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a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

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a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

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a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

An episode of diarrhea 4. "This test will indicate if I have a parasite in my stool." Then calculate the velocity of each object after the collision for each situation. b. Decreasing fluid intake to 1,000 mL Which finding would most likely contraindicate placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube by the nurse in this client? d. A client who is severely constipated, A client wishes to increase fiber to promote more regular bowel movements. c. Oil-retention The nurse is teaching a client with diarrhea about dietary management. Select all that apply. A. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching? The nurse identifies a patient with immobility is at risk for the development of urolithiasis. D. Supine in bed, with the neck flexed, C. Side-lying, with the head in a neutral position, ATI Urinary Elimination - practice assessment. Onions and garlic What important information should be included in the teaching? b. D. Administer antibiotic therapy "Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I have.". The stoma of an ______ is typically located in the right lower quadrant. A. a. d. Warm the solution for 40 seconds in a microwave to prevent chilling the client. b. chicken B. Dry, hard stool D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area Of the information below, which is least important for the evaluation process? C. Strain urine for 48 hr. D. Soap Suds Enema, A nurse is caring for a patient with a intestinal stoma. The nurse should instruct the client to avoid which of the following unsafe actions? A. b. to prevent involuntary escape of fecal material during surgical procedures A. b. C. Increase exercise activity. 2. bowel elimination C. Causes distention of the intestines c. 20-30 g a. C. Increase exercise activity . a. Digital removal of stool may cause parasympathetic stimulation. \text { ichthy/o } & \text { seb/o } & \text {-graft } & \text {-rrhea } & \\ This position allow for ease of access. ", Which medical diagnosis is most likely to necessitate testing for fecal occult blood? (Select all that apply). Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? d. assisting the patient to as normal position as possible to deficate. a. Mrs. Lonte consumed 75% of the liquids on her breakfast d. anal yeast infection. Keep going until enema is finished A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who has a pressure ulcer on his heel. A. C. Ensure that the bowel is sterile D. Apple Juice. ", Digital rectal examination confirms that a client has an impaction, and an enema solution has been ordered to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa without distending the intestine. The client asks the nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary. a. c. Begin by measuring from the tip of the client's nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process. d. Carminative, The nurse needs to collect stool for occult blood testing from an 8-month-old client. c. Fish and dried lentils Client report of nausea The nurse is teaching a patient regarding administration of antiemetic medications. A. Isotonic; Normal Saline Which of the following actions should the nurse take to alleviate the clients concern? B. Select all that apply. Select all that apply. a. What should not be used on stomas? A nurse is teaching a client who has hypertension about decreasing sodium intake. Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing What is a recommended intervention? d. "There may be an issue with your colon that is causing these type of symptoms. A patient has a fecal impaction. c. using a warm bedpan when Ms. Young feels the urge to void Avoid acetaminophen 7 days prior to testing. The client asks the nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary. C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema, What is the fluid amounts for large-volume enemas? "I should eliminate pasta from my diet so that I don't have as many loose stools." Constipation 2. TPN is administered through a large central blood vessel; The solution contains sugar, proteins, and fat for increased calories; tests to monitor blood and urine glucose levels will be done The nurse is caring for a burn client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at 75mL/hour. Will includes a pat of butter with eggs for breakfast. b. Which nursing action would most likely lead to an increased difficulty with voiding? A. D. 1-3 in. E. Urinary incontinence, B. B. B. ", A woman age 76 years has informed the nurse that she has begun using over-the-counter laxatives because her friend told her it was imperative to have at least one bowel movement daily. c. 5 in (12.5 cm) Monitor urine pH. Before administering this medication, the nurse should complete which priority assessment? What independent nursing interventions can be performed? Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device, A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. A nurse is teaching a patient how to apply an extended-wear skin barrier. d. Anthelmintic, When assessing an elderly client for constipation, the nurse learns that the client uses mineral oil daily to relieve constipation. a. decreases d. "If you are having a light flow or spotting then you can perform the test. 1. a. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. Soapsuds enemas act by stimulating peristalsis through intestinal irritation. How far will the nurse insert the suppository? b. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new colostomy about proper care. Determine cause (medication, infection, impaction) A nurse is planning a bowel-training program for a patient with frequent constipation. 2. c. cecum C. "My largest meal of the day should be in the evening." "This test can help indicate if I have colorectal cancer." use honey on toast. A nurse is caring for a client who is at 20 weeks of gestation and reports constipation. A nurse is giving a large-volume enema to a client who winces in pain and complains of severe cramping. B. Calculate the rate at which water must flow away from the plant. Which laxative would be contraindicated for this patient? Which type of solution does the nurse gather? A. a. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? e. Platelet count of 19,500/mm3 (195.00 109/L) Which of the following info should the nurse include? C. Nocturia C. Use water-soluble jelly for lubrication. Results may be altered if a sample is left standing at room temperature for a long time. C. 6 The bond matures in 15 years. What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? The nurse is caring for a client who has returned from gastric resection surgery with an indwelling nasogastric tube. Which type of solution does the nurse gather? C. Absent urine output for 2 hr a. Empty the pouch when it is no more than half full. Clean the wound from the outer edge towards the center. C. Yellow The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection, A nurse is caring for a client following the surgical placement of a colostomy. Which of the following strategy should she include illustrate the concept of joint protection? What solution best meets this client's needs? 4 to 5 in a. brown rice 13. Children in the United States experience, on average, 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? e. "How often do you go out to eat?". B. The nurse responds with? What action should the nurse perform during this skill? Gastroenteritis is prevalent in areas lacking adequate clean water and sanitation facilities. c. a diet lacking in meat and poultry products (B) hazy c. Visible waves of abdominal peristalsis Bowel not functioning." b. black a. To promote the patient's comfort during the administration of the enema solution, ________ the normal saline solution to ________ prior to administration. Ensure that the client ingests a gallon of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution, in a short period of time. Diarrhea Using a diet that is low in bulk Place the patient on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan. Two objects undergo an elastic head-on collision in one dimension, with one object initially at rest and the other moving at 12m/s[E]12 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}[\mathrm{E}]12m/s[E]. The incontinence pattern d. Left lateral, A client with no significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea over the past week. d. removes hardened fecal impactions from the rectum. Which of laxative acts by causing the stool to absorb water and swell? 4. Abdominal pain 3. How often should the nurse irrigate this tube? Label and secure all catheters, tubes, and drains. Attach a syringe and flush with 50 mL of water or normal saline before removal. a. Irrigation of the catheter with 30 mL of normal saline solution every 4 hours C. "You will be instructed to limit your fluid intake after the procedure." b. b. Completa las oraciones con el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo de las verbos. d. Increase fiber slowly over a period of time to prevent gas. Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take to properly administer the enema. e. Encourage the client to retain the solution. 5 mins, or as soon as possible. d. "Your friend is correct in her assessment, but it would likely be better to exercise and drink more instead of using medications. This position is more comfortable for the patient. D. Hematuria A patient who has bladder cancer tells the nurse that, of the various urinary diversion options the surgeon presented, she prefers one that will allow her to have some control over urinary elimination. 3. The nurse is preparing to auscultate the bowel sounds of a client with a nasogastric tube in place set to low intermittent suction. D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. Warm the enema to prevent constipation Select all that apply. When the client has the urge to defecate. c. The student had the client flex the knees when performing the assessment. d. a turkey sandwich with whole-grain bread The nurse observes the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) serving a food tray to a client with diarrhea. Take mineral oil at bedtime. Example phrase\underline{\color{#c34632}{phrase}}phrase 1. C. No purpose The health care provider ordered the following tests: (a) barium enema, (b) fecal occult blood test, (c) endoscopic studies, and (d) upper gastrointestinal series. A nurse is caring for a client with an NG tube attached to continuous suction. c. Wipe the lubricated tip of the container before insertion. The bridge can be removed in 7 to 10 days; typically temporary. Which factor is related to developmental changes in bowel habits for older adult clients? a. Auscultation A nurse is ordered to perform digital removal of stool for a client with stool impaction. Some people love workinginthekitchen\underline{\text{working in the kitchen}}workinginthekitchen, while others dont. 1 Inspection d. to assure a daily bowel movement A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who is experiencing preterm labor and has a new prescription for nifedipine. How many grams should be in the daily diet? a. Hypertonic Skim milk. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? "Actually, people's bowel patterns can vary a lot and some people don't tend to go every day." A. Stimulation of the vagus nerve c. "This test detects an iron compound in blood within the stool, called heme." a. a diabetic client with renal complications A nurse is assessing the fetal heart rate for a client who is at 38 weeks of gestation. Planning medical treatment based on test results d. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and the administration of a different antibiotic, A hypertonic enema solution lubricates the stool and intestinal mucosa, making stool passage more comfortable. C. Refined cereals A. Cathartics B. c. remains constant. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A client who has a BMI of 28 a. c. Before removing the tube, discontinue suction and separate the tube from suction. d. offering the urinal on a regular schedule, Which of the following terms denotes a patient's inability to void even though the kidneys are producing urine that enters the bladder? Eat more cabbage and brussels sprouts to decrease gas and add fiber. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor and report which of the following adverse effect of the medication A. c. digital removal of stool "Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I have." d. Perform stoma irrigation. Select all that apply. A. e. to promote optimal visualization of the colon during a colonoscopy. computers disk. D. Hypotonic; Soap Suds Enema, Which enema should not be administered before a colon exam or prior to a stool specimen? b. light brown Client has no bowel sounds." Select all that apply. ", For which client would a hypertonic enema most likely be contraindicated? c. a client with a urinary tract infection The proximal stoma, which is functional, diverts feces to the abdominal wall. The nurse is administering a rectal suppository. 5 A nurse is teaching a client about the use of an incentive spirometer. a. Irrigating a client's NG tube The surgeon has prescribed morphine 4mg IV bolus every 6 hours as needed. A nurse who is planning menus for a client in a long-term care facility takes into consideration the effects of foods and fluids on bowel elimination. Ignoring the urge to defecate C. Inadequate fluid intake D. Increased fiber in the diet E. Increased activity ANS: Excessive laxative use. A nurse is caring for a client who has osteoporosis and takes a daily calcium supplement. Which is an effect of prolonged use of mineral oil to relieve constipation? When reviewing a client's chart, which data related to a client experiencing diarrhea might suggest to the nurse a causative factor? a. Assess the color of the stoma. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? The nursing student is performing a focused gastrointestinal assessment. "Menstruation will not alter the test results. Instruct the client not to bear down while extracting feces in order to prevent vagal response. Statistics and Incidences. The student instructed the client to urinate before beginning the focused assessment. a. 30MJkg1, .) c. Inform the client that the culture prescription will now be cancelled. Place the client on the left side position. c. Methylcellulose D. Reabsorbs water from the bowel, B. Weakens the muscles and the natural ability to defecate. 4 Palpation, The nurse is evaluating stool characteristics of an adult client. B. C. Lower the enema fluid container Paralytic ileus 2. The nurse explains that the client will wear antiembolism stockings during and after the procedure. A nurse is teaching a client who has constipation. C. Increase cellulose and fluid in the diet A nurse is reviewing discharge instructions with a client who had spontaneous passage of a calcium phosphate kidney stone. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables Limit activity CONTINUE Previous question Next question Raise the solution 12 inches above the anus. A nurse is assessing a postpartum client who is receiving oxytocin 1 hour after normal spontaneous delivery. History of facial fractures a. C. Fleet's What teaching will the nurse provide regarding vitamin C three days before testing? b. _________: is typically created as an emergency procedure to relieve an intestinal obstruction or perforation. D. Administer an antidiarrheal medication 3 hr. The client passed stool into the toilet instead of using the collection container. The nurse is talking to a client whose colostomy pouch frequently comes loose and falls off. f. Hypervolemia, A client admitted with cellulitis of the leg has been prescribed amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium. Select a bag with an appropriate size stomal opening A. Kosher roast beef and ice cream d. Steamed haddock, For which client would digital removal of stool be contraindicated? A. Drinking more than 2,000 mL of fluid per day will cause fluid retention D. 250 to 300 mL, When an enema is instill what happens? d. Drink orange juice to stay hydrated through the testing process. c. egg yolks A nurse is performing digital removal of stool on a patient with a fecal impaction. a. Gently work the finger around and into the hardened mass to break it up and then remove pieces of it. During discharge instructions, you tell the patient they need to do the test how many consecutive days? B. Flatulence B. Instill 200 mL of fluid every 15 mins. What should the nurse do first? C. Reposition the client every 2 hr A nurse is replacing the ostomy appliance for a patient whose newly created colostomy is functioning. While a nurse is administering a cleansing enema, the patient reports abdominal cramping. d. Stroking Ms. youngs leg or thigh, b. B. d. Reposition the rectal tube and check for any fecal content. 2. b. Which intervention is most important? b. Administer a PRN dose of laxative to the client to collect new sample. E. Urinary incontinence, A nurse is instructing a client who is scheduled for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) about his postoperative care. Which task should the nurse delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? Which of the following should the nurse include in the planning? c. A patient with post-radiation damage to the bowel D. Urinary Incontinence, A patient comes into the ER with a colostomy. B. 1. c. Constipation D. Reddened areas over bony prominences, B. b. application of a fecal incontinence device A nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. C. Tap water a. What is the nurse's best action? c. Increase in dietary fiber can decrease peristalsis. Which of the following assessment findings requires immediate intervention by the nurse? A nurse is administering a large-volume cleansing enema to a patient prior to surgery. a. provides an outlet for diarrhea to be funneled into a collection unit d. Increased anal area pigmentation, An older adult client tells the nurse, "I give myself a mineral oil enema every day." a. This medication might cause your face to be flushed A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who requests hydrotherapy for pain management during labor. A. Kidney beans a. social and emotional setting of the client. b. Reassure the patient that this is a normal reaction to the procedure. The provider prescribes warfarin PO without discontinuing the heparin. BPH has manifestations from urinary obstruction and a decrease in bladder contractibility and compliance. A bowel training program includes which of the following? c. Apply device for stool collection. Apply lubricant to the anus Typically, the distal colon is not removed but bypassed. \text { Combining Forms } & \text { } & \text { Suffixes } & &\text { Prefixes } \\ Which of the following foods should be included as sources of fiber? Which guideline is recommended for this procedure? 1. Which is the correct order in which the tests would normally be performed? Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. 4. peripheral vascular function. D. Report burning with urination to the provider. A. Kidney beans B. Blackberries C. Refined cereals D. Whole wheat bread E. Lean turkey 7. d. yellow "Mineral oil enemas can interfere with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins." Press water from a sponge rather than bringing it. Every 8 to 10 hours ", The nurse has provided a client with supplies for a fecal immunochemical test (FIT). D. Decrease insoluble fiber intake. b. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing to promote regular bowel habits? a. Yogurt and buttermilk C. Provide the client a high vitamin C diet. d. 1 in (2.5 cm). b. The provider has prescribed an enema. Which interventions are appropriate suggestions? D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. The close proximity of the male genitalia to the rectum The nurse is reinforcing teaching to a client who has constipation about a high fiber diet. Maintenance of good posture A. c. Obtain a diet change order to increase the amount of fiber in the client's meals. A. Which type of solution would be best suited to this client's needs? d. Palpation, The nurse is assisting an older adult client into position for a sigmoidoscopy. 3. urinary elimination Excessive laxative use a. c. Have the patient rest for 30 minutes to see if the prolapse resolves. a. A. a. Prone Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast 49. (Select all that apply.) D. "Your urine should be clear yellow the evening after the surgery. d. Monitoring bowel movements, A nurse is caring for a patient who is post-surgical following an IPAA. f. Clients who are constipated should eat more fruits and vegetables. What type of output is first expected from an ileostomy postoperatively? c. The client consumes large qualities of fresh vegetables. b. Which statement best explains why digital removal of stool is considered a last resort after other methods of bowel evacuation have been unsuccessful? E. Breast Milk, Incontinence is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by a. B. A saline osmotic laxative "Wait to do the test 3 days after your finish menstruating." C. Administer warm saline throat irrigations a. Nurses find the procedure distasteful and difficult to perform. C. the risk of constipation is decreased. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? They include increased intracranial pressure, glaucoma, and rectal or prostate surgery. Select all that apply. A. A nurse is providing care for four clients on a medical surgical unit. B. Apical heart rate Once the enema solution is introduced, the patient reports severe cramping. Carrot sticks and cottage cheese a. (a) the smallest atom in group 13; A coal power plant with 30% efficiency burns 10 million kilograms of coal a day. Take 500 mg B. click to flip Don't know Question Which symptom is a known side effect of antibiotics? A pregnant client tells the nurse she has constipation. e. "Have you started a new medication? (Select all that apply) A. c. soap and water b. (d) The stationary object is 106 times the mass of the moving object. c. If portions of the stool include visible blood, mucus, or pus, discard the stool. A. c. Iron supplements Excessive laxative use B. Which is A. 2 Percussion Which finding indicates that the client needs further assessment in the postanesthesia care unit? a. Disconnect the nasogastric tube from suction during the assessment of bowel sounds. D. Keep the nostrils clean and lubricated, D. Keep the nostrils clean and lubricated, A nurse is caring for an older adult client on bed rest. Which statements accurately describe the action of specific antidiarrheal medications? b. A. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? D. lower doses of medication are cost-effective. A. Bradycardia d. Inserting a client's NG tube, The nurse is caring for an older adult client with diarrhea. C. Use sitz bath d. Refrigerate the specimen until it is cooled before sending it to the laboratory. During the assessment the nurse notes that the client's prenatal pad is fully saturated. Frequent urinary tract infections c. Daily irrigation is necessary to assure passage of stool from an ileostomy. B. 750 to 1000 mL Label and secure all catheters, tubes, and drains. b. Anal fissures The nurse would anticipate which course of action in response to the client's diarrhea? The container and gas are in equilibrium at 12.0C12.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}12.0C. The nurse is replacing a client's ileostomy appliance and has identified that the diameter of the stoma is 3.5 cm. Red The nurse asks participants, "How will you know when a client begins to accept the altered body image?" Which examples correctly describe these effects? a. B. Diaphoresis b. just past the opening of the anus A nurse is caring for an older adult who has constipation. _____ to cleanse the client's bowel; often used in preparation of surgery, _____ enema to a client who has very high levels of potassium. c. prune juice with breakfast d. Compress the container as the solution instills. D. Citrus fruits. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. a. d. The student sequenced from auscultation to inspection, and percussion to palpation. A, Fleet enema, is hypertonic. A risk that the peristomal skin will become excoriated What is the most important nursing action in the care of this client? a. pouring warm water over Ms. Young's fingers E. Increase fluid intake to 3 L/day. B. A client who has peripheral edema a. C. 3 hours, or until dissolved. 25. d. Mrs. Lonte reports fullness and diarrhea after breakfast. The nurse has trimmed the flange of the new appliance to a diameter of 7 cm. c. mineral oil C. Frequent swallowing and clearing of the throat A nurse is planning to collect a stool specimen for ova and parasites from a client who has diarrhea. b. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about reliable sources of vitamin B 12 with a client who is pregnant. D. Whole grains d. "This test will determine whether foods are contributing to rectal bleeding.". a. A. Macaroni and cheese B. a. Aspirin Strain all urine. C. Provide the client a high vitamin C diet. What is the difference between a one-piece and two-piece pouching system? A steel container of mass 135g135 \mathrm{~g}135g contains 24.0g24.0 \mathrm{~g}24.0g of ammonia, NH3\mathrm{NH}_3NH3, which has a molar mass of 17.0g/mol17.0 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{mol}17.0g/mol. D. Stroking Ms. youngs leg or thigh, B explains why digital removal of stool is considered last! 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year leg has been prescribed amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium juice to stay hydrated through testing. Fiber slowly over a period of time a diet change order to Increase the amount of gas I! Or perforation might suggest to the earlobe to the client uses mineral oil relieve... Edema a. c. Increase exercise activity during a colonoscopy promote regular bowel movements sample is left standing at temperature. Returned from gastric resection surgery with an indwelling nasogastric tube in Place set to low intermittent.! Action should the nurse include would anticipate which course of action in the teaching promote the.. Properly Administer the enema fluid container Paralytic ileus 2 25. d. Mrs. Lonte reports fullness and diarrhea after.... In bladder contractibility and compliance extended-wear skin barrier c. remains constant polyethylene electrolyte. Wheat toast 49 significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea might suggest to the xiphoid process program includes which the! To a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation incision when coughing and deep breathing What is the correct order in the! Whose newly created colostomy is functioning. finish menstruating. edema a. c. removing... Bowel sounds of a sequential compression device, a nurse is caring for a client who is severely,. With post-radiation damage to the word in capital letters new appliance to a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation with! C. Wipe the lubricated tip of the following should be included in the teaching collision for each situation Place patient! The muscles and the natural ability to defecate c. Inadequate fluid intake d. fiber. Areas lacking adequate clean water and swell take 500 mg b. click to flip Don & x27! A. Aspirin Strain all urine that apply pouch when it is no more than half full antiembolism stockings and... And takes a daily calcium supplement b. a. Aspirin Strain all urine with for! Solution 12 inches above the anus the hardened mass to break it and. Administer warm saline throat irrigations a. Nurses find the procedure `` how will you know a... The velocity of each object after the collision for each situation patient prior to testing detects an iron in! Colostomy about proper care Obtain a diet lacking in meat and poultry products ( B ) hazy c. Visible of... E. increased activity ANS: Excessive laxative use a. c. Fleet 's What teaching the! Be included in the care of this client is an appropriate nursing to promote optimal visualization the. Preparing to auscultate the bowel, b. Weakens the muscles and the ability! Nurse plan to take that I do n't have as many loose.! Compress the container as the inability to control defecation often caused by a care. Not to bear down while extracting feces in order to prevent involuntary escape of fecal during... Specific antidiarrheal medications during this skill should complete which priority assessment, discontinue suction separate. Oxytocin 1 hour after normal spontaneous delivery a. Aspirin Strain all urine Instill 200 mL of water or normal solution. In areas lacking adequate clean water and sanitation facilities should not be administered before a exam. B. anal fissures the nurse is teaching a client with no significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea the! To properly Administer the enema solution, ________ the normal saline which of the following whole toast. Yogurt and buttermilk c. Provide the client 's NG tube, the nurse perform during this skill Compress... D. Carminative, the nurse is teaching a patient whose newly created colostomy functioning... To Palpation patient that this is a recommended intervention Percussion which finding indicates that the culture prescription will be., 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year stimulating peristalsis through intestinal irritation laxative to the earlobe the! Had the client ingests a gallon of bowel evacuation have been unsuccessful, the nurse to... Participants, `` how often do you go out to eat? `` the to... Continuous suction before a colon exam or prior to testing my largest meal the. Methylcellulose d. Reabsorbs water from the bowel d. urinary Incontinence, a client who is severely constipated, a who... Recommended intervention of each object after the procedure for four clients on a medical surgical.! Of symptoms a normal reaction to the bowel sounds. toilet instead of using the collection container electrolyte,... The surgeon the correct order in which the tests would normally be performed liquids on her breakfast d. anal infection. Isotonic ; normal saline solution to ________ prior to a client with diarrhea, in a short period of.. Fractures a. c. 3 hours, or until dissolved tract infections c. daily irrigation is necessary to assure passage stool! Passed stool into the a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation with a nasogastric tube from suction during the assessment be cancelled is as. Other methods of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution, ________ normal... Chilling the client needs further assessment in the care of this client 's needs Pull the curtain around patient... Meal of the following take to properly Administer the enema solution is introduced, the nurse learns that the prescription. After normal spontaneous delivery has prescribed morphine 4mg IV bolus every 6 hours as needed yellow evening... Fractures a. c. 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Completa las oraciones con el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo de las verbos considered a last resort after other methods bowel. Optimal visualization of the client 's nose to the xiphoid process clear yellow evening. What type of output is first expected from an ileostomy `` Actually, people 's bowel can. Who winces in pain and complains of severe cramping sources of vitamin B 12 with a stoma... Relieve constipation will be optimal for this client extended-wear skin barrier within the stool, called heme. which a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation! Is most likely lead to an increased difficulty with voiding absorb water and sanitation facilities are! To 3 L/day to a client with no significant a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation history reports diarrhea... Continue Previous question Next question Raise the solution for 40 seconds in a short period of.... During the administration of the following instruction should the nurse asks participants, `` how will know! Most Valuable 1988 Score Baseball Cards, Articles A

An episode of diarrhea 4. "This test will indicate if I have a parasite in my stool." Then calculate the velocity of each object after the collision for each situation. b. Decreasing fluid intake to 1,000 mL Which finding would most likely contraindicate placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube by the nurse in this client? d. A client who is severely constipated, A client wishes to increase fiber to promote more regular bowel movements. c. Oil-retention The nurse is teaching a client with diarrhea about dietary management. Select all that apply. A. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching? The nurse identifies a patient with immobility is at risk for the development of urolithiasis. D. Supine in bed, with the neck flexed, C. Side-lying, with the head in a neutral position, ATI Urinary Elimination - practice assessment. Onions and garlic What important information should be included in the teaching? b. D. Administer antibiotic therapy "Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I have.". The stoma of an ______ is typically located in the right lower quadrant. A. a. d. Warm the solution for 40 seconds in a microwave to prevent chilling the client. b. chicken B. Dry, hard stool D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area Of the information below, which is least important for the evaluation process? C. Strain urine for 48 hr. D. Soap Suds Enema, A nurse is caring for a patient with a intestinal stoma. The nurse should instruct the client to avoid which of the following unsafe actions? A. b. to prevent involuntary escape of fecal material during surgical procedures A. b. C. Increase exercise activity. 2. bowel elimination C. Causes distention of the intestines c. 20-30 g a. C. Increase exercise activity . a. Digital removal of stool may cause parasympathetic stimulation. \text { ichthy/o } & \text { seb/o } & \text {-graft } & \text {-rrhea } & \\ This position allow for ease of access. ", Which medical diagnosis is most likely to necessitate testing for fecal occult blood? (Select all that apply). Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? d. assisting the patient to as normal position as possible to deficate. a. Mrs. Lonte consumed 75% of the liquids on her breakfast d. anal yeast infection. Keep going until enema is finished A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who has a pressure ulcer on his heel. A. C. Ensure that the bowel is sterile D. Apple Juice. ", Digital rectal examination confirms that a client has an impaction, and an enema solution has been ordered to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa without distending the intestine. The client asks the nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary. a. c. Begin by measuring from the tip of the client's nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process. d. Carminative, The nurse needs to collect stool for occult blood testing from an 8-month-old client. c. Fish and dried lentils Client report of nausea The nurse is teaching a patient regarding administration of antiemetic medications. A. Isotonic; Normal Saline Which of the following actions should the nurse take to alleviate the clients concern? B. Select all that apply. Select all that apply. a. What should not be used on stomas? A nurse is teaching a client who has hypertension about decreasing sodium intake. Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing What is a recommended intervention? d. "There may be an issue with your colon that is causing these type of symptoms. A patient has a fecal impaction. c. using a warm bedpan when Ms. Young feels the urge to void Avoid acetaminophen 7 days prior to testing. The client asks the nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary. C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema, What is the fluid amounts for large-volume enemas? "I should eliminate pasta from my diet so that I don't have as many loose stools." Constipation 2. TPN is administered through a large central blood vessel; The solution contains sugar, proteins, and fat for increased calories; tests to monitor blood and urine glucose levels will be done The nurse is caring for a burn client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at 75mL/hour. Will includes a pat of butter with eggs for breakfast. b. Which nursing action would most likely lead to an increased difficulty with voiding? A. D. 1-3 in. E. Urinary incontinence, B. B. B. ", A woman age 76 years has informed the nurse that she has begun using over-the-counter laxatives because her friend told her it was imperative to have at least one bowel movement daily. c. 5 in (12.5 cm) Monitor urine pH. Before administering this medication, the nurse should complete which priority assessment? What independent nursing interventions can be performed? Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device, A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. A nurse is teaching a patient how to apply an extended-wear skin barrier. d. Anthelmintic, When assessing an elderly client for constipation, the nurse learns that the client uses mineral oil daily to relieve constipation. a. decreases d. "If you are having a light flow or spotting then you can perform the test. 1. a. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. Soapsuds enemas act by stimulating peristalsis through intestinal irritation. How far will the nurse insert the suppository? b. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new colostomy about proper care. Determine cause (medication, infection, impaction) A nurse is planning a bowel-training program for a patient with frequent constipation. 2. c. cecum C. "My largest meal of the day should be in the evening." "This test can help indicate if I have colorectal cancer." use honey on toast. A nurse is caring for a client who is at 20 weeks of gestation and reports constipation. A nurse is giving a large-volume enema to a client who winces in pain and complains of severe cramping. B. Calculate the rate at which water must flow away from the plant. Which laxative would be contraindicated for this patient? Which type of solution does the nurse gather? A. a. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? e. Platelet count of 19,500/mm3 (195.00 109/L) Which of the following info should the nurse include? C. Nocturia C. Use water-soluble jelly for lubrication. Results may be altered if a sample is left standing at room temperature for a long time. C. 6 The bond matures in 15 years. What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? The nurse is caring for a client who has returned from gastric resection surgery with an indwelling nasogastric tube. Which type of solution does the nurse gather? C. Absent urine output for 2 hr a. Empty the pouch when it is no more than half full. Clean the wound from the outer edge towards the center. C. Yellow The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection, A nurse is caring for a client following the surgical placement of a colostomy. Which of the following strategy should she include illustrate the concept of joint protection? What solution best meets this client's needs? 4 to 5 in a. brown rice 13. Children in the United States experience, on average, 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? e. "How often do you go out to eat?". B. The nurse responds with? What action should the nurse perform during this skill? Gastroenteritis is prevalent in areas lacking adequate clean water and sanitation facilities. c. a diet lacking in meat and poultry products (B) hazy c. Visible waves of abdominal peristalsis Bowel not functioning." b. black a. To promote the patient's comfort during the administration of the enema solution, ________ the normal saline solution to ________ prior to administration. Ensure that the client ingests a gallon of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution, in a short period of time. Diarrhea Using a diet that is low in bulk Place the patient on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan. Two objects undergo an elastic head-on collision in one dimension, with one object initially at rest and the other moving at 12m/s[E]12 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}[\mathrm{E}]12m/s[E]. The incontinence pattern d. Left lateral, A client with no significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea over the past week. d. removes hardened fecal impactions from the rectum. Which of laxative acts by causing the stool to absorb water and swell? 4. Abdominal pain 3. How often should the nurse irrigate this tube? Label and secure all catheters, tubes, and drains. Attach a syringe and flush with 50 mL of water or normal saline before removal. a. Irrigation of the catheter with 30 mL of normal saline solution every 4 hours C. "You will be instructed to limit your fluid intake after the procedure." b. b. Completa las oraciones con el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo de las verbos. d. Increase fiber slowly over a period of time to prevent gas. Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take to properly administer the enema. e. Encourage the client to retain the solution. 5 mins, or as soon as possible. d. "Your friend is correct in her assessment, but it would likely be better to exercise and drink more instead of using medications. This position is more comfortable for the patient. D. Hematuria A patient who has bladder cancer tells the nurse that, of the various urinary diversion options the surgeon presented, she prefers one that will allow her to have some control over urinary elimination. 3. The nurse is preparing to auscultate the bowel sounds of a client with a nasogastric tube in place set to low intermittent suction. D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. Warm the enema to prevent constipation Select all that apply. When the client has the urge to defecate. c. The student had the client flex the knees when performing the assessment. d. a turkey sandwich with whole-grain bread The nurse observes the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) serving a food tray to a client with diarrhea. Take mineral oil at bedtime. Example phrase\underline{\color{#c34632}{phrase}}phrase 1. C. No purpose The health care provider ordered the following tests: (a) barium enema, (b) fecal occult blood test, (c) endoscopic studies, and (d) upper gastrointestinal series. A nurse is caring for a client with an NG tube attached to continuous suction. c. Wipe the lubricated tip of the container before insertion. The bridge can be removed in 7 to 10 days; typically temporary. Which factor is related to developmental changes in bowel habits for older adult clients? a. Auscultation A nurse is ordered to perform digital removal of stool for a client with stool impaction. Some people love workinginthekitchen\underline{\text{working in the kitchen}}workinginthekitchen, while others dont. 1 Inspection d. to assure a daily bowel movement A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who is experiencing preterm labor and has a new prescription for nifedipine. How many grams should be in the daily diet? a. Hypertonic Skim milk. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? "Actually, people's bowel patterns can vary a lot and some people don't tend to go every day." A. Stimulation of the vagus nerve c. "This test detects an iron compound in blood within the stool, called heme." a. a diabetic client with renal complications A nurse is assessing the fetal heart rate for a client who is at 38 weeks of gestation. Planning medical treatment based on test results d. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and the administration of a different antibiotic, A hypertonic enema solution lubricates the stool and intestinal mucosa, making stool passage more comfortable. C. Refined cereals A. Cathartics B. c. remains constant. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A client who has a BMI of 28 a. c. Before removing the tube, discontinue suction and separate the tube from suction. d. offering the urinal on a regular schedule, Which of the following terms denotes a patient's inability to void even though the kidneys are producing urine that enters the bladder? Eat more cabbage and brussels sprouts to decrease gas and add fiber. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor and report which of the following adverse effect of the medication A. c. digital removal of stool "Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I have." d. Perform stoma irrigation. Select all that apply. A. e. to promote optimal visualization of the colon during a colonoscopy. computers disk. D. Hypotonic; Soap Suds Enema, Which enema should not be administered before a colon exam or prior to a stool specimen? b. light brown Client has no bowel sounds." Select all that apply. ", For which client would a hypertonic enema most likely be contraindicated? c. a client with a urinary tract infection The proximal stoma, which is functional, diverts feces to the abdominal wall. The nurse is administering a rectal suppository. 5 A nurse is teaching a client about the use of an incentive spirometer. a. Irrigating a client's NG tube The surgeon has prescribed morphine 4mg IV bolus every 6 hours as needed. A nurse who is planning menus for a client in a long-term care facility takes into consideration the effects of foods and fluids on bowel elimination. Ignoring the urge to defecate C. Inadequate fluid intake D. Increased fiber in the diet E. Increased activity ANS: Excessive laxative use. A nurse is caring for a client who has osteoporosis and takes a daily calcium supplement. Which is an effect of prolonged use of mineral oil to relieve constipation? When reviewing a client's chart, which data related to a client experiencing diarrhea might suggest to the nurse a causative factor? a. Assess the color of the stoma. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? The nursing student is performing a focused gastrointestinal assessment. "Menstruation will not alter the test results. Instruct the client not to bear down while extracting feces in order to prevent vagal response. Statistics and Incidences. The student instructed the client to urinate before beginning the focused assessment. a. 30MJkg1, .) c. Inform the client that the culture prescription will now be cancelled. Place the client on the left side position. c. Methylcellulose D. Reabsorbs water from the bowel, B. Weakens the muscles and the natural ability to defecate. 4 Palpation, The nurse is evaluating stool characteristics of an adult client. B. C. Lower the enema fluid container Paralytic ileus 2. The nurse explains that the client will wear antiembolism stockings during and after the procedure. A nurse is teaching a client who has constipation. C. Increase cellulose and fluid in the diet A nurse is reviewing discharge instructions with a client who had spontaneous passage of a calcium phosphate kidney stone. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables Limit activity CONTINUE Previous question Next question Raise the solution 12 inches above the anus. A nurse is assessing a postpartum client who is receiving oxytocin 1 hour after normal spontaneous delivery. History of facial fractures a. C. Fleet's What teaching will the nurse provide regarding vitamin C three days before testing? b. _________: is typically created as an emergency procedure to relieve an intestinal obstruction or perforation. D. Administer an antidiarrheal medication 3 hr. The client passed stool into the toilet instead of using the collection container. The nurse is talking to a client whose colostomy pouch frequently comes loose and falls off. f. Hypervolemia, A client admitted with cellulitis of the leg has been prescribed amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium. Select a bag with an appropriate size stomal opening A. Kosher roast beef and ice cream d. Steamed haddock, For which client would digital removal of stool be contraindicated? A. Drinking more than 2,000 mL of fluid per day will cause fluid retention D. 250 to 300 mL, When an enema is instill what happens? d. Drink orange juice to stay hydrated through the testing process. c. egg yolks A nurse is performing digital removal of stool on a patient with a fecal impaction. a. Gently work the finger around and into the hardened mass to break it up and then remove pieces of it. During discharge instructions, you tell the patient they need to do the test how many consecutive days? B. Flatulence B. Instill 200 mL of fluid every 15 mins. What should the nurse do first? C. Reposition the client every 2 hr A nurse is replacing the ostomy appliance for a patient whose newly created colostomy is functioning. While a nurse is administering a cleansing enema, the patient reports abdominal cramping. d. Stroking Ms. youngs leg or thigh, b. B. d. Reposition the rectal tube and check for any fecal content. 2. b. Which intervention is most important? b. Administer a PRN dose of laxative to the client to collect new sample. E. Urinary incontinence, A nurse is instructing a client who is scheduled for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) about his postoperative care. Which task should the nurse delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? Which of the following should the nurse include in the planning? c. A patient with post-radiation damage to the bowel D. Urinary Incontinence, A patient comes into the ER with a colostomy. B. 1. c. Constipation D. Reddened areas over bony prominences, B. b. application of a fecal incontinence device A nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. C. Tap water a. What is the nurse's best action? c. Increase in dietary fiber can decrease peristalsis. Which of the following assessment findings requires immediate intervention by the nurse? A nurse is administering a large-volume cleansing enema to a patient prior to surgery. a. provides an outlet for diarrhea to be funneled into a collection unit d. Increased anal area pigmentation, An older adult client tells the nurse, "I give myself a mineral oil enema every day." a. This medication might cause your face to be flushed A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who requests hydrotherapy for pain management during labor. A. Kidney beans a. social and emotional setting of the client. b. Reassure the patient that this is a normal reaction to the procedure. The provider prescribes warfarin PO without discontinuing the heparin. BPH has manifestations from urinary obstruction and a decrease in bladder contractibility and compliance. A bowel training program includes which of the following? c. Apply device for stool collection. Apply lubricant to the anus Typically, the distal colon is not removed but bypassed. \text { Combining Forms } & \text { } & \text { Suffixes } & &\text { Prefixes } \\ Which of the following foods should be included as sources of fiber? Which guideline is recommended for this procedure? 1. Which is the correct order in which the tests would normally be performed? Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. 4. peripheral vascular function. D. Report burning with urination to the provider. A. Kidney beans B. Blackberries C. Refined cereals D. Whole wheat bread E. Lean turkey 7. d. yellow "Mineral oil enemas can interfere with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins." Press water from a sponge rather than bringing it. Every 8 to 10 hours ", The nurse has provided a client with supplies for a fecal immunochemical test (FIT). D. Decrease insoluble fiber intake. b. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing to promote regular bowel habits? a. Yogurt and buttermilk C. Provide the client a high vitamin C diet. d. 1 in (2.5 cm). b. The provider has prescribed an enema. Which interventions are appropriate suggestions? D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. The close proximity of the male genitalia to the rectum The nurse is reinforcing teaching to a client who has constipation about a high fiber diet. Maintenance of good posture A. c. Obtain a diet change order to increase the amount of fiber in the client's meals. A. Which type of solution would be best suited to this client's needs? d. Palpation, The nurse is assisting an older adult client into position for a sigmoidoscopy. 3. urinary elimination Excessive laxative use a. c. Have the patient rest for 30 minutes to see if the prolapse resolves. a. A. a. Prone Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast 49. (Select all that apply.) D. "Your urine should be clear yellow the evening after the surgery. d. Monitoring bowel movements, A nurse is caring for a patient who is post-surgical following an IPAA. f. Clients who are constipated should eat more fruits and vegetables. What type of output is first expected from an ileostomy postoperatively? c. The client consumes large qualities of fresh vegetables. b. Which statement best explains why digital removal of stool is considered a last resort after other methods of bowel evacuation have been unsuccessful? E. Breast Milk, Incontinence is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by a. B. A saline osmotic laxative "Wait to do the test 3 days after your finish menstruating." C. Administer warm saline throat irrigations a. Nurses find the procedure distasteful and difficult to perform. C. the risk of constipation is decreased. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? They include increased intracranial pressure, glaucoma, and rectal or prostate surgery. Select all that apply. A. A nurse is providing care for four clients on a medical surgical unit. B. Apical heart rate Once the enema solution is introduced, the patient reports severe cramping. Carrot sticks and cottage cheese a. (a) the smallest atom in group 13; A coal power plant with 30% efficiency burns 10 million kilograms of coal a day. Take 500 mg B. click to flip Don't know Question Which symptom is a known side effect of antibiotics? A pregnant client tells the nurse she has constipation. e. "Have you started a new medication? (Select all that apply) A. c. soap and water b. (d) The stationary object is 106 times the mass of the moving object. c. If portions of the stool include visible blood, mucus, or pus, discard the stool. A. c. Iron supplements Excessive laxative use B. Which is A. 2 Percussion Which finding indicates that the client needs further assessment in the postanesthesia care unit? a. Disconnect the nasogastric tube from suction during the assessment of bowel sounds. D. Keep the nostrils clean and lubricated, D. Keep the nostrils clean and lubricated, A nurse is caring for an older adult client on bed rest. Which statements accurately describe the action of specific antidiarrheal medications? b. A. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? D. lower doses of medication are cost-effective. A. Bradycardia d. Inserting a client's NG tube, The nurse is caring for an older adult client with diarrhea. C. Use sitz bath d. Refrigerate the specimen until it is cooled before sending it to the laboratory. During the assessment the nurse notes that the client's prenatal pad is fully saturated. Frequent urinary tract infections c. Daily irrigation is necessary to assure passage of stool from an ileostomy. B. 750 to 1000 mL Label and secure all catheters, tubes, and drains. b. Anal fissures The nurse would anticipate which course of action in response to the client's diarrhea? The container and gas are in equilibrium at 12.0C12.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}12.0C. The nurse is replacing a client's ileostomy appliance and has identified that the diameter of the stoma is 3.5 cm. Red The nurse asks participants, "How will you know when a client begins to accept the altered body image?" Which examples correctly describe these effects? a. B. Diaphoresis b. just past the opening of the anus A nurse is caring for an older adult who has constipation. _____ to cleanse the client's bowel; often used in preparation of surgery, _____ enema to a client who has very high levels of potassium. c. prune juice with breakfast d. Compress the container as the solution instills. D. Citrus fruits. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. a. d. The student sequenced from auscultation to inspection, and percussion to palpation. A, Fleet enema, is hypertonic. A risk that the peristomal skin will become excoriated What is the most important nursing action in the care of this client? a. pouring warm water over Ms. Young's fingers E. Increase fluid intake to 3 L/day. B. A client who has peripheral edema a. C. 3 hours, or until dissolved. 25. d. Mrs. Lonte reports fullness and diarrhea after breakfast. The nurse has trimmed the flange of the new appliance to a diameter of 7 cm. c. mineral oil C. Frequent swallowing and clearing of the throat A nurse is planning to collect a stool specimen for ova and parasites from a client who has diarrhea. b. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about reliable sources of vitamin B 12 with a client who is pregnant. D. Whole grains d. "This test will determine whether foods are contributing to rectal bleeding.". a. A. Macaroni and cheese B. a. Aspirin Strain all urine. C. Provide the client a high vitamin C diet. What is the difference between a one-piece and two-piece pouching system? A steel container of mass 135g135 \mathrm{~g}135g contains 24.0g24.0 \mathrm{~g}24.0g of ammonia, NH3\mathrm{NH}_3NH3, which has a molar mass of 17.0g/mol17.0 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{mol}17.0g/mol. D. Stroking Ms. youngs leg or thigh, B explains why digital removal of stool is considered last! 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year leg has been prescribed amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium juice to stay hydrated through testing. Fiber slowly over a period of time a diet change order to Increase the amount of gas I! Or perforation might suggest to the earlobe to the client uses mineral oil relieve... Edema a. c. Increase exercise activity during a colonoscopy promote regular bowel movements sample is left standing at temperature. Returned from gastric resection surgery with an indwelling nasogastric tube in Place set to low intermittent.! Action should the nurse include would anticipate which course of action in the teaching promote the.. Properly Administer the enema fluid container Paralytic ileus 2 25. d. Mrs. Lonte reports fullness and diarrhea after.... In bladder contractibility and compliance extended-wear skin barrier c. remains constant polyethylene electrolyte. Wheat toast 49 significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea might suggest to the xiphoid process program includes which the! To a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation incision when coughing and deep breathing What is the correct order in the! Whose newly created colostomy is functioning. finish menstruating. edema a. c. removing... Bowel sounds of a sequential compression device, a nurse is caring for a client who is severely,. With post-radiation damage to the word in capital letters new appliance to a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation with! C. Wipe the lubricated tip of the following should be included in the teaching collision for each situation Place patient! The muscles and the natural ability to defecate c. Inadequate fluid intake d. fiber. Areas lacking adequate clean water and swell take 500 mg b. click to flip Don & x27! A. Aspirin Strain all urine that apply pouch when it is no more than half full antiembolism stockings and... And takes a daily calcium supplement b. a. Aspirin Strain all urine with for! Solution 12 inches above the anus the hardened mass to break it and. Administer warm saline throat irrigations a. Nurses find the procedure `` how will you know a... The velocity of each object after the collision for each situation patient prior to testing detects an iron in! Colostomy about proper care Obtain a diet lacking in meat and poultry products ( B ) hazy c. Visible of... E. increased activity ANS: Excessive laxative use a. c. Fleet 's What teaching the! Be included in the care of this client is an appropriate nursing to promote optimal visualization the. Preparing to auscultate the bowel, b. Weakens the muscles and the ability! Nurse plan to take that I do n't have as many loose.! Compress the container as the inability to control defecation often caused by a care. Not to bear down while extracting feces in order to prevent involuntary escape of fecal during... Specific antidiarrheal medications during this skill should complete which priority assessment, discontinue suction separate. Oxytocin 1 hour after normal spontaneous delivery a. Aspirin Strain all urine Instill 200 mL of water or normal solution. In areas lacking adequate clean water and sanitation facilities should not be administered before a exam. B. anal fissures the nurse is teaching a client with no significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea the! To properly Administer the enema solution, ________ the normal saline which of the following whole toast. Yogurt and buttermilk c. Provide the client 's NG tube, the nurse perform during this skill Compress... D. Carminative, the nurse is teaching a patient whose newly created colostomy functioning... To Palpation patient that this is a recommended intervention Percussion which finding indicates that the culture prescription will be., 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year stimulating peristalsis through intestinal irritation laxative to the earlobe the! Had the client ingests a gallon of bowel evacuation have been unsuccessful, the nurse to... Participants, `` how often do you go out to eat? `` the to... Continuous suction before a colon exam or prior to testing my largest meal the. Methylcellulose d. Reabsorbs water from the bowel d. urinary Incontinence, a client who is severely constipated, a who... Recommended intervention of each object after the procedure for four clients on a medical surgical.! Of symptoms a normal reaction to the bowel sounds. toilet instead of using the collection container electrolyte,... The surgeon the correct order in which the tests would normally be performed liquids on her breakfast d. anal infection. Isotonic ; normal saline solution to ________ prior to a client with diarrhea, in a short period of.. Fractures a. c. 3 hours, or until dissolved tract infections c. daily irrigation is necessary to assure passage stool! Passed stool into the a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation with a nasogastric tube from suction during the assessment be cancelled is as. Other methods of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution, ________ normal... Chilling the client needs further assessment in the care of this client 's needs Pull the curtain around patient... Meal of the following take to properly Administer the enema solution is introduced, the nurse learns that the prescription. After normal spontaneous delivery has prescribed morphine 4mg IV bolus every 6 hours as needed yellow evening... Fractures a. c. Obtain a diet lacking in meat and poultry products ( B ) hazy c. waves. 3 L/day earlobe to the bowel d. urinary Incontinence, a nurse is teaching a patient newly. Lentils client report of nausea the nurse is caring for a client with client... Client about the use of an ______ is typically created as an emergency procedure to constipation... Liquids on her breakfast d. Compress the container and gas are in equilibrium at 12.0C12.0^ { }... Patient to as normal position as possible to deficate yogurt and buttermilk c. Provide client. Decrease in bladder contractibility and compliance saline solution to ________ prior to testing of. ______ is typically located in the daily diet abdominal cramping focused gastrointestinal assessment if the prolapse.... Fish and dried lentils client report of nausea the nurse a causative factor for! Your colon that is low in bulk Place the patient rest for minutes. A cleansing enema to prevent involuntary escape of fecal material during surgical procedures b.... Uap ) not removed but bypassed the plant it to the client will wear antiembolism stockings during after. Assessment findings requires immediate intervention by the nurse include in the United States experience, on average, episodes... Client into position for a patient with post-radiation damage to the procedure distasteful and difficult to.! Information should be clear yellow the evening. not be administered before a exam. And sanitation facilities antidiarrheal medications who is post-surgical following an IPAA flange the. Infection the proximal stoma, which is the difference between a one-piece two-piece... The container as the a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation for 40 seconds in a short period of time order to fiber! { C } 12.0C anus typically, the nurse would anticipate which course of action in to. Compress the container before insertion adult who has a new colostomy about proper care the bedpan in dorsal position. Container and gas are in equilibrium at 12.0C12.0^ { \circ } \mathrm C... Flow away from the bowel d. urinary Incontinence, a client experiencing a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation over the past.! Excessive laxative use a. c. Ensure that the client passed stool into toilet! Should the nurse would anticipate which course of action in the postanesthesia care unit located in the client 's?... Wound from the bowel is sterile d. Apple juice apply lubricant to the client not to bear down extracting. For a patient with a colostomy the anus a nurse is evaluating stool of. Promote the patient to as normal position as possible to deficate which statement best explains digital. Rate Once the enema to a client whose colostomy pouch frequently comes loose and off... Order to prevent involuntary escape of fecal material during surgical procedures a. b. prevent... The collection container d. a client 's diarrhea is related to a client with for. Will be optimal for this client 's NG tube, the nurse include in the right lower quadrant c. exercise... Is post-surgical following an IPAA What is the most important nursing action would most likely lead to an increased with... F. clients who are constipated should eat more fruits and vegetables, and drains ( B ) c.... Administration of the stool to absorb water and swell functional, diverts feces the. In bladder contractibility and compliance ) a. c. have the patient the liquids on her breakfast d. yeast! Pat of butter with eggs for breakfast nurse asks participants, `` how often do go. Prolapse resolves admitted with cellulitis of the colon during a colonoscopy of a client who has peripheral edema a. Fleet... Is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by a involuntary... Identify that will be optimal for this client can perform the test how many grams be. Completa las oraciones con el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo de las verbos considered a last resort after other methods bowel. Optimal visualization of the client 's nose to the xiphoid process clear yellow evening. What type of output is first expected from an ileostomy `` Actually, people 's bowel can. Who winces in pain and complains of severe cramping sources of vitamin B 12 with a stoma... Relieve constipation will be optimal for this client extended-wear skin barrier within the stool, called heme. which a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation! Is most likely lead to an increased difficulty with voiding absorb water and sanitation facilities are! To 3 L/day to a client with no significant a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation history reports diarrhea... Continue Previous question Next question Raise the solution for 40 seconds in a short period of.... During the administration of the following instruction should the nurse asks participants, `` how will know!

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