rockdoc jeff young

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rockdoc jeff young

rockdoc jeff young

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rockdoc jeff young

Khazan: LeAnn Naylor was the secretary for the mayor of Jackson when she started seeing Jeff as a patient. Ill meet you there. Khazan: Even LaRhonda, the retired teacher who had soured on Jeff, told me that Jeff was the rare provider who would take her pain seriously. Ballard: I dont believe Jeff overprescribed medication. Jeffrey " Jeff " Young (born March 31, 1962) is an American guitarist. At least 50 women are thought to have come to the clinic to have sex with Young, some of them allegedly doing so in exchange for drugs, according to court testimony. A transcript of this episode is presented below: (Abruptly, rock music begins to play, and then, just as quickly, it ends with a light echo.). In one post, tagged with American holocaust, he writes, I have always been a survivor and have scars of significance to symbolize thus, and this is where they have underestimated me and my resolve., In March 2020, after the coronavirus pandemic broke out, Young petitioned the court to be released to house arrest because he was on immunosuppressive drugs for a kidney transplant he had years ago and was concerned about the risk of complications from COVID-19. The pilot footagesome of which Young posted to YouTube, and some of which I obtained from a person who was once close to Youngportrays the Rock Doc as a medical bad boy whos willing to break free from the establishment to deliver real talk. To have a medical provider be polite to you, accept you, maybe even dig through your charts to find the root cause of your ailmentsit can be validating. It moved so slowly in punishing drug-addicted nurses that some were able to get new jobs and steal narcotics while under investigation, an eastern Tennessee news station, WJHL, found in 2016. The resulting videos are typical scenes from a medical practicepeople donning gloves, waiting in chairsspliced together over a heavy-metal soundtrack. So, no, I cant say that. Another compared Young to a brother and called my reporting disrespectful.. Of course other doctors dont write as many prescriptions, the implication seemed to be. November 7, 2018, marked the beginning of legal repercussions for Young. Jeff wanted what was best for his patient. After he opened the new clinic, Youngs sexual behavior with patients allegedly continued, as did the towns willingness to ignore it. LaRhonda Scott Deberry: When I first met him, I thought maybe he was prejudiced. After PreventaGenix shut down, Young told his patients on Facebook that they could contact Reitz and Patels attorney to get their medical records. I dont. Other female patients checkout sheets simply said No charge., Though he portrayed himself as harmlessly vulgar, Young could, in fact, get violent with women. The cause of death, according to the letter, was a probable cardiac event due to polypharmacy, or the simultaneous use of multiple drugs.. Despite the accumulation of evidence suggesting that Young was running his practice recklessly and endangering patients, he remained licensed to write prescriptions for five years after PreventaGenix opened its doors. And now we see the result. The waiting room often overflowed with patients. In 2011, the couple got in a fight while visiting Panama City Beach, Florida, and it was determined that Young did throw, or shove, Mrs. Young from the bed to the floor, the police report reads. The allegations against Young point toward an especially sordid type of abuse in which some doctors victimize patients twice: first by getting them addicted to drugs, and then by sexually exploiting them. In September 2014, Young, Reitz, and Patel opened their first clinic and called it PreventaGenix. Khazan: Tanya had a different theory about where all the criticism was actually coming from. I talked to him a couple of weeks ago. In February 2016, he texted one of his opioid patients, a police officer named Jay Green. #saturdays at noon est to hear #nikkidarling chat with the #RockDoc Jeff Young II #musicmeetmedicine Starts at 12pm est. Thirty minutes. And I remember texting him back, and I remember saying, Jeff, he is a grumpy, old, country man, and hes not going to be an easy patient, but something is terribly wrong. And he said, I got that covered too. So I get my husband up there. His followers across social-media accounts numbered in the low thousandshigher than a casual users, but a trifle compared with even a C-list celebritys fan base. (Four years later, the health department received a complaint about this testosterone sideline, but the complaint was never assigned to an investigator, according to Pickering.) They just, like, keep their distance from you. Downtown has an old-fashioned square, a few coffee shops striving for trendiness, and some suburban standbysMcAlisters Deli, Kohls, Chilis, Panera Breadall connected by well-maintained roads and featuring black oceans of parking lots. Jacksons cheeriness, though, is at odds with the populations somewhat grim physical health. People who criticized Young swiftly became his enemies. Many medical providers are small-business owners who operate with limited oversight from authorities. Moreover, throwing some glimpse of lights to his personal life, Dr. Jeff is a happily married man. I am a, uh, nurse practitioner. Always have been for the patient. Whatever the inspiration, his new persona was good for business. Young was, in short, a medical provider who acted like everyones best friend. Have you ever been to a doctor and you just didnt feel comfortable? This is a bunch of bull crap, she said. (She did not want to be named for fear of jeopardizing her business.) To a different patient, he wrote, Come fuck me at my office right now., It is not illegal for doctors to have sex with their patients, though its considered unethical. The half-dozen former patients who did agree to talk with me were mostly people who wanted to defend Jeff. ), Youngs sexual desires and need to please patients allegedly soon blurred together. And even then, I didnt want to hear it. He seemed, to his former employees, constitutionally unable to deny patients the pills they wanted, even if it was the last thing they needed. Khazan: I talked to many of Jeffs patients. (The synthesizer takes over the harmony, traipsing up and down the melody line before it quiets and the episode ends.). (Green, who has since cut ties with Young, would not comment on this when I reached him, but he told the Sun that he asked another officer to look up the information.). Longoria: The result is that more than 450,000 people are dead from overdose in the last 20 years. At other times, PreventaGenix staffers would stumble upon a woman he had brought to the clinic the previous night. Many people in Jackson seemed to see themselves in Young. And no education whatsoever, Phillips jokes. In fact, he avoided doctors at all costs. A woman Ill call Stephanie developed a friendship with Young a few years ago when she was regularly seeing him for swelling in her throat. FNP Jeff Young Jr. shares his life with his fans and promotes a healthy and fun lifestyle to make you "young" at heart! Im like, Im as outspoken as he is. Young neither admits nor denies the following allegations, Tracy Alcock, a lawyer with the state health department, said at the hearing, but he acknowledges that the departments proof would show the following: From August 2013 to November 2016, Young prescribed controlled substances in amounts and for durations that were not medically necessary, advisable, or justified for a diagnosed condition. The board put his license on probation for two years, during which time he could not prescribe certain Schedule II or Schedule III controlled substances, including drugs such as oxycodone, fentanyl, Vicodin, and Adderall. (Stephanie asked me to use a pseudonym for her because she doesnt want her name associated with the case.) Young got married, then quickly got divorced, according to several people who knew him then. Young put his name behind charity projects around town, took health insurance, and offered discounts for people who otherwise couldnt afford care. Be part of The Experiment. I had a brother that passed away, and when he passed away, his friends played that for him at his funeral. Khazan: The Rock Doc, Jeff Young, has been in jail for almost two years, awaiting trial. I mean, I worked at a bank for 15 years, and when youve worked at a bank and youve cashed checks, you have to judge people in two seconds. With a heavy Mercy me, Phillips produces a pair of womens panties from a bag. Former employees speculated that he met the women in bars. I just didnt feel comfortable. No one could quite tell me who or what was responsible for Youngs transformation. If a patient would text him a compliment, he would blast it all over Facebook, one former employee told me. Branding himself as the "Rock Doc," he flooded his social media accounts with images of a party-loving lifestyle, vitriol for his "haters" and even a pilot episode for a reality TV show . Doctors, in theory, would only prescribe to people who needed the drugs and would monitor patients so they wouldnt get addicted. Though many of these deaths have been caused by street drugs such as heroin and illegally manufactured fentanyl, the nations opioid epidemic was sparked by the kinds of painkillers medical providers prescribed. You may not like my tattoos. (They relied on messages obtained by agents during the investigations into Young.) (Young has denied that hed had sex with the patient who appeared to be drugged.). I cant wait to start being your patient again, one woman wrote. All rights reserved. Dr. Jeff is married to Petra Mickova Petra though she is his second wife. Being around Young made her feel emotionally safe, she said. At the same time, building himself up as a renegade nurse practitioner seems to have allowed Young to sweep his faults under the rug of unconventionality. Patients say the Rock Doc helped them like no one else could. Khazan: A lot of them, unfortunately, went with it. Trust me, I got people, he says to the camera. I accept all insurance, he told her. Before long, the three men hatched a plan to found a network of health clinics that would check patients cholesterol levels and offer diet and exercise advice. He wasnt in pain. Its a small town; people talk. He exhibited a certain tenderness as he filled syringes and sutured skin. At Youngs practice, the quantities of opioids were larger than many investigations that I conducted, Shirley Pickering, a nursing-board investigator, later said in court. Though the system came slowly for Young, during the years he was being investigated America underwent a national reckoning about opioids. He helped her a lot with her pain. Music by Tasty Morsels and Nelson Nance. The Daily Beast Automated News Feed No Censorship, Just News. But she also told me the story of her ex-husband. I swear he didnt look at my leg for 30 seconds, and he told me exactly what it was, he says. Country music lyrics, guitar tabs/tablatures, chords source #1. But as I talked to more patients, they started saying things that really surprised me. had lower back pain and complained of numbness in his left arm. I dont I dont even know what to say. In May 2019, shortly after Young was indicted, I traveled to Jackson to try to understand the place that gave rise to the Rock Doc. He messaged at least five female patients about sex and filling prescriptions, prosecutors would later say, detailing the anonymized encounters in court. They didnt openly harass anyone who criticized them. Yet he still attracted patients at GeneXis prior to his detention hearing in May 2019. Many people trust doctors even when theyre harmed by their treatment, and a 2008 study found that people are more likely to spend time researching a new employer or a new car than vetting a new surgeon. Wear a short skirt and no panties.. But the more time I spent thinking about it, the more I started to realize that Jeff has a point. I said, um, So what are yall doing after-hour? But he, uh He was true to himself; lets say that. Khazan: And he posted dozens of videos there. Meanwhile, LeAnn Naylor, the secretary of Jacksons former mayor, first told me over email that she stood by Young after his hearing, but then recently said shed started having doubts because Young would frequently hit on her adult daughter. Young grabs them and takes a big whiff. Theyre standoffish towards you. Because he prescribed my opiates, and I took them as prescribed, and I had no problems with it. I mean, if somebody pats you on the back, that aint coming on to you. The story of how that doctor-patient communication broke downhundreds of thousands of timesis what Olga wanted to understand. Others accused me of seeking to discredit Young and slander his name. He found diseases, for example, that other doctors missed. The allegations, when they started coming, though, really started coming fast. (Court records do not contain the names of Youngs alleged victims.) Thats okay. But when he suggested it the way he did, I took it seriously. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen., Further reading: The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. So what, I dont go get fucked up at the country club with the rest of the stiffs here in J-Town? She would wake up to find that all her car doors had been opened overnight. And I was like, My mind is blown. Prosecutors say Young used his rebellious persona to take advantage of patients, distributing highly addictive painkillers on demand and in large quantities for profitand, often, his own sexual gratification. Jeffrey Young was one of those people. And most doctors youve seen, they give off this persona as like, Im too cool. Calles: I mean, you have killersmurderers, I meanthat have not been in jail this long. Use the hashtag #TheExperimentPodcast, or write to us at PreventaGenix had a back door, and before long employees started noticing that some female patients would come in through it and go directly to Youngs office. Purdue ad doctor: These drugswhich, I repeat, are our best, strongest pain medicationsshould be used much more than they are for patients in pain. In confessional-style interviews, Young seems to enjoy offending anyone whos shocked by his approach. Khazan: Or stitch someone up after they cut themselves on a wine glass. It was a story her daughter told her about a time she got sick. Hey! The first move of any significant consequence for Young came in early 2017, when the DEA raided the clinic. Later that month, M.Y. One agent testified in court that the bureau had uncovered Facebook messages such as one sent to Young in August 2016 by someone known in court as SW: My girl for eight years is an addict You write her any more scripts youre going to kill her, man. Meanwhile, many of Youngs patient charts had allegedly stopped being monitored: One supervising physician came in once, reviewed Youngs charts, and withdrew from the supervising agreement immediately based on what he saw. Young and the others were among dozens of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists arrested across seven states, targets in the nations largest takedown of medical providers related to prescription opioids. They didnt have tattoos. They learned to ignore it. Jackson, a city of about 70,000 people, looks like almost any midsize patch of America that sprang up sometime after the Pilgrims but before Microsoft. When one patient told Young over Facebook Messenger that she was in shitty health and about to jump off a bridge, he prescribed her a cocktail of several different drugs, including fentanyl. You can all suck my dick! he yells at the camera in one Periscope video, a stethoscope around his neck and a cigar in his hand. At first, Young seemed to Reitz like an affable, outgoing dad who loved rock and practiced medicine. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. Patients, meanwhile, dont always know that medical boards exist in the first place, or that they can complain to them if theyve been wronged, Lisa Robin, the chief advocacy officer for the Federation of State Medical Boards, says. Fact-check by Michelle Ciarrocca and Jack Segelstein. Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. Branding himself the Rock Doc in a self-produced reality-TV pilot, Young would wear band T-shirts and blast music as he met with patients; he sometimes broadcast appointments and medical procedures on the live-streaming app Periscope. Officials were well aware of the allegations surrounding him over this period: The states health department had received at least 13 complaints about Young since 2015. Am I a misogynist, or do women just like rough sex? Young asks himself in one video. Having hordes of fans seems to have allowed Young to buy more deeply into his own rock-and-roll fantasy, which in turn gave him the confidence to broadcast his life through even more videos and updates. Most of these doctors werent like Jeff. Longoria: Olga Khazan is a staff writer at The Atlantic whos been covering the opioid epidemic for the last seven years. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. How was a nurse practitioner whose behavior was so outrageous allowed to treat patients for so long? You need to be a certain kind of person to want a reality-TV show about yourself. Im very shocked. You may not like me. But none of these barred the Rock Doc from getting drugs into the hands of patients. Nurses are consistently rated higher in honesty and ethics than all other professions that Gallup asks about, by a wide margin, the polling firm said in a January 2020 survey. One former employee told me its not clear whether Young was exchanging prescriptions for sex or just giving his many girlfriends the medications they asked for. Stephanie had been in an abusive relationship and dealt with a slew of other traumas. He did know exactly what to talk to him about to make him feel at ease, and he impressed that grumpy old man so much that that was his primary-care doctor and the only doctor he would see. Khazan: The first time I watched this video, I just heard Jeff making excuses. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. Young failed to diagnose the mans hypertension and overprescribed to him, according to court testimony, and later the patient suffered a stroke. His indictment implicated him and two of his former supervising physicians, Alexander Alperovich and Andrew Rudin, and alleged that Youngs motives in prescribing controlled substances to his patients were often to obtain money, notoriety, and sexual favors. Alperovich and Rudin, the indictment claims, accepted money derived from the proceeds of the conspiracy in exchange for their purported supervision. (Both have pleaded not guilty. Mellow and slow, it moves under the narration the way water moves through a stream.). Hed also given her tips on how to eat better and how to lose weight. They thought I was basically lazy and just wanted to have pain pills, just for whatever reason. On it, they found evidence of Young having sex with many different women, one of whom appeared to be motionless and had her eyes closed, a DEA agent testified later. The agents seized about 350 of Youngs patient charts and every computer in the office, according to Gutgsell, the former office manager, and the notice of seizure states that about 10,000 individual doses of hydrocodone were also taken. 0:06. Im Julia Longoria. 40 members in the TDBauto community. The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Calles: And I mean, he didnt dress like your average doctor. A staffer, who declined to talk on the record, asked me why I was writing about him. His small fiefdom of followers created a mini echo chamber, feeding back approval and encouragement. (Fades under.). Khazan: Looking at all the allegations, I mean, its overprescribingoverprescribing to someone whose pill bottles had his name on them and who died of a drug overdose. We cant live if hes out, she said. [Laughs.] Khazan: The way I first got to know Jeff Young was through videos he posted online. Calles: I mean, the whole deal of him being in jail this long is completely unfair. Young wanted information about one of his enemies. As the cameraman who filmed the pilot told me, Everywhere he went, it was like the Beatles., But the way in which Young gained some of these fans has become the focus of a federal court case. Most doctor appointments, after all, average a nerve-racking 17 minutes, in which you spill out a complicated medical history and pray the doctor has a good solution. One admitted that Young had flirted with her. This is just gonna be a little freeze spray first. To get from pharma lab to medicine cabinet, the drug needed to pass through one of the most sacred spaces in America. He remarried in 2006. Rather than suffer any real consequences for his allegedly reckless prescribing, Young continued to work as a medical provider for years. To one patient, who he prescribed hydrocodone, amphetamines, and fentanyl, he said, I accept all insurance. Its gonna be a little cold, all right? 14:46. Federal prosecutors say his help often amounted to dealing drugs for sex. We wont know if Young is guilty of everything the government says he is, or how much additional time, if any, he will serve, until later this year. Editing by Katherine Wells, Julia Longoria, and Denise Wills. You may not like what I stand for. ), Khazan: So doctors were kind of like, Okay.. All of them said that they didnt think Jeff sexually abused them. But Young soon revealed a blustering personality that started to overwhelm the team project. And he said, You be sure and tell them that Jeff is the best doctor Ive ever seen. He said, Promise me you will tell them that. I said, I promise I will. I said, I will tell them that., (The music plays up for a long moment, then fades out under the narration.). We put out calls and emails to dozens of Jeff Youngs patients. Jeffrey Young wanted to give you a real look inside his clinic. Scott Deberry: I just didnt like all the bickering on social media and in that newspaper. Never give up God is full of second chances, one woman wrote. Theres actually a diagnosis called white-coat hypertension. Its when your blood pressure spikes in a doctors office because the whole experience is nerve-racking. Three, two, one. He was the casual party guy, not the stuffy doctor. She doesnt believe the allegations against him, and chalks them up to pure jealousy. Jackson Sun. He graduated from Union University, an evangelical Christian school, in 1995, then earned a degree from the University of Tennessee College of Nursing in 2003. The sharpteeth charge through and run into the rock spire and fall down. So what? A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers Whats up kids? Young would continue to prescribe drugs there for two more years. Thats very distressing Yeah, Im shocked, you know? On my trip, I strolled by a glass case near the federal courthouse that held a large Bible opened to the Gospel of John. Occasionally he would glare at his ex-wife Dawn, who was in the gallery. Long after the criminal charges against him became known, many of Youngs patients and friends came to his defenseincluding some whom he had seemingly wronged. was found dead of an apparent overdose. In March 2019, the health department received a complaint that Young had inappropriate sexual contact with patients, and sent him a letter of warning without disciplining him. He would still be allowed to prescribe testosterone and cough syrup with codeine, however. From that day on, he saw him for everything. Khazan: Which was exactly what she liked about him. (Dawn did not press charges at the time, and she declined to speak with me for this story.). However, many of Youngs online supporters have remained loyal. I just asked him. Listen and subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts, The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Youngs case provides a rare glimpse into the ways patients wind up addicted to the powerful painkillers fueling the national opioid epidemic. (The drugmaker that is most often blamed for the epidemic doesnt agree with this assessment: Suggesting that activities that last occurred more than 16 years ago are responsible for todays complex and multifaceted opioid crisis is deeply flawed, a Purdue Pharma spokesperson, Robert Josephson, said in a statement to The New York Times for a story on this issue.). Tanya Ballard: I think people are Just didnt like Jeff. [A moment of indistinct crosstalk.] At the beginning of the opioid epidemic, the autonomy of doctors to prescribe opioids was almost limitless, Keith Humphreys, a Stanford University professor who researches mental-health policy, says. They didnt try to become reality-TV stars. Scott Deberry: But after a while, when you read stuff, how many people could be wrong? Young was late to the office almost every day. (Droning music, reflective and cool, plays.). Some people from the area said they had been harassed by Jeff and were afraid to speak out. 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Khazan: LeAnn Naylor was the secretary for the mayor of Jackson when she started seeing Jeff as a patient. Ill meet you there. Khazan: Even LaRhonda, the retired teacher who had soured on Jeff, told me that Jeff was the rare provider who would take her pain seriously. Ballard: I dont believe Jeff overprescribed medication. Jeffrey " Jeff " Young (born March 31, 1962) is an American guitarist. At least 50 women are thought to have come to the clinic to have sex with Young, some of them allegedly doing so in exchange for drugs, according to court testimony. A transcript of this episode is presented below: (Abruptly, rock music begins to play, and then, just as quickly, it ends with a light echo.). In one post, tagged with American holocaust, he writes, I have always been a survivor and have scars of significance to symbolize thus, and this is where they have underestimated me and my resolve., In March 2020, after the coronavirus pandemic broke out, Young petitioned the court to be released to house arrest because he was on immunosuppressive drugs for a kidney transplant he had years ago and was concerned about the risk of complications from COVID-19. The pilot footagesome of which Young posted to YouTube, and some of which I obtained from a person who was once close to Youngportrays the Rock Doc as a medical bad boy whos willing to break free from the establishment to deliver real talk. To have a medical provider be polite to you, accept you, maybe even dig through your charts to find the root cause of your ailmentsit can be validating. It moved so slowly in punishing drug-addicted nurses that some were able to get new jobs and steal narcotics while under investigation, an eastern Tennessee news station, WJHL, found in 2016. The resulting videos are typical scenes from a medical practicepeople donning gloves, waiting in chairsspliced together over a heavy-metal soundtrack. So, no, I cant say that. Another compared Young to a brother and called my reporting disrespectful.. Of course other doctors dont write as many prescriptions, the implication seemed to be. November 7, 2018, marked the beginning of legal repercussions for Young. Jeff wanted what was best for his patient. After he opened the new clinic, Youngs sexual behavior with patients allegedly continued, as did the towns willingness to ignore it. LaRhonda Scott Deberry: When I first met him, I thought maybe he was prejudiced. After PreventaGenix shut down, Young told his patients on Facebook that they could contact Reitz and Patels attorney to get their medical records. I dont. Other female patients checkout sheets simply said No charge., Though he portrayed himself as harmlessly vulgar, Young could, in fact, get violent with women. The cause of death, according to the letter, was a probable cardiac event due to polypharmacy, or the simultaneous use of multiple drugs.. Despite the accumulation of evidence suggesting that Young was running his practice recklessly and endangering patients, he remained licensed to write prescriptions for five years after PreventaGenix opened its doors. And now we see the result. The waiting room often overflowed with patients. In 2011, the couple got in a fight while visiting Panama City Beach, Florida, and it was determined that Young did throw, or shove, Mrs. Young from the bed to the floor, the police report reads. The allegations against Young point toward an especially sordid type of abuse in which some doctors victimize patients twice: first by getting them addicted to drugs, and then by sexually exploiting them. In September 2014, Young, Reitz, and Patel opened their first clinic and called it PreventaGenix. Khazan: Tanya had a different theory about where all the criticism was actually coming from. I talked to him a couple of weeks ago. In February 2016, he texted one of his opioid patients, a police officer named Jay Green. #saturdays at noon est to hear #nikkidarling chat with the #RockDoc Jeff Young II #musicmeetmedicine Starts at 12pm est. Thirty minutes. And I remember texting him back, and I remember saying, Jeff, he is a grumpy, old, country man, and hes not going to be an easy patient, but something is terribly wrong. And he said, I got that covered too. So I get my husband up there. His followers across social-media accounts numbered in the low thousandshigher than a casual users, but a trifle compared with even a C-list celebritys fan base. (Four years later, the health department received a complaint about this testosterone sideline, but the complaint was never assigned to an investigator, according to Pickering.) They just, like, keep their distance from you. Downtown has an old-fashioned square, a few coffee shops striving for trendiness, and some suburban standbysMcAlisters Deli, Kohls, Chilis, Panera Breadall connected by well-maintained roads and featuring black oceans of parking lots. Jacksons cheeriness, though, is at odds with the populations somewhat grim physical health. People who criticized Young swiftly became his enemies. Many medical providers are small-business owners who operate with limited oversight from authorities. Moreover, throwing some glimpse of lights to his personal life, Dr. Jeff is a happily married man. I am a, uh, nurse practitioner. Always have been for the patient. Whatever the inspiration, his new persona was good for business. Young was, in short, a medical provider who acted like everyones best friend. Have you ever been to a doctor and you just didnt feel comfortable? This is a bunch of bull crap, she said. (She did not want to be named for fear of jeopardizing her business.) To a different patient, he wrote, Come fuck me at my office right now., It is not illegal for doctors to have sex with their patients, though its considered unethical. The half-dozen former patients who did agree to talk with me were mostly people who wanted to defend Jeff. ), Youngs sexual desires and need to please patients allegedly soon blurred together. And even then, I didnt want to hear it. He seemed, to his former employees, constitutionally unable to deny patients the pills they wanted, even if it was the last thing they needed. Khazan: I talked to many of Jeffs patients. (The synthesizer takes over the harmony, traipsing up and down the melody line before it quiets and the episode ends.). (Green, who has since cut ties with Young, would not comment on this when I reached him, but he told the Sun that he asked another officer to look up the information.). Longoria: The result is that more than 450,000 people are dead from overdose in the last 20 years. At other times, PreventaGenix staffers would stumble upon a woman he had brought to the clinic the previous night. Many people in Jackson seemed to see themselves in Young. And no education whatsoever, Phillips jokes. In fact, he avoided doctors at all costs. A woman Ill call Stephanie developed a friendship with Young a few years ago when she was regularly seeing him for swelling in her throat. FNP Jeff Young Jr. shares his life with his fans and promotes a healthy and fun lifestyle to make you "young" at heart! Im like, Im as outspoken as he is. Young neither admits nor denies the following allegations, Tracy Alcock, a lawyer with the state health department, said at the hearing, but he acknowledges that the departments proof would show the following: From August 2013 to November 2016, Young prescribed controlled substances in amounts and for durations that were not medically necessary, advisable, or justified for a diagnosed condition. The board put his license on probation for two years, during which time he could not prescribe certain Schedule II or Schedule III controlled substances, including drugs such as oxycodone, fentanyl, Vicodin, and Adderall. (Stephanie asked me to use a pseudonym for her because she doesnt want her name associated with the case.) Young got married, then quickly got divorced, according to several people who knew him then. Young put his name behind charity projects around town, took health insurance, and offered discounts for people who otherwise couldnt afford care. Be part of The Experiment. I had a brother that passed away, and when he passed away, his friends played that for him at his funeral. Khazan: The Rock Doc, Jeff Young, has been in jail for almost two years, awaiting trial. I mean, I worked at a bank for 15 years, and when youve worked at a bank and youve cashed checks, you have to judge people in two seconds. With a heavy Mercy me, Phillips produces a pair of womens panties from a bag. Former employees speculated that he met the women in bars. I just didnt feel comfortable. No one could quite tell me who or what was responsible for Youngs transformation. If a patient would text him a compliment, he would blast it all over Facebook, one former employee told me. Branding himself as the "Rock Doc," he flooded his social media accounts with images of a party-loving lifestyle, vitriol for his "haters" and even a pilot episode for a reality TV show . Doctors, in theory, would only prescribe to people who needed the drugs and would monitor patients so they wouldnt get addicted. Though many of these deaths have been caused by street drugs such as heroin and illegally manufactured fentanyl, the nations opioid epidemic was sparked by the kinds of painkillers medical providers prescribed. You may not like my tattoos. (They relied on messages obtained by agents during the investigations into Young.) (Young has denied that hed had sex with the patient who appeared to be drugged.). I cant wait to start being your patient again, one woman wrote. All rights reserved. Dr. Jeff is married to Petra Mickova Petra though she is his second wife. Being around Young made her feel emotionally safe, she said. At the same time, building himself up as a renegade nurse practitioner seems to have allowed Young to sweep his faults under the rug of unconventionality. Patients say the Rock Doc helped them like no one else could. Khazan: A lot of them, unfortunately, went with it. Trust me, I got people, he says to the camera. I accept all insurance, he told her. Before long, the three men hatched a plan to found a network of health clinics that would check patients cholesterol levels and offer diet and exercise advice. He wasnt in pain. Its a small town; people talk. He exhibited a certain tenderness as he filled syringes and sutured skin. At Youngs practice, the quantities of opioids were larger than many investigations that I conducted, Shirley Pickering, a nursing-board investigator, later said in court. Though the system came slowly for Young, during the years he was being investigated America underwent a national reckoning about opioids. He helped her a lot with her pain. Music by Tasty Morsels and Nelson Nance. The Daily Beast Automated News Feed No Censorship, Just News. But she also told me the story of her ex-husband. I swear he didnt look at my leg for 30 seconds, and he told me exactly what it was, he says. Country music lyrics, guitar tabs/tablatures, chords source #1. But as I talked to more patients, they started saying things that really surprised me. had lower back pain and complained of numbness in his left arm. I dont I dont even know what to say. In May 2019, shortly after Young was indicted, I traveled to Jackson to try to understand the place that gave rise to the Rock Doc. He messaged at least five female patients about sex and filling prescriptions, prosecutors would later say, detailing the anonymized encounters in court. They didnt openly harass anyone who criticized them. Yet he still attracted patients at GeneXis prior to his detention hearing in May 2019. Many people trust doctors even when theyre harmed by their treatment, and a 2008 study found that people are more likely to spend time researching a new employer or a new car than vetting a new surgeon. Wear a short skirt and no panties.. But the more time I spent thinking about it, the more I started to realize that Jeff has a point. I said, um, So what are yall doing after-hour? But he, uh He was true to himself; lets say that. Khazan: And he posted dozens of videos there. Meanwhile, LeAnn Naylor, the secretary of Jacksons former mayor, first told me over email that she stood by Young after his hearing, but then recently said shed started having doubts because Young would frequently hit on her adult daughter. Young grabs them and takes a big whiff. Theyre standoffish towards you. Because he prescribed my opiates, and I took them as prescribed, and I had no problems with it. I mean, if somebody pats you on the back, that aint coming on to you. The story of how that doctor-patient communication broke downhundreds of thousands of timesis what Olga wanted to understand. Others accused me of seeking to discredit Young and slander his name. He found diseases, for example, that other doctors missed. The allegations, when they started coming, though, really started coming fast. (Court records do not contain the names of Youngs alleged victims.) Thats okay. But when he suggested it the way he did, I took it seriously. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen., Further reading: The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. So what, I dont go get fucked up at the country club with the rest of the stiffs here in J-Town? She would wake up to find that all her car doors had been opened overnight. And I was like, My mind is blown. Prosecutors say Young used his rebellious persona to take advantage of patients, distributing highly addictive painkillers on demand and in large quantities for profitand, often, his own sexual gratification. Jeffrey Young was one of those people. And most doctors youve seen, they give off this persona as like, Im too cool. Calles: I mean, you have killersmurderers, I meanthat have not been in jail this long. Use the hashtag #TheExperimentPodcast, or write to us at PreventaGenix had a back door, and before long employees started noticing that some female patients would come in through it and go directly to Youngs office. Purdue ad doctor: These drugswhich, I repeat, are our best, strongest pain medicationsshould be used much more than they are for patients in pain. In confessional-style interviews, Young seems to enjoy offending anyone whos shocked by his approach. Khazan: Or stitch someone up after they cut themselves on a wine glass. It was a story her daughter told her about a time she got sick. Hey! The first move of any significant consequence for Young came in early 2017, when the DEA raided the clinic. Later that month, M.Y. One agent testified in court that the bureau had uncovered Facebook messages such as one sent to Young in August 2016 by someone known in court as SW: My girl for eight years is an addict You write her any more scripts youre going to kill her, man. Meanwhile, many of Youngs patient charts had allegedly stopped being monitored: One supervising physician came in once, reviewed Youngs charts, and withdrew from the supervising agreement immediately based on what he saw. Young and the others were among dozens of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists arrested across seven states, targets in the nations largest takedown of medical providers related to prescription opioids. They didnt have tattoos. They learned to ignore it. Jackson, a city of about 70,000 people, looks like almost any midsize patch of America that sprang up sometime after the Pilgrims but before Microsoft. When one patient told Young over Facebook Messenger that she was in shitty health and about to jump off a bridge, he prescribed her a cocktail of several different drugs, including fentanyl. You can all suck my dick! he yells at the camera in one Periscope video, a stethoscope around his neck and a cigar in his hand. At first, Young seemed to Reitz like an affable, outgoing dad who loved rock and practiced medicine. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. Patients, meanwhile, dont always know that medical boards exist in the first place, or that they can complain to them if theyve been wronged, Lisa Robin, the chief advocacy officer for the Federation of State Medical Boards, says. Fact-check by Michelle Ciarrocca and Jack Segelstein. Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. Branding himself the Rock Doc in a self-produced reality-TV pilot, Young would wear band T-shirts and blast music as he met with patients; he sometimes broadcast appointments and medical procedures on the live-streaming app Periscope. Officials were well aware of the allegations surrounding him over this period: The states health department had received at least 13 complaints about Young since 2015. Am I a misogynist, or do women just like rough sex? Young asks himself in one video. Having hordes of fans seems to have allowed Young to buy more deeply into his own rock-and-roll fantasy, which in turn gave him the confidence to broadcast his life through even more videos and updates. Most of these doctors werent like Jeff. Longoria: Olga Khazan is a staff writer at The Atlantic whos been covering the opioid epidemic for the last seven years. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. How was a nurse practitioner whose behavior was so outrageous allowed to treat patients for so long? You need to be a certain kind of person to want a reality-TV show about yourself. Im very shocked. You may not like me. But none of these barred the Rock Doc from getting drugs into the hands of patients. Nurses are consistently rated higher in honesty and ethics than all other professions that Gallup asks about, by a wide margin, the polling firm said in a January 2020 survey. One former employee told me its not clear whether Young was exchanging prescriptions for sex or just giving his many girlfriends the medications they asked for. Stephanie had been in an abusive relationship and dealt with a slew of other traumas. He did know exactly what to talk to him about to make him feel at ease, and he impressed that grumpy old man so much that that was his primary-care doctor and the only doctor he would see. Khazan: The first time I watched this video, I just heard Jeff making excuses. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. Young failed to diagnose the mans hypertension and overprescribed to him, according to court testimony, and later the patient suffered a stroke. His indictment implicated him and two of his former supervising physicians, Alexander Alperovich and Andrew Rudin, and alleged that Youngs motives in prescribing controlled substances to his patients were often to obtain money, notoriety, and sexual favors. Alperovich and Rudin, the indictment claims, accepted money derived from the proceeds of the conspiracy in exchange for their purported supervision. (Both have pleaded not guilty. Mellow and slow, it moves under the narration the way water moves through a stream.). Hed also given her tips on how to eat better and how to lose weight. They thought I was basically lazy and just wanted to have pain pills, just for whatever reason. On it, they found evidence of Young having sex with many different women, one of whom appeared to be motionless and had her eyes closed, a DEA agent testified later. The agents seized about 350 of Youngs patient charts and every computer in the office, according to Gutgsell, the former office manager, and the notice of seizure states that about 10,000 individual doses of hydrocodone were also taken. 0:06. Im Julia Longoria. 40 members in the TDBauto community. The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Calles: And I mean, he didnt dress like your average doctor. A staffer, who declined to talk on the record, asked me why I was writing about him. His small fiefdom of followers created a mini echo chamber, feeding back approval and encouragement. (Fades under.). Khazan: Looking at all the allegations, I mean, its overprescribingoverprescribing to someone whose pill bottles had his name on them and who died of a drug overdose. We cant live if hes out, she said. [Laughs.] Khazan: The way I first got to know Jeff Young was through videos he posted online. Calles: I mean, the whole deal of him being in jail this long is completely unfair. Young wanted information about one of his enemies. As the cameraman who filmed the pilot told me, Everywhere he went, it was like the Beatles., But the way in which Young gained some of these fans has become the focus of a federal court case. Most doctor appointments, after all, average a nerve-racking 17 minutes, in which you spill out a complicated medical history and pray the doctor has a good solution. One admitted that Young had flirted with her. This is just gonna be a little freeze spray first. To get from pharma lab to medicine cabinet, the drug needed to pass through one of the most sacred spaces in America. He remarried in 2006. Rather than suffer any real consequences for his allegedly reckless prescribing, Young continued to work as a medical provider for years. To one patient, who he prescribed hydrocodone, amphetamines, and fentanyl, he said, I accept all insurance. Its gonna be a little cold, all right? 14:46. Federal prosecutors say his help often amounted to dealing drugs for sex. We wont know if Young is guilty of everything the government says he is, or how much additional time, if any, he will serve, until later this year. Editing by Katherine Wells, Julia Longoria, and Denise Wills. You may not like what I stand for. ), Khazan: So doctors were kind of like, Okay.. All of them said that they didnt think Jeff sexually abused them. But Young soon revealed a blustering personality that started to overwhelm the team project. And he said, You be sure and tell them that Jeff is the best doctor Ive ever seen. He said, Promise me you will tell them that. I said, I promise I will. I said, I will tell them that., (The music plays up for a long moment, then fades out under the narration.). We put out calls and emails to dozens of Jeff Youngs patients. Jeffrey Young wanted to give you a real look inside his clinic. Scott Deberry: I just didnt like all the bickering on social media and in that newspaper. Never give up God is full of second chances, one woman wrote. Theres actually a diagnosis called white-coat hypertension. Its when your blood pressure spikes in a doctors office because the whole experience is nerve-racking. Three, two, one. He was the casual party guy, not the stuffy doctor. She doesnt believe the allegations against him, and chalks them up to pure jealousy. Jackson Sun. He graduated from Union University, an evangelical Christian school, in 1995, then earned a degree from the University of Tennessee College of Nursing in 2003. The sharpteeth charge through and run into the rock spire and fall down. So what? A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers Whats up kids? Young would continue to prescribe drugs there for two more years. Thats very distressing Yeah, Im shocked, you know? On my trip, I strolled by a glass case near the federal courthouse that held a large Bible opened to the Gospel of John. Occasionally he would glare at his ex-wife Dawn, who was in the gallery. Long after the criminal charges against him became known, many of Youngs patients and friends came to his defenseincluding some whom he had seemingly wronged. was found dead of an apparent overdose. In March 2019, the health department received a complaint that Young had inappropriate sexual contact with patients, and sent him a letter of warning without disciplining him. He would still be allowed to prescribe testosterone and cough syrup with codeine, however. From that day on, he saw him for everything. Khazan: Which was exactly what she liked about him. (Dawn did not press charges at the time, and she declined to speak with me for this story.). However, many of Youngs online supporters have remained loyal. I just asked him. Listen and subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts, The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Youngs case provides a rare glimpse into the ways patients wind up addicted to the powerful painkillers fueling the national opioid epidemic. (The drugmaker that is most often blamed for the epidemic doesnt agree with this assessment: Suggesting that activities that last occurred more than 16 years ago are responsible for todays complex and multifaceted opioid crisis is deeply flawed, a Purdue Pharma spokesperson, Robert Josephson, said in a statement to The New York Times for a story on this issue.). Tanya Ballard: I think people are Just didnt like Jeff. [A moment of indistinct crosstalk.] At the beginning of the opioid epidemic, the autonomy of doctors to prescribe opioids was almost limitless, Keith Humphreys, a Stanford University professor who researches mental-health policy, says. They didnt try to become reality-TV stars. Scott Deberry: But after a while, when you read stuff, how many people could be wrong? Young was late to the office almost every day. (Droning music, reflective and cool, plays.). Some people from the area said they had been harassed by Jeff and were afraid to speak out. 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