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monique watson found alive
monique watson found alivemonique watson found alive
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monique watson found alive
Ben: Every day, she wakes up at 6 or 6:30 in the morning. It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet. She always called me Mommy," Topka said. I watch STILL HERE this weekend and l have to say it was a great movie! Includes Address (11) Phone (1) Email (1) See Results. }
I want to finish college because my family doesn't think that I'll finish college. Some of her previous jobs include a real estate agent. Let's just say that. But there are a few things worth noting. Monique: I hope one day we could re-patch our relationship and just be talking again. Movies. "I tried to check on her, but the name I had was different," Topka said. Trying to get the assignment behind, he quickly and poorly researches the story and goes with the first lead. We're going to go to the beach." "Still Here" begins with distraught father Michael Watson (played by Maurice McRae) putting up missing-person flyers about his 10-year-old daughter Monique (played by Zariah Singletary) in the New York City neighborhood where they live. });
Michelle still talks to Topka through letters, and Mumuni said he has contact with the McMullen family -- her real family. "She is a sweet person. if('' == 'floating') {
Filled with guilt, Christian helps Michael in the search for his daughter, while facing resistance from the community, the police, and his own publication. Ben: Legal matters aside, theres something else Monique is focused on right now. "This blew out of proportion," he said. LRM Online exclusively spoke with director Vlad Feier last month about this project. So they were all going through similar things. Danielle said she had no family, that she had run from her adoptive parents in Chicago because her father abused her. "This really sucks. Check the search for errors or try a different search. Culture Mix Survey
Her fans and other viewers should be warned that Beetz only has one scene in Still Here, which has her on screen for about five minutes. Such a shame as a real case could have been good. She is a family to me. She was like, "None of that, nothing happened. I just have a lot of people to prove wrong. This content was originally created for audio. "Sure he missed his mother and had genuine concerns, but he's always believed she would come back one day and be reunited, which she did. Because she's considered a flight risk, Michelle has spent four months behind bars, waiting for a trial that hasn't been scheduled. Monique N Watson is a 40 year old female who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. That whole experience made me realize I really have good friends because all my friends came to visit me when I was in the mental hospital. Both times, her clever stories garnered sympathy from people in all walks of life. Monique: It wasn't until after Reddit that I was able to actually go to my godmother. All of them were so supportive. Danielle built up a client base. Michelle got right back on the road. And she let her family think she had vanished and possibly was in dangerous hands, a mystery that drew national attention almost from the start. I don't know how to take this movie. Then one morning in January, police came and took her away. And we were playing in the front yard and this guy came up. Especially when the person who ends up being responsible for drawing those clear lines, is really just a kid. Many people who run from crimes run from really big ones, such as murder or rape. The assignment lands in the hands of journalist Christian Baker, who at first goes with the first lead, turning the entire case up side down. Amory: She wrote the post, and went to bed. One complexity shes still trying to figure out, though, a missing piece of the story. And most who run get caught sooner than this. Her story is a little unconventional from a police perspective. Amory: She never got any real answers about her abduction. append_element({
And it is scary. For two years, she lived with Tokpa, working in her African hair salon, learning the trade. She told us that.". He finds out the name of the taxi driver and tells his editor boss Jerry that this taxi driver is probably the suspect that the police have overlooked. Even the initial storyline changed from Romania to New York and with a black family. michael lombard actor obituary; justinas duknauskas biography; organic valley grassmilk yogurt discontinued But when police got to the hotel, she was gone. She spent several months homeless, slipping away from police who were strained for good tips. Monique: I've been living with this for 15 years and this is something he did in a matter of a day. It looks like the filmmakers of Still Here have mostly gotten their stereotypical ideas from what theyve seen in movies and TV shows. They told Monique they throw out case files for misdemeanors after 10 years. In STILL HERE, when twelve-year-old Monique Watson disappears from home, her father Michael Watson refuses to give up even as the media and police make little effort in solving the case. And it's not only to prove em wrong, but it's also for myself as well. Afton Williamson, Baboucarr Camara, Danny Johnson, drama, Jared Kemp, Jeremy Holm, Johnny Whitworth, Justiin Davis, Larry Pine, Maurice McRae, movies, reviews, Steven Hauck, Still Here, Vlad Feier, Zariah Singletary, Zazie Beetz. 323 posts. "She was really friendly, especially to my customers. Because of the subject matter you forgive a lot of it. I don't know why I got kidnapped. But she thinks she and the other girl crossed the street from the park and started looking for help. And she had the time to get better and she had the time to get back on her feet. Shes got a boyfriend. And the evidence of that is in a special folder on Moniques desk. Including a private message from a Redditor who related to parts of Moniques story. But that Friday, Sept. 26, 2008, when Michelle got an unexpected day off from work at McDonald's, she made a decision to pack up her boy and secretly drive 18 hours through the night to the midstate. Amory: What happened next is another blurry part of Moniques memory about the abduction. They dont give a fuck. Hard movie to watch. And that's why they were in that room and we weren't allowed to talk to them. Patel wanted to help her. }
However, it soon evolved into a narrative feature for Still Here to relay a better message under his vision. }, 50);
I couldn't shower. And it's always just been excuse after excuse. Monique: By the end of the day, he just dropped us off at a park and said, Oh, I have to go to work, stay here. And, you know, we were both cold. Be the first to contribute. Then get the fuck out of here!. I was blown away by the whole community. Zazie Beetz shares top billing in this movie, probably because she has a red-hot career right now, but her headlining status for this movie is misleading. Monique and her mom went back to California for the funeral. But she left behind clues. Monique: I know a good amount of my friends have similar stories to me. In November 2008, the TV show "America's Most Wanted" posted a blurb about her on its website, but no leads came from that, either. And I don't really remember what exactly happened. BGN interviews actor Maurice McRae who stars and produces the film Still Here. Meet Monique Watson! It is heartbreaking (and very reveling) to live a story like this through the perspective of real people, specially in a time where this is a reality for so many others in the world. A US Marshals fugitive team found the teen - who was in a distraught state - at about 5:30pm on Tuesday in Port Huron, Michigan, Deputy Marshal Robert Watson said. She decided to ask her god-mother for more information. Monique: Yes. They said she was someone else. On January 17, . Amory: Ventura County PD did give Monique the original police report from the day she was abducted. Overall it was a bit disjointed and sometimes off the wall. Amory: But, they can look into the abductor to see if he has a pattern of similar offenses. We just got back from the beach. The movie stars Johnny Whitworth (Limitless), Maurice McRae (Random Acts of Flyness), Zazie Beetz (Joker), Afton Williamson (The Night Of), Larry Pine (The Grand Budapest Hotel), and Jeremy Holm (Mr. WTF??!? As a Limited release, Still Here will only be shown in select movie theaters across major markets. captainForm772606PreloadInterval63fffe99d76c9 = setInterval(function(){
This is a hard film to watch. He was my mom's friend, maybe her boyfriend. His unannounced visit is a disaster. The assignment lands in the hands of journalist Christian Baker (Whitworth), who at first pursues a false lead, turning the entire case upside down. My mom was really honest with me about her selling drugs, but I feel like this whole kidnapping thing, she felt like it was all her fault. captainform_create_form_popup(popupParams);
Lived In Rosedale NY, Providence RI, Boston MA, New York NY. Not to mention, the timing of the films release relates to the current affairs in the United States today. Her mother, Tynesha Brooks, 41,. It's not easy. Hollywood has used the white savior trope for a long time as a structure to tell stories of POC. Still Here also wants to have its cake and eat it too: It portrays the New York Police Department as racist and corrupt, but the movies entire concept is based on the over-used, racially condescending trope that black people are helpless until a white savior comes along to solve their problems. And re-visiting her case. And they told me, we don't have these files about this this case because he got let go on a misdemeanor. Tiffany doesnt do much in this movie, except cry near a candle-lit, living-room shrine thats dedicated to Monique and plead with Michael not to lose his temper when he gets angry over how the investigation is being handled by authorities. She works on homework, takes a nap. This false and limited perspective is damaging and ego driven with the "intention" of supporting Black stories. Its at the center of a mystery shes trying to solve. Refine Your Search Results All Filters 1 Monique Yvonne Watson, 50 Resides in Downey, CA Lived In Hawthorne CA, Los Angeles CA, Lynwood CA, Gardena CA Ben: A mystery about a day shes just starting to fully remember again. Police said they received a tip on Jan. 21 from a person who had seen the episode. captainformCustomVars['772606'] = '';
And so, the next day, The Chronicle runs a front-page article, written by Christian, with the headline Taxi Driver, Yann Abellard, Overlooked by Investigators in Monique Watsons Disappearance. Christian is both smug and excited about this article. I said OK.". "I was not encouraged to leave Pennsylvania, I was not kidnapped or forced to stay somewhere that I didn't want to be. She said in a letter written from her Dauphin County jail cell that she can't talk about her story right now. Michael gives this reply before slamming the door in Christians face: You want to help? But these actors were so powerful in their performance that I actually felt their pain not only because they were black but because their daughter was black and no one cared. She is active on social media. Christian eventually wins over the familys trust when he tells them that he doesnt like how the NYPD has been handling the case and he can do a better job than the police have been doing in investigating Moniques disappearance. I think I left my car in Maryland. Eating meals with Tokpa's kids. So I didn't really talk to anyone about this. When twelve-year-old African-American Monique Watson goes missing in Brooklyn, the police are apathetic and her father Michael is distraught. Monique L Watson , 41 Lives in Texarkana, TX AKA: Monique James Related to: Mariah Carol Williams, Lacamry Williams, Neyamia A Watson +18 more Places Lived: Brooklyn NY, De Kalb TX Work: texas department of criminal justice , walmart - cake decorator View Reputation Profile Monique Carina Watson , 27 Lives in Macomb, MI My aunt treats me this way because I am I'm not good enough. "She's already served more time than guidelines call for," Michael McMullen said. Source: LRM Online Exclusive, Blue Fox Entertainment. This movie is about a missing girl. Christian with guilt decides to finally do his work properly finding himself in a race against time to help the family find the girl. ", Ben: This was a good question. Resides in . I would have really vivid dreams. var captainformThemeStyle = {};
I always knew that it happened to me. You can find more of his work at hiswebsiteand onInstagram. Susquehanna Twp. "I knew that if I talked to my parents, they'd convince me to go back home, and I was still afraid.". Michelle caught a train to Washington, D.C., the night she was spotted in Martinsburg, but it wasn't long before she came back to the Maryland-West Virginia line area to stay with a guy she had met. Amory: Dead end. Who agreed to take her in up until she turned 18. }, true); Sign up for a chance to win prizes (such as free gift cards) and get priority alerts or invitations to the hottest lifestyle/culture news, discounts and promotions. var append_element = append_element || function(e){if(void 0==e)return!1;if(! Michelle's mother notified Harrisburg police, who called officers in Martinsburg. In the meantime, she got her GED, several months before the rest of her classmates graduated. I left my wallet and my keys in the car, and I just walked away.". And he just got off with child endangerment, a misdemeanor. The movie was poorly written and the acting was sub par with the exception of the players of the missing girls parents. And I did keep it a secret, but I really had nothing else to compare it to. The movie has Michaels voiceovers during the meeting, so people can hear his inner thoughts, such as What am I doing here? As some members of the support group drone on about their depressing situations, Michael cant take it any more. "I cried for her, and that's why I really opened up my heart to her," Tokpa said. else if ('' == 'right')
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Monique: A lot of the things that I've been through, I've always blamed myself. Watch the exclusive interview below and let us know what you think. "I heard a guy asking her: 'Tell me the truth. Michael is highly suspicious of Christians motives for getting involved in the investigation, because he thinks that Christian just wants to exploit the familys pain and not help them. ", In Oakland, hairdresser Leemu Topka still thinks of her as a daughter. Police dogs, helicopters and firefighters converged on the area where her car was found, but Michelle evaded the search. Bed. Bipen Patel, manager at the Knights Inn, told police he met Monique when she was staying at a different hotel, near the Maryland border. Doing the odd jobs she needs to do to stay on her own feet because the traditional safety net, family isnt really there. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. And mentioned the kidnapping. Ben: But that same night that Monique and her friend Alyssa had been trying to find information online with no luck, Monique did something a little radical. The next time that Still Here director Feier makes a movie, lets hope he makes an attempt to tell the story in a more authentic way. The actors made me see into their pain. Her relationship with Topka matured, too. They dont get medals for that., Christian eagerly takes the assignment. Monique: On the police report I provided, you know, that didn't have the other girl's name. Her family believed she was returning to Louisiana, and reported her missing when she didnt arrive at school. But cocaine is expensive. Although the interrogation methods are over-the-top, its one of the few times in the movie where there is some realism. Contact Us
Michelle will tell her story in her own words eventually, he said. We started driving and we drove right past my mom and she was on her bike. Its one of the movies many unrealistic moments, because the taxi driver isnt a suspect. Hes not even a person of interest, because theres no proof that this taxi driver had any contact with Monique. She got so mad. She's truly a good person who made a mistake.". And when I brought it up, it was kind of a taboo thing to talk about. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. It was a good movie though, main characters were great, (Father and Reporter) If you can get past the over acting and try hard detectives (especially Johnny Holm) you'll love it. It also made her moms refusal to talk make more sense. There is an energy present in this film that supports and empowers white privilege. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. It was nice but at the same time, my aunt wasn't like my mom. Danielle rang them up, and they left. There was nothing there. The scene shows what can happen when someone is brought in for questioning by police and that person doesnt know enough about their rights to ask for a lawyer, which (by American law) would put a stop to the questioning. I don't wanna talk about it." And after the whole breakdown in the mental hospital, I couldn't take care of myself. They keep the same name and move around a lot. Amory: But it doesnt happen overnight. Get Started All my friends were my mom's friends, too. "She was pretty upset, she was crying and she was pretty scared," he added. Still Here is not the worst movie you could ever see. Filled with guilt, Christian helps Michael in search for his daughter, while facing resistance from the community, the police, and his publication. She had been searching for ways to get a fake ID, police said. Don't hesitate to reach out with reactions to episodes, ideas for future stories, feedback about the show, or just to say hi. But I knew I didn't want to face what was happening in Pennsylvania. And I'm just tired of being disappointed. Jerry tells Christian: You havent been delivering for too long. Still Here is playing in select theaters August 28 and available On VOD September 4. According to the information online. I couldn't eat. Heads up that some elements (i.e. 'Still Here' is set in the aftermath of the. TV Shows. And my family felt like it was all their fault, too. But there's just so many things she's been through. And they started asking Topka who Danielle was to her. I believed that I deserved absolutely everything bad that's ever happened to me. formId: '772605'
Still Here repeatedly uses the Watson familys social class as a way to make these African Americans look as pitiful as possible, so that when the savior comes along, he can look even more like a noble do-gooder. And because this is an apartment in the ghetto, of course the elevators dont work, so Christian has to walk up to the fourth-floor apartment by using the stairs. var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? But we had very open, honest communication with each otherat one point. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Virtual Crunchyroll Expo Wrapped Up This Weekend with Huge Announcements and More! tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. Ben: Its not clear what Moniques legal options are from here. Amory: Which begs the question: what exactly was her mom's relationship to this guy? Amirah Watson, 10, was found at the home in Atlanta on Thursday, March 19 around 8:30 a.m., according to a release from the Richland County Sheriff's Department. The circumstances of this script are heavy, and the weight of the world is showcased. It was like my body remembered. It makes sense to Patel, looking back, how Monique resisted when he called a social worker behind her back, trying to help her get some legal paper work. if (document.getElementById('captainform_js_global_vars') == null) {
Ben: And now that we know the name of Moniques abductor, we can find out that hes a registered sex offender in California. Her memories are incomplete, she was only five when she was kidnapped. Amory: Monique also wants to help her friends do the work. It's something I have to think about because it's still in my memory. "And she did. Meth. Her attorney did not return repeated calls for comment. Its why Im in education. Amory Sivertson: Monique is 20. The police dont seem to care, but a crusading white journalist decides to do his own investigation, and hes the only one who can get things done and save the day. They all think that I'm going to end up like my mom, like a drug addict. Culture Clash:A journalist takes it upon himself to investigate the case of a missing 10-year-old girl because he thinks the police arent doing enough in the investigation. It was decision time. Whether you want to call it the projects or the hood, its still a ghetto stereotype. The irony is that if she had just answered to this in 2008, she probably wouldve already served any time associated with these charges if convicted, Martin said. Lillie McMullen, said her family remained prayerful during the time her daughter was missing. She told people that she wasn't a citizen and that her wallet had been stolen on a bus. Shes coming out of a long period of being too hard on herself. "I don't like to think about it. window.addEventListener('resize', function(){
All calls will be . "I am very ashamed to say that I never called my parents to tell them that I was OK," she wrote in a statement. Latasha Watson in Texas. And, you know, she helped me get a job. breaking 180 line). Monique: I had my god-sistercall her and she refused to talk about it. In Still Here, when twelve-year-old Monique Watson disappears from home, her father Michael Watson (Maurice McRae) refuses to give up even as the media and police make little effort in solving the case. This guy was always around. However, Michaels wife Tiffany is more willing to listen to what Christian has to say. Some good acting counterbalanced by a lot of bad. I would get picked up from school and not be talked to and not be asked about my day, and then as soon as my cousins were in the car, it was like, "Oh, how was your day? My goals and my dreams in life are just to be happier, to live life. The guy who appears to be the leader of the group is named Reggie Green (played by Leopold Manswell), and he can immediately tell that Christian isnt street-smart at all and takes full advantage of Christians ignorance. And we didnt. What was this blah blah blah?" Jerry tells Christian about the disappearance of Monique Watson: The cops arent pursuing it. Monique: When I got the article and the ages matched up, the location matched up, and then I had a name, it was this sense of relief like, Oh, my goodness, like, I'm not crazy. The assignment lands in the hands of journalist Christian Baker (Johnny Whitworth), who at first pursues a false lead, turning the entire case upside down. Come in the car with me. Amory: Through all of this, Monique was finding her way. , '' Topka said present in this film that supports and empowers white privilege eagerly takes the assignment append_element append_element. To get back on her, '' Topka said States today through all this! 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Ben: Every day, she wakes up at 6 or 6:30 in the morning. It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet. She always called me Mommy," Topka said. I watch STILL HERE this weekend and l have to say it was a great movie! Includes Address (11) Phone (1) Email (1) See Results. } I want to finish college because my family doesn't think that I'll finish college. Some of her previous jobs include a real estate agent. Let's just say that. But there are a few things worth noting. Monique: I hope one day we could re-patch our relationship and just be talking again. Movies. "I tried to check on her, but the name I had was different," Topka said. Trying to get the assignment behind, he quickly and poorly researches the story and goes with the first lead. We're going to go to the beach." "Still Here" begins with distraught father Michael Watson (played by Maurice McRae) putting up missing-person flyers about his 10-year-old daughter Monique (played by Zariah Singletary) in the New York City neighborhood where they live. }); Michelle still talks to Topka through letters, and Mumuni said he has contact with the McMullen family -- her real family. "She is a sweet person. if('' == 'floating') { Filled with guilt, Christian helps Michael in the search for his daughter, while facing resistance from the community, the police, and his own publication. Ben: Legal matters aside, theres something else Monique is focused on right now. "This blew out of proportion," he said. LRM Online exclusively spoke with director Vlad Feier last month about this project. So they were all going through similar things. Danielle said she had no family, that she had run from her adoptive parents in Chicago because her father abused her. "This really sucks. Check the search for errors or try a different search. Culture Mix Survey Her fans and other viewers should be warned that Beetz only has one scene in Still Here, which has her on screen for about five minutes. Such a shame as a real case could have been good. She is a family to me. She was like, "None of that, nothing happened. I just have a lot of people to prove wrong. This content was originally created for audio. "Sure he missed his mother and had genuine concerns, but he's always believed she would come back one day and be reunited, which she did. Because she's considered a flight risk, Michelle has spent four months behind bars, waiting for a trial that hasn't been scheduled. Monique N Watson is a 40 year old female who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. That whole experience made me realize I really have good friends because all my friends came to visit me when I was in the mental hospital. Both times, her clever stories garnered sympathy from people in all walks of life. Monique: It wasn't until after Reddit that I was able to actually go to my godmother. All of them were so supportive. Danielle built up a client base. Michelle got right back on the road. And she let her family think she had vanished and possibly was in dangerous hands, a mystery that drew national attention almost from the start. I don't know how to take this movie. Then one morning in January, police came and took her away. And we were playing in the front yard and this guy came up. Especially when the person who ends up being responsible for drawing those clear lines, is really just a kid. Many people who run from crimes run from really big ones, such as murder or rape. The assignment lands in the hands of journalist Christian Baker, who at first goes with the first lead, turning the entire case up side down. Amory: She wrote the post, and went to bed. One complexity shes still trying to figure out, though, a missing piece of the story. And most who run get caught sooner than this. Her story is a little unconventional from a police perspective. Amory: She never got any real answers about her abduction. append_element({ And it is scary. For two years, she lived with Tokpa, working in her African hair salon, learning the trade. She told us that.". He finds out the name of the taxi driver and tells his editor boss Jerry that this taxi driver is probably the suspect that the police have overlooked. Even the initial storyline changed from Romania to New York and with a black family. michael lombard actor obituary; justinas duknauskas biography; organic valley grassmilk yogurt discontinued But when police got to the hotel, she was gone. She spent several months homeless, slipping away from police who were strained for good tips. Monique: I've been living with this for 15 years and this is something he did in a matter of a day. It looks like the filmmakers of Still Here have mostly gotten their stereotypical ideas from what theyve seen in movies and TV shows. They told Monique they throw out case files for misdemeanors after 10 years. In STILL HERE, when twelve-year-old Monique Watson disappears from home, her father Michael Watson refuses to give up even as the media and police make little effort in solving the case. And it's not only to prove em wrong, but it's also for myself as well. Afton Williamson, Baboucarr Camara, Danny Johnson, drama, Jared Kemp, Jeremy Holm, Johnny Whitworth, Justiin Davis, Larry Pine, Maurice McRae, movies, reviews, Steven Hauck, Still Here, Vlad Feier, Zariah Singletary, Zazie Beetz. 323 posts. "She was really friendly, especially to my customers. Because of the subject matter you forgive a lot of it. I don't know why I got kidnapped. But she thinks she and the other girl crossed the street from the park and started looking for help. And she had the time to get better and she had the time to get back on her feet. Shes got a boyfriend. And the evidence of that is in a special folder on Moniques desk. Including a private message from a Redditor who related to parts of Moniques story. But that Friday, Sept. 26, 2008, when Michelle got an unexpected day off from work at McDonald's, she made a decision to pack up her boy and secretly drive 18 hours through the night to the midstate. Amory: What happened next is another blurry part of Moniques memory about the abduction. They dont give a fuck. Hard movie to watch. And that's why they were in that room and we weren't allowed to talk to them. Patel wanted to help her. } }); However, it soon evolved into a narrative feature for Still Here to relay a better message under his vision. }, 50); I couldn't shower. And it's always just been excuse after excuse. Monique: By the end of the day, he just dropped us off at a park and said, Oh, I have to go to work, stay here. And, you know, we were both cold. Be the first to contribute. Then get the fuck out of here!. I was blown away by the whole community. Zazie Beetz shares top billing in this movie, probably because she has a red-hot career right now, but her headlining status for this movie is misleading. Monique and her mom went back to California for the funeral. But she left behind clues. Monique: I know a good amount of my friends have similar stories to me. In November 2008, the TV show "America's Most Wanted" posted a blurb about her on its website, but no leads came from that, either. And I don't really remember what exactly happened. BGN interviews actor Maurice McRae who stars and produces the film Still Here. Meet Monique Watson! It is heartbreaking (and very reveling) to live a story like this through the perspective of real people, specially in a time where this is a reality for so many others in the world. A US Marshals fugitive team found the teen - who was in a distraught state - at about 5:30pm on Tuesday in Port Huron, Michigan, Deputy Marshal Robert Watson said. She decided to ask her god-mother for more information. Monique: Yes. They said she was someone else. On January 17, . Amory: Ventura County PD did give Monique the original police report from the day she was abducted. Overall it was a bit disjointed and sometimes off the wall. Amory: But, they can look into the abductor to see if he has a pattern of similar offenses. We just got back from the beach. The movie stars Johnny Whitworth (Limitless), Maurice McRae (Random Acts of Flyness), Zazie Beetz (Joker), Afton Williamson (The Night Of), Larry Pine (The Grand Budapest Hotel), and Jeremy Holm (Mr. WTF??!? As a Limited release, Still Here will only be shown in select movie theaters across major markets. captainForm772606PreloadInterval63fffe99d76c9 = setInterval(function(){ This is a hard film to watch. He was my mom's friend, maybe her boyfriend. His unannounced visit is a disaster. The assignment lands in the hands of journalist Christian Baker (Whitworth), who at first pursues a false lead, turning the entire case upside down. My mom was really honest with me about her selling drugs, but I feel like this whole kidnapping thing, she felt like it was all her fault. captainform_create_form_popup(popupParams); Lived In Rosedale NY, Providence RI, Boston MA, New York NY. Not to mention, the timing of the films release relates to the current affairs in the United States today. Her mother, Tynesha Brooks, 41,. It's not easy. Hollywood has used the white savior trope for a long time as a structure to tell stories of POC. Still Here also wants to have its cake and eat it too: It portrays the New York Police Department as racist and corrupt, but the movies entire concept is based on the over-used, racially condescending trope that black people are helpless until a white savior comes along to solve their problems. And re-visiting her case. And they told me, we don't have these files about this this case because he got let go on a misdemeanor. Tiffany doesnt do much in this movie, except cry near a candle-lit, living-room shrine thats dedicated to Monique and plead with Michael not to lose his temper when he gets angry over how the investigation is being handled by authorities. She works on homework, takes a nap. This false and limited perspective is damaging and ego driven with the "intention" of supporting Black stories. Its at the center of a mystery shes trying to solve. Refine Your Search Results All Filters 1 Monique Yvonne Watson, 50 Resides in Downey, CA Lived In Hawthorne CA, Los Angeles CA, Lynwood CA, Gardena CA Ben: A mystery about a day shes just starting to fully remember again. Police said they received a tip on Jan. 21 from a person who had seen the episode. captainformCustomVars['772606'] = ''; And so, the next day, The Chronicle runs a front-page article, written by Christian, with the headline Taxi Driver, Yann Abellard, Overlooked by Investigators in Monique Watsons Disappearance. Christian is both smug and excited about this article. I said OK.". "I was not encouraged to leave Pennsylvania, I was not kidnapped or forced to stay somewhere that I didn't want to be. She said in a letter written from her Dauphin County jail cell that she can't talk about her story right now. Michael gives this reply before slamming the door in Christians face: You want to help? But these actors were so powerful in their performance that I actually felt their pain not only because they were black but because their daughter was black and no one cared. She is active on social media. Christian eventually wins over the familys trust when he tells them that he doesnt like how the NYPD has been handling the case and he can do a better job than the police have been doing in investigating Moniques disappearance. I think I left my car in Maryland. Eating meals with Tokpa's kids. So I didn't really talk to anyone about this. When twelve-year-old African-American Monique Watson goes missing in Brooklyn, the police are apathetic and her father Michael is distraught. Monique L Watson , 41 Lives in Texarkana, TX AKA: Monique James Related to: Mariah Carol Williams, Lacamry Williams, Neyamia A Watson +18 more Places Lived: Brooklyn NY, De Kalb TX Work: texas department of criminal justice , walmart - cake decorator View Reputation Profile Monique Carina Watson , 27 Lives in Macomb, MI My aunt treats me this way because I am I'm not good enough. "She's already served more time than guidelines call for," Michael McMullen said. Source: LRM Online Exclusive, Blue Fox Entertainment. This movie is about a missing girl. Christian with guilt decides to finally do his work properly finding himself in a race against time to help the family find the girl. ", Ben: This was a good question. Resides in . I would have really vivid dreams. var captainformThemeStyle = {}; I always knew that it happened to me. You can find more of his work at hiswebsiteand onInstagram. Susquehanna Twp. "I knew that if I talked to my parents, they'd convince me to go back home, and I was still afraid.". Michelle caught a train to Washington, D.C., the night she was spotted in Martinsburg, but it wasn't long before she came back to the Maryland-West Virginia line area to stay with a guy she had met. Amory: Dead end. Who agreed to take her in up until she turned 18. }, true); Sign up for a chance to win prizes (such as free gift cards) and get priority alerts or invitations to the hottest lifestyle/culture news, discounts and promotions. var append_element = append_element || function(e){if(void 0==e)return!1;if(! Michelle's mother notified Harrisburg police, who called officers in Martinsburg. In the meantime, she got her GED, several months before the rest of her classmates graduated. I left my wallet and my keys in the car, and I just walked away.". And he just got off with child endangerment, a misdemeanor. The movie was poorly written and the acting was sub par with the exception of the players of the missing girls parents. And I did keep it a secret, but I really had nothing else to compare it to. The movie has Michaels voiceovers during the meeting, so people can hear his inner thoughts, such as What am I doing here? As some members of the support group drone on about their depressing situations, Michael cant take it any more. "I cried for her, and that's why I really opened up my heart to her," Tokpa said. else if ('' == 'right') As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Monique: A lot of the things that I've been through, I've always blamed myself. Watch the exclusive interview below and let us know what you think. "I heard a guy asking her: 'Tell me the truth. Michael is highly suspicious of Christians motives for getting involved in the investigation, because he thinks that Christian just wants to exploit the familys pain and not help them. ", In Oakland, hairdresser Leemu Topka still thinks of her as a daughter. Police dogs, helicopters and firefighters converged on the area where her car was found, but Michelle evaded the search. Bed. Bipen Patel, manager at the Knights Inn, told police he met Monique when she was staying at a different hotel, near the Maryland border. Doing the odd jobs she needs to do to stay on her own feet because the traditional safety net, family isnt really there. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. And mentioned the kidnapping. Ben: But that same night that Monique and her friend Alyssa had been trying to find information online with no luck, Monique did something a little radical. The next time that Still Here director Feier makes a movie, lets hope he makes an attempt to tell the story in a more authentic way. The actors made me see into their pain. Her relationship with Topka matured, too. They dont get medals for that., Christian eagerly takes the assignment. Monique: On the police report I provided, you know, that didn't have the other girl's name. Her family believed she was returning to Louisiana, and reported her missing when she didnt arrive at school. But cocaine is expensive. Although the interrogation methods are over-the-top, its one of the few times in the movie where there is some realism. Contact Us Michelle will tell her story in her own words eventually, he said. We started driving and we drove right past my mom and she was on her bike. Its one of the movies many unrealistic moments, because the taxi driver isnt a suspect. Hes not even a person of interest, because theres no proof that this taxi driver had any contact with Monique. She got so mad. She's truly a good person who made a mistake.". And when I brought it up, it was kind of a taboo thing to talk about. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. It was a good movie though, main characters were great, (Father and Reporter) If you can get past the over acting and try hard detectives (especially Johnny Holm) you'll love it. It also made her moms refusal to talk make more sense. There is an energy present in this film that supports and empowers white privilege. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. It was nice but at the same time, my aunt wasn't like my mom. Danielle rang them up, and they left. There was nothing there. The scene shows what can happen when someone is brought in for questioning by police and that person doesnt know enough about their rights to ask for a lawyer, which (by American law) would put a stop to the questioning. I don't wanna talk about it." And after the whole breakdown in the mental hospital, I couldn't take care of myself. They keep the same name and move around a lot. Amory: But it doesnt happen overnight. Get Started All my friends were my mom's friends, too. "She was pretty upset, she was crying and she was pretty scared," he added. Still Here is not the worst movie you could ever see. Filled with guilt, Christian helps Michael in search for his daughter, while facing resistance from the community, the police, and his publication. She had been searching for ways to get a fake ID, police said. Don't hesitate to reach out with reactions to episodes, ideas for future stories, feedback about the show, or just to say hi. But I knew I didn't want to face what was happening in Pennsylvania. And I'm just tired of being disappointed. Jerry tells Christian: You havent been delivering for too long. Still Here is playing in select theaters August 28 and available On VOD September 4. According to the information online. I couldn't eat. Heads up that some elements (i.e. 'Still Here' is set in the aftermath of the. TV Shows. And my family felt like it was all their fault, too. But there's just so many things she's been through. And they started asking Topka who Danielle was to her. I believed that I deserved absolutely everything bad that's ever happened to me. formId: '772605' Still Here repeatedly uses the Watson familys social class as a way to make these African Americans look as pitiful as possible, so that when the savior comes along, he can look even more like a noble do-gooder. And because this is an apartment in the ghetto, of course the elevators dont work, so Christian has to walk up to the fourth-floor apartment by using the stairs. var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? But we had very open, honest communication with each otherat one point. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Virtual Crunchyroll Expo Wrapped Up This Weekend with Huge Announcements and More! tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. Ben: Its not clear what Moniques legal options are from here. Amory: Which begs the question: what exactly was her mom's relationship to this guy? Amirah Watson, 10, was found at the home in Atlanta on Thursday, March 19 around 8:30 a.m., according to a release from the Richland County Sheriff's Department. The circumstances of this script are heavy, and the weight of the world is showcased. It was like my body remembered. It makes sense to Patel, looking back, how Monique resisted when he called a social worker behind her back, trying to help her get some legal paper work. if (document.getElementById('captainform_js_global_vars') == null) { Ben: And now that we know the name of Moniques abductor, we can find out that hes a registered sex offender in California. Her memories are incomplete, she was only five when she was kidnapped. Amory: Monique also wants to help her friends do the work. It's something I have to think about because it's still in my memory. "And she did. Meth. Her attorney did not return repeated calls for comment. Its why Im in education. Amory Sivertson: Monique is 20. The police dont seem to care, but a crusading white journalist decides to do his own investigation, and hes the only one who can get things done and save the day. They all think that I'm going to end up like my mom, like a drug addict. Culture Clash:A journalist takes it upon himself to investigate the case of a missing 10-year-old girl because he thinks the police arent doing enough in the investigation. It was decision time. Whether you want to call it the projects or the hood, its still a ghetto stereotype. The irony is that if she had just answered to this in 2008, she probably wouldve already served any time associated with these charges if convicted, Martin said. Lillie McMullen, said her family remained prayerful during the time her daughter was missing. She told people that she wasn't a citizen and that her wallet had been stolen on a bus. Shes coming out of a long period of being too hard on herself. "I don't like to think about it. window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ All calls will be . "I am very ashamed to say that I never called my parents to tell them that I was OK," she wrote in a statement. Latasha Watson in Texas. And, you know, she helped me get a job. breaking 180 line). Monique: I had my god-sistercall her and she refused to talk about it. In Still Here, when twelve-year-old Monique Watson disappears from home, her father Michael Watson (Maurice McRae) refuses to give up even as the media and police make little effort in solving the case. This guy was always around. However, Michaels wife Tiffany is more willing to listen to what Christian has to say. Some good acting counterbalanced by a lot of bad. I would get picked up from school and not be talked to and not be asked about my day, and then as soon as my cousins were in the car, it was like, "Oh, how was your day? My goals and my dreams in life are just to be happier, to live life. The guy who appears to be the leader of the group is named Reggie Green (played by Leopold Manswell), and he can immediately tell that Christian isnt street-smart at all and takes full advantage of Christians ignorance. And we didnt. What was this blah blah blah?" Jerry tells Christian about the disappearance of Monique Watson: The cops arent pursuing it. Monique: When I got the article and the ages matched up, the location matched up, and then I had a name, it was this sense of relief like, Oh, my goodness, like, I'm not crazy. The assignment lands in the hands of journalist Christian Baker (Johnny Whitworth), who at first pursues a false lead, turning the entire case upside down. Come in the car with me. Amory: Through all of this, Monique was finding her way. , '' Topka said present in this film that supports and empowers white privilege eagerly takes the assignment append_element append_element. To get back on her, '' Topka said States today through all this! Wallet had been stolen on a misdemeanor does n't think that I was able to actually go to current... The film still Here this weekend with Huge Announcements and more a good question who ends being... 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