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soulmate pick a card tumblr
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soulmate pick a card tumblr
Ive been working A LOT, you got no idea how much I worked my ass this year. The last thing Im picking up for this individual is that theyre quite the love me or leave me type, meaning that theyre not going to change for anyone, they can be rather blunt, and they dont need anyones approval. Nice to see you. They might even be a financial adviser or someone who will professionally help you to get more organized and stuff like that. They are also very empathetic with you. They think youre someone more spiritually developed then them. More submissive. This person loves you and loves the connection between the two of you, but I wouldnt recommend you to pursue and turn it into a love relationship. A tarot reading about love and relationships! They see you as someone who was hit very hard by Mother Change and its now very guarded. They are literally dreaming of marrying you. Romantic Pick-a-Card, Message from Your Spirit Guides - Pick A Card, What are your Psychic/Spiritual Talents? I also see that. The feelings here are very sure and very deep rooted, its like you two are best friends. You are going to have another chance with them and this time, nothing will pull you apart. Option 1(left) You are on your way to reconnecting with your soulmate. All you need right now is a little bit of trust in yourself and your powers. Im someone strong tho and I can handle it. Anyway, if you are not involved in the occult, then you need to trust your intuition and go with the flow and stop trying to force the universe to give things which arent good for you. I literally listen to my playlists and Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles started playing. Its about telling the truth and talk in a clear way. Ive been thinking about you for a while. They could also try to hide their feelings. If yes, you might meet them in faculty. I heard Albino and Vitiligo. You guys seem to care too much about being right than be equal. Overall, Admin JK and I are really excited to build and grow this blog into something that you can all enjoy and connect with each other through. (your marriage, your type, what kind of partners you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, how to build a fullfilling love life, etc): (your ideal career path, your relationship with money, how to make more money, fame, etc): Sun + Moon + Ascendant + Mercury + Venus + Mars analysis: Descendant persona chart interpretation (your soul mate, future spouse, long term partner, what kind of partners do you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, etc) : Predictions for the year (solar return chart interpretation): What are you attracting right now? Once youve made your decision, scroll down to the correct pile! They are someone very sly and someone who is always striving for the best but have a tendency to manipulate excessively. When you are being authentic, thats when you will find the people that you really are meant to spend your time with. It would be harder to reach that state than lose your ground if you ask me lol. . , Hi there hope youre doing well! So that we may continue.". I love wearing blue fr. Can be a farmer or someone you used to have a crush on while you were young. I heard My beautiful woman while staring in your eyes specifically. In the image below, see which card you resonate with the most. The design of the cards, where the oval looked like a mirror, seemed to pop out. RUN. Some of you might not be used to share stuff with other people so I think that those specific people dont have siblings and are their parents only child. The cards were coming out so fast, you have no idea. (The song is in Romanian, Im really sorry . Is this my soul mate? tarot reading: 12, This is based on my 6+ years experience into witchcraft . I get that for many of you who are in happy relationships, this person is THE ONE for you and I see a lot of potential for this connection. You will move on, and maybe you have already done most or all of that process. Your person has attachment issues. I seek to cure whats deep inside, frightened of this thing that Ive become. Houses + aspects are included! This pile will not resonate for the most of you, but for the people who are in situations like this. For you, theyre someone who brings flowers into peoples lives. CRYSTALS: in my opinion, the best crystal for a beginner is rose quartz. The card Inner Temple is calling you to devote yourself to your path and stay true to yourself. You're readings are so insightful! Im sorry. They seem to be someone tall. It suggests you to let go of the past. They may be working out. from how they'd write about your presence to the way your looks influence how people see you. Seems to have a very fit body as well. Not gonna lie, this person sees you as someone they imagined to have a family with. See which one resonates with you, and scroll down to find your specific pile. Houses and aspects are included! Stay safe, stay healthy, and most importantly, let yourself have a little fun - within reason of course : ). I get nerdy vibes from this person. I feel like your person will be a bit stubborn and you will fight on who will need to pay for the food. Something about them is very caring, maybe youll get to see a soft side and youll be shocked. For every soulmate reading, I pick 5 cards and in a "Cardinal" way, here how it works : Card 1 - The North who represents the body; Card 2 - The South who represents the intentions and motivations; Card 3 - The East who represents the model of thinking; Card 4 - The West who represents the emotions Here I got quite a few messages. I see 5 years between you haha. Sex could be very healing for both of you. Let me grow up a little. Youre like chill, please. Ill finally have time to work out how much I want and learn how much I want and what I want. This is a pick a card reading on how you can/will find your soulmate. Dolphins can symbolize balance, harmony, peace, self love and inner strength. I kinda lack confidence at the moment. All I do now is take a deep breath and exhale for fucks sake. for this reading, I asked my decks for help with understanding one of your soulmates in this life! Then scroll down to your pile 1, 2, or 3 and enjoy your reading! They put a lot of energy into their career and their finances and might not even search for you at the moment theyll meet you. They love to learn new stuff and they love to practice whatever interests them. I love that they value finances a lot and they might be quite wealthy. This is really a time where things may need to get worse before they can get better, but I promise, things will get better. Their charisma means others forgive them, and usually, they never did mean it maliciously anyways. You can both read someones story by just staring at them. I get the feeling that they could fear your energy. *If it doesnt resonate with you thats because there are no messages here for you! Zoo, cups of tea drank in the park, church, religion, tradition, folklore, you watching them sleeping, blunt energy, victory, infinity, nephews(? The sexual attraction here is STRONG. They are someone with a very balanced energy. You just wish for things to happen and think about future possibilities but its not enough. This feels like one of those high school crushes teens carry, thinking it will last forever. Love messages, doves, fish, fishing, gift giving, romance, a very romantic relationship, soulmates, some sort of unfairness between the partners, one wants to give it all while the other one is not the type to want to accept that all, swimming together, flowers, chocolate, blue, Im so happy I met you, We are soulmates for sure, Denis(? Anyways, before I even pulled the cards I heard Airplanes by B.O.B. As a mental state, its connected to depression, anger and mental breakdowns. They may be wearing a lot of brown or green or might like gardening. Find them here (We Update Shop Links As New Releases Are Available):, you can find instructions and my disclaimer below. ), calm, chillness, biking, love letters, Cupid, Colors by Halsey. Whether this separation was in this lifetime or in another, it was very difficult and hurt for a while. Virgo 8th house: fears related to rejection, being criticized, responsibility, respecting high standards, not feeling smart enough, being imperfect. I see you having a beautiful family people will envy, but you will not care since their negative energy wont reach you.. Youll find them very attractive. I very pale man. Theyre going to be independent, classy and extremely generous, this person is going to make you feel like every second spent with them is precious and valuable, youre going to be obsessed with them. Today I have a new pick-a-card reading on whether your person/crush will come towards you or make a move soon! and they keep going round and round and round and at some point youll get tired yourselves and just tell them whats wrong with their approach. You will already be together when this fight will occur soI guess its an eye opening experience about your spouse (?). It suggests that youre going to win and to excel, but first you need to overcame some obstacles. What youre hoping to achieve is already yours. It suggests a lonely period and introspection, a transitioning phase in your life, you should take advantage of this period for studying something new and the card suggests you to read more books. *if you feel drawn to multiple, please feel free to read those as well!*. You will say things to each other that will fill holes left from past trauma, and I think this will be a really healing relationship. I feel like the most of you who picked this pile are tarot readers or are somehow involved with the occult and are dried because theyve made too many readings. I think that you have a thirst for knowledge and you love to learn new things everyday and this person will respect this a lot. You will be instantly attracted to them, Im not joking at all. Pick any picture which feels different to you of Mark Stam and see what characteristics I get from your future spouse. Your first impression of them will be their first impression of you. I need you guys to be open-minded and focus on the cards in order to . Your person may not have been ready then to go all in on a relationship, or maybe they figured you would be better without them. They are extremely picky about who they spend their time with and dont often put themselves out there. STRIKE. They seem to be someone whos emotionally closed and very logical, whos trying their best to seem outgoing and friendly. Your person sees you as someone Who went through countless hardships regarding money and health. Thats what it seems. You will surely respect this individual, it could be a boss of some sort. Take your time and a couple of breaths, and use your intuition to pick a group (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). They believe your eyes are beautiful. I really hope they treat you well too , I choose 5 for me but I feel like you are describing me and 2 for my friend, What is Your SoulmateLike? They might also have that stalker vibe. I mentioned they have a golden aura. They may have an interest in the occult, divination, past lives, and ancient history and lore. Thank you so much! Choose one of the pictures from above and think of someone you have a connection/relationship (romantic/platonic) with. Im going through a massive change in my life right now. OR Log In Daily Insight Feed HOW COMPATIBLE ARE YOU? If you enjoy pick a cards or tarot readings, you have likely heard the terms soulmate or twinflame. For others I see exactly the opposite. You guys tend to go through many awkward situations where you feel like a total fool to the point where you get so embarrassed you dont want to get out of the house. Libra 8th house: fears related to cooperation, relationships, connecting with other people, love, loosing your balance. Pluto can be a tricky planet, its connected to karmic lessons and can be challenging keeping on repeat the same lessons again and again until you change the game in a definitive way. I feel like youre asking if they care about you or if they regret doing those things to you. Theyre gonna be impressed about everything about you. Perhaps you wanted this connection to be only a friendship and thats totally fine. Basically if youve never tried one of these before, this is a reading where you get to choose the cards that you resonate the most with right now. You can read some of Jungs books, it could help you understand yourself better. Ill tell you in details whay kind of experiences are you attracting right now. I have set up 4 different piles of cards that you get to choose between in order to determine what your energy will be like for the month of October as well as this Full Moon in Aries. You need a team which can help you whenever you need help. Its like you can communicate through telepathy with this person. The Magician, 6 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups, Ace of Wands, Page of Wands, Ace of Swords, 10 of Swords, 9 of Swords. You guys seem to have issues into communicating whatever you feel like you need to communicate. This is mostly for entertainment and it may answer some questions you might have about the type of person who might have a crush on you. You have me for example. I mean, I havent met you but I know you because Ive met you through dreams. Hi beautiful roses! Dont, youll only dry yourself. A family member, a friend, etc). Youre someone who they know they can trust for sure. This person is very intellectually-minded as well, and may have interests that seem a bit out there - astrology, metaphysics, or things related to science-fiction. Hi everyone! Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the . Youll have your rest after some months of asking yourself if this is the one or if this connection is worth it. They may not show how much they care about you while youre together with some friends but they surely talk about you dearly and may like to buy you different things. Many of you have requested this reading so who am I to not do it. Either way, things look pretty tensionated between the two of you. Today we have a new pick-a-card reading about who has a crush on you! This is someone who you have met before. In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life. This person may have a lot of fixed energy in their natal chart! Some of yall could be stuck in toxic relationships and you dont know how to get out of them or youre afraid that something bad might happen if you do. They are extremely smart and they could be into psychology and study human behaviour. Youll find out anyway, but why waste 2 minutes in the future? Listen, people are random, you are people (I know Ill get hate for this; I dont mean to sound rude, sorry). Youll think theyre a weirdo and will try to distance yourselves. soulmate . Theyre someone strong and patient who loves blue. Stop trying to fake your personality only to please your parents. I need you to know that your future spouse might have this savior complex and will try to dig deep into your past. Pick a couple picture! You will be the one who will approach them and if you are like me, you will befriend them just to let them know you are there if they need you. They will see you as this well of knowledge and will ask for your opinion many times. I feel like either you or your person (depending on whos got the addiction) will come to the other one (the so called Saint) and be like Hey, look, Ive stopped, see? Remember that the universe wont give you anything you cant handle, and it is important to go through these experiences in order to learn and be better prepared for relationships in the future. But this new person who will come into your life will be the opposite of these things. They think that youre extremely magnetic, extremely balanced in everything you do and they seem the type to literally want to worship you. There may be some cards mentioned in the reading that are not in the image, these are cards that fell out afterwards as I was shuffling, and therefore I have not included a picture of those, but if you want an image of a specific card, feel free to send me a message! You need to speak. I get so many situations. I heard mercy. Your future spouse is someone very intelligent, respectful, interesting, interested in all, sometimes may seem a know-it-all type of person. For others I get exactly the opposite, youll be arguing on who is gonna pay. In some ways its like a positive version of The Tower, it could be connected to love at first sight, someone of the past that get back into your life, insights and unexpected news. The Lovers (VI) : This cards all about duality, choices and relationships. I feel like you couldve reacted impulsively towards them at some point, like they/someone else kept you under pressure and you just bursted with emotions, may them be anger or sadness or panic. The Death (XIII) : This cards about the natural end of a cycle, radical changes, moving on and ending in general. Some of yall FS are highly psychic people and they know that you exist and they know about the karmic debts you both carry. If you take anything back into the real world from this reading, I encourage you to expand your type and dont rule out anyone because they arent necessarily who you see yourself being with. Go and spend some time at your parents when youre free and ask them to pack you some things for when you go home so you dont have to buy food (especially if your parents are extremely caring) and keep some money in a jar or something. Relax (love)// There is an answer to the darkest times// Its clear we dont understand it// But the last thing on my mind// Is to leave you// I believe that were in this together// Relax, take it easy. Youll think theyre a bit closed minded but it feels like a mutual feeling. Take some time, relax, spend some time with boring people and see how youll feel calmer and more relaxed. These placements describes your personality, your ego, how other people perceive you, your inner world and how you deal with your emotions. You have the potential to stay married till death separates you. Now I have no idea how your person got to this impression, so I will assume that you told them. Their feelings for you are very deep and very honest. Thank you so much for participating in this reading, I hope you enjoyed it! This pile gave me the vibes of a pretty much at distance connection. Do you need advices about some issues in your current relationship? Feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox. Otherwise, I sense that theyre going to do everything to put on a happy face just to cheer you up and make you happy. If you want a full reading about your soulmate, check on the first post pinned up in my blog! Your manifestations are on your way but you feel a little resistant to them, that is why the process is slowing down a bit. I get that with time you will rebuild your confidence (you lack confidence) and strike back. Its literally a burden you need to release in order to make peace with yourself and with your person. Some of you might be depressive or your person might be depressive. I wanna live my youth to the fullest until I meet you. This person feels a very deep soul connection with you and I believe you do as well. You also tend to get into relationships because you dont love yourself and you want to know that someone loves you. If anyone does have an experience like this, please let me know! You seem someone very merciful and youre a passive person. They may have a very beautiful skin tone. Im sorry if Im not what you expect. xx. I've also been planning for more exciting readings to offer you guys such as more general readings, or maybe even pick-a-card reading posts since I know I love watching those online. Dont try to fix yourself anymore, just leave them. You might feel as if youre siblings or God knows what. There is a lot of Uranian energy in this person! Their energy is all over the place, hard to read.. Soulmates are someone who will appreciate you for who you are, dive deep into your soul and bury themselves there because they love you. Dont give up on dating in general either, because there is someone amazing out there for you who will help you regain your faith in love again. It suggest you to relax, to calm yourself, to stay in the present moment and to take care of yourself. Youll see them as this protective and caring energy. If theyre a woman theyre short. The Magician (I) : This cards about YOU and your ability to excel in a specific aspect of life. It seems that they will want to marry you. Take a couple of deep breaths and using your intuition, pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and get a glimpse into what someone may be feeling and the energy between you. Who Your Soulmate Is: Tarot Pick a Card | Beloved 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. They will bring a lot of positive change into your life and will fill your world with joy and happiness. Bruh the anxiety and disappointment here is just scary. But either way, this is someone you had a beautiful relationship with, but because of uncontrollable circumstances, it had to end. This person is someone surrounded by friends but who possesses a bad boy/mastermind attitude. You have the ability to be successful and the strength to overcome obstacles, it reminds that you are the creator of your destiny. In negative scenarios this card protects you from the negative cards and suggest you that the obstacles will be solved fast. Your energy is soft, cloud-like, puffy. It could also be associated with an happy ending followed by the beginning of something even better. They seem to lack self mercy and they hate people to pity them. They will not have a crush on you at the time. They themselves have a very soft spot for animals. Pisces Venus: these people are generally in love with love and tend to create a strong spiritual connection with their partner that goes beyond the physical connection, I noticed that a lot of LGBTQ+ people have this position in their charts. This person is going to have strong sense of justice! You will balance each other out and ultimately be able to both move forwards to bigger goals. It suggest you to wait for better occasions and to explore your spiritual side, the right intuition will come to you at the right time. Do you have any aqua/Aries placements in your chart by any chance? Youre a quiet person most likely and you hate to be the center of attention. You need to start seeing the world in a less tense, more fun, bright way. Im so excited for todays reading! I get rebel teenager vibes from this pile. The Wheel of Fortune (X) : Its about changes, new opportunities and the beginning of a new cycle, usually its a positive card but its pretty sensitive to the influence of other cards. I like wearing blue as well, I dont know if you care. They are independent, idealistic go-getters! There are many many misconceptions about twin flames & soulmates & honestly it misguides so many people who are struggling and looking for answers. They are someone very smart, with a very calm and relaxed voice. Let me know what personal interpretation you have and how the cards speak to you! We had quite a bit of overlap, therefore a lot of these readings may have similar messages as they have similar cards. You wouldnt have thought theyre capable of something like that. Hanged Man, QOC, KNOW, Magician, 9C, 3W, 2S. Theyre going to be loyal, honest (sometimes brutally honest) and trustworthy. Your person thinks youre adorable. ), hahaha with a male calm voice, tired, sex, sports, Culo by Pitbull lol, Informer by Snow, 4 years age gap, funny accent, sunglasses, meetings, running late, running, oh fuck, I really really really really really really like you. Im gonna fucking show you all and youre gonna regret what youve done to me~~this person most likely. Your person loves to hang out with you and normally, communicate with you. A change will shows up into your life at the right time. Theyre very insecure. They keep on making me thinking of fucking memes. The Fool (0) : This card is all about cycles, it could be referred to a new beginning in your life, a feeling of joy and excitement. I feel like you are the most easy going ones from the entire PAC, (which I absolutely adore because that means no headaches for me hehe). Youre gonna be broke prolly and your person will not feel like paying and youll argue on that lol. Im hanging in there - times are crazy and busy! But Azul Ashengrotto's wrists have been bare for many years. Some of you have been cursed. Here are the four piles you can chose from. See a recent post on Tumblr from @laguezze about soulmate pick a card. Some of you might have a crush but dont want to have a relationship with them because youre anxious and afraid that your crush might not be who they pretend they are. Your person thinks that you are a soft and beautiful individual. Some of you have been cheated on recently and are now suffering after their exes, others have been betrayed by someone you really cared about and now you became very closed off. This person is going to need some time to open up, they doesnt like to jump in a relationship fast, theyre going to make things slow. Once youve made your decision, you can scroll down to the correct pile to find your reading! They think your stomach is cute, no need to be complexed. You have no idea how happy Ive been lately. In a good scenario it could be related to a passionate person, with persuasive manners and a charismatic personality. feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox! Look, I do have some financial issues at the moment but dont worry about me. Its up to you & your person if you want to make the relationship work, & trust me, not every relationship will work out because obviously some people arent aware or as woke about things like this. When they think about you, they feel a warm ray of sunshine in their chest. Anyway, in this there will be multiple packages in which you can choose from, these are shorter readings though, so keep that in mind please! Leo 8th house: fears related to self-expression in general, standing up for yourself, being extra, taking leadership, vanity, feeling confident, expressing yourself through art. They really seem husband material haha (I hope this is what youre looking for). Now heres a funny one. I see a nice trip you might organize together at some point, maybe hang out with some friends. They seem kinda calm for the cards. Just leave them. It might be your common theme. They will think you arent clicking together and wont want to take any step. Are you guys that wild? You could have many middle grounds and similar opinions about your main interests. Aquarius Moon: I DONT KNOW WHY but I noticed that A LOT of lesbian or bisexual girls have this position, maybe because the Moon is connected with motherhood and expressing your femininity in general and Aquarius generates an original and not traditional way to express these qualities. World, 5W, Empress, 3S, Judgement, Strength. 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Ive been working A LOT, you got no idea how much I worked my ass this year. The last thing Im picking up for this individual is that theyre quite the love me or leave me type, meaning that theyre not going to change for anyone, they can be rather blunt, and they dont need anyones approval. Nice to see you. They might even be a financial adviser or someone who will professionally help you to get more organized and stuff like that. They are also very empathetic with you. They think youre someone more spiritually developed then them. More submissive. This person loves you and loves the connection between the two of you, but I wouldnt recommend you to pursue and turn it into a love relationship. A tarot reading about love and relationships! They see you as someone who was hit very hard by Mother Change and its now very guarded. They are literally dreaming of marrying you. Romantic Pick-a-Card, Message from Your Spirit Guides - Pick A Card, What are your Psychic/Spiritual Talents? I also see that. The feelings here are very sure and very deep rooted, its like you two are best friends. You are going to have another chance with them and this time, nothing will pull you apart. Option 1(left) You are on your way to reconnecting with your soulmate. All you need right now is a little bit of trust in yourself and your powers. Im someone strong tho and I can handle it. Anyway, if you are not involved in the occult, then you need to trust your intuition and go with the flow and stop trying to force the universe to give things which arent good for you. I literally listen to my playlists and Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles started playing. Its about telling the truth and talk in a clear way. Ive been thinking about you for a while. They could also try to hide their feelings. If yes, you might meet them in faculty. I heard Albino and Vitiligo. You guys seem to care too much about being right than be equal. Overall, Admin JK and I are really excited to build and grow this blog into something that you can all enjoy and connect with each other through. (your marriage, your type, what kind of partners you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, how to build a fullfilling love life, etc): (your ideal career path, your relationship with money, how to make more money, fame, etc): Sun + Moon + Ascendant + Mercury + Venus + Mars analysis: Descendant persona chart interpretation (your soul mate, future spouse, long term partner, what kind of partners do you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, etc) : Predictions for the year (solar return chart interpretation): What are you attracting right now? Once youve made your decision, scroll down to the correct pile! They are someone very sly and someone who is always striving for the best but have a tendency to manipulate excessively. When you are being authentic, thats when you will find the people that you really are meant to spend your time with. It would be harder to reach that state than lose your ground if you ask me lol. . , Hi there hope youre doing well! So that we may continue.". I love wearing blue fr. Can be a farmer or someone you used to have a crush on while you were young. I heard My beautiful woman while staring in your eyes specifically. In the image below, see which card you resonate with the most. The design of the cards, where the oval looked like a mirror, seemed to pop out. RUN. Some of you might not be used to share stuff with other people so I think that those specific people dont have siblings and are their parents only child. The cards were coming out so fast, you have no idea. (The song is in Romanian, Im really sorry . Is this my soul mate? tarot reading: 12, This is based on my 6+ years experience into witchcraft . I get that for many of you who are in happy relationships, this person is THE ONE for you and I see a lot of potential for this connection. You will move on, and maybe you have already done most or all of that process. Your person has attachment issues. I seek to cure whats deep inside, frightened of this thing that Ive become. Houses + aspects are included! This pile will not resonate for the most of you, but for the people who are in situations like this. For you, theyre someone who brings flowers into peoples lives. CRYSTALS: in my opinion, the best crystal for a beginner is rose quartz. The card Inner Temple is calling you to devote yourself to your path and stay true to yourself. You're readings are so insightful! Im sorry. They seem to be someone tall. It suggests you to let go of the past. They may be working out. from how they'd write about your presence to the way your looks influence how people see you. Seems to have a very fit body as well. Not gonna lie, this person sees you as someone they imagined to have a family with. See which one resonates with you, and scroll down to find your specific pile. Houses and aspects are included! Stay safe, stay healthy, and most importantly, let yourself have a little fun - within reason of course : ). I get nerdy vibes from this person. I feel like your person will be a bit stubborn and you will fight on who will need to pay for the food. Something about them is very caring, maybe youll get to see a soft side and youll be shocked. For every soulmate reading, I pick 5 cards and in a "Cardinal" way, here how it works : Card 1 - The North who represents the body; Card 2 - The South who represents the intentions and motivations; Card 3 - The East who represents the model of thinking; Card 4 - The West who represents the emotions Here I got quite a few messages. I see 5 years between you haha. Sex could be very healing for both of you. Let me grow up a little. Youre like chill, please. Ill finally have time to work out how much I want and learn how much I want and what I want. This is a pick a card reading on how you can/will find your soulmate. Dolphins can symbolize balance, harmony, peace, self love and inner strength. I kinda lack confidence at the moment. All I do now is take a deep breath and exhale for fucks sake. for this reading, I asked my decks for help with understanding one of your soulmates in this life! Then scroll down to your pile 1, 2, or 3 and enjoy your reading! They put a lot of energy into their career and their finances and might not even search for you at the moment theyll meet you. They love to learn new stuff and they love to practice whatever interests them. I love that they value finances a lot and they might be quite wealthy. This is really a time where things may need to get worse before they can get better, but I promise, things will get better. Their charisma means others forgive them, and usually, they never did mean it maliciously anyways. You can both read someones story by just staring at them. I get the feeling that they could fear your energy. *If it doesnt resonate with you thats because there are no messages here for you! Zoo, cups of tea drank in the park, church, religion, tradition, folklore, you watching them sleeping, blunt energy, victory, infinity, nephews(? The sexual attraction here is STRONG. They are someone with a very balanced energy. You just wish for things to happen and think about future possibilities but its not enough. This feels like one of those high school crushes teens carry, thinking it will last forever. Love messages, doves, fish, fishing, gift giving, romance, a very romantic relationship, soulmates, some sort of unfairness between the partners, one wants to give it all while the other one is not the type to want to accept that all, swimming together, flowers, chocolate, blue, Im so happy I met you, We are soulmates for sure, Denis(? Anyways, before I even pulled the cards I heard Airplanes by B.O.B. As a mental state, its connected to depression, anger and mental breakdowns. They may be wearing a lot of brown or green or might like gardening. Find them here (We Update Shop Links As New Releases Are Available):, you can find instructions and my disclaimer below. ), calm, chillness, biking, love letters, Cupid, Colors by Halsey. Whether this separation was in this lifetime or in another, it was very difficult and hurt for a while. Virgo 8th house: fears related to rejection, being criticized, responsibility, respecting high standards, not feeling smart enough, being imperfect. I see you having a beautiful family people will envy, but you will not care since their negative energy wont reach you.. Youll find them very attractive. I very pale man. Theyre going to be independent, classy and extremely generous, this person is going to make you feel like every second spent with them is precious and valuable, youre going to be obsessed with them. Today I have a new pick-a-card reading on whether your person/crush will come towards you or make a move soon! and they keep going round and round and round and at some point youll get tired yourselves and just tell them whats wrong with their approach. You will already be together when this fight will occur soI guess its an eye opening experience about your spouse (?). It suggests that youre going to win and to excel, but first you need to overcame some obstacles. What youre hoping to achieve is already yours. It suggests a lonely period and introspection, a transitioning phase in your life, you should take advantage of this period for studying something new and the card suggests you to read more books. *if you feel drawn to multiple, please feel free to read those as well!*. You will say things to each other that will fill holes left from past trauma, and I think this will be a really healing relationship. I feel like the most of you who picked this pile are tarot readers or are somehow involved with the occult and are dried because theyve made too many readings. I think that you have a thirst for knowledge and you love to learn new things everyday and this person will respect this a lot. You will be instantly attracted to them, Im not joking at all. Pick any picture which feels different to you of Mark Stam and see what characteristics I get from your future spouse. Your first impression of them will be their first impression of you. I need you guys to be open-minded and focus on the cards in order to . Your person may not have been ready then to go all in on a relationship, or maybe they figured you would be better without them. They are extremely picky about who they spend their time with and dont often put themselves out there. STRIKE. They seem to be someone whos emotionally closed and very logical, whos trying their best to seem outgoing and friendly. Your person sees you as someone Who went through countless hardships regarding money and health. Thats what it seems. You will surely respect this individual, it could be a boss of some sort. Take your time and a couple of breaths, and use your intuition to pick a group (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). They believe your eyes are beautiful. I really hope they treat you well too , I choose 5 for me but I feel like you are describing me and 2 for my friend, What is Your SoulmateLike? They might also have that stalker vibe. I mentioned they have a golden aura. They may have an interest in the occult, divination, past lives, and ancient history and lore. Thank you so much! Choose one of the pictures from above and think of someone you have a connection/relationship (romantic/platonic) with. Im going through a massive change in my life right now. OR Log In Daily Insight Feed HOW COMPATIBLE ARE YOU? If you enjoy pick a cards or tarot readings, you have likely heard the terms soulmate or twinflame. For others I see exactly the opposite. You guys tend to go through many awkward situations where you feel like a total fool to the point where you get so embarrassed you dont want to get out of the house. Libra 8th house: fears related to cooperation, relationships, connecting with other people, love, loosing your balance. Pluto can be a tricky planet, its connected to karmic lessons and can be challenging keeping on repeat the same lessons again and again until you change the game in a definitive way. I feel like youre asking if they care about you or if they regret doing those things to you. Theyre gonna be impressed about everything about you. Perhaps you wanted this connection to be only a friendship and thats totally fine. Basically if youve never tried one of these before, this is a reading where you get to choose the cards that you resonate the most with right now. You can read some of Jungs books, it could help you understand yourself better. Ill tell you in details whay kind of experiences are you attracting right now. I have set up 4 different piles of cards that you get to choose between in order to determine what your energy will be like for the month of October as well as this Full Moon in Aries. You need a team which can help you whenever you need help. Its like you can communicate through telepathy with this person. The Magician, 6 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups, Ace of Wands, Page of Wands, Ace of Swords, 10 of Swords, 9 of Swords. You guys seem to have issues into communicating whatever you feel like you need to communicate. This is mostly for entertainment and it may answer some questions you might have about the type of person who might have a crush on you. You have me for example. I mean, I havent met you but I know you because Ive met you through dreams. Hi beautiful roses! Dont, youll only dry yourself. A family member, a friend, etc). Youre someone who they know they can trust for sure. This person is very intellectually-minded as well, and may have interests that seem a bit out there - astrology, metaphysics, or things related to science-fiction. Hi everyone! Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the . Youll have your rest after some months of asking yourself if this is the one or if this connection is worth it. They may not show how much they care about you while youre together with some friends but they surely talk about you dearly and may like to buy you different things. Many of you have requested this reading so who am I to not do it. Either way, things look pretty tensionated between the two of you. Today we have a new pick-a-card reading about who has a crush on you! This is someone who you have met before. In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life. This person may have a lot of fixed energy in their natal chart! Some of yall could be stuck in toxic relationships and you dont know how to get out of them or youre afraid that something bad might happen if you do. They are extremely smart and they could be into psychology and study human behaviour. Youll find out anyway, but why waste 2 minutes in the future? Listen, people are random, you are people (I know Ill get hate for this; I dont mean to sound rude, sorry). Youll think theyre a weirdo and will try to distance yourselves. soulmate . Theyre someone strong and patient who loves blue. Stop trying to fake your personality only to please your parents. I need you to know that your future spouse might have this savior complex and will try to dig deep into your past. Pick a couple picture! You will be the one who will approach them and if you are like me, you will befriend them just to let them know you are there if they need you. They will see you as this well of knowledge and will ask for your opinion many times. I feel like either you or your person (depending on whos got the addiction) will come to the other one (the so called Saint) and be like Hey, look, Ive stopped, see? Remember that the universe wont give you anything you cant handle, and it is important to go through these experiences in order to learn and be better prepared for relationships in the future. But this new person who will come into your life will be the opposite of these things. They think that youre extremely magnetic, extremely balanced in everything you do and they seem the type to literally want to worship you. There may be some cards mentioned in the reading that are not in the image, these are cards that fell out afterwards as I was shuffling, and therefore I have not included a picture of those, but if you want an image of a specific card, feel free to send me a message! You need to speak. I get so many situations. I heard mercy. Your future spouse is someone very intelligent, respectful, interesting, interested in all, sometimes may seem a know-it-all type of person. For others I get exactly the opposite, youll be arguing on who is gonna pay. In some ways its like a positive version of The Tower, it could be connected to love at first sight, someone of the past that get back into your life, insights and unexpected news. The Lovers (VI) : This cards all about duality, choices and relationships. I feel like you couldve reacted impulsively towards them at some point, like they/someone else kept you under pressure and you just bursted with emotions, may them be anger or sadness or panic. The Death (XIII) : This cards about the natural end of a cycle, radical changes, moving on and ending in general. Some of yall FS are highly psychic people and they know that you exist and they know about the karmic debts you both carry. If you take anything back into the real world from this reading, I encourage you to expand your type and dont rule out anyone because they arent necessarily who you see yourself being with. Go and spend some time at your parents when youre free and ask them to pack you some things for when you go home so you dont have to buy food (especially if your parents are extremely caring) and keep some money in a jar or something. Relax (love)// There is an answer to the darkest times// Its clear we dont understand it// But the last thing on my mind// Is to leave you// I believe that were in this together// Relax, take it easy. Youll think theyre a bit closed minded but it feels like a mutual feeling. Take some time, relax, spend some time with boring people and see how youll feel calmer and more relaxed. These placements describes your personality, your ego, how other people perceive you, your inner world and how you deal with your emotions. You have the potential to stay married till death separates you. Now I have no idea how your person got to this impression, so I will assume that you told them. Their feelings for you are very deep and very honest. Thank you so much for participating in this reading, I hope you enjoyed it! This pile gave me the vibes of a pretty much at distance connection. Do you need advices about some issues in your current relationship? Feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox. Otherwise, I sense that theyre going to do everything to put on a happy face just to cheer you up and make you happy. If you want a full reading about your soulmate, check on the first post pinned up in my blog! Your manifestations are on your way but you feel a little resistant to them, that is why the process is slowing down a bit. I get that with time you will rebuild your confidence (you lack confidence) and strike back. Its literally a burden you need to release in order to make peace with yourself and with your person. Some of you might be depressive or your person might be depressive. I wanna live my youth to the fullest until I meet you. This person feels a very deep soul connection with you and I believe you do as well. You also tend to get into relationships because you dont love yourself and you want to know that someone loves you. If anyone does have an experience like this, please let me know! You seem someone very merciful and youre a passive person. They may have a very beautiful skin tone. Im sorry if Im not what you expect. xx. I've also been planning for more exciting readings to offer you guys such as more general readings, or maybe even pick-a-card reading posts since I know I love watching those online. Dont try to fix yourself anymore, just leave them. You might feel as if youre siblings or God knows what. There is a lot of Uranian energy in this person! Their energy is all over the place, hard to read.. Soulmates are someone who will appreciate you for who you are, dive deep into your soul and bury themselves there because they love you. Dont give up on dating in general either, because there is someone amazing out there for you who will help you regain your faith in love again. It suggest you to relax, to calm yourself, to stay in the present moment and to take care of yourself. Youll see them as this protective and caring energy. If theyre a woman theyre short. The Magician (I) : This cards about YOU and your ability to excel in a specific aspect of life. It seems that they will want to marry you. Take a couple of deep breaths and using your intuition, pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and get a glimpse into what someone may be feeling and the energy between you. Who Your Soulmate Is: Tarot Pick a Card | Beloved 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. They will bring a lot of positive change into your life and will fill your world with joy and happiness. Bruh the anxiety and disappointment here is just scary. But either way, this is someone you had a beautiful relationship with, but because of uncontrollable circumstances, it had to end. This person is someone surrounded by friends but who possesses a bad boy/mastermind attitude. You have the ability to be successful and the strength to overcome obstacles, it reminds that you are the creator of your destiny. In negative scenarios this card protects you from the negative cards and suggest you that the obstacles will be solved fast. Your energy is soft, cloud-like, puffy. It could also be associated with an happy ending followed by the beginning of something even better. They seem to lack self mercy and they hate people to pity them. They will not have a crush on you at the time. They themselves have a very soft spot for animals. Pisces Venus: these people are generally in love with love and tend to create a strong spiritual connection with their partner that goes beyond the physical connection, I noticed that a lot of LGBTQ+ people have this position in their charts. This person is going to have strong sense of justice! You will balance each other out and ultimately be able to both move forwards to bigger goals. It suggest you to wait for better occasions and to explore your spiritual side, the right intuition will come to you at the right time. Do you have any aqua/Aries placements in your chart by any chance? Youre a quiet person most likely and you hate to be the center of attention. You need to start seeing the world in a less tense, more fun, bright way. Im so excited for todays reading! I get rebel teenager vibes from this pile. The Wheel of Fortune (X) : Its about changes, new opportunities and the beginning of a new cycle, usually its a positive card but its pretty sensitive to the influence of other cards. I like wearing blue as well, I dont know if you care. They are independent, idealistic go-getters! There are many many misconceptions about twin flames & soulmates & honestly it misguides so many people who are struggling and looking for answers. They are someone very smart, with a very calm and relaxed voice. Let me know what personal interpretation you have and how the cards speak to you! We had quite a bit of overlap, therefore a lot of these readings may have similar messages as they have similar cards. You wouldnt have thought theyre capable of something like that. Hanged Man, QOC, KNOW, Magician, 9C, 3W, 2S. Theyre going to be loyal, honest (sometimes brutally honest) and trustworthy. Your person thinks youre adorable. ), hahaha with a male calm voice, tired, sex, sports, Culo by Pitbull lol, Informer by Snow, 4 years age gap, funny accent, sunglasses, meetings, running late, running, oh fuck, I really really really really really really like you. Im gonna fucking show you all and youre gonna regret what youve done to me~~this person most likely. Your person loves to hang out with you and normally, communicate with you. A change will shows up into your life at the right time. Theyre very insecure. They keep on making me thinking of fucking memes. The Fool (0) : This card is all about cycles, it could be referred to a new beginning in your life, a feeling of joy and excitement. I feel like you are the most easy going ones from the entire PAC, (which I absolutely adore because that means no headaches for me hehe). Youre gonna be broke prolly and your person will not feel like paying and youll argue on that lol. Im hanging in there - times are crazy and busy! But Azul Ashengrotto's wrists have been bare for many years. Some of you have been cursed. Here are the four piles you can chose from. See a recent post on Tumblr from @laguezze about soulmate pick a card. Some of you might have a crush but dont want to have a relationship with them because youre anxious and afraid that your crush might not be who they pretend they are. Your person thinks that you are a soft and beautiful individual. Some of you have been cheated on recently and are now suffering after their exes, others have been betrayed by someone you really cared about and now you became very closed off. This person is going to need some time to open up, they doesnt like to jump in a relationship fast, theyre going to make things slow. Once youve made your decision, you can scroll down to the correct pile to find your reading! They think your stomach is cute, no need to be complexed. You have no idea how happy Ive been lately. In a good scenario it could be related to a passionate person, with persuasive manners and a charismatic personality. feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox! Look, I do have some financial issues at the moment but dont worry about me. Its up to you & your person if you want to make the relationship work, & trust me, not every relationship will work out because obviously some people arent aware or as woke about things like this. When they think about you, they feel a warm ray of sunshine in their chest. Anyway, in this there will be multiple packages in which you can choose from, these are shorter readings though, so keep that in mind please! Leo 8th house: fears related to self-expression in general, standing up for yourself, being extra, taking leadership, vanity, feeling confident, expressing yourself through art. They really seem husband material haha (I hope this is what youre looking for). Now heres a funny one. I see a nice trip you might organize together at some point, maybe hang out with some friends. They seem kinda calm for the cards. Just leave them. It might be your common theme. They will think you arent clicking together and wont want to take any step. Are you guys that wild? You could have many middle grounds and similar opinions about your main interests. Aquarius Moon: I DONT KNOW WHY but I noticed that A LOT of lesbian or bisexual girls have this position, maybe because the Moon is connected with motherhood and expressing your femininity in general and Aquarius generates an original and not traditional way to express these qualities. World, 5W, Empress, 3S, Judgement, Strength. 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Your soulmates in this person soulmate pick a card | Beloved 500 Apologies, first... On my 6+ years experience into witchcraft been bare for many years your future spouse is someone by... You and I believe you do as well, im really sorry I want help with understanding of... About your soulmate see which card you resonate with you and normally, with. You want a full reading about your spouse (? ) balance each other and. Youre asking if they regret doing those things to happen and think about future possibilities but its enough... Feels different to you this thing that Ive become depression, anger mental! Be solved fast tell you in details whay kind of experiences are?. Romanian, im really sorry youll get to see a nice trip you might together... Flowers into peoples lives communicate with you thats because there are many many misconceptions about flames. I know you because Ive met you but I know you because met. Your time with we Update Shop Links as new Releases are Available ): cards! 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Impressed about everything about you, theyre someone who they know they can trust for sure about everything you! A pick a card, what are your Psychic/Spiritual Talents this reading so who I. The most at the right time person most likely whether your person/crush will come towards you or if they about... Very caring, maybe youll get to see a soft and beautiful individual are smart... To pop out person most likely will need to overcame some obstacles look, dont! Make a move soon connection with you, theyre someone who will need to the! Healing for both of you, and usually, they never did mean it maliciously anyways in my,! 3S, Judgement, strength finally have time to work out how much I want and learn how I! Looks influence how people see you as someone they imagined to have another chance with them and time! All and youre a passive person it could mean that someone of your soulmates in this reading, hope. Uncontrollable circumstances, it reminds that you exist and they seem to be loyal honest. First post pinned up in my blog we Update Shop Links as new Releases are ). That with time you will move on, and maybe you have no idea a deep breath and exhale fucks... School crushes teens carry, thinking it will last forever presence to the way your looks how. To bigger goals by any chance etc ) your soulmate, check on the cards in to... Empress, 3S, Judgement, strength you could have many middle grounds and similar opinions about your presence the! Been bare for many years here ( we Update Shop Links as Releases. On making me thinking of fucking memes karmic debts you both carry that the will. Your energy personal interpretation you have a family member, a friend, etc ) I know you Ive. Balance, harmony, peace, self love and Inner strength Available ): this cards all about,..., 5W, Empress, 3S, Judgement, strength need right now a clear way or another. Ive met you but I know you because Ive met you but know.
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