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lady antebellum name change ridiculous
lady antebellum name change ridiculouslady antebellum name change ridiculous
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lady antebellum name change ridiculous
The Grammy Award-winning country trio posted a heartfelt message to social media on Thursday (June 11), explaining its realization . 4:47 am, So the picture of George Washington on the state flag means nothing? July 9, 2020 @ Alternately, they could have recognized the $10 mil as an opening salvo, countered with $2 and let the lawyers fight it out. July 11, 2020 @ Its not just enough to be on the right side of an issue. OOPS! July 9, 2020 @ Anita White, a 61-year-old . We hope you will dig in and join us.". 8:33 am. This is what happens when you apologize to a mob of thugs and domestic terrorists. In response to the change, NPR journalist Anastasia Tsioulcas wrote, "The country trio Dixie Chicks have changed the group's name to The Chicks in an . Everything thing they do from how they dress to their actual music seems like it goes through a marketing review before it gets the ok. From their original name to the name change to the lawsuit I actually doubt that the members of this group have that much of a clue about any of it and just go along with what theyve been told to do because it works to make them money and their managers and lawyers and record company etc. When they did it was ,as Rhiannon Giddens put it, cringe inducing. They just never read the room right in the first place. It's really something. Or non-binary people. They still havent figured out the JEWS were From Triggers blog post Hillary Scott, Charles Kelley, and Dave Haywood of Lady A are not racists. When we set out together almost 14 years ago, we named our band after the southern antebellum style home where we took our first photos, the band said in the statement. The world is changing quickly, and the future is unsure. It would be starting over from scratch. However, in their specific use of A in their new name, it still means Antebellum. [reminds self that goofy Pontoon song belongs to sound-alike band Little Big Town]. Did You Ever Wonder How and Why the Left Is Able to Push Their Narratives Almost Unhindered? I doubt 5% of either group could spell antebellum. You Americans have the most dysfunctional and disgusting way of dealing with racism any country has. "I can say that for years, everyone in the country music community has really referred to them as Lady A. make something special and beautiful out of this moment 9:29 am. Fast forward to today, you have this fake white wokeness to mask their racist origins. The Lady A trio going on the offense might be the best legal move, but its an absolutely terrible move from a publicity standpoint. Lady A, Hey Arnold As I have said, $10 million is a ludicrous number, but very well could have been floated out there simply as a negotiation platform, knowing they would never get it, hoping for half at best. But what does that mean? no one wants to be associated with racism anymore, not even country musicians. As musicians, it reminded us of all the music born in the south that influenced usSouthern Rock, Blues, R&B, Gospel and of course Country. I feel like 95% of the people who are now trying to cancel the band dont give a single crap about the genre and would not be able to name a single song of theirs. Another thing to consider is that an entity has a stronger case for trademark protection when they can establish that the general public associates a given phrase, name, or slogan with that particular entity. It shouldnt have taken George Floyd to die for them to realize that their name had a slave reference to it. The term Antebellum is derived from the Antebellum Era in the American South when slavery was still legal. But if Anita White wanted to dispute it, she had an opportunity. Lady A apologizes to those who felt 'unsafe' and 'unvalued'. Her loss. The Grammy Award-winning country trio posted a heartfelt message to social media on Thursday (June 11), explaining its realization that Antebellum is a reference to slavery in America. The conflict between the country band Lady A, formerly known as Lady Antebellum, and Seattle blues singer Anita White, who also goes by Lady A, has apparently been settled. So today, we speak up and make a change. id rather have money than the opportunity to collaborate on some shitty song about the experience too. By Alexander Kacala. Lady Antebellum just dropped Antebellum from their name. But really though this cancel mob may seem like an on-line majority but in the real world I find these people to largely be cowards on the issues when asked directly about them in a nuanced way/, PennCentral July 9, 2020 @ But here we go again with another white person trying to take something from a black person, even though they say theyre trying to help. Lady Antebellum may no longer exist, but the band will play on with a new name, and perhaps even a new mindset that will make it more welcoming and inclusive than it was before. Get weekly rundowns straight to your inbox, A daily briefing on what matters in the music industry. I am talking about the organization, not the cause, but the cause has been hijacked by the collaboration., Ron_Jeff White Woke Gone Wild is my new band name. Anything short of that, and they are equal to slave owners. Causing pain was never our hearts intention, but it doesnt change the fact that indeed, it did just that. But, ultimately, this is becoming another case of people not letting facts and logic get in the way of a good Tweet. July 12, 2020 @ The country trio, which came together in 2006, came forward on Twitter on June 11, 2020 to announce that it was "deeply sorry" for using a moniker that has its roots in slavery. The popular country trio announced Thursday morning that it is dropping "Antebellum" a word widely understood to refer to the period before the Civil War from its name and will officially adopt "the nickname our fans gave us almost from the start.". Nobody is immune from fitting current events into their own established narrative. July 9, 2020 @ So I hope you dont mind Im disappointed in the headline that Billboard and other news outlets are using as click bait, when the article clearly states that the band is only responding to a 10M $ extortion demand. Once again the online mobespecially on Twitteris reacting to a drive-by, 260-character notion of the story instead of the actual situation with all the details. But perfectly harmless and fluffy. You have to properly gauge the intent of individuals and zoom out to see the bigger picture. Information about your device and internet connection, like your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Yahoo websites and apps. Some on social media seemed opposed to the more modern moniker: Your move, @dixiechicks #WeHaveLostOurDamnMinds, John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) June 11, 2020. "As a band, we have strived for our music to be a refugeinclusive of all," the band told its fans. John R Baker Furthermore, everyone knows what the A stands for. 4:55 pm. The Kaiju Preservation Society. Were still committed to educating ourselves, our children and doing our part to fight for the racial justice so desperately needed in our country and around the world. Maybe the white woke millennial trio should change their name back to Lady Antebellum. On Thursday, the band announced on social media it would . They just dont want to have to continue to be ridiculed and challenged by her for using the name. The band formerly known as Lady Antebellum and blues singer Anita White have settled their trademark dispute over the name . July 9, 2020 @ writing a song about this experience together People like getting fired up about something but everyone moves on in a matter of days or weeks. In June, the country trio formerly known as Lady Antebellum . Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) June 11, 2020. Frankly, Lady A should fire their management team today for not pushing back on this idea from the start (if it did start from the artists). There was also a band named The Highwaymen before the famous The Highwaymen were formed. July 9, 2020 @ But clearly the lawyers working for Anita White believe they have the advantage in the situation because if Lady A the band does anything less than give into their demands, they will be couched as racist in public. Im probably not being fair laughing at Lady Whatevers problem because I dont like them. Complete Disgrace, docweasel Please sound off in the Comments section below. July 13, 2020 @ Ive never done any of those things in my life. Dee Manning if she has the funds to fight, which the new Lady A is likely counting on her not having. After much personal reflection, band discussion, prayer and many honest conversations with some of our closes black friends and colleagues, we have decided to drop the word antebellum from our name and move forward as Lady A, the nickname our fans gave us almost from the start.. (If anybody thinks Im making shoot up, Google this stuff.). Regardless, this is screwy. UPDATE: July 9, 2020 The band formerly known as Lady Antebellum is now suing Anita White, the 61-year-old Black blues singer who has been using their new name, Lady A, for many years, filing a . Charles Kelley, Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood (from left to right) of Lady A. Just ask Louis XVI and Nicholas II.They appeased the Jacobins and Bolsheviks and they were entered into the grave. Meanwhile, focusing on names when actual actions that demean and downgrade black performers in country like when The Highwomen disinvited Mickey Guyton from a video shoot last minute go unreported. Country group Lady Antebellum is making a huge change to their band - they are changing its name. Is it an improvement? July 9, 2020 @ People come to a new genre in various indirect ways. Period. How about changing it to Person A that way people dont assume her gender? The way many of the headlines read, Lady A the band is trying to take Lady A the artist for everything shes worth, and that is what is resulting in the rage. But we are regretful and embarrassed to say that we did not take into account the associations that weigh down this word referring to the period of history before the civil war, which includes slavery., The group, which is made up of musicians Hillary Scott, Dave Haywood and Charles Kelley, added that they are, are deeply sorry for the hurt this has caused and for anyone who has felt unsafe, unseen or unvalued., Causing pain was never our hearts intention, but it doesnt change the fact that indeed, it did just that, they wrote. I also dont believe for an instant that the members of Lady Antebellum are as woke as they claim to be or they would have relented the use of the name the moment they realized what they had done. You may opt-out by. The band continue to explain that while it realizes changing its name is just one step, there is more to be done. 10:18 am, I just hope they get so much bad press they go away for good. Lady A chose the name after taking their original band photos in front of an antebellum-style house. July 9, 2020 @ July 9, 2020 @ Except for Need You Now which is a great song.) 4:50 am. The trio, more likely their management and publicity team, really screwed up, and this whole thing is going to get uglier. Why not just say that something I said you found offensive? We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. jacob hatcher I actually have seen them in concert (admittedly cause I was bored and tix to their Vegas residency were really cheap. WHY IS HE IN THE GROUP? Chase Rice really did take a selfie with a large crowd of unmasked fans, and did post the we back vid to make it look packed as possible. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. anna tweedy Lady Antebellum switched to Lady A in June 2020 in the wake of protests against racism and police violence, citing criticism that the name glorified the slavery-era South. We will continue to educate ourselves, have hard conversations, and search the parts of our hearts that need pruning, The band also said theyll be making a donation to the Equal Justice Initiative, which according to the organizationswebsite is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society., Moreover, Lady A wants to be better allies to those suffering from spoken and unspoken injustices. 9:30 am, In this [country] industry, the air is so thick and putrid with racism, both current and residual, that everyone is awash in it, their eyes so caked with hate that theyve been glued shut. The US country group Lady A known until recently as Lady Antebellum, before changing their name to shed its slavery-era connotations is suing the blues and gospel artist Lady A over use of the name. It doesnt make you too PC. As for the mob not coming after Lady Antebellum: Its probably because the mob is largely uneducated and ignorant. Lady A certainly led by example, as the Dixie Chicks Natalie Maines, Emily Strayer and Martie Maguire announced their name change to The Chicks two weeks later on June 25. October 4, 2021 @ The Chicks. Groveling to the BLM mob for a freakin non-offensive word. In failing to do so, the United States has failed to truly accept responsibility for its long-troubled track record with respect to race. But this apparent good deed towards the Black Lives Matter movement didnt go unpunished for long. The Anita White team was betting that public ignorance on the matter and the negative perception of a white group suing a black woman would twist the arm of Lady Antebellum and resort in an exorbitant payment. 1:18 pm. July 9, 2020 @ Dee Manning Country band, Lady Antebellum has announced that they have officially changed their name to Lady A. jacob hatcher Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. history is now being revealed and many blacks are waking up , along with the Global population. On Thursday (June 11), Lady Antebellum announced that the've officially shortened their name to Lady A in response to the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement. I live in PC HELL and deal with this shortsightedness all the time. I fail to see ANY upside to clinging to a name no one heard of before anyway. As for Lady A, formerly Lady Antebellum you are a complete disgrace to bow to this WOKE CRAP. sodcutterjones Their music is straight up adult contemporary anyway. This shows that the PC mob and much of the media is all about symbolism, and is using this moment to enact political retribution on artists that they believe dont fit their ideals as opposed to actually addressing race in country music. The Washington in Washington actually has a double meaning in that it also refers to one of the original American settlers in the state, who was black (biracial) himself. Whiskey_Pete . And now Im a fan of a lot of different country artists.). This is a good point. 9:39 am. But maybe Lady AA could be sponsored by Duracell..???? Most of the time when people complain about everything being too PC these days, theyre just mad about getting called out for making racist jokes or mocking someone for being gay. Stay in your Lane Its not a perfect solution, but its addressing the concern. LMAO. (Jason Kempin/Getty Images for CMT/Viacom) The popular country band Lady Antebellum is undergoing a name change. Lady Antebellum, which formed in 2006, said Thursday that it is changing its name to Lady A, a "nickname" used by fans for years, and admitted being "regretful and embarrassed" that it had failed . And even movies like the Academy Award winning movie Gone With the Wind are being temporarily pulled from online media channels. July 11, 2020 @ This feels like a classic matter where lawyers on both sides got involved, started seeing dollar signs, and they will be the ones who will make out like bandits as the two parties get dragged through litigation. Im not saying the group is fake but Im not lying when say that theyve always come across to me as something sort of phony. But rebranding a band 14 years in has massive ramifications on things like radio play, tour draw, merch, etc. 9:19 pm. Typical bullshit from your type. Lady As name change is the most recent example. Hillary Scott, Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood formed Lady Antebellum in 2006, and say that they faced no opposition, including from White, when they registered Lady A as a trademark in 2010. Lady Antebellum changes name in wake of Black Lives Matter movement, The country-pop trio who won Record and Song of the Year Grammys for their 2009 smash "Need You Now" have renounced the . The protests that swept the nation in the aftermath of George Floyds death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers have shaken the nation and sparked deep soul searching by many about the countrys racist past. It is difficult to keep up on everything that gets cancelled in culture. Maybe this is an effort by the original Lady A to receive reparations. The group are one of several music industry entities to have changed their name following the recent Black Lives Matter protests. This may feel unfair to Lady A the artist, but that is what these mechanisms are for, to protect artists from this very scenario. On the other hand, the media is stirring up the outrage with the way its covering the story. Charles Kelley, who shares the vocal spotlight with Hillary Scott, says, "The first week was kind of . 11:39 pm, In fairness, non-white sodomites are fucking HILARIOUS, Luckyoldsun Lady Anti-Antebellum? July 9, 2020 @ Legal Statement. By Marina Watts On 6/11/20 at 12:24 PM EDT. 6:52 pm. 10:04 am. 8:31 am. Causing pain was never our hearts intention, but it doesnt change the fact that indeed, it did just that., Lady A also noted that many may wonder why it took them so long, [W]e can make no excuse for our lateness to this realization. July 9, 2020 @ Chick may be problematic or seen as demeaning in some circumstances if a man uses the term to refer to a woman, but its not at all controversial if a woman calls herself by that word. 9:12 pm, Saving Bro Country Music July 9, 2020 @ I hope t Lady Antebellum goes down like the Dixie Chicks. Athletes, CEOs, And Movie Stars Are Getting Older: Why Your Best Days Are Ahead Of You: The Changemaker Interview: Michael Nyenhuis, CEO, UNICEF USA, Leading Lenovos Move Toward Solutions And Services. Bro, you cant give into $10M shakedowns. I agree. Lady Antebellum switched to Lady A in June 2020 in the wake of protests against racism and police violence, citing criticism that the name glorified the slavery-era South. 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Nate Schatzline, George Santos' CNN Response Is a Master Troll Move, Biden owns border critics with chuckling reminder this mom's sons died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020. July 9, 2020 @ Nobody gave a crap about their name other than people who would never be caught dead listening to any Country music. Even the notion that theyre suing her is misleading without sufficient qualification, as it suggests that theyre looking to stop her from using the name or seek monetary damage (as many inflammatory Tweets have been suggesting). 10:42 am, thanks it does and i learned something i did not know. If I Change Your Name, they should do a cover of Destinys Child Say My Name and donate the proceeds to the out of work tour crew, Apparently private individuals making decisions that are right for them separate from the state is too much for so called conservatives, a stirring in our hearts and reflection on our own blindspots The group could change their name to Lady Antifa. I dont think country Lady A meant any harm by the name change, but this whole thing just CLEARLY shows they didnt put time and effort into a decision like they say they did. But it definitely wont help them get new fans. Its certainly not Lady Antebellum. Any time a single artist or entity in country music does something stupid, the ENTIRE GENRE gets blamed. Now, country superstar Luke Bryan has voiced his opinion on the matter during a virtual chat with Andy Cohen. Do you know when Greenpeace or a similar group shows a picture of some poor bear or raccoon who has had his head stuck in a discarded bottle? June 11, 2020 9:54am. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Ill put it plain and simple Lady Antebellum was just a dopey name to begin with; there are more effective ways of conveying modern Southern sensibilities with deeply rooted music traditions. July 10, 2020 @ Until the organization refutes its alliance with Antifa they have zero credibility in my book. Funny, when I searched Lady A on Spotify . But both antebellum and dixie as terms have become more anodyne because they are more generic. In an 85-minute show that covered 20 songs, Lady Antebellum included every one of its 14 Top 10 songs, although some in shortened form. If they really believe that black lives matter, theyll stop performing permanently to show solidarity. Lady Antebellum had no reason to change their name or apologize, but once you go grovelling on your knees, hat in hand, youre finished. Once somebody explained it and the mob caught on to what antebellum signifies, theyd have been all over the group. The band dropped 'Antebellum' over racist connotations, but a black singer said she'd already used 'Lady A' for decades. When we learned that Ms. White had also been performing under the name Lady A, we had heartfelt discussions with her about how we can all come together and make something special and beautiful out of this moment. The dec action may have been a tad preemptive, but this is a good way for Anita White to clamor down. The term often pertains to architecture, fashion, antiquities, and the likenamely the ornate finery of the era. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. 2020 @ july 9, 2020 @ Until the organization refutes its alliance with Antifa they have zero in! And deal with this shortsightedness all the time 4:47 am, thanks it does and I learned something I you... For using the name after taking their original band photos in front of an antebellum-style house country superstar Luke has. The state flag means nothing an antebellum-style house to slave owners is changing quickly, and are! Said you found offensive I said you found offensive change to their residency. 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The Grammy Award-winning country trio posted a heartfelt message to social media on Thursday (June 11), explaining its realization . 4:47 am, So the picture of George Washington on the state flag means nothing? July 9, 2020 @ Alternately, they could have recognized the $10 mil as an opening salvo, countered with $2 and let the lawyers fight it out. July 11, 2020 @ Its not just enough to be on the right side of an issue. OOPS! July 9, 2020 @ Anita White, a 61-year-old . We hope you will dig in and join us.". 8:33 am. This is what happens when you apologize to a mob of thugs and domestic terrorists. In response to the change, NPR journalist Anastasia Tsioulcas wrote, "The country trio Dixie Chicks have changed the group's name to The Chicks in an . Everything thing they do from how they dress to their actual music seems like it goes through a marketing review before it gets the ok. From their original name to the name change to the lawsuit I actually doubt that the members of this group have that much of a clue about any of it and just go along with what theyve been told to do because it works to make them money and their managers and lawyers and record company etc. When they did it was ,as Rhiannon Giddens put it, cringe inducing. They just never read the room right in the first place. It's really something. Or non-binary people. They still havent figured out the JEWS were From Triggers blog post Hillary Scott, Charles Kelley, and Dave Haywood of Lady A are not racists. When we set out together almost 14 years ago, we named our band after the southern antebellum style home where we took our first photos, the band said in the statement. The world is changing quickly, and the future is unsure. It would be starting over from scratch. However, in their specific use of A in their new name, it still means Antebellum. [reminds self that goofy Pontoon song belongs to sound-alike band Little Big Town]. Did You Ever Wonder How and Why the Left Is Able to Push Their Narratives Almost Unhindered? I doubt 5% of either group could spell antebellum. You Americans have the most dysfunctional and disgusting way of dealing with racism any country has. "I can say that for years, everyone in the country music community has really referred to them as Lady A. make something special and beautiful out of this moment 9:29 am. Fast forward to today, you have this fake white wokeness to mask their racist origins. The Lady A trio going on the offense might be the best legal move, but its an absolutely terrible move from a publicity standpoint. Lady A, Hey Arnold As I have said, $10 million is a ludicrous number, but very well could have been floated out there simply as a negotiation platform, knowing they would never get it, hoping for half at best. But what does that mean? no one wants to be associated with racism anymore, not even country musicians. As musicians, it reminded us of all the music born in the south that influenced usSouthern Rock, Blues, R&B, Gospel and of course Country. I feel like 95% of the people who are now trying to cancel the band dont give a single crap about the genre and would not be able to name a single song of theirs. Another thing to consider is that an entity has a stronger case for trademark protection when they can establish that the general public associates a given phrase, name, or slogan with that particular entity. It shouldnt have taken George Floyd to die for them to realize that their name had a slave reference to it. The term Antebellum is derived from the Antebellum Era in the American South when slavery was still legal. But if Anita White wanted to dispute it, she had an opportunity. Lady A apologizes to those who felt 'unsafe' and 'unvalued'. Her loss. The Grammy Award-winning country trio posted a heartfelt message to social media on Thursday (June 11), explaining its realization that Antebellum is a reference to slavery in America. The conflict between the country band Lady A, formerly known as Lady Antebellum, and Seattle blues singer Anita White, who also goes by Lady A, has apparently been settled. So today, we speak up and make a change. id rather have money than the opportunity to collaborate on some shitty song about the experience too. By Alexander Kacala. Lady Antebellum just dropped Antebellum from their name. But really though this cancel mob may seem like an on-line majority but in the real world I find these people to largely be cowards on the issues when asked directly about them in a nuanced way/, PennCentral July 9, 2020 @ But here we go again with another white person trying to take something from a black person, even though they say theyre trying to help. Lady Antebellum may no longer exist, but the band will play on with a new name, and perhaps even a new mindset that will make it more welcoming and inclusive than it was before. Get weekly rundowns straight to your inbox, A daily briefing on what matters in the music industry. I am talking about the organization, not the cause, but the cause has been hijacked by the collaboration., Ron_Jeff White Woke Gone Wild is my new band name. Anything short of that, and they are equal to slave owners. Causing pain was never our hearts intention, but it doesnt change the fact that indeed, it did just that. But, ultimately, this is becoming another case of people not letting facts and logic get in the way of a good Tweet. July 12, 2020 @ The country trio, which came together in 2006, came forward on Twitter on June 11, 2020 to announce that it was "deeply sorry" for using a moniker that has its roots in slavery. The popular country trio announced Thursday morning that it is dropping "Antebellum" a word widely understood to refer to the period before the Civil War from its name and will officially adopt "the nickname our fans gave us almost from the start.". Nobody is immune from fitting current events into their own established narrative. July 9, 2020 @ So I hope you dont mind Im disappointed in the headline that Billboard and other news outlets are using as click bait, when the article clearly states that the band is only responding to a 10M $ extortion demand. Once again the online mobespecially on Twitteris reacting to a drive-by, 260-character notion of the story instead of the actual situation with all the details. But perfectly harmless and fluffy. You have to properly gauge the intent of individuals and zoom out to see the bigger picture. Information about your device and internet connection, like your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Yahoo websites and apps. Some on social media seemed opposed to the more modern moniker: Your move, @dixiechicks #WeHaveLostOurDamnMinds, John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) June 11, 2020. "As a band, we have strived for our music to be a refugeinclusive of all," the band told its fans. John R Baker Furthermore, everyone knows what the A stands for. 4:55 pm. The Kaiju Preservation Society. Were still committed to educating ourselves, our children and doing our part to fight for the racial justice so desperately needed in our country and around the world. Maybe the white woke millennial trio should change their name back to Lady Antebellum. On Thursday, the band announced on social media it would . They just dont want to have to continue to be ridiculed and challenged by her for using the name. The band formerly known as Lady Antebellum and blues singer Anita White have settled their trademark dispute over the name . July 9, 2020 @ writing a song about this experience together People like getting fired up about something but everyone moves on in a matter of days or weeks. In June, the country trio formerly known as Lady Antebellum . Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) June 11, 2020. Frankly, Lady A should fire their management team today for not pushing back on this idea from the start (if it did start from the artists). There was also a band named The Highwaymen before the famous The Highwaymen were formed. July 9, 2020 @ But clearly the lawyers working for Anita White believe they have the advantage in the situation because if Lady A the band does anything less than give into their demands, they will be couched as racist in public. Im probably not being fair laughing at Lady Whatevers problem because I dont like them. Complete Disgrace, docweasel Please sound off in the Comments section below. July 13, 2020 @ Ive never done any of those things in my life. Dee Manning if she has the funds to fight, which the new Lady A is likely counting on her not having. After much personal reflection, band discussion, prayer and many honest conversations with some of our closes black friends and colleagues, we have decided to drop the word antebellum from our name and move forward as Lady A, the nickname our fans gave us almost from the start.. (If anybody thinks Im making shoot up, Google this stuff.). Regardless, this is screwy. UPDATE: July 9, 2020 The band formerly known as Lady Antebellum is now suing Anita White, the 61-year-old Black blues singer who has been using their new name, Lady A, for many years, filing a . Charles Kelley, Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood (from left to right) of Lady A. Just ask Louis XVI and Nicholas II.They appeased the Jacobins and Bolsheviks and they were entered into the grave. Meanwhile, focusing on names when actual actions that demean and downgrade black performers in country like when The Highwomen disinvited Mickey Guyton from a video shoot last minute go unreported. Country group Lady Antebellum is making a huge change to their band - they are changing its name. Is it an improvement? July 9, 2020 @ People come to a new genre in various indirect ways. Period. How about changing it to Person A that way people dont assume her gender? The way many of the headlines read, Lady A the band is trying to take Lady A the artist for everything shes worth, and that is what is resulting in the rage. But we are regretful and embarrassed to say that we did not take into account the associations that weigh down this word referring to the period of history before the civil war, which includes slavery., The group, which is made up of musicians Hillary Scott, Dave Haywood and Charles Kelley, added that they are, are deeply sorry for the hurt this has caused and for anyone who has felt unsafe, unseen or unvalued., Causing pain was never our hearts intention, but it doesnt change the fact that indeed, it did just that, they wrote. I also dont believe for an instant that the members of Lady Antebellum are as woke as they claim to be or they would have relented the use of the name the moment they realized what they had done. You may opt-out by. The band continue to explain that while it realizes changing its name is just one step, there is more to be done. 10:18 am, I just hope they get so much bad press they go away for good. Lady A chose the name after taking their original band photos in front of an antebellum-style house. July 9, 2020 @ July 9, 2020 @ Except for Need You Now which is a great song.) 4:50 am. The trio, more likely their management and publicity team, really screwed up, and this whole thing is going to get uglier. Why not just say that something I said you found offensive? We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. jacob hatcher I actually have seen them in concert (admittedly cause I was bored and tix to their Vegas residency were really cheap. WHY IS HE IN THE GROUP? Chase Rice really did take a selfie with a large crowd of unmasked fans, and did post the we back vid to make it look packed as possible. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. anna tweedy Lady Antebellum switched to Lady A in June 2020 in the wake of protests against racism and police violence, citing criticism that the name glorified the slavery-era South. We will continue to educate ourselves, have hard conversations, and search the parts of our hearts that need pruning, The band also said theyll be making a donation to the Equal Justice Initiative, which according to the organizationswebsite is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society., Moreover, Lady A wants to be better allies to those suffering from spoken and unspoken injustices. 9:30 am, In this [country] industry, the air is so thick and putrid with racism, both current and residual, that everyone is awash in it, their eyes so caked with hate that theyve been glued shut. The US country group Lady A known until recently as Lady Antebellum, before changing their name to shed its slavery-era connotations is suing the blues and gospel artist Lady A over use of the name. It doesnt make you too PC. As for the mob not coming after Lady Antebellum: Its probably because the mob is largely uneducated and ignorant. Lady A certainly led by example, as the Dixie Chicks Natalie Maines, Emily Strayer and Martie Maguire announced their name change to The Chicks two weeks later on June 25. October 4, 2021 @ The Chicks. Groveling to the BLM mob for a freakin non-offensive word. In failing to do so, the United States has failed to truly accept responsibility for its long-troubled track record with respect to race. But this apparent good deed towards the Black Lives Matter movement didnt go unpunished for long. The Anita White team was betting that public ignorance on the matter and the negative perception of a white group suing a black woman would twist the arm of Lady Antebellum and resort in an exorbitant payment. 1:18 pm. July 9, 2020 @ Dee Manning Country band, Lady Antebellum has announced that they have officially changed their name to Lady A. jacob hatcher Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. history is now being revealed and many blacks are waking up , along with the Global population. On Thursday (June 11), Lady Antebellum announced that the've officially shortened their name to Lady A in response to the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement. I live in PC HELL and deal with this shortsightedness all the time. I fail to see ANY upside to clinging to a name no one heard of before anyway. As for Lady A, formerly Lady Antebellum you are a complete disgrace to bow to this WOKE CRAP. sodcutterjones Their music is straight up adult contemporary anyway. This shows that the PC mob and much of the media is all about symbolism, and is using this moment to enact political retribution on artists that they believe dont fit their ideals as opposed to actually addressing race in country music. The Washington in Washington actually has a double meaning in that it also refers to one of the original American settlers in the state, who was black (biracial) himself. Whiskey_Pete . And now Im a fan of a lot of different country artists.). This is a good point. 9:39 am. But maybe Lady AA could be sponsored by Duracell..???? Most of the time when people complain about everything being too PC these days, theyre just mad about getting called out for making racist jokes or mocking someone for being gay. Stay in your Lane Its not a perfect solution, but its addressing the concern. LMAO. (Jason Kempin/Getty Images for CMT/Viacom) The popular country band Lady Antebellum is undergoing a name change. Lady Antebellum, which formed in 2006, said Thursday that it is changing its name to Lady A, a "nickname" used by fans for years, and admitted being "regretful and embarrassed" that it had failed . And even movies like the Academy Award winning movie Gone With the Wind are being temporarily pulled from online media channels. July 11, 2020 @ This feels like a classic matter where lawyers on both sides got involved, started seeing dollar signs, and they will be the ones who will make out like bandits as the two parties get dragged through litigation. Im not saying the group is fake but Im not lying when say that theyve always come across to me as something sort of phony. But rebranding a band 14 years in has massive ramifications on things like radio play, tour draw, merch, etc. 9:19 pm. Typical bullshit from your type. Lady As name change is the most recent example. Hillary Scott, Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood formed Lady Antebellum in 2006, and say that they faced no opposition, including from White, when they registered Lady A as a trademark in 2010. Lady Antebellum changes name in wake of Black Lives Matter movement, The country-pop trio who won Record and Song of the Year Grammys for their 2009 smash "Need You Now" have renounced the . The protests that swept the nation in the aftermath of George Floyds death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers have shaken the nation and sparked deep soul searching by many about the countrys racist past. It is difficult to keep up on everything that gets cancelled in culture. Maybe this is an effort by the original Lady A to receive reparations. The group are one of several music industry entities to have changed their name following the recent Black Lives Matter protests. This may feel unfair to Lady A the artist, but that is what these mechanisms are for, to protect artists from this very scenario. On the other hand, the media is stirring up the outrage with the way its covering the story. Charles Kelley, who shares the vocal spotlight with Hillary Scott, says, "The first week was kind of . 11:39 pm, In fairness, non-white sodomites are fucking HILARIOUS, Luckyoldsun Lady Anti-Antebellum? July 9, 2020 @ Legal Statement. By Marina Watts On 6/11/20 at 12:24 PM EDT. 6:52 pm. 10:04 am. 8:31 am. Causing pain was never our hearts intention, but it doesnt change the fact that indeed, it did just that., Lady A also noted that many may wonder why it took them so long, [W]e can make no excuse for our lateness to this realization. July 9, 2020 @ Chick may be problematic or seen as demeaning in some circumstances if a man uses the term to refer to a woman, but its not at all controversial if a woman calls herself by that word. 9:12 pm, Saving Bro Country Music July 9, 2020 @ I hope t Lady Antebellum goes down like the Dixie Chicks. Athletes, CEOs, And Movie Stars Are Getting Older: Why Your Best Days Are Ahead Of You: The Changemaker Interview: Michael Nyenhuis, CEO, UNICEF USA, Leading Lenovos Move Toward Solutions And Services. Bro, you cant give into $10M shakedowns. I agree. Lady Antebellum switched to Lady A in June 2020 in the wake of protests against racism and police violence, citing criticism that the name glorified the slavery-era South. 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Nate Schatzline, George Santos' CNN Response Is a Master Troll Move, Biden owns border critics with chuckling reminder this mom's sons died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020. July 9, 2020 @ Nobody gave a crap about their name other than people who would never be caught dead listening to any Country music. Even the notion that theyre suing her is misleading without sufficient qualification, as it suggests that theyre looking to stop her from using the name or seek monetary damage (as many inflammatory Tweets have been suggesting). 10:42 am, thanks it does and i learned something i did not know. If I Change Your Name, they should do a cover of Destinys Child Say My Name and donate the proceeds to the out of work tour crew, Apparently private individuals making decisions that are right for them separate from the state is too much for so called conservatives, a stirring in our hearts and reflection on our own blindspots The group could change their name to Lady Antifa. I dont think country Lady A meant any harm by the name change, but this whole thing just CLEARLY shows they didnt put time and effort into a decision like they say they did. But it definitely wont help them get new fans. Its certainly not Lady Antebellum. Any time a single artist or entity in country music does something stupid, the ENTIRE GENRE gets blamed. Now, country superstar Luke Bryan has voiced his opinion on the matter during a virtual chat with Andy Cohen. Do you know when Greenpeace or a similar group shows a picture of some poor bear or raccoon who has had his head stuck in a discarded bottle? June 11, 2020 9:54am. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Ill put it plain and simple Lady Antebellum was just a dopey name to begin with; there are more effective ways of conveying modern Southern sensibilities with deeply rooted music traditions. July 10, 2020 @ Until the organization refutes its alliance with Antifa they have zero credibility in my book. Funny, when I searched Lady A on Spotify . But both antebellum and dixie as terms have become more anodyne because they are more generic. In an 85-minute show that covered 20 songs, Lady Antebellum included every one of its 14 Top 10 songs, although some in shortened form. If they really believe that black lives matter, theyll stop performing permanently to show solidarity. Lady Antebellum had no reason to change their name or apologize, but once you go grovelling on your knees, hat in hand, youre finished. Once somebody explained it and the mob caught on to what antebellum signifies, theyd have been all over the group. The band dropped 'Antebellum' over racist connotations, but a black singer said she'd already used 'Lady A' for decades. When we learned that Ms. White had also been performing under the name Lady A, we had heartfelt discussions with her about how we can all come together and make something special and beautiful out of this moment. The dec action may have been a tad preemptive, but this is a good way for Anita White to clamor down. The term often pertains to architecture, fashion, antiquities, and the likenamely the ornate finery of the era. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. 2020 @ july 9, 2020 @ Until the organization refutes its alliance with Antifa they have zero in! And deal with this shortsightedness all the time 4:47 am, thanks it does and I learned something I you... For using the name after taking their original band photos in front of an antebellum-style house country superstar Luke has. The state flag means nothing an antebellum-style house to slave owners is changing quickly, and are! Said you found offensive I said you found offensive change to their residency. 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