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» how did akainu survive whitebeard
how did akainu survive whitebeard
how did akainu survive whitebeardhow did akainu survive whitebeard
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how did akainu survive whitebeard
At 72 years old, he was the oldest known Four Emperors member in the series. Akainu melts him again 2%. Unless you think that akainu and the other admirals are worthless fodder then I dont see how prime whitebeard could 0 diff him. These are characters that need entire islands to fight. [89], Whitebeard made many enemies over the years besides the other Emperors and the World Government. Whitebeard first became aware of Portgas D. Ace while the latter was still a rookie, being curious and impressed by the rapid growth and progress of the youngster's career as a pirate captain. [130], During the Summit War, Whitebeard sustained 267 sword wounds, 152 gunshot wounds, and 46 wounds from cannonballs, and got a portion of his head blasted off, resulting in 465 injuries in total. Privacy Policy. It is currently unknown if any of her claims concerning her and Weevil's relationship to Whitebeard are true or not. The total number of sword wounds he received in this battle was 267. I highly, highly doubt it. [14], His reign on the sea, reputation, and foreboding power made him seemingly overconfident and fearless. His one punch was >>>>> whitbeards all out assault on an off guard akainu. how did akainu survive whitebeardphenomenological study strengths and weaknesses brainly Menu. He survived the war, as he was seen along with the rest of the crew attending Whitebeard and Ace's funeral at an undisclosed location somewhere in the New World . In the manga, Whitebeard has no hair showing, but in the anime, he initially had some brown hair; his hair was later retconned to follow the manga. His strong love for his crew and subordinate crews traced all the way back to before he even had a crew, when he stated that the one thing, he wanted more than anything was a family. Did he use Haki or something else? Akainu took WB best shot and still manage to walk after like nothing happned while WB lost half his face and got 2 holes in his body that killed him along BB Guns. Crocodile was one of the many Impel Down convicts who sought revenge against Whitebeard. Still, he acknowledges that the once strongest man in the world had died in glory. [34], Despite his fierce reputation, Whitebeard was a compassionate man, having adopted countless people of different backgrounds into his crew as his foster children, such as Squard, whose life was devastated by Roger killing his crew, or Teach, who requested to join his crew due to being homeless. [1] The muscles on his biceps seemed to grow bigger whenever he used his quake-based powers. He was not ashamed of this wish, which was considered strange and humorous among his pirate peers. If oda literally came out and said "akainu is the strongest in the whole series!" In fact, the notion of separating himself from just one of them and for a short time infuriated him. He is represented as a polar bear in the action figure series S.H.Figuarts ZERO 2013.[165]. Whitebeard with brown hair in his anime debut. A distinguishing feature of Whitebeard's nature was his high moral standards: he never forgave the death of a crewmate by another and believed that a man could not live without some form of honor code. [103], Whitebeard considered Kaidou a powerful and fearsome pirate and for this, he chose not to march into Wano Country to wage war against his crew just to avenge Oden's death, knowing that it would cause many casualties.[64]. [156] However, due to both his age and worsening health, he failed to predict Squard's betrayal and thus got injured,[157] something which, according to Marco, was totally unexpected from the Emperor.[128]. For more information, please see our and our [2], Several action figures of Edward Newgate have been produced. By pitiful, I am not talking about the immediate dramatic effect or the like, but the longterm consequences of their actions. Akainu believes that families are defined by blood, and is disgusted by the Whitebeard Pirates's familiar bond between themselves, and openly mocks and belittles this, while calling the Whitebeard Pirates following of their late captain's last order to escape as being hypocritical. [90], At some point in the past, right after attaining the position of one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile suffered a humiliating defeat against Whitebeard in the New World, enough to shatter his ambitions of becoming Pirate King for a while. Yes he was tired, badly wounded, etc, but he is a stamina and endurance beast, the commanders aren't and were all in extremely difficult battles throughout the war. From their first meeting and their brief fight, Whitebeard understood how crazy and strong Oden was. My nostalgia led me back to re-reading the Marineford Arc as well as re-watching battle scenes from the War, but I could not help but notice how pitiful Whitebeard's contributions are in comparison to Akainu. Vista was never wounded throughout the war, and Marco regenerated from all of his damage. Edward Newgate, also known as the Whitebeard, was the strongest among the Yonko . Whitebeard ate the Gura Gura no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allowed him to cause quakes and generate powerful shockwaves. I find it absurd to think that the world's strongest man's entire collection of high and top tiers (minus Jozu) would lose ground against a single Admiral. Considering that akainu is in his prime. Akainu stomps now 10%. Two decades ago in his prime, he was shown clashing evenly with the samurai Kozuki Oden who was a powerful Busoshoku Haki user in his own right. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Whitebeard was an immensely skilled user of Busoshoku Haki, which he could imbue his weapon Murakumogiri with. Sakazuki mid diff. it's durability that matters. [1], He wore a black bandanna around his head and adorned himself with a white captain's coat, which hung loosely from his broad shoulders and bore his Jolly Roger symbol. -Whitebeard was extremely mad after Akainu killed Ace so he lowered a lot his own guard in his fight and Akainu exploited his many openings to land his powerful hits. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In the anime and other related merchandise, it is red. Akainu is that strong. He was unharmed. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Also, the battle between Whitebeard and Akainu went on longer, with Whitebeard launching more vicious attacks against the Admiral. There is no significant loss of life or player taken out of the One Piece world longterm by Whitebeard's actions during the War. Oda had to nerf whitebeard otherwise the outcome would be different. See delusional people like you is why i hate akainu fans. [84] Most of them seemed to be within the brink of pirate raids, and it was only by being "owned" under his name that they were kept stable and safe, thereby earning the Emperor the gratitude of the citizens; consequentially, these territories immediately became vulnerable after his death. Yes, Whitebeard's quakes cause tsunamis, shift Marineford, and wreak havoc on the island, but Marineford survives. Could this be some sort of awakened Logia? Fearful for his life and beginning to doubt the outcome of the battle, the pirate believed his admiral adversary's lie and took the first chance he had to stab Whitebeard through the chest. Furthermore, Akainu convinced Squard to betray Whitebeard so he could gain the upper hand in the battle in the Marine Ford. Yeah, when Crocodile clashed with Mihawk, I imagine that after the initial attack, they were distracted and did other things. Even Teach was shocked by Whitebeard's tenacity. When not in battle, he was always surrounded by nurses, used oxygen tubes, and was hooked up to intravenous tubes and life support systems; despite this, he used to literally drink sake by the barrel. Is Akainu a saint? [14] Later in his life, he grew the prominent crescent-shaped mustache, which would spawn his epithet, "Whitebeard". It's really disappointing but oh well. When Whitebeard was enraged, he completely destroyed Akainu and immediately made him regret killing Ace. Whitebeard was very careful about choosing a person to be included in his crew, depending on their personality and nature. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Due to his age and worsening health, it was not as powerful compared to his prime, but he could still negate the intangibility of Logia-based Devil Fruits. Later in the manga, however, this was changed to red. It's same as Kaido knocking out Luffy on rooftop but not killing him.. Luffy woke up later as well with bleedings and such but without any serious injury. It'd be a shame if you died here, kid. [104] However, many doubt this claim, and it is unconfirmed whether he actually is Whitebeard's biological son or not. Whitebeard was a brief member of the Rocks Pirates for a certain period of his life, specifically until the God Valley Incident, when the crew met its downfall. It's absolutely ridiculous that a Yonko's attacks would leave no permanent, let alone residual effects on another character of immense power, such as an Admiral, and is pretty incongruous with the power levels we now see with Emperors Kaido, Big Mom, or even their Commanders and Calamities. [120][121][122] Whitebeard blocked a two-handed downward swing from the giant Vice Admiral John Giant with only one hand on his naginata,[123] extinguished the flames of one of Akainu's molten rocks with just a single breath,[124] and prevented a massive paddle ship from advancing using only one hand. Squard, in return, thought of Whitebeard as a father figure, but felt betrayed when he thought that Whitebeard was planning to sacrifice all of his subordinate crews to save Ace, leading him to stab the Emperor in a surprise attack. Yes, the person who low-diffed Whitebeard got spanked and knocked out by Whitebeard. marineford made it very clear why he was considered the strongest in the world. There seemed to be at least 43 crews underneath Whitebeard. Ok another highly debated OP topic . [33] Yet another belief he held is that any path a man wished to follow in life was fine by him, as long as they did not regret it. Akainu was also bleeding and coughing up blood when He came back way later after whitebeard was killed by BlackBeard and his crew. @stealthgrey: Akainu Hakai>>>>Current Luffy Haki, mening luffy can't damage him just like WB commanders couldn't and Both where using Haki here and Akainu no sells it post WB Fight, Kaido and Akainu is a split fight too but Akainu should have the edge due to his DF and skills. [128] Even with his health issues, Whitebeard was still considered the world's most dangerous and powerful pirate. He didn't care about the allies of the Whitebeard Pirates and he was merely using them to buy some time. He could also generate strong vibrations from his body that could easily shatter ice. [66], Izou eventually grew fond of his new group and became a full-fledged member, preferring to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates when Oden decided to join the Roger Pirates. Akainu just got baki'd everytime they fought, made it seem like he was the weaker of the two. Pretty much, Oda made sure the marines looked as good as possible that arc. Kaidou didn't have his body holed by Luffy so much that he would die even if he didn't fight anyone. [85] The status of Whitebeard's other former territories is currently unknown, but Blackbeard appears to have taken over most of them during his ascent to Four Emperors status, as he has over two decades of experience with the Whitebeard Pirates and thus knows which islands they were protecting.[87]. As such, Whitebeard dedicated a majority of his riches for humanitarian aid towards Sphinx, having built a peaceful village for the locals to live in. Izou stated that he would make Whitebeard pay for putting his master through so much trouble. Because of this, he was not afraid of sacrificing himself for the safety of those he considered his children. [105] Weevil and his mother seek to obtain Whitebeard's fortune due to their belief that they are his rightful heirs, and to this end they have been hunting down Whitebeard's surviving allies and their subordinate crews in order to claim it. [41], This was not blind loyalty, as Whitebeard was willing to go to war with the World Government to save Ace. Whitebeard mid-high diff 28%. This discrepancy stems from the Japanese term Hige (, Hige?) However, Kaidou saw an opportunity to eliminate his adversary prior to the impending Summit War of Marineford and did not hesitate to attempt to do so. Akainu in a hard fight 13%. -> Power is the most important thing in the world stage. Marco alone can hold an Admiral, add in 11 high tiers, Vista and Crocodile, and a worn-down Admiral should not be able to gain ground and be considered the winner. [63], Whitebeard was well aware of Oden's strength and entrusted him with the command of the second division. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And Akainu getting knocked is same as Kidd and Law knocking BM off battle. However, Akainu doesn't come close to the power of a Yonko and was destroyed by Whitebeard at Marineford. Press J to jump to the feed. being a generic term for facial hair that applies to both mustaches and beards; however, since few (if any) serious alternatives have been offered, both fans and professional translations continue to use Whitebeard, as does the quasi-canon One Piece Yellow databook. If old, injured and ENRAGED whitebeard couldnt even seriously injure him after a cheap sneak attack from behind and an attack that nearly caused the destruction of an island, what makes you think that prime whitebeard would have easily kod him? Make sure you . [50] Like Perona, his laugh is similar to the name of his Devil Fruit, the Gura Gura no Mi. He could also use his shockwaves defensively, as their vast raw power could easily stop incoming attacks. He is an Admiral as well so obviously He had a lot left in tank regardless of getting beat up. He liberated and protected Fish-Man Island from slavery, an act which touched the hearts of the normally human-distrusting citizens of Ryugu Kingdom and invested the majority of his riches to support his homeland of Sphinx, an once poor, lawless island. [19], As a child, he wore a light-colored sleeveless shirt with the word "Power" (, Chikara?) Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. As others said, Akainu melted part of his face. but the guy above is right.l. You are using an out of date browser. Actions that initially seemed to be the result of thoughtless, headstrong bravado actually had strong reasons behind them; his loud declaration that Fish-Man Island belonged to him freed the island from all pirates and slavery,[29] and his insistence that Blackbeard be punished was merely a cover for Ace, who had set out after him against Whitebeard's wishes. When Shanks came to visit Whitebeard and discuss Teach, he discovered that, in spite of the man's tremendous power and presence, his health was ailing. The Dude had heartattacks during a war. Whitebeard's strength and ability (and two direct quakes to Akainu's head and torso) should have had much more lasting effects than a fully functional Akainu mere chapters later, continuing to chase down and hunt Luffy as if he had been given a fresh shot of espresso coffee. [16][17][18] Like all of his men, he had his own Jolly Roger tattooed on his back. He was an ally of Monkey D. Luffy and a central figure overall during the Marineford Arc. If anything Whitebeard who was nearly dying extreme diffed Akainu, if Whitebeard didnt have all those injuries he would high diff because Akainu is really dam powerful. While 4Kids Entertainment never dubbed any of his appearances in the anime proper, some tie-in materials indicate that it planned to rename him Ward Newgate. [53] However, Whitebeard did not force commanders to hunt down wayward crew members if he had an uneasy feeling about the situation; in the case of Blackbeard, Whitebeard tried to make an exception and stop Ace from hunting him down, but Ace did so anyway for the sake of Whitebeard's honor. [81], As the war went on, his respect for Luffy increased after witnessing Luffy's true potential, and Whitebeard decided to command all his forces to fully support Luffy with all their might, a decision which even surprised his own men. [102], Under normal circumstances, they did not provoke each other. Oda is basically showing us Akainu's strength rather than telling us, as seen with kaido's introduction. Whats even funnier is that Blackbeard takes a quake attack from that same mad Whitebeard to his throat and also gets slashed across his chest from Whitebeards bisento and is just as fine physically as Akainu. He was eventually promoted to commander of the sixteenth division of the crew, showing that he had earned Whitebeard's respect as a leader and fighter. Whitebeard did not seem to hold his old crew in high regard, rarely talking about his time as a member. [119] In addition, he received one of Kizaru's laser beams[131] and two of Akainu's magma blasts. If you still want to wreak havoc on this sea, bear my name on your back and go wild as much as you like! I like Akainu and all but Akainu didnt even win the fight so I dont even know what you mean by Did Akainu low diff white beard? This gotta be one of the dumbest things I read today. 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At 72 years old, he was the oldest known Four Emperors member in the series. Akainu melts him again 2%. Unless you think that akainu and the other admirals are worthless fodder then I dont see how prime whitebeard could 0 diff him. These are characters that need entire islands to fight. [89], Whitebeard made many enemies over the years besides the other Emperors and the World Government. Whitebeard first became aware of Portgas D. Ace while the latter was still a rookie, being curious and impressed by the rapid growth and progress of the youngster's career as a pirate captain. [130], During the Summit War, Whitebeard sustained 267 sword wounds, 152 gunshot wounds, and 46 wounds from cannonballs, and got a portion of his head blasted off, resulting in 465 injuries in total. Privacy Policy. It is currently unknown if any of her claims concerning her and Weevil's relationship to Whitebeard are true or not. The total number of sword wounds he received in this battle was 267. I highly, highly doubt it. [14], His reign on the sea, reputation, and foreboding power made him seemingly overconfident and fearless. His one punch was >>>>> whitbeards all out assault on an off guard akainu. how did akainu survive whitebeardphenomenological study strengths and weaknesses brainly Menu. He survived the war, as he was seen along with the rest of the crew attending Whitebeard and Ace's funeral at an undisclosed location somewhere in the New World . In the manga, Whitebeard has no hair showing, but in the anime, he initially had some brown hair; his hair was later retconned to follow the manga. His strong love for his crew and subordinate crews traced all the way back to before he even had a crew, when he stated that the one thing, he wanted more than anything was a family. Did he use Haki or something else? Akainu took WB best shot and still manage to walk after like nothing happned while WB lost half his face and got 2 holes in his body that killed him along BB Guns. Crocodile was one of the many Impel Down convicts who sought revenge against Whitebeard. Still, he acknowledges that the once strongest man in the world had died in glory. [34], Despite his fierce reputation, Whitebeard was a compassionate man, having adopted countless people of different backgrounds into his crew as his foster children, such as Squard, whose life was devastated by Roger killing his crew, or Teach, who requested to join his crew due to being homeless. [1] The muscles on his biceps seemed to grow bigger whenever he used his quake-based powers. He was not ashamed of this wish, which was considered strange and humorous among his pirate peers. If oda literally came out and said "akainu is the strongest in the whole series!" In fact, the notion of separating himself from just one of them and for a short time infuriated him. He is represented as a polar bear in the action figure series S.H.Figuarts ZERO 2013.[165]. Whitebeard with brown hair in his anime debut. A distinguishing feature of Whitebeard's nature was his high moral standards: he never forgave the death of a crewmate by another and believed that a man could not live without some form of honor code. [103], Whitebeard considered Kaidou a powerful and fearsome pirate and for this, he chose not to march into Wano Country to wage war against his crew just to avenge Oden's death, knowing that it would cause many casualties.[64]. [156] However, due to both his age and worsening health, he failed to predict Squard's betrayal and thus got injured,[157] something which, according to Marco, was totally unexpected from the Emperor.[128]. For more information, please see our and our [2], Several action figures of Edward Newgate have been produced. By pitiful, I am not talking about the immediate dramatic effect or the like, but the longterm consequences of their actions. Akainu believes that families are defined by blood, and is disgusted by the Whitebeard Pirates's familiar bond between themselves, and openly mocks and belittles this, while calling the Whitebeard Pirates following of their late captain's last order to escape as being hypocritical. [90], At some point in the past, right after attaining the position of one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile suffered a humiliating defeat against Whitebeard in the New World, enough to shatter his ambitions of becoming Pirate King for a while. Yes he was tired, badly wounded, etc, but he is a stamina and endurance beast, the commanders aren't and were all in extremely difficult battles throughout the war. From their first meeting and their brief fight, Whitebeard understood how crazy and strong Oden was. My nostalgia led me back to re-reading the Marineford Arc as well as re-watching battle scenes from the War, but I could not help but notice how pitiful Whitebeard's contributions are in comparison to Akainu. Vista was never wounded throughout the war, and Marco regenerated from all of his damage. Edward Newgate, also known as the Whitebeard, was the strongest among the Yonko . Whitebeard ate the Gura Gura no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allowed him to cause quakes and generate powerful shockwaves. I find it absurd to think that the world's strongest man's entire collection of high and top tiers (minus Jozu) would lose ground against a single Admiral. Considering that akainu is in his prime. Akainu stomps now 10%. Two decades ago in his prime, he was shown clashing evenly with the samurai Kozuki Oden who was a powerful Busoshoku Haki user in his own right. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Whitebeard was an immensely skilled user of Busoshoku Haki, which he could imbue his weapon Murakumogiri with. Sakazuki mid diff. it's durability that matters. [1], He wore a black bandanna around his head and adorned himself with a white captain's coat, which hung loosely from his broad shoulders and bore his Jolly Roger symbol. -Whitebeard was extremely mad after Akainu killed Ace so he lowered a lot his own guard in his fight and Akainu exploited his many openings to land his powerful hits. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In the anime and other related merchandise, it is red. Akainu is that strong. He was unharmed. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Also, the battle between Whitebeard and Akainu went on longer, with Whitebeard launching more vicious attacks against the Admiral. There is no significant loss of life or player taken out of the One Piece world longterm by Whitebeard's actions during the War. Oda had to nerf whitebeard otherwise the outcome would be different. See delusional people like you is why i hate akainu fans. [84] Most of them seemed to be within the brink of pirate raids, and it was only by being "owned" under his name that they were kept stable and safe, thereby earning the Emperor the gratitude of the citizens; consequentially, these territories immediately became vulnerable after his death. Yes, Whitebeard's quakes cause tsunamis, shift Marineford, and wreak havoc on the island, but Marineford survives. Could this be some sort of awakened Logia? Fearful for his life and beginning to doubt the outcome of the battle, the pirate believed his admiral adversary's lie and took the first chance he had to stab Whitebeard through the chest. Furthermore, Akainu convinced Squard to betray Whitebeard so he could gain the upper hand in the battle in the Marine Ford. Yeah, when Crocodile clashed with Mihawk, I imagine that after the initial attack, they were distracted and did other things. Even Teach was shocked by Whitebeard's tenacity. When not in battle, he was always surrounded by nurses, used oxygen tubes, and was hooked up to intravenous tubes and life support systems; despite this, he used to literally drink sake by the barrel. Is Akainu a saint? [14] Later in his life, he grew the prominent crescent-shaped mustache, which would spawn his epithet, "Whitebeard". It's really disappointing but oh well. When Whitebeard was enraged, he completely destroyed Akainu and immediately made him regret killing Ace. Whitebeard was very careful about choosing a person to be included in his crew, depending on their personality and nature. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Due to his age and worsening health, it was not as powerful compared to his prime, but he could still negate the intangibility of Logia-based Devil Fruits. Later in the manga, however, this was changed to red. It's same as Kaido knocking out Luffy on rooftop but not killing him.. Luffy woke up later as well with bleedings and such but without any serious injury. It'd be a shame if you died here, kid. [104] However, many doubt this claim, and it is unconfirmed whether he actually is Whitebeard's biological son or not. Whitebeard was a brief member of the Rocks Pirates for a certain period of his life, specifically until the God Valley Incident, when the crew met its downfall. It's absolutely ridiculous that a Yonko's attacks would leave no permanent, let alone residual effects on another character of immense power, such as an Admiral, and is pretty incongruous with the power levels we now see with Emperors Kaido, Big Mom, or even their Commanders and Calamities. [120][121][122] Whitebeard blocked a two-handed downward swing from the giant Vice Admiral John Giant with only one hand on his naginata,[123] extinguished the flames of one of Akainu's molten rocks with just a single breath,[124] and prevented a massive paddle ship from advancing using only one hand. Squard, in return, thought of Whitebeard as a father figure, but felt betrayed when he thought that Whitebeard was planning to sacrifice all of his subordinate crews to save Ace, leading him to stab the Emperor in a surprise attack. Yes, the person who low-diffed Whitebeard got spanked and knocked out by Whitebeard. marineford made it very clear why he was considered the strongest in the world. There seemed to be at least 43 crews underneath Whitebeard. Ok another highly debated OP topic . [33] Yet another belief he held is that any path a man wished to follow in life was fine by him, as long as they did not regret it. Akainu was also bleeding and coughing up blood when He came back way later after whitebeard was killed by BlackBeard and his crew. @stealthgrey: Akainu Hakai>>>>Current Luffy Haki, mening luffy can't damage him just like WB commanders couldn't and Both where using Haki here and Akainu no sells it post WB Fight, Kaido and Akainu is a split fight too but Akainu should have the edge due to his DF and skills. [128] Even with his health issues, Whitebeard was still considered the world's most dangerous and powerful pirate. He didn't care about the allies of the Whitebeard Pirates and he was merely using them to buy some time. He could also generate strong vibrations from his body that could easily shatter ice. [66], Izou eventually grew fond of his new group and became a full-fledged member, preferring to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates when Oden decided to join the Roger Pirates. Akainu just got baki'd everytime they fought, made it seem like he was the weaker of the two. Pretty much, Oda made sure the marines looked as good as possible that arc. Kaidou didn't have his body holed by Luffy so much that he would die even if he didn't fight anyone. [85] The status of Whitebeard's other former territories is currently unknown, but Blackbeard appears to have taken over most of them during his ascent to Four Emperors status, as he has over two decades of experience with the Whitebeard Pirates and thus knows which islands they were protecting.[87]. As such, Whitebeard dedicated a majority of his riches for humanitarian aid towards Sphinx, having built a peaceful village for the locals to live in. Izou stated that he would make Whitebeard pay for putting his master through so much trouble. Because of this, he was not afraid of sacrificing himself for the safety of those he considered his children. [105] Weevil and his mother seek to obtain Whitebeard's fortune due to their belief that they are his rightful heirs, and to this end they have been hunting down Whitebeard's surviving allies and their subordinate crews in order to claim it. [41], This was not blind loyalty, as Whitebeard was willing to go to war with the World Government to save Ace. Whitebeard mid-high diff 28%. This discrepancy stems from the Japanese term Hige (, Hige?) However, Kaidou saw an opportunity to eliminate his adversary prior to the impending Summit War of Marineford and did not hesitate to attempt to do so. Akainu in a hard fight 13%. -> Power is the most important thing in the world stage. Marco alone can hold an Admiral, add in 11 high tiers, Vista and Crocodile, and a worn-down Admiral should not be able to gain ground and be considered the winner. [63], Whitebeard was well aware of Oden's strength and entrusted him with the command of the second division. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And Akainu getting knocked is same as Kidd and Law knocking BM off battle. However, Akainu doesn't come close to the power of a Yonko and was destroyed by Whitebeard at Marineford. Press J to jump to the feed. being a generic term for facial hair that applies to both mustaches and beards; however, since few (if any) serious alternatives have been offered, both fans and professional translations continue to use Whitebeard, as does the quasi-canon One Piece Yellow databook. If old, injured and ENRAGED whitebeard couldnt even seriously injure him after a cheap sneak attack from behind and an attack that nearly caused the destruction of an island, what makes you think that prime whitebeard would have easily kod him? Make sure you . [50] Like Perona, his laugh is similar to the name of his Devil Fruit, the Gura Gura no Mi. He could also use his shockwaves defensively, as their vast raw power could easily stop incoming attacks. He is an Admiral as well so obviously He had a lot left in tank regardless of getting beat up. He liberated and protected Fish-Man Island from slavery, an act which touched the hearts of the normally human-distrusting citizens of Ryugu Kingdom and invested the majority of his riches to support his homeland of Sphinx, an once poor, lawless island. [19], As a child, he wore a light-colored sleeveless shirt with the word "Power" (, Chikara?) Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. As others said, Akainu melted part of his face. but the guy above is right.l. You are using an out of date browser. Actions that initially seemed to be the result of thoughtless, headstrong bravado actually had strong reasons behind them; his loud declaration that Fish-Man Island belonged to him freed the island from all pirates and slavery,[29] and his insistence that Blackbeard be punished was merely a cover for Ace, who had set out after him against Whitebeard's wishes. When Shanks came to visit Whitebeard and discuss Teach, he discovered that, in spite of the man's tremendous power and presence, his health was ailing. The Dude had heartattacks during a war. Whitebeard's strength and ability (and two direct quakes to Akainu's head and torso) should have had much more lasting effects than a fully functional Akainu mere chapters later, continuing to chase down and hunt Luffy as if he had been given a fresh shot of espresso coffee. [16][17][18] Like all of his men, he had his own Jolly Roger tattooed on his back. He was an ally of Monkey D. Luffy and a central figure overall during the Marineford Arc. If anything Whitebeard who was nearly dying extreme diffed Akainu, if Whitebeard didnt have all those injuries he would high diff because Akainu is really dam powerful. While 4Kids Entertainment never dubbed any of his appearances in the anime proper, some tie-in materials indicate that it planned to rename him Ward Newgate. [53] However, Whitebeard did not force commanders to hunt down wayward crew members if he had an uneasy feeling about the situation; in the case of Blackbeard, Whitebeard tried to make an exception and stop Ace from hunting him down, but Ace did so anyway for the sake of Whitebeard's honor. [81], As the war went on, his respect for Luffy increased after witnessing Luffy's true potential, and Whitebeard decided to command all his forces to fully support Luffy with all their might, a decision which even surprised his own men. [102], Under normal circumstances, they did not provoke each other. Oda is basically showing us Akainu's strength rather than telling us, as seen with kaido's introduction. Whats even funnier is that Blackbeard takes a quake attack from that same mad Whitebeard to his throat and also gets slashed across his chest from Whitebeards bisento and is just as fine physically as Akainu. He was eventually promoted to commander of the sixteenth division of the crew, showing that he had earned Whitebeard's respect as a leader and fighter. Whitebeard did not seem to hold his old crew in high regard, rarely talking about his time as a member. [119] In addition, he received one of Kizaru's laser beams[131] and two of Akainu's magma blasts. If you still want to wreak havoc on this sea, bear my name on your back and go wild as much as you like! I like Akainu and all but Akainu didnt even win the fight so I dont even know what you mean by Did Akainu low diff white beard? This gotta be one of the dumbest things I read today. 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