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frederick von mierers vanity fair
Id hurt my shoulder playing football at Princeton; Id come to the city for a doctors appointment. He was a fringe player who appeared "to know everybody," as he might have said. He had sold thousands of cassettes with titles such as Space People, Karma and Destiny, and Gems and Crystals. Von Mierers had espoused the ways of his mysterious group ``Eternal Values' through mail-order cassettes, at a Park Avenue church and on talk shows, including a cable television show for which he was host. A terrible man has been selling him gems! I don't think that is a spiritual pursuit," Andreadis says he once told von Mierers. We talked a lot about becoming highly evolved personalities. We did a lot of ego renunciation. Freddy talked a lot about the coming apocalypse, which made the need for personal wealth and relationships unnecessary. The gem and its harmonic vibrations are in harmony with your body. Shortly after Jacki Adams and John Andreadis fled from von Mierers, group members put out three cassettes. "All they ever talked about was money," Andreadis told me. I worked with photographers like Bruce Weber, Richard Avedon and Helmut Newton. And Rutherford County officials in charge of von Mierers' now-cremated corpse have also said Seaman tried to get them to sign a death certificate for von Mierers. Next, in the guise of psychic and oracle, von Mierers would tell his new friends how unhappy their lives really werea fairly safe assumption to make about young people seeking a psychic. Eileen Ford said "As far as I'm concerned, he's a crumbum.". Von Mierers would often warn his New Age leaders to beware of Jews. Access everything Vanity Fair has ever published.Join Now Subscriber-Only Benefit The Complete Vanity Fair Archive EVERY ISSUE. Dr. Thomas Clark, who appeared on the ``Inside Edition' report last week, confirmed von Mierers died of AIDS. he would say. "I come from a very rich family," he once told a TV interviewer. They cannot raise the question . Two bodies cannot occupy the same space in the material world, which is what they are trying to do when they're having physical intercourse. As John Hoyt made his way around New York, he talked about von Mierers to other models he would meet. For a time, he supported himself handily as a model. "That's $500,000 wholesale!" When Aliens Among Us was published, von Mierers's fantasy was realized. Von Mierers describes on them past lives of clients; this one was a "healer'' in Egypt, that one a "courtesan" in ancient Rome. We had a mission. Karr said he had never heard of von Mierers until after his death. Did it matter? Ha, that seems so simple when you say it. I said, 'You can't take $11,000 out of the bank without filling out a form.' And when he complained to Frederick, von Mierers said to him, "You will die on the water! ' That is the crux of the recovery process. When I look around, I see that, to a greater or lesser extent, we all have cultic relationships with peoplerelationships where the person we love, the person from whom were seeking approval, is also the one who is dishing out the abuse. Even today, years after Charles Manson and the Jonestown mass suicides, more than two thousand cults continue to operate in America. Why don't we call ourselves Eternal Values? You must now break through the wretched values that you learned in the next reincarnations in France and England!" . I was like, Oh my God. We thought the end was at hand. Frederick Von Miers Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 2. . "The gems are God's thoughts condensed.. .the gateways into this dimension for the ether waves.. .. The New York Post reported that the late male model and interior decorator was under investigation for possible involvement in a multimillion-dollar drug ring. I could give these kids almost a Harvard course in metaphysics." "I said to him, 'Come on, John, do you really think you're from another planet?' I sought counseling and have a little bit of a film careerwriting, acting and producing several movies. During the spiritual seminars in the Park Avenue church, ugly shouting would break out. Frederick would talk about their mission and explain the need to eat grains and vegetables; he would place them on rigorous diets, which involved an elaborate system of eating known as food-combining. . " Von Mierers's apartment became a hangout. By then he had given up modeling and taken up with Billy Baldwin, the dean of American decorators, called "Billy B." The spirit of Jeremiah walked into my body. The cult was called Eternal Values. The ring had twelve of my own diamonds in it, and I was shocked when I learned that the whole ring was worth at most $15,000, because Frederick had told me that the stone was worth $23,000. Ive also tried to deal with some of the deep-seated family issues that may have made me a bit more susceptible to joining a cult than someone else. There was a big Vanity Fair expos at one point in the early 90s; I was involved with them for more than 20 years, from 1978 through1999. "He cared so much about being with the rich and the prominent," a friend who knew him well fifteen years ago told me. What a dummy I was. The man's famil, Growing up in Goldsboro, Greensboro Day senior Jaydon Young averaged 25.9 points per game as a freshman at Wayne Christian. After consulting with "the Guides," Montgomery explained gravely to her readers, she had decided that von Mierers's account of his past lives was correct. As I came and went to work, I was often accused of being resistant to our rules and way of life. I had no sleep, ever. My mother was not that rich. Editor's Letter: Tales of the unexpected. In Welcome to the Beyond, which premiered at Doc NYC on Tuesday, director Brent Huff deep-dives into Hoyts double life. Frederick Von Mierers, a deeply tanned cult leader with a shocking crown of platinum blond hair, spoke to his followers through their television sets. The first time I tried to leave the group, I fled to New York. Its hard to imagine just how strange it would all seem without context, an insomniac flipping through the channels, stumbling upon this exaggeration of a man who claimed to be an alien from the star Arcturus. "I went to one weekend seminar," a businesswoman named Christina Andrews told me. "I was making over $300,000 a year," she said. When they returned to New York, they told Eileen Ford's husband and Hunter what had happened to them. I always knew Freddie was a big talker and a fantasist. Jeremiah will take over your body.' Do you see the ego there? There, he would later tell Ruth Montgomery, he was also treated for a streptococcal infection. They are as candles in the dark to prevent you from falling into delusions," he said on one cassette. He no longer needed to suffer the dreadful slights that often beset ambitious and aging pretty boys. Mr. Richards, shown above, organized and produced the . . Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. We were sitting in his apartment, an elaborately decorated aerie on East Fifty-fourth Street. A few days later I called him and said, 'I don't want the ring!' For that offense they shaved my head. She was impressed by the "hypnotic atmosphere" and the attractive young people; Andreadis did an astrological reading for her which, she said, "blew me away." He chose to come back because of an urgent need to reach the young people who will be founding the new society after the shift of the earth on its axis.". "These are the only people in New York who count," he would say. He spent time at Quest, a bookshop on Fifty-third Street specializing in spiritual books, and there he met other people on their own missions. "Ramakrishna said, 'When flowers open, bees come of themselves, " von Mierers used to tell his new young friends. I was the living symbol of their hypocrisy. Few wind up, as von Mierers did, a canny gem salesman who was easily able to win over a popular author named Ruth Montgomery, whose books on psychic phenomena have sold millions of copies. "Everyone would sit around, and they were all wearing these gems on their fingers. New members of the group, such as a model who had met John Hoyt on a photo shoot, were gradually told about the sexualinitiation practices, including the multiracial sex rite which members called "the treatment." He enlisted appraisers who worked on percentages of the stones they evaluated. "John was out for position," Wyatt told me after a long pause. By now von Mierers had perfected his pitch. So Freddie became a prophet, so what?" Uproar ensued. In those days, he would hold seminars for hundreds of people at a church on Park Avenue or at a downtown school. At night he held court and gave his friends cleaning chores to help them to work on their inflated egos. ", Mind control inevitably follows a specific pattern. It's real bottom-line. By 1976 he was listed in the New York Social Register, and he carried it with him everywhere, as if to call attention to his social stature. This guy is raking in millions! I couldnt seem to live up to the community standards. "He just understands everything about us." They're cheaper than you could get wholesale!' RAP-B-238U 1'' Ball Composite Ram Mount Diamond Base Plate 2.43"x131" AMPS Hole, Legion 5 Pro 16" Gaming Laptop QHD 165Hz R9-6900HX 16GB RAM 1TB SSD RTX 3070 Ti, Samsung Galaxy Active 2 R825U Smartwatch 44mm Bluetooth GPS & LTE - Very Good, Lenovo IdeaPad 3 14" FHD Laptop Intel Core i7-1165G7 8GB RAM 512GB SSD, Citizen Eco-Drive Women's Rose-Gold Accent Mesh Bracelet 34mm Watch FE6081-51A, Intel Core i9-13900KF Unlocked Desktop Processor - 24 Cores (8P+16E) & 32 Thread, DEWALT DCCS620B 20V MAX Cordless Li-Ion 12 in. Andreadis would put a life reading on the tape machine, and Frederick's voice, like the Wizard of Oz, with harmonic music in the background, would engulf a client with tales of past lives. The group members watched me suspiciously, and, as in the faces of the Jonestown survivors in news photos, behind their blank stares was fear. Fabulous emeralds. All is evil . .late '20's hairdo life of the party and a people organizer.. .seen a lot at Le Cirque, Cecil's, Isle of Capri fabulous dancer.. .a gentleman," the item read. Eileen Ford told me. Von Mierers seems to have been aided in his gem operation by several New York jewelry appraisers, who were gifted fantasists when it came to evaluating the Eternal Values stones. With marketing, with the news, with politics, with the military and different religions and forms of government, I see forms of mind control all the time, everywhere. Man died Wednesday. "Frederick encouraged us to lie, to cheat, to say anything to our families. ``They were rather reclusive,' Police Chief Frank Fritts said. Soon he was attempting to find work as a society decorator and furniture restorer, living in a tiny apartment on East Forty-ninth Street which he had decorated in Baldwin style. staffer, who was conned out of $62,000 by Anna Sorokin, questions Netflix's decision to pay the proven criminal more than . "She left less than $400,000," Williams told me, With access to Mrs. Williams severed, von Mierers retreated more and more into his spiritual pursuits. You will survive the storms and be the leaders of the millennium." ''I was told I would have to wait a year to get my cassette, maybe eighteen months," a painter named Glenna Hartwell told me, ''but all the money had to be paid in advance.". He put me up in his house for almost 18 months. ", "Things happen. She seemed to have abdicated all responsibility, resigned to the vulnerabilities of young beauties who often come from troubled homes. Is a "Dangerous" Distortion, Says Rachel Williams. By the time Jacki Adams introduced herself to Andreadis, von Mierers's successor was becoming disenchanted with Eternal Values. John comes back down here and Frederick starts smashing him across the face, and just saying, 'You fucking liar!' She has a huge audience. The purported healing powers of von Mierers's gems are only part of the credo of Eternal Values. There were a lot of drugs and greed in the air, but we considered ourselves people who were seeking a greater understanding of the universe. "What is that?" At times, his anti-Semitic remarks were almost comical. What is a famous model doing here? $769.99 / piece Size: 49in. Still, they control ourmind. You must write that I am the reincarnation of Jeremiah from the Old Testament. We were on earth to help people. Her office was filled with poinsettias; she wore layers of red wool and plaid Christmas stockings. "Look at these emeralds," he was telling me, stroking his gems. Karr said he couldn't remember the name of one man he remembers meeting at the house. His accent, already familiar to me from the many videotapes he had merchandised, was obviously inauthentic; I could hear traces of the grandees of the Hudson Valley, the sibilation of Blanche DuBois, and the clipped o's of Mayfair. The gem business has always been predicated on the notion of caveat emptor; a stone is worth what the customer is willing to pay. "You are so pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty, my wonderful birds," he said, kissing their beaks. I would never have made it without the help of my old friend Fabio, the spokesmodel. Writer Marie Brenner, who confirmed the now-dropped investigation by the . This is not phenomenalism and five-and-dimestore stupidities!" I'm going to smash the shit out of you!' You have to cut the ties to your family! His actual childhood remains a mystery. "I thought I was in love with Jacki," he told me. The whole time I was involved with Eternal Values, I was working pretty successfully as a model. one exclaimed. "About this time he had the idea of going into business," a friend told me. In fear, Andreadis and Adams went to Jamaica. '. He told us about the personal tapes he would make for us that would cost $350, and he said he had eight thousand requests. Like best-selling author Whitley Strieber (Communion, Transformation), who details his visitations from space people, Montgomery seems completely in the thrall of her vision. Certain female members of the group were reportedly encouraged to seduce rich men. "Everyone fancied him," a friend told me. In January 1988, on a television show called People Are Talking, he cried, "Americans, you are going into the most crucial period of earth history! "Frederick is very spiritual," Wyatt later told me. View cart for details. .immaculate dresser. Any job they could think of that was a pain in the ass, theyd assign it to me. "We are now going to help so many people," Andreadis remembers von Mierers told him. A few people in the room were buzzing about her: Who is that beautiful woman? The anxiety attached to the end of an era, much less a millennium, inevitably produces collective madness. Scarlet and turquoise feathers drifted by. Purely by coincidence I met a modeling agent; the next summer I was cast in a big ad campaign for Geoffrey Banks. "Aren't they fabulous? They came after me and talked me into coming back. (''This cassette describes how the one Principle of Cosmic Intelligence expresses itself. "It made me cry," she said. Look around. The terrible earthquakes, the storms that will beset humanity! . Hoyt Richards was one of the worlds biggest male supermodels in the 80s and 90s. . von Mierers would tell them. Insight is given as to the inner workings of the Universal Magnetic Field, as well as how the stones can help you tune in to higher intelligence.") "If all my models were like John Hoyt, I would have a fabulous agency. "You need to have your pussy slammed," he reportedly told one model before sending her a well-known man from the group. "I have been familiar with your work only since last summer, when I became aware that the message in your books is identical to the Hindu cycles of creation." They told me then to make two payments in cashone $8,000, one $3,000. "You'll never be a Ted Koppel unless you have manners!" "Maybe Freddie von Mierers is taking people for millions! Frederick had sophisticated his operation. Her mother next married a man who, Jacki says, was hostile to her and her sister. He claimed to be an alien reincarnated from the distant star Arcturus. "I want her to write about me. That's what I've found about this planet. We would party, go to Studio 54 and crash at his apartment. Other people stay at the house year-round, he said. Black Vanity with Carrara Marble Top. First, the mental seduction, the flattery Moonies call "love bombing." You have permission to edit this article. When the money manager demanded a refund, he says, von Mierers at first screamed at him, then refused to take his calls. In 1977, Helen Williams was in a car crash and had a stroke, which left her unable to speak. Von Mierers, like the leaders of the People's Temple, talked constantly of Satan's influence in the world, the dark forces, and viciously belittled the notion of family ties. "Frederick imparts information that normally you wouldn't have access to," a Princeton graduate and Ford model who is a member of Eternal Values told me. If challenged about the Holocaust, von Mierers would repeat the most banal anti-Semitic propaganda: "The Holocaust has been exaggerated"; "Hitler was a misunderstood genius"; "Jews have to understand that their natures encourage pogroms. ' Meanwhile, after every job, people would be going off to parties at, like Madonnas, and I would fly back to my life in Eternal Values. Her relationship with Andreadis shielded her from the burgeoning sexual atmosphere of Eternal Values. I knew that I had come from Arcturus. The inner circle called itself the group. At its peak, there were about 100 active members, some at the Manhattan apartment, some in a big loft building in Brooklyn. A Wall Street banker designed the computer system that charted the planets for von Mierers's readings; a Brooklyn woman kept his books. Montgomery's belief in von Mierers so overwhelmed him that he would read her chapters out loud again and again to his followers, as if to convince himself that they were true. It was in January of 1978 that von Mierers appeared to make the bizarre mental journey that would cause him to affect so many young lives. "Oh, you duchesses and lords!" EVERY PAGE. We all know its not. "How did Ruth Montgomery find out about you?" .From where do these thoughts arise? Even William Scranton III, the former lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania and son of the former governor William Scranton, once bought gems. Lacking a sense of the past, the group is bound together by its loyalty to von Mierers and its belief in a dark futurethe possible triage resulting from the greenhouse effect, the shifting of the earth's poles, the melting ice caps. "I had read everything. Andreadis's flight released even more demons within Eternal Values. a city detective recently asked a Ford model who had fled from the group. When I called Ruth Montgomery to discuss von Mierers with her, she was defensive and refused to speak for attribution. The various uses of gems and crystals and how they work are explained. Splintered family relationships of the type familiar to anyone who has had experience with cults. "What could I do?" He screamed at me, attacked my character, and told me I was being irresponsible and that the ring would fix all that.". He's saying, 'Don't hit me!'.. For that, you feel a sense of shame. He knew what was at stake. I have so many fabulous, fabulous things.". "Let me tell you something! He also sold gems to his followers, a practice he said hed adopted from a Hindu belief in the healing properties of certain precious stones. I had it taken apart when I got back to California, and I learned it was almost worthless." "Jews have been evil since the beginning of time. "Hasn't it always been part of the reputation of the Ford modeling agency that you protect your young kids from being taken advantage of?" No mother, no father, no brother, no sister. An endorsement by Ruth Montgomery would confirm everything he had told his young followers about his life. "Could you tell me what is spiritual about assaulting someone?" The gems, he would say, are for ''special people, only the elite." Life is vice. I am not for the masses. one's own. Just a few things that come to mind, working from memory of course. Control of diet was an important first step. I was all of seventeen years old." ''Germans have created everything, '' he told me. Blind faith, fear of the millennium, and obsession are less easy to analyze. Ask yourself, who am I? "Pick that up right now!" No unity can be achieved here in the physical world. Like anyone suffering from Stockholm syndromewhere a hostage identifies with his captorsI had no ability to objectify my experience. and that was the end of that.". (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). I would come to New York, and soon Frederick showed me the stones. ' One cassette was sent all over the country. Subscribers have complete access to the archive. The stones were badly scratched; their color was cloudy. Few wind up, as von Mierers did, able to get a listing in the Social Register. One client tried to force me to hire him. "Interior decorator 28 years old . "Suddenly my son was talking like a robot.". Suddenly, von Mierers noticed that a pillow had fallen on a spotlight on the floor. At one time we were both with the Ford Modeling agency. You realize its kind of happening to everyone in a way. You realize it didnt happen to me because Im especially flawed or have some defect. "In ancient Egypt, I trained you to be a healer! Basically, at this point, Ive shifted the shame to a place where I think of myself as a survivor. These cults attract mostly the Less than Zero generation, born in the 1960s, reared on fashionable doomsday prophecies about the millennium. She knew that she had no rational basis for feeling unhappy with her life; she was at the very pinnaclea Ford model, a classy beauty booked by Vogue, photographed by Irving Penn. "There are really two kinds of Jews," a friend remembers him saying. You're a model! "It has been a disaster," Montgomery once wrote of von Mierers to an angry reader who had taken her book seriously, but the reader has yet to recover $17,000 he says he paid for stones. His looks fading, he went to California for cosmetic surgery. We are not a cult.". Studio Design Collection. ", For years, von Mierers had a television show of his own in New York. Montgomery had been so moved by Andreadis's letter that she felt compelled to consult the Guides. By 1987 von Mierers was wasting no time selling the healing stones. We are here to warn you! In the checkbook, she would write out these tiny amounts of cash for herself, like fifty or something. The literature and cassettes of Eternal Values appear harmless; they are similar to those of hundreds of other organizations that synthesize Eastern philosophy to cash in on the New Age boom. I reminded him of his participation in the tape. I have rubies and sapphires! Always, he was immaculate; he combed his hair, which was dark then, straight back like an heir to Morgan Stanley. By his sixteenth birthday he had read volumes of metaphysics, and he often bought books at the Quest bookshop. I like who I am now. He kept elaborate ledger records, but he insisted on being paid in cash. Send it to The Daily Beasthere. Plus, I was supporting them. "You have to do something! I can help you to transcend.' Released in 2015, the film has been an official selection in over fifty film festivals and has won more than forty awards, including 15 for Best Picture and 10 for BestActor. A cult is sort of like that same relationshiponcrack. .. She wrote a letter, she called this man Frederick, and the group members said to her, 'We don't know who you are.' At first glance, the flowers appeared real. It became evil. "He's harmless," Hunter told me. "Frederick shut me in a room until it was finished," Adams said. When youre 16 and going through a rebellious stage, having an adult who will talk to you like an adult really gets your attention. When I saw him in Venice, he just sat right down with me at Harry's Bar. "When we started Eternal Values, it was completely benign, really nothing more than a spiritual merchandising scheme," a former associate of von Mierers's who is now cooperating with the Manhattan district attorney's office told me. LAKE LURE MANSION HOUSED STAR PROPHET LEADER SOUGHT REFUGE BEFORE DYING OF AIDS. The message was simple: Adams and Andreadis were evil; their egos would have to be ' 'destroyed. ' One night, in a fit of insomnia, von Mierers thumbed through the book of Revelations. I don't know anything about this!" Part of many life readings was a "gem prescription." The stones were impressively large and set in heavy golden bands. Once, in 1969, the producer Joel Rice ran into him in Venice. People don't even know themselves, do they? Natural Vanity with Engineered Marble Top. "Why do you have to be a gem salesman? " When Douglas Wyatt was introduced to Eternal Values, Andreadis claims von Mierers told him, "Be nice to him. Devastated by illness, he twisted on his tiny lavender slipper-chair perch and clapped his hands for one of his followers to open his bedroom vault. It is through such negative thoughts that the dark forces work. Eileen Ford asked me. Call the super!' Close to sixty people attended. "I ran into her on an airplane," a close friend of hers told me. A hydrogen-light body. He lived in this awesome apartment and had all these young, intelligent and wealthy followers. These are the ones that I prescribe. Von Mierers began to talk about the great psychic Edgar Cayce and his gem prescriptions. David Seaman was a New York chiropractor. Nonnegotiable! They never saw that side in Lake Lure, however. "I felt as if I were in a world apart," one said. I just took that checkbook to the lawyer and told him, 'Do you know what this guy has been doing?' It is said that the chosen will be able to survive the apocalypse by being on something called the White Light Star Ship, or by owning property in certain mountain areas, or, in the case of Eternal Values, by wearing special jewels. At two in the morning, Von Mierers would be beamed out into the universe courtesy of cable television. Through connections he made at Quest, von Mierers began doing astrology charts and psychic readings, presumably now strained to make ends meet. "Freddie was always bringing me kids to sign," Hunter told me. A dozen of the group share apartments in von Mierers's building, at 405 East Fifty-fourth Street, where Noel Coward and Hermione Gingold once lived. From somewhere, I heard music which sounded like an organ on a Moog synthesizer. "Tell her about the gems and how great they are! By now Andreadis had seen and heard enough. Of course, some conditions are more extreme than others. "You are fabulous! Within a few weeks, I met with a beautiful model named Jacki Adams, who for some years had been the face on the Elizabeth Arden campaign. The evil forces are everywhere.". Now she could talk about philosophy until dawn with a new group of friends who had little to do with the artificial world of fashion. Suddenly, von Mierers's living room appeared very small. He became, he said, deeply depressed, "disenchanted with the world, and wanting out.". We spoke what youd call New Age jargon. Enrolled now at Columbia as a freshman, Andreadis often helped von Mierers do the charts. But when I got the ring, I could immediately tell they had switched the stones. One appraiser on West Forty-seventh Street routinely gave von Mierers papers which showed that his stones were worth two or three times what he was charging for them. Id fly to Tokyo for a shoot and have to be back by Monday to take an exam; I was proud I was able to graduate with my class, in1985. Instead, they sent the body to Chapel Hill for autopsy by the state medical examiner. And so, in 1984, Andreadis wrote to the best-selling author. They quickly annulled their marriage, but they have remained friends. From the mind, which is the ego. To this day I owe him everything. ". There were, additionally, an aspiring actor and several women who run von Mierers's business, a spiritual life-style and astrological organization called the Eternal Value's. We met on a beach in Nantucket when I was 16he was drawing this cool yin and yang diagram in the sand, talking all this Eastern philosophy. "My gems help me to see things clearly," an IBM executive named Pete Olson told me. Von Mierers had learned what it took to glide through New York's best drawing rooms. The fairy tales of this dimension! . One of the aspects that troubled Andreadis was Frederick's increasing desire to find members who were rich. I was sobbing. In 1979, Andreadis was a private-school boy from a rich New York family; his father invented Man-Tan. I even found a letter she had written him that said, 'Why don't you invite me to Nantucket when Billy Baldwin is there?' The novel opens at Miss Pinkerton's Academy for young women, where readers are introduced to Amelia and Becky, the novel's female protagonists. Eternal Values was by now big business, so successful that von Mierers had anointed Andreadis as his probable successor to run the organization. " He is currently under criminal investigation for several potential charges. His friends even thought it was charmingly eccentric that Helen Williams, as rich as she was, always took the subway to meet him for their dates. von Mierers insisted. Von Mierers would stare at the camera with his cold blue eyes and talk about Satan and "the dark forces." 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Id hurt my shoulder playing football at Princeton; Id come to the city for a doctors appointment. He was a fringe player who appeared "to know everybody," as he might have said. He had sold thousands of cassettes with titles such as Space People, Karma and Destiny, and Gems and Crystals. Von Mierers had espoused the ways of his mysterious group ``Eternal Values' through mail-order cassettes, at a Park Avenue church and on talk shows, including a cable television show for which he was host. A terrible man has been selling him gems! I don't think that is a spiritual pursuit," Andreadis says he once told von Mierers. We talked a lot about becoming highly evolved personalities. We did a lot of ego renunciation. Freddy talked a lot about the coming apocalypse, which made the need for personal wealth and relationships unnecessary. The gem and its harmonic vibrations are in harmony with your body. Shortly after Jacki Adams and John Andreadis fled from von Mierers, group members put out three cassettes. "All they ever talked about was money," Andreadis told me. I worked with photographers like Bruce Weber, Richard Avedon and Helmut Newton. And Rutherford County officials in charge of von Mierers' now-cremated corpse have also said Seaman tried to get them to sign a death certificate for von Mierers. Next, in the guise of psychic and oracle, von Mierers would tell his new friends how unhappy their lives really werea fairly safe assumption to make about young people seeking a psychic. Eileen Ford said "As far as I'm concerned, he's a crumbum.". Von Mierers would often warn his New Age leaders to beware of Jews. Access everything Vanity Fair has ever published.Join Now Subscriber-Only Benefit The Complete Vanity Fair Archive EVERY ISSUE. Dr. Thomas Clark, who appeared on the ``Inside Edition' report last week, confirmed von Mierers died of AIDS. he would say. "I come from a very rich family," he once told a TV interviewer. They cannot raise the question . Two bodies cannot occupy the same space in the material world, which is what they are trying to do when they're having physical intercourse. As John Hoyt made his way around New York, he talked about von Mierers to other models he would meet. For a time, he supported himself handily as a model. "That's $500,000 wholesale!" When Aliens Among Us was published, von Mierers's fantasy was realized. Von Mierers describes on them past lives of clients; this one was a "healer'' in Egypt, that one a "courtesan" in ancient Rome. We had a mission. Karr said he had never heard of von Mierers until after his death. Did it matter? Ha, that seems so simple when you say it. I said, 'You can't take $11,000 out of the bank without filling out a form.' And when he complained to Frederick, von Mierers said to him, "You will die on the water! ' That is the crux of the recovery process. When I look around, I see that, to a greater or lesser extent, we all have cultic relationships with peoplerelationships where the person we love, the person from whom were seeking approval, is also the one who is dishing out the abuse. Even today, years after Charles Manson and the Jonestown mass suicides, more than two thousand cults continue to operate in America. Why don't we call ourselves Eternal Values? You must now break through the wretched values that you learned in the next reincarnations in France and England!" . I was like, Oh my God. We thought the end was at hand. Frederick Von Miers Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 2. . "The gems are God's thoughts condensed.. .the gateways into this dimension for the ether waves.. .. The New York Post reported that the late male model and interior decorator was under investigation for possible involvement in a multimillion-dollar drug ring. I could give these kids almost a Harvard course in metaphysics." "I said to him, 'Come on, John, do you really think you're from another planet?' I sought counseling and have a little bit of a film careerwriting, acting and producing several movies. During the spiritual seminars in the Park Avenue church, ugly shouting would break out. Frederick would talk about their mission and explain the need to eat grains and vegetables; he would place them on rigorous diets, which involved an elaborate system of eating known as food-combining. . " Von Mierers's apartment became a hangout. By then he had given up modeling and taken up with Billy Baldwin, the dean of American decorators, called "Billy B." The spirit of Jeremiah walked into my body. The cult was called Eternal Values. The ring had twelve of my own diamonds in it, and I was shocked when I learned that the whole ring was worth at most $15,000, because Frederick had told me that the stone was worth $23,000. Ive also tried to deal with some of the deep-seated family issues that may have made me a bit more susceptible to joining a cult than someone else. There was a big Vanity Fair expos at one point in the early 90s; I was involved with them for more than 20 years, from 1978 through1999. "He cared so much about being with the rich and the prominent," a friend who knew him well fifteen years ago told me. What a dummy I was. The man's famil, Growing up in Goldsboro, Greensboro Day senior Jaydon Young averaged 25.9 points per game as a freshman at Wayne Christian. After consulting with "the Guides," Montgomery explained gravely to her readers, she had decided that von Mierers's account of his past lives was correct. As I came and went to work, I was often accused of being resistant to our rules and way of life. I had no sleep, ever. My mother was not that rich. Editor's Letter: Tales of the unexpected. In Welcome to the Beyond, which premiered at Doc NYC on Tuesday, director Brent Huff deep-dives into Hoyts double life. Frederick Von Mierers, a deeply tanned cult leader with a shocking crown of platinum blond hair, spoke to his followers through their television sets. The first time I tried to leave the group, I fled to New York. Its hard to imagine just how strange it would all seem without context, an insomniac flipping through the channels, stumbling upon this exaggeration of a man who claimed to be an alien from the star Arcturus. "I went to one weekend seminar," a businesswoman named Christina Andrews told me. "I was making over $300,000 a year," she said. When they returned to New York, they told Eileen Ford's husband and Hunter what had happened to them. I always knew Freddie was a big talker and a fantasist. Jeremiah will take over your body.' Do you see the ego there? There, he would later tell Ruth Montgomery, he was also treated for a streptococcal infection. They are as candles in the dark to prevent you from falling into delusions," he said on one cassette. He no longer needed to suffer the dreadful slights that often beset ambitious and aging pretty boys. Mr. Richards, shown above, organized and produced the . . Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. We were sitting in his apartment, an elaborately decorated aerie on East Fifty-fourth Street. A few days later I called him and said, 'I don't want the ring!' For that offense they shaved my head. She was impressed by the "hypnotic atmosphere" and the attractive young people; Andreadis did an astrological reading for her which, she said, "blew me away." He chose to come back because of an urgent need to reach the young people who will be founding the new society after the shift of the earth on its axis.". "These are the only people in New York who count," he would say. He spent time at Quest, a bookshop on Fifty-third Street specializing in spiritual books, and there he met other people on their own missions. "Ramakrishna said, 'When flowers open, bees come of themselves, " von Mierers used to tell his new young friends. I was the living symbol of their hypocrisy. Few wind up, as von Mierers did, a canny gem salesman who was easily able to win over a popular author named Ruth Montgomery, whose books on psychic phenomena have sold millions of copies. "Everyone would sit around, and they were all wearing these gems on their fingers. New members of the group, such as a model who had met John Hoyt on a photo shoot, were gradually told about the sexualinitiation practices, including the multiracial sex rite which members called "the treatment." He enlisted appraisers who worked on percentages of the stones they evaluated. "John was out for position," Wyatt told me after a long pause. By now von Mierers had perfected his pitch. So Freddie became a prophet, so what?" Uproar ensued. In those days, he would hold seminars for hundreds of people at a church on Park Avenue or at a downtown school. At night he held court and gave his friends cleaning chores to help them to work on their inflated egos. ", Mind control inevitably follows a specific pattern. It's real bottom-line. By 1976 he was listed in the New York Social Register, and he carried it with him everywhere, as if to call attention to his social stature. This guy is raking in millions! I couldnt seem to live up to the community standards. "He just understands everything about us." They're cheaper than you could get wholesale!' RAP-B-238U 1'' Ball Composite Ram Mount Diamond Base Plate 2.43"x131" AMPS Hole, Legion 5 Pro 16" Gaming Laptop QHD 165Hz R9-6900HX 16GB RAM 1TB SSD RTX 3070 Ti, Samsung Galaxy Active 2 R825U Smartwatch 44mm Bluetooth GPS & LTE - Very Good, Lenovo IdeaPad 3 14" FHD Laptop Intel Core i7-1165G7 8GB RAM 512GB SSD, Citizen Eco-Drive Women's Rose-Gold Accent Mesh Bracelet 34mm Watch FE6081-51A, Intel Core i9-13900KF Unlocked Desktop Processor - 24 Cores (8P+16E) & 32 Thread, DEWALT DCCS620B 20V MAX Cordless Li-Ion 12 in. Andreadis would put a life reading on the tape machine, and Frederick's voice, like the Wizard of Oz, with harmonic music in the background, would engulf a client with tales of past lives. The group members watched me suspiciously, and, as in the faces of the Jonestown survivors in news photos, behind their blank stares was fear. Fabulous emeralds. All is evil . .late '20's hairdo life of the party and a people organizer.. .seen a lot at Le Cirque, Cecil's, Isle of Capri fabulous dancer.. .a gentleman," the item read. Eileen Ford told me. Von Mierers seems to have been aided in his gem operation by several New York jewelry appraisers, who were gifted fantasists when it came to evaluating the Eternal Values stones. With marketing, with the news, with politics, with the military and different religions and forms of government, I see forms of mind control all the time, everywhere. Man died Wednesday. "Frederick encouraged us to lie, to cheat, to say anything to our families. ``They were rather reclusive,' Police Chief Frank Fritts said. Soon he was attempting to find work as a society decorator and furniture restorer, living in a tiny apartment on East Forty-ninth Street which he had decorated in Baldwin style. staffer, who was conned out of $62,000 by Anna Sorokin, questions Netflix's decision to pay the proven criminal more than . "She left less than $400,000," Williams told me, With access to Mrs. Williams severed, von Mierers retreated more and more into his spiritual pursuits. You will survive the storms and be the leaders of the millennium." ''I was told I would have to wait a year to get my cassette, maybe eighteen months," a painter named Glenna Hartwell told me, ''but all the money had to be paid in advance.". He put me up in his house for almost 18 months. ", "Things happen. She seemed to have abdicated all responsibility, resigned to the vulnerabilities of young beauties who often come from troubled homes. Is a "Dangerous" Distortion, Says Rachel Williams. By the time Jacki Adams introduced herself to Andreadis, von Mierers's successor was becoming disenchanted with Eternal Values. John comes back down here and Frederick starts smashing him across the face, and just saying, 'You fucking liar!' She has a huge audience. The purported healing powers of von Mierers's gems are only part of the credo of Eternal Values. There were a lot of drugs and greed in the air, but we considered ourselves people who were seeking a greater understanding of the universe. "What is that?" At times, his anti-Semitic remarks were almost comical. What is a famous model doing here? $769.99 / piece Size: 49in. Still, they control ourmind. You must write that I am the reincarnation of Jeremiah from the Old Testament. We were on earth to help people. Her office was filled with poinsettias; she wore layers of red wool and plaid Christmas stockings. "Look at these emeralds," he was telling me, stroking his gems. Karr said he couldn't remember the name of one man he remembers meeting at the house. His accent, already familiar to me from the many videotapes he had merchandised, was obviously inauthentic; I could hear traces of the grandees of the Hudson Valley, the sibilation of Blanche DuBois, and the clipped o's of Mayfair. The gem business has always been predicated on the notion of caveat emptor; a stone is worth what the customer is willing to pay. "You are so pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty, my wonderful birds," he said, kissing their beaks. I would never have made it without the help of my old friend Fabio, the spokesmodel. Writer Marie Brenner, who confirmed the now-dropped investigation by the . This is not phenomenalism and five-and-dimestore stupidities!" I'm going to smash the shit out of you!' You have to cut the ties to your family! His actual childhood remains a mystery. "I thought I was in love with Jacki," he told me. The whole time I was involved with Eternal Values, I was working pretty successfully as a model. one exclaimed. "About this time he had the idea of going into business," a friend told me. In fear, Andreadis and Adams went to Jamaica. '. He told us about the personal tapes he would make for us that would cost $350, and he said he had eight thousand requests. Like best-selling author Whitley Strieber (Communion, Transformation), who details his visitations from space people, Montgomery seems completely in the thrall of her vision. Certain female members of the group were reportedly encouraged to seduce rich men. "Everyone fancied him," a friend told me. In January 1988, on a television show called People Are Talking, he cried, "Americans, you are going into the most crucial period of earth history! "Frederick is very spiritual," Wyatt later told me. View cart for details. .immaculate dresser. Any job they could think of that was a pain in the ass, theyd assign it to me. "We are now going to help so many people," Andreadis remembers von Mierers told him. A few people in the room were buzzing about her: Who is that beautiful woman? The anxiety attached to the end of an era, much less a millennium, inevitably produces collective madness. Scarlet and turquoise feathers drifted by. Purely by coincidence I met a modeling agent; the next summer I was cast in a big ad campaign for Geoffrey Banks. "Aren't they fabulous? They came after me and talked me into coming back. (''This cassette describes how the one Principle of Cosmic Intelligence expresses itself. "It made me cry," she said. Look around. The terrible earthquakes, the storms that will beset humanity! . Hoyt Richards was one of the worlds biggest male supermodels in the 80s and 90s. . von Mierers would tell them. Insight is given as to the inner workings of the Universal Magnetic Field, as well as how the stones can help you tune in to higher intelligence.") "If all my models were like John Hoyt, I would have a fabulous agency. "You need to have your pussy slammed," he reportedly told one model before sending her a well-known man from the group. "I have been familiar with your work only since last summer, when I became aware that the message in your books is identical to the Hindu cycles of creation." They told me then to make two payments in cashone $8,000, one $3,000. "You'll never be a Ted Koppel unless you have manners!" "Maybe Freddie von Mierers is taking people for millions! Frederick had sophisticated his operation. Her mother next married a man who, Jacki says, was hostile to her and her sister. He claimed to be an alien reincarnated from the distant star Arcturus. "I want her to write about me. That's what I've found about this planet. We would party, go to Studio 54 and crash at his apartment. Other people stay at the house year-round, he said. Black Vanity with Carrara Marble Top. First, the mental seduction, the flattery Moonies call "love bombing." You have permission to edit this article. When the money manager demanded a refund, he says, von Mierers at first screamed at him, then refused to take his calls. In 1977, Helen Williams was in a car crash and had a stroke, which left her unable to speak. Von Mierers, like the leaders of the People's Temple, talked constantly of Satan's influence in the world, the dark forces, and viciously belittled the notion of family ties. "Frederick imparts information that normally you wouldn't have access to," a Princeton graduate and Ford model who is a member of Eternal Values told me. If challenged about the Holocaust, von Mierers would repeat the most banal anti-Semitic propaganda: "The Holocaust has been exaggerated"; "Hitler was a misunderstood genius"; "Jews have to understand that their natures encourage pogroms. ' Meanwhile, after every job, people would be going off to parties at, like Madonnas, and I would fly back to my life in Eternal Values. Her relationship with Andreadis shielded her from the burgeoning sexual atmosphere of Eternal Values. I knew that I had come from Arcturus. The inner circle called itself the group. At its peak, there were about 100 active members, some at the Manhattan apartment, some in a big loft building in Brooklyn. A Wall Street banker designed the computer system that charted the planets for von Mierers's readings; a Brooklyn woman kept his books. Montgomery's belief in von Mierers so overwhelmed him that he would read her chapters out loud again and again to his followers, as if to convince himself that they were true. It was in January of 1978 that von Mierers appeared to make the bizarre mental journey that would cause him to affect so many young lives. "Oh, you duchesses and lords!" EVERY PAGE. We all know its not. "How did Ruth Montgomery find out about you?" .From where do these thoughts arise? Even William Scranton III, the former lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania and son of the former governor William Scranton, once bought gems. Lacking a sense of the past, the group is bound together by its loyalty to von Mierers and its belief in a dark futurethe possible triage resulting from the greenhouse effect, the shifting of the earth's poles, the melting ice caps. "I had read everything. Andreadis's flight released even more demons within Eternal Values. a city detective recently asked a Ford model who had fled from the group. When I called Ruth Montgomery to discuss von Mierers with her, she was defensive and refused to speak for attribution. The various uses of gems and crystals and how they work are explained. Splintered family relationships of the type familiar to anyone who has had experience with cults. "What could I do?" He screamed at me, attacked my character, and told me I was being irresponsible and that the ring would fix all that.". He's saying, 'Don't hit me!'.. For that, you feel a sense of shame. He knew what was at stake. I have so many fabulous, fabulous things.". "Let me tell you something! He also sold gems to his followers, a practice he said hed adopted from a Hindu belief in the healing properties of certain precious stones. I had it taken apart when I got back to California, and I learned it was almost worthless." "Jews have been evil since the beginning of time. "Hasn't it always been part of the reputation of the Ford modeling agency that you protect your young kids from being taken advantage of?" No mother, no father, no brother, no sister. An endorsement by Ruth Montgomery would confirm everything he had told his young followers about his life. "Could you tell me what is spiritual about assaulting someone?" The gems, he would say, are for ''special people, only the elite." Life is vice. I am not for the masses. one's own. Just a few things that come to mind, working from memory of course. Control of diet was an important first step. I was all of seventeen years old." ''Germans have created everything, '' he told me. Blind faith, fear of the millennium, and obsession are less easy to analyze. Ask yourself, who am I? "Pick that up right now!" No unity can be achieved here in the physical world. Like anyone suffering from Stockholm syndromewhere a hostage identifies with his captorsI had no ability to objectify my experience. and that was the end of that.". (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). I would come to New York, and soon Frederick showed me the stones. ' One cassette was sent all over the country. Subscribers have complete access to the archive. The stones were badly scratched; their color was cloudy. Few wind up, as von Mierers did, able to get a listing in the Social Register. One client tried to force me to hire him. "Interior decorator 28 years old . "Suddenly my son was talking like a robot.". Suddenly, von Mierers noticed that a pillow had fallen on a spotlight on the floor. At one time we were both with the Ford Modeling agency. You realize its kind of happening to everyone in a way. You realize it didnt happen to me because Im especially flawed or have some defect. "In ancient Egypt, I trained you to be a healer! Basically, at this point, Ive shifted the shame to a place where I think of myself as a survivor. These cults attract mostly the Less than Zero generation, born in the 1960s, reared on fashionable doomsday prophecies about the millennium. She knew that she had no rational basis for feeling unhappy with her life; she was at the very pinnaclea Ford model, a classy beauty booked by Vogue, photographed by Irving Penn. "There are really two kinds of Jews," a friend remembers him saying. You're a model! "It has been a disaster," Montgomery once wrote of von Mierers to an angry reader who had taken her book seriously, but the reader has yet to recover $17,000 he says he paid for stones. His looks fading, he went to California for cosmetic surgery. We are not a cult.". Studio Design Collection. ", For years, von Mierers had a television show of his own in New York. Montgomery had been so moved by Andreadis's letter that she felt compelled to consult the Guides. By 1987 von Mierers was wasting no time selling the healing stones. We are here to warn you! In the checkbook, she would write out these tiny amounts of cash for herself, like fifty or something. The literature and cassettes of Eternal Values appear harmless; they are similar to those of hundreds of other organizations that synthesize Eastern philosophy to cash in on the New Age boom. I reminded him of his participation in the tape. I have rubies and sapphires! Always, he was immaculate; he combed his hair, which was dark then, straight back like an heir to Morgan Stanley. By his sixteenth birthday he had read volumes of metaphysics, and he often bought books at the Quest bookshop. I like who I am now. He kept elaborate ledger records, but he insisted on being paid in cash. Send it to The Daily Beasthere. Plus, I was supporting them. "You have to do something! I can help you to transcend.' Released in 2015, the film has been an official selection in over fifty film festivals and has won more than forty awards, including 15 for Best Picture and 10 for BestActor. A cult is sort of like that same relationshiponcrack. .. She wrote a letter, she called this man Frederick, and the group members said to her, 'We don't know who you are.' At first glance, the flowers appeared real. It became evil. "He's harmless," Hunter told me. "Frederick shut me in a room until it was finished," Adams said. When youre 16 and going through a rebellious stage, having an adult who will talk to you like an adult really gets your attention. When I saw him in Venice, he just sat right down with me at Harry's Bar. "When we started Eternal Values, it was completely benign, really nothing more than a spiritual merchandising scheme," a former associate of von Mierers's who is now cooperating with the Manhattan district attorney's office told me. LAKE LURE MANSION HOUSED STAR PROPHET LEADER SOUGHT REFUGE BEFORE DYING OF AIDS. The message was simple: Adams and Andreadis were evil; their egos would have to be ' 'destroyed. ' One night, in a fit of insomnia, von Mierers thumbed through the book of Revelations. I don't know anything about this!" Part of many life readings was a "gem prescription." The stones were impressively large and set in heavy golden bands. Once, in 1969, the producer Joel Rice ran into him in Venice. People don't even know themselves, do they? Natural Vanity with Engineered Marble Top. "Why do you have to be a gem salesman? " When Douglas Wyatt was introduced to Eternal Values, Andreadis claims von Mierers told him, "Be nice to him. Devastated by illness, he twisted on his tiny lavender slipper-chair perch and clapped his hands for one of his followers to open his bedroom vault. It is through such negative thoughts that the dark forces work. Eileen Ford asked me. Call the super!' Close to sixty people attended. "I ran into her on an airplane," a close friend of hers told me. A hydrogen-light body. He lived in this awesome apartment and had all these young, intelligent and wealthy followers. These are the ones that I prescribe. Von Mierers began to talk about the great psychic Edgar Cayce and his gem prescriptions. David Seaman was a New York chiropractor. Nonnegotiable! They never saw that side in Lake Lure, however. "I felt as if I were in a world apart," one said. I just took that checkbook to the lawyer and told him, 'Do you know what this guy has been doing?' It is said that the chosen will be able to survive the apocalypse by being on something called the White Light Star Ship, or by owning property in certain mountain areas, or, in the case of Eternal Values, by wearing special jewels. At two in the morning, Von Mierers would be beamed out into the universe courtesy of cable television. Through connections he made at Quest, von Mierers began doing astrology charts and psychic readings, presumably now strained to make ends meet. "Freddie was always bringing me kids to sign," Hunter told me. A dozen of the group share apartments in von Mierers's building, at 405 East Fifty-fourth Street, where Noel Coward and Hermione Gingold once lived. From somewhere, I heard music which sounded like an organ on a Moog synthesizer. "Tell her about the gems and how great they are! By now Andreadis had seen and heard enough. Of course, some conditions are more extreme than others. "You are fabulous! Within a few weeks, I met with a beautiful model named Jacki Adams, who for some years had been the face on the Elizabeth Arden campaign. The evil forces are everywhere.". Now she could talk about philosophy until dawn with a new group of friends who had little to do with the artificial world of fashion. Suddenly, von Mierers's living room appeared very small. He became, he said, deeply depressed, "disenchanted with the world, and wanting out.". We spoke what youd call New Age jargon. Enrolled now at Columbia as a freshman, Andreadis often helped von Mierers do the charts. But when I got the ring, I could immediately tell they had switched the stones. One appraiser on West Forty-seventh Street routinely gave von Mierers papers which showed that his stones were worth two or three times what he was charging for them. Id fly to Tokyo for a shoot and have to be back by Monday to take an exam; I was proud I was able to graduate with my class, in1985. Instead, they sent the body to Chapel Hill for autopsy by the state medical examiner. And so, in 1984, Andreadis wrote to the best-selling author. They quickly annulled their marriage, but they have remained friends. From the mind, which is the ego. To this day I owe him everything. ". There were, additionally, an aspiring actor and several women who run von Mierers's business, a spiritual life-style and astrological organization called the Eternal Value's. We met on a beach in Nantucket when I was 16he was drawing this cool yin and yang diagram in the sand, talking all this Eastern philosophy. "My gems help me to see things clearly," an IBM executive named Pete Olson told me. Von Mierers had learned what it took to glide through New York's best drawing rooms. The fairy tales of this dimension! . One of the aspects that troubled Andreadis was Frederick's increasing desire to find members who were rich. I was sobbing. In 1979, Andreadis was a private-school boy from a rich New York family; his father invented Man-Tan. I even found a letter she had written him that said, 'Why don't you invite me to Nantucket when Billy Baldwin is there?' The novel opens at Miss Pinkerton's Academy for young women, where readers are introduced to Amelia and Becky, the novel's female protagonists. Eternal Values was by now big business, so successful that von Mierers had anointed Andreadis as his probable successor to run the organization. " He is currently under criminal investigation for several potential charges. His friends even thought it was charmingly eccentric that Helen Williams, as rich as she was, always took the subway to meet him for their dates. von Mierers insisted. Von Mierers would stare at the camera with his cold blue eyes and talk about Satan and "the dark forces." 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