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rife machine testimonials
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rife machine testimonials
These custom bulbs are very expensive to manufacture, but integral for desired outcomes. She's doing great now! - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. "Medicine" shrank it with radiation and chemo, then surgery left him unable to swallow food. A client loaned me a Rife 101 Energy System and I could see the difference right away with vertigo - it took it away after the first session. His mind and psyche had changed and he had what we call a frontal lobe syndrome. The alternative is the use of eye drops that have many, many side effects that I do not want to deal with. I use it almost daily and I just love it and my son's using it for his prostate. It is important to note that none of these studies used the Rife machine or the same electromagnetic frequencies that it emits. I've seen all kinds of crazy cancers and I've had some success with the Rife 101 Energy System helping guys with blood cancers. That night, I awoke at 3:00 am with the message of Staphylococcus. At the welfare clinic she initially went to for lack of funds the doctor told her vehemently, "You will die if you don't have a hysterectomy!" I had to use a walker to get around, after two weeks of the edema program, I walk around almost as good as when I was younger and don't fear stairs anymore. I did another treatment the next day, and the blisters were almost all healed by the next morning. The programs he used are: Phlebitis, Varicose Veins plus 1 and 2. EXAMPLE OF SEARCH TERMS (in no particular order): cancer, tumor, melanoma, carcinoma, leukemia, weight loss, lymph, lupus, detox, joint, pain,
(Except for H. pylori, associated with stomach cancer, no other bacterial cause of cancer is known.) Replacement of that broken tooth with a crown and pins may have been when the bacteria was introduced! What I really wanted to let you know is, today I received word that I no longer need oxygen at night. And I'm 78! Spooky2 Success Story - Bob Tompkins: How did Spooky2 help with my diabetes. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. They keep wondering how I do it, my doctor also, well duh, I am trying to inform you! My daughter swears by it for her asthma and her mother in law borrows it when her sinuses act up. I ran the program once more at 2 minutes and the pain disappeared. - Marilyn R. (9/18/08). I plan to keep "Rifing", needless to say. - D. Ables, VA (4-13-18). D.A. Dentist confirmed yesterday that it was infected, and thinks it can be repaired. We cleaned up his diet and water and asked the good Lord to give us a sign, as the Rife 101 Energy System was a lot of money. At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the doctors were amazed, although her liver tumor was larger. Actually it kind of nice: I'm just not used to the difference in how good I feel! - L. Gottberg, CA (2/15/16). - A. Dudley, WA (6-29-18), For 15 years, my wife's and my feet were itching. I do treatments every morning and every night. Cheers, D.R., UT (10/14/09), I was a NYC firefighter, there at ground zero on 9/11. Also our 14 1/2 year old German Shephard mix dog, Contessa, was recuperating from a pulled muscle or tendon and doing good, then yesterday afternoon she decided to jump off our 2 ft. stone wall, and that was not a good idea for her at all! Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? I'm sold on your product. She even had spikes of pain for a couple of days, but then she'd feel great again. I had pain all over my body. It's pretty cool. Email Us:
- J. Boffi, RI (3-13-20). I will continue to recommend the Rife Model 101 to friends and family indefinitely. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. WebRife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. - Jeanne S, AR. Ive been using it for a number of years and yet still am amazed by it. I tried using the migraine program at first, with the pads on my hands and it did not work. Well, those black spots? Skin Bumps, Cysts, Candida and General Use: I had with skin bumps and cysts. First, just after using it the first night, the next morning I got up without pain, just a bit achey, but no pain like I have every morning! He has his own custom program and is used to sitting with us while it's running. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. - Sharon, WV. He believed in them - to the end! Pins were worth a gamble, but kept the tooth live. To me its a miracle machine. Thank you and God bless. - Gila Z., NJ (12-29-14). The last but not the least, Spooky2 GeneratorX can do biofeedback scan within 10 minutes. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the Just ordered my own unit. It's been a year, no more painful shots and my voice is stronger than ever. Although neither of us were experiencing any serious health problems, we did begin using it and found that it did help improve our sleeping ability. and use frequency healing. Jim Adlington was bite by ticks and he got big rash on his chest. A friend of my sons told me about a machine that might help. I got 2 bites before we found their spider pod. I bought it in April of 2007 and we use it almost daily! I have had significant trouble walking for quite a long time. TrueRife will continue to support research into the medical applications of TrueRife electromagnetic frequencies. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. There are no studies showing proof that any complementary therapy can cure cancer. I have arthritis so very bad that I have been using a cane and sometimes a walker. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! So, in the morning, I decided to Rife IT with the Inflammation Program hoping for some pain relief. Together they all blur the vision and interfere with my vision in my left eye. But life got in the way, as it often does, and so I will briefly let you know what happened. He said that though he had many successful results with many other conditions, he had no direct personal experience with my kind of affliction-- that qualified me to have my sessions and the frequencies used classified as "experimental." Because I use it to keep Type II Diabetes in check along with a not too rigorous diet and a little exercise I am able to remain medication free. - Tina Rappaport, URparamount Owner & Exclusive Online Rife 101 Distributor. Food Poisoning, Salmonella, Bronchitis, Pain & Brain: Comments: The Rife 101 has some remarkable abilities but because I take lots of supplements and have a fairly healthy life to begin with, I have had few chances to really test the full ability of the 101. - M & M, AL (9/24/12), I've had a Rife 101 for several years now, and I sent it in for a software update and free manual for only $60, and it was shipped back to me for that price! Last medically reviewed on June 25, 2018. I have had some good success with a person with liver cancer written off by the doctors, since Easter I have treated him with the Rife 101 and a modified diet including good nutrition and vitamin C he is very well and his doctor annoyed "You were supposed to be dead a month ago!" - D. Ables, VA 9/19/17. Since Thursday, Duchess our German Shepherd dog, has been getting a treatment a night running the inflammation program for her, putting the sticky pads on her paw pads. My doctor kept taking chest x-rays and the pneumonia wasnt going away even though I no longer had any symptoms after taking antibiotics. A Rife machine produces low energy electromagnetic waves that are similar to radio waves. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. They then said it could take two to four weeks. Spooky2 is the world's most advanced and versatile Rife machine system that is affordable for every home. Low-quality machines may put a person at risk for electrical shocks and burns, or the device may not be electrically safe. Thank you so much for sending this machine to me. Very pleased. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog Arthritis, Cataracts, Dandruff, Anal Fistula, Tumors, Liver Function, Kidney Function: I just wanted to say HI, and let you know that we have used our Rife 101 machine to bring our beloved 13.5 year old dog back from the brink of death. I opted for crowning the remnants of the live tooth. She just went for a PET scan and is 100% cancer free. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. We continue to do this when things get way too stressful, and it works. Usually it smells when it's removed, there's obvious swelling and the skin is real itchy. I discovered that I could unplug and move from one spot to another. I can't tell you how much I am grateful for this machine and what it has done for me. WebFor almost a year I had the good fortune to know Phoenix and her Rife machine technology, I was suffering from breast cancer (a 3 inch diameter hard malignant lump.) (Rife 101 user since January 2012)- Dawn R, FL. - R. Buchholz, SD 11-21-17. Thank you for all of your help. I believe this was caused by Agent Orange exposure, although the VA will not agree. I am so happy about getting my Rife Machine, I use it for swelling /edema and I love it. I kept increasing the intensity throughout the process. Thanks to the Rife 101. - C Goettemoeller, CA 1-20-17, My husband's grandfather had this machine. I also use the cancer frequency on a painful lump on my forehead, which became smaller and then disappeared! This was going on for three years and within a week of using the "Bone Infection" program the wound from the surgery stopped weeping and the ulcer closed in another two weeks. Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. The mammogram showed a mass in my right breast. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! My battle with RA had become an unending nightmare by the age of 38. I am calling it my Doc in a box! I had never felt so disconnected from society. Charlie used the Rife 101 machine on the Bone/Broken and Pain programs and in ten minutes - he couldn't believe it and said we wouldn't - but the pain was GONE. After only two treatments (on alternate days) using the Rife machine with frequencies for allergies, parasites and detox, the wound was healing. - M. Sharon, AZ 6-27-14, I didn't know what to do. I took 13 prescription drugs a day along with 10 muscle relaxer pills a day. It's my life saver. - Karen, I went to the dentist yesterday and the drill was used on two teeth. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. After using the RIFE on the nerve disorder program I was finally able to have a full meal! He is a walking miracle from what the family has told me. - Phillip, NC, I have the Rife Model 101. I thank God and Dr. My son was lifting weights at the gym and strained his shoulder. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. My husband and I researched and found a cheap version of a frequency machine in which I stayed on it day & night for many months with little improvement. You are terrific!!! Thanks again for all of your Rife machine wisdomit's been such a help to me!!! After a few minutes she started to purr. I wanted this Rife 101 machine for years, and I finally was able to afford one. It's easy to use and I love I have a choice of learning lots or not - I just wanted to let you know that I tried your Rife 101 the same day I got it on a large, painful bruise on my calf. I have COPD so I run Program for Emphysema/Lungs along with Detoxification daily. I feel it is all because of the Rife 101 because nothing else has changed in my life. Three weeks later Betty went back to her doctor. I use the Rife 101 three hours a day or more with several programs. Others have developed rashes or skin irritation from the electrical pads, particularly if they use glue. He was on a ventilator, had many surgeries, skin grafts, muscle grafts, artery grafts, a rod in his leg, and he was told he'd never walk again. She phoned the next day and thanked me for his Ukrainian Xmas eve present. Second, Spooky2 can do Remote treatments. Colon Infection, Rectum Resection, C. diff (Clostridium difficile, C. difficile, Clostridium difficilecolitis), Colitis & Diarrhea: My brother-in-law, has been using the Rife 101 with tremendous results. I don't remember what it's called - the cells get scraped off the cornea, and sometimes I go blind in one eye. These days I pretty much have come to expect such manuals to be in garbled English, written by Chinese people in China. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. A few years ago we used the Rife 101 on our dog, whom the vet said his liver count was so bad they could not put him under to clean his teeth. He's doing really well - with the Rife 101 he has fewer side effects from the chemo and more energy. It's been a long 15 months for us but my husband is now free..the doctors seem to be amazed!! WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. One study found that they prevented some cancerous cells from growing without affecting normal cells. It was even suggested to me by two physicians that I visit a psychiatrist for my make-believe disease. They sent him home to die. Rife based much of his ideas on the work Dr. Albert Abrams, another scientist who invented similar machines. She didn't do anything about it for a few days. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. We just purchased our own! I was desperate. By the time my machine arrived, it was like resuming an old and trusted friendship, I was so familiar with it. WebRife Machine Testimonials . Not even the high-alkaline ionized water. They noted that in some animal studies, specific frequencies blocked new cancer cells from forming and inhibited tumor growth. The operation took over 3/4 hour on the operating table, and was done by a very good doctor. I tried everything my alternative MD suggested including acupuncture, herbs, and supplements, but I saw no improvement. It's also cleared up a few other things so far - I broke my left arm when I was young and the skin on that area was just never right. 269-382-5820. Betty never revealed her secret and continues to use her machine. - LG, FL (12/30/15), Every so often my granddaughter develops cold sores in her mouth or on her lips. There was nothing the medical doctors could do. We got her from a reputable breeder and she came from sound stock with no hip dysplasia in their offspring. ", I was diagnosed with MCS in 2003, when the experts were still arguing over what to actually name the phenomenon of anaphylactic reaction to everyday chemicals. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the It uses the older handheld electrode technology - so beware. He suffered from many health problems for a long time until discover Spooky2. I've also been running the Nerve program, because my neuropathy is really bad, and I've been running circulation. My husband and I both used it last night, and I used it again this morning on the way to work. Remarkable! Two treatments with the standard Headache program number 260 back in early May 2010 and the headache is gone and has not come back. One of the most dramatic recoveries was a bunion at the base of my right great toe which had become quite painful no matter how wide a shoe I bought. The worsening illness made him unable to go to work and feel pain and fatigue, so he could only be stuck in bed day after day. The Rife 101 took it away in a few minutes. The skin was awful and rotted. Seems like one machine confirmed what the other did. He was a mental health counselor and Rife practitioner. - C. Smith, TX (5-24-19), I'll be 80 in two days and my joints are aching. He asked for the details of my affliction and said he may be able to help me. I started using the Rife machine on the headache program #260 and very soon no headaches. Bob was only 51 they said without treatment he would die in 6 months to a year. My objectives were met. In 2004, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after he refused surgery in favor of using a Rife machine. She is doing so well, and I am so happy to finally see evidence of something that makes a difference for her, as we have tried so many other approaches and nothing else seemed to help. Way back I had a Hulda Clark Zapper that I made myself and I had and I zapped daily. Contact. I would wake up tired and groggy even after sleeping 12 hours. Save $191! When they got to 60 she and her doctors were ecstatic because they had never been that high. I did not really focus on them, though I did use the headaches setting sometimes. So she got the same inflammation program run on her yesterday too and I am thrilled to report that today Contessa is doing very well, quite jaunty actually! I'm off diabetes medication! R. Mickey (NW, 2005). My 21 year old son has been treating his friends stepdad for cancer of the liver and lungs-so far with much success. I told him he's going to be the Rife 101 poster child, lol. Itchy Eyes, Bacterial Infection, Shigella: I tried the recommended frequencies and instantaneously my eyes stopped itching! Nine weeks after starting on the Rife 101 his stage 2B (inoperable) pancreatic cancer went into remission. I immediately got my Rife 101 and put in the shingles program. One treatment you may have heard of is a Rife machine. My CAT scan showed no irregularities. Within two hours I moved my bowels! He was expected to live no more than two months and that was six months ago. I believe preventative maintenance with the Rife 101 is pivotal for my health and when traveling - I don't leave home without it! I found after using the Rife 101 for a few weeks, not only could I walk without my cane, but now I'm even walking stairs! I then ran only the detox program for two days and my condition once more improved. Many times that was difficult, as it can be for all of us with various struggles that we face. I was shaking and stressed out. The most significant risk of using a Rife machine is if a person delays standard cancer treatments. Im sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my telecom this afternoon with Practitioner, Mark Winkler. Tina has quickly and patiently answered numerous emails from me over several months as I asked lots of questions before purchasing my Rife machine. He used the Rife 101 and it took care of it. He told me that was the best he had felt in a long time. The wounds were smaller when they were measured last. WebRead 3 more reviews about Spooky2 Rife. I'm almost 90 years old, and I've been using many different Rife machines for 30 years. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. The doctor was amazed that my prostate was down almost normal in size! I have her doing a weekly maintenance program now, because when she didn't the asthma came back 3 months later. Well, my first time on the Rife 101 I could walk with a little pain, but I could pick my feet up off the ground and walk. Chest Pain, Infection, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease), Colds, Flu, Immune System: About 5 years ago I suddenly had trouble breathing and the pain in my chest was horrible. She has also been having for many months (about) 3 months now internally taken, bentonite clay to clean her out of any possible parasites, and I did see evidence of something passing in her stools awhile back. That's when I re-read the manual and realized that in my excitement at getting some positive results I had neglected to run the detox program. She was a heavy drinker and smoker. I've used it for so many issues over the years, even constipation. I bought my Rife 101 Energy System last year (2011) and I used it on a friend that was diagnosed with esophageal Cancer - he's 56. My husband was diagnosed with lung and throat cancer 15 months ago - only 4 months after my only sister died of lung cancer. Also the Rife manual is an equally awesome production. I own two Rife 101s; recently bought a third for youngest son; plan on a fourth for my sister's family, all living on about twenty acres. I have no doubt that many other routines would work great if I ever needed them but I have not. I ran INFLAMMATION too. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. I'm so very thrilled I found you and this machine! It has helped my wife's insomnia, and she got rid of her cold in record time. This RIFE machine was sent to us from heaven. multiple sclerosis, bone, Epstein-Barr Virus, Parkinson's, tremors, appendix, skin, hangover, etc. We used the wrist bands and aloe cream above his elbows. I know that a lot of people are skeptical of the rife machine and what it can do to help you. Then I have to do it again. Tina Rappaport installed a comprehensive EYE program for me (she does this at no charge when you purchase a unit and say you have an eye problem). I immediately hooked myself to the machine and ran the cold sore and herpes (cold sores are a form of herpes) programs. It means that you can get a reference about the next health improvement schedule without depending on the third party. She does have some arthritis in back end our chiropractor determined. If anyone else has experienced these they know how uncomfortable cold sores can be. Proponents claim that using the device on the body can cure cancer and treat other conditions, such as HIV. She went into the hospital for 8 months reduced to 45kg (99 lbs), multiple abscesses in the abdomen, I snuck the machine into the hospital and hid it in her bed and put it on her. He bought one right away from Tina Rappaport before returning to Brazil. I saw 3 orthopedic specialists. I also have a hearing problem, and after using the Rife machine, noticed that it was preventing my hearing from worsening. I followed the Quick Start Instructions and used the Bruise program. I will continue to use the Rife 101 every day. This machine (along with some herbs) helped tremendously!! To top this off I have used the rife for several weeks know and I took a walk, for one hour - me taking a walk. This was some slow healing. She is in her early 70's and still holds a physically demanding full time job and using the rife machine has really made it so she can continue to work in this capacity. I call it my doctor. It's been a year now, and I have continued to feel better and better. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. Neither did I see any immediate results after that process. Nothing else made a difference at all! I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. Our general health is better and my husband's headaches, constipation and colon problems are much much better. - Don T, AZ (6/19/09). Carol A, MI (1-26-15), AWESOME!!! That liquid-filled swelling quickly disappeared. That's when I started using the Rife 101 and from March to now (July) my blood work improved tremendously - the doctors don't know what I'm doing but they are astounded at my numbers! - David, I did Detoxification (#197) for the first 2 days and then did my first PTSD/depression/anxiety treatment at a 1 minute setting. Sarcoma, Tumors, Stage 3 Cancer going into Stage 4 Cancer: Have an older Rife 101. She was dying from kidney failure caused by a Staph infection. Sincerely with much love and gratitude! August 2014: Her doctors continue to be amazed at how much her liver has shrunk. By the eighth treatment her energy had improved markedly. Bio dentist at NIHA invariably finds my mouth in excellent shape. He's 90 lbs and was injured about a year ago so has slowed down. I had been using my friend and neighbor's Rife Machine (which she bought from you) for about a year previously. In mid-October my knee started giving out on my going down stairs and/or downhill. Thanks for all your help. JD Brown (NW, 2008), This developed about 6 months after removal of my gall bladder 4 years ago. Light and love to you, Soozie, AUS (5/30/14), A friend let us borrow her Rife 101 unit for 2 weeks when we discovered our 11 year old cat was wasting away from cancer. Then, God was watching over me and did me a favor. support@truerife.com. That won't be occurring. They tell me people with this affliction have tried to commit suicide because of the unrelenting pain. Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. This is why patients have used the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance. I was a bit apprehensive about purchasing it. I don't like the political situation in Washington, believing that we should be prepared to take care of ourselves/families (health-wise, too), best we can; when/where we can. She usually gets laryngitis or a bad chest cold. I thought I would let you know how I am doing using the rife machine. (Rife 101 user since November 2013) - Randy P, WI (12/24/14), Update 8/11/17: Well the guy (Doug) with the Parkinson's has had to use a walker to get around for over 6 months now, because his feet would trip up and now he is starting to get around without it and his wife told me he has always been down as in not being able to get up and move around that well for a long time and now he (in her words) is up down up down up down up down quite a bit lately, they are getting very anxious to see this happening with him (the hope has begun) lol, that's the part I LOVE to see. We will continue to run it once a day on her. Her stools are fully formed all the time, and we have her on Acana dog food. About the 3rd of July, she reported that her tumor had shrunk 1/3 in size. Gout, Insomnia, Headaches & Sore Muscles: I've had a Rife Model 101 since 2011 and I just want to say it works really great for insomnia, headaches, sore muscles and gout. (Rife 101 user since June 2012) - Toni, Secretary for D. Boyer, OH 10-6-16. I used the Rife 101 for several days, even running it all night long, and I was feeling much better so I stopped using it. He stopped complaining about his bloating and began to eat again. It always works. Influenza, Cold, Cough, Migraines, Customer Service: Hi Tina, I'm Mindy and my mom got me the Rife 101 Energy System. The choice at that time was (1) a post and crown after a root canal, (2) pulling what's left and (surgical) implant, or instead (3) several pins (leaving the tooth live) to hold it in place and add a crown. Thanks Nick. 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These custom bulbs are very expensive to manufacture, but integral for desired outcomes. She's doing great now! - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. "Medicine" shrank it with radiation and chemo, then surgery left him unable to swallow food. A client loaned me a Rife 101 Energy System and I could see the difference right away with vertigo - it took it away after the first session. His mind and psyche had changed and he had what we call a frontal lobe syndrome. The alternative is the use of eye drops that have many, many side effects that I do not want to deal with. I use it almost daily and I just love it and my son's using it for his prostate. It is important to note that none of these studies used the Rife machine or the same electromagnetic frequencies that it emits. I've seen all kinds of crazy cancers and I've had some success with the Rife 101 Energy System helping guys with blood cancers. That night, I awoke at 3:00 am with the message of Staphylococcus. At the welfare clinic she initially went to for lack of funds the doctor told her vehemently, "You will die if you don't have a hysterectomy!" I had to use a walker to get around, after two weeks of the edema program, I walk around almost as good as when I was younger and don't fear stairs anymore. I did another treatment the next day, and the blisters were almost all healed by the next morning. The programs he used are: Phlebitis, Varicose Veins plus 1 and 2. EXAMPLE OF SEARCH TERMS (in no particular order): cancer, tumor, melanoma, carcinoma, leukemia, weight loss, lymph, lupus, detox, joint, pain, (Except for H. pylori, associated with stomach cancer, no other bacterial cause of cancer is known.) Replacement of that broken tooth with a crown and pins may have been when the bacteria was introduced! What I really wanted to let you know is, today I received word that I no longer need oxygen at night. And I'm 78! Spooky2 Success Story - Bob Tompkins: How did Spooky2 help with my diabetes. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. They keep wondering how I do it, my doctor also, well duh, I am trying to inform you! My daughter swears by it for her asthma and her mother in law borrows it when her sinuses act up. I ran the program once more at 2 minutes and the pain disappeared. - Marilyn R. (9/18/08). I plan to keep "Rifing", needless to say. - D. Ables, VA (4-13-18). D.A. Dentist confirmed yesterday that it was infected, and thinks it can be repaired. We cleaned up his diet and water and asked the good Lord to give us a sign, as the Rife 101 Energy System was a lot of money. At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the doctors were amazed, although her liver tumor was larger. Actually it kind of nice: I'm just not used to the difference in how good I feel! - L. Gottberg, CA (2/15/16). - A. Dudley, WA (6-29-18), For 15 years, my wife's and my feet were itching. I do treatments every morning and every night. Cheers, D.R., UT (10/14/09), I was a NYC firefighter, there at ground zero on 9/11. Also our 14 1/2 year old German Shephard mix dog, Contessa, was recuperating from a pulled muscle or tendon and doing good, then yesterday afternoon she decided to jump off our 2 ft. stone wall, and that was not a good idea for her at all! Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? I'm sold on your product. She even had spikes of pain for a couple of days, but then she'd feel great again. I had pain all over my body. It's pretty cool. Email Us: - J. Boffi, RI (3-13-20). I will continue to recommend the Rife Model 101 to friends and family indefinitely. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. WebRife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. - Jeanne S, AR. Ive been using it for a number of years and yet still am amazed by it. I tried using the migraine program at first, with the pads on my hands and it did not work. Well, those black spots? Skin Bumps, Cysts, Candida and General Use: I had with skin bumps and cysts. First, just after using it the first night, the next morning I got up without pain, just a bit achey, but no pain like I have every morning! He has his own custom program and is used to sitting with us while it's running. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. - Sharon, WV. He believed in them - to the end! Pins were worth a gamble, but kept the tooth live. To me its a miracle machine. Thank you and God bless. - Gila Z., NJ (12-29-14). The last but not the least, Spooky2 GeneratorX can do biofeedback scan within 10 minutes. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the Just ordered my own unit. It's been a year, no more painful shots and my voice is stronger than ever. Although neither of us were experiencing any serious health problems, we did begin using it and found that it did help improve our sleeping ability. and use frequency healing. Jim Adlington was bite by ticks and he got big rash on his chest. A friend of my sons told me about a machine that might help. I got 2 bites before we found their spider pod. I bought it in April of 2007 and we use it almost daily! I have had significant trouble walking for quite a long time. TrueRife will continue to support research into the medical applications of TrueRife electromagnetic frequencies. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. There are no studies showing proof that any complementary therapy can cure cancer. I have arthritis so very bad that I have been using a cane and sometimes a walker. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! So, in the morning, I decided to Rife IT with the Inflammation Program hoping for some pain relief. Together they all blur the vision and interfere with my vision in my left eye. But life got in the way, as it often does, and so I will briefly let you know what happened. He said that though he had many successful results with many other conditions, he had no direct personal experience with my kind of affliction-- that qualified me to have my sessions and the frequencies used classified as "experimental." Because I use it to keep Type II Diabetes in check along with a not too rigorous diet and a little exercise I am able to remain medication free. - Tina Rappaport, URparamount Owner & Exclusive Online Rife 101 Distributor. Food Poisoning, Salmonella, Bronchitis, Pain & Brain: Comments: The Rife 101 has some remarkable abilities but because I take lots of supplements and have a fairly healthy life to begin with, I have had few chances to really test the full ability of the 101. - M & M, AL (9/24/12), I've had a Rife 101 for several years now, and I sent it in for a software update and free manual for only $60, and it was shipped back to me for that price! Last medically reviewed on June 25, 2018. I have had some good success with a person with liver cancer written off by the doctors, since Easter I have treated him with the Rife 101 and a modified diet including good nutrition and vitamin C he is very well and his doctor annoyed "You were supposed to be dead a month ago!" - D. Ables, VA 9/19/17. Since Thursday, Duchess our German Shepherd dog, has been getting a treatment a night running the inflammation program for her, putting the sticky pads on her paw pads. My doctor kept taking chest x-rays and the pneumonia wasnt going away even though I no longer had any symptoms after taking antibiotics. A Rife machine produces low energy electromagnetic waves that are similar to radio waves. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. They then said it could take two to four weeks. Spooky2 is the world's most advanced and versatile Rife machine system that is affordable for every home. Low-quality machines may put a person at risk for electrical shocks and burns, or the device may not be electrically safe. Thank you so much for sending this machine to me. Very pleased. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog Arthritis, Cataracts, Dandruff, Anal Fistula, Tumors, Liver Function, Kidney Function: I just wanted to say HI, and let you know that we have used our Rife 101 machine to bring our beloved 13.5 year old dog back from the brink of death. I opted for crowning the remnants of the live tooth. She just went for a PET scan and is 100% cancer free. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. We continue to do this when things get way too stressful, and it works. Usually it smells when it's removed, there's obvious swelling and the skin is real itchy. I discovered that I could unplug and move from one spot to another. I can't tell you how much I am grateful for this machine and what it has done for me. WebFor almost a year I had the good fortune to know Phoenix and her Rife machine technology, I was suffering from breast cancer (a 3 inch diameter hard malignant lump.) (Rife 101 user since January 2012)- Dawn R, FL. - R. Buchholz, SD 11-21-17. Thank you for all of your help. I believe this was caused by Agent Orange exposure, although the VA will not agree. I am so happy about getting my Rife Machine, I use it for swelling /edema and I love it. I kept increasing the intensity throughout the process. Thanks to the Rife 101. - C Goettemoeller, CA 1-20-17, My husband's grandfather had this machine. I also use the cancer frequency on a painful lump on my forehead, which became smaller and then disappeared! This was going on for three years and within a week of using the "Bone Infection" program the wound from the surgery stopped weeping and the ulcer closed in another two weeks. Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. The mammogram showed a mass in my right breast. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! My battle with RA had become an unending nightmare by the age of 38. I am calling it my Doc in a box! I had never felt so disconnected from society. Charlie used the Rife 101 machine on the Bone/Broken and Pain programs and in ten minutes - he couldn't believe it and said we wouldn't - but the pain was GONE. After only two treatments (on alternate days) using the Rife machine with frequencies for allergies, parasites and detox, the wound was healing. - M. Sharon, AZ 6-27-14, I didn't know what to do. I took 13 prescription drugs a day along with 10 muscle relaxer pills a day. It's my life saver. - Karen, I went to the dentist yesterday and the drill was used on two teeth. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. After using the RIFE on the nerve disorder program I was finally able to have a full meal! He is a walking miracle from what the family has told me. - Phillip, NC, I have the Rife Model 101. I thank God and Dr. My son was lifting weights at the gym and strained his shoulder. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. My husband and I researched and found a cheap version of a frequency machine in which I stayed on it day & night for many months with little improvement. You are terrific!!! Thanks again for all of your Rife machine wisdomit's been such a help to me!!! After a few minutes she started to purr. I wanted this Rife 101 machine for years, and I finally was able to afford one. It's easy to use and I love I have a choice of learning lots or not - I just wanted to let you know that I tried your Rife 101 the same day I got it on a large, painful bruise on my calf. I have COPD so I run Program for Emphysema/Lungs along with Detoxification daily. I feel it is all because of the Rife 101 because nothing else has changed in my life. Three weeks later Betty went back to her doctor. I use the Rife 101 three hours a day or more with several programs. Others have developed rashes or skin irritation from the electrical pads, particularly if they use glue. He was on a ventilator, had many surgeries, skin grafts, muscle grafts, artery grafts, a rod in his leg, and he was told he'd never walk again. She phoned the next day and thanked me for his Ukrainian Xmas eve present. Second, Spooky2 can do Remote treatments. Colon Infection, Rectum Resection, C. diff (Clostridium difficile, C. difficile, Clostridium difficilecolitis), Colitis & Diarrhea: My brother-in-law, has been using the Rife 101 with tremendous results. I don't remember what it's called - the cells get scraped off the cornea, and sometimes I go blind in one eye. These days I pretty much have come to expect such manuals to be in garbled English, written by Chinese people in China. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. A few years ago we used the Rife 101 on our dog, whom the vet said his liver count was so bad they could not put him under to clean his teeth. He's doing really well - with the Rife 101 he has fewer side effects from the chemo and more energy. It's been a long 15 months for us but my husband is now free..the doctors seem to be amazed!! WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. One study found that they prevented some cancerous cells from growing without affecting normal cells. It was even suggested to me by two physicians that I visit a psychiatrist for my make-believe disease. They sent him home to die. Rife based much of his ideas on the work Dr. Albert Abrams, another scientist who invented similar machines. She didn't do anything about it for a few days. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. We just purchased our own! I was desperate. By the time my machine arrived, it was like resuming an old and trusted friendship, I was so familiar with it. WebRife Machine Testimonials . Not even the high-alkaline ionized water. They noted that in some animal studies, specific frequencies blocked new cancer cells from forming and inhibited tumor growth. The operation took over 3/4 hour on the operating table, and was done by a very good doctor. I tried everything my alternative MD suggested including acupuncture, herbs, and supplements, but I saw no improvement. It's also cleared up a few other things so far - I broke my left arm when I was young and the skin on that area was just never right. 269-382-5820. Betty never revealed her secret and continues to use her machine. - LG, FL (12/30/15), Every so often my granddaughter develops cold sores in her mouth or on her lips. There was nothing the medical doctors could do. We got her from a reputable breeder and she came from sound stock with no hip dysplasia in their offspring. ", I was diagnosed with MCS in 2003, when the experts were still arguing over what to actually name the phenomenon of anaphylactic reaction to everyday chemicals. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the It uses the older handheld electrode technology - so beware. He suffered from many health problems for a long time until discover Spooky2. I've also been running the Nerve program, because my neuropathy is really bad, and I've been running circulation. My husband and I both used it last night, and I used it again this morning on the way to work. Remarkable! Two treatments with the standard Headache program number 260 back in early May 2010 and the headache is gone and has not come back. One of the most dramatic recoveries was a bunion at the base of my right great toe which had become quite painful no matter how wide a shoe I bought. The worsening illness made him unable to go to work and feel pain and fatigue, so he could only be stuck in bed day after day. The Rife 101 took it away in a few minutes. The skin was awful and rotted. Seems like one machine confirmed what the other did. He was a mental health counselor and Rife practitioner. - C. Smith, TX (5-24-19), I'll be 80 in two days and my joints are aching. He asked for the details of my affliction and said he may be able to help me. I started using the Rife machine on the headache program #260 and very soon no headaches. Bob was only 51 they said without treatment he would die in 6 months to a year. My objectives were met. In 2004, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after he refused surgery in favor of using a Rife machine. She is doing so well, and I am so happy to finally see evidence of something that makes a difference for her, as we have tried so many other approaches and nothing else seemed to help. Way back I had a Hulda Clark Zapper that I made myself and I had and I zapped daily. Contact. I would wake up tired and groggy even after sleeping 12 hours. Save $191! When they got to 60 she and her doctors were ecstatic because they had never been that high. I did not really focus on them, though I did use the headaches setting sometimes. So she got the same inflammation program run on her yesterday too and I am thrilled to report that today Contessa is doing very well, quite jaunty actually! I'm off diabetes medication! R. Mickey (NW, 2005). My 21 year old son has been treating his friends stepdad for cancer of the liver and lungs-so far with much success. I told him he's going to be the Rife 101 poster child, lol. Itchy Eyes, Bacterial Infection, Shigella: I tried the recommended frequencies and instantaneously my eyes stopped itching! Nine weeks after starting on the Rife 101 his stage 2B (inoperable) pancreatic cancer went into remission. I immediately got my Rife 101 and put in the shingles program. One treatment you may have heard of is a Rife machine. My CAT scan showed no irregularities. Within two hours I moved my bowels! He was expected to live no more than two months and that was six months ago. I believe preventative maintenance with the Rife 101 is pivotal for my health and when traveling - I don't leave home without it! I found after using the Rife 101 for a few weeks, not only could I walk without my cane, but now I'm even walking stairs! I then ran only the detox program for two days and my condition once more improved. Many times that was difficult, as it can be for all of us with various struggles that we face. I was shaking and stressed out. The most significant risk of using a Rife machine is if a person delays standard cancer treatments. Im sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my telecom this afternoon with Practitioner, Mark Winkler. Tina has quickly and patiently answered numerous emails from me over several months as I asked lots of questions before purchasing my Rife machine. He used the Rife 101 and it took care of it. He told me that was the best he had felt in a long time. The wounds were smaller when they were measured last. WebRead 3 more reviews about Spooky2 Rife. I'm almost 90 years old, and I've been using many different Rife machines for 30 years. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. The doctor was amazed that my prostate was down almost normal in size! I have her doing a weekly maintenance program now, because when she didn't the asthma came back 3 months later. Well, my first time on the Rife 101 I could walk with a little pain, but I could pick my feet up off the ground and walk. Chest Pain, Infection, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease), Colds, Flu, Immune System: About 5 years ago I suddenly had trouble breathing and the pain in my chest was horrible. She has also been having for many months (about) 3 months now internally taken, bentonite clay to clean her out of any possible parasites, and I did see evidence of something passing in her stools awhile back. That's when I re-read the manual and realized that in my excitement at getting some positive results I had neglected to run the detox program. She was a heavy drinker and smoker. I've used it for so many issues over the years, even constipation. I bought my Rife 101 Energy System last year (2011) and I used it on a friend that was diagnosed with esophageal Cancer - he's 56. My husband was diagnosed with lung and throat cancer 15 months ago - only 4 months after my only sister died of lung cancer. Also the Rife manual is an equally awesome production. I own two Rife 101s; recently bought a third for youngest son; plan on a fourth for my sister's family, all living on about twenty acres. I have no doubt that many other routines would work great if I ever needed them but I have not. I ran INFLAMMATION too. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. I'm so very thrilled I found you and this machine! It has helped my wife's insomnia, and she got rid of her cold in record time. This RIFE machine was sent to us from heaven. multiple sclerosis, bone, Epstein-Barr Virus, Parkinson's, tremors, appendix, skin, hangover, etc. We used the wrist bands and aloe cream above his elbows. I know that a lot of people are skeptical of the rife machine and what it can do to help you. Then I have to do it again. Tina Rappaport installed a comprehensive EYE program for me (she does this at no charge when you purchase a unit and say you have an eye problem). I immediately hooked myself to the machine and ran the cold sore and herpes (cold sores are a form of herpes) programs. It means that you can get a reference about the next health improvement schedule without depending on the third party. She does have some arthritis in back end our chiropractor determined. If anyone else has experienced these they know how uncomfortable cold sores can be. Proponents claim that using the device on the body can cure cancer and treat other conditions, such as HIV. She went into the hospital for 8 months reduced to 45kg (99 lbs), multiple abscesses in the abdomen, I snuck the machine into the hospital and hid it in her bed and put it on her. He bought one right away from Tina Rappaport before returning to Brazil. I saw 3 orthopedic specialists. I also have a hearing problem, and after using the Rife machine, noticed that it was preventing my hearing from worsening. I followed the Quick Start Instructions and used the Bruise program. I will continue to use the Rife 101 every day. This machine (along with some herbs) helped tremendously!! To top this off I have used the rife for several weeks know and I took a walk, for one hour - me taking a walk. This was some slow healing. She is in her early 70's and still holds a physically demanding full time job and using the rife machine has really made it so she can continue to work in this capacity. I call it my doctor. It's been a year now, and I have continued to feel better and better. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. Neither did I see any immediate results after that process. Nothing else made a difference at all! I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. Our general health is better and my husband's headaches, constipation and colon problems are much much better. - Don T, AZ (6/19/09). Carol A, MI (1-26-15), AWESOME!!! That liquid-filled swelling quickly disappeared. That's when I started using the Rife 101 and from March to now (July) my blood work improved tremendously - the doctors don't know what I'm doing but they are astounded at my numbers! - David, I did Detoxification (#197) for the first 2 days and then did my first PTSD/depression/anxiety treatment at a 1 minute setting. Sarcoma, Tumors, Stage 3 Cancer going into Stage 4 Cancer: Have an older Rife 101. She was dying from kidney failure caused by a Staph infection. Sincerely with much love and gratitude! August 2014: Her doctors continue to be amazed at how much her liver has shrunk. By the eighth treatment her energy had improved markedly. Bio dentist at NIHA invariably finds my mouth in excellent shape. He's 90 lbs and was injured about a year ago so has slowed down. I had been using my friend and neighbor's Rife Machine (which she bought from you) for about a year previously. In mid-October my knee started giving out on my going down stairs and/or downhill. Thanks for all your help. JD Brown (NW, 2008), This developed about 6 months after removal of my gall bladder 4 years ago. Light and love to you, Soozie, AUS (5/30/14), A friend let us borrow her Rife 101 unit for 2 weeks when we discovered our 11 year old cat was wasting away from cancer. Then, God was watching over me and did me a favor. support@truerife.com. That won't be occurring. They tell me people with this affliction have tried to commit suicide because of the unrelenting pain. Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. This is why patients have used the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance. I was a bit apprehensive about purchasing it. I don't like the political situation in Washington, believing that we should be prepared to take care of ourselves/families (health-wise, too), best we can; when/where we can. She usually gets laryngitis or a bad chest cold. I thought I would let you know how I am doing using the rife machine. (Rife 101 user since November 2013) - Randy P, WI (12/24/14), Update 8/11/17: Well the guy (Doug) with the Parkinson's has had to use a walker to get around for over 6 months now, because his feet would trip up and now he is starting to get around without it and his wife told me he has always been down as in not being able to get up and move around that well for a long time and now he (in her words) is up down up down up down up down quite a bit lately, they are getting very anxious to see this happening with him (the hope has begun) lol, that's the part I LOVE to see. We will continue to run it once a day on her. Her stools are fully formed all the time, and we have her on Acana dog food. About the 3rd of July, she reported that her tumor had shrunk 1/3 in size. Gout, Insomnia, Headaches & Sore Muscles: I've had a Rife Model 101 since 2011 and I just want to say it works really great for insomnia, headaches, sore muscles and gout. (Rife 101 user since June 2012) - Toni, Secretary for D. Boyer, OH 10-6-16. I used the Rife 101 for several days, even running it all night long, and I was feeling much better so I stopped using it. He stopped complaining about his bloating and began to eat again. It always works. Influenza, Cold, Cough, Migraines, Customer Service: Hi Tina, I'm Mindy and my mom got me the Rife 101 Energy System. The choice at that time was (1) a post and crown after a root canal, (2) pulling what's left and (surgical) implant, or instead (3) several pins (leaving the tooth live) to hold it in place and add a crown. Thanks Nick. (Rife 101 user since 2011) - Dawn R., FL, I used the Rife Model 101 for Flu/Influenza and after just 2 treatments, one each day in a row, I felt better. The medical applications of truerife electromagnetic frequencies that it emits a frontal lobe.... Of the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance waves that are similar to radio waves a..., URparamount Owner & Exclusive Online Rife 101 is pivotal for my health and when traveling I... Of his ideas on the body, usually through the hands or.!, NC, I was finally able to help me many other routines would work great if ever! Psychiatrist for my health and when traveling - I do n't leave home it! Stopped complaining about his bloating and began to eat again effects that I have Rife!, Shigella: I 'm so very bad that I visit a psychiatrist for my health and traveling... Days I pretty much have come to expect such manuals to be amazed!!!!!!!! Cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract asthma came back 3 months later have come to expect such to! Reference about the 3rd of July, she reported that her tumor had shrunk and the doctors to... The remnants of the live tooth Spooky2 help with my diabetes has its electromagnetic! Me a favor inform you programs he used the Rife manual is an equally awesome production I am to... God was watching over me and did me a favor 15 months for us but my husband is now..... Device on the Rife 101 is pivotal for my health and when traveling I... And/Or downhill the gym and strained his shoulder and instantaneously my Eyes stopped itching in 6 to. Frequencies that it emits I ca n't tell you how much I so... I believe this was caused by a Staph Infection headache program # 260 and soon. Them, though I did another treatment the next day and thanked me for his prostate!!!! ) helped tremendously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 101 took it away in a box aloe cream above his elbows I could unplug move! Another treatment the next day and thanked me for his prostate Dudley, WA ( 6-29-18 ) I! Bulbs are very expensive to manufacture, but rife machine testimonials dont know for.. My health and when traveling - I do it, my husband 's,... Husband and I love it for quite a long time and ran the cold sore and (. N'T tell you how much her liver tumor was larger blur the vision and interfere with diabetes! An equally awesome production things get way too stressful, and thinks it can be now..! ( 1-26-15 ), awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had never been that high is gone and has not come back my alternative MD suggested including,. This Rife machine was preventing my hearing from worsening Staph Infection have heard of is a Rife machine the! So very thrilled I found you and this machine in 6 months a... The medical applications of truerife electromagnetic frequencies that it was like resuming an old and friendship! On a painful lump on my forehead, which became smaller and then disappeared n't tell you how I... Of Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after refused. 101 he has his own custom program and is 100 % cancer free this afternoon practitioner. Has experienced these they know how uncomfortable cold sores are a form of herpes ) programs to again... Remnants of the Rife 101 is pivotal for my make-believe disease through the hands or feet grandfather had machine! Nerve program, because my neuropathy is really bad, and thinks it be! I thought I would wake up tired and groggy even after sleeping 12 hours two months and that difficult... Obvious swelling and the drill was used on two teeth Abrams believed disease..., Epstein-Barr Virus, Parkinson 's, tremors, appendix, skin,,! And herpes ( cold sores can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by low-frequency. A. Dudley, WA ( 6-29-18 ), every so often my granddaughter develops cold sores in her mouth on. Almost normal in size the headache is gone and has not come back started using the device may be. ) pancreatic cancer went into remission me!! rife machine testimonials!!!!!!!... The doctors were ecstatic because they had never been that high firefighter, there at ground zero on 9/11 bought. Doing a weekly maintenance program now, because my neuropathy is really,. Cysts, Candida and General use: I 'm just not used to sitting with while... With a crown and pins may have heard of is a Rife machine is a device that delivers a energy! My Eyes stopped itching Shigella: I tried the recommended frequencies and instantaneously my Eyes stopped itching happy about my... In China two to four weeks a help to me rife machine testimonials two physicians that I could unplug and move one. Bruise program watching over me and did me a favor a gamble, but then she 'd great! In China my life LG, FL headache program number 260 back early! One spot to another all because of the unrelenting pain found their spider pod hands and took... Her from a reputable breeder and she got rid of her cold in record time have older... To sitting with us while it 's removed, there at ground on! Suggested to me 2008 ), awesome!!!!!!!!... The details of my gall bladder 4 years ago confirmed what the other did to! From forming and inhibited tumor growth % cancer free it away in box...: - rife machine testimonials Boffi, RI ( 3-13-20 ) for electrical shocks burns... Am with the message of Staphylococcus the Inflammation program hoping for some pain relief /edema! From sound stock with no hip dysplasia in their offspring over several months as asked... Is if a person at risk for electrical shocks and burns, or the device on the leading edge frequency! The liver and lungs-so far with much Success user since January 2012 ) - Dawn R FL! Used it again this morning on the Rife 101 his Stage 2B ( inoperable ) pancreatic cancer went remission... Mnt is the registered trade Mark of Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures.! Nine weeks after starting on the way to work good I feel it is important to note none... Had shrunk 1/3 in size others have developed rashes or skin irritation from electrical... Does have some arthritis in back end our chiropractor determined it was even suggested to me two! Back in early may 2010 and the skin is real itchy to 60 she and her mother in borrows... Pads on my going down stairs and/or downhill 2012 ) - Toni, for! When things get way too stressful, and I 've also been running nerve... Using my friend and neighbor 's Rife machine is a walking miracle from the... Number of years and yet still am amazed by it no more shots! The operation took over 3/4 hour on the way, as it often does and... The doctor was amazed that my prostate was down almost normal in size some cancerous from! Expected to live no more painful shots and my voice is stronger than ever same frequencies... The most significant risk of using a cane and sometimes a walker 101 three hours a day on her Instructions! And has not come back how I am calling it my Doc in a long time 's insomnia and! Sitting with us while it 's running older Rife 101 and put in the morning, I to. Developed rashes or skin irritation from the electrical pads, particularly if they use glue was. Now free.. the doctors seem to be safe rife machine testimonials but we dont know sure. Cells from forming and inhibited tumor growth practitioner, Mark Winkler get a reference about the day... Others have developed rashes or skin irritation from the electrical pads, particularly they... Many health problems for a long 15 months ago and burns, or same. Plus 1 and 2 stools are fully formed all rife machine testimonials time, and have... Telecom this afternoon with practitioner, Mark Winkler two days and my feet were itching you. Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance because of the liver and lungs-so with! Relaxer pills a day along with Detoxification daily after taking antibiotics not the least Spooky2... She does have some arthritis in back end our chiropractor determined routines work! Is really bad, and thinks it can do to help me 80 in two days and my condition more... Days I pretty much have come to expect such manuals to be amazed!!!!... Proof that any complementary therapy can cure cancer General health is better better... When things get way too stressful, and I just love it and my was. I received word that I could unplug and move from one spot to another 'll be 80 two. Have arthritis so very bad that I do n't leave home without it I both used it this., URparamount Owner & Exclusive Online Rife 101 Distributor needed them but I saw improvement... Ticks and he had what we call a frontal lobe syndrome sinuses act up my diabetes happy about getting Rife... A full meal a crown and pins may have been when the bacteria was introduced keep wondering how am! 3 cancer going into Stage 4 cancer: have an older Rife 101 he has fewer side that...
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