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» supergirl gets hurt by kryptonite
supergirl gets hurt by kryptonite
supergirl gets hurt by kryptonitesupergirl gets hurt by kryptonite
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supergirl gets hurt by kryptonite
All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. So, what happens when that very thing is used against you? Maelstrom was a lowly member of Apokolips who dreamed of becoming the bride of Darkseid, and her plan to win his heart was by giving him Superman's dead body. Half a decade of her precious time spent imprisoned alongside other metahumans in Arkham Asylum, cut off from the nurturing sun and her verdant brood. The Last Children of Krypton: Directed by Glen Winter. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Superman draws strength from the sun. Supergirl's character design evolved from her design in Super Best Friends Forever: her hair gradually became shorter and her shape became slimmer, in addition to the general stylistic changes from SBFF to DCSHG. Wayne Enterprises 2.85K subscribers Overpowered by Kryponite Metallo Cyborg, Supergirl pretended to be civilian Kara Danvers and got away with it. Im wondering if the radiation is more a vacuum to supermans stored solar energy, then it is a blocker. Who is the first villain to use kryptonite against Superman and how did they know it was his one weakness? What actually happens to Superman when he is exposed to kryptonite? What is the ideal amount of fat and carbs one should ingest for building muscle? Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Look there's too many tags/prompts in the list I can't mention them all here. Knowing that she now has family in her new world, Kara embraces Superman and asks if she could live with him. What are the consequences of overstaying in the Schengen area by 2 hours? In the graphic novel, the blast from the nuclear missile blocked out the light of the sun. Here are 15 times Supergirl was beaten in comics, but came back to fight again! Supergirl went up against three of Deathstroke's Titans; the Tattooed Man, Osiris and Deathstroke himself. After losing her sister, Kara Danvers sees nothing but black. Warning: Spoilers Ahead for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6. A "routine" assassination attempt on Lena. Since superman draws his Kryptonian strength from the light of the sun, its absence apparently prevented him from resisting the damage of the blast fully, or healing afterwards, or possibly both. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? With the Anti-Monitor using the energy of a star to merge the multiverse, Superman tried to stop the god-like being and was almost killed. Power Girl, also known as Kara Zor-L and Karen Starr, is a superheroine appearing in American comic books by DC Comics, making her first appearance in All Star Comics #58 (January/February 1976). RELATED:15 Horrible Hardships Wonder Woman Was Forced to Endure. Her grip is firm and very tight compared to how the Kryptonian usually is. As has been mentioned, CW shows arent particularly great. Why does she feel like some- some sort of animal!? "I failed. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Kara tried to run but her limbs were slow and her mind fuzzy. Alex looked over at her sister, slumped in the passenger seat with her head pressed against the glass. Because (spoilers) the CW shows are not particularly good. However, this new version of Superman was also consequently weaker physically; he was no longer able to move planets with ease, and in fact struggled holding up continents. That first panel makes it look like he pissed off Thor, too boot. Superman has a weakness to Kryptonite and Kara is comparable to Superman. Derek met Supergirl at her college and took her on dates until he was able to secretly give her the power-killing pill. Since superman draws his Kryptonian strength from the light of the sun, its absence apparently prevented him from resisting the damage of the blast fully, or healing afterwards, or possibly both. Supergirl is one of the most powerful beings in the known universe, serving the greater good as a member of the Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, and even the Red Lantern Corps. How come the Green kryptonite didn't kill baby Clark on the way to Smallville? In comics how many people have been killed by Superman? Kara Zor-El, the biological cousin of Superman, had all of Superman's powers, plus a feminine approach which made her a hit with readers. However, he is somehow able to draw the stored energy from the sun out of the plant life nearby, which also draws upon solar energy for food (a very thin connection, I know). How did Superman and Spider-Man meet if DC and Marvel heroes don't exist in the same universe? The fact of the matter is, kryptonite is one of a scant few things that can stop or slow down a Kryptonian. Alternate between 0 and 180 shift at regular intervals for a sine source during a .tran operation on LTspice, Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. No, Krypton was not made of Kryptonite - at least, not initially. Metallo has a robotic body whose powerplant uses a hunk of Kryptonite as its power sources. In Superman the Animated series the idea is the minerals and superman's biology contain similar elements, as such his body chemistry is easily more suited to absorbing the radiation but his powers are always in state of trying to fight it off but failing. Marv Wolfman, Mike S. Miller, Sergio Sandoval, Howard Porter and John Livesay contributed to the issue, where Supergirl faced supervillains who had been enhanced by the exobytes. Guess that really shows how much you meant to her, eh? Before Lena can tell it to shut the fuck up, the angel on her right shoulder pipes up with a glare directed at the devil. Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Because fuck whatever the CW has going on, Alex is a gifted kid without empathy and a really good killer instinct, Kara is gifted- even by Kryptonian standards -and she's going to use it, Just focus on the lesbians and everything will be fine, In Her Biology (Supergirl Characters x Original Character), Kara Danvers/Original Female Character(s), Sometimes it takes a Luthor to save a Red Kryptonian. However, it doesn't go as planned, and Lex, seeing an opportunity, weaponizes the one thing Lena thought was safe - her feelings for her best friend. I read that story once. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies The Angry Birds. She thought she had the upper hand by beating up the Fury Stompa, but Darkseid blasted her with an Omega Beam, sending her down for the count. Superman throws his only living family member in an orphanage right after meeting her, in contrast with future incarnations who at the very least want to take her in but are prevented from doing so by external factors. It only takes a minute to sign up. I had a lot of fun writing this! I was kind of hoping you had some first aid training.. The tyrant ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid commands legions, but is more than capable of fighting Superman with his bare fists. If they were to find a vast kryptonite mine in Starling City or Gotham, my bet is that there would probably be a pretty large "cancer cluster" among the nearby humans. This issue marks the first appearance and origin story of Superman 's cousin Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl. In the video-game DC Universe Online, players join a very different world than the mainstream universe. Kara gets infected with red kryptonite and goes on a rampage against the city. Yeah, I'm gonna pass on that. How do you think you'd react if after 30 years of never even knowing what pain was you accidentally cut yourself? are patent descriptions/images in public domain? So there could have been a way around that to get Superman back to full power. Free shipping for many products! Doomsday is a rampaging, seemingly mindless, murdering monster who killed Superman. It's been a while since I've written any angst! Please consider turning it on! Dont be ridiculous, it chides. (An AU from the events of 4x17). He soon sees, with his telescopic vision, that it's a guided missile with a human passenger inside, and it is about to crash. She survived, but it turned out her blood was the last thing Deathstroke needed for the machine. Over the years, there has been more than one Supergirl and she's gone through a lot of changes, but the core idea of a woman with Superman's power remained. Her beating was so severe that Supergirl retreated to the moon, where she thought of giving up altogether and Superman had to talk her down. However I also believe it's psychosomatic like expecting pain like touching something cold you think will be hot. Kryptonite's origins vary but most describe their creation at the core of the planet Krypton and were in some continuities responsible for the explosion and destruction of that world. It all comes soflty. Kara gets infected with red kryptonite and goes on a rampage against the city. Derivation of Autocovariance Function of First-Order Autoregressive Process. The Supergirl from Krypton was a story published in Action Comics #252, which came out on March 31st, 1959 (with a cover date of "May 1959"). This writer in particular then used that loophole/ wiggle room to put Superman on "a more even footing" with a character he favored for a final showdown. On her left shoulder, a tiny devil aggressively raves on and on about how Kara lied to her, manipulated her, and kept her in the dark. "FUCK YOU, LIFE !" What is behind Duke's ear when he looks back at Paul right before applying seal to accept emperor's request to rule? The Amazon was trying to stop the Kryptonian H'El from using a machine to go back in time to save Krypton, which will destroy Earth in the process. I could talk endlessly about how Lena tried to protect Supergirl & asked for her not to be hurt, and how in return Lillian left her knocked out on the floor when she KNEW the bunker was about to explode from kryptonite, whereas Kara risked her own life to ensure she got Lena out . In Dark Knight Returns part II, Superman stopped a nuclear missile from hitting an island off the coast of the USA. Oh Rao. And that includes Lena. There is food in the fridge.Lena had watched Kara heat up the cold take out with her heat vision so many times.No.Lena looked up; Kara didnt sound like she used to. Imagine if you hadn't 'come out' as gay yet.". Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. In the meantime, Kara's first day at her new job doesn't go as planned when she meets her new boss.Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. After several retellings it became Argo City, which survived Krypton's destruction because it was protected by a force dome. An alien, massive and horrid, was tearing Alex apart, attacking her, torturing her. Free shipping for many products! Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? When the Anti-Monitor from an antimatter universe tried to destroy the multiverse, it brought all the heroes and villains from multiple Earths to try to stop him. In a flashback, Supergirl reveals the twisted reason why Kryptonite is so deadly to Kryptonians. Language: English Words: 7,034 Chapters: 2 /10 17 Kudos: 65 Bookmarks: 15 Hits: 1238 Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. If it's physical abuse and torture when Lena did it, then it's physical abuse when they did it. The battle raging on inside Lena's head worsens and she can already sense a headache coming on. Or carbon monoxide being absorbed instead our oxygen by haemoglobin. She kept her distance after that, unable to stop the monster from rampaging through the city. But that was because he had been deprived of it his entire life, this happened in an instant. By. She's always seen the best in Lenaeven if it felt like she was the only one who did. Imagine if you were 30 years old and never had a cut or stubbed your toe or ever get an inoculation or ever felt pain in any way. '", "Oh thank goodness. But one would imagine that the rarity of the material generally keeps it from effecting us. In this story, we will explore how the war developed and how Supergirl and her family and friends will deal with it. And because the skies were blotted out by the nuclear winter [which again isn't factual, as one 15-kiloton bomb would detonated in the upper atmosphere would not cause enough soot and ash to arise from the land to blot out the sun for So many days! ha. There is no radiation emitted from a nuclear bomb that isn't emitted from the sun x1000000. You rocked it again. Lena is really not up for another fight with her villain of a brother, considering. Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor Use Their Words. In her weakened state, Supergirl was no match for the villain who crushed her and left her unconscious in a crater on the Earth's surface. We recommend having a look at the. With Lucius Fox's journal and his decoder glasses both in hand, Alice (Rachel Skarsten) has everything she needs to find out Kate Kane/ Batwoman's (Ruby Rose) weakness. A nice analogy (promoted by AncientSwordRage) in a fashion similar to "carbon monoxide poisoning" where carbon monoxide molecules are being taken up by blood's hemoglobin instead of the normal Oxygen molecules. When Supergirl attacked him, he was able to absorb her power, knocking her out. My first time trying out Kinktober prompts, 31 days and a ton of kinky prompts to choose from. Over twenty Japanese artists including Yusuke Murata (One Punch Man), Shigeto Koyama (Gurren Lagan), Sana Takedo (Monstress), and Kamome Shirahama (Witch Hat Atelier) assemble for a fresh take on the Marvel Comics Universe! It's sure to be a night for them both to remember. In order to avoid the implication that they entrusted their daughter to some super-powerful stranger's care, it was later retconned that they discovered Earth some time before while searching for habitable planets, and they already knew Superman was family. It only takes a minute to sign up. The Black Flame had escaped the bottle city of Kandor and taken three criminals from the Phantom Zone to help set the trap. First letter in argument of "\affil" not being output if the first letter is "L", The number of distinct words in a sentence. It didn't take long before she was attacked by Magmaid, a woman of liquid lava who had a grudge against Kryptonians. For a rare flower blooms near the window of her cell, rekindling her desire for vengeance. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Does an age of an elf equal that of a human? 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All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. So, what happens when that very thing is used against you? Maelstrom was a lowly member of Apokolips who dreamed of becoming the bride of Darkseid, and her plan to win his heart was by giving him Superman's dead body. Half a decade of her precious time spent imprisoned alongside other metahumans in Arkham Asylum, cut off from the nurturing sun and her verdant brood. The Last Children of Krypton: Directed by Glen Winter. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Superman draws strength from the sun. Supergirl's character design evolved from her design in Super Best Friends Forever: her hair gradually became shorter and her shape became slimmer, in addition to the general stylistic changes from SBFF to DCSHG. Wayne Enterprises 2.85K subscribers Overpowered by Kryponite Metallo Cyborg, Supergirl pretended to be civilian Kara Danvers and got away with it. Im wondering if the radiation is more a vacuum to supermans stored solar energy, then it is a blocker. Who is the first villain to use kryptonite against Superman and how did they know it was his one weakness? What actually happens to Superman when he is exposed to kryptonite? What is the ideal amount of fat and carbs one should ingest for building muscle? Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Look there's too many tags/prompts in the list I can't mention them all here. Knowing that she now has family in her new world, Kara embraces Superman and asks if she could live with him. What are the consequences of overstaying in the Schengen area by 2 hours? In the graphic novel, the blast from the nuclear missile blocked out the light of the sun. Here are 15 times Supergirl was beaten in comics, but came back to fight again! Supergirl went up against three of Deathstroke's Titans; the Tattooed Man, Osiris and Deathstroke himself. After losing her sister, Kara Danvers sees nothing but black. Warning: Spoilers Ahead for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6. A "routine" assassination attempt on Lena. Since superman draws his Kryptonian strength from the light of the sun, its absence apparently prevented him from resisting the damage of the blast fully, or healing afterwards, or possibly both. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? With the Anti-Monitor using the energy of a star to merge the multiverse, Superman tried to stop the god-like being and was almost killed. Power Girl, also known as Kara Zor-L and Karen Starr, is a superheroine appearing in American comic books by DC Comics, making her first appearance in All Star Comics #58 (January/February 1976). RELATED:15 Horrible Hardships Wonder Woman Was Forced to Endure. Her grip is firm and very tight compared to how the Kryptonian usually is. As has been mentioned, CW shows arent particularly great. Why does she feel like some- some sort of animal!? "I failed. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Kara tried to run but her limbs were slow and her mind fuzzy. Alex looked over at her sister, slumped in the passenger seat with her head pressed against the glass. Because (spoilers) the CW shows are not particularly good. However, this new version of Superman was also consequently weaker physically; he was no longer able to move planets with ease, and in fact struggled holding up continents. That first panel makes it look like he pissed off Thor, too boot. Superman has a weakness to Kryptonite and Kara is comparable to Superman. Derek met Supergirl at her college and took her on dates until he was able to secretly give her the power-killing pill. Since superman draws his Kryptonian strength from the light of the sun, its absence apparently prevented him from resisting the damage of the blast fully, or healing afterwards, or possibly both. Supergirl is one of the most powerful beings in the known universe, serving the greater good as a member of the Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, and even the Red Lantern Corps. How come the Green kryptonite didn't kill baby Clark on the way to Smallville? In comics how many people have been killed by Superman? Kara Zor-El, the biological cousin of Superman, had all of Superman's powers, plus a feminine approach which made her a hit with readers. However, he is somehow able to draw the stored energy from the sun out of the plant life nearby, which also draws upon solar energy for food (a very thin connection, I know). How did Superman and Spider-Man meet if DC and Marvel heroes don't exist in the same universe? The fact of the matter is, kryptonite is one of a scant few things that can stop or slow down a Kryptonian. Alternate between 0 and 180 shift at regular intervals for a sine source during a .tran operation on LTspice, Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. No, Krypton was not made of Kryptonite - at least, not initially. Metallo has a robotic body whose powerplant uses a hunk of Kryptonite as its power sources. In Superman the Animated series the idea is the minerals and superman's biology contain similar elements, as such his body chemistry is easily more suited to absorbing the radiation but his powers are always in state of trying to fight it off but failing. Marv Wolfman, Mike S. Miller, Sergio Sandoval, Howard Porter and John Livesay contributed to the issue, where Supergirl faced supervillains who had been enhanced by the exobytes. Guess that really shows how much you meant to her, eh? Before Lena can tell it to shut the fuck up, the angel on her right shoulder pipes up with a glare directed at the devil. Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Because fuck whatever the CW has going on, Alex is a gifted kid without empathy and a really good killer instinct, Kara is gifted- even by Kryptonian standards -and she's going to use it, Just focus on the lesbians and everything will be fine, In Her Biology (Supergirl Characters x Original Character), Kara Danvers/Original Female Character(s), Sometimes it takes a Luthor to save a Red Kryptonian. However, it doesn't go as planned, and Lex, seeing an opportunity, weaponizes the one thing Lena thought was safe - her feelings for her best friend. I read that story once. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies The Angry Birds. She thought she had the upper hand by beating up the Fury Stompa, but Darkseid blasted her with an Omega Beam, sending her down for the count. Superman throws his only living family member in an orphanage right after meeting her, in contrast with future incarnations who at the very least want to take her in but are prevented from doing so by external factors. It only takes a minute to sign up. I had a lot of fun writing this! I was kind of hoping you had some first aid training.. The tyrant ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid commands legions, but is more than capable of fighting Superman with his bare fists. If they were to find a vast kryptonite mine in Starling City or Gotham, my bet is that there would probably be a pretty large "cancer cluster" among the nearby humans. This issue marks the first appearance and origin story of Superman 's cousin Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl. In the video-game DC Universe Online, players join a very different world than the mainstream universe. Kara gets infected with red kryptonite and goes on a rampage against the city. Yeah, I'm gonna pass on that. How do you think you'd react if after 30 years of never even knowing what pain was you accidentally cut yourself? are patent descriptions/images in public domain? So there could have been a way around that to get Superman back to full power. Free shipping for many products! Doomsday is a rampaging, seemingly mindless, murdering monster who killed Superman. It's been a while since I've written any angst! Please consider turning it on! Dont be ridiculous, it chides. (An AU from the events of 4x17). He soon sees, with his telescopic vision, that it's a guided missile with a human passenger inside, and it is about to crash. She survived, but it turned out her blood was the last thing Deathstroke needed for the machine. Over the years, there has been more than one Supergirl and she's gone through a lot of changes, but the core idea of a woman with Superman's power remained. Her beating was so severe that Supergirl retreated to the moon, where she thought of giving up altogether and Superman had to talk her down. However I also believe it's psychosomatic like expecting pain like touching something cold you think will be hot. Kryptonite's origins vary but most describe their creation at the core of the planet Krypton and were in some continuities responsible for the explosion and destruction of that world. It all comes soflty. Kara gets infected with red kryptonite and goes on a rampage against the city. Derivation of Autocovariance Function of First-Order Autoregressive Process. The Supergirl from Krypton was a story published in Action Comics #252, which came out on March 31st, 1959 (with a cover date of "May 1959"). This writer in particular then used that loophole/ wiggle room to put Superman on "a more even footing" with a character he favored for a final showdown. On her left shoulder, a tiny devil aggressively raves on and on about how Kara lied to her, manipulated her, and kept her in the dark. "FUCK YOU, LIFE !" What is behind Duke's ear when he looks back at Paul right before applying seal to accept emperor's request to rule? The Amazon was trying to stop the Kryptonian H'El from using a machine to go back in time to save Krypton, which will destroy Earth in the process. I could talk endlessly about how Lena tried to protect Supergirl & asked for her not to be hurt, and how in return Lillian left her knocked out on the floor when she KNEW the bunker was about to explode from kryptonite, whereas Kara risked her own life to ensure she got Lena out . In Dark Knight Returns part II, Superman stopped a nuclear missile from hitting an island off the coast of the USA. Oh Rao. And that includes Lena. There is food in the fridge.Lena had watched Kara heat up the cold take out with her heat vision so many times.No.Lena looked up; Kara didnt sound like she used to. Imagine if you hadn't 'come out' as gay yet.". Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. In the meantime, Kara's first day at her new job doesn't go as planned when she meets her new boss.Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. After several retellings it became Argo City, which survived Krypton's destruction because it was protected by a force dome. An alien, massive and horrid, was tearing Alex apart, attacking her, torturing her. Free shipping for many products! Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? When the Anti-Monitor from an antimatter universe tried to destroy the multiverse, it brought all the heroes and villains from multiple Earths to try to stop him. In a flashback, Supergirl reveals the twisted reason why Kryptonite is so deadly to Kryptonians. Language: English Words: 7,034 Chapters: 2 /10 17 Kudos: 65 Bookmarks: 15 Hits: 1238 Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. If it's physical abuse and torture when Lena did it, then it's physical abuse when they did it. The battle raging on inside Lena's head worsens and she can already sense a headache coming on. Or carbon monoxide being absorbed instead our oxygen by haemoglobin. She kept her distance after that, unable to stop the monster from rampaging through the city. But that was because he had been deprived of it his entire life, this happened in an instant. By. She's always seen the best in Lenaeven if it felt like she was the only one who did. Imagine if you were 30 years old and never had a cut or stubbed your toe or ever get an inoculation or ever felt pain in any way. '", "Oh thank goodness. But one would imagine that the rarity of the material generally keeps it from effecting us. In this story, we will explore how the war developed and how Supergirl and her family and friends will deal with it. And because the skies were blotted out by the nuclear winter [which again isn't factual, as one 15-kiloton bomb would detonated in the upper atmosphere would not cause enough soot and ash to arise from the land to blot out the sun for So many days! ha. There is no radiation emitted from a nuclear bomb that isn't emitted from the sun x1000000. You rocked it again. Lena is really not up for another fight with her villain of a brother, considering. Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor Use Their Words. In her weakened state, Supergirl was no match for the villain who crushed her and left her unconscious in a crater on the Earth's surface. We recommend having a look at the. With Lucius Fox's journal and his decoder glasses both in hand, Alice (Rachel Skarsten) has everything she needs to find out Kate Kane/ Batwoman's (Ruby Rose) weakness. A nice analogy (promoted by AncientSwordRage) in a fashion similar to "carbon monoxide poisoning" where carbon monoxide molecules are being taken up by blood's hemoglobin instead of the normal Oxygen molecules. When Supergirl attacked him, he was able to absorb her power, knocking her out. My first time trying out Kinktober prompts, 31 days and a ton of kinky prompts to choose from. Over twenty Japanese artists including Yusuke Murata (One Punch Man), Shigeto Koyama (Gurren Lagan), Sana Takedo (Monstress), and Kamome Shirahama (Witch Hat Atelier) assemble for a fresh take on the Marvel Comics Universe! It's sure to be a night for them both to remember. In order to avoid the implication that they entrusted their daughter to some super-powerful stranger's care, it was later retconned that they discovered Earth some time before while searching for habitable planets, and they already knew Superman was family. It only takes a minute to sign up. The Black Flame had escaped the bottle city of Kandor and taken three criminals from the Phantom Zone to help set the trap. First letter in argument of "\affil" not being output if the first letter is "L", The number of distinct words in a sentence. It didn't take long before she was attacked by Magmaid, a woman of liquid lava who had a grudge against Kryptonians. For a rare flower blooms near the window of her cell, rekindling her desire for vengeance. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Does an age of an elf equal that of a human? 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