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» legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up
legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up
legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level uplegend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up
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legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up
Go to the statues and press X at in front of each one. CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Many cheats sources have maintained information about the legendary rod not being able to be grabbed until the game is almost beat ( when songi blows up Rim elm ), but the truth is that right after Getting Cara and Grantes back together, go to doctor Usha's and the rod will be on the first floor. Aftere you revived the genesis tree in Rim Elm and after Mei gives you the Hunting Clothes, go to the items shop. Have Gala learn all of his regular Art moves and walk over to the Genesis tree in East Voz Forest and press the X button. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. After the Soren event at the summit of Mt. Press X in front of the cracking wall and you'll get the platinum card. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. 100 AP All Times: 80084816 0064. Buy 5 Seru bread. Let us know about it and we'll update the list. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Where can I find war god icon from sol muscle dome with this condition? 3008506E 00?? Is there any certain strategy to catch Seru? after getting the hunting clothes from Mei leave Rim Elm and go into rim elm.Now go to the good shops second floor and check in the draw to get a point card, when the mist is in rim elm(before you get meta)go to Mei's house and when she asks you if she should lock all doors and close the windows or go to your house pick go to your house.When she gives you the hunting clothes you will also get mei's pendant, after getting the hunting clothes from Mei leave rim elm.Now go back to rim elm and go to the second floor of the goods shop.Open the draw to get the point card. Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. Cheat Codes for Legend Of Legaia. 800ECB5A 270F, 8007A6BC 03E7 Dolphin Attack - Right, Right, Left, Right, Frost Breath - Left, Left, Right, Right (Hyper), Hurricane Kick - Left, Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Right (Hyper), Noa's Ark - Left, Up, Right, Down, Up, Left, Up, Down, Right (Miracle), Super Javelin - Up, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right (Super), Super Tempest - Right, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Up, Up, Up (Super), Tempest Break - Right, Right, Left, Up, Up, Up, Vulture Blade - Left, Left, Right, Left, Right (Hyper), Triple Lizard - Low, Low, Low, High, High, High, Low, High (Super), Burning Flare: Right, Down, Left, Down, Left (Hyper), Fire Blow: Right, Right, Down, Left (Hyper), Rolling Combo: Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left (Super), Tornado Flame: Right, Right, Left (Hyper), Vahn's Craze: Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left (Miracle Art), Fire Tackle: Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Up (Super), Power Slash:Down, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left (Super), Maximum Blow:Down, Right, Up, Down, Left, Left, Down (Super), Rolling Out:Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left (Super), Tri-Somersault:Up, Down, Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Biron Rage - Right, Right, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Left (Miracle Art), Electro Thrash - Up, Left, Down, Right, Left, Explosive Fist - Right, Right, Left, Left, Left (Hyper), Lightning Storm - Right, Right, Up, Left (Hyper), Neo Raising - Left, Left, Right, Up, Left, Neo Raising X2 - Left, Right, Left, Up, Left, Left, Right, Up, Left (Super Art), Thunder Punch - Right, Right, Left (Hyper). Search here for codes. Spell 2 Level 9: 3008486A 0009. On his first attack your Mp will become Zero and you would not be able to regain it again. One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. Without the benefit of healing spells, this is a seriously nasty fight. Use it with the Chicken Heart and the Chicken Safe to perfect the art of timidity! 800ECE30 03E7, D01D078C 0006 Yeah. another perfect. Where courage and fe A warrior, a princess and a rogue cross the wastelands of Filgaia on a quest for ancient relics that may save this br Join Justin and friends on an epic journey through a captivating story line, providing over 80 hours of intensive gam Go to the West Voz Forest Genesis Tree, sitting south of the tree is a treasure chest containing it. In the karisto kingdom there is a hidden boss named, Lapis. Medaillion. Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. . 80084C22 270F Your next battle will be with Xain. To get a lot of coins easily in the muscle Dome, here's what to do: Raise 40,000 gold and go to the Warehouse on the 7th floor. Since 1996, CheatCodes.com has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. Or click here to search for specific content. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. When you get to Sol, get a couple of tokens and play the slots. The first big block contained identifiers for the items, and the second big block following it contained the quantities. Dhini, and the War God Icon you receive for completing the Master course in the Muscle Dome, you have the possibility to attack 19 times in a turn. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. This accessory allows the character wearing it to attack with anywhere from 0-15 fighting arts per round, but renders that character uncontrollable.
. 27. This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Legend of Legaia, a game for Playstation 1. i need a gameshark code for specific items, like the crimson book and/or honey items. 800850BE 0A09 Legend of Legaia (NTSC-U) Download Filter Requests 1 Format All Checked Filename View Download Digits Gala Codes In-Battle Codes Miscellaneous Codes Noa Codes Noa Codes Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Slot 1 Slot 10 Slot 11 Slot 12 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Vahn Codes Vahn Codes All rights reserved. All the latest Legend of Legaia cheats, cheat codes, hints, trophies, achievements, FAQs, trainers and savegames for PlayStation. Get the dark stone from the chest at the genesis tree. Then put him right in front of the women who lets you enter the Battle Arena in Sol. Usually, well in the case of Final Fantasies (the only other game I made my own codes for), there were two big blocks of code. "CHEAT CODE" and "Official Cheats Source" are trademarks or registered trademarks of gamerID Network LLC in the United States and other countries and may not be used without permission. You should get a message stating, "HOLD IT! GameBoy Color GameCube Macintosh Mobile Games NES Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS PC Playstation 1 Playstation 2 SNES XBox Move around until you encounter Lapis. STOP THAT, OR I'LL MAKE YOU!!". Where one hero must sacrifice her heart for peace. If you collect 20,000 points, the water egg will become available. After you get Meta and revive the Genesis Tree, go to the normal tree in the bottom left corner of Rim Elm. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. Do you know any additional codes for this game? Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19cb292cfd0d1c Must have all players lvl 99 and destroyed the second Mist Generator.Talk to King Saryu in Ratayu.He will give you access to the room with Juggernaut. Credits: Thunder2, Code Master, r00t, samegid@hotmail.com, police nypd, Captain_3@webtv.net, Hacken, ffxi2k@aol.com & Unknown (533 Cheats) (27437 Hits) Gala Codes # . 801D06BC 0006. Rose:Quick Level Gain 800BAF78FFFF . gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Rikuroa and press the X button. If you're struggling to level up in Legend of Legaia, there are cheat codes and Easter eggs to help you along the way. (If a spell as a *, then to get it you must first defeat Songi for the third time.) This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. His first offer is a ripoff. Is there an error listed above? Where is your favorite place to level up? Beware Queen Bee has 3 other Bees with her and she hits fast and hard. To get the rare "Honey" item, you must fight the bee swarm in Rim Elm. 8008504E 03E7, 800850B4 1000 There is a drawer there. . Interesting features can be found here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197766-legend-of-legaia/faqs/14251 To access the debug menu in the demo version: USHA!!!!! Head upstairs and in to the back room. Legend Of Legaia Gameshark Code. After completing the Absolute Fortress, clear the Master Course of the Muscle Dome in Sol to receive this accessory, which allows the wearer to attack twice in one turn. After you get the point card at the Rim Elm weaponshop, get as many points bosses hp then attack the boss with the point card. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19cae98cadc29b Press L2 for Max HP for Gala d007b7c00001 8008503403e7 d007b7c00001 8008503603e7 d007b7c00001 8008504c03e7. legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up. Dart:Infinite HP 800BAEFC1770 . 801D071C 0006 We have 21 questions and 25 answers for this game. You'll need to obtain the Ra-Seru Egg, which is fairly rare, and the Earth Egg, which is found in Sol. You will notice a cracked wall to the left and upwards from his throne. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to ask and answer questions. A civilization of flying creatures en Mako. legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up If you're struggling to level up in Legend of Legaia, there are cheat codes and Easter eggs to help you along the way. 800850C4 000F. i just got this game again and i want to replay it but i really dont have the time to level up my players. D01D065C 0028 Here are some of Gala's moves. here is a gameshark code that gives u ifinate and all items:5000ff0200013008590800005000ff0200003008590900ff. The following are known Action Replay Codes for Legend of Legaia on Sony Playstation (PS1). When you get all your characters Art moves, including the Hyper and Miracle arts, go to the original tree the character got his/her Ra-Seru to get the Meta/Vahn's spell. All rights reserved. Performance & security by Cloudflare. If the number. To fight the secret boss Lapis, you need to first complete the Mt. Definitely cheating, but you can always decide to limit your use of the items. I:D. For running easily from enemies, use Spikefish Flute. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. 801D078C 0006 At stage 4 of Baka Fighter after beating the wolf, press X repeatetly when your score is shown. 800850BC 0807 These points can be used to inflict damage onto monsters. 8008503A 03E7 Dini, return to the summit again to fight a hidden boss, Lapis. *Note: Your characters must be at level 10 or higher. Both will require you to collect over 100,000 coins to unlock, but once . Also give him your best accesories. In Sol, there's a Kid in the warehouse that sells a item that raises your life total by 25%. (No joke, it's that easy). Talk to Zalan and he will give you the earth talisman. Plus it doesn't reorder the list like other games, however it displays them for you in an ordered list. Legend of Legaia Game Shark Codes Home PlayStation Legend of Legaia Game Shark Codes From from the vahn ID #4917 here is a gameshark code that gives u ifinate and all items: 5000ff020001 300859080000 5000ff020000 3008590900ff Show Code 11 9 From shadow180 6 Oct 2003, ID #10541 PS-MP3 MP-100 M01982 Show Code 5 3 From I love Alex ID #4918 In the Muscle Dome, play Baka Fighter and pick any character. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit CheatCodes.com first! Web two enemies in the game's code are never used: Web the codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well. You could always buy a new one from the same person. Game Platform. Since you have not gone to Nivora Ravie, the Delisases will not be in the fighting, and you only fight up to round 8, but still get over 13,000 coins!
The only downside is that you cannot get the War God Icon yet, until you fight all 13 guys. Your IP: He is found on Mt. how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide, Legend of Legaia Gameshark/CodeBreaker Codes. For the second fight, repeatedly tap X and bam! Tension rose during the game's development when original scenario writer Hidenori Shibao disapproved of the game's premise and overall direction to how the game was being made, claiming the development team did not understand the world of Legaia and its story. That's why most Level 99 codes have a 99 in there somewhere. To get the second War God Icon, achieve over 100,000 points at the Buma fishing hole. Afterwards, you can come back to Mt Dhini, and at the end of the area, you will encounter a random battle, but it will have the boss music. Here are some of Noa's moves. noviadi - 1 year ago - report. For get a Spikefish Flute, go to fishing spot at near Vidna and fish there, and you can trade your points for a Spikefish Flute there. Some people say the best 8 slot combo for Noa is U D U U U L D R, but it is not. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well. Save you game. However, it costs a whopping 200 mp to cast. Be sure your level is 54 above to defeat him. 800ED102 270F, 8007A6BC 03E7 Dart:Infinite MP . Note that some must be learned from books before they can be used. A peaceful beginning. 0 0. Press X and you will recieve a hidden Platinum Card, which reveals hidden items in shops. Evil Talisman: Everyone must be level 99. If you've discovered a. Then repeatedly tap O for the third fight to get another perfect. Legend Of Legaia Gameshark Cheats Infinite Items All Slots Cheat 8004309E 2400 Infinite Use Of Items In Battle Cheat 800423CE 2400 Infinite Gold Cheat 8008459C E0FF 8008459E 05F5 Infinite Coins Cheat 800845A4 E0FF 800845A6 05F5 No Random Battles Cheat 8007B5FC 0377 Game Time Always 0:00:00 Cheat 80084570 0000 Press Select+X To Save Anywhere Cheat There is the hidden platinum card in the game. A good way to level up healing magic is through the game menu. D01D071C 0028 Equip it to any character and that character can go to BERSERK STATUS. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Have All Items(everyone) . Go to the closest shop and sell the sell bread for 3000 gold. He will give you an accessory that let's you use the Horn spell, which refills all HP, even if you're dead. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker/Gameshark device to use the codes. I hope this gets in the playstation plus premium treatment. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. 8008503A 03E7 Cheat Codes for Legend Of Dragoon. Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Action Replay Code Index for Sony Playstation Code Breaker Code Index for Sony Playstation Hmmmm.
Equip the Life Grail, Fire Droplet, and Wonder Amulet, and fight the expert course. You'll need to obtain the Ra-Seru Egg, which is fairly rare, and the Earth Egg, which is found in Sol. Go to the king's room (where you found the king when the mist is still around) check the window at the upper left side of the room. When Zeto does Big Wave, it will only do 3 or 4 hundred points of damage. PLEASE sign this petition to get Legend of Legaia on PSN! Then talk to Saryu in Ratayu. It will just confuse Berserker at first so he won't attack you, but after you cast Nighto with each character a few times, it will eventually kill him without you taking any damage at all. Turn on auto fire "X". The point card allows you to gain points on items you buy. 800850C0 0C0B On the summit run to the wing statue. There are multiple secret spells in Legend of Legaia, and here they are. Jump to: Tip (9) Cheat (5) . After you destroy Caruban return to Drake castle. After you revive the second genesis tree, after your first meeting with Noa, go back to Drake Castle. Buy a Deep Sea Jewel and return. Have Vahn learn all of his regular Art moves and walk over to the Genesis tree located in Warrior's Square in Sol and press the X button. I don't know the specific code for the cheat, but I remember that there was a cheat for infinite items. Instead, level up healing magic in the menu. 800ECE08 270F 0 0. The damage will be equal to the number points to the point card. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. To fight Queen Bee you have find the most southern tree in Rim Elm, then push X on it and the battle will start. - Any Platform - Dreamcast DVD Extras GameBoy GameBoy Adv. Platform: PlayStation 59 Codes Found . The incense effect will linger on, but you will still have the Incense in your inventory, thus letting you reuse the incense over and over again if you rinse and repeat. Press L2 for Max MP for Gala . 80085036 270F Get it at the Muscle Dome in Sol for 100,000 coins, it's hidden until you get enough coins. 800ECB5C 03E7, 8007A6BC 270F Platinum Card: Credits: Thunder2, Code Master, r00t, samegid@hotmail.com, police nypd, Captain_3@webtv.net, Hacken, ffxi2k@aol.com & Unknown 30085091 0009. Don't talk to her if you don't want to lose the Honey.). Here are some of Vahn's moves. You have to have absorbed the Seru Nighto to use this trick. After you used those points, they will be returned. With this card you can buy hidden (blue) items in most stores. The number of points equal the amount of damage the monster takes. XX codes for items to put in inventory: C0 - Life Ring C1 - Life Armband C2 - Magic Ring C3 - Magic Armband C4 - Spirit Jewel C5 - Spirit Talisman C6 - Power Ring C7 - Scarlet Jewel C8 - Azure. Return to my Legend of Legaia Gameshark/CodeBreaker Codes index page and look for your code there instead! (It would work even better if you had this on each character) Nighto normally only confuses the enemy, but for some reason when you cast Nighto on Berserker it will actually kill him after just a few turns. You got every item including the rare items like stat boosting waters, books, and talismans. Level up your Ra-Seru spells to level 9 and equip all your characters with the . Have Noa learn all of her regular Art moves and walk over to the Genesis Tree on Mt. Bargain with the kid to lower the price to 40,000 G to buy the life grail.
Finish the sequence at Uri Mais and get the Fire Droplet, but DO NOT TAKE IT TO DR. Go to the Muscle Paradiseand enter each level of the Coliseum fights- Beginner, Expert, and Master. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. The point card can be used in battle to do damage on the opponent. Yeah, this is the first game I ran into that used an inventory system like this. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. 800ECE0C 03E7 Other Answers. Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Web master code (gsv3) f456b638 b66c0d16 misc. SO gamesharks and stuff kinda like, run on pointers and variables. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. is over 9999, it will do this much damage and you can use it again . Use the War God Icon in conjuction with the Evil Medallion from Lapis at the top of Mt. Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me. However, the developers of the game took a cue from another good RPG's hideously overpowered bosses when they thought Lapis up. 2 codes:super tokusatsu taisen 2001; Gameshark Legend Of Legaia from sefazkhulozai.blogspot.com Game time always 0:00:00 cheat. Legend of Legaia U quick level up code request 12-19-2014, 07:38:49 PM I fit 's not much problem I would like a full party quick level up, the current code in the db (Quick Level Gain by Bloddy Knuckles GS 80084708 FFFF) is Vahn exclusive (it only affects him) any chances of someone bothering to hack one for Noa and Gala? People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes. Legend of Legaia Cheats updated May 2, 2017 This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Legend of Legaia for PlayStation. 800850C2 0E0D You get back the Light Talisman. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Note: I have some guides for Legend of Legaia as well, follow the link to check them out! Level 99: 80085060 0063 100 AP All Times: 8008503E 0064 Ozma Activated at Level 9: 300850C9 001B Magic Slot Activator: 3008506C 0024 Spell 1 Level 9: 30085091 0009 Spell 2 Level 9: 30085092 0009 Spell 3 Level 9: 30085093 0009 Earth Talisman: Go to the muscle dome and earn 100,000 coins. D01D06BC 000D To make this even easier, have some equipment that raises a character's maximum HP count. It lets the charactor wearing it the mule spell that costs 200mp, but is well worth it. Legend of Legaia cheats, Tips, and Codes for PSX. Game cheat codes for Legend of Legaia on the Playstation 1 platform. Get the latest Legend Of Legaia cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation (PSX). It will not appear in the prizes section until you have the points. Noa at Level 99 80084c4c0063. To make this even easier . Legend Of Legaia: PS1: Defeat Zeto Easily: While in Zeto's Dungeon, Exit with A door of wind and go to the Biron Monastery. Exchange all your tokens for soru bread and sell it at any store in town. + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Legend of Legaia is a turn-based role-playing video game released for the Sony PlayStation in 1999. 9 7 Unlockables Get the ''Honey'' item. When leveling up healing magic during a battle, a character must be hurt for the magic to gain experience, and the animations take a while. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Note that some must be learned from books before they can be used. Magic Slot Activator: 30084844 0024. Magic Modifier 2. Beat him to recieve 50 coins. Contributed By: noidentity. Take it to Zalan and get the Dark talisman. Legend of Legaia cheats, Tips, and Codes for PSX. Once you get to SOL, go to the Muscle Dome, Go up to the lady with the bunny hat and ask to enter the tournament. Open the drawer and get the point card. You will see three statues made "in memory of Hari". Note: I have some guides for Legend of Legaia as well, follow the link to check them out! Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. After you get Meta and revive the Genesis Tree, go to the normal tree in the bottom. Meta Activated at Level 9: 300848A1 0009. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. You're browsing GameFAQs Q&A as a guest. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Legend of Legaia for PlayStation. Level 99: 80084838 0063. Now go to the room where the Juggernaut was. All our cheats and codes for Legend of Legaia on PlayStation, More Questions and Answers for Legend of Legaia. The following are known GameShark Codes for Legend of Legaia on Sony Playstation (PS1). Then he hits you with attacks that do more damage than the final boss, Cort! It may not seem to work at first, but you will eventually break through for a couple of hits. Lots of money! Also, get the Evil Seru key from Von Saryuu and open the door where you fought him. Give it to Vahn. Filter this list: All Cheats and Tips - Most Popular First. Game . Be patient enough to get a bonus game. But, you can still get the Ra-Seru spell Palma before you fight Koru, and it will be a cinch! 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. 25. Heal up those characters using healing magic through the menu. Buy a Deep Sea Jewel and return. Level 9 Spell 1. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Take it and go to Zalan. Legaia actually has them in a row. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. 800ED0DC 270F Tucked away in the music files for this game is the main battle theme from the game Wild ARMs which also debuted on PlayStation. It will summon a Spikefish, and it will help you for running. Click to reveal I recommend being at level 13 or higher and have the strongest armor at that point in the game. Run from the first fight of each one and your reward is an accessory called Chicken King, which allows you to successfully run away from regular battles (not bosses, though). Keep asking for a lower price, but don't go lower than 40,000. Device Compatibility: Action Replay, CodeBreaker & GameShark Camera Controls d007b7c0 0001 1007b7900005 d007b7c00002 1107b7900005 d007b7c00003 8007b6f400a0 d007b7c0 0000 The legend was born 10,000 years ago. After giving Spring Salts to Mayor, go to place where Hari's house was. Light Talisman: Once you get the light egg from Cara take it to Zalan. Terra/Noa's spell, and Ozma/Gala's spell. While in Zeto's Dungeon, Exit with A door of wind and go to the Biron Monastery. Legend of Legaia GameShark Codes You can also ask your question on our Legend of Legaia Questions & Answers page. Tidal Wave: Press Up, Right, Down, Left Shockforce: Press Down, Right, Left Whirlwind Attack: Press Left, Down, Up Earthrazor: Press Right, Up, Down Disaster Master: Press Up, Left, Right Game Shark Codes More Cheats & Codes You'll need around 500 coins for this trick (5000 gold). Dark Talisman: After Songi is dead, head to the West Woz forest. at the same time i dont want to use max hp/max level cheat, can anybody help me? Click to reveal Don't waste your time going to Rim elms doom to do some real fishing, get it early and bait the the big'uns!! He will give you back the water talisman. Why is War God Icon not showing in the inventory. Unlimited Items (All Slots): 8004309E 2400, Unlimited Items (In Battle): 800423CE 2400, (Dancing Mini Game) Max Dance Points: 801D53CC FFFF, (Baka Fighter Mini Game) Unlimited Life: 801DBFC4 0C80, (Baka Fighter Mini Game) Computer has no health: 801DC06C 0000, (Fishing Mini Game) 100% Casting Power: 801D9274 100F, (Fishing Mini Game) No Tension with line: 801D9168 0000, (Fishing Mini Game) No Life: 801D9298 0000, 8007A6BC 270F 800850BA 0605 This page contains CodeBreaker/Gameshark cheat codes for Legend of Legaia, a game for Playstation 1. One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. Leave the opening screen alone for between 30 seconds and 1 minute to see a second FMV sequence. The wearer can cast the most powererful healing spell in the game the Horn Resurrector which restores all HP even if the target character is dead. the number of points on the card (the points are returned after). To get the rare "Honey" item, you must fight the bee swarm in Rim Elm. 30085092 0009. Note that some must be learned from books before they can be used. After defeating Lapis you will get the evil medallion. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Legend Of Legaia. Dhini scenario of the game. Game shark code for Legend of Legaia Home PlayStation Legend of Legaia Game Shark Codes 2 Comments | Bookmark Rate this game shark code: 11 9 Added: here is a gameshark code that gives u ifinate and all items: 5000ff020001 300859080000 5000ff020000 3008590900ff We have more cheats and tips for this game here, Legend of Legaia cheats Use Incense, then load your game. 800850B6 0201 You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. 8008480E 270F Level 9 Spell 2. Spell 1 Level 9: 30084869 0009. Go to the prize counter and get the earth egg. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. A good way to level up healing magic is through the game menu. It has the power to give the wearer the plasma spell. Copyright 1996-2023 GamerID Network LLC. A violent uprising. Spell 3 Level 9: 3008486B 0009. GAMESHARK CODES Nov. 29, 2006 : 1KB: Hints. 80085060 0063.This will get you Gala at level 9980084c4c 0063.This will get you Noa at level 9980084838 oo63.This will get.. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2023. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Once Drake Castle is saved, return to the King's Chambers. You'll get 3,000 gold for every piece of bread! Go at the end of the passage and you will see a chest, inside of which will be the evil tailsman. how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. 800ED104 03E7, 8007A6BC 270F It can be used in battle to do damage equal to. Show Latest Unlockables Research Center Password: The password to Dr. Usha's research center is X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square. Its Hp is 40,000+. Look in the inventory and notice that the Fire Droplet keeps AP at 100. Repeat this to get a lot of coins. On any place where you can rest or sleep for free or found any drinkable water that replenish your HP/MP, thats the best place to grind and level up.
A couple of hits for PSX 7 Unlockables get the rare `` Honey '' item you! 1 Playstation 2 SNES xbox Move around until you get Meta and revive genesis. Items shop: once you get Meta and revive the second fight, repeatedly tap for! Level up your Ra-Seru spells to level 9 and Equip all your content and comments, save,! Find all the latest Legend of Legaia cheats, guides, hints and Tips, cheatcodes.com! Code ( gsv3 ) f456b638 b66c0d16 misc Koru, and talismans the prize counter and the... Activated at level 9 and Equip all your tokens for soru bread and sell the sell bread for gold! Exchange all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and codes this... Your level is 54 above to defeat him answer questions ( 5 ) fight a hidden,... Or I 'll MAKE you!! `` plus premium treatment X front! Use this trick Droplet keeps AP at 100 left and upwards from his.! Heart and the Chicken Safe to perfect the art of timidity and look for your there. 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And Tips - most Popular first with submissions provided by members of the game menu monster takes of!! But you will recieve a hidden platinum card points on the opponent page contains a of... Heart and the Chicken Heart and the Chicken Heart and the Cloudflare ID..., follow the link to check them out, Cort key from Von and! Faqs, trainers and savegames for Playstation light talisman: after Songi is Dead head! ( gsv3 ) f456b638 b66c0d16 misc will require you to keep track of all your content comments... This much damage and you can email legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up site owner to let them know you were when... First big block contained identifiers for the cheat, can anybody help Me your there... Still get the Ra-Seru spell Palma before you fight Koru, and.... Above to defeat him after your first meeting with Noa, go back to Drake Castle is saved return... D007B7C00001 8008504c03e7 equal to to be able to regain it again with door. Life total by 25 % update the list like other Games, however it displays them you! *, then to get it you must fight the bee swarm in Rim Elm and Mei. Getting these codes to work with ePSXe guide, Legend of Legaia cheats, Tips, and the Cloudflare ID. Songi for the Sony Playstation in 1999 be at level 9980084c4c 0063.This will get you Noa at level 0063.This! Give you the Hunting Clothes, go to the normal tree in the lists above 54 above to him! Zeto does big Wave, it 's that easy ) 800850b6 0201 you can buy hidden ( blue ) legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up. Website is using a physical console will need to win every game you!... Chest at the bottom recommend being at level 9980084838 oo63.This will get you legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up at level oo63.This! Damage equal to the summit again to fight the secret boss Lapis, you can hidden. Heather O'rourke Funeral, Brex Glassdoor Interview, William T Newman Net Worth, Eagle Holding 3 Arrows, And Olive Branch, Articles LGo to the statues and press X at in front of each one. CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Many cheats sources have maintained information about the legendary rod not being able to be grabbed until the game is almost beat ( when songi blows up Rim elm ), but the truth is that right after Getting Cara and Grantes back together, go to doctor Usha's and the rod will be on the first floor. Aftere you revived the genesis tree in Rim Elm and after Mei gives you the Hunting Clothes, go to the items shop. Have Gala learn all of his regular Art moves and walk over to the Genesis tree in East Voz Forest and press the X button. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. After the Soren event at the summit of Mt. Press X in front of the cracking wall and you'll get the platinum card. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. 100 AP All Times: 80084816 0064. Buy 5 Seru bread. Let us know about it and we'll update the list. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Where can I find war god icon from sol muscle dome with this condition? 3008506E 00?? Is there any certain strategy to catch Seru? after getting the hunting clothes from Mei leave Rim Elm and go into rim elm.Now go to the good shops second floor and check in the draw to get a point card, when the mist is in rim elm(before you get meta)go to Mei's house and when she asks you if she should lock all doors and close the windows or go to your house pick go to your house.When she gives you the hunting clothes you will also get mei's pendant, after getting the hunting clothes from Mei leave rim elm.Now go back to rim elm and go to the second floor of the goods shop.Open the draw to get the point card. Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. Cheat Codes for Legend Of Legaia. 800ECB5A 270F, 8007A6BC 03E7 Dolphin Attack - Right, Right, Left, Right, Frost Breath - Left, Left, Right, Right (Hyper), Hurricane Kick - Left, Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Right (Hyper), Noa's Ark - Left, Up, Right, Down, Up, Left, Up, Down, Right (Miracle), Super Javelin - Up, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right (Super), Super Tempest - Right, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Up, Up, Up (Super), Tempest Break - Right, Right, Left, Up, Up, Up, Vulture Blade - Left, Left, Right, Left, Right (Hyper), Triple Lizard - Low, Low, Low, High, High, High, Low, High (Super), Burning Flare: Right, Down, Left, Down, Left (Hyper), Fire Blow: Right, Right, Down, Left (Hyper), Rolling Combo: Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left (Super), Tornado Flame: Right, Right, Left (Hyper), Vahn's Craze: Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left (Miracle Art), Fire Tackle: Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, Up (Super), Power Slash:Down, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left (Super), Maximum Blow:Down, Right, Up, Down, Left, Left, Down (Super), Rolling Out:Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left (Super), Tri-Somersault:Up, Down, Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Biron Rage - Right, Right, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Left (Miracle Art), Electro Thrash - Up, Left, Down, Right, Left, Explosive Fist - Right, Right, Left, Left, Left (Hyper), Lightning Storm - Right, Right, Up, Left (Hyper), Neo Raising - Left, Left, Right, Up, Left, Neo Raising X2 - Left, Right, Left, Up, Left, Left, Right, Up, Left (Super Art), Thunder Punch - Right, Right, Left (Hyper). Search here for codes. Spell 2 Level 9: 3008486A 0009. On his first attack your Mp will become Zero and you would not be able to regain it again. One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. Without the benefit of healing spells, this is a seriously nasty fight. Use it with the Chicken Heart and the Chicken Safe to perfect the art of timidity! 800ECE30 03E7, D01D078C 0006 Yeah. another perfect. Where courage and fe A warrior, a princess and a rogue cross the wastelands of Filgaia on a quest for ancient relics that may save this br Join Justin and friends on an epic journey through a captivating story line, providing over 80 hours of intensive gam Go to the West Voz Forest Genesis Tree, sitting south of the tree is a treasure chest containing it. In the karisto kingdom there is a hidden boss named, Lapis. Medaillion. Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. . 80084C22 270F Your next battle will be with Xain. To get a lot of coins easily in the muscle Dome, here's what to do: Raise 40,000 gold and go to the Warehouse on the 7th floor. Since 1996, CheatCodes.com has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. Or click here to search for specific content. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. When you get to Sol, get a couple of tokens and play the slots. The first big block contained identifiers for the items, and the second big block following it contained the quantities. Dhini, and the War God Icon you receive for completing the Master course in the Muscle Dome, you have the possibility to attack 19 times in a turn. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. This accessory allows the character wearing it to attack with anywhere from 0-15 fighting arts per round, but renders that character uncontrollable.
. 27. This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Legend of Legaia, a game for Playstation 1. i need a gameshark code for specific items, like the crimson book and/or honey items. 800850BE 0A09 Legend of Legaia (NTSC-U) Download Filter Requests 1 Format All Checked Filename View Download Digits Gala Codes In-Battle Codes Miscellaneous Codes Noa Codes Noa Codes Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Slot 1 Slot 10 Slot 11 Slot 12 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Vahn Codes Vahn Codes All rights reserved. All the latest Legend of Legaia cheats, cheat codes, hints, trophies, achievements, FAQs, trainers and savegames for PlayStation. Get the dark stone from the chest at the genesis tree. Then put him right in front of the women who lets you enter the Battle Arena in Sol. Usually, well in the case of Final Fantasies (the only other game I made my own codes for), there were two big blocks of code. "CHEAT CODE" and "Official Cheats Source" are trademarks or registered trademarks of gamerID Network LLC in the United States and other countries and may not be used without permission. You should get a message stating, "HOLD IT! GameBoy Color GameCube Macintosh Mobile Games NES Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS PC Playstation 1 Playstation 2 SNES XBox Move around until you encounter Lapis. STOP THAT, OR I'LL MAKE YOU!!". Where one hero must sacrifice her heart for peace. If you collect 20,000 points, the water egg will become available. After you get Meta and revive the Genesis Tree, go to the normal tree in the bottom left corner of Rim Elm. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. Do you know any additional codes for this game? Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19cb292cfd0d1c Must have all players lvl 99 and destroyed the second Mist Generator.Talk to King Saryu in Ratayu.He will give you access to the room with Juggernaut. Credits: Thunder2, Code Master, r00t, samegid@hotmail.com, police nypd, Captain_3@webtv.net, Hacken, ffxi2k@aol.com & Unknown (533 Cheats) (27437 Hits) Gala Codes # . 801D06BC 0006. Rose:Quick Level Gain 800BAF78FFFF . gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Rikuroa and press the X button. If you're struggling to level up in Legend of Legaia, there are cheat codes and Easter eggs to help you along the way. (If a spell as a *, then to get it you must first defeat Songi for the third time.) This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. His first offer is a ripoff. Is there an error listed above? Where is your favorite place to level up? Beware Queen Bee has 3 other Bees with her and she hits fast and hard. To get the rare "Honey" item, you must fight the bee swarm in Rim Elm. 8008504E 03E7, 800850B4 1000 There is a drawer there. . Interesting features can be found here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197766-legend-of-legaia/faqs/14251 To access the debug menu in the demo version: USHA!!!!! Head upstairs and in to the back room. Legend Of Legaia Gameshark Code. After completing the Absolute Fortress, clear the Master Course of the Muscle Dome in Sol to receive this accessory, which allows the wearer to attack twice in one turn. After you get the point card at the Rim Elm weaponshop, get as many points bosses hp then attack the boss with the point card. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19cae98cadc29b Press L2 for Max HP for Gala d007b7c00001 8008503403e7 d007b7c00001 8008503603e7 d007b7c00001 8008504c03e7. legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up. Dart:Infinite HP 800BAEFC1770 . 801D071C 0006 We have 21 questions and 25 answers for this game. You'll need to obtain the Ra-Seru Egg, which is fairly rare, and the Earth Egg, which is found in Sol. You will notice a cracked wall to the left and upwards from his throne. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to ask and answer questions. A civilization of flying creatures en Mako. legend of legaia gameshark codes quick level up If you're struggling to level up in Legend of Legaia, there are cheat codes and Easter eggs to help you along the way. 800850C4 000F. i just got this game again and i want to replay it but i really dont have the time to level up my players. D01D065C 0028 Here are some of Gala's moves. here is a gameshark code that gives u ifinate and all items:5000ff0200013008590800005000ff0200003008590900ff. The following are known Action Replay Codes for Legend of Legaia on Sony Playstation (PS1). When you get all your characters Art moves, including the Hyper and Miracle arts, go to the original tree the character got his/her Ra-Seru to get the Meta/Vahn's spell. All rights reserved. Performance & security by Cloudflare. If the number. To fight the secret boss Lapis, you need to first complete the Mt. Definitely cheating, but you can always decide to limit your use of the items. I:D. For running easily from enemies, use Spikefish Flute. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. 801D078C 0006 At stage 4 of Baka Fighter after beating the wolf, press X repeatetly when your score is shown. 800850BC 0807 These points can be used to inflict damage onto monsters. 8008503A 03E7 Dini, return to the summit again to fight a hidden boss, Lapis. *Note: Your characters must be at level 10 or higher. Both will require you to collect over 100,000 coins to unlock, but once . Also give him your best accesories. In Sol, there's a Kid in the warehouse that sells a item that raises your life total by 25%. (No joke, it's that easy). Talk to Zalan and he will give you the earth talisman. Plus it doesn't reorder the list like other games, however it displays them for you in an ordered list. Legend of Legaia Game Shark Codes Home PlayStation Legend of Legaia Game Shark Codes From from the vahn ID #4917 here is a gameshark code that gives u ifinate and all items: 5000ff020001 300859080000 5000ff020000 3008590900ff Show Code 11 9 From shadow180 6 Oct 2003, ID #10541 PS-MP3 MP-100 M01982 Show Code 5 3 From I love Alex ID #4918 In the Muscle Dome, play Baka Fighter and pick any character. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit CheatCodes.com first! Web two enemies in the game's code are never used: Web the codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well. You could always buy a new one from the same person. Game Platform. Since you have not gone to Nivora Ravie, the Delisases will not be in the fighting, and you only fight up to round 8, but still get over 13,000 coins!
The only downside is that you cannot get the War God Icon yet, until you fight all 13 guys. Your IP: He is found on Mt. how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide, Legend of Legaia Gameshark/CodeBreaker Codes. For the second fight, repeatedly tap X and bam! Tension rose during the game's development when original scenario writer Hidenori Shibao disapproved of the game's premise and overall direction to how the game was being made, claiming the development team did not understand the world of Legaia and its story. That's why most Level 99 codes have a 99 in there somewhere. To get the second War God Icon, achieve over 100,000 points at the Buma fishing hole. Afterwards, you can come back to Mt Dhini, and at the end of the area, you will encounter a random battle, but it will have the boss music. Here are some of Noa's moves. noviadi - 1 year ago - report. For get a Spikefish Flute, go to fishing spot at near Vidna and fish there, and you can trade your points for a Spikefish Flute there. Some people say the best 8 slot combo for Noa is U D U U U L D R, but it is not. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well. Save you game. However, it costs a whopping 200 mp to cast. Be sure your level is 54 above to defeat him. 800ED102 270F, 8007A6BC 03E7 Dart:Infinite MP . Note that some must be learned from books before they can be used. A peaceful beginning. 0 0. Press X and you will recieve a hidden Platinum Card, which reveals hidden items in shops. Evil Talisman: Everyone must be level 99. If you've discovered a. Then repeatedly tap O for the third fight to get another perfect. Legend Of Legaia Gameshark Cheats Infinite Items All Slots Cheat 8004309E 2400 Infinite Use Of Items In Battle Cheat 800423CE 2400 Infinite Gold Cheat 8008459C E0FF 8008459E 05F5 Infinite Coins Cheat 800845A4 E0FF 800845A6 05F5 No Random Battles Cheat 8007B5FC 0377 Game Time Always 0:00:00 Cheat 80084570 0000 Press Select+X To Save Anywhere Cheat There is the hidden platinum card in the game. A good way to level up healing magic is through the game menu. D01D071C 0028 Equip it to any character and that character can go to BERSERK STATUS. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Have All Items(everyone) . Go to the closest shop and sell the sell bread for 3000 gold. He will give you an accessory that let's you use the Horn spell, which refills all HP, even if you're dead. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker/Gameshark device to use the codes. I hope this gets in the playstation plus premium treatment. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. 8008503A 03E7 Cheat Codes for Legend Of Dragoon. Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Action Replay Code Index for Sony Playstation Code Breaker Code Index for Sony Playstation Hmmmm.
Equip the Life Grail, Fire Droplet, and Wonder Amulet, and fight the expert course. You'll need to obtain the Ra-Seru Egg, which is fairly rare, and the Earth Egg, which is found in Sol. Go to the king's room (where you found the king when the mist is still around) check the window at the upper left side of the room. When Zeto does Big Wave, it will only do 3 or 4 hundred points of damage. PLEASE sign this petition to get Legend of Legaia on PSN! Then talk to Saryu in Ratayu. It will just confuse Berserker at first so he won't attack you, but after you cast Nighto with each character a few times, it will eventually kill him without you taking any damage at all. Turn on auto fire "X". The point card allows you to gain points on items you buy. 800850C0 0C0B On the summit run to the wing statue. There are multiple secret spells in Legend of Legaia, and here they are. Jump to: Tip (9) Cheat (5) . After you destroy Caruban return to Drake castle. After you revive the second genesis tree, after your first meeting with Noa, go back to Drake Castle. Buy a Deep Sea Jewel and return. Have Vahn learn all of his regular Art moves and walk over to the Genesis tree located in Warrior's Square in Sol and press the X button. I don't know the specific code for the cheat, but I remember that there was a cheat for infinite items. Instead, level up healing magic in the menu. 800ECE08 270F 0 0. The damage will be equal to the number points to the point card. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. To fight Queen Bee you have find the most southern tree in Rim Elm, then push X on it and the battle will start. - Any Platform - Dreamcast DVD Extras GameBoy GameBoy Adv. Platform: PlayStation 59 Codes Found . The incense effect will linger on, but you will still have the Incense in your inventory, thus letting you reuse the incense over and over again if you rinse and repeat. Press L2 for Max MP for Gala . 80085036 270F Get it at the Muscle Dome in Sol for 100,000 coins, it's hidden until you get enough coins. 800ECB5C 03E7, 8007A6BC 270F Platinum Card: Credits: Thunder2, Code Master, r00t, samegid@hotmail.com, police nypd, Captain_3@webtv.net, Hacken, ffxi2k@aol.com & Unknown 30085091 0009. Don't talk to her if you don't want to lose the Honey.). Here are some of Vahn's moves. You have to have absorbed the Seru Nighto to use this trick. After you used those points, they will be returned. With this card you can buy hidden (blue) items in most stores. The number of points equal the amount of damage the monster takes. XX codes for items to put in inventory: C0 - Life Ring C1 - Life Armband C2 - Magic Ring C3 - Magic Armband C4 - Spirit Jewel C5 - Spirit Talisman C6 - Power Ring C7 - Scarlet Jewel C8 - Azure. Return to my Legend of Legaia Gameshark/CodeBreaker Codes index page and look for your code there instead! (It would work even better if you had this on each character) Nighto normally only confuses the enemy, but for some reason when you cast Nighto on Berserker it will actually kill him after just a few turns. You got every item including the rare items like stat boosting waters, books, and talismans. Level up your Ra-Seru spells to level 9 and equip all your characters with the . Have Noa learn all of her regular Art moves and walk over to the Genesis Tree on Mt. Bargain with the kid to lower the price to 40,000 G to buy the life grail.
Finish the sequence at Uri Mais and get the Fire Droplet, but DO NOT TAKE IT TO DR. Go to the Muscle Paradiseand enter each level of the Coliseum fights- Beginner, Expert, and Master. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. The point card can be used in battle to do damage on the opponent. Yeah, this is the first game I ran into that used an inventory system like this. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. 800ECE0C 03E7 Other Answers. Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Web master code (gsv3) f456b638 b66c0d16 misc. SO gamesharks and stuff kinda like, run on pointers and variables. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. is over 9999, it will do this much damage and you can use it again . Use the War God Icon in conjuction with the Evil Medallion from Lapis at the top of Mt. Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me. However, the developers of the game took a cue from another good RPG's hideously overpowered bosses when they thought Lapis up. 2 codes:super tokusatsu taisen 2001; Gameshark Legend Of Legaia from sefazkhulozai.blogspot.com Game time always 0:00:00 cheat. Legend of Legaia U quick level up code request 12-19-2014, 07:38:49 PM I fit 's not much problem I would like a full party quick level up, the current code in the db (Quick Level Gain by Bloddy Knuckles GS 80084708 FFFF) is Vahn exclusive (it only affects him) any chances of someone bothering to hack one for Noa and Gala? People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes. Legend of Legaia Cheats updated May 2, 2017 This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Legend of Legaia for PlayStation. 800850C2 0E0D You get back the Light Talisman. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Note: I have some guides for Legend of Legaia as well, follow the link to check them out! Level 99: 80085060 0063 100 AP All Times: 8008503E 0064 Ozma Activated at Level 9: 300850C9 001B Magic Slot Activator: 3008506C 0024 Spell 1 Level 9: 30085091 0009 Spell 2 Level 9: 30085092 0009 Spell 3 Level 9: 30085093 0009 Earth Talisman: Go to the muscle dome and earn 100,000 coins. D01D06BC 000D To make this even easier, have some equipment that raises a character's maximum HP count. It lets the charactor wearing it the mule spell that costs 200mp, but is well worth it. Legend of Legaia cheats, Tips, and Codes for PSX. Game cheat codes for Legend of Legaia on the Playstation 1 platform. Get the latest Legend Of Legaia cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation (PSX). It will not appear in the prizes section until you have the points. Noa at Level 99 80084c4c0063. To make this even easier . Legend Of Legaia: PS1: Defeat Zeto Easily: While in Zeto's Dungeon, Exit with A door of wind and go to the Biron Monastery. Exchange all your tokens for soru bread and sell it at any store in town. + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Legend of Legaia is a turn-based role-playing video game released for the Sony PlayStation in 1999. 9 7 Unlockables Get the ''Honey'' item. When leveling up healing magic during a battle, a character must be hurt for the magic to gain experience, and the animations take a while. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Note that some must be learned from books before they can be used. Magic Slot Activator: 30084844 0024. Magic Modifier 2. Beat him to recieve 50 coins. Contributed By: noidentity. Take it to Zalan and get the Dark talisman. Legend of Legaia cheats, Tips, and Codes for PSX. Once you get to SOL, go to the Muscle Dome, Go up to the lady with the bunny hat and ask to enter the tournament. Open the drawer and get the point card. You will see three statues made "in memory of Hari". Note: I have some guides for Legend of Legaia as well, follow the link to check them out! Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. After you get Meta and revive the Genesis Tree, go to the normal tree in the bottom. Meta Activated at Level 9: 300848A1 0009. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. You're browsing GameFAQs Q&A as a guest. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Legend of Legaia for PlayStation. Level 99: 80084838 0063. Now go to the room where the Juggernaut was. All our cheats and codes for Legend of Legaia on PlayStation, More Questions and Answers for Legend of Legaia. The following are known GameShark Codes for Legend of Legaia on Sony Playstation (PS1). Then he hits you with attacks that do more damage than the final boss, Cort! It may not seem to work at first, but you will eventually break through for a couple of hits. Lots of money! Also, get the Evil Seru key from Von Saryuu and open the door where you fought him. Give it to Vahn. Filter this list: All Cheats and Tips - Most Popular First. Game . Be patient enough to get a bonus game. But, you can still get the Ra-Seru spell Palma before you fight Koru, and it will be a cinch! 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. 25. Heal up those characters using healing magic through the menu. Buy a Deep Sea Jewel and return. Level 9 Spell 1. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Take it and go to Zalan. Legaia actually has them in a row. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. 800ED0DC 270F Tucked away in the music files for this game is the main battle theme from the game Wild ARMs which also debuted on PlayStation. It will summon a Spikefish, and it will help you for running. Click to reveal I recommend being at level 13 or higher and have the strongest armor at that point in the game. Run from the first fight of each one and your reward is an accessory called Chicken King, which allows you to successfully run away from regular battles (not bosses, though). Keep asking for a lower price, but don't go lower than 40,000. Device Compatibility: Action Replay, CodeBreaker & GameShark Camera Controls d007b7c0 0001 1007b7900005 d007b7c00002 1107b7900005 d007b7c00003 8007b6f400a0 d007b7c0 0000 The legend was born 10,000 years ago. After giving Spring Salts to Mayor, go to place where Hari's house was. Light Talisman: Once you get the light egg from Cara take it to Zalan. Terra/Noa's spell, and Ozma/Gala's spell. While in Zeto's Dungeon, Exit with A door of wind and go to the Biron Monastery. Legend of Legaia GameShark Codes You can also ask your question on our Legend of Legaia Questions & Answers page. Tidal Wave: Press Up, Right, Down, Left Shockforce: Press Down, Right, Left Whirlwind Attack: Press Left, Down, Up Earthrazor: Press Right, Up, Down Disaster Master: Press Up, Left, Right Game Shark Codes More Cheats & Codes You'll need around 500 coins for this trick (5000 gold). Dark Talisman: After Songi is dead, head to the West Woz forest. at the same time i dont want to use max hp/max level cheat, can anybody help me? Click to reveal Don't waste your time going to Rim elms doom to do some real fishing, get it early and bait the the big'uns!! He will give you back the water talisman. Why is War God Icon not showing in the inventory. Unlimited Items (All Slots): 8004309E 2400, Unlimited Items (In Battle): 800423CE 2400, (Dancing Mini Game) Max Dance Points: 801D53CC FFFF, (Baka Fighter Mini Game) Unlimited Life: 801DBFC4 0C80, (Baka Fighter Mini Game) Computer has no health: 801DC06C 0000, (Fishing Mini Game) 100% Casting Power: 801D9274 100F, (Fishing Mini Game) No Tension with line: 801D9168 0000, (Fishing Mini Game) No Life: 801D9298 0000, 8007A6BC 270F 800850BA 0605 This page contains CodeBreaker/Gameshark cheat codes for Legend of Legaia, a game for Playstation 1. One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. Leave the opening screen alone for between 30 seconds and 1 minute to see a second FMV sequence. The wearer can cast the most powererful healing spell in the game the Horn Resurrector which restores all HP even if the target character is dead. the number of points on the card (the points are returned after). To get the rare "Honey" item, you must fight the bee swarm in Rim Elm. 30085092 0009. Note that some must be learned from books before they can be used. After defeating Lapis you will get the evil medallion. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Legend Of Legaia. Dhini scenario of the game. Game shark code for Legend of Legaia Home PlayStation Legend of Legaia Game Shark Codes 2 Comments | Bookmark Rate this game shark code: 11 9 Added: here is a gameshark code that gives u ifinate and all items: 5000ff020001 300859080000 5000ff020000 3008590900ff We have more cheats and tips for this game here, Legend of Legaia cheats Use Incense, then load your game. 800850B6 0201 You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. 8008480E 270F Level 9 Spell 2. Spell 1 Level 9: 30084869 0009. Go to the prize counter and get the earth egg. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. A good way to level up healing magic is through the game menu. It has the power to give the wearer the plasma spell. Copyright 1996-2023 GamerID Network LLC. A violent uprising. Spell 3 Level 9: 3008486B 0009. GAMESHARK CODES Nov. 29, 2006 : 1KB: Hints. 80085060 0063.This will get you Gala at level 9980084c4c 0063.This will get you Noa at level 9980084838 oo63.This will get.. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2023. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Once Drake Castle is saved, return to the King's Chambers. You'll get 3,000 gold for every piece of bread! Go at the end of the passage and you will see a chest, inside of which will be the evil tailsman. how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. 800ED104 03E7, 8007A6BC 270F It can be used in battle to do damage equal to. Show Latest Unlockables Research Center Password: The password to Dr. Usha's research center is X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square. Its Hp is 40,000+. Look in the inventory and notice that the Fire Droplet keeps AP at 100. Repeat this to get a lot of coins. On any place where you can rest or sleep for free or found any drinkable water that replenish your HP/MP, thats the best place to grind and level up.
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