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euphoria jules and cal hotel scene
euphoria jules and cal hotel sceneeuphoria jules and cal hotel scene
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euphoria jules and cal hotel scene
TVLINE | Of course I have to ask you about Cals junk hanging out of your pants the entire time. Her father forgives her. Let's rewind a bit. kids and cheats on his wife regularly. He takes a family photo off the wall and then peaces out. what is the significance of rues voiceover? TVLINE | And we dont know whats become of the other child. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? Cal records the two of them together without Jules's consent something he seems to do with all his dalliances. ", As for what lies ahead for Cal, who was revealed to be the parent of one of Jules's classmates by the end of the pilot, Dane promises, "more will be revealed." TVLINE | Marsha doesnt seem very surprised by a lot of what he says. After he practically forces the drugs down her throat, Mouse demands $300, which she doesn't have, and he adamantly refuses Fez's attempts to pay for it. Hes cracked a little bit. she talks about jules wanting to live in an apartment with her girl best friend and all that stuff. In the Euphoria pilot, Danes Cal Jacobs meets a 17-year-old trans girl, Jules, online, and they arrange to meet at a hotel, where he commits statutory rape. I regret how I fathered you.. Teasing what's ahead he says, "It absolutely evolves. They go back and forth, trying to understand how the results occurred. "I'm willing to do anything that's critical to the story and crucial to creating a very real and truthful feel to how the story is gonna go down," he reflects. Nevertheless, pour one out for Sydney Sweeney, because she absolutely demolishes her scenes once again this episode. Viewers never see any physical abuse though, until the season 1 finale. It has to be. We may earn a commission from links on this page. This episode sees Cal drunkenly re-living his past as he takes out his old car and visits the bar where Derek took him before their paths diverted. It is a heartbreaking character transition and this episode is the pinnacle of it all. And I just dont think that Nates existence is what he regrets. Though, he says he was up for anything that served the story. Lets just get this out of the way: Cal? In season 1 Rue was in love with Jules, and in season 2 Rue is mainly concerned with drugs. It required two episodes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Theres nothing all that mysterious about Nate. This is because in the last season, Nate tipped off the cops on Fezcos drug business to blackmail Rue and Jules so they wouldnt bring a DVD of his father/town leader Cal (Eric Dane) having sex with Jules. It is assumed that Cal (Eric Dane) wasn't a good father, considering he raised a son like Nate, and many of Cal's actions throughout the first season seem to reinforce this. After Nate and Maddy get into a fight, Nate pushes her up against a trailer and chokes her, leaving some pretty nasty bruises on her neck. (Lauries knowledge might explain why she entrusted Rue with a supply of drugs: she knows Rue will fail, and then she will get revenge on Fez.). And Cal Jacobs takes off the mask of shame and accepts his sexual fluidity, a moment that during perhaps another INXS-scored period in time may have been redemptive, but somehow just feels sad and morose and, when it comes to his family, sort of cruel. Now thats doing your business in luxury. While I enjoy the chemistry between the actors, Elliots actions are questionable. But shes also abusive, violent, and tends to be a bad friend. Join Backstage to access jobs you can apply to right now! Nate visits Maddy to retrieve the tape she took, the tape in question being the recording of Jules and Cal having sex, recorded without Jules' knowledge or permission. The way the flashback scene is shot and intercut with the present, as well as the score and Zendaya's mighty acting chops make for a moment that hurts the heart. In the last episode of season one, we see Maddy in Nate's bedroom. 344, This story has been shared 338 times. Hanging on the wall is a familiar family photo: It's the same one we saw on the lock screen of DominantDaddy's iPhone in the motel room. We are so grateful that he chose HBO as the home for this groundbreaking series. Most of the episode is spent on dancing, slow-mo glances, or experimental shots, anyways, a choice that feels rather hollow. I actually wonder if Marsha already knows and they have some kind of agreement. "Using a prosthetic is sort of protocol. Cal is going to have the opportunity to be a good parent to Nate, going to be a good father. Meanwhile, Cal is having the time of his life. Including your identity. Watch Sneak, Hoda Kotb's Today Absence Due to 'Family Health Matter', The Voice Needs to Make This Change in Season 23 and We Mean, How The Mandalorian Wrote Out Gina Carano Is Cara Dune Still, Walker Independence Boss on Show's Renewal Outlook at CW, Somebody Somewhere Sets Season 2 Premiere on HBO, Shares New Teaser, The Last of Us Director Liza Johnson on Crafting the Perfect Post-Apocalyptic Teen Mall Date in Episode 7, March Streaming Guide: What's New on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+. Rue returns home and does more drugs. We may earn a commission through links on our site. TVLINE | I thought Episode 3 was when we were going to get our insight into Cals psyche, but then we get to the end of this one, and good God almighty. Cals psyche is broad and expansive. Cals monologue in particular consists of very few cutaways. Dane told Entertainment Weekly that Euphoria had an intimacy co-ordinator on hand to ensure that everyone was comfortable while shooting the graphic scene. Audiences are left feeling sorry for him, rather than hating him. Read on for Danes thoughts, then keep going for a quick recap of the episode. Rue asks to be taken home. * Rue tells us that shes very much in love with Jules, whom she envisions as (among other cultural touchstones) Botticellis Venus, John Lennon, Frida Kahlo, Snow White, Rose from Titanic and Demi Moore inGhost. [Laughs] Right, but he intentionally did that. In season one of Euphoria, we watch Jules try her hand at online dating, and she matches with a man who goes by the online alias DominateDaddy. The scene has Cal confronting his son about his inability to control himself, and it gets violent. Back at the birthday party, Maddy and company begin to drink under the clearly deft supervision of Maddys mom. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. 1 day ago. Does Nate Have Ulterior Motives For Helping Jules? Jules is upset but later returns to Elliots bed. He calls out the familys hypocrisy of also leading a double lifeMarsha keeping love letters from another man, Aaron having disgusting porn habits, and Nate being so elusive that Cal knows nothing about him. That irrational fear of being yourself :(, Thank you! Nate's Dad's DVD Is Missing on Euphoria Who Took It? Euphoria Sex Scenes Cassie and McKay have sex for the first time (Season 1, Episode 1) The shows first sex scene sees Cassie ( Sydney Sweeney) and McKay ( Jules is visibly hurt. TVLINE | Did it give you any pause at all? This is very well said! She'd been keeping herself clean for the majority of season 1 thanks to her relationship with Jules, and it's difficult to watch her fall apart like this. The app is for 18+ and ppl can produce a realistic enough fake ID. She is a horror fanatic, a Star Wars nerd, and a Lord of the Rings geek. Rue, Jules, and Elliot decide to steal beer from a local convenience store, which Rue begins to drink at an alarming rate. No. What she finds, instead, is a whole other question in itself. In season one of Euphoria, we watch Jules try her hand at online dating, and she matches with a man Thank God there's been sort of an open dialogue about it for the last few years. Jules lied about her age, we havent seen any Cassie says Nate had broken up with her then. 3,107, This story has been shared 1,730 times. Is it because hes relieved? Yeah. Jules and Tyler text constantly and finally decide to meet up one night after what seems like days of constant communication. 1 day ago, by Chanel Vargas A one-stop-shop for all things video games. Hes not a pedophile as the intent is not there, he obviously was not okay with it when he realized she was a minor. This behavior suggests Rues replaced her substance addiction with a Jules obsession. So Cas drinks way too much at the bash, especially after Nate shows up and gifts Maddy a Tiffany necklace. . A mixture? 14 hours ago, by Eden Arielle Gordon TVLINE | This is a man who has gone to extreme measures to keep his secrets hidden. The high school version, you walk in and you think youre in the bathroom and you do it! Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. Once again she is thrown into a dream sequence where she enters a church and comes across her father. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Euphoria has looked at grief previously through the eyes of its characters, primarily with the loss of Rues father. He arrives at the bar where he and Derick kissed 20 years earlier. When Jules goes to meet Tyler, we see her walking toward a hooded figure. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. .css-13y9o4w{display:block;font-family:GraphikBold,GraphikBold-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-13y9o4w:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.05rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.3;}}Mandalorian Addresses the Fate of Cara Dune, 'The Mandalorian' Saves a 'Rise of Skywalker' Bit, 15 Books Chris Pine Thinks Everyone Should Read, A Timeline of Events in 'Murdaugh Murders', Which 'Perfect Match' Couples Are Still Together, This 'You' Season 4 Fan Theory Changes Everything, 'Ant-Man 3' Writer Was Surprised by Bad Reviews, Here's When 'The Mandalorian' Episodes Come Out, 30 Iconic Moments in Recent Oscars History, Fans Deserve a Second Season of 'Perfect Match'. Its not only an embarrassing moment but shows how drugs continue to interfere with every aspect of Rues life; she cannot immerse herself in a sexual experience. Size: 60 Pages, Transcript. Rue leaves drugs for him, but he doesnt end up taking them. This gritty scene in the powerful teen series emotes a feeling of twisted anguish as Rue finds herself in a surreal fantasy sequence in which she is flailing about her house, completely unable to control her own body. Scanned with my phone so the pictures might look a little blurry. READ MORE: The towns that have become shock hot-spots for people moving out of London. They immediately stop, and Jules stares at the ceiling in bewilderment. Nate looks wildly uncomfortable. I would have loved to have seen Maddy give Kat advice about how she reconciles that with her approach to the world. Whats your take on that? This night gives Jules a clearer insight into the future. Cassie plasters on a fake smile to hide her secret melancholy and uneasiness relationship with Nate. He then tries to playfully wrestle the stranger and is then dragged out of the bar, laughing the whole time. We get it. TVLINE | Do we find out where he goes after he leaves the house? On HBO's boundary-pushingEuphoria,Dane plays Cal Jacobs, a married man with a secret. Rue says she just wants to go home because she cant stand Jules. Nate then finds Jules's tape, which throws him for a loop, since the two know each other. While Cal isn't the best person in the world, this scene still tugs at the heartstrings. "It's certainly not a love letter to drugs or drug addiction, but as a cautionary tale, these are some pretty realistic circumstances and how these kids are navigating them is probably how a lot of kids today are going to navigate them." Euphoria's First Episode Twist, Explained, Mandalorian Addresses the Fate of Cara Dune, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Giving it to Jules and telling her to "do with it what [she] pleased" means she can take the tape to the police if she wants, which would place Cal and his business in danger. The sequence helps the audience understand that while everyone may love each other, theyre not always emotionally in tune with one another and able to detect issues. Meanwhile, Cal is having the time of his life. It also tells us about how much of a romantic Jules is because shes got such a strong idea of how shes gonna live her life. WebEuphoria: Zendaya Re-Negotiates Her Deal For the HBO Show; Hollywood Star Will Now Be Paid Nearly $1 Million Per Episode: Reports. Nate arrives at Maddys birthday party and gives her jewelry from Tiffanys. Ppl tend to look older or younger than what they really are. Evan is the culture editor for Mens Health, with bylines in The New York Times, MTV News, Brooklyn Magazine, and VICE. Its a dilemma Season 2 has faced again and again as we reach the midpoint. Fentanyl, a deadly opiate, was the drug that almost killed Rue last season when Mouse forced her to take it. "I have this Forrest Gump-ian way of touching something and it becomes a hit!" Cals segment is just the latest development to indicate Euphoria has stretched itself so thin that it cant handle its ensemble anymore. Something sweet and innocent compared to the absolute depravity of that scene. If we stand beside each other she can pass for being around my age and not a preteen. 349, This story has been shared 344 times. I think how he parented that child is what hes saying. The whole thing plays out like an intervention/exorcism and hopefully represents a turning point for Rue. After the first four episodes, you get a pretty good idea of where Cal sits in the big picture. Here, he actively pursues Jules as they discuss her relationship with Rue. One voice that you can express your feelings to, and somebody that is an advocate for the actors. Ill probably add more pages later. HBO Max HBO's Euphoria: A group of high school students try to discover their own identities while dealing with drugs, trauma, love, and social media. When you're tackling issues like that you do it a disservice to not be truthful about it," Dane says. I get what hes saying, when you giving someone advice, like that.. Fans had speculated that episode 4 might see Rue flirting again with overdose. This story has been shared 4,208 times. Although Euphoria season 3 is slated to begin filming this year, there's still no official announcement about a potential release date for the massively popular show. From the get-go, it is clear Maddy and Nate's relationship is toxic, but this is the first time Nate is physically abusive toward her, and it is one of many despicable moments for Nate's character. 17 hours ago, by Monica Sisavat Cal proceeds to have sex with Jules and films it, later adding the DVD to his collection he's accumulated over time. Maddy pulls her into another room to have a heart-to-heart about what is bothering her. Yay for accepting yourself, Cal. WebCal is a bad person, horrible husband, and terrible father. When she meets "DominantDaddy" in his motel room, Jules lies and says she's 22, even though she's only 17. Kat seems ready to end things with Ethan after realizing that what she wants is not what society tells her she wants, namely, a healthy relationship. Euphoria creator Sam Levinson has built an incredible world with an extraordinary cast led by the supremely talented Zendaya, HBOs EVP Programming Francesca Orsi said when the series was first renewed. He adds that he would've loved to have a show as frank and honest as this on air when he was a teenager. Cassie and Nates relationship is built upon their frustration with Maddy. In the episode's big party scene, Nate sees his ex having sex in the pool and spirals into a rage. Sound off in the comments below! The stakes are so high, you can't hold anything back, really. WebMettant en scne des lycens de la Gnration Z, Euphoria explore les diffrentes expriences que traversent ces adolescents et aborde de nombreuses thmatiques comme la recherche de soi, les traumatismes, les relations amicales et amoureuses ou encore l' The scene shows how deeply Rue wants to change, and how heartbroken she is that she can't seem to do it. When Maddy denies having the tape, Nate threatens her with a gun. Jules takes this a step further by questioning why she is drinking. Worried Jules will report his father to the police and ruin his life, Nate starts flirting with Jules through a dating app in order to get nude photos to blackmail her with. She has one published short story and continues to write as she works for her English and Film degrees. Hook up to both your hot and cold water so you can control the temperature plus it comes with a heated seat. WebJules was publicly harassed by Nate (L) in the very first episode of Euphoria. Cal was being mad dumb when he was like I didnt know like tf and he recorded himself and Jules and Fez was just like How did you not know My god, we kind of like Cal Jacobs now. But I fail to see how he is seen as a pedophile (if anything he'd be an ephebophile) by most people. Here, Rue and Cal are given the time to express regret over who they have become. At this recollection, Cassie vomits in the pool and begins cathartically apologizing to Maddy. I assume that in this episode, it was a prosthetic again? 477, This story has been shared 411 times. Theres a moment in that monologue where he tells Nate that hes his biggest regret. , Awesome, Youre All Set! 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The whole thing bothers Jules so much that she mentions it to Elliot, which leads to his giving her a lesson on the finer points of oral sex (but chastely, or as chastely as this type of lesson can get he demonstrates on her hand), and then THAT leads to their kissing on his bed. In the scene, which marked the most screentime shes had all season, Kat seemingly lied about having a terminal brain disorder to get out of her relationship and accused Ethan of gaslighting her when he suggested that she was lying. But Cassie has lost all perspective in the wake of Nate seeming to be inching back into a relationship with his ex. definitely, it adds an extra From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. Jules cheats on Rue with Elliot. The other occasion: Cals surrender. At this point inEuphoria, the energy is come for Sydney Sweeney, stay for Sydney Sweeney. He admits to having sexual relations with men and transexuals. Stream It Or Skip It: Tonight Youre Sleeping With Me on Netflix, a Dull, Passionless Polish Rom-Dram, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Disconnect: The Wedding Planner' on Netflix, A Nollywood Rom-Com, Stream It Or Skip It: 'A Sunday Affair' on Netflix, a Lukewarm Nollywood Love-Triangle Drama, Stream It or Skip It: 'Welcome to Valentine' on Hallmark, Where a CEO-In-Waiting Makes the Mistake of Driving a Classic Car through a Small Town, Stream It Or Skip It: 'A Whole Lifetime with Jamie Demetriou' On Netflix, Always Looking On The Awkward Side Of Life, Where Was A Man Called Otto Filmed? In it, it is revealed that the hoodie belonged to Rue's father, adopted by her after his death, and she's had it ever since. They immediately stop, and Jules stares at the ceiling in bewilderment. In a flashback sequence, fans learn that Cal was in love with Derek, his best friend in high school, but was unable to act on it after an unplanned pregnancy drastically changed his life trajectory. Nate knows all about Cal's sexual encounters with dozens of people (including Nate's classmate Jules) and that he's been illegally filming said encounters. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, the universe is just out here giving like zero fucks. After all, Cal didn't mean to raise a male Cersei Lannister as a son. But the continuation of the Kat and Ethan storyline being the reason for Kats sadness and this conversation was anti-climatic. This is particularly concerning as Rue has put Jules on a pedestal, often placing her drive to be sober in the hands of Jules, and disparaging Jules if she deviates in any way. Lets call it what it is: Cal saying all these things with his penis hanging out [Laughs], it just shows how fking gone he is. Rue happens to be there when Mouse drops by Fez's place, and the scene is tense. He says, "I thought I lost you." Rue loves Jules (Hunter Schafer) to the moon and back. In that daring hot tub scene, she keeps eyeing Cassie in the corner. (Again, Cal is a boisterous drunk? We expected more violence. She has an extended vision of herself at church where she reunites with her father, apologizing for how shes behaved and saying shes a bad person. He keeps saying he doesnt understand Nate, that hell never understand, but I dont think I understand his misunderstanding. I know. It's a chilling revelation, and it is made all the more heartbreaking with a prior scene between Jules and Rue, where Jules asks when the last time Rue didn't wear that hoodie was. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. Join Backstage to access jobs you can apply to right now! We see Maddy and Nate speaking at the babysitting house (episode 3 ended with Nate delivering her flowers). Press J to jump to the feed. this makes sense. And what hes about to do. The relationship drama remains one-dimensional, but at least the chaos has an orderly through-line this week. Become shock hot-spots for people moving out of the keyboard shortcuts, the energy is come Sydney. Friend and all that stuff earn a commission from links on our site and tends to a. Continuation of the episode comfortable while shooting the graphic scene of Maddys.! The relationship drama remains one-dimensional, but at least the chaos has an orderly through-line this week Tyler! The eyes of its characters, primarily with the loss of Rues father whats of. Out where he and Derick kissed 20 years earlier, or experimental shots, anyways a. Home for this groundbreaking series drugs for him, but he doesnt understand Nate, that hell never,! I understand his misunderstanding is mainly concerned with drugs with overdose 344, story! 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TVLINE | Of course I have to ask you about Cals junk hanging out of your pants the entire time. Her father forgives her. Let's rewind a bit. kids and cheats on his wife regularly. He takes a family photo off the wall and then peaces out. what is the significance of rues voiceover? TVLINE | And we dont know whats become of the other child. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? Cal records the two of them together without Jules's consent something he seems to do with all his dalliances. ", As for what lies ahead for Cal, who was revealed to be the parent of one of Jules's classmates by the end of the pilot, Dane promises, "more will be revealed." TVLINE | Marsha doesnt seem very surprised by a lot of what he says. After he practically forces the drugs down her throat, Mouse demands $300, which she doesn't have, and he adamantly refuses Fez's attempts to pay for it. Hes cracked a little bit. she talks about jules wanting to live in an apartment with her girl best friend and all that stuff. In the Euphoria pilot, Danes Cal Jacobs meets a 17-year-old trans girl, Jules, online, and they arrange to meet at a hotel, where he commits statutory rape. I regret how I fathered you.. Teasing what's ahead he says, "It absolutely evolves. They go back and forth, trying to understand how the results occurred. "I'm willing to do anything that's critical to the story and crucial to creating a very real and truthful feel to how the story is gonna go down," he reflects. Nevertheless, pour one out for Sydney Sweeney, because she absolutely demolishes her scenes once again this episode. Viewers never see any physical abuse though, until the season 1 finale. It has to be. We may earn a commission from links on this page. This episode sees Cal drunkenly re-living his past as he takes out his old car and visits the bar where Derek took him before their paths diverted. It is a heartbreaking character transition and this episode is the pinnacle of it all. And I just dont think that Nates existence is what he regrets. Though, he says he was up for anything that served the story. Lets just get this out of the way: Cal? In season 1 Rue was in love with Jules, and in season 2 Rue is mainly concerned with drugs. It required two episodes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Theres nothing all that mysterious about Nate. This is because in the last season, Nate tipped off the cops on Fezcos drug business to blackmail Rue and Jules so they wouldnt bring a DVD of his father/town leader Cal (Eric Dane) having sex with Jules. It is assumed that Cal (Eric Dane) wasn't a good father, considering he raised a son like Nate, and many of Cal's actions throughout the first season seem to reinforce this. After Nate and Maddy get into a fight, Nate pushes her up against a trailer and chokes her, leaving some pretty nasty bruises on her neck. (Lauries knowledge might explain why she entrusted Rue with a supply of drugs: she knows Rue will fail, and then she will get revenge on Fez.). And Cal Jacobs takes off the mask of shame and accepts his sexual fluidity, a moment that during perhaps another INXS-scored period in time may have been redemptive, but somehow just feels sad and morose and, when it comes to his family, sort of cruel. Now thats doing your business in luxury. While I enjoy the chemistry between the actors, Elliots actions are questionable. But shes also abusive, violent, and tends to be a bad friend. Join Backstage to access jobs you can apply to right now! Nate visits Maddy to retrieve the tape she took, the tape in question being the recording of Jules and Cal having sex, recorded without Jules' knowledge or permission. The way the flashback scene is shot and intercut with the present, as well as the score and Zendaya's mighty acting chops make for a moment that hurts the heart. In the last episode of season one, we see Maddy in Nate's bedroom. 344, This story has been shared 338 times. Hanging on the wall is a familiar family photo: It's the same one we saw on the lock screen of DominantDaddy's iPhone in the motel room. We are so grateful that he chose HBO as the home for this groundbreaking series. Most of the episode is spent on dancing, slow-mo glances, or experimental shots, anyways, a choice that feels rather hollow. I actually wonder if Marsha already knows and they have some kind of agreement. "Using a prosthetic is sort of protocol. Cal is going to have the opportunity to be a good parent to Nate, going to be a good father. Meanwhile, Cal is having the time of his life. Including your identity. Watch Sneak, Hoda Kotb's Today Absence Due to 'Family Health Matter', The Voice Needs to Make This Change in Season 23 and We Mean, How The Mandalorian Wrote Out Gina Carano Is Cara Dune Still, Walker Independence Boss on Show's Renewal Outlook at CW, Somebody Somewhere Sets Season 2 Premiere on HBO, Shares New Teaser, The Last of Us Director Liza Johnson on Crafting the Perfect Post-Apocalyptic Teen Mall Date in Episode 7, March Streaming Guide: What's New on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+. Rue returns home and does more drugs. We may earn a commission through links on our site. TVLINE | I thought Episode 3 was when we were going to get our insight into Cals psyche, but then we get to the end of this one, and good God almighty. Cals psyche is broad and expansive. Cals monologue in particular consists of very few cutaways. Dane told Entertainment Weekly that Euphoria had an intimacy co-ordinator on hand to ensure that everyone was comfortable while shooting the graphic scene. Audiences are left feeling sorry for him, rather than hating him. Read on for Danes thoughts, then keep going for a quick recap of the episode. Rue asks to be taken home. * Rue tells us that shes very much in love with Jules, whom she envisions as (among other cultural touchstones) Botticellis Venus, John Lennon, Frida Kahlo, Snow White, Rose from Titanic and Demi Moore inGhost. [Laughs] Right, but he intentionally did that. In season one of Euphoria, we watch Jules try her hand at online dating, and she matches with a man who goes by the online alias DominateDaddy. The scene has Cal confronting his son about his inability to control himself, and it gets violent. Back at the birthday party, Maddy and company begin to drink under the clearly deft supervision of Maddys mom. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. 1 day ago. Does Nate Have Ulterior Motives For Helping Jules? Jules is upset but later returns to Elliots bed. He calls out the familys hypocrisy of also leading a double lifeMarsha keeping love letters from another man, Aaron having disgusting porn habits, and Nate being so elusive that Cal knows nothing about him. That irrational fear of being yourself :(, Thank you! Nate's Dad's DVD Is Missing on Euphoria Who Took It? Euphoria Sex Scenes Cassie and McKay have sex for the first time (Season 1, Episode 1) The shows first sex scene sees Cassie ( Sydney Sweeney) and McKay ( Jules is visibly hurt. TVLINE | Did it give you any pause at all? This is very well said! She'd been keeping herself clean for the majority of season 1 thanks to her relationship with Jules, and it's difficult to watch her fall apart like this. The app is for 18+ and ppl can produce a realistic enough fake ID. She is a horror fanatic, a Star Wars nerd, and a Lord of the Rings geek. Rue, Jules, and Elliot decide to steal beer from a local convenience store, which Rue begins to drink at an alarming rate. No. What she finds, instead, is a whole other question in itself. In season one of Euphoria, we watch Jules try her hand at online dating, and she matches with a man Thank God there's been sort of an open dialogue about it for the last few years. Jules lied about her age, we havent seen any Cassie says Nate had broken up with her then. 3,107, This story has been shared 1,730 times. Is it because hes relieved? Yeah. Jules and Tyler text constantly and finally decide to meet up one night after what seems like days of constant communication. 1 day ago, by Chanel Vargas A one-stop-shop for all things video games. Hes not a pedophile as the intent is not there, he obviously was not okay with it when he realized she was a minor. This behavior suggests Rues replaced her substance addiction with a Jules obsession. So Cas drinks way too much at the bash, especially after Nate shows up and gifts Maddy a Tiffany necklace. . A mixture? 14 hours ago, by Eden Arielle Gordon TVLINE | This is a man who has gone to extreme measures to keep his secrets hidden. The high school version, you walk in and you think youre in the bathroom and you do it! Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. Once again she is thrown into a dream sequence where she enters a church and comes across her father. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Euphoria has looked at grief previously through the eyes of its characters, primarily with the loss of Rues father. He arrives at the bar where he and Derick kissed 20 years earlier. When Jules goes to meet Tyler, we see her walking toward a hooded figure. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. .css-13y9o4w{display:block;font-family:GraphikBold,GraphikBold-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-13y9o4w:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.05rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.3;}}Mandalorian Addresses the Fate of Cara Dune, 'The Mandalorian' Saves a 'Rise of Skywalker' Bit, 15 Books Chris Pine Thinks Everyone Should Read, A Timeline of Events in 'Murdaugh Murders', Which 'Perfect Match' Couples Are Still Together, This 'You' Season 4 Fan Theory Changes Everything, 'Ant-Man 3' Writer Was Surprised by Bad Reviews, Here's When 'The Mandalorian' Episodes Come Out, 30 Iconic Moments in Recent Oscars History, Fans Deserve a Second Season of 'Perfect Match'. Its not only an embarrassing moment but shows how drugs continue to interfere with every aspect of Rues life; she cannot immerse herself in a sexual experience. Size: 60 Pages, Transcript. Rue leaves drugs for him, but he doesnt end up taking them. This gritty scene in the powerful teen series emotes a feeling of twisted anguish as Rue finds herself in a surreal fantasy sequence in which she is flailing about her house, completely unable to control her own body. Scanned with my phone so the pictures might look a little blurry. READ MORE: The towns that have become shock hot-spots for people moving out of London. They immediately stop, and Jules stares at the ceiling in bewilderment. Nate looks wildly uncomfortable. I would have loved to have seen Maddy give Kat advice about how she reconciles that with her approach to the world. Whats your take on that? This night gives Jules a clearer insight into the future. Cassie plasters on a fake smile to hide her secret melancholy and uneasiness relationship with Nate. He then tries to playfully wrestle the stranger and is then dragged out of the bar, laughing the whole time. We get it. TVLINE | Do we find out where he goes after he leaves the house? On HBO's boundary-pushingEuphoria,Dane plays Cal Jacobs, a married man with a secret. Rue says she just wants to go home because she cant stand Jules. Nate then finds Jules's tape, which throws him for a loop, since the two know each other. While Cal isn't the best person in the world, this scene still tugs at the heartstrings. "It's certainly not a love letter to drugs or drug addiction, but as a cautionary tale, these are some pretty realistic circumstances and how these kids are navigating them is probably how a lot of kids today are going to navigate them." Euphoria's First Episode Twist, Explained, Mandalorian Addresses the Fate of Cara Dune, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Giving it to Jules and telling her to "do with it what [she] pleased" means she can take the tape to the police if she wants, which would place Cal and his business in danger. The sequence helps the audience understand that while everyone may love each other, theyre not always emotionally in tune with one another and able to detect issues. Meanwhile, Cal is having the time of his life. It also tells us about how much of a romantic Jules is because shes got such a strong idea of how shes gonna live her life. WebEuphoria: Zendaya Re-Negotiates Her Deal For the HBO Show; Hollywood Star Will Now Be Paid Nearly $1 Million Per Episode: Reports. Nate arrives at Maddys birthday party and gives her jewelry from Tiffanys. Ppl tend to look older or younger than what they really are. Evan is the culture editor for Mens Health, with bylines in The New York Times, MTV News, Brooklyn Magazine, and VICE. Its a dilemma Season 2 has faced again and again as we reach the midpoint. Fentanyl, a deadly opiate, was the drug that almost killed Rue last season when Mouse forced her to take it. "I have this Forrest Gump-ian way of touching something and it becomes a hit!" Cals segment is just the latest development to indicate Euphoria has stretched itself so thin that it cant handle its ensemble anymore. Something sweet and innocent compared to the absolute depravity of that scene. If we stand beside each other she can pass for being around my age and not a preteen. 349, This story has been shared 344 times. I think how he parented that child is what hes saying. The whole thing plays out like an intervention/exorcism and hopefully represents a turning point for Rue. After the first four episodes, you get a pretty good idea of where Cal sits in the big picture. Here, he actively pursues Jules as they discuss her relationship with Rue. One voice that you can express your feelings to, and somebody that is an advocate for the actors. Ill probably add more pages later. HBO Max HBO's Euphoria: A group of high school students try to discover their own identities while dealing with drugs, trauma, love, and social media. When you're tackling issues like that you do it a disservice to not be truthful about it," Dane says. I get what hes saying, when you giving someone advice, like that.. Fans had speculated that episode 4 might see Rue flirting again with overdose. This story has been shared 4,208 times. Although Euphoria season 3 is slated to begin filming this year, there's still no official announcement about a potential release date for the massively popular show. From the get-go, it is clear Maddy and Nate's relationship is toxic, but this is the first time Nate is physically abusive toward her, and it is one of many despicable moments for Nate's character. 17 hours ago, by Monica Sisavat Cal proceeds to have sex with Jules and films it, later adding the DVD to his collection he's accumulated over time. Maddy pulls her into another room to have a heart-to-heart about what is bothering her. Yay for accepting yourself, Cal. WebCal is a bad person, horrible husband, and terrible father. When she meets "DominantDaddy" in his motel room, Jules lies and says she's 22, even though she's only 17. Kat seems ready to end things with Ethan after realizing that what she wants is not what society tells her she wants, namely, a healthy relationship. Euphoria creator Sam Levinson has built an incredible world with an extraordinary cast led by the supremely talented Zendaya, HBOs EVP Programming Francesca Orsi said when the series was first renewed. He adds that he would've loved to have a show as frank and honest as this on air when he was a teenager. Cassie and Nates relationship is built upon their frustration with Maddy. In the episode's big party scene, Nate sees his ex having sex in the pool and spirals into a rage. Sound off in the comments below! The stakes are so high, you can't hold anything back, really. WebMettant en scne des lycens de la Gnration Z, Euphoria explore les diffrentes expriences que traversent ces adolescents et aborde de nombreuses thmatiques comme la recherche de soi, les traumatismes, les relations amicales et amoureuses ou encore l' The scene shows how deeply Rue wants to change, and how heartbroken she is that she can't seem to do it. When Maddy denies having the tape, Nate threatens her with a gun. Jules takes this a step further by questioning why she is drinking. Worried Jules will report his father to the police and ruin his life, Nate starts flirting with Jules through a dating app in order to get nude photos to blackmail her with. She has one published short story and continues to write as she works for her English and Film degrees. Hook up to both your hot and cold water so you can control the temperature plus it comes with a heated seat. WebJules was publicly harassed by Nate (L) in the very first episode of Euphoria. Cal was being mad dumb when he was like I didnt know like tf and he recorded himself and Jules and Fez was just like How did you not know My god, we kind of like Cal Jacobs now. But I fail to see how he is seen as a pedophile (if anything he'd be an ephebophile) by most people. Here, Rue and Cal are given the time to express regret over who they have become. At this recollection, Cassie vomits in the pool and begins cathartically apologizing to Maddy. I assume that in this episode, it was a prosthetic again? 477, This story has been shared 411 times. Theres a moment in that monologue where he tells Nate that hes his biggest regret. , Awesome, Youre All Set! 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The whole thing bothers Jules so much that she mentions it to Elliot, which leads to his giving her a lesson on the finer points of oral sex (but chastely, or as chastely as this type of lesson can get he demonstrates on her hand), and then THAT leads to their kissing on his bed. In the scene, which marked the most screentime shes had all season, Kat seemingly lied about having a terminal brain disorder to get out of her relationship and accused Ethan of gaslighting her when he suggested that she was lying. But Cassie has lost all perspective in the wake of Nate seeming to be inching back into a relationship with his ex. definitely, it adds an extra From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. Jules cheats on Rue with Elliot. The other occasion: Cals surrender. At this point inEuphoria, the energy is come for Sydney Sweeney, stay for Sydney Sweeney. He admits to having sexual relations with men and transexuals. Stream It Or Skip It: Tonight Youre Sleeping With Me on Netflix, a Dull, Passionless Polish Rom-Dram, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Disconnect: The Wedding Planner' on Netflix, A Nollywood Rom-Com, Stream It Or Skip It: 'A Sunday Affair' on Netflix, a Lukewarm Nollywood Love-Triangle Drama, Stream It or Skip It: 'Welcome to Valentine' on Hallmark, Where a CEO-In-Waiting Makes the Mistake of Driving a Classic Car through a Small Town, Stream It Or Skip It: 'A Whole Lifetime with Jamie Demetriou' On Netflix, Always Looking On The Awkward Side Of Life, Where Was A Man Called Otto Filmed? In it, it is revealed that the hoodie belonged to Rue's father, adopted by her after his death, and she's had it ever since. They immediately stop, and Jules stares at the ceiling in bewilderment. In a flashback sequence, fans learn that Cal was in love with Derek, his best friend in high school, but was unable to act on it after an unplanned pregnancy drastically changed his life trajectory. Nate knows all about Cal's sexual encounters with dozens of people (including Nate's classmate Jules) and that he's been illegally filming said encounters. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, the universe is just out here giving like zero fucks. After all, Cal didn't mean to raise a male Cersei Lannister as a son. But the continuation of the Kat and Ethan storyline being the reason for Kats sadness and this conversation was anti-climatic. This is particularly concerning as Rue has put Jules on a pedestal, often placing her drive to be sober in the hands of Jules, and disparaging Jules if she deviates in any way. Lets call it what it is: Cal saying all these things with his penis hanging out [Laughs], it just shows how fking gone he is. Rue happens to be there when Mouse drops by Fez's place, and the scene is tense. He says, "I thought I lost you." Rue loves Jules (Hunter Schafer) to the moon and back. In that daring hot tub scene, she keeps eyeing Cassie in the corner. (Again, Cal is a boisterous drunk? We expected more violence. She has an extended vision of herself at church where she reunites with her father, apologizing for how shes behaved and saying shes a bad person. He keeps saying he doesnt understand Nate, that hell never understand, but I dont think I understand his misunderstanding. I know. It's a chilling revelation, and it is made all the more heartbreaking with a prior scene between Jules and Rue, where Jules asks when the last time Rue didn't wear that hoodie was. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. Join Backstage to access jobs you can apply to right now! We see Maddy and Nate speaking at the babysitting house (episode 3 ended with Nate delivering her flowers). Press J to jump to the feed. this makes sense. And what hes about to do. The relationship drama remains one-dimensional, but at least the chaos has an orderly through-line this week. Become shock hot-spots for people moving out of the keyboard shortcuts, the energy is come Sydney. Friend and all that stuff earn a commission from links on our site and tends to a. Continuation of the episode comfortable while shooting the graphic scene of Maddys.! The relationship drama remains one-dimensional, but at least the chaos has an orderly through-line this week Tyler! The eyes of its characters, primarily with the loss of Rues father whats of. Out where he and Derick kissed 20 years earlier, or experimental shots, anyways a. Home for this groundbreaking series drugs for him, but he doesnt understand Nate, that hell never,! I understand his misunderstanding is mainly concerned with drugs with overdose 344, story! 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