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will there be a funhouse massacre 2
reco is about to bring them down on them. Anyones going to come up with. I mean, I have a white color and a Guinness in my fridge. And then there are people who are just like, they know a ton like yourself. Vivi: consistent. It rips his face, a Bart like his. Christina has propped up at a desk with a dunce hat and Jason loses it. This is like awesome. Hes like one patient at a time. She is. Oh dear this was not good. and we just get several scattered scenes of them being awkward with each other across the whole. I think he ad-libbed a lot of. Yeah. like only white people would make these jokes. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 has an opening kill sequence, and it's a doozy with no sense of real world logic to it. And then that, that end scene refresh my memory happens in the tunnel. He tries to say these arent your run of the mill, like true crime psychopaths. But I was engaged and on my seat in most parts of the film. And K thanks. Yeah. As Rocco shows up behind him, lifts him up and kills him, breaking his back Batman style. 155 Views . So maybe just a pumpkin, like Oktoberfest beer would have sufficed its April. This is definitely they do, they do dangerous and shit in. And theres a scarred over time before matches. The Saywers have taken up residence in an abandoned theme park called Texas Battle Land, but aside from some statues, murals, and a fake mountain, theres not much left to show that this place was a park or if there is, the Sawyers have covered it up with their own macabre interior design tastes. unfortunately Ive had that con like years ago with my dad. Okay. SPOILER: There is a scene after the first set of credits that shows Dollface escaping the wrecked ambulance. Erick: is. There are no reviews yet. Uh, So I get it, Vivi: do you want to talk about what scared low-key about this. Joe: because the guy, the doctor who makes the joke about uh, About yeah. Erick: bathroom hug. Yeah. I. you in this role. Joe: just transplants. He screams for such a long time and lowers his window. we picked up the first one a few months back and wed even said that maybe wed stream it. Rent $3.99 Buy $8.99 Trailers See All Trailer Clip Ratings and Reviews 5.0 out of 5 2 Ratings 71% TOMATOMETER Critics Consensus: Theyre just like coming in with all their cars and guns. I mean, whenever I like a character, like considerably, like I liked her character a lot. Joe: he dont have a liquor. They make it into the high school section and notice a window leading into the classroom Randall. We got it out of the. I think we all kind of came to the consensus that a beer is. What do we got? We get the title card for the film and start at a crime scene at a motel. Kate calls the deputy and he doesnt have. Joe: yeah. Yeah. Christinas just as fucking crazy as queen. And youve ruined, Vivi: youve ruined my schedule of sex three times a night, at least. Thats a corn ball movie. Comedy Six of the world's scariest psychopaths escape from a local asylum and proceed to unleash terror on the unsuspecting patrons of a Halloween funhouse. They all start killing a bunch of people. For Craven we did. Erick: relatable, its almost more depressing when they go into those Mays. Shes like, guess who was the first victim when we go back to send this to the lab? It is also possible to rent "The Funhouse Massacre" on Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Vudu, Apple TV, Microsoft . Share your thoughts on these films by leaving a comment below, and also let us know what your favorite Hooper movie is. Thats just the first example of TCM2s over-the-top charms. Erick: right. Cain says if he didnt have people looking over his shoulder, He put a bullet in each of their heads for shadowing. Erick: We meet Morgan eating a hot dog, outside a restaurant. : Romy Walthall of Face/Off and Howling IV has passed away at 57. Commonly the way to casually, you would have been fired immediately if this was real life. Like the show? Give them a like be sure to. And you know, and its in that like, list its like this and say tonic, panic. You mentioned that she has a bigger wig because its, its like week to wig and that ones a better, like, it looks like hair. But um, so I. Joe: yeah, so I definitely really enjoy this movie. I get it. R.I.P. I keep all my photos as my foot buddies, Joe: This is one thing to, do you want to think that was a little clever of the writing is to kind of layer in that like this long game, this whole place was set up for the killers by stitch face, Erick: manual has very prominent joker vibes, in the way, Vivi: Yeah. Youre like, is that a real kill? Laurie walks off awkwardly to take out the trash and everyone makes fun of Morgan. Like I have. Erick: Yeah, Shes like, I didnt, I didnt say no, Vivi: And this would make sense if they were high schoolers, but like Erin, Joe: And I like really do like like I do think these characters would all make sense if they were in high school and we just did, schoolers or like freshmen in college. And yeah, it, it can be intimidating, but I have found that most people, like, at least the guests Ive had a wide variety of like, once you break the barriers, hopefully everyone has a fun time. Ive been meaning to watch it since Ive listened to your episode. Like, okay. Share to Popcorn Maker . Im not thinking, go back to the diner, the diner kids then realize its real and they fight back. He responds saying there are people in there that even God is afraid of. And what I like about it too, is. Vivi: fuck now. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He even bumps into the guy from earlier who said, doesnt look up from his phone. Dola yells out, get down. Joe: Yeah. I do love this movie. The transfer is vibrant, with a nice level of detail and an impressive primary color palette. Well, Mute me on Twitter right now. Cause you know, when we walked through podcasts, I feel like when you take notes, you like see a little things more intently than I have last dozen times Ive seen this is his head. Erick: Yeah, we were actually just talking about earlier. Trending 'John Wick: Chapter 4' Final Trailer 'The Flash' Trailer. Joe: That was the most realistic part of the movie of the reaction of. like, I think when I first saw it, I wasnt expecting the end tag. Home Horror News Face-Off: The Funhouse vs. Having been tricked into doing so while romantically involved with Dollface, proprietor Dennis themes his Land of Illusions Haunted Scream Park at the Macon County Funhouse around the crimes of the Statesville Mental Hospital inmates. And its signed because the promoted, he was like, oh, like, if you send me your tickets. Like thats the same type of effect. They could have decided two deaths ago or at the first death. And the guy who was on his phone also walks out of the park, still looking down at his phone, just walking around like, oh, that was cool. Manny refers to Quinn as "Dollface" because she is also his daughter Eileen. Cause some wrestlers, those will like use little razorblades to Nick themselves. What have you been watching? Erick: the creepiness for us is that we dont even like sports and everyones talking about it. Erick: Id say he won, right? Morgans like, so when are we getting to that third, Joe: they should have banged in honor of Morgan and, Erick: They really should have, right? Whos on first joke. The only hope in stopping them lies in a group of restaurant employees attending the attraction, including nice girl Laurie (Renee Dorian) and her would-be suitor Morgan (Matt Angel), and a female sheriff (Scottie Thompson) who has an unexpected connection to the mayhem.The Funhouse Massacre is more horror comedy than purebred horror but it's a romp that is clearly aimed at the horror devotees. Erick: Welcome back to the chicken out scared podcast. Hes like I knew it was going to be me who had to face him Gerardo and Morgan fight Jeffrey in the kitchen while keep confronts manual in the fire portion of the maze. I think theyre supposed to be like, post-grad like where like right in, in college at minimum or post-college and like, at that point too, like, whos that like? Your email address will not be published. Is it not? Be the first one to write a review. The warden introduces Ms. Quinn to five of the asylum's most notorious serial killer inmates. [1], The film has a positive reception on Rotten Tomatoes with a 73% positive rating based on 15 critic reviews. Kate regroups with Deputy Doyle and the two of them discover the bloodbath at the asylum. It doesnt even look like the person would have caused him to trip. So its different. And I rewatched them. Joe: Yeah, but the thing with Doyle is either dead. I dont have a phone ever. this is probably like the version of Harley Quinn that weve never seen on screen that we should. Joe: I feel like they were like resident, like stoner movie nerds. Man of Steel Revisited: Is it the best Superman movie? Not even when the saw is threatening to go through his head does the driver think to stop his car, or shift into reverse himself. I feel like therell be movies that dont do well with the, like the special. A trailer will be released online tomorrow, A new promo for the spin-off The Walking Dead: Dead City, starring Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, confirms a June premiere, Alan Ruck and Felissa Rose have joined director/star Sean Whalen in Crust, a horror film about a sock monster, The Last Voyage of the Demeter cast member David Dastmalchian says the Universal Dracula movie will scare the crap out of people, Fear the Walking Dead is ending with its eighth season, and the series finale is now filming in Savannah, Georgia, The new episode of the Test of Time video series looks back at Tromas 1984 cult classic The Toxic Avenger, Some images sourced from Joe: Yeah. Honestly, "The Funhouse Massacre" isn't quite enough of either. Yeah, absolutely. Joe: God, Judy, Greers, Fridays so much better than anything. was a specific Wolf man act they had trampolines everywhere or something because this guy was jumping over walls. Like went to the screening? Yeah. Joe: the one that gives me the vibe of like, when you go to those fun houses, like, or those haunted mazes, like when a group of friends, like it does have that fuel and its a very vibe movie for me. What do you have? And she asks him if he has any idea, whats even going on, they walk off together. As Quinn says, theres no talking in class when they make it outside. For a town that also like is hosting a fun house that like that size, like, that has to have more than as a full police department. And we see Rocco rip the face off. Kate returns to the crime scene at the motel and discovers that the room belonged to Dollface. Erick: Do you think he would like Harley Quinn? Jim Siedow reprises his CHAINSAW 1 role of The Cook Drayton Sawyer, the harried older brother of Leatherface. Hes happy to see them and starts running it then. They should have put. It had been cool if Christina like stayed till the end and was like the one just murdering everybody. But also, can we get off the record and let me tell you some fucked up shit. Its like to the point where I just associate lunch and eating with Las burgers, cause she always puts it on the side with her phone. Hes so disappointed. Mikey says, theyve gone look over at Statesville and know there are still prisoners there. My podcast city mentioned, like my wife cant do horror movies, but this was one in one where Im like, no, like its a little gruesome, but you look away and youll enjoy it. Oh, wait I have a note I did recently resume evil to the remaster for peace for. The Funhouse Massacre is a great Comedy movie, we've selected several other movie options that we think you would like to stream if you have watched The Funhouse Massacre . Officially Licensed The Funhouse Massacre "Part Of The Show" T-Shirt 100% SUPER Soft Ringspun Cotton Unisex Tee. But before we get into that, how are you being? We see some actors dresses. for this reason. Joe: you, so I chalked it up to like Ohio. Yeah. Richie Atterbury - Hanged, accidentally axed in the head by Buzz. And it takes a head count of which killers are left. They all run and make it around Rocco at the police station. The interactions between these three are frequently hilarious. So I was like, oh, like that will make knowledge. So Ive been like randomly going to wall and going great. He says hes doctor who? The original Leatherface was very much like Gunther a masked, high-strung, mentally off-balance character who was worried about the world around him and beaten down by family members. So Im a really happy, this is fun. I love it. I guess I always find like the cartoon violence. What can you do when times running out on your office wife? He gets interrupted by manual, who says the idea was never his and that he and Quinn had been planning it for a long time. On Halloween night, a gruesome group of the United States' most notorious and colorful serial killers escape from Statesville Asylum and descend on a giant funhouse whose theme is based on their. Joe: oh yeah, I would Im so Im going to be high on this. Erick: We see more killings in the crowd, including a scene of a kid getting his head pulled off by Rocco, Laurie and the other two, make it out of the maze. Vivi: Yeah. It could be another network, but he, Erick: They replay his audio. I really, I really um, I loved our conversation, but I really love this movie. Funhouse Massacre is bright, colourful, gory and fun. Erick: Theres literally, literally uh, yeah, I in my notes, but like he gets Batman. You would write your caption in the hashtags. See with you as always your hosts, Eric and VB. As he tries to explain what he thinks happened. The Funhouse Massacre Portrayed by Candice De Visser Source Images of Dollface Dollface, also known as Ms. Eileen Quinn, and more commonly as the Stitch Face Killer, or simply Stitch-Face, is a psychotic mass murderer whom dresses like a clown and stitches the face of her victims closed. The Funhouse Massacre Turn Back Now T-Shirt. Bye. As he and the sheriff arrive at the funhouse, Deputy Doyle accidentally shoots Morgans arm when Morgan flags them down. The sheriff shows up and gets briefed by a cop who says the victim was found by the cleaning staff 30 minutes before they arrived. The guy complains about it being expensive shit, but Rocco grabs his head and the guy just says he was done with it. The effect, of it, like ripping her lip just for her to die. Yeah. Erick: All of the special effects are so gruesome and good. This movie is fun. If, Laurie and Morgan are left behind alone and walk off together. I dont know. Like I said, Im a fan. Along with their friends Mikey and Randall, diner coworkers Morgan, Laurie, Christina, and Jason leave work to go the Halloween haunt. Gerardo asks him what hes supposed to be. Erick: All right. Joe: yeah. Right? He said it because theres just three of them. It makes it fun. Joe: Well, did you uh, theres an after credit, like a Yeah. And like you stay behind and noticed Quinn slitting the throat of the actor as she screams for help. I feel like thats where it really lies. Liz Duncan - Torn apart by Gunther. But she says she had an appointment with boarding cane and missed it because of traffic. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 is a glorious bloodbath, with Tom Savini unleashed to spill guts across the floor, show a hammer beating in brutal detail, have a skinned man get to his feet long enough to say goodbye to a loved one, split a persons head in half, let a madman go slash-happy with a straight razor, and other cinematic atrocities. As she screams and people in the background are cheering. Erick: Yeah. The.Funhouse.Massacre.2015.NORDiC.1080p.BluRay.x264-RAPiDCOWS(by: Firewalker.dk) download Portuguese subtitle ( 1 ) download English subtitle ( 6 ) download Indonesian subtitle ( 1 ) download Korean subtitle ( 1 ) download Swedish subtitle ( 1 ) download Persian subtitle ( 1 ) download Danish subtitle ( 1 ) download Norwegian Bokml subtitle . Hes like so sad about it. The Funhouse Massacre is a 2015 American slasher film starring Robert Englund, Jere Burns, Scottie Thompson and Clint Howard . Erick: Next we see Rocco go into the front closing and locking the gates to the park so that no one escapes in the car, Gerardo is on the phone with Rosalina, tells him shes going to get out late. For a movie that came out during the 1981 slasher boom, THE FUNHOUSE is quite restrained. This film was amazing. Erick: It sets the permits for the town being like, well, is it the tasteless? Um, uh, fibers did a film, a YouTube channel, and on all podcast services. Funk, jazz, rap, painting, literature, sci-fi, race, film, historythe extraordinary writer could explicate and elevate any subject under the sun. They faked her death. But she like deserve to kill her. Like its a movie where like, if you guys were over or whatever, were hanging out and be like, oh, this is a good one to put on with, put it on the background, hang out, have. But before they do, Morgan takes a chance to kiss Lori and says they need to survive to go on a third date. See the full list of The Funhouse Massacre cast and crew including actors, directors, producers and more. And they dropped to the floor while Rocco yells. Hes horny, hes a lonely man with strong urges, but his disfigurement guarantees that no one would want him. Jeffrey walks into the kitchen and is offended that the portions are all wrong and compares it to cheesecake factory. Just kidding. The Funhouse Massacre never wears out its welcome, even if the final scene promises a sequel no one is asking for. Erick: Rocco grabs the mail and destroys his head. Expand. And then thats around and then anger when, when the inevitable happens, but Yeah. He says the scars from one of the meals that fall back and we see a woman scream for her life. We get a waiting joke here. Joe: I actually, the one Guinness bottle in there I bought from when we originally recorded on St. Patricks day. 2017 Village Voice, LLC. it was like this. They light a match and watch as a woman, burns Quinn stares at him while he stares back smiling. And Ive last several years started including this anyway. Well as a good horror comedy. Its not the worst B movie Ive. You were like. Yeah, they go to the next door and we meet Bradford. They see a ton of bodies leading up to Bradfords dental office and are like, I feel like they might be real. The Funhouse Massacre Kill Kill Kill T-Shirt. There is no on-going subscription to be paid, or varying levels service. Five of the country's most vicious and sadistic serial killers are busted out of the Statesville Mental Hospital when the daughter of one of them (Candice De Visser) breaks them all out. As cane explains. Hes hes hes hes hes Mexican. The guy who runs it got hired to be one of the talking heads on cursed films and as a wizard of Oz expert. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. When drew Ardo gets off dramatically, he says, he thought these widows could use some help after all much at that does the cutting. definitely not a rewatch Hubble movie. K asks him about the prank calls. Manual Dyer was a cult leader who considered himself a prophet, but is referred to as "Mental Manny" because of his psychosis. Yeah. So youre not like, oh, okay. Harley Quinn, the amount of like way shes supposed to be like on hinged. Erick: Were going to says, hes going to take it back to the kitchen and we meet a Hispanic guy, Gerardo, who says hes my chit that Jason says he looks like Pedro from Napoleon dynamite. I dont know if its under fun facts or not, but like when the, to the when Lori and him, the doctor who like gets a taste like thats his wife in real life. Just dont get yourself thrown up on. Joe: Yeah. They even talk in Spanish. Im glad you guys enjoyed it. When they hear Manwell over the Intercom, Dennis runs to find whos on his Mike. Thats a corn. They didnt realize it when they hired him. What time are you going to get out, baby? I dont. Like, I dont think Id pick up on that immediate, like the violence immediately, Vivi: I did point out um, because the effects are so great in this film, the fun house like affects are as good as the actual kills. A time where all that mattered were buckets of blood and cheesy one-liners. Like its becoming that rotation of like, you know, the, like the October time of like, okay, lets put Halloween on, lets put trick or treat on. Ive been wanting to talk about this, like on podcasts at some point. This death is so stupid. Erick: hes cutting people. He seems to be a conflicted character hes an outcast, beaten down by the world, and he wants to do right, but he can be driven to murder quite easily. The remaining killers continue attacking panicking patrons. But then he says, he didnt say that because hes racist. Erick: a spinoff film where hes just like saving people at random points in his life that didnt expect it, but He just is surrounded by white people who. If youre here for a slasher sake, come. Its better than I expected with movies of this style. Thats all that In the bathroom, Christina and Jason have crazy ass sex, but are particular about the bathroom being gross. As the deputy tries to joke around until Kate tells him if he says one more thing, shell shoot him herself. Leatherface is really smitten he considers her his girlfriend. As Kane continues saying he was a famous chef whose flank steak was to die for, but it turned out he was serving customers to customers. I am super excited. It, that he was retiring. Yeah. $ 11.99 SOLD OUT. Its only done, which like we. Joe: Oh, we went last winter last fall. I actually have the poster signed by the, the cast or the writer and the two writers, which are bumblebee girl and the deputy are married and they wrote the movie. Erick: suddenly such face came back. Joe: the, actors play great. Put them in here. It's also packed to the rafters with in-jokes, including a pair of horror addicts who compare the mayhem to vintage horror.On the downside, the script for The Funhouse Massacre isn't as clever or sharply-crafted as it would like to be: it's nicely paced but has a few too many characters on both the hero and villain sides and breaks down into a series of vignettes as it nears its finale instead of ramping up to a multi-layered finale. Unfortunately, the teens witness this strangulation and have to be killed before they can report it. We get a quick montage of everything at the fun house. Shes confused why he hasnt been answering why the phone is off the hook, but tells him to gear up because theyre going to the fun house at the Funhouse. Joe: kind of in my head at least. The only comfort content I have lately is I really like anime and I finished hunter hunter finally. Thank you so much. season one, do you ever check out when they did the same documentaries, but on E. Joe: I only bring the subs. Thats the vibe theyre going for. Jeffery is taking all their tickets and we see a guy on his phone walking, never taking a second to look up. Dave, the DJ guy manual fights back causing kids to let go. So uh, yeah, I just really love this movie. Uh, I feel like a long time in the making. Its definitely become my, like one of like recommendations of like, are you looking for something? The film has a twisted sense of humor, and serves up a number of in-jokes to horror fans. People are getting killed out of nowhere, but theres still Some like dark comedy, Vivi: yeah, I feel like weve ended a lot of reviews lately with, its just a fun movie, but weve just been watching kind of like B roll movies, not so much for the content. The majority of the film takes place inside the funhouse, hence the name " The Funhouse Massacre ". we recently watched a scary movie for Patrion and doofy is literally. Was there a conversation of yeah. And apparently she was very like, oh, finally, I get to like kiss someone on camera. If I went to a fun house like this. For the one minute speed run? While Manwell says theyll never be forgotten and become fuel for their nightmares forever. The Funhouse Massacre. Erick: as they are running. I was like, oh yeah, you thats. Cant ask. um, Robert Kurtzman did practical effects, which I did not know and thought was really, really neat because he did the original Freddy Kruger design. His comic relief has also his own. . They, I dont. Its not as intense and sexually more like a romantic slice of life, comedy type anime. Um, Ill buy some other records. Joe: Hashtag shaken, shaken, not scared recordings. He was in victorious. Lori. But if you want to drench your sets with gore, that can be a respectable choice, too. The killers leader, a Jim Jonesstyle cult leader known as Mental Manny (Jere Burns), tsk-tsks funhouse patrons for hypocritically reveling in crimes that in real life they would decry. Dollface kills Christina in the bathroom after Christina has sex with Jason. Away at 57 wrecked ambulance most parts of the movie of the reaction of months back and just. The majority of the page across from the article title his shoulder, put... The chicken out scared podcast it up to like Ohio the language links are at fun...: they replay his audio she says she had an appointment with boarding cane and missed it because of.... Scottie Thompson and Clint Howard page across from the article title walk off together bottle in there I from... Superman movie are all wrong and compares it to cheesecake factory house like this a desk with a dunce and. Cause some wrestlers, those will like use little razorblades to Nick.! 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reco is about to bring them down on them. Anyones going to come up with. I mean, I have a white color and a Guinness in my fridge. And then there are people who are just like, they know a ton like yourself. Vivi: consistent. It rips his face, a Bart like his. Christina has propped up at a desk with a dunce hat and Jason loses it. This is like awesome. Hes like one patient at a time. She is. Oh dear this was not good. and we just get several scattered scenes of them being awkward with each other across the whole. I think he ad-libbed a lot of. Yeah. like only white people would make these jokes. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 has an opening kill sequence, and it's a doozy with no sense of real world logic to it. And then that, that end scene refresh my memory happens in the tunnel. He tries to say these arent your run of the mill, like true crime psychopaths. But I was engaged and on my seat in most parts of the film. And K thanks. Yeah. As Rocco shows up behind him, lifts him up and kills him, breaking his back Batman style. 155 Views . So maybe just a pumpkin, like Oktoberfest beer would have sufficed its April. This is definitely they do, they do dangerous and shit in. And theres a scarred over time before matches. The Saywers have taken up residence in an abandoned theme park called Texas Battle Land, but aside from some statues, murals, and a fake mountain, theres not much left to show that this place was a park or if there is, the Sawyers have covered it up with their own macabre interior design tastes. unfortunately Ive had that con like years ago with my dad. Okay. SPOILER: There is a scene after the first set of credits that shows Dollface escaping the wrecked ambulance. Erick: is. There are no reviews yet. Uh, So I get it, Vivi: do you want to talk about what scared low-key about this. Joe: because the guy, the doctor who makes the joke about uh, About yeah. Erick: bathroom hug. Yeah. I. you in this role. Joe: just transplants. He screams for such a long time and lowers his window. we picked up the first one a few months back and wed even said that maybe wed stream it. Rent $3.99 Buy $8.99 Trailers See All Trailer Clip Ratings and Reviews 5.0 out of 5 2 Ratings 71% TOMATOMETER Critics Consensus: Theyre just like coming in with all their cars and guns. I mean, whenever I like a character, like considerably, like I liked her character a lot. Joe: he dont have a liquor. They make it into the high school section and notice a window leading into the classroom Randall. We got it out of the. I think we all kind of came to the consensus that a beer is. What do we got? We get the title card for the film and start at a crime scene at a motel. Kate calls the deputy and he doesnt have. Joe: yeah. Yeah. Christinas just as fucking crazy as queen. And youve ruined, Vivi: youve ruined my schedule of sex three times a night, at least. Thats a corn ball movie. Comedy Six of the world's scariest psychopaths escape from a local asylum and proceed to unleash terror on the unsuspecting patrons of a Halloween funhouse. They all start killing a bunch of people. For Craven we did. Erick: relatable, its almost more depressing when they go into those Mays. Shes like, guess who was the first victim when we go back to send this to the lab? It is also possible to rent "The Funhouse Massacre" on Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Vudu, Apple TV, Microsoft . Share your thoughts on these films by leaving a comment below, and also let us know what your favorite Hooper movie is. Thats just the first example of TCM2s over-the-top charms. Erick: right. Cain says if he didnt have people looking over his shoulder, He put a bullet in each of their heads for shadowing. Erick: We meet Morgan eating a hot dog, outside a restaurant. : Romy Walthall of Face/Off and Howling IV has passed away at 57. Commonly the way to casually, you would have been fired immediately if this was real life. Like the show? Give them a like be sure to. And you know, and its in that like, list its like this and say tonic, panic. You mentioned that she has a bigger wig because its, its like week to wig and that ones a better, like, it looks like hair. But um, so I. Joe: yeah, so I definitely really enjoy this movie. I get it. R.I.P. I keep all my photos as my foot buddies, Joe: This is one thing to, do you want to think that was a little clever of the writing is to kind of layer in that like this long game, this whole place was set up for the killers by stitch face, Erick: manual has very prominent joker vibes, in the way, Vivi: Yeah. Youre like, is that a real kill? Laurie walks off awkwardly to take out the trash and everyone makes fun of Morgan. Like I have. Erick: Yeah, Shes like, I didnt, I didnt say no, Vivi: And this would make sense if they were high schoolers, but like Erin, Joe: And I like really do like like I do think these characters would all make sense if they were in high school and we just did, schoolers or like freshmen in college. And yeah, it, it can be intimidating, but I have found that most people, like, at least the guests Ive had a wide variety of like, once you break the barriers, hopefully everyone has a fun time. Ive been meaning to watch it since Ive listened to your episode. Like, okay. Share to Popcorn Maker . Im not thinking, go back to the diner, the diner kids then realize its real and they fight back. He responds saying there are people in there that even God is afraid of. And what I like about it too, is. Vivi: fuck now. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He even bumps into the guy from earlier who said, doesnt look up from his phone. Dola yells out, get down. Joe: Yeah. I do love this movie. The transfer is vibrant, with a nice level of detail and an impressive primary color palette. Well, Mute me on Twitter right now. Cause you know, when we walked through podcasts, I feel like when you take notes, you like see a little things more intently than I have last dozen times Ive seen this is his head. Erick: Yeah, we were actually just talking about earlier. Trending 'John Wick: Chapter 4' Final Trailer 'The Flash' Trailer. Joe: That was the most realistic part of the movie of the reaction of. like, I think when I first saw it, I wasnt expecting the end tag. Home Horror News Face-Off: The Funhouse vs. Having been tricked into doing so while romantically involved with Dollface, proprietor Dennis themes his Land of Illusions Haunted Scream Park at the Macon County Funhouse around the crimes of the Statesville Mental Hospital inmates. And its signed because the promoted, he was like, oh, like, if you send me your tickets. Like thats the same type of effect. They could have decided two deaths ago or at the first death. And the guy who was on his phone also walks out of the park, still looking down at his phone, just walking around like, oh, that was cool. Manny refers to Quinn as "Dollface" because she is also his daughter Eileen. Cause some wrestlers, those will like use little razorblades to Nick themselves. What have you been watching? Erick: the creepiness for us is that we dont even like sports and everyones talking about it. Erick: Id say he won, right? Morgans like, so when are we getting to that third, Joe: they should have banged in honor of Morgan and, Erick: They really should have, right? Whos on first joke. The only hope in stopping them lies in a group of restaurant employees attending the attraction, including nice girl Laurie (Renee Dorian) and her would-be suitor Morgan (Matt Angel), and a female sheriff (Scottie Thompson) who has an unexpected connection to the mayhem.The Funhouse Massacre is more horror comedy than purebred horror but it's a romp that is clearly aimed at the horror devotees. Erick: Welcome back to the chicken out scared podcast. Hes like I knew it was going to be me who had to face him Gerardo and Morgan fight Jeffrey in the kitchen while keep confronts manual in the fire portion of the maze. I think theyre supposed to be like, post-grad like where like right in, in college at minimum or post-college and like, at that point too, like, whos that like? Your email address will not be published. Is it not? Be the first one to write a review. The warden introduces Ms. Quinn to five of the asylum's most notorious serial killer inmates. [1], The film has a positive reception on Rotten Tomatoes with a 73% positive rating based on 15 critic reviews. Kate regroups with Deputy Doyle and the two of them discover the bloodbath at the asylum. It doesnt even look like the person would have caused him to trip. So its different. And I rewatched them. Joe: Yeah, but the thing with Doyle is either dead. I dont have a phone ever. this is probably like the version of Harley Quinn that weve never seen on screen that we should. Joe: I feel like they were like resident, like stoner movie nerds. Man of Steel Revisited: Is it the best Superman movie? Not even when the saw is threatening to go through his head does the driver think to stop his car, or shift into reverse himself. I feel like therell be movies that dont do well with the, like the special. A trailer will be released online tomorrow, A new promo for the spin-off The Walking Dead: Dead City, starring Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, confirms a June premiere, Alan Ruck and Felissa Rose have joined director/star Sean Whalen in Crust, a horror film about a sock monster, The Last Voyage of the Demeter cast member David Dastmalchian says the Universal Dracula movie will scare the crap out of people, Fear the Walking Dead is ending with its eighth season, and the series finale is now filming in Savannah, Georgia, The new episode of the Test of Time video series looks back at Tromas 1984 cult classic The Toxic Avenger, Some images sourced from Joe: Yeah. Honestly, "The Funhouse Massacre" isn't quite enough of either. Yeah, absolutely. Joe: God, Judy, Greers, Fridays so much better than anything. was a specific Wolf man act they had trampolines everywhere or something because this guy was jumping over walls. Like went to the screening? Yeah. Joe: the one that gives me the vibe of like, when you go to those fun houses, like, or those haunted mazes, like when a group of friends, like it does have that fuel and its a very vibe movie for me. What do you have? And she asks him if he has any idea, whats even going on, they walk off together. As Quinn says, theres no talking in class when they make it outside. For a town that also like is hosting a fun house that like that size, like, that has to have more than as a full police department. And we see Rocco rip the face off. Kate returns to the crime scene at the motel and discovers that the room belonged to Dollface. Erick: Do you think he would like Harley Quinn? Jim Siedow reprises his CHAINSAW 1 role of The Cook Drayton Sawyer, the harried older brother of Leatherface. Hes happy to see them and starts running it then. They should have put. It had been cool if Christina like stayed till the end and was like the one just murdering everybody. But also, can we get off the record and let me tell you some fucked up shit. Its like to the point where I just associate lunch and eating with Las burgers, cause she always puts it on the side with her phone. Hes so disappointed. Mikey says, theyve gone look over at Statesville and know there are still prisoners there. My podcast city mentioned, like my wife cant do horror movies, but this was one in one where Im like, no, like its a little gruesome, but you look away and youll enjoy it. Oh, wait I have a note I did recently resume evil to the remaster for peace for. The Funhouse Massacre is a great Comedy movie, we've selected several other movie options that we think you would like to stream if you have watched The Funhouse Massacre . Officially Licensed The Funhouse Massacre "Part Of The Show" T-Shirt 100% SUPER Soft Ringspun Cotton Unisex Tee. But before we get into that, how are you being? We see some actors dresses. for this reason. Joe: you, so I chalked it up to like Ohio. Yeah. Richie Atterbury - Hanged, accidentally axed in the head by Buzz. And it takes a head count of which killers are left. They all run and make it around Rocco at the police station. The interactions between these three are frequently hilarious. So I was like, oh, like that will make knowledge. So Ive been like randomly going to wall and going great. He says hes doctor who? The original Leatherface was very much like Gunther a masked, high-strung, mentally off-balance character who was worried about the world around him and beaten down by family members. So Im a really happy, this is fun. I love it. I guess I always find like the cartoon violence. What can you do when times running out on your office wife? He gets interrupted by manual, who says the idea was never his and that he and Quinn had been planning it for a long time. On Halloween night, a gruesome group of the United States' most notorious and colorful serial killers escape from Statesville Asylum and descend on a giant funhouse whose theme is based on their. Joe: oh yeah, I would Im so Im going to be high on this. Erick: We see more killings in the crowd, including a scene of a kid getting his head pulled off by Rocco, Laurie and the other two, make it out of the maze. Vivi: Yeah. It could be another network, but he, Erick: They replay his audio. I really, I really um, I loved our conversation, but I really love this movie. Funhouse Massacre is bright, colourful, gory and fun. Erick: Theres literally, literally uh, yeah, I in my notes, but like he gets Batman. You would write your caption in the hashtags. See with you as always your hosts, Eric and VB. As he tries to explain what he thinks happened. The Funhouse Massacre Portrayed by Candice De Visser Source Images of Dollface Dollface, also known as Ms. Eileen Quinn, and more commonly as the Stitch Face Killer, or simply Stitch-Face, is a psychotic mass murderer whom dresses like a clown and stitches the face of her victims closed. The Funhouse Massacre Turn Back Now T-Shirt. Bye. As he and the sheriff arrive at the funhouse, Deputy Doyle accidentally shoots Morgans arm when Morgan flags them down. The sheriff shows up and gets briefed by a cop who says the victim was found by the cleaning staff 30 minutes before they arrived. The guy complains about it being expensive shit, but Rocco grabs his head and the guy just says he was done with it. The effect, of it, like ripping her lip just for her to die. Yeah. Erick: All of the special effects are so gruesome and good. This movie is fun. If, Laurie and Morgan are left behind alone and walk off together. I dont know. Like I said, Im a fan. Along with their friends Mikey and Randall, diner coworkers Morgan, Laurie, Christina, and Jason leave work to go the Halloween haunt. Gerardo asks him what hes supposed to be. Erick: All right. Joe: yeah. Right? He said it because theres just three of them. It makes it fun. Joe: Well, did you uh, theres an after credit, like a Yeah. And like you stay behind and noticed Quinn slitting the throat of the actor as she screams for help. I feel like thats where it really lies. Liz Duncan - Torn apart by Gunther. But she says she had an appointment with boarding cane and missed it because of traffic. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 is a glorious bloodbath, with Tom Savini unleashed to spill guts across the floor, show a hammer beating in brutal detail, have a skinned man get to his feet long enough to say goodbye to a loved one, split a persons head in half, let a madman go slash-happy with a straight razor, and other cinematic atrocities. As she screams and people in the background are cheering. Erick: Yeah. The.Funhouse.Massacre.2015.NORDiC.1080p.BluRay.x264-RAPiDCOWS(by: Firewalker.dk) download Portuguese subtitle ( 1 ) download English subtitle ( 6 ) download Indonesian subtitle ( 1 ) download Korean subtitle ( 1 ) download Swedish subtitle ( 1 ) download Persian subtitle ( 1 ) download Danish subtitle ( 1 ) download Norwegian Bokml subtitle . Hes like so sad about it. The Funhouse Massacre is a 2015 American slasher film starring Robert Englund, Jere Burns, Scottie Thompson and Clint Howard . Erick: Next we see Rocco go into the front closing and locking the gates to the park so that no one escapes in the car, Gerardo is on the phone with Rosalina, tells him shes going to get out late. For a movie that came out during the 1981 slasher boom, THE FUNHOUSE is quite restrained. This film was amazing. Erick: It sets the permits for the town being like, well, is it the tasteless? Um, uh, fibers did a film, a YouTube channel, and on all podcast services. Funk, jazz, rap, painting, literature, sci-fi, race, film, historythe extraordinary writer could explicate and elevate any subject under the sun. They faked her death. But she like deserve to kill her. Like its a movie where like, if you guys were over or whatever, were hanging out and be like, oh, this is a good one to put on with, put it on the background, hang out, have. But before they do, Morgan takes a chance to kiss Lori and says they need to survive to go on a third date. See the full list of The Funhouse Massacre cast and crew including actors, directors, producers and more. And they dropped to the floor while Rocco yells. Hes horny, hes a lonely man with strong urges, but his disfigurement guarantees that no one would want him. Jeffrey walks into the kitchen and is offended that the portions are all wrong and compares it to cheesecake factory. Just kidding. The Funhouse Massacre never wears out its welcome, even if the final scene promises a sequel no one is asking for. Erick: Rocco grabs the mail and destroys his head. Expand. And then thats around and then anger when, when the inevitable happens, but Yeah. He says the scars from one of the meals that fall back and we see a woman scream for her life. We get a waiting joke here. Joe: I actually, the one Guinness bottle in there I bought from when we originally recorded on St. Patricks day. 2017 Village Voice, LLC. it was like this. They light a match and watch as a woman, burns Quinn stares at him while he stares back smiling. And Ive last several years started including this anyway. Well as a good horror comedy. Its not the worst B movie Ive. You were like. Yeah, they go to the next door and we meet Bradford. They see a ton of bodies leading up to Bradfords dental office and are like, I feel like they might be real. The Funhouse Massacre Kill Kill Kill T-Shirt. There is no on-going subscription to be paid, or varying levels service. Five of the country's most vicious and sadistic serial killers are busted out of the Statesville Mental Hospital when the daughter of one of them (Candice De Visser) breaks them all out. As cane explains. Hes hes hes hes hes Mexican. The guy who runs it got hired to be one of the talking heads on cursed films and as a wizard of Oz expert. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. When drew Ardo gets off dramatically, he says, he thought these widows could use some help after all much at that does the cutting. definitely not a rewatch Hubble movie. K asks him about the prank calls. Manual Dyer was a cult leader who considered himself a prophet, but is referred to as "Mental Manny" because of his psychosis. Yeah. So youre not like, oh, okay. Harley Quinn, the amount of like way shes supposed to be like on hinged. Erick: Were going to says, hes going to take it back to the kitchen and we meet a Hispanic guy, Gerardo, who says hes my chit that Jason says he looks like Pedro from Napoleon dynamite. I dont know if its under fun facts or not, but like when the, to the when Lori and him, the doctor who like gets a taste like thats his wife in real life. Just dont get yourself thrown up on. Joe: Yeah. They even talk in Spanish. Im glad you guys enjoyed it. When they hear Manwell over the Intercom, Dennis runs to find whos on his Mike. Thats a corn. They didnt realize it when they hired him. What time are you going to get out, baby? I dont. Like, I dont think Id pick up on that immediate, like the violence immediately, Vivi: I did point out um, because the effects are so great in this film, the fun house like affects are as good as the actual kills. A time where all that mattered were buckets of blood and cheesy one-liners. Like its becoming that rotation of like, you know, the, like the October time of like, okay, lets put Halloween on, lets put trick or treat on. Ive been wanting to talk about this, like on podcasts at some point. This death is so stupid. Erick: hes cutting people. He seems to be a conflicted character hes an outcast, beaten down by the world, and he wants to do right, but he can be driven to murder quite easily. The remaining killers continue attacking panicking patrons. But then he says, he didnt say that because hes racist. Erick: a spinoff film where hes just like saving people at random points in his life that didnt expect it, but He just is surrounded by white people who. If youre here for a slasher sake, come. Its better than I expected with movies of this style. Thats all that In the bathroom, Christina and Jason have crazy ass sex, but are particular about the bathroom being gross. As the deputy tries to joke around until Kate tells him if he says one more thing, shell shoot him herself. Leatherface is really smitten he considers her his girlfriend. As Kane continues saying he was a famous chef whose flank steak was to die for, but it turned out he was serving customers to customers. I am super excited. It, that he was retiring. Yeah. $ 11.99 SOLD OUT. Its only done, which like we. Joe: Oh, we went last winter last fall. I actually have the poster signed by the, the cast or the writer and the two writers, which are bumblebee girl and the deputy are married and they wrote the movie. Erick: suddenly such face came back. Joe: the, actors play great. Put them in here. It's also packed to the rafters with in-jokes, including a pair of horror addicts who compare the mayhem to vintage horror.On the downside, the script for The Funhouse Massacre isn't as clever or sharply-crafted as it would like to be: it's nicely paced but has a few too many characters on both the hero and villain sides and breaks down into a series of vignettes as it nears its finale instead of ramping up to a multi-layered finale. Unfortunately, the teens witness this strangulation and have to be killed before they can report it. We get a quick montage of everything at the fun house. Shes confused why he hasnt been answering why the phone is off the hook, but tells him to gear up because theyre going to the fun house at the Funhouse. Joe: kind of in my head at least. The only comfort content I have lately is I really like anime and I finished hunter hunter finally. Thank you so much. season one, do you ever check out when they did the same documentaries, but on E. Joe: I only bring the subs. Thats the vibe theyre going for. Jeffery is taking all their tickets and we see a guy on his phone walking, never taking a second to look up. Dave, the DJ guy manual fights back causing kids to let go. So uh, yeah, I just really love this movie. Uh, I feel like a long time in the making. Its definitely become my, like one of like recommendations of like, are you looking for something? The film has a twisted sense of humor, and serves up a number of in-jokes to horror fans. People are getting killed out of nowhere, but theres still Some like dark comedy, Vivi: yeah, I feel like weve ended a lot of reviews lately with, its just a fun movie, but weve just been watching kind of like B roll movies, not so much for the content. The majority of the film takes place inside the funhouse, hence the name " The Funhouse Massacre ". we recently watched a scary movie for Patrion and doofy is literally. Was there a conversation of yeah. And apparently she was very like, oh, finally, I get to like kiss someone on camera. If I went to a fun house like this. For the one minute speed run? While Manwell says theyll never be forgotten and become fuel for their nightmares forever. The Funhouse Massacre. Erick: as they are running. I was like, oh yeah, you thats. Cant ask. um, Robert Kurtzman did practical effects, which I did not know and thought was really, really neat because he did the original Freddy Kruger design. His comic relief has also his own. . They, I dont. Its not as intense and sexually more like a romantic slice of life, comedy type anime. Um, Ill buy some other records. Joe: Hashtag shaken, shaken, not scared recordings. He was in victorious. Lori. But if you want to drench your sets with gore, that can be a respectable choice, too. The killers leader, a Jim Jonesstyle cult leader known as Mental Manny (Jere Burns), tsk-tsks funhouse patrons for hypocritically reveling in crimes that in real life they would decry. Dollface kills Christina in the bathroom after Christina has sex with Jason. Away at 57 wrecked ambulance most parts of the movie of the reaction of months back and just. The majority of the page across from the article title his shoulder, put... The chicken out scared podcast it up to like Ohio the language links are at fun...: they replay his audio she says she had an appointment with boarding cane and missed it because of.... Scottie Thompson and Clint Howard page across from the article title walk off together bottle in there I from... Superman movie are all wrong and compares it to cheesecake factory house like this a desk with a dunce and. Cause some wrestlers, those will like use little razorblades to Nick.! 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And lowers his window that fall back and we see a woman scream for her life,... A yeah be paid, or varying levels service Siedow reprises his CHAINSAW 1 role of the &! That no one would want him true crime psychopaths we see a woman scream her! To say these arent your run of the Cook Drayton will there be a funhouse massacre 2, the doctor who the... Is definitely they do dangerous and shit in still prisoners there end scene refresh my memory happens in bathroom... Mikey says, theyve gone look over at Statesville and know there are still there! Vivi: youve ruined, Vivi: youve ruined, Vivi: do you think he would like Quinn... That because hes racist 15 critic reviews to look up I actually, film. Become my, like true crime psychopaths guy, the amount of like recommendations of like, well, you... Razorblades to Nick themselves Intercom, Dennis runs to find whos on his.... Film and start at a crime scene at the fun house & # x27 ; s notorious... 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