in AF records, submitted by members, # Not in AF records, submitted by members, Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1960-1973. This demonstration may have been planned to coincide with an attack on the city which never developed. No rockets fell on the main airbase but Marble Mountain sustained some damage. Rocket attacks in 1972 Da Nang Vietnam a425couple Aug 29, 2017, 4:51:30 PM to Rocket attack 72 redhorse compound DaNang on: August 24, 2009, 08:06:45 pm Does anyone remember the date of. Stationed with 1882n Comm Gp., 1969-1970, worked in the Base Comm Center. 17. Naval Support Activity Danang operated extensive logistics facilities on the Tiensha (Tin Sa) peninsula east of the city. NASM.2018.0025 Battery A, 1st Light Antiaircraft Missile Battalion armed with MIM-23 Hawk surface-to-air missiles, in the mountainous Hi Vn Pass sector north of Da Nang, reported about 01:40 coming under 82mm mortar fire. from Vice: That day, Mr. Trump hosted a ceremony to honor law enforcement officials who had provided security for the inauguration. 366th AMS, Mystery SP, Bob Hope. The combined force then swept the general area where they found two PAVN bodies and took three prisoners. Proud to have had . Fires started from secondary blasts by bombs and fuel. Milantoni. Its two runways accommodated a take-off or landing every 60 seconds. Rockey then ordered a platoon from his Company K to reinforce Company G. By the end of the day, the elements of the four Marine companies had established their night positions. DA NANG A.B. [1]:1478, The Marine response to the bombardments was rapid, the 11th Marines artillery units "initiated counter-rocket fires" at suspected avenues of approach. For the most part, the PAVN/VC limited their attacks on the Marines to mortar bombardments and harassing small arms fire. In the 3/7 Marines area of operations, about 2,000 meters west of Hill 55 on the other side of a bend in the Yen River, a squad from Company L at 11:45 ran into what eventually turned out to be a fairly large-sized PAVN unit. [1]:153, The Marines now counterattacked supported by artillery and Marine gunships and fixed-wing air. The USAF 620th Tactical Control Squadron established a control and reporting post (CRP) code-named Panama on the mountain in 1964 to support operations from Danang Air Base. The only Marine casualties were two men who failed to vacate their "hootches" in time. At 07:35, VC gunners fired two RPGs at the compound tower and a VC infantry platoon opened up upon the CAP unit. They fired, killing one of the enemy underwater demolition team, while the other member surrendered to the Marines. At 09:20, PAVN/VC forces attacked the district towns of in Bn, just above the Ky Lam River and Duy Xuyn below the river. [1]:156, The Da Nang Northern Sector Defense Command dispatched a provisional company to assist the CAP Marines as well as the security detachment. The battalion's Company B, however, in an operation with a CAP in two hamlets on the Tiensha Peninsula or Da Nang East, surprised a VC force in two hamlets north of Marble Mountain. Da Nang, the main Seabee base in the I Corps area, which bordered North Vietnam, came under repeated attack from Viet Cong and North Vietnamese regulars. In the morning when searching the battle area, the Marines would find "ample evidence of enemy casualties, but only two enemy bodies." The Marines lost one helicopter and sustained damage to 29 others. The PAVN 2nd Division still remained intact, but was not about to renew the offensive. Allied intelligence officers identified members from the V-25th, R-20th, C-130th Battalions and the Q-15th and Q-16th Local Force Companies. Freedom Hill 327 can be seen beneath the left flare, with convoy lights winding up the perimeter road. Although most of the enemy activity was restricted to small-unit contacts, on the night of 2/3 February, PAVN/VC gunners again rocketed the Air Base. Instead of calling artillery fire immediately, the reconnaissance Marines arranged with Battery K, 4/11 Marines and a detachment of the 3rd 155mm Gun Battery at An Ha for an "artillery ambush." The Flightline, Funny Money, Rocket shrapnel. NMCB-7 sends a Disaster. On 29 January, a local village chief told the security officer of the Naval Support Activity at Camp Tiensha that about 300 VC would attack the Marble Mountain transmitter that night. All attacks from 02/27/67 forward were by rockets. Pictures of Danang 11. [1]:1612, In the ensuing battle of Lo Giang the Marine and Army forces successfully repulsed the PAVN 2nd Division attack. According to a VC after-action report early in the offensive, the writer complained that the "commander did not know [the) situation accurately and that orders were not strictly obeyed ." The skirmishing south of the headquarters near Ha Vang, however, continued. He was killed in action on January 21, 1968, during the Battle of Khe Sanh in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam. Under cover of darkness, elements of the VC R-20th and V-25th Battalions had crossed the Cu River and penetrated the Ha Vang village complex. While Marine fixed-wing aircraft flew strike missions against the gun emplacements, another helicopter evacuated the survivors. Shortly after midnight on July 15, 1967, Da Nang Air Base in Quang Nam Province, RVN, came under a heavy rocket attack. The 391 rockets that hit the base itself the figure was 69 in 1971killed four United States. The PAVN obviously were bringing the local VC main force units up to strength, even if to do so they had to bring in replacements from the north. Robertson shared these concerns with General Robert E. Cushman Jr., the III MAF commander. The 1st MP Battalion completed three sweeps of the Air Base perimeter and the areas just southeast, southwest and just north of the airbase without incident. 1969. At 02:40, a squad from the 1/7 Marines, supported by two tanks from the 1st Tank Battalion, moved to assist the embattled CAP unit. Within the city itself, VC cadre were to force the "inhabitants into the street for demonstrations and prepare the people for continuing political struggle against the government as well as kill GVN and ARVN cadre. In the 7th Marines sector, the Marines described the same type of activity as well as increased enemy infiltration. For example, while the R-20th attempted to maintain a full complement of 400 men through the recruitment or impressment of local villagers and infiltration of North Vietnamese "volunteers," intelligence sources rated the unit only "marginally effective. According to Marine sources, the heavy action on this small island resulted in 102 VC killed, 88 prisoners of war, 13 VC suspects and 70 laborers. Robertson later praised the Security and Communications platoons of the 1st Marine Division Headquarters Battalion for their efforts in the defense. Captured 122mm Tripod Launcher. Marble Mountain Air Facility supported USMC helicopter operations throughout southern I Corps. This apparently broke the back of the VC resistance. Behind the Marine and Korean lines, the ARVN 51st Regiment deployed in support of the South Vietnamese Revolutionary Development program. Of the prisoners, the South Vietnamese identified six as military, 109 as workers, and the remaining 80 as VC cadre. After calling in helicopter gunships, the ROKMC, at 13:20, reached the MACV compound and linked up with U.S. advisors there. [1]:160, By this time, Robertson was worried about the ability to contain the PAVN/VC offensive south of Da Nang. The ARVN 51st Regiment operating in the southern sector of the Da Nang area of operations came across evidence including documents pointing to a buildup of PAVN/VC strength together with probes of Allied defenses. . He and Randall agreed that they would deploy one of the battalion's two reserve provisional Quick Reaction platoons composed of headquarters personnel. Cam Ranh Bay AB: US Army 6th Convalescent Hospital debris by Sapper Attack! At about the same time, approximately 15 enemy 122mm rockets struck an artillery complex in the 11th Marines Northern Sector Defense Command which included a detachment from the 1st Armored Amphibian Company, the 155mm Gun and 8-inch Gun Batteries, as well as Batteries H, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marines and M, 4th Battalion, 11th Marines. Below the Marine battalions, the ROKMC 2nd Marine Brigade secured the Hi An sector and the southeastern approaches above the Ky Lam River to Da Nang Air Base. (AP) AP Next Photo. The attack began about 1 A.M. and the United States command said the missiles were Sovietbuilt 122mm rockets, each weighing about 100 pounds. The bulk of the attack force remained in Ha Vang Village bogged down in a firefight with local Popular Force (PF) and Regional Force (RF) troops reinforced by a USMC Combined Action Platoon (CAP), E-3. by Edward H. Phillips 2/1/2017. The two PAVN prisoners identified themselves as members of the H-2 Engineering Company, part of the 2nd Sapper Battalion. The 3/5 Marines together with Companies F and G, 2/3 Marines then began methodically to eliminate pockets of resistance in the general area. Even in the face of the artillery, the PAVN continued their advance upon the Marine positions. Further, the National Police reported that VC local leaders from Qung Tn, Qung Nam and Qung Ngi Provinces met in a base area in the hills of northern Qung Ngi to plan attacks on Chu Lai and on Qung Ngi City. About 09:00, Lieutenant Colonel Rockey, the 3/5 Marines commander, ordered a small command group and two companies, Company M of his battalion and Company F, 2/3 Marines attached to his command, to the relief of the ARVN camp. Marine and Army reconnaissance flights using infrared technology and XM-3 "People Sniffer" airborne personnel detectors (APD) mounted on UH-1 helicopters indicated strong enemy concentrations in the hills near Hiu c west of the 7th Marines. Scheduled to last eight weeks, Rolling Thunder will instead go on for three years. Military Photo: Rocket Attack On The Eve Of The Tet Offensive. CAP Q-4 there continued to hold out. Marine commanders and staff officers could only speculate that the enemy was probably infiltrating north in small groups to "predetermined rallying points" for a further assault either on the city or on the Air Base. The Marines and PF troops fired at armed members of the crowd who appeared to be directing the march. The Vietnam Security Police Association Web site features several additional recordings of rocket attacks on Da Nang Air Base. At about 03:00 two PAVN battalions struck the ARVN compound on Route 1 above the Thanh Quit River. While successfully beating back the PAVN attack, the CAP leader called for help. [1]:141, A conglomeration of Marine support units, ARVN, ROKMC and two Marine infantry battalions attempted to secure the remaining area. About 03:30, two more Marine tanks from the district town of Hieu Duc arrived at the northern fringes of the hamlet. I was assigned to the 1st Marine Division and sent to Marble Mountain Airfield to Join Marine Air Group 16 and VMO2. Miner attached two additional companies to the 3/7 Marines, Company L, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and Company H, 2/7 Marines to cover its extended area. In the resulting engagement, Company E killed about 13 VC from the Q-55th Local Force Company, which normally operated in the area. Approximately at 02:00, about four of the 122mm rockets fell in or near the compound, one landing near the 1st Cavalry Division helipad temporarily located there, damaging four of the helicopters, but resulting in no Marine or Army casualties. Following day the Yn, a heavy machine gun suddenly opened up upon the Marine Korean. Following morning time, Robertson was worried about the ability to contain the PAVN/VC limited their on... The deadliest attack of July 15, 1967 was the deadliest attack of the headquarters near Ha Vang,,. At 01:00 the following morning recordings of rocket attacks on Da rocket attacks on da nang air base Air.... In Ha Vang of resistance in the 7th Marines sector, the south Vietnamese identified six as,... In North Vietnam 1970 gave the Base to the 1st Marine Division and to. Vietnam by the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army at 01:00 the following day `` Never so! A message to III MAF headquarters during the battle of Khe Sanh in Quang Tri Province,,... 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