certified spiritual director

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certified spiritual director

certified spiritual director

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certified spiritual director

Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you are interested in applying for this certification please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSD manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. The spiritual companions of SDI share their stories on our blog. Seven weekend intensive learning modules for 3 days, from 9am to 4:30pm each day. Kelly has been married to Hartley for over twenty-five years and they have two incredible kids, Madison and Micah. I teach Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction, am co-director of the Springs Retreat Center, and have a passion to help leaders identify the voice of God within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. I began spiritual direction while at the TC and have continued with the same director for 10 years. Many of our spiritual directors have completed seminary course work and hold Professional Certification in Spiritual Formation . Currently, more than a dozen chaplaincy groups within the U.S. offer varying education/training, however, no other organization that . The program provides training in spiritual direction. I am an alum of TC8. Areas of Interest or Specialty: When church doesnt work anymore; loss; struggles with being in community; physical pain or new diagnosis; questions of identity, and life or work transitions. Areas of interest or specialty: I have found myself working primarily with women who are questioning long held spiritual beliefs which are no longer clear or relevant to them. Applications for the 2023 Fall Spiritual Direction Cohort are due September 15th 2023. Areas of interest or specialty: No specialty. He is also a certified spiritual director through . During that time, she found that many in church leadership often reach a point in their spiritual journey where they feel unfulfilled. A spiritual director acts as a companion, listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a persons life. My experience includes 35 years in the corporate world and leading small groups and coaching small group leaders in the church. Soul Shepherdings Spiritual Direction Training is where spiritual formation meets psychology. How to Find a Certified Spiritual Director to Help You Discern Your Vocation. 1 Program participants immerse themselves in a deeply creative and nurturing environment to inquire, explore and grow who they are. The church was conservative Christian in its teaching, with lots of "do's and don'ts," so I learned early to try to be very good so that God would be pleased with me. With the encouragement of spiritual direction, we start to say "yes, I will do that with my life!" We are empowered to choose love, healing and freedom. My participation inTransforming Community#13 was a life and leadership altering season, growing me in the knowledge and benefit of Spiritual Direction. Formation and training continued with Clinical Pastoral Education, Inner Healing Prayer Counseling, I was a busy and driven registered nurse and director of a non-profit organization for many years when one day, I awakened enough to realize my soul was crying out for something more. find out more An important part of the past twenty years included . Podcast Doing the inner work that was prompted during the Transforming Community experience I was introduced to spiritual direction. I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. Individual Spiritual Direction - 30 sessions. I have walked with Christ since I was a young teenager. In 2013, after attending and serving in several Transforming Community experiences, I became the Executive Director of the Transforming Center. 1 Develop Christ-centered and person-centered approaches to spiritual direction. I am currently the lead minister of Cedar Creek Church, a mid-size church in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area. While my studies have trained me as a spiritual director, life has prepared me to accompany others in the deep places. In January 2020, Connie retired after serving on the staff of First United Methodist Church for 26 1/2 years. For over 20 years, I have been leading youth and womens Bible studies and retreats and serving in the United Methodist Church as a Stephen Minister. The application and documentation will first be screened for eligibility for certification by an Evaluator, and then scrutinized by the CCPC Board of Examiners. I was blessed to participate in Transforming Community 13. SDIs desire is to provide an easy, inviting way for seekers to connect with a spiritual companion, to find a training program and/or a retreat center. As I began to experience transformation, others noticed and asked what had happened. Areas of interest or specialty: Grief and loss; people who serve the disabled; people in the arts; survivors of spiritual abusive leadership. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Pastors and others in ministry. Students meet 12 times with a qualified Spiritual Direction Supervisor to review and reflect on their practicum hours. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Working with leaders in professional and pastoral ministry, especially church planters; university students and young adults; discerning vocation and calling; developing spiritual practices and rhythms. I am a church planting coach, have completed the Ignatian Exercises, teach at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in the Spiritual Formation Certificate Program, and currently serve on the Transforming Center board and as community pastor in TC15. I am an alum of Transforming Community #6. In retirement, I live in rural Nebraska in the location of my immigrant great-grandparents assisting with care of the family homestead ranch. Areas of interest or specialty: Companioning pastors and ministry leaders; the Enneagram; discernment of vocation, calling, and life transitions. Being a spiritual director or companion is a calling that requires we care for ourselves, so we can. During TC, I felt an invitation from the Lord to pursue training in spiritual direction and theological training from Sioux Falls Seminary where I received my certificate of Spiritual Direction and Masters of Bible & Theology with an emphasis in Intercultural Studies. Dr. John Mabry holds a PhD in Philosophy and Religion, with special concentrations in Hinduism and Taoism. I lead workshops and retreats of all types with the Enneagram in marriage, parenting, and relationships. The graduate certificate in interfaith spirituality offers a flexible curriculum that you can tailor to fit your interests. Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for pastors, worship leaders, artists, and college administrators. Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for mothers, grandmothers, women in the workplace, those caring for ill parents, lay people who serve regularly in their churches and with other paraministries, people in career and/or physical location transitions, those with physical challenges or disabilities. Denial of an application will be accompanied by written explanation and advice on acquiring the training/education needed. 20 Bergen Road Comment on the applicants ethical (professional/spiritual) conduct. Seeing the growth and Joy in our engagement with each other is sooo fulfilling, For me, as a long time therapist, I am relieved when I talk with my own director or interact with a directed because I can speak without fear of diagnosis and listen without having to diagnose, I have had many spiritual directors over my life beginning in my twenties until a couple years ago. Program Overview. With those formal learning experiences as well as life experiences as a mother, grandmother, professional adult learning professional, 25-year business owner, one who has served the Church and other paraministries for all of my adult life as a lay volunteer, I have personally experienced and leaned on God through life's greatest decisions and difficulties. So I trained for ministry, but used my considerable graphic design and writing skills to create and deliver training for individuals, churches, and industry throughout the country and beyond. Denial of an application will be accompanied by written explanation and advice on acquiring the training/education needed. To help fulfill that mission, we offer a high-quality certificate program in becoming a Spiritual Director. This question emerged partly from my awareness of my own need to change and partly because of my observation that spiritual transformation is one of the most over-promised and under-delivered aspects of Christianity in its current expression. This fileshould contain copies of all of the following documents: the completed application; allpast and current training-related transcripts, diplomas, and certificates; and a record of hours worked both in education and training and in work experience. I made a shift from an evangelical church to an Episcopa Church 10 years ago and have been moved and excited by a community that desires to know God and experience more. It amazes me first how an individual is willing to open up their spiritual life and story to me, and how the Spirit will move through our conversation., Having a teacher that knows their own divinity and one learns by transmission, 2023 SDI - The Home of Spiritual Companionship, Contains spam, fake content or potential malware, Need Help Finding a Spiritual Director or Companion to Work With? Main Telephone (1-877) 727-9217 Toll Free A good spiritual director will scrutinize you in a way that you can't do yourself. Listing of Spiritual Directors For those seeking spiritual direction, LTI provides a listing of people who have received a Certificate of Completion of training in LTI's Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program. Training: Seeking the Spirit Within: The Nebraska Synod Institute of Spiritual Direction Formation, Training: Hesychia School of Direction and the Apprentice Training Program of the Phoenix School of Spiritual Direction. I understand a spiritual director to be a fellow companion, one whose role is not to direct, but walk alongside through prayer, listening, questions, and spiritual practices. The Certificate Completion Planner lists the required books, online classes, and other aspects of the program. Embody a vision of the flourishing person that inspires them, as spiritual directors, and their directees to have courage to trust, hope and love. The Rev. Spiritual Direction Tom Elliott is a certified director who has been offering one-on-one spiritual direction for more than 20 years and can help you experience clarity, healing, and freedom in your deepening intimacy with God. The techniques and concepts taught in this program rely on there being a Divine reality or a larger Self. You'll learn how to bring spiritual direction into your current ministry role or be equipped to begin a new ministry as a spiritual director. ", I have never felt so listened to and cared for as when I talked with Dave on the Soul Shepherding staff. I pastored PC(USA) congregations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana for 37 years before stepping away from church ministry in the summer of 2022 to join the staff of Altar Fly Fishing. I seek to create a chrysalis-like environment in which individuals can discover their intrinsic value in God and emerge as the transformed persons they are created to be. My desire to respond to Gods unfolding within my everyday experiences has prompted lifelong learning, leading to a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation, studies of the Enneagram with Jerome Wagner, and a cohort study of Spirituality for the Wisdom Years with Father Ron Rolheiser. Youll learn how to bring spiritual direction into your current ministry role or beequippedto begin a new ministry as a spiritual director. My first experience of the, Kristin Evenson (Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN), Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation "Tending the Holy". I have also co-authored Listen To My Life. My own Spiritual Director continues to tremendously bless my life and faith; it is my hope that I may now offer this gift to others. Coursework for the first module begins right after that time. It is a process as life-giving as breaththe breath of God at work in, among, and through us. Can I take one course to check it out? My wife, Shelly, and I have three children and three grandchildren. I am an alum of TC10. CCPC Global is responding to both social expectation and professional need. Set up and maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct (strength and weakness) using ethical and legal standards. Spiritual directors can provide that spiritual support for pastors or for any Christian seeking greater spiritual direction. If you have an interest in having Dan come speak at your parish or Catholic event or group, contact us at rcspiritualdirection@gmail.com or call 818-646-7729. Richard Rohr, Russ Hudson, and Christopher Heurtz, among others, as well as certification in the iEnneagram, an International Enneagram Association accredited training program by Clare and Scott Loughrige. I am a former United Methodist pastor. The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. Our certificate program provides a firm foundation for the spiritual life and assists students to receive spiritual direction fruitfully. D. in cognitive psychology. Our SSD Primer gives you great preparation for our 2-Yr certificate program in spiritual direction. To provide regular space for the supervisees to reflect upon the content and process of the work. CCPC Global is responding to both social expectation and professional need. Though a rich experience, the years following the completion of that Community raised a desire for a more intentional spiritual journey as a married couple. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Pastors; those in transition or discerning a new call; discovering new practices when the old ones are no longer working; finding God in the ups and downs of life. The Art of Spiritual Direction professional certificate program provides a holistic formation program in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which integrates theology, Scripture, psychology, spirituality, skills development and supervision in the art of spiritual direction. I find great joy in journeying with others as a spiritual director. Exhibit a vibrant spiritual director identity with the requisite foundational knowledge and skills. However, he or she must be able to meet the Standards Criteria set by the CCPC Examining Board. Tuition for 2023 is $6,250 and the additional room & board for the residential retreat is close to $1000 for the five days. (1-877) 727-9217 Toll Free Schedule a free Zoom call to discuss pricing options here. To give information and anothers perspective concerning ones work. Richard has been trained in conflict coaching and mediation through Peacemaker Ministries and is a certified conciliator with Ambassadors of Reconciliation and Relational Wisdom 360. Once certified, spiritual directors will be equipped to accompany others without having to rely on pre-designed formats of the Spiritual Exercises and will be able to meet the contemporary needs of each retreatant. Since first learning about spiritual direction, I have been under spiritual direction since 2010. It is a sacred time to listen to another persons story and see the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life. I am married with 3 adult children and 5 granddaughters. The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. Feedback is encouraged to discover what was difficult and what needs to be changed. Maintain federal, provincial and agency regulations concerning confidentiality by following proper procedures to preserve the clients rights. Our visits to the Middle East, the UK, as well as New Zealand and Australia, highlight some of our favorite adventures. The applicant will be notified in writing concerning the decision of the Board of Examiners. Employ basic social and behavioral skills and a habit of solid theological reasoning, to promote deep spiritual flourishing. Since completing my spiritual direction training at Selah, I have hosted numerous day retreats in my home, provided group spiritual direction and one-to-one spiritual direction. Also helpful is my training in MBTI. I believe the fundamental desire of God and man alike is to know and to be known. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I have experience working with missionaries, ministry leaders, spouses of ministry leaders, college students and young professionals, leading prayer retreats, discernment in transitions. Our staff of supervisors are certified spiritual directors who bring knowledge . That paradigm shift led me to The Transforming Center. By Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction Subscribe to CE Areas of Interest or Specialty:Many years ago, as part of my offerings as an executive coach, I developed a unique, strong process to clarify Values, Vision, Voice. At present, I like to have a free consultation for the first meeting to discern together if this is a fit, and, if not, to help a person discern who/what might be. I also led Christian 12-step recovery ministry for 5 years. Much of that work was in the field of social justice and crisis intervention pioneering where she counseled individuals, organizations and facilitated groups in both the secular and religious communities. I am trained through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, am a certified Enneagram coach, and completed training in strategies for trauma awareness and resiliency. Other payment arrangements are available. Companioning Pastors and church staff. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I have been at Indy Vineyard Church for the last 20 years, having just transitioned from Sr. Pastor to Pastor of Teaching & Prayer. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST, Copyright19752023 | Privacy | CCPC Global Inc. To provide the avenue for qualified persons who have studied, worked and developed skills in the field of supervision of spiritual direction to receive professional recognition. My primary role with Altar is caring for pastors before, during, and after our retreats--spiritual direction is a piece of that care. I also have 8 years of experience in higher education as an instructor and administrator, which has fostered compassion and care for the unique challenges contained within the calling to higher education. Spiritual formation occurs for me by being attentive to the Spirit as a wife, caregiver, stepmom, Oma, friend in What is Spiritual Direction and Companionship? It is an amazing experience., Willie Ruth Harris ChI Interfaith Spiritual Direction student, Tallahassee, Florida. It launched me on a journey of transformation, of which the Transforming Community (TC13, TC18) was an integral part. Learn more about what a spiritual director does. Learn More The Many Practices of Deep Listening SDI supports spiritual directors and companions from across a diverse range of practices. The CCPCperforms periodic checks of those certifications which require continual training orminimum hours worked. My educational background is BA in psychology, and Ph. The Spiritual Direction certificate program also includes 14 assigned books* to read/review (from the Soul Shepherding reading list that informed the curriculum), 5 reflection papers, and 1 individual supervision meeting (with the option to add more). I taught elementary school for twenty-four years. I am cited as a recommended Enneagram instructor with First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies. She does Spiritual Direction and facilitates formation communities and other groups. If you are interested in setting up an appointment to receive Spiritual Direction you can contact any of the spiritual directors listed below. LinkedIn. A crisis of faith in my early forties, where I questioned Gods basic goodness and love for me personally, launched a journey I continue to this day. I am married to Anita who is also a spiritual director. You will interact with faculty and classmates via Moodle, email and/or social media. ChI offers you an opportunity to become more fully connected with your spiritual sense and whatever you may call your higher power, and you leave the program with tools that you can use to help you on your way. Alumni Network An Introduction to Spiritual Direction practicum is a required component of this Certificate. I'm not sure if I can commit to the whole program. I'm passionate about helping you listen to your inner voice and wisdom. I offer a safe affirming space to explore the More you may be longing for and I believe it is what God will provide. Each student is required to have had a minimum of 3 spiritual direction sessions prior to beginning the program. It has been spiritual direction, however, that has had the most profound impact on my life. She also works as a retirement guide. Scheduling and fees for spiritual direction are determined entirely between the director and the directee. I am also a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation where I did most of my training with hospice care and grief. Spiritual direction is normally carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting relationship or a small group, explains Ellen Ratmeyer, a spiritual director and member of the Reformed Church in America. Limited spots are available. She has been a spiritual director since 2003 and a therapist in private practice over the last 27 years. It happens when one competent guide journeys with another person, listening to that persons life story with an ear for the movement of God., Everyone who helps guide the spiritual lives of others needs to have someone in their own lives doing the same for them.. My passion is to accompany church leaders and congregations in their journey to be spiritually formed and transformed in this most challenging era of the Christian church. Areas of interest or specialty: As a licensed professional counselor for 21 years, my experience in both therapy and spiritual direction allows me to incorporate emotional health practices in Spiritual direction sessions. A few notes: Spiritual direction relationships are not facilitated through Faithward or through the Reformed Church in America. Encountering the richness of the broader Christian tradition in the midst of my own desire and disillusionment led me on a journey of reclaiming practices that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to open themselves to Gods transforming work. About 10 years ago, I started to feel something was missing; my soul was tired and bored. Areas of interest or specialty:Ministry leaders, pastors and laity. I have been a pastor for over 30 years and bi-vocational for the past 10. Monday to Friday I've received spiritual direction for the past six years, and my director has helped me see that my spiritual journey is moving toward greater freedom in Jesus. I have been serving the Transforming Center as the Coordinator of Spiritual Direction Ministries since that time. Kelly has been a part of the Transforming Center for over 10 years (TC 5 , TC 8, and TC 15). A need has been expressed for excellence, competency, integrity and established professional qualifications in almost every field and discipline. Peter Watkins, M.Div. Married to Rick, I have two college age children. ); retreats; group spiritual direction; vocational discernment. ", After only one year in the program, my life has changed dramatically. Receive 10 hours of supervision and a written recommendation from your spiritual-direction supervisor after all supervision and direction hours are complete. I love to cultivate a sense of wonder around God. Continue the process of professional growth and development by assessing ones training needs and attaining the necessary education. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a Spiritual Director Supervisor. Personally, I have witnessed this possibility in my own life, after being set free from a legacy of lies, pain, and worry and a lack of trust. In 2018-2020 I trained as a spiritual director with Sustainable Faith. A minimum of two years of CSD registration by CCPC. Im also doing more and more work using the Enneagram (certified by the Loughriges). has been my question from the time I was being raised as a pastors kid in a conservative religious environment. I learn so much from the ones I am accompanying and the mistakes I know I make on the journey. This certificate is suited to applicants holding a Master's degree or above in theological or ministerial studies, psychology or counseling, psychiatric social work, or health care. A letter on official stationery from the applicants church and/or denomination and/or spiritual director indicating that they wish to recognize this person for responsibilities of spiritual direction. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. Before You Continue But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Attendance is required on all days. I offers calm insight into challenging situations, enabling spiritual discernment to unfolding those who meet with remark that the peaceful presence safely supports the growth of their relationship with God. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. At this point you will be a professional spiritual director and can begin your own spiritual direction practice. I am a graduate of University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and find delight serving on discernment committees for seminarians. Seeking God in difficult life situations including family changes, periods of dryness and loneliness and loss seems to be a frequent focus of direction. As a Certified Spiritual Director and Group Spiritual Director, I support clients by providing a safe space where all parts of themselvesand all of lifecan be welcomed and explored. Varying education/training, however, no other organization that reflect upon the content process... My studies have trained me as a pastors kid in a persons life and direction hours are.! Program of self-assessment of professional growth and development by assessing ones training needs and attaining necessary... Includes 35 years in the knowledge and benefit of spiritual direction longed to experience of... Indiana, area are certified spiritual director directors listed below direction sessions prior to beginning the.! 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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you are interested in applying for this certification please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSD manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. The spiritual companions of SDI share their stories on our blog. Seven weekend intensive learning modules for 3 days, from 9am to 4:30pm each day. Kelly has been married to Hartley for over twenty-five years and they have two incredible kids, Madison and Micah. I teach Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction, am co-director of the Springs Retreat Center, and have a passion to help leaders identify the voice of God within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. I began spiritual direction while at the TC and have continued with the same director for 10 years. Many of our spiritual directors have completed seminary course work and hold Professional Certification in Spiritual Formation . Currently, more than a dozen chaplaincy groups within the U.S. offer varying education/training, however, no other organization that . The program provides training in spiritual direction. I am an alum of TC8. Areas of Interest or Specialty: When church doesnt work anymore; loss; struggles with being in community; physical pain or new diagnosis; questions of identity, and life or work transitions. Areas of interest or specialty: I have found myself working primarily with women who are questioning long held spiritual beliefs which are no longer clear or relevant to them. Applications for the 2023 Fall Spiritual Direction Cohort are due September 15th 2023. Areas of interest or specialty: No specialty. He is also a certified spiritual director through . During that time, she found that many in church leadership often reach a point in their spiritual journey where they feel unfulfilled. A spiritual director acts as a companion, listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a persons life. My experience includes 35 years in the corporate world and leading small groups and coaching small group leaders in the church. Soul Shepherdings Spiritual Direction Training is where spiritual formation meets psychology. How to Find a Certified Spiritual Director to Help You Discern Your Vocation. 1 Program participants immerse themselves in a deeply creative and nurturing environment to inquire, explore and grow who they are. The church was conservative Christian in its teaching, with lots of "do's and don'ts," so I learned early to try to be very good so that God would be pleased with me. With the encouragement of spiritual direction, we start to say "yes, I will do that with my life!" We are empowered to choose love, healing and freedom. My participation inTransforming Community#13 was a life and leadership altering season, growing me in the knowledge and benefit of Spiritual Direction. Formation and training continued with Clinical Pastoral Education, Inner Healing Prayer Counseling, I was a busy and driven registered nurse and director of a non-profit organization for many years when one day, I awakened enough to realize my soul was crying out for something more. find out more An important part of the past twenty years included . Podcast Doing the inner work that was prompted during the Transforming Community experience I was introduced to spiritual direction. I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. Individual Spiritual Direction - 30 sessions. I have walked with Christ since I was a young teenager. In 2013, after attending and serving in several Transforming Community experiences, I became the Executive Director of the Transforming Center. 1 Develop Christ-centered and person-centered approaches to spiritual direction. I am currently the lead minister of Cedar Creek Church, a mid-size church in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area. While my studies have trained me as a spiritual director, life has prepared me to accompany others in the deep places. In January 2020, Connie retired after serving on the staff of First United Methodist Church for 26 1/2 years. For over 20 years, I have been leading youth and womens Bible studies and retreats and serving in the United Methodist Church as a Stephen Minister. The application and documentation will first be screened for eligibility for certification by an Evaluator, and then scrutinized by the CCPC Board of Examiners. I was blessed to participate in Transforming Community 13. SDIs desire is to provide an easy, inviting way for seekers to connect with a spiritual companion, to find a training program and/or a retreat center. As I began to experience transformation, others noticed and asked what had happened. Areas of interest or specialty: Grief and loss; people who serve the disabled; people in the arts; survivors of spiritual abusive leadership. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Pastors and others in ministry. Students meet 12 times with a qualified Spiritual Direction Supervisor to review and reflect on their practicum hours. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Working with leaders in professional and pastoral ministry, especially church planters; university students and young adults; discerning vocation and calling; developing spiritual practices and rhythms. I am a church planting coach, have completed the Ignatian Exercises, teach at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in the Spiritual Formation Certificate Program, and currently serve on the Transforming Center board and as community pastor in TC15. I am an alum of Transforming Community #6. In retirement, I live in rural Nebraska in the location of my immigrant great-grandparents assisting with care of the family homestead ranch. Areas of interest or specialty: Companioning pastors and ministry leaders; the Enneagram; discernment of vocation, calling, and life transitions. Being a spiritual director or companion is a calling that requires we care for ourselves, so we can. During TC, I felt an invitation from the Lord to pursue training in spiritual direction and theological training from Sioux Falls Seminary where I received my certificate of Spiritual Direction and Masters of Bible & Theology with an emphasis in Intercultural Studies. Dr. John Mabry holds a PhD in Philosophy and Religion, with special concentrations in Hinduism and Taoism. I lead workshops and retreats of all types with the Enneagram in marriage, parenting, and relationships. The graduate certificate in interfaith spirituality offers a flexible curriculum that you can tailor to fit your interests. Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for pastors, worship leaders, artists, and college administrators. Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for mothers, grandmothers, women in the workplace, those caring for ill parents, lay people who serve regularly in their churches and with other paraministries, people in career and/or physical location transitions, those with physical challenges or disabilities. Denial of an application will be accompanied by written explanation and advice on acquiring the training/education needed. 20 Bergen Road Comment on the applicants ethical (professional/spiritual) conduct. Seeing the growth and Joy in our engagement with each other is sooo fulfilling, For me, as a long time therapist, I am relieved when I talk with my own director or interact with a directed because I can speak without fear of diagnosis and listen without having to diagnose, I have had many spiritual directors over my life beginning in my twenties until a couple years ago. Program Overview. With those formal learning experiences as well as life experiences as a mother, grandmother, professional adult learning professional, 25-year business owner, one who has served the Church and other paraministries for all of my adult life as a lay volunteer, I have personally experienced and leaned on God through life's greatest decisions and difficulties. So I trained for ministry, but used my considerable graphic design and writing skills to create and deliver training for individuals, churches, and industry throughout the country and beyond. Denial of an application will be accompanied by written explanation and advice on acquiring the training/education needed. To help fulfill that mission, we offer a high-quality certificate program in becoming a Spiritual Director. This question emerged partly from my awareness of my own need to change and partly because of my observation that spiritual transformation is one of the most over-promised and under-delivered aspects of Christianity in its current expression. This fileshould contain copies of all of the following documents: the completed application; allpast and current training-related transcripts, diplomas, and certificates; and a record of hours worked both in education and training and in work experience. I made a shift from an evangelical church to an Episcopa Church 10 years ago and have been moved and excited by a community that desires to know God and experience more. It amazes me first how an individual is willing to open up their spiritual life and story to me, and how the Spirit will move through our conversation., Having a teacher that knows their own divinity and one learns by transmission, 2023 SDI - The Home of Spiritual Companionship, Contains spam, fake content or potential malware, Need Help Finding a Spiritual Director or Companion to Work With? Main Telephone (1-877) 727-9217 Toll Free A good spiritual director will scrutinize you in a way that you can't do yourself. Listing of Spiritual Directors For those seeking spiritual direction, LTI provides a listing of people who have received a Certificate of Completion of training in LTI's Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program. Training: Seeking the Spirit Within: The Nebraska Synod Institute of Spiritual Direction Formation, Training: Hesychia School of Direction and the Apprentice Training Program of the Phoenix School of Spiritual Direction. I understand a spiritual director to be a fellow companion, one whose role is not to direct, but walk alongside through prayer, listening, questions, and spiritual practices. The Certificate Completion Planner lists the required books, online classes, and other aspects of the program. Embody a vision of the flourishing person that inspires them, as spiritual directors, and their directees to have courage to trust, hope and love. The Rev. Spiritual Direction Tom Elliott is a certified director who has been offering one-on-one spiritual direction for more than 20 years and can help you experience clarity, healing, and freedom in your deepening intimacy with God. The techniques and concepts taught in this program rely on there being a Divine reality or a larger Self. You'll learn how to bring spiritual direction into your current ministry role or be equipped to begin a new ministry as a spiritual director. ", I have never felt so listened to and cared for as when I talked with Dave on the Soul Shepherding staff. I pastored PC(USA) congregations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana for 37 years before stepping away from church ministry in the summer of 2022 to join the staff of Altar Fly Fishing. I seek to create a chrysalis-like environment in which individuals can discover their intrinsic value in God and emerge as the transformed persons they are created to be. My desire to respond to Gods unfolding within my everyday experiences has prompted lifelong learning, leading to a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation, studies of the Enneagram with Jerome Wagner, and a cohort study of Spirituality for the Wisdom Years with Father Ron Rolheiser. Youll learn how to bring spiritual direction into your current ministry role or beequippedto begin a new ministry as a spiritual director. My first experience of the, Kristin Evenson (Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN), Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation "Tending the Holy". I have also co-authored Listen To My Life. My own Spiritual Director continues to tremendously bless my life and faith; it is my hope that I may now offer this gift to others. Coursework for the first module begins right after that time. It is a process as life-giving as breaththe breath of God at work in, among, and through us. Can I take one course to check it out? My wife, Shelly, and I have three children and three grandchildren. I am an alum of TC10. CCPC Global is responding to both social expectation and professional need. Set up and maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct (strength and weakness) using ethical and legal standards. Spiritual directors can provide that spiritual support for pastors or for any Christian seeking greater spiritual direction. If you have an interest in having Dan come speak at your parish or Catholic event or group, contact us at rcspiritualdirection@gmail.com or call 818-646-7729. Richard Rohr, Russ Hudson, and Christopher Heurtz, among others, as well as certification in the iEnneagram, an International Enneagram Association accredited training program by Clare and Scott Loughrige. I am a former United Methodist pastor. The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. Our certificate program provides a firm foundation for the spiritual life and assists students to receive spiritual direction fruitfully. D. in cognitive psychology. Our SSD Primer gives you great preparation for our 2-Yr certificate program in spiritual direction. To provide regular space for the supervisees to reflect upon the content and process of the work. CCPC Global is responding to both social expectation and professional need. Though a rich experience, the years following the completion of that Community raised a desire for a more intentional spiritual journey as a married couple. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Pastors; those in transition or discerning a new call; discovering new practices when the old ones are no longer working; finding God in the ups and downs of life. The Art of Spiritual Direction professional certificate program provides a holistic formation program in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which integrates theology, Scripture, psychology, spirituality, skills development and supervision in the art of spiritual direction. I find great joy in journeying with others as a spiritual director. Exhibit a vibrant spiritual director identity with the requisite foundational knowledge and skills. However, he or she must be able to meet the Standards Criteria set by the CCPC Examining Board. Tuition for 2023 is $6,250 and the additional room & board for the residential retreat is close to $1000 for the five days. (1-877) 727-9217 Toll Free Schedule a free Zoom call to discuss pricing options here. To give information and anothers perspective concerning ones work. Richard has been trained in conflict coaching and mediation through Peacemaker Ministries and is a certified conciliator with Ambassadors of Reconciliation and Relational Wisdom 360. Once certified, spiritual directors will be equipped to accompany others without having to rely on pre-designed formats of the Spiritual Exercises and will be able to meet the contemporary needs of each retreatant. Since first learning about spiritual direction, I have been under spiritual direction since 2010. It is a sacred time to listen to another persons story and see the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life. I am married with 3 adult children and 5 granddaughters. The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. Feedback is encouraged to discover what was difficult and what needs to be changed. Maintain federal, provincial and agency regulations concerning confidentiality by following proper procedures to preserve the clients rights. Our visits to the Middle East, the UK, as well as New Zealand and Australia, highlight some of our favorite adventures. The applicant will be notified in writing concerning the decision of the Board of Examiners. Employ basic social and behavioral skills and a habit of solid theological reasoning, to promote deep spiritual flourishing. Since completing my spiritual direction training at Selah, I have hosted numerous day retreats in my home, provided group spiritual direction and one-to-one spiritual direction. Also helpful is my training in MBTI. I believe the fundamental desire of God and man alike is to know and to be known. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I have experience working with missionaries, ministry leaders, spouses of ministry leaders, college students and young professionals, leading prayer retreats, discernment in transitions. Our staff of supervisors are certified spiritual directors who bring knowledge . That paradigm shift led me to The Transforming Center. By Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction Subscribe to CE Areas of Interest or Specialty:Many years ago, as part of my offerings as an executive coach, I developed a unique, strong process to clarify Values, Vision, Voice. At present, I like to have a free consultation for the first meeting to discern together if this is a fit, and, if not, to help a person discern who/what might be. I also led Christian 12-step recovery ministry for 5 years. Much of that work was in the field of social justice and crisis intervention pioneering where she counseled individuals, organizations and facilitated groups in both the secular and religious communities. I am trained through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, am a certified Enneagram coach, and completed training in strategies for trauma awareness and resiliency. Other payment arrangements are available. Companioning Pastors and church staff. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I have been at Indy Vineyard Church for the last 20 years, having just transitioned from Sr. Pastor to Pastor of Teaching & Prayer. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST, Copyright19752023 | Privacy | CCPC Global Inc. To provide the avenue for qualified persons who have studied, worked and developed skills in the field of supervision of spiritual direction to receive professional recognition. My primary role with Altar is caring for pastors before, during, and after our retreats--spiritual direction is a piece of that care. I also have 8 years of experience in higher education as an instructor and administrator, which has fostered compassion and care for the unique challenges contained within the calling to higher education. Spiritual formation occurs for me by being attentive to the Spirit as a wife, caregiver, stepmom, Oma, friend in What is Spiritual Direction and Companionship? It is an amazing experience., Willie Ruth Harris ChI Interfaith Spiritual Direction student, Tallahassee, Florida. It launched me on a journey of transformation, of which the Transforming Community (TC13, TC18) was an integral part. Learn more about what a spiritual director does. Learn More The Many Practices of Deep Listening SDI supports spiritual directors and companions from across a diverse range of practices. The CCPCperforms periodic checks of those certifications which require continual training orminimum hours worked. My educational background is BA in psychology, and Ph. The Spiritual Direction certificate program also includes 14 assigned books* to read/review (from the Soul Shepherding reading list that informed the curriculum), 5 reflection papers, and 1 individual supervision meeting (with the option to add more). I taught elementary school for twenty-four years. I am cited as a recommended Enneagram instructor with First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies. She does Spiritual Direction and facilitates formation communities and other groups. If you are interested in setting up an appointment to receive Spiritual Direction you can contact any of the spiritual directors listed below. LinkedIn. A crisis of faith in my early forties, where I questioned Gods basic goodness and love for me personally, launched a journey I continue to this day. I am married to Anita who is also a spiritual director. You will interact with faculty and classmates via Moodle, email and/or social media. ChI offers you an opportunity to become more fully connected with your spiritual sense and whatever you may call your higher power, and you leave the program with tools that you can use to help you on your way. Alumni Network An Introduction to Spiritual Direction practicum is a required component of this Certificate. I'm not sure if I can commit to the whole program. I'm passionate about helping you listen to your inner voice and wisdom. I offer a safe affirming space to explore the More you may be longing for and I believe it is what God will provide. Each student is required to have had a minimum of 3 spiritual direction sessions prior to beginning the program. It has been spiritual direction, however, that has had the most profound impact on my life. She also works as a retirement guide. Scheduling and fees for spiritual direction are determined entirely between the director and the directee. I am also a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation where I did most of my training with hospice care and grief. Spiritual direction is normally carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting relationship or a small group, explains Ellen Ratmeyer, a spiritual director and member of the Reformed Church in America. Limited spots are available. She has been a spiritual director since 2003 and a therapist in private practice over the last 27 years. It happens when one competent guide journeys with another person, listening to that persons life story with an ear for the movement of God., Everyone who helps guide the spiritual lives of others needs to have someone in their own lives doing the same for them.. My passion is to accompany church leaders and congregations in their journey to be spiritually formed and transformed in this most challenging era of the Christian church. Areas of interest or specialty: As a licensed professional counselor for 21 years, my experience in both therapy and spiritual direction allows me to incorporate emotional health practices in Spiritual direction sessions. A few notes: Spiritual direction relationships are not facilitated through Faithward or through the Reformed Church in America. Encountering the richness of the broader Christian tradition in the midst of my own desire and disillusionment led me on a journey of reclaiming practices that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to open themselves to Gods transforming work. About 10 years ago, I started to feel something was missing; my soul was tired and bored. Areas of interest or specialty:Ministry leaders, pastors and laity. I have been a pastor for over 30 years and bi-vocational for the past 10. Monday to Friday I've received spiritual direction for the past six years, and my director has helped me see that my spiritual journey is moving toward greater freedom in Jesus. I have been serving the Transforming Center as the Coordinator of Spiritual Direction Ministries since that time. Kelly has been a part of the Transforming Center for over 10 years (TC 5 , TC 8, and TC 15). A need has been expressed for excellence, competency, integrity and established professional qualifications in almost every field and discipline. Peter Watkins, M.Div. Married to Rick, I have two college age children. ); retreats; group spiritual direction; vocational discernment. ", After only one year in the program, my life has changed dramatically. Receive 10 hours of supervision and a written recommendation from your spiritual-direction supervisor after all supervision and direction hours are complete. I love to cultivate a sense of wonder around God. Continue the process of professional growth and development by assessing ones training needs and attaining the necessary education. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a Spiritual Director Supervisor. Personally, I have witnessed this possibility in my own life, after being set free from a legacy of lies, pain, and worry and a lack of trust. In 2018-2020 I trained as a spiritual director with Sustainable Faith. A minimum of two years of CSD registration by CCPC. Im also doing more and more work using the Enneagram (certified by the Loughriges). has been my question from the time I was being raised as a pastors kid in a conservative religious environment. I learn so much from the ones I am accompanying and the mistakes I know I make on the journey. This certificate is suited to applicants holding a Master's degree or above in theological or ministerial studies, psychology or counseling, psychiatric social work, or health care. A letter on official stationery from the applicants church and/or denomination and/or spiritual director indicating that they wish to recognize this person for responsibilities of spiritual direction. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. Before You Continue But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Attendance is required on all days. I offers calm insight into challenging situations, enabling spiritual discernment to unfolding those who meet with remark that the peaceful presence safely supports the growth of their relationship with God. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. At this point you will be a professional spiritual director and can begin your own spiritual direction practice. I am a graduate of University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and find delight serving on discernment committees for seminarians. Seeking God in difficult life situations including family changes, periods of dryness and loneliness and loss seems to be a frequent focus of direction. As a Certified Spiritual Director and Group Spiritual Director, I support clients by providing a safe space where all parts of themselvesand all of lifecan be welcomed and explored. Varying education/training, however, no other organization that reflect upon the content process... My studies have trained me as a pastors kid in a persons life and direction hours are.! Program of self-assessment of professional growth and development by assessing ones training needs and attaining necessary... Includes 35 years in the knowledge and benefit of spiritual direction longed to experience of... Indiana, area are certified spiritual director directors listed below direction sessions prior to beginning the.! 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