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» principal entry plan examples
principal entry plan examples
principal entry plan examplesprincipal entry plan examples
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principal entry plan examples
endobj What changes would we need to make to realize these hopes and dreams? This document will provide our school administration, staff, students and community insight into my vision and thought process, and will outline my goals to aligning Normandin Middle School along a path of Greatness. a) Beginning in September it is important that the staff and I collectively examine our initiatives and programs. Learn more about our Costa Rica Live Mastermind Event here! endobj Updated website & new principal blog, student survey. It is also a good time to start a chess club/team! 0000040397 00000 n
Positive consequencesmay include praising progress and accomplishment, validating efforts and ideas, honoring teamwork and cooperation, delegating earned authority and responsibility, and increasing trust of a team members independent action. Establish a culture of learning. 0000001499 00000 n
I believe this will give us a common understanding of where BHS stands and where we want BHS to be. b) Open the doors to all staff by meeting bi-weekly on Saturdays to roll up our sleeves to discuss our school, its problems & solutions. Develop a deeper understanding of the high schools strengths, challenges, and opportunities through different stakeholders' perspectives. There may be different follow-up questions that are unique to each interview session: Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. It is vital to make a strong first impression. 4 0 obj 0000001512 00000 n
0000002859 00000 n
There is a direct correlation between teacher/administrative visibility in the school and reduced disciplinary issues and improved learning. 0000007021 00000 n
Collaboratively develop a school improvement/strategic action plan that focuses on innovation and new thinking that emerges from the entry plan results. During opening day for teachers I will explain to them that visibility and collaboration are priorities at our school. 7 0 obj We must look in the mirror, not out the window for solutions. Following these three keys over 90 days will enable many leaders to increase clarity, align activities, and create discretionary energy in their organization. ie
+N$!j'U-g'-$M+jXad/r-\.\*$Ql"FLpx]whk. Follow this up by meeting with the custodial team to endorse the plan, offer support and encouragement and set high expectations. Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center - Preschool, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Use discussion questions in Appendix A as a guide. Resist the urge to fix things immediately. Your Third 30 Days' Mantra: ALIGN. Our in-house PD will focus on personalization and inter-disciplinary work on curriculum, instruction and assessment. What do you feel we need to do to support our students socially/emotionally? The first phase is one of observation. be a good template for a post-contract entry plan, rather than a plan submitted as part of the interview process. The final phase of my recommended 90-day plan requires the leader to align activities to declared expectations. Follow this up by meeting with the custodial team to endorse the plan, offer support and encouragement and set high expectations. Process 1. S te w ar t, P r i n c i p al Ju l y 2 017( u p d ate d S e p te mb e r 2 017) . A new school leader in their first year should evaluate the results of the survey with committees of staff and stakeholders as well. It has always been my dream to create a school that acts as a . To do this we must commit to the philosophy that allstudents can learn. Finding out who your stakeholders are in your entry plan, not only provides feedback for learning how to achieve site goals, yet also enables connections for principals and the school community. b) Principal No Office Day: To model the importance of visibility and accessibility I will place my desk in the main entrance foyer of the school for the opening week of school. 0000051942 00000 n
I would like our teachers working together solving our problems and improving our school. century global environment. In our school expectations will be clear to all stakeholders and modeled by the principal. To support our faculty and staff socially/emotionally. One of our most popular 5-day challenges in 2021 was something we called the Back to School Boot Camp. We didnt LOVE the title, but we certainly ADORED the content. 0000006663 00000 n
Meet with Normandin administration (possible admin retreat), Invite staff to summer team building event (tbd)-have fun, build connections, Letter to staff: introduction, invite to meet, share my blog link. 9 0 obj !1w[pi_CF8CLa
XP}P|N{.PP7\ew1T 5KhW. This is a great opportunity for students to chat in a comfortable environment with their principal. The website and blog should include principals message, entry plan highlights, new initiatives, school calendar, upcoming parent, student and community meetings, exciting things happening at our school, student & teacher highlights, curriculum, etc. A mastermind member moved from New York City to southern California, chasing a principals position. In September organize structured meetings with all staff. HVMoFKhRfhIFz6fR},)R%-l;f7o?~zO }mKB^)Zpaz"^'I'IC~htg7lfqrCd^(fWV/n.8Kp_|}X>|. )&2N $I48%5Ggmw2nF~g4-G_|;%[?tFv A Principal Entry Plan A Sample Plan from new principal entry plan template, image source: 10 0 obj O U>]\?BJ Principal 90-Day Entry Plan F LaCara Hawkes Longwood University PEDU 595 August 4, 2018 E Statement of Purpose With times of innovation and creativity being important, it is my intentions to foster a positive and collaborative learning environment that communicates in all aspects to obtain success. The website and blog should include principals message, entry plan highlights, new initiatives, school calendar, upcoming parent, student and community meetings, exciting things happening at our school, student & teacher highlights, curriculum, etc. January 23, 2020 by picti93. Additionally, data from an AP's peers or direct reports (i.e., through 360 reports or 2x2 . A new school leader in their first year should evaluate the results of the survey with committees of staff and stakeholders as well. We may not get through all the questions but will focus on what the group feels is most important. What kind of leadership are you looking for from me? Some areas you might explore and evaluate: However also look at parent involvement, which are community connections that provide resources for your students. Assistant Principal's Entry Plan Timeline As soon as possible *Meet with PTA President *Start to visit classrooms *Promote an open door policy to students, staff, and community members *Start to meet with members of community organizations, ie.police, fire, etc. Awareness" criteria are not explicitly included in the development plan template, this is a good opportunity to assess an AP's self-awareness of his or her strengths and growth areas. We must demand from each other that we be the best person we can be with regard to character, honor and integrity. Ourschool will be a place where academic and personal excellence is an expectation for all. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. He explains that we dont have great schools because we have good schools society is content with good. Use discussion questions in Appendix A as a guide. Tour the interior and exterior of building and develop a summer cleaning and maintenance plan that will bring our school to a new level. endobj Ultimately it is what students learn that matters. Food is a great enticement for kids. A place where the climate provides personalized learning for every student, built on strong student, staff, family, business and community partnerships. 6 3. Our success is dependent upon our. I utilised the concepts from this article last year and I thought I might give you some of my thoughts/experiences with it. school will be a place where students, staff, parents, administrators and community members work together and take ownership in developing and maintaining a dynamic student-centered learning environment. My vision is to lead Normandin Middle School so that it is not only the best middle school in Massachusetts, but also the best school period! 0000066192 00000 n
0000001849 00000 n
Focus will be on setting the tone for personalization and high expectations. (for parent/caregiver), How would characterize the teaching and learning philosophy at BHS? A place where everyone is treated with respect, treated fairly and appreciated. Now, were not currently running this challenge live, but the 5-day challenge content is available for free in our private Facebook group. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> It may be at breakfast, lunch or during provided breaks in the day. A1vjp zN6p\W
pG@ The leader needs to learn about their players staff and volunteer roles, their passions and skills, and even their social styles. +Xxr[YSLfuy"V|9weH%mP' ce`X|%prX
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9Jt@=~=@> Heres Your 90-Day Plan. If you are a new leader walking into any situation, the following will combine a safe and nurturing environment, cultivated with high expectations, fueled with positive relationships. Our administrative team will be very visible: we will be everywhere and anywhere! 0000026319 00000 n
The criteria will be that the wall must celebrate our successes. The leader must first formalize the organizations vision, values, valued behaviors, strategies, and goals. [ /ICCBased 9 0 R ] The use of question sheets is . The opening day of school must establish expectations, vision and values. An Entry Plan serves as the principal's. Students must demand from themselves that they do everything in their power to succeed in school, while the adults do. Our administrative team will be very visible: we will be everywhere and anywhere! The principal & administration team will meet with all students the first day of school to explain our expectations and highlight our expectations on student behavior. >> We must all take ownership in our school and commit to doing whatever it takes to be the best school- period! Goals (cont. Meet with Business In addition, please feel free to send me an email with answers to my questions as another alternative. Our students, staff and parents deserve a clean and inviting facility. Part I: Introduction and Rationale: I am honored and excited to begin my journey as the principal of Charles E. Walters Elementary School. 0000001040 00000 n
In order to move to the next level, we must build upon our strengths and face our challenges head-on as outlined in this Entry Plan. 0000002061 00000 n
>> >> Meetings will also include a tech 10 10 minutes of sharing new & exciting breakthroughs we are using in technology. It is my job as principal to assess our systems, identify weaknesses and improve upon them, but that is not enough. (for community members). Staff meetings will value professional learning. List of strengths and weaknesses for each of our programs and initiatives. Terrific that this approach worked for you, Natalie! The entry plan provides a framework for successfully meeting the demands and challenges that are immediate and pervasive in the new principalship. 2. Measurement of Goal: Updated website & new principal blog, student survey, Updated Website & New Principal BlogOur New Blog. Hb```f``e`230 P9@>[X6.dd]`K7zz&8JJmUxdd`BS:
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Eldridge Principal Entry Plan 9 Discuss PBIS behavior plan and consequences; identify any new initiatives discussed with leadership team Be visible and interactive before, during, and after school; observe students in many learning environments, not just the content classroom August 2017- ongoing stream Doing so will ensure focus attention on select areas expressed. Website Accessibility and Request Alternate Format, Admission Policy for Vocational Technical Education Programs. As a result, we should see a decline in discipline incidents in our school. %PDF-1.3
Professional development plan. We must have an organized system that sets clear expectations for students and answers the following 4 questions: Measurement of Goal: List of strengths and weaknesses for each of our programs and initiatives. Growing your network and collaborating on the work in paradise is an opportunity too good to pass up! 2612 , working with others to analyze and interpret the data and bringing the patterns and themes that emerge to the BHS stakeholders to discuss. My time at Charles E. Walters over the past two years has allowed me to . %%EOF
endobj After 2 months of being there, learned it was failing and in jeopardy of closing, the staff was in the process of unionizing and it was a charter school. Each faculty meeting will begin with a Moment of Excellence in which we will celebrate our successes (engagements, marriages, new teachers, degrees, birthdays, new exciting lessons, student work, perfect attendance, etc.). How would you like to communicate with your principal? 0000005861 00000 n
0000001864 00000 n
It must be, fundamental belief that all students can learn and achieve at high levels. I believe my strong administrative qualities are a perfect match for the needs of Normandin Middle School, its students and staff. 0000005645 00000 n
If that doesnt align behavior, lovingly set the team member free (from employment with your organization). Hb```f````e``
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Dqm - Effective expeditions generally begin with a plan and a map acknowledging the potential challenges as well as the skills needed to progress through the journey. These days were spent shadowing students, visiting classes, and talking with students and staff. He blogs, podcasts, and video casts. Data includes survey feedback, as well as a review of previous years statistics comparing students in the surrounding community as well. We must look in the mirror, not out the window for solutions. It is important that we establish a culture of confidence, excitement and excellence before the first day of school. Engage Administration: (August/September). It has always been my dream to create a school that acts as a home away from home. I would love the opportunity to join the New Bedford Public School District as the next principal of Normandin Middle School. We will then set goals to improve student learning. These values will be shared with everyone on our 1stday of school. It is important that it reflects the schools energy. (for students), What is your students learning experience at BHS? Entry Plan enables three kinds of learning: learning about your new place, learning about yourself, and collective learning about the organization . We will then set goals to improve student learning. * This plan is a draft and is subject to change based on collaborated input from our school family, Goal #1. Data should indicate common stakeholder beliefs in our schools strengths, weaknesses and vision for excellence. %PDF-1.4
HWMc+qa"`1C69b")J3iW^U{*PC*'U^vTU_Ug^jW=jCr`zQI}~Av$ ability to work as a team and plan, implement and execute our shared vision. The entrance to our school should exude confidence, success and pride. 0000006816 00000 n
The opening day of school must establish expectations, vision and values. The area I found most challenging was in aligning activities because the Chief Executive was unable/unwilling to pin point what her priorities were. Develop a plan for staff to work together to assess our needs and establish goals to improve student learning. It is important that we understand and respect the great New Bedford history and contribute as model citizens. I have found the process of developing this plan insightful, challenging and rewarding. . The plan helped to remove some of her concerns but I really had to keep taking her back to the plan when she would retreat into her typical reactionary responses of things didnt seem to move fast enough for her. The following are my entry plan goals: Develop a deeper understanding of the high school's strengths, challenges, and opportunities through different stakeholders' perspectives. endstream
WSD ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL ENTRY PLAN 2 Elementary Principal Entry Plan Warwick School District is an organization characterized by enriching the whole child, establishing genuine connections with stakeholders, and delivering an academic experience of exceptional quality. Select learning goals that can begin in Sept. or when your schools begin and end when your schools view it to be so. We must commit to giving back to our community through community service learning. Data Analysis should also clarify target areas for immediate improvement. This Live Mastermind Event is focused on teaching a brand-new framework we have called the Leadership Optimization Compass. Learn about the stated and unstated core values, norms, expectations, and goals of the high school community. School Culture / Climate Become familiar with and understand vision & mission Identify the needs of the staff, students, parents, community that need to be addressed Prioritize those needs School Improvement Plan Ensure practices in place support the school improvement plan An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. 2 0 obj K0iABZyCAP8C@&*CP=#t] 4}a
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&x*sb|! If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. endobj He is the author of two Amazon bestsellers: Good Comes First (2021) and The Culture Engine (2014). Each faculty meeting will begin with a Moment of Excellence in which we will celebrate our successes (engagements, marriages, new teachers, degrees, birthdays, new exciting lessons, student work, perfect attendance, etc.). [@+LLZ7umeuAcXi 12 0 obj 6 3. Two more specific goals: Establish relationships Learn about the school's history, where we are now, and where our stakeholders think we should go That being said, here's the majority of my entry plan. She was also incredibly fearful of my impending departure but found it difficult to trust others to take on tasks shed normally assign to me and my team. In order to move to the next level, we must build upon our strengths and face our challenges head-on as outlined in this Entry Plan. Model, Reteach, & Reinforce PBIS using Creek SOAR Foster a safe and positive learning environment This should lead to increased teacher visibility in the halls during passing. Look for groups of students that show a pattern of needing assistance and assess how supported special education students and language learners are as well. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. We must work together, support each other and realize that no one person is bigger than the school/family. One-On-One Voluntary Interviews with Teachers and Staff 40 minutes set aside for each meeting. Normandin can, and should be, the model school for the state. A school principal must consider these areas when focusing survey questions to teachers, parents, and students. `MJX3'8=0s``X ! \>b:r wfDsZxA4{ n~
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Q-Ff I would like our teachers working together solving our problems and improving our school. This should lead to increased teacher visibility in the halls during passing. These values will be shared with everyone on our 1, Expectations set for principal and teachers to be visible in our. Key Words: Beginning principals; rural principals; entry plan. 1 day a week the principal will distribute a memo/newsletter (. Effective accountability means the leader utilizes a combination of positive consequences and negative consequences to maintain traction towards desired outcomes and citizenship by all team members. Principal, Secondary Principal, Director of K-12 Technology, Department chairs, Teacher Leaders During first 30 - 60 days . Entry plans are a common requirement upon being hired. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. This complex task cannot be accomplished by any one person; it will require strong commitments from our students, staff, administration, parents and community members. 646 0 obj
SMITH ENTRY PLAN FALL 2013 2 Purpose The purpose of the Entry Plan is to learn about the school and to develop an action plan for leadership. Parents, students, and staff make up the other three, however knowing who is in your community is crucial to knowing what place your school plays in your neighborhood. XaZD640B?S'&jX;B&r:L\0)3d~*@ This is a great opportunity for students to chat in a comfortable environment with their principal. The school was the 3rd lowest performing, and an entry plan was evident. (for individual interviews), What is your learning experience at BHS? hs2z\nLA"Sdr%,lt We should greet students as they enter school, visit other teachers classrooms, and attend student events when possible. Maybe the best opportunity to work on your entry plan (and optimize your leadership) is to join us in Costa Rica this Jan 13-15, 2023. Our school is our family success is a by-product of our commitment to working together and respecting each other. It is important that we have a communication model that allows all our voices to be heard, while maintaining a clear focus on our goals. stream Effective accountability means the leader utilizes a combination of positive consequences and negative consequences to maintain traction towards desired outcomes and citizenship by all team members. This will give them a leadership role and opportunity to improve our school. :3@o-sXqz8 :]P V*T1E=!_dYE'.`&o#Jk`_syur9kEO4E"45EKT_>`5/|\ZHsEL2+\{!ZE12_=J 6L*t02m~s cE&Vz<
\JOek59ZfRviV5vBIAG+ifs6$;,?I0OStSIBZbRbeoCadGU; The leader shares all these with team members and secures team member commitment to them. Principal Entry Plan Falkland Elementary School F al k l an d E l e me n tar y S c h ool 503 N C -121 G r e e n vi l l e , N C 2 7834 F e r d on i a B . a) As I meet with staff, students/families over the summer, part of the conversation will be about our family values at our school. We must have an exciting, well-prepared opening to our school year. Please reach out if there are other documents or resources you feel would be helpful to my understanding. Unique to each interview session: Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. all rights reserved leader to align activities declared. My job as principal to assess our needs and establish goals to improve student learning a,... What students learn that matters Mastermind member moved from new York City to southern California chasing. 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endobj What changes would we need to make to realize these hopes and dreams? This document will provide our school administration, staff, students and community insight into my vision and thought process, and will outline my goals to aligning Normandin Middle School along a path of Greatness. a) Beginning in September it is important that the staff and I collectively examine our initiatives and programs. Learn more about our Costa Rica Live Mastermind Event here! endobj Updated website & new principal blog, student survey. It is also a good time to start a chess club/team! 0000040397 00000 n Positive consequencesmay include praising progress and accomplishment, validating efforts and ideas, honoring teamwork and cooperation, delegating earned authority and responsibility, and increasing trust of a team members independent action. Establish a culture of learning. 0000001499 00000 n I believe this will give us a common understanding of where BHS stands and where we want BHS to be. b) Open the doors to all staff by meeting bi-weekly on Saturdays to roll up our sleeves to discuss our school, its problems & solutions. Develop a deeper understanding of the high schools strengths, challenges, and opportunities through different stakeholders' perspectives. There may be different follow-up questions that are unique to each interview session: Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. It is vital to make a strong first impression. 4 0 obj 0000001512 00000 n 0000002859 00000 n There is a direct correlation between teacher/administrative visibility in the school and reduced disciplinary issues and improved learning. 0000007021 00000 n Collaboratively develop a school improvement/strategic action plan that focuses on innovation and new thinking that emerges from the entry plan results. During opening day for teachers I will explain to them that visibility and collaboration are priorities at our school. 7 0 obj We must look in the mirror, not out the window for solutions. Following these three keys over 90 days will enable many leaders to increase clarity, align activities, and create discretionary energy in their organization. ie +N$!j'U-g'-$M+jXad/r-\.\*$Ql"FLpx]whk. Follow this up by meeting with the custodial team to endorse the plan, offer support and encouragement and set high expectations. Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center - Preschool, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Use discussion questions in Appendix A as a guide. Resist the urge to fix things immediately. Your Third 30 Days' Mantra: ALIGN. Our in-house PD will focus on personalization and inter-disciplinary work on curriculum, instruction and assessment. What do you feel we need to do to support our students socially/emotionally? The first phase is one of observation. be a good template for a post-contract entry plan, rather than a plan submitted as part of the interview process. The final phase of my recommended 90-day plan requires the leader to align activities to declared expectations. Follow this up by meeting with the custodial team to endorse the plan, offer support and encouragement and set high expectations. Process 1. S te w ar t, P r i n c i p al Ju l y 2 017( u p d ate d S e p te mb e r 2 017) . A new school leader in their first year should evaluate the results of the survey with committees of staff and stakeholders as well. It has always been my dream to create a school that acts as a . To do this we must commit to the philosophy that allstudents can learn. Finding out who your stakeholders are in your entry plan, not only provides feedback for learning how to achieve site goals, yet also enables connections for principals and the school community. b) Principal No Office Day: To model the importance of visibility and accessibility I will place my desk in the main entrance foyer of the school for the opening week of school. 0000051942 00000 n I would like our teachers working together solving our problems and improving our school. century global environment. In our school expectations will be clear to all stakeholders and modeled by the principal. To support our faculty and staff socially/emotionally. One of our most popular 5-day challenges in 2021 was something we called the Back to School Boot Camp. We didnt LOVE the title, but we certainly ADORED the content. 0000006663 00000 n Meet with Normandin administration (possible admin retreat), Invite staff to summer team building event (tbd)-have fun, build connections, Letter to staff: introduction, invite to meet, share my blog link. 9 0 obj !1w[pi_CF8CLa XP}P|N{.PP7\ew1T 5KhW. This is a great opportunity for students to chat in a comfortable environment with their principal. The website and blog should include principals message, entry plan highlights, new initiatives, school calendar, upcoming parent, student and community meetings, exciting things happening at our school, student & teacher highlights, curriculum, etc. A mastermind member moved from New York City to southern California, chasing a principals position. In September organize structured meetings with all staff. HVMoFKhRfhIFz6fR},)R%-l;f7o?~zO }mKB^)Zpaz"^'I'IC~htg7lfqrCd^(fWV/n.8Kp_|}X>|. )&2N $I48%5Ggmw2nF~g4-G_|;%[?tFv A Principal Entry Plan A Sample Plan from new principal entry plan template, image source: 10 0 obj O U>]\?BJ Principal 90-Day Entry Plan F LaCara Hawkes Longwood University PEDU 595 August 4, 2018 E Statement of Purpose With times of innovation and creativity being important, it is my intentions to foster a positive and collaborative learning environment that communicates in all aspects to obtain success. The website and blog should include principals message, entry plan highlights, new initiatives, school calendar, upcoming parent, student and community meetings, exciting things happening at our school, student & teacher highlights, curriculum, etc. January 23, 2020 by picti93. Additionally, data from an AP's peers or direct reports (i.e., through 360 reports or 2x2 . A new school leader in their first year should evaluate the results of the survey with committees of staff and stakeholders as well. We may not get through all the questions but will focus on what the group feels is most important. What kind of leadership are you looking for from me? Some areas you might explore and evaluate: However also look at parent involvement, which are community connections that provide resources for your students. Assistant Principal's Entry Plan Timeline As soon as possible *Meet with PTA President *Start to visit classrooms *Promote an open door policy to students, staff, and community members *Start to meet with members of community organizations, ie.police, fire, etc. Awareness" criteria are not explicitly included in the development plan template, this is a good opportunity to assess an AP's self-awareness of his or her strengths and growth areas. We must demand from each other that we be the best person we can be with regard to character, honor and integrity. Ourschool will be a place where academic and personal excellence is an expectation for all. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. He explains that we dont have great schools because we have good schools society is content with good. Use discussion questions in Appendix A as a guide. Tour the interior and exterior of building and develop a summer cleaning and maintenance plan that will bring our school to a new level. endobj Ultimately it is what students learn that matters. Food is a great enticement for kids. A place where the climate provides personalized learning for every student, built on strong student, staff, family, business and community partnerships. 6 3. Our success is dependent upon our. I utilised the concepts from this article last year and I thought I might give you some of my thoughts/experiences with it. school will be a place where students, staff, parents, administrators and community members work together and take ownership in developing and maintaining a dynamic student-centered learning environment. My vision is to lead Normandin Middle School so that it is not only the best middle school in Massachusetts, but also the best school period! 0000066192 00000 n 0000001849 00000 n Focus will be on setting the tone for personalization and high expectations. (for parent/caregiver), How would characterize the teaching and learning philosophy at BHS? A place where everyone is treated with respect, treated fairly and appreciated. Now, were not currently running this challenge live, but the 5-day challenge content is available for free in our private Facebook group. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> It may be at breakfast, lunch or during provided breaks in the day. A1vjp zN6p\W pG@ The leader needs to learn about their players staff and volunteer roles, their passions and skills, and even their social styles. +Xxr[YSLfuy"V|9weH%mP' ce`X|%prX syXPrR uL 6(0!~O0'&]EyOg2YswMSj1`wZgggIiy LhyjOALW7L`7$QMsAvM 9Jt@=~=@> Heres Your 90-Day Plan. If you are a new leader walking into any situation, the following will combine a safe and nurturing environment, cultivated with high expectations, fueled with positive relationships. Our administrative team will be very visible: we will be everywhere and anywhere! 0000026319 00000 n The criteria will be that the wall must celebrate our successes. The leader must first formalize the organizations vision, values, valued behaviors, strategies, and goals. [ /ICCBased 9 0 R ] The use of question sheets is . The opening day of school must establish expectations, vision and values. An Entry Plan serves as the principal's. Students must demand from themselves that they do everything in their power to succeed in school, while the adults do. Our administrative team will be very visible: we will be everywhere and anywhere! The principal & administration team will meet with all students the first day of school to explain our expectations and highlight our expectations on student behavior. >> We must all take ownership in our school and commit to doing whatever it takes to be the best school- period! Goals (cont. Meet with Business In addition, please feel free to send me an email with answers to my questions as another alternative. Our students, staff and parents deserve a clean and inviting facility. Part I: Introduction and Rationale: I am honored and excited to begin my journey as the principal of Charles E. Walters Elementary School. 0000001040 00000 n In order to move to the next level, we must build upon our strengths and face our challenges head-on as outlined in this Entry Plan. 0000002061 00000 n >> >> Meetings will also include a tech 10 10 minutes of sharing new & exciting breakthroughs we are using in technology. It is my job as principal to assess our systems, identify weaknesses and improve upon them, but that is not enough. (for community members). Staff meetings will value professional learning. List of strengths and weaknesses for each of our programs and initiatives. Terrific that this approach worked for you, Natalie! The entry plan provides a framework for successfully meeting the demands and challenges that are immediate and pervasive in the new principalship. 2. Measurement of Goal: Updated website & new principal blog, student survey, Updated Website & New Principal BlogOur New Blog. Hb```f``e`230 P9@>[X6.dd]`K7zz&8JJmUxdd`BS: @K8Lfcs f/+4-v8 ;yMwv0X01`8x-Cwi>`00v&i& b)@A,D@ LKB_ endstream endobj 200 0 obj 217 endobj 188 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 183 0 R /Resources << /ColorSpace << /CS0 189 0 R /CS1 191 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS0 198 0 R /GS1 197 0 R >> /Font << /TT0 190 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> /Contents 193 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 /StructParents 0 >> endobj 189 0 obj [ /ICCBased 196 0 R ] endobj 190 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 148 /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 833 778 0 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 0 0 0 0 444 0 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 0 667 556 611 722 722 944 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 0 0 0 541 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 444 444 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /BHBIOA+TimesNewRoman /FontDescriptor 192 0 R >> endobj 191 0 obj /DeviceGray endobj 192 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 656 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -568 -307 2028 1007 ] /FontName /BHBIOA+TimesNewRoman /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 94 /XHeight 0 /FontFile2 195 0 R >> endobj 193 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 194 0 R >> stream 0000059024 00000 n Eldridge Principal Entry Plan 9 Discuss PBIS behavior plan and consequences; identify any new initiatives discussed with leadership team Be visible and interactive before, during, and after school; observe students in many learning environments, not just the content classroom August 2017- ongoing stream Doing so will ensure focus attention on select areas expressed. Website Accessibility and Request Alternate Format, Admission Policy for Vocational Technical Education Programs. As a result, we should see a decline in discipline incidents in our school. %PDF-1.3 % Professional development plan. We must have an organized system that sets clear expectations for students and answers the following 4 questions: Measurement of Goal: List of strengths and weaknesses for each of our programs and initiatives. Growing your network and collaborating on the work in paradise is an opportunity too good to pass up! 2612 , working with others to analyze and interpret the data and bringing the patterns and themes that emerge to the BHS stakeholders to discuss. My time at Charles E. Walters over the past two years has allowed me to . %%EOF endobj After 2 months of being there, learned it was failing and in jeopardy of closing, the staff was in the process of unionizing and it was a charter school. Each faculty meeting will begin with a Moment of Excellence in which we will celebrate our successes (engagements, marriages, new teachers, degrees, birthdays, new exciting lessons, student work, perfect attendance, etc.). How would you like to communicate with your principal? 0000005861 00000 n 0000001864 00000 n It must be, fundamental belief that all students can learn and achieve at high levels. I believe my strong administrative qualities are a perfect match for the needs of Normandin Middle School, its students and staff. 0000005645 00000 n If that doesnt align behavior, lovingly set the team member free (from employment with your organization). Hb```f````e`` cd@ A+| }MnQNU.dlZHv,[Od5m&wNl/,Nct;Ll=eTTW Gu"eRz:zD5j>+739VtF4c0 A s-`ipu } Dqm - Effective expeditions generally begin with a plan and a map acknowledging the potential challenges as well as the skills needed to progress through the journey. These days were spent shadowing students, visiting classes, and talking with students and staff. He blogs, podcasts, and video casts. Data includes survey feedback, as well as a review of previous years statistics comparing students in the surrounding community as well. We must look in the mirror, not out the window for solutions. It is important that we establish a culture of confidence, excitement and excellence before the first day of school. Engage Administration: (August/September). It has always been my dream to create a school that acts as a home away from home. I would love the opportunity to join the New Bedford Public School District as the next principal of Normandin Middle School. We will then set goals to improve student learning. These values will be shared with everyone on our 1stday of school. It is important that it reflects the schools energy. (for students), What is your students learning experience at BHS? Entry Plan enables three kinds of learning: learning about your new place, learning about yourself, and collective learning about the organization . We will then set goals to improve student learning. * This plan is a draft and is subject to change based on collaborated input from our school family, Goal #1. Data should indicate common stakeholder beliefs in our schools strengths, weaknesses and vision for excellence. %PDF-1.4 % HWMc+qa"`1C69b")J3iW^U{*PC*'U^vTU_Ug^jW=jCr`zQI}~Av$ ability to work as a team and plan, implement and execute our shared vision. The entrance to our school should exude confidence, success and pride. 0000006816 00000 n The opening day of school must establish expectations, vision and values. The area I found most challenging was in aligning activities because the Chief Executive was unable/unwilling to pin point what her priorities were. Develop a plan for staff to work together to assess our needs and establish goals to improve student learning. It is important that we understand and respect the great New Bedford history and contribute as model citizens. I have found the process of developing this plan insightful, challenging and rewarding. . The plan helped to remove some of her concerns but I really had to keep taking her back to the plan when she would retreat into her typical reactionary responses of things didnt seem to move fast enough for her. The following are my entry plan goals: Develop a deeper understanding of the high school's strengths, challenges, and opportunities through different stakeholders' perspectives. endstream endobj startxref WSD ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL ENTRY PLAN 2 Elementary Principal Entry Plan Warwick School District is an organization characterized by enriching the whole child, establishing genuine connections with stakeholders, and delivering an academic experience of exceptional quality. Select learning goals that can begin in Sept. or when your schools begin and end when your schools view it to be so. We must commit to giving back to our community through community service learning. Data Analysis should also clarify target areas for immediate improvement. This Live Mastermind Event is focused on teaching a brand-new framework we have called the Leadership Optimization Compass. Learn about the stated and unstated core values, norms, expectations, and goals of the high school community. School Culture / Climate Become familiar with and understand vision & mission Identify the needs of the staff, students, parents, community that need to be addressed Prioritize those needs School Improvement Plan Ensure practices in place support the school improvement plan An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. 2 0 obj K0iABZyCAP8C@&*CP=#t] 4}a ;GDxJ> ,_@FXDBX$!k"EHqaYbVabJ0cVL6f3bX'?v 6-V``[a;p~\2n5 &x*sb|! If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. endobj He is the author of two Amazon bestsellers: Good Comes First (2021) and The Culture Engine (2014). Each faculty meeting will begin with a Moment of Excellence in which we will celebrate our successes (engagements, marriages, new teachers, degrees, birthdays, new exciting lessons, student work, perfect attendance, etc.). [@+LLZ7umeuAcXi 12 0 obj 6 3. Two more specific goals: Establish relationships Learn about the school's history, where we are now, and where our stakeholders think we should go That being said, here's the majority of my entry plan. She was also incredibly fearful of my impending departure but found it difficult to trust others to take on tasks shed normally assign to me and my team. In order to move to the next level, we must build upon our strengths and face our challenges head-on as outlined in this Entry Plan. Model, Reteach, & Reinforce PBIS using Creek SOAR Foster a safe and positive learning environment This should lead to increased teacher visibility in the halls during passing. Look for groups of students that show a pattern of needing assistance and assess how supported special education students and language learners are as well. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. We must work together, support each other and realize that no one person is bigger than the school/family. One-On-One Voluntary Interviews with Teachers and Staff 40 minutes set aside for each meeting. Normandin can, and should be, the model school for the state. A school principal must consider these areas when focusing survey questions to teachers, parents, and students. `MJX3'8=0s``X ! \>b:r wfDsZxA4{ n~ endstream endobj 76 0 obj 346 endobj 49 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 42 0 R /Resources 50 0 R /Contents 58 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 50 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TT2 57 0 R /TT4 54 0 R /TT6 53 0 R /TT8 60 0 R /TT9 62 0 R /TT11 64 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 67 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs6 55 0 R >> >> endobj 51 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 905 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -211 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [ -628 -376 2000 1010 ] /FontName /ONNPLC+Arial,Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 133 /FontFile2 65 0 R >> endobj 52 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 1000 /CapHeight 734 /Descent -206 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [ -600 -207 1338 1034 ] /FontName /ONNPMD+Tahoma /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 96 /XHeight 546 /FontFile2 69 0 R >> endobj 53 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 150 /Widths [ 313 0 0 0 0 0 674 0 383 383 0 0 303 363 303 382 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 354 354 0 0 0 474 0 600 589 601 678 561 521 667 675 373 417 588 498 771 667 708 551 708 621 557 584 656 0 902 0 576 0 383 0 383 0 0 0 525 553 461 553 526 318 553 558 229 282 498 229 840 558 543 553 553 360 446 334 558 498 742 495 498 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 401 401 0 546 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /ONNPMD+Tahoma /FontDescriptor 52 0 R >> endobj 54 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 57 /Widths [ 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /ONNPLC+Arial,Bold /FontDescriptor 51 0 R >> endobj 55 0 obj [ /ICCBased 68 0 R ] endobj 56 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 905 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -211 /Flags 96 /FontBBox [ -517 -325 1082 998 ] /FontName /ONNPKA+Arial,Italic /ItalicAngle -15 /StemV 0 /FontFile2 66 0 R >> endobj 57 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 32 /Widths [ 278 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /ONNPKA+Arial,Italic /FontDescriptor 56 0 R >> endobj 58 0 obj << /Length 2016 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream kK`b":Y M y3-M nJ/9VzRtMrs[?NB9IHthBAl$%^'EERH Q-Ff I would like our teachers working together solving our problems and improving our school. This should lead to increased teacher visibility in the halls during passing. These values will be shared with everyone on our 1, Expectations set for principal and teachers to be visible in our. Key Words: Beginning principals; rural principals; entry plan. 1 day a week the principal will distribute a memo/newsletter (. Effective accountability means the leader utilizes a combination of positive consequences and negative consequences to maintain traction towards desired outcomes and citizenship by all team members. Principal, Secondary Principal, Director of K-12 Technology, Department chairs, Teacher Leaders During first 30 - 60 days . Entry plans are a common requirement upon being hired. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. This complex task cannot be accomplished by any one person; it will require strong commitments from our students, staff, administration, parents and community members. 646 0 obj <>stream SMITH ENTRY PLAN FALL 2013 2 Purpose The purpose of the Entry Plan is to learn about the school and to develop an action plan for leadership. Parents, students, and staff make up the other three, however knowing who is in your community is crucial to knowing what place your school plays in your neighborhood. XaZD640B?S'&jX;B&r:L\0)3d~*@ This is a great opportunity for students to chat in a comfortable environment with their principal. The school was the 3rd lowest performing, and an entry plan was evident. (for individual interviews), What is your learning experience at BHS? hs2z\nLA"Sdr%,lt We should greet students as they enter school, visit other teachers classrooms, and attend student events when possible. Maybe the best opportunity to work on your entry plan (and optimize your leadership) is to join us in Costa Rica this Jan 13-15, 2023. Our school is our family success is a by-product of our commitment to working together and respecting each other. It is important that we have a communication model that allows all our voices to be heard, while maintaining a clear focus on our goals. stream Effective accountability means the leader utilizes a combination of positive consequences and negative consequences to maintain traction towards desired outcomes and citizenship by all team members. This will give them a leadership role and opportunity to improve our school. :3@o-sXqz8 :]P V*T1E=!_dYE'.`&o#Jk`_syur9kEO4E"45EKT_>`5/|\ZHsEL2+\{!ZE12_=J 6L*t02m~s cE&Vz< \JOek59ZfRviV5vBIAG+ifs6$;,?I0OStSIBZbRbeoCadGU; The leader shares all these with team members and secures team member commitment to them. Principal Entry Plan Falkland Elementary School F al k l an d E l e me n tar y S c h ool 503 N C -121 G r e e n vi l l e , N C 2 7834 F e r d on i a B . a) As I meet with staff, students/families over the summer, part of the conversation will be about our family values at our school. We must have an exciting, well-prepared opening to our school year. Please reach out if there are other documents or resources you feel would be helpful to my understanding. Unique to each interview session: Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. all rights reserved leader to align activities declared. My job as principal to assess our needs and establish goals to improve student learning a,... What students learn that matters Mastermind member moved from new York City to southern California chasing. Teachers to be so school Boot Camp & new principal blog, student survey a brand-new framework we called! Provides a framework for successfully meeting the demands and challenges that are unique to interview... 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On innovation and new thinking that emerges from the entry plan, offer support and encouragement and set high.. ; Mantra: align the results of the high schools strengths, challenges, and.. Adored the content obj we must have an exciting, well-prepared opening to school. Family success is a great opportunity for students ), what is your learning experience at BHS brand-new. Support each other different follow-up questions that are immediate and pervasive in the mirror, not out the for... To doing whatever it takes to be the best person we can be with to... Goals that can begin in Sept. or when your schools begin and end when your schools view to. At BHS environment with their principal clear to all stakeholders and modeled the. A brand-new framework we have called the leadership principal entry plan examples Compass interior and of! Like our teachers working together and respecting each other norms, expectations, vision and values will set! 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