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» snowpack on mt san jacinto
snowpack on mt san jacinto
snowpack on mt san jacintosnowpack on mt san jacinto
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snowpack on mt san jacinto
Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail) and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) closed to vehicle traffic for the season on 7th November 2022. South Ridge Road (5S11) is currently closed to vehicle traffic but is rapidly clearing [checked Saturday 17th] of snow. A major warming trend will significantly change conditions on the trail system in the next week or two. With two further minor snowfalls possible in January, and strong winds in the high country expected on some days causing substantial spindrift, tracks broken through the snow may not last long. Mountain rescue president says avalanches are rare on mountain. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through very thin icy snow above 7000 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). They tend to be especially useful for descending. Further strong winds and blowing powder had eliminated much of these tracks again by Wednesday, and I again largely re-broke trail that day too. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. Steady melting of snow, especially on sun-exposed slopes, and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. Hikers should expect to encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain associated with the early November storm, followed by recent Santa Ana winds, and after the passage of Tropical Storm Kay in September. Most significantly in terms of snow conditions daytime temperatures at all elevations will be well above freezing for about a week starting 20th. While my snowshoe track continues from Saddle Junctions through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, this may rapidly become obscured by additional light snowfall and/or drifting snow from strong winds. Holden said he could not recall the last time there had been an avalanche on Mount San Jacinto. Obviously these depths are expected to change dramatically over the next few days. Spikes tend to be especially useful for descending trails. UPDATE Tuesday 3rd January 2023: Following another minor overnight snow storm our fourth in the past week Anabel and I briskly broke trail up Devils Slide to Saddle Junction early this morning. Spikes are not required, but some hikers may find them useful depending on their comfort level hiking on thin icy snow. Spikes will likely become increasingly useful over the next few days and weeks as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. On 24th and 28th we barebooted to the Peak on well-traveled and compacted tracks through light icy snow. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. As described above, crampons with hiking poles and an ice axe, depending on terrain are currently ideal everywhere above about 9500 ft. Mountain Sunrise Hike and Meditation in Palm Springs. Jean Peak (3252 m) 1.9 km: 2. I put on my Kahtoola microspikes to descend from the Peak, ultimately leaving them on most of the way down Devils Slide Trail. Note that temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing are forecast for mid to upper elevations (at least >6000 ft) for the foreseeable future. Black Mountain Road closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243 (see Forest Service website regarding this closure here). Snowshoes are not advisable due to the angle of the icy snow. Spikes are not needed yet, but that will change soon with increasing compaction and freeze/thaw cycles. Between the dustings of snow yesterday and today, high country tracks are becoming obscured and cautious navigation is strongly advised. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches, and on the quality of your footwear (tread grip, in particular). There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. SAN JACINTO (MSJC1) Lat: 33.81528NLon: 116.64194WElev: 8616ft. Idyllwild (data from 5550 ft) received a prodigious 4.01 inches of rain in the 31 hours starting at midnight on Monday 7th. Altitudes are approximate. We removed nine treefall hazards on 18th November and the trail is now completely clear again, bringing to 56 the number of trees we have removed from this trail since mid 2021. UPDATE Wednesday 14th December 2022: Early this morning Anabel and I broke trail up Spitler Peak Trail to the PCT. They tend to be especially useful for descending trails. I recorded a short(ish) video report from San Jacinto Peak late morning on Monday 30th (available here on YouTube) that gives a feel for the conditions in the high country at that time. Florian Boyd kindly reported this morning that snow has dusted down to 4500 ft on the lower (open) section of Skyline Trail. There is an average of 9-10 inches of fresh powder so far today at San Jacinto Peak, and about 5 inches in Long Valley. The average snow depth in this area is only about five inches, but on this slope it is heavily drifted in places at 10-12 inches. Some of the trips we made in the winter were thrilling, and some were brutally cold and miserable. For both storms snow estimates for the highest elevations range from 10-15 inches, with perhaps only an inch of snow in Idyllwild following some rainfall. Live US weather updates:60 million under winter weather alerts as massive storms roll across US; New York finally gets snow: Live updates. Spikes are not required. I hope to provide more information on the high country situation on Sunday 26th, depending on conditions/weather. Temperatures on the morning of 15th were the lowest of this winter, and among the lowest of the past decade. Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. Thereafter a cooling trend will take temperatures well below seasonal again including the possibility of minor precipitation on 11th-15th February. In Idyllwild at 5550 ft, rainfall storm total today is 1.14 inches. Today, in Mount San Jacinto State Park, snow showers are forecasted. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Although I made a concerted effort to put in a track as faithful to the trail routes as conditions permitted, wild winds and spindrift powder on all the exposed slopes rendered that fairly pointless. Snowshoes will remain valuable anywhere off trail above about 8000 ft for the foreseeable future. Report flooding to the . Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. This is the second heaviest rainfall period in the past decade for Idyllwild (behind the almost unbeatable Great Valentines Day flood event of 2019, when we recorded 7.8 inches in just 20 hours!). Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) also closed to vehicle traffic for the winter on 7th November 2022. As mentioned above, crampons with hiking poles and an ice axe, depending on terrain are currently very useful everywhere above about 9000 ft. Be prepared for trails above about 8000 ft (perhaps lower in places) completely or largely obscured by moderate to deep snow; very cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. There is considerable uncertainty regarding timing and precipitation amounts for Southern California. Ranger Peak (California) (1549 m) 14.0 km: I measured an average of about four inches of snow at Old Lookout Flat, although with some deeper drifts in the trail. Vehicles not parked in these spaces have been ticketed and/or towed. Since the depths given in the previous Report, there had been very minor storms on 28th and 29th December, which added a couple of inches at the highest elevations, down to 0.5 inch at 8000 ft. At the Peak on Wednesday 15th February 2023 at 1030 the air temperature was 4.9F (-15C), with a windchill temperature of -26.3F (-32C), 65% relative humidity, and a bitter due North wind sustained at 19 mph gusting to 27.7 mph. It continued to drizzle in Idyllwild all day, slowly accumulating to about 0.25 inch of rain. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 7000 ft, possibly lower in places on cold (icy) mornings. The second storm on 15th-16th is expected to be colder with a lower freeze level which may result in 1-2 inches of snow down to 5000 ft or possibly even lower. At the Peak on Monday 19th December 2022 at 0920 the air temperature was 31.3F (0C), with a windchill temperature of 20.7F (-6C), 9% relative humidity, and a gentle WNW wind sustained at 5 mph gusting to 9.9 mph. Lying within Mount San Jacinto State Park it is the highest both in the range and the county, and serves as the southern border of the San Gorgonio Pass. Above Little Round Valley there are at least half-a-dozen tracks ascending toward San Jacinto Peak, none of which accurately follow the established trail route. In Idyllwild (at 5550 ft) additional light rain this morning has added up to 0.1 inch. Eventually with compaction of the trails caused by increasing hiker traffic and freeze/thaw cycles snowshoes may steadily become less useful, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel in the high country well into February. Snow cover is continuous from there, with a posthole track to Tahquitz Peak. I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent and ultimately kept on my Kahtoola microspikes until about 9000 ft, one mile north of Saddle Junction. Fresh snow at San Jacinto Peak now measures 3-4 inches, snow in Long Valley (8600 ft) at three inches, and rainfall in Idyllwild since 0700 this morning at 0.6 inch. By my measurements, Idyllwild is up to 51 inches of snow to date for this winter, compared to the average for the thirty year period 1991-2020 of 31 inches. Most people hike 2-3 hours to the tram for a ride down off the mountain. Make Yahoo Your Homepage Discover something new every day from News, Sports, Finance, Entertainment and more! My 2022 survey counted 97 trees down on this 2.1 miles of trail. (For readers who are unclear, Skyline Trail forms the lower two-thirds of the Cactus-to-Clouds [C2C] route.) The rainfall totals at mid elevations were remarkable, and it is tempting to ponder what the snowfall totals could have been in the mountain communities and in the high country had the air temperatures been just a few degrees cooler. Back-to-back Pacific storm systems already the tenth and eleventh storms of this winter are forecast for Saturday 14th and then from late Sunday 15th January to the early hours of Tuesday 17th January. Box 518 Idyllwild, CA 92549 1-909-382-2921 Mount San Jacinto State Park 25905 Highway 243 Idyllwild, CA 92549 The snow quickly turned into semi-melted slush. There is no planned reopening date at this time. Further light snow is expected starting this evening, followed by much heavier snow overnight on 28th February-1st March. Generally considered a moderately challenging route. The freeze level again started very high at >9000 ft, with light rain falling in Long Valley (8600 ft) all morning. Rain had started overnight in Idyllwild, ending in late afternoon at a total of 1.26 inches. The northeast . Forecast precipitation is currently only a dusting of 1-2 inches of snow at upper elevations, but combined with strong winds this will be sufficient to complicate route-finding. Live Streams. The PCT throughout the San Jacinto mountains (roughly Miles 207-151) has a clear track to follow, including Fuller Ridge Trail, which has been traversed by a handful of sobo PCT hikers. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing. Three significant trees are now down across the trail, including two major hazards (one new in gale force winds on 26th) that are not easy to hike around both roughly halfway along the trail. Devils Slide Trail has a very lightly traveled track to Saddle Junction in place. South Ridge Road (5S11), Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail), and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) are currently closed to vehicle traffic, as is Black Mountain Road at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243. This was a very mild system, producing rain to 9000 ft elevation (and consequently very icy conditions), and one inch of fresh snow above about 9000 ft elevation (increasing to 1.5 inch >10,000 ft). At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Monday 19th December 2022 at 0920 the air temperature was 31.3F (0C), with a windchill temperature of 20.7F (-6C), 9% relative humidity, and a light WNW wind sustained at 5 mph gusting to 9.9 mph. On my hike up to San Jacinto Peak it started snowing gently at 1025 in the high country. Temperatures are forecast to remain at or even slightly below seasonal averages into the second half of November, with freezing conditions every night above about 5500 ft elevation. Although excellent tracks are now in place for almost all major trails (details below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere. Snowfall at the elevation of Long Valley (8600 ft) has been similarly steady, and 3-4 inches of fresh powder there takes the total depth close to one foot. The next, much more substantial, wave of snow arrives later this afternoon. Palm Springs South-West: Idyllwild-Pine Cove. UPDATE 11th November 2022: conditions for trails both north and south of Tahquitz Peak have been updated below, with photo, based on our hike this morning. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying the storm there is extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Two significant further atmospheric river storm systems are forecast, on Tuesday 10th, and then again on Saturday 14th-Sunday 15th. Wednesday. This will likely continue to be the case for several weeks, given fresh snowfall expected. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. The mountain snow level is expected to drop to 6,000 feet by Wednesday morning . In my recent experience off-trail snow is now also largely too shallow and/or patchy for snowshoes. Note that the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway has announced they will be closed tomorrow, Saturday 25th, due to extreme weather. On 23rd January I saw posthole tracks from Saddle Junction that head down the start of the Caramba Trail, the start of Willow Creek Trail, and following the PCT southbound toward Chinquapin Flat, but I have no further details at this time. UPDATE Thursday 29th December: I have uploaded a video from my hike to San Jacinto Peak this morning (available here on YouTube) where I enjoyed a minor snow storm. The intensity of snowfall at San Jacinto Peak this afternoon is the best Ive seen since late 2019. However the remaining snow patches are icy in the morning. Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the challenge (or otherwise) of a given trail. The high country currently has the deepest snow accumulation in the San Jacinto mountains in almost four years, since March 2019. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 1-2 inches (was 6 inches on 9th), Deer Springs Trail at top of Marion Mountain Trail (8700 ft): 1-3 inches, Tahquitz Peak (north side trail, 8700 ft): 1-2 inches [measured 19th November], Tahquitz Peak (south side trail, 8500-8700 ft): 0-1 inch [measured 19th November], Long Valley (8600 ft): 0-1 inch (was 2-3 inches on 9th), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0-1 inch (was approx. My track from last week largely followed the established route of the trail, especially below the Fuller Ridge junction, but higher up the track is much more direct in places. The first number is the current total snow depth, followed in parentheses by the greatest depth of the winter to date following the latest storm on 11th-12th December. The first storm overnight on Monday 28th may produce snow above 10,000 ft (forecasts have ranged from 0-16 inches), and very light snow near the elevation of Idyllwild preceded by a little rain. Both storms produced more snow than was generally forecast. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 2-3 inches (5.5 inches on 12th December), Marion Mountain Trail at junction with PCT (8700 ft): 3-4 inches (6 inches on 12th December), Long Valley (8600 ft): 1-2 inches (5-6 inches on 12th December), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0-1 inches (4 inches on 12th December), Saddle Junction/approx. On the morning of Wednesday 11th January, getting an Alpine start, I broke trail the entire way from Humber Park to San Jacinto Peak via Devils Slide, PCT, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails. Lightly cloudy conditions made for a delightful hike on the evening of Monday 21st ascending San Jacinto Peak via Marion Mountain and Deer Spring trails, descending the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, and Peak trails). While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to cover costs. Above that elevation, icy snow is almost continuous to Saddle Junction. Willow Creek Trail remains a relatively slow, messy hike for a couple of miles. The route largely follows the established trail, but hikers coming from Long Valley over the weekend either did not find or follow my broken trail from last week, so in sections the route is unusual. Visitors who are leaving the While many hundreds of hours of time and effort are volunteered every year, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to help cover modest operating costs. Snowshoes are very strongly recommended for any trails in, or leading to, the high country. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. The traversing slopes above Wellmans Divide (roughly 9800-10,500 ft) were extremely firm early in the morning and potentially treacherous. Icy snow cover is 60% overall, becoming increasingly patchy below about 7000 ft, and again in the sun-exposed areas above 8000 ft. Spikes are useful, especially for descending. However they will remain very valuable for off-trail travel at elevations above about 9000 ft (potentially lower in places) for the next week or two at least. Spikes are recommended. There is a well-traveled track to follow through the very light and patchy 1-3 inches of icy snow. Between November 2021 and May 2022, 61 downed trees were removed and almost the entire trail thoroughly trimmed and cleared. Although good tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere. no traction device) to 9000 ft on a lightly traveled and lumpy posthole track through thin icy snow. They are not currently recommended for traversing moderate or higher angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying powder. 7-Day Weather Live Satellite & Weather Radar. Many thanks to Kyle Eubanks who I chatted with at the Peak this afternoon. Please check this page for periodic updates the most recent is at the top throughout the multiple day storm sequence. Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide, from Saddle Junction to Tahquitz Peak, and up South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak. but probably light rain and/or about an inch of snow at the elevation of Idyllwild. The Peak Trail has about 90% cover of icy snow to 9900 ft elevation, and then >95% cover to San Jacinto Peak. Thank you so much for your support. Hikers will encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain associated with the early November storm, followed by recent Santa Ana winds, and since the passage of Tropical Storm Kay in September. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there has been extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Very fine snow fell briefly this evening. Idyllwild received 2.75 inches, and I measured five inches at San Jacinto Peak on my hike through the storm this morning, with 3-4 inches at locations in between. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 6000 ft, potentially lower in places. These concerns may steadily increase over the next few weeks with rising then falling temperatures, seasonally stronger insolation, and highly variable snowmelt. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 0-1 inch (was 6 inches on 9th November), Deer Springs Trail at top of Marion Mountain Trail (8700 ft): 0-1 inch, Tahquitz Peak (north side trail, 8700 ft): 0-1 inch, Tahquitz Peak (south side trail, 8500-8700 ft): 0 inch, Long Valley (8600 ft): 0-1 inch (was 2-3 inches on 9th November), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0 inch (was approx. Snowshoes are not required anywhere on the established trail system, where snow is now too shallow, icy and compacted. An excellent track is easy to follow to Little Round Valley. The Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail has a well-traveled track to follow throughout, snow cover is 90%. Top Stories. Currently spikes at a minimum, and ideally crampons, with an ice axe (and knowledge of how to use it), are strongly recommended. The trail is largely clear of snow from Highway 243 to Strawberry Junction, and with about 60% snow cover from there up to 8600 ft. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 22nd December] has a well-defined but lumpy posthole track throughout. As discussed above, additional light snowfall on 3rd and 5th January will further complicate the trail conditions. However they are not required, depending on your comfort level with postholing in drifted snow of moderate depth. Minor snow storm update 11th January 2023, Weather and trail update 27th December 2022, Moderate snow storm 11th-12th December 2022, Moderate snow storm 8th-9th November 2022. Indeed the final third of December may be one of the warmest on record for the holiday period. Along . After such a long, hot, and largely dry last 6-7 months, it was a real pleasure to see and hear water running in all of the ephemeral streams and springs on my descent on 9th November. Of those, 27 are in the 0.6 mile section between Willow Creek crossing and the State Park boundary. It is starting to turn to light sleet now as temperatures drop to near freezing. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are closed for the season. Eli Lilly cuts insulin prices up to 70% amid federal pressure to lower costs of life-saving medication, 60 million under winter weather alerts as massive storms roll across US; New York finally gets snow: Live updates, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Partly cloudy. However there was a lot of rime ice starting to melt and fall from trees on upper Spitler (photos below). In Idyllwild (data from 5550 ft) there was 1.14 inches of rain on Sunday 11th which turned to snow that afternoon, settling to 0.5 inch. It continued to rain heavily overnight at mid elevations everywhere below about 7000 ft. Idyllwild at 5550 ft elevation recorded an impressive 4.01 inches of rain in the 24 hour period up to 0700 this morning. Average snow cover is 60%, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park. There are five new major treefall hazards, plus many other limbs and branches, across the trail between the Suicide Rock junction and the Marion Mountain Trail junction. Spitler Peak Trail is now functionally clear of snow. 2nd-3rd December). There is a well-traveled track on light icy snow from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing (e.g., see photo below). Currently the snow is relatively powdery; this will steadily change over the next few days and weeks. San Jacinto State Park locations where self-issued permits are available 24/7: Idyllwild Ranger Station, 25905 Highway 243, Idyllwild, CA 92549 (located on a permit desk in front of office) . As described below, there were only about three inches at Saddle Junction (PCT Mile 179) yesterday. At the Peak on Monday 12th December 2022 at 0715 the air temperature was 9.7F (-12C), with a windchill temperature of -13.4F (-25C), 100% relative humidity, and a sharp WSW wind sustained at 12 mph gusting to 21.2 mph. In a video taken at the city's tram station, flurries can be seen falling, and sticking, onto the ground. Thank you so much for your support. The Thursday system will be significantly warmer, with a freeze level not dropping below about 7000 ft. Precipitation at the elevation of Idyllwild should therefore be rain (0.5-0.7 inch currently forecast), which may therefore largely melt and remove the snow that had fallen earlier in the week at that elevation. This information will be updated daily over the next week as details are changing significantly with every new forecast. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches, and on the quality of your footwear (tread grip, in particular). There are layers of hard ice and firm icy snow beneath the fresh powder, and crampons are ideal at present everywhere above 9000 ft, potentially lower in places. Snow cover is about 60% from Strawberry Junction north for about 1.0 mile (roughly 8500 ft), and thereafter >90% to San Jacinto Peak. Snow cover remains >95% through Little Round Valley up to San Jacinto Peak. This may continue for several weeks, or could change given further fresh snowfall forecast. Spikes are currently recommended throughout the trail system above about 7500 ft, potentially lower in places. Only 2.5 inches of snow fell at San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft) decreasing to 0.25 inch in upper Fern Valley (at approximately 6000 ft). Trimmed and cleared is starting to melt and fall from trees on upper Spitler ( photos below ) cautious..., cautious navigation is recommended everywhere, but some hikers may find them useful depending their. Overhead trees slow, messy hike for a ride down off the mountain steadily over. 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Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail) and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) closed to vehicle traffic for the season on 7th November 2022. South Ridge Road (5S11) is currently closed to vehicle traffic but is rapidly clearing [checked Saturday 17th] of snow. A major warming trend will significantly change conditions on the trail system in the next week or two. With two further minor snowfalls possible in January, and strong winds in the high country expected on some days causing substantial spindrift, tracks broken through the snow may not last long. Mountain rescue president says avalanches are rare on mountain. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through very thin icy snow above 7000 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). They tend to be especially useful for descending. Further strong winds and blowing powder had eliminated much of these tracks again by Wednesday, and I again largely re-broke trail that day too. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. Steady melting of snow, especially on sun-exposed slopes, and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. Hikers should expect to encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain associated with the early November storm, followed by recent Santa Ana winds, and after the passage of Tropical Storm Kay in September. Most significantly in terms of snow conditions daytime temperatures at all elevations will be well above freezing for about a week starting 20th. While my snowshoe track continues from Saddle Junctions through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, this may rapidly become obscured by additional light snowfall and/or drifting snow from strong winds. Holden said he could not recall the last time there had been an avalanche on Mount San Jacinto. Obviously these depths are expected to change dramatically over the next few days. Spikes tend to be especially useful for descending trails. UPDATE Tuesday 3rd January 2023: Following another minor overnight snow storm our fourth in the past week Anabel and I briskly broke trail up Devils Slide to Saddle Junction early this morning. Spikes are not required, but some hikers may find them useful depending on their comfort level hiking on thin icy snow. Spikes will likely become increasingly useful over the next few days and weeks as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. On 24th and 28th we barebooted to the Peak on well-traveled and compacted tracks through light icy snow. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. As described above, crampons with hiking poles and an ice axe, depending on terrain are currently ideal everywhere above about 9500 ft. Mountain Sunrise Hike and Meditation in Palm Springs. Jean Peak (3252 m) 1.9 km: 2. I put on my Kahtoola microspikes to descend from the Peak, ultimately leaving them on most of the way down Devils Slide Trail. Note that temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing are forecast for mid to upper elevations (at least >6000 ft) for the foreseeable future. Black Mountain Road closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243 (see Forest Service website regarding this closure here). Snowshoes are not advisable due to the angle of the icy snow. Spikes are not needed yet, but that will change soon with increasing compaction and freeze/thaw cycles. Between the dustings of snow yesterday and today, high country tracks are becoming obscured and cautious navigation is strongly advised. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches, and on the quality of your footwear (tread grip, in particular). There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. SAN JACINTO (MSJC1) Lat: 33.81528NLon: 116.64194WElev: 8616ft. Idyllwild (data from 5550 ft) received a prodigious 4.01 inches of rain in the 31 hours starting at midnight on Monday 7th. Altitudes are approximate. We removed nine treefall hazards on 18th November and the trail is now completely clear again, bringing to 56 the number of trees we have removed from this trail since mid 2021. UPDATE Wednesday 14th December 2022: Early this morning Anabel and I broke trail up Spitler Peak Trail to the PCT. They tend to be especially useful for descending trails. I recorded a short(ish) video report from San Jacinto Peak late morning on Monday 30th (available here on YouTube) that gives a feel for the conditions in the high country at that time. Florian Boyd kindly reported this morning that snow has dusted down to 4500 ft on the lower (open) section of Skyline Trail. There is an average of 9-10 inches of fresh powder so far today at San Jacinto Peak, and about 5 inches in Long Valley. The average snow depth in this area is only about five inches, but on this slope it is heavily drifted in places at 10-12 inches. Some of the trips we made in the winter were thrilling, and some were brutally cold and miserable. For both storms snow estimates for the highest elevations range from 10-15 inches, with perhaps only an inch of snow in Idyllwild following some rainfall. Live US weather updates:60 million under winter weather alerts as massive storms roll across US; New York finally gets snow: Live updates. Spikes are not required. I hope to provide more information on the high country situation on Sunday 26th, depending on conditions/weather. Temperatures on the morning of 15th were the lowest of this winter, and among the lowest of the past decade. Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. Thereafter a cooling trend will take temperatures well below seasonal again including the possibility of minor precipitation on 11th-15th February. In Idyllwild at 5550 ft, rainfall storm total today is 1.14 inches. Today, in Mount San Jacinto State Park, snow showers are forecasted. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Although I made a concerted effort to put in a track as faithful to the trail routes as conditions permitted, wild winds and spindrift powder on all the exposed slopes rendered that fairly pointless. Snowshoes will remain valuable anywhere off trail above about 8000 ft for the foreseeable future. Report flooding to the . Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. This is the second heaviest rainfall period in the past decade for Idyllwild (behind the almost unbeatable Great Valentines Day flood event of 2019, when we recorded 7.8 inches in just 20 hours!). Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) also closed to vehicle traffic for the winter on 7th November 2022. As mentioned above, crampons with hiking poles and an ice axe, depending on terrain are currently very useful everywhere above about 9000 ft. Be prepared for trails above about 8000 ft (perhaps lower in places) completely or largely obscured by moderate to deep snow; very cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. There is considerable uncertainty regarding timing and precipitation amounts for Southern California. Ranger Peak (California) (1549 m) 14.0 km: I measured an average of about four inches of snow at Old Lookout Flat, although with some deeper drifts in the trail. Vehicles not parked in these spaces have been ticketed and/or towed. Since the depths given in the previous Report, there had been very minor storms on 28th and 29th December, which added a couple of inches at the highest elevations, down to 0.5 inch at 8000 ft. At the Peak on Wednesday 15th February 2023 at 1030 the air temperature was 4.9F (-15C), with a windchill temperature of -26.3F (-32C), 65% relative humidity, and a bitter due North wind sustained at 19 mph gusting to 27.7 mph. It continued to drizzle in Idyllwild all day, slowly accumulating to about 0.25 inch of rain. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 7000 ft, possibly lower in places on cold (icy) mornings. The second storm on 15th-16th is expected to be colder with a lower freeze level which may result in 1-2 inches of snow down to 5000 ft or possibly even lower. At the Peak on Monday 19th December 2022 at 0920 the air temperature was 31.3F (0C), with a windchill temperature of 20.7F (-6C), 9% relative humidity, and a gentle WNW wind sustained at 5 mph gusting to 9.9 mph. Lying within Mount San Jacinto State Park it is the highest both in the range and the county, and serves as the southern border of the San Gorgonio Pass. Above Little Round Valley there are at least half-a-dozen tracks ascending toward San Jacinto Peak, none of which accurately follow the established trail route. In Idyllwild (at 5550 ft) additional light rain this morning has added up to 0.1 inch. Eventually with compaction of the trails caused by increasing hiker traffic and freeze/thaw cycles snowshoes may steadily become less useful, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel in the high country well into February. Snow cover is continuous from there, with a posthole track to Tahquitz Peak. I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent and ultimately kept on my Kahtoola microspikes until about 9000 ft, one mile north of Saddle Junction. Fresh snow at San Jacinto Peak now measures 3-4 inches, snow in Long Valley (8600 ft) at three inches, and rainfall in Idyllwild since 0700 this morning at 0.6 inch. By my measurements, Idyllwild is up to 51 inches of snow to date for this winter, compared to the average for the thirty year period 1991-2020 of 31 inches. Most people hike 2-3 hours to the tram for a ride down off the mountain. Make Yahoo Your Homepage Discover something new every day from News, Sports, Finance, Entertainment and more! My 2022 survey counted 97 trees down on this 2.1 miles of trail. (For readers who are unclear, Skyline Trail forms the lower two-thirds of the Cactus-to-Clouds [C2C] route.) The rainfall totals at mid elevations were remarkable, and it is tempting to ponder what the snowfall totals could have been in the mountain communities and in the high country had the air temperatures been just a few degrees cooler. Back-to-back Pacific storm systems already the tenth and eleventh storms of this winter are forecast for Saturday 14th and then from late Sunday 15th January to the early hours of Tuesday 17th January. Box 518 Idyllwild, CA 92549 1-909-382-2921 Mount San Jacinto State Park 25905 Highway 243 Idyllwild, CA 92549 The snow quickly turned into semi-melted slush. There is no planned reopening date at this time. Further light snow is expected starting this evening, followed by much heavier snow overnight on 28th February-1st March. Generally considered a moderately challenging route. The freeze level again started very high at >9000 ft, with light rain falling in Long Valley (8600 ft) all morning. Rain had started overnight in Idyllwild, ending in late afternoon at a total of 1.26 inches. The northeast . Forecast precipitation is currently only a dusting of 1-2 inches of snow at upper elevations, but combined with strong winds this will be sufficient to complicate route-finding. Live Streams. The PCT throughout the San Jacinto mountains (roughly Miles 207-151) has a clear track to follow, including Fuller Ridge Trail, which has been traversed by a handful of sobo PCT hikers. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing. Three significant trees are now down across the trail, including two major hazards (one new in gale force winds on 26th) that are not easy to hike around both roughly halfway along the trail. Devils Slide Trail has a very lightly traveled track to Saddle Junction in place. South Ridge Road (5S11), Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail), and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) are currently closed to vehicle traffic, as is Black Mountain Road at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243. This was a very mild system, producing rain to 9000 ft elevation (and consequently very icy conditions), and one inch of fresh snow above about 9000 ft elevation (increasing to 1.5 inch >10,000 ft). At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Monday 19th December 2022 at 0920 the air temperature was 31.3F (0C), with a windchill temperature of 20.7F (-6C), 9% relative humidity, and a light WNW wind sustained at 5 mph gusting to 9.9 mph. On my hike up to San Jacinto Peak it started snowing gently at 1025 in the high country. Temperatures are forecast to remain at or even slightly below seasonal averages into the second half of November, with freezing conditions every night above about 5500 ft elevation. Although excellent tracks are now in place for almost all major trails (details below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere. Snowfall at the elevation of Long Valley (8600 ft) has been similarly steady, and 3-4 inches of fresh powder there takes the total depth close to one foot. The next, much more substantial, wave of snow arrives later this afternoon. Palm Springs South-West: Idyllwild-Pine Cove. UPDATE 11th November 2022: conditions for trails both north and south of Tahquitz Peak have been updated below, with photo, based on our hike this morning. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying the storm there is extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Two significant further atmospheric river storm systems are forecast, on Tuesday 10th, and then again on Saturday 14th-Sunday 15th. Wednesday. This will likely continue to be the case for several weeks, given fresh snowfall expected. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. The mountain snow level is expected to drop to 6,000 feet by Wednesday morning . In my recent experience off-trail snow is now also largely too shallow and/or patchy for snowshoes. Note that the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway has announced they will be closed tomorrow, Saturday 25th, due to extreme weather. On 23rd January I saw posthole tracks from Saddle Junction that head down the start of the Caramba Trail, the start of Willow Creek Trail, and following the PCT southbound toward Chinquapin Flat, but I have no further details at this time. UPDATE Thursday 29th December: I have uploaded a video from my hike to San Jacinto Peak this morning (available here on YouTube) where I enjoyed a minor snow storm. The intensity of snowfall at San Jacinto Peak this afternoon is the best Ive seen since late 2019. However the remaining snow patches are icy in the morning. Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the challenge (or otherwise) of a given trail. The high country currently has the deepest snow accumulation in the San Jacinto mountains in almost four years, since March 2019. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 1-2 inches (was 6 inches on 9th), Deer Springs Trail at top of Marion Mountain Trail (8700 ft): 1-3 inches, Tahquitz Peak (north side trail, 8700 ft): 1-2 inches [measured 19th November], Tahquitz Peak (south side trail, 8500-8700 ft): 0-1 inch [measured 19th November], Long Valley (8600 ft): 0-1 inch (was 2-3 inches on 9th), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0-1 inch (was approx. My track from last week largely followed the established route of the trail, especially below the Fuller Ridge junction, but higher up the track is much more direct in places. The first number is the current total snow depth, followed in parentheses by the greatest depth of the winter to date following the latest storm on 11th-12th December. The first storm overnight on Monday 28th may produce snow above 10,000 ft (forecasts have ranged from 0-16 inches), and very light snow near the elevation of Idyllwild preceded by a little rain. Both storms produced more snow than was generally forecast. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 2-3 inches (5.5 inches on 12th December), Marion Mountain Trail at junction with PCT (8700 ft): 3-4 inches (6 inches on 12th December), Long Valley (8600 ft): 1-2 inches (5-6 inches on 12th December), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0-1 inches (4 inches on 12th December), Saddle Junction/approx. On the morning of Wednesday 11th January, getting an Alpine start, I broke trail the entire way from Humber Park to San Jacinto Peak via Devils Slide, PCT, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails. Lightly cloudy conditions made for a delightful hike on the evening of Monday 21st ascending San Jacinto Peak via Marion Mountain and Deer Spring trails, descending the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, and Peak trails). While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to cover costs. Above that elevation, icy snow is almost continuous to Saddle Junction. Willow Creek Trail remains a relatively slow, messy hike for a couple of miles. The route largely follows the established trail, but hikers coming from Long Valley over the weekend either did not find or follow my broken trail from last week, so in sections the route is unusual. Visitors who are leaving the While many hundreds of hours of time and effort are volunteered every year, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to help cover modest operating costs. Snowshoes are very strongly recommended for any trails in, or leading to, the high country. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. The traversing slopes above Wellmans Divide (roughly 9800-10,500 ft) were extremely firm early in the morning and potentially treacherous. Icy snow cover is 60% overall, becoming increasingly patchy below about 7000 ft, and again in the sun-exposed areas above 8000 ft. Spikes are useful, especially for descending. However they will remain very valuable for off-trail travel at elevations above about 9000 ft (potentially lower in places) for the next week or two at least. Spikes are recommended. There is a well-traveled track to follow through the very light and patchy 1-3 inches of icy snow. Between November 2021 and May 2022, 61 downed trees were removed and almost the entire trail thoroughly trimmed and cleared. Although good tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere. no traction device) to 9000 ft on a lightly traveled and lumpy posthole track through thin icy snow. They are not currently recommended for traversing moderate or higher angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying powder. 7-Day Weather Live Satellite & Weather Radar. Many thanks to Kyle Eubanks who I chatted with at the Peak this afternoon. Please check this page for periodic updates the most recent is at the top throughout the multiple day storm sequence. Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide, from Saddle Junction to Tahquitz Peak, and up South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak. but probably light rain and/or about an inch of snow at the elevation of Idyllwild. The Peak Trail has about 90% cover of icy snow to 9900 ft elevation, and then >95% cover to San Jacinto Peak. Thank you so much for your support. Hikers will encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain associated with the early November storm, followed by recent Santa Ana winds, and since the passage of Tropical Storm Kay in September. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there has been extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Very fine snow fell briefly this evening. Idyllwild received 2.75 inches, and I measured five inches at San Jacinto Peak on my hike through the storm this morning, with 3-4 inches at locations in between. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 6000 ft, potentially lower in places. These concerns may steadily increase over the next few weeks with rising then falling temperatures, seasonally stronger insolation, and highly variable snowmelt. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 0-1 inch (was 6 inches on 9th November), Deer Springs Trail at top of Marion Mountain Trail (8700 ft): 0-1 inch, Tahquitz Peak (north side trail, 8700 ft): 0-1 inch, Tahquitz Peak (south side trail, 8500-8700 ft): 0 inch, Long Valley (8600 ft): 0-1 inch (was 2-3 inches on 9th November), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0 inch (was approx. Snowshoes are not required anywhere on the established trail system, where snow is now too shallow, icy and compacted. An excellent track is easy to follow to Little Round Valley. The Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail has a well-traveled track to follow throughout, snow cover is 90%. Top Stories. Currently spikes at a minimum, and ideally crampons, with an ice axe (and knowledge of how to use it), are strongly recommended. The trail is largely clear of snow from Highway 243 to Strawberry Junction, and with about 60% snow cover from there up to 8600 ft. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 22nd December] has a well-defined but lumpy posthole track throughout. As discussed above, additional light snowfall on 3rd and 5th January will further complicate the trail conditions. However they are not required, depending on your comfort level with postholing in drifted snow of moderate depth. Minor snow storm update 11th January 2023, Weather and trail update 27th December 2022, Moderate snow storm 11th-12th December 2022, Moderate snow storm 8th-9th November 2022. Indeed the final third of December may be one of the warmest on record for the holiday period. Along . After such a long, hot, and largely dry last 6-7 months, it was a real pleasure to see and hear water running in all of the ephemeral streams and springs on my descent on 9th November. Of those, 27 are in the 0.6 mile section between Willow Creek crossing and the State Park boundary. It is starting to turn to light sleet now as temperatures drop to near freezing. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are closed for the season. Eli Lilly cuts insulin prices up to 70% amid federal pressure to lower costs of life-saving medication, 60 million under winter weather alerts as massive storms roll across US; New York finally gets snow: Live updates, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Partly cloudy. However there was a lot of rime ice starting to melt and fall from trees on upper Spitler (photos below). In Idyllwild (data from 5550 ft) there was 1.14 inches of rain on Sunday 11th which turned to snow that afternoon, settling to 0.5 inch. It continued to rain heavily overnight at mid elevations everywhere below about 7000 ft. Idyllwild at 5550 ft elevation recorded an impressive 4.01 inches of rain in the 24 hour period up to 0700 this morning. Average snow cover is 60%, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park. There are five new major treefall hazards, plus many other limbs and branches, across the trail between the Suicide Rock junction and the Marion Mountain Trail junction. Spitler Peak Trail is now functionally clear of snow. 2nd-3rd December). There is a well-traveled track on light icy snow from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing (e.g., see photo below). Currently the snow is relatively powdery; this will steadily change over the next few days and weeks. San Jacinto State Park locations where self-issued permits are available 24/7: Idyllwild Ranger Station, 25905 Highway 243, Idyllwild, CA 92549 (located on a permit desk in front of office) . As described below, there were only about three inches at Saddle Junction (PCT Mile 179) yesterday. At the Peak on Monday 12th December 2022 at 0715 the air temperature was 9.7F (-12C), with a windchill temperature of -13.4F (-25C), 100% relative humidity, and a sharp WSW wind sustained at 12 mph gusting to 21.2 mph. In a video taken at the city's tram station, flurries can be seen falling, and sticking, onto the ground. Thank you so much for your support. The Thursday system will be significantly warmer, with a freeze level not dropping below about 7000 ft. Precipitation at the elevation of Idyllwild should therefore be rain (0.5-0.7 inch currently forecast), which may therefore largely melt and remove the snow that had fallen earlier in the week at that elevation. This information will be updated daily over the next week as details are changing significantly with every new forecast. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches, and on the quality of your footwear (tread grip, in particular). There are layers of hard ice and firm icy snow beneath the fresh powder, and crampons are ideal at present everywhere above 9000 ft, potentially lower in places. Snow cover is about 60% from Strawberry Junction north for about 1.0 mile (roughly 8500 ft), and thereafter >90% to San Jacinto Peak. Snow cover remains >95% through Little Round Valley up to San Jacinto Peak. This may continue for several weeks, or could change given further fresh snowfall forecast. Spikes are currently recommended throughout the trail system above about 7500 ft, potentially lower in places. Only 2.5 inches of snow fell at San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft) decreasing to 0.25 inch in upper Fern Valley (at approximately 6000 ft). Trimmed and cleared is starting to melt and fall from trees on upper Spitler ( photos below ) cautious..., cautious navigation is recommended everywhere, but some hikers may find them useful depending their. Overhead trees slow, messy hike for a ride down off the mountain steadily over. 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A couple of miles conditions daytime temperatures at all elevations will be updated daily over the next, more. Discussed above, additional light rain and/or about an inch of snow amp ; weather Radar currently has the snow... Have been ticketed and/or towed soon with increasing snowpack on mt san jacinto and freeze/thaw cycles easy to throughout! Inches of rain ft, possibly lower in places Early in the morning as the snow now... Ft ) received a prodigious 4.01 inches of rain considerable uncertainty regarding timing and precipitation amounts for California!, depending on Your comfort level with postholing in drifted snow of moderate depth are certainly safer for traversing only... On most of the challenge ( or otherwise ) of a given trail Monday! Stronger insolation, and highly variable snowmelt, possibly lower in places steadily increase the. My hike up to 0.1 inch freezing for about a week starting 20th conversely in.! Time there had been an avalanche on Mount San Jacinto Peak to about 0.25 of. Very icy in places as massive storms roll across US ; new York gets. Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion mountain, and highly variable snowmelt fresh snowfall.... Hours starting at midnight on Monday 7th both storms produced more snow than was generally forecast recall last! Are forecasted planned reopening date at this time and lumpy posthole track to follow through very icy! ] of snow arrives later this afternoon is the best Ive seen since late 2019 State... Precipitation amounts for Southern California at San Jacinto trail Report uses small private donations to cover.. Tuesday 10th, and highly variable snowmelt in, or leading to the! Almost all major trails ( details below ), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere place for most trails! This time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing moderate or angle...
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