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mike cosgrove faversham
The cost of building was 166,000, leaving a surplus of 40,000. environments. When KCC briefly had control of Bensteds charity they sold a chunk of the Kiln Court land to themselves at what now looks suspiciously like a knock down price. At the time, talk of 'brown envelopes' was rife. collaboration with Prof. Jane Mike Cosgrove is on Facebook. Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. of England. 1990 - 1995. designed and delivered many organisation, team and The fire escape was originally set up to bring prisoners from the cell in the basement up to the court room. and people we He is also a Visiting Lecturer with the Praxis Centre, Cranfield School of Management, where he works to help managers develop their core capabilities. There is no charge of collective harassment in English law. KCC argue that when they bought the land from themselves there was a ten year covenant on the land requiring it to be used as an old peoples home. British There was significant public opposition from people who knew nothing of the people behind the project. What happened next was extraordinary. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users KCC did not own the land, it was controlled by the original deed. It bought the building from Swale for 1, taking on responsibility for all repairs and liabilities. Free from accountability, members were not obliged to answer questions, divulge costs, publish full minutes of their meetings or even reveal their names. This cannot be spent without the written permission of the Charity Commissioners. Swale Borough Council contractors (and sometimes with the help of volunteers) are employed to maintain the garden in good condition, he wrote in the statement made on 21 October 2016. Against the wishes of many Faversham people, councillors were aggressively pushing a deeply unpopular Neighbourhood Plan allowing development of sensitive creekside sites. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. One neighbour was former town councillor Trevor Payne, another was town councillor Geoff Wade and the third was youve guessed our old friend former town councillor and mayor, Bensteds Charity chairman and prominent local freemason, Bro Andrew Osborne. contact Institute of Personnel and Development, Fellow of the Children Act You can reach The Alexander Centre by both train and bus, and its near to the town car parks. View the profiles of people named Mike Cosgrove. . The discomfort the beetroot-faced Tory Councillors in Faversham had felt when the leaflets appeared would soon get a lot worse. Cosgroves intentions were equally murky. Neither did Cosgroves committee, the NHS, nor the Cottage Hospital. All relatively small sums, which could make a profound difference to the quality of life of those who received the money. Significantly larger sums were given on a regular basis to what has been criticised by many in the town as an unwelcome vanity project. articles on management subjects in refereed journals and However, using incomplete and heavily redacted minutes obtained under a Freedom of Information request, together with other sources, Faversham Eye has pieced together how they forced their scheme through. She then went up the ladder and contacted Detective Chief Inspector Tony Henley, the Swale District Commander. In the three years before the project, the charity gave 22,820 in small grants. has been extended for a further year to include a Its squatters rights application would not be decided for months. This type of project would not fit under our funding criteria. In February, after failing to persuade the War Memorials Trust to about turn, Cosgrove and committee changed tack. But, of course, it cant lose money. The people had another say in September 2016, when Cosgroves committee tried to get planning permission for what it called its substantially modified plans. Then everything changed. FAVERSHAM FOOTPATHS GROUP MINUTES OF AGM ON 15 NOVEMBER 2018 The Group's third AGM was held at 7.30pm on 15 November 2018 in the Jubilee Room at the . But town councillors were told that there were 115 comments in total. completion of the main manual, wrote a "brief case We must not let this continue.. recruitment and selection, performance management, together with serious incident enquiries. Success is subjective, I suppose. guide for the . After five years of dispute, the Charity Commission sealed a new trust deed, in May 1989. And Faversham town councillors including Cosgrove, Walker and Simmons approved a 450 donation to the Royal British Legion to buy wooden crosses for the memorial garden which, by November, was a muddy mess. University of London/NCH (JDW, current), Evaluative study seminars on planning From 1978 - 1988 he was a Senior Lecturer (later a Principal Lecturer) in Management at the Business School of the University of Glamorgan. This fuzzy, informal, unofficial status meant Cosgroves war memorial committee could remain largely exempt from scrutiny while still enjoying council funding, support staff and the use of council premises. The cash mountain increased by 144,073 between 2013 and 2018, from 783,267 to 925,340. By the end of 2015, Bensteds had also paid out 1,820 in consultancy fees from its war memorial fund. well as SMEs. He combines this with his role as Vice -Chair of a NHS Health Trust. Internal documents (available here) recently obtained from Faversham Town Council, under Data Protection legislation, reveal the council's inner workings and the extraordinary behaviour of the Kent Police. current), Wrote Meeting the Reaching The sum was more than the entire years fundraising efforts; money donated by local people to help by medical equipment and supplies. Before being shown the door by the electorate in Mays local elections, Mr Cosgrove was Swales Cabinet Member for Regeneration. Where did the rest of the 150,000 budget come from, let alone the 25,000 reserved for a future attempt to move the memorial? In January 2017, Swale Borough Council ordered the volunteers to down tools so council contractors Blenwood Ltd could take over maintenance. Sometimes they have for children in rural areas to increase awareness Member of Can this possibly be the same Mike Cosgrove who sat on Swale Borough Council as it allowed our small town to be swamped by at least ten new housing estates, doubling the towns developed area within five years and ruining swathes of countryside? The night that the police decided to take no further action against John Wellard, Councillor (now Mayor) Trevor Abram emailed Nigel Kay saying: there is also a constant daily diatribe of acrimonious accusations against the actions of the Council in social media, which allowed to continue unchallenged could easily cost any of us our seats on May 7. Architect Nigel Lee Evans oversaw the structural refurbishments, planning permissions and acoustics work for the Gatefield Hall. Not so much democracy in actionmore yelling in Selling. Young Kingdom as well as in France, Morocco, Italy, Denmark, The . However, the office rentals are popular, so The Alexander Centre is considering renovating the attics to create more offices for startups and charities. Peter Binnie, a wedding photographer, was appointed project manager at chairman Cosgroves suggestion. . others. Comments books were left in Faversham Library, the Alexander Centre and St Marys Church. Of professional within a The current asset position of the charity was further boosted last year. Its maintenance budget for 2018/19 is just 31.59, according to Swale Borough Council. Conditions were made to be deliberately very harsh to discourage people from wanting to receive help. Yet more bizarre behaviour by the police, as defamation is a civil, not criminal, matter. He has a first degree in Economics and Geography and a Masters degree in Education Management from the University of Wales. identification of unit Then Faversham lost its borough status and the building was owned by Swale Borough Council (SBC) until 2012. In Pursuit of England. For now, plans to dismantle and relocate the memorial had been abandoned. Not surprisingly, KCC has rejected this, saying that when they bought it the land was designated as a nursing home. A local fruit broker, Colin Sharpe left 500,000 to Bensteds in his will. A peace garden seemed a far better way to remember the fallen and look forward to a better future without war.. Mike represents many of PCIA's largest professional firms. It was from here, famously, that SBC nearly threw out one of the earliest surviving Magna Cartas. Faversham MP Helen Whately said, "I am especially looking forward to life returning to . "I started canvassing in February and I haven't stopped since. . KCC is looking to develop the site for housing at a massive profit. local government Care to the Curb Pilots playing at the Hop Festival. Favershams books, in St Marys Church, lists names from both world wars. The Land Registrys squatters rights application form ST1 specifically asks for details of the use made of the land by others. Later the same morning, PC Emma Willson emails Jackie Westlake to say the police had insufficient evidence to take this matter to court.. By Spring 2017, the volunteer gardeners too had discovered nobody owned the land. Organisations, 2000 (MNW, with Keith Fletcher), Researched and version" for staff (MNW), Updated and followed by a three year period as a senior administrator in Higher Education. Persons Act 2001, NISW/Isle of Man Government Mike Cosgrove, then an SBC councillor, set up a working group to review options. The Institute of Directors and has a masters degree in Payne, Wade and Osborne all lived some distance from the memorial garden in Priory Row. To understand the contribution The Alexander Centre makes to Faversham, let us suppose that Swale Council had sold its unwanted building off for offices insteadwhat would the impact have been? voluntary sector, including eight years as Assistant Director, Family Service Units. Education Department's Child Protection Procedures, All photos copyright Lisa Valder / Faversham Life unless stated otherwise. He argues that the town needed it as Faversham was one of the few towns which did not have a memorial naming its dead. It was classed as income balance carried forward., In an answer to an email from the Faversham Eye, Sue Bayford, the Clerk to the Trustees explained that the Trustees only pay out charitable funds on receipt of a copy invoice from the organisation/individual to prove that the money is being spent correctly, and/or until they have been able to secure the balance of funds required to complete the project., When the charity prepares the end of year accounts these pledges for future spending are put into income balance carried forward. This also includes funds set aside for administration, portfolio management fees and other everyday expenses. Initially, the volunteer gardeners attended Cosgroves meetings but soon concluded their concerns were being ignored. Has a drive to Shripshire been Mr Cosgroves Road to Damascus? However, the fact remains that had this been an independent transaction, this future change of use should have been reflected in the price. The police then started to search the house, even though it does not belong to John Wellard. A edited, the London Borough of Enfield's first Williams]. But Swales statement of truth penned by council officer and war memorial group member Graeme Tuff makes only a fleeting mention of the volunteer gardeners who turned up most Sunday mornings for eight years to mow the lawns with their own mowers, refurbish the benches, pick litter and weed flowerbeds. Numerous articles on The Assembly Rooms transferred their Saturday concerts here after their fire. Development Child Protection: Like many small towns after WWI, Faversham chose not to carve the names of the fallen into stone but instead recorded them in books of remembrance. Needs of The Trust added baffles to the high ceiling, so the sound is now sorted. Best Value: a services management On 5 March 2015, PC Emma Willson wrote to Jackie Westlake, saying if her forensic colleagues can link John to the Christmas card, then Mr Wellard can be interviewed regarding the offence of Harrassment. Posted: 13th July, 2018 Category: Architecture, Culture, People, Words Alexandra Campbell Photographs Alexandra Campbell. He answered No comment and was released over an hour later. Sonot exactly a grass-roots community organisation. It has set up in the Sidney Room. Agreement - 1994. Best Value Social For nearly a hundred years, the town was proud to pay its respects at the memorial. 24 Feb 2023 07:33:58 In this conversation. But planning permission was refused, voted down by 10-7 by Swale councillors including Cllr Mike Henderson (then Independent, now Lib Dem), who argued: I think we have lost sight of what the community in Faversham would like to see happening.. adviser, 1999 - By 2012, SBC no longer needed such a large presence in Faversham. His arrest, in March 2015, followed the appearance in the town of a number of satirical posters lampooning local councillors and brown envelopes containing photocopies of Venezuelan currency. best value, Colin Sharpe worked at the East Kent Packers specialising in fruit. "@ZacGoldsmith Thank you for replying. (33) Mr Mike Cosgrove (Swale BC) introduced himself as the Cabinet Member for Regeneration. evaluation of the impact of the first three years "Driving across England to Shripshire (sic), seeing the awful creep of new housing development across the countryside. Hilary ran The Alexander Centre on SBCs behalf for a couple of years, to learn what the issues were and to put together a business plan. When asked why it needed six officers, the police said because we were told to expect trouble. Once it became clear that a violent riot was not imminent, four of the officers left in their Land Rover. Eighty objections against and seven for, one of which was Andrew Osborne. Winslow Press. activities including quality assesment are part of his Evaluation of the co-editor of three (Social Services Strategic Planning). But it turned out the NHS didnt own the garden either. Did Cosgroves committee, the Swale District Commander land, it cant lose money three ( Social Strategic. Quot ; @ ZacGoldsmith Thank you for replying unpopular Neighbourhood Plan allowing development of sensitive sites! It does not belong to John Wellard was further boosted last year Category:,! Basis to what has been criticised by many in the three years before project! Protection Procedures, all photos copyright Lisa Valder / Faversham life unless stated otherwise bought the building owned. Books were left in Faversham Library, the town was proud to pay its respects the. Enfield 's first Williams ] was controlled by the electorate in Mays local elections, Mr Cosgrove was Cabinet..., after failing to persuade the War Memorials Trust to about turn Cosgrove. 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The cost of building was 166,000, leaving a surplus of 40,000. environments. When KCC briefly had control of Bensteds charity they sold a chunk of the Kiln Court land to themselves at what now looks suspiciously like a knock down price. At the time, talk of 'brown envelopes' was rife. collaboration with Prof. Jane Mike Cosgrove is on Facebook. Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. of England. 1990 - 1995. designed and delivered many organisation, team and The fire escape was originally set up to bring prisoners from the cell in the basement up to the court room. and people we He is also a Visiting Lecturer with the Praxis Centre, Cranfield School of Management, where he works to help managers develop their core capabilities. There is no charge of collective harassment in English law. KCC argue that when they bought the land from themselves there was a ten year covenant on the land requiring it to be used as an old peoples home. British There was significant public opposition from people who knew nothing of the people behind the project. What happened next was extraordinary. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users KCC did not own the land, it was controlled by the original deed. It bought the building from Swale for 1, taking on responsibility for all repairs and liabilities. Free from accountability, members were not obliged to answer questions, divulge costs, publish full minutes of their meetings or even reveal their names. This cannot be spent without the written permission of the Charity Commissioners. Swale Borough Council contractors (and sometimes with the help of volunteers) are employed to maintain the garden in good condition, he wrote in the statement made on 21 October 2016. Against the wishes of many Faversham people, councillors were aggressively pushing a deeply unpopular Neighbourhood Plan allowing development of sensitive creekside sites. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. One neighbour was former town councillor Trevor Payne, another was town councillor Geoff Wade and the third was youve guessed our old friend former town councillor and mayor, Bensteds Charity chairman and prominent local freemason, Bro Andrew Osborne. contact Institute of Personnel and Development, Fellow of the Children Act You can reach The Alexander Centre by both train and bus, and its near to the town car parks. View the profiles of people named Mike Cosgrove. . The discomfort the beetroot-faced Tory Councillors in Faversham had felt when the leaflets appeared would soon get a lot worse. Cosgroves intentions were equally murky. Neither did Cosgroves committee, the NHS, nor the Cottage Hospital. All relatively small sums, which could make a profound difference to the quality of life of those who received the money. Significantly larger sums were given on a regular basis to what has been criticised by many in the town as an unwelcome vanity project. articles on management subjects in refereed journals and However, using incomplete and heavily redacted minutes obtained under a Freedom of Information request, together with other sources, Faversham Eye has pieced together how they forced their scheme through. She then went up the ladder and contacted Detective Chief Inspector Tony Henley, the Swale District Commander. In the three years before the project, the charity gave 22,820 in small grants. has been extended for a further year to include a Its squatters rights application would not be decided for months. This type of project would not fit under our funding criteria. In February, after failing to persuade the War Memorials Trust to about turn, Cosgrove and committee changed tack. But, of course, it cant lose money. The people had another say in September 2016, when Cosgroves committee tried to get planning permission for what it called its substantially modified plans. Then everything changed. FAVERSHAM FOOTPATHS GROUP MINUTES OF AGM ON 15 NOVEMBER 2018 The Group's third AGM was held at 7.30pm on 15 November 2018 in the Jubilee Room at the . But town councillors were told that there were 115 comments in total. completion of the main manual, wrote a "brief case We must not let this continue.. recruitment and selection, performance management, together with serious incident enquiries. Success is subjective, I suppose. guide for the . After five years of dispute, the Charity Commission sealed a new trust deed, in May 1989. And Faversham town councillors including Cosgrove, Walker and Simmons approved a 450 donation to the Royal British Legion to buy wooden crosses for the memorial garden which, by November, was a muddy mess. University of London/NCH (JDW, current), Evaluative study seminars on planning From 1978 - 1988 he was a Senior Lecturer (later a Principal Lecturer) in Management at the Business School of the University of Glamorgan. This fuzzy, informal, unofficial status meant Cosgroves war memorial committee could remain largely exempt from scrutiny while still enjoying council funding, support staff and the use of council premises. The cash mountain increased by 144,073 between 2013 and 2018, from 783,267 to 925,340. By the end of 2015, Bensteds had also paid out 1,820 in consultancy fees from its war memorial fund. well as SMEs. He combines this with his role as Vice -Chair of a NHS Health Trust. Internal documents (available here) recently obtained from Faversham Town Council, under Data Protection legislation, reveal the council's inner workings and the extraordinary behaviour of the Kent Police. current), Wrote Meeting the Reaching The sum was more than the entire years fundraising efforts; money donated by local people to help by medical equipment and supplies. Before being shown the door by the electorate in Mays local elections, Mr Cosgrove was Swales Cabinet Member for Regeneration. Where did the rest of the 150,000 budget come from, let alone the 25,000 reserved for a future attempt to move the memorial? In January 2017, Swale Borough Council ordered the volunteers to down tools so council contractors Blenwood Ltd could take over maintenance. Sometimes they have for children in rural areas to increase awareness Member of Can this possibly be the same Mike Cosgrove who sat on Swale Borough Council as it allowed our small town to be swamped by at least ten new housing estates, doubling the towns developed area within five years and ruining swathes of countryside? The night that the police decided to take no further action against John Wellard, Councillor (now Mayor) Trevor Abram emailed Nigel Kay saying: there is also a constant daily diatribe of acrimonious accusations against the actions of the Council in social media, which allowed to continue unchallenged could easily cost any of us our seats on May 7. Architect Nigel Lee Evans oversaw the structural refurbishments, planning permissions and acoustics work for the Gatefield Hall. Not so much democracy in actionmore yelling in Selling. Young Kingdom as well as in France, Morocco, Italy, Denmark, The . However, the office rentals are popular, so The Alexander Centre is considering renovating the attics to create more offices for startups and charities. Peter Binnie, a wedding photographer, was appointed project manager at chairman Cosgroves suggestion. . others. Comments books were left in Faversham Library, the Alexander Centre and St Marys Church. Of professional within a The current asset position of the charity was further boosted last year. Its maintenance budget for 2018/19 is just 31.59, according to Swale Borough Council. Conditions were made to be deliberately very harsh to discourage people from wanting to receive help. Yet more bizarre behaviour by the police, as defamation is a civil, not criminal, matter. He has a first degree in Economics and Geography and a Masters degree in Education Management from the University of Wales. identification of unit Then Faversham lost its borough status and the building was owned by Swale Borough Council (SBC) until 2012. In Pursuit of England. For now, plans to dismantle and relocate the memorial had been abandoned. Not surprisingly, KCC has rejected this, saying that when they bought it the land was designated as a nursing home. A local fruit broker, Colin Sharpe left 500,000 to Bensteds in his will. A peace garden seemed a far better way to remember the fallen and look forward to a better future without war.. Mike represents many of PCIA's largest professional firms. It was from here, famously, that SBC nearly threw out one of the earliest surviving Magna Cartas. Faversham MP Helen Whately said, "I am especially looking forward to life returning to . "I started canvassing in February and I haven't stopped since. . KCC is looking to develop the site for housing at a massive profit. local government Care to the Curb Pilots playing at the Hop Festival. Favershams books, in St Marys Church, lists names from both world wars. The Land Registrys squatters rights application form ST1 specifically asks for details of the use made of the land by others. Later the same morning, PC Emma Willson emails Jackie Westlake to say the police had insufficient evidence to take this matter to court.. By Spring 2017, the volunteer gardeners too had discovered nobody owned the land. Organisations, 2000 (MNW, with Keith Fletcher), Researched and version" for staff (MNW), Updated and followed by a three year period as a senior administrator in Higher Education. Persons Act 2001, NISW/Isle of Man Government Mike Cosgrove, then an SBC councillor, set up a working group to review options. The Institute of Directors and has a masters degree in Payne, Wade and Osborne all lived some distance from the memorial garden in Priory Row. To understand the contribution The Alexander Centre makes to Faversham, let us suppose that Swale Council had sold its unwanted building off for offices insteadwhat would the impact have been? voluntary sector, including eight years as Assistant Director, Family Service Units. Education Department's Child Protection Procedures, All photos copyright Lisa Valder / Faversham Life unless stated otherwise. He argues that the town needed it as Faversham was one of the few towns which did not have a memorial naming its dead. It was classed as income balance carried forward., In an answer to an email from the Faversham Eye, Sue Bayford, the Clerk to the Trustees explained that the Trustees only pay out charitable funds on receipt of a copy invoice from the organisation/individual to prove that the money is being spent correctly, and/or until they have been able to secure the balance of funds required to complete the project., When the charity prepares the end of year accounts these pledges for future spending are put into income balance carried forward. This also includes funds set aside for administration, portfolio management fees and other everyday expenses. Initially, the volunteer gardeners attended Cosgroves meetings but soon concluded their concerns were being ignored. Has a drive to Shripshire been Mr Cosgroves Road to Damascus? However, the fact remains that had this been an independent transaction, this future change of use should have been reflected in the price. The police then started to search the house, even though it does not belong to John Wellard. A edited, the London Borough of Enfield's first Williams]. But Swales statement of truth penned by council officer and war memorial group member Graeme Tuff makes only a fleeting mention of the volunteer gardeners who turned up most Sunday mornings for eight years to mow the lawns with their own mowers, refurbish the benches, pick litter and weed flowerbeds. Numerous articles on The Assembly Rooms transferred their Saturday concerts here after their fire. Development Child Protection: Like many small towns after WWI, Faversham chose not to carve the names of the fallen into stone but instead recorded them in books of remembrance. Needs of The Trust added baffles to the high ceiling, so the sound is now sorted. Best Value: a services management On 5 March 2015, PC Emma Willson wrote to Jackie Westlake, saying if her forensic colleagues can link John to the Christmas card, then Mr Wellard can be interviewed regarding the offence of Harrassment. Posted: 13th July, 2018 Category: Architecture, Culture, People, Words Alexandra Campbell Photographs Alexandra Campbell. He answered No comment and was released over an hour later. Sonot exactly a grass-roots community organisation. It has set up in the Sidney Room. Agreement - 1994. Best Value Social For nearly a hundred years, the town was proud to pay its respects at the memorial. 24 Feb 2023 07:33:58 In this conversation. But planning permission was refused, voted down by 10-7 by Swale councillors including Cllr Mike Henderson (then Independent, now Lib Dem), who argued: I think we have lost sight of what the community in Faversham would like to see happening.. adviser, 1999 - By 2012, SBC no longer needed such a large presence in Faversham. His arrest, in March 2015, followed the appearance in the town of a number of satirical posters lampooning local councillors and brown envelopes containing photocopies of Venezuelan currency. best value, Colin Sharpe worked at the East Kent Packers specialising in fruit. "@ZacGoldsmith Thank you for replying. (33) Mr Mike Cosgrove (Swale BC) introduced himself as the Cabinet Member for Regeneration. evaluation of the impact of the first three years "Driving across England to Shripshire (sic), seeing the awful creep of new housing development across the countryside. Hilary ran The Alexander Centre on SBCs behalf for a couple of years, to learn what the issues were and to put together a business plan. When asked why it needed six officers, the police said because we were told to expect trouble. Once it became clear that a violent riot was not imminent, four of the officers left in their Land Rover. Eighty objections against and seven for, one of which was Andrew Osborne. Winslow Press. activities including quality assesment are part of his Evaluation of the co-editor of three (Social Services Strategic Planning). But it turned out the NHS didnt own the garden either. Did Cosgroves committee, the Swale District Commander land, it cant lose money three ( Social Strategic. Quot ; @ ZacGoldsmith Thank you for replying unpopular Neighbourhood Plan allowing development of sensitive sites! It does not belong to John Wellard was further boosted last year Category:,! Basis to what has been criticised by many in the three years before project! Protection Procedures, all photos copyright Lisa Valder / Faversham life unless stated otherwise bought the building owned. Books were left in Faversham Library, the town was proud to pay its respects the. Enfield 's first Williams ] was controlled by the electorate in Mays local elections, Mr Cosgrove was Cabinet..., after failing to persuade the War Memorials Trust to about turn Cosgrove. 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