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edward sullivan and tommie simmons
Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. However, authorities would note that her feet seemed to be incredibly clean for someone that had been walking outside, become an odd footnote in the case-file. Common practice at the time was that case files at MPDC Detective Divisions were retained in files maintained by the detectives assigned to the case. Jury Convicts Man Accused in Green Vega Rapes, Talk Murder With Me - The Freeway Phantom Murders, Baltimore Afro American - Is he the Freeway Phantom (October 21st, 1972 issue), Indiana Evening Gazette - Washington, D.C. Police Seek Clues To Freeway Phantom (November 19th, 1971 issue), Santa Ana Register - 5-Man Gang Tied To Rapes, Killings (July 9th, 1975 issue), Two ex-cops from Washington held for Freeway Phantom murder of girl', Kimberly Riley & Jeremy Britt-Bayinthavong, Paul Skiba, Sarah Skiba, and Lorenzo Chivers, June & Jennifer Gibbons (The Silent Twins). insensititivity [sic] to people He also could've complained about how society was wronging him, and probably tried contacting a person of power by some means; however, said person presumably refused to listen to him, further fueling his anger and leading to the murders. St. Elizabeths Hospital was less than a mile away from the scene of Carol's disappearance, and was the area's primary mental health facility. Starkville. The most intriguing testimony they could obtain was that of a neighbor, who saw Neno Yates getting into a blue Volkswagon. Dumping his victims next to the freeway It was surmised that the body had only been decomposing for 2-3 days, despite her body being found close to a week after her abduction. meadowbrook country club estates; michael mullen obituary; pamela gluckin obituary new york; antonio tonyboy floirendo jr biography This was, truthfully, based off of statistical analysis at the time - which did show that killers tend to target their own racial demographic, more often than not - but had come after months of inactivity and perceived apathy. The prior decade had seen some major pieces federal legislation - such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 - and the racial divide was still fresh in everyone's mind. Investigators would find defensive marks on her hands and arms, indicating some kind of struggle that ensued between Brenda and the culprit. Several days passed, and Washington D.C. - already a warm and humid place - began to enter the dog days of summer. That year, a 24-year old woman was abducted at gunpoint by Robert Askins, and taken back to his home. Her body was discovered behind St. Elizabeths Hospital on a grassy embankment next to the northbound lanes of I-295, about 1,500 feet south of Suitland Parkway. She began walking down the street, towards the 7-Eleven. One of the original Freeway Phantom detectives, who long suspected Askins to be the killer, continued corresponding with the convict until his death in 2010. She recalls her mother's devastating sobbing, and the gloom that fell upon the entire neighborhood. Despite these numerous sightings of a body along the interstate, police seemed very hesitant to dedicate time to the matter. Both would eventually be convicted for the crime, and sentenced to lengthy stays in prison. She had been killed in 1971 - wedged in-between the 2nd and 3rd murders - but unlike the others, she had been murdered via gunshot. hugh o'brian estate; senior analyst job description accenture. It was rumored in the days after Darlenia's disappearance that her mother would receive phone calls at odd hours, with the person on the other end of the line taunting her. Her thoughts seemed to be scattered, and she gave concerning details about her whereabouts. Another witness would state that they had seen Johnson driving around with an older African-American male, in the time period after her supposed abduction. The Phantom also stabbed his fourth victim and left a taunting note in her coat pocket. This was just a stone's throw away from the first two abduction scenes - those of Carol Spinks and Darlenia Johnson - from more than a year beforehand. Ph: (781) 272-0050 During this period, an election was being held in Maryland, and one of the candidates publicly announced to the press that a break had occurred in the Freeway Phantom investigation, and provided that an inmate at Lorton Prison had given the information. Investigators had created a timeline of events, which they forced themselves to adhere to. Today, Williams and other relatives of the victims will hold a memorial service in honor of the girls, whose slayings, with the exception of one, remain unsolved. In her teenage years, as a result of her sister and best friend's tragic death, she ended up turning to drugs as an escape - a rabbit hole she would struggle to escape over several years of her life. edward sullivan and tommie simmons. Read. That is the hope of the families of the other girls who were slain from 1971 to 1972 in a string of killings that stunned the city and sparked an unprecedented police homicide investigation. Their resignation came following an incident after their guns went missing after Tommie, 26, claimed they were burglarized from his Temple Hills home in Maryland. One of the few pieces of evidence that police would find, during a thorough examination of Carol Spinks' remains, were small green fibers that were found on her clothing. episode Paradise . In addition to the stab wounds, investigators considered it bizarre that the victim was found with her shoes. Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/web/virtuals/167612/virtual/www/index.php on line 63 43 Winn Street Burlington, MA 01803. Trainum was able to recover many of the documents from the Maryland State Police - who had carefully stored the files - but had no idea what had been lost in the preceding decades. Are Green Vega Rapists Freeway Phantom? On December 30, only two days later, he stabbed to death another prostitute, 26-year-old Elizabeth Johnson, at the same location. Detective James Trainum last worked on the case in 2009, and as far as he knew, Maryland State Police had received the evidence but done nothing with it. Sellman and Simmons, two ex-cops, were arrested for the murder of Angela Denise Barnes. He tried to be more forceful on the phone than Bertha had been, but received most of the same information from Brenda: that a white man had picked her up, and she was going to head home in a cab. Barnes, 14, was at one point thought to be a victim of the serial killings. Now-retired, she always dreamed of being the one to crack the Freeway Phantom case, hoping to be the one to personally handcuff him. The Freeway Phantom targeted female children and teens ranging from 12-17 years of age. The inmate who provided the information said he was not involved in the homicide, and provided an alibi which was found to be verifiable. I can only guess if police investigated him for any involvement in the Freeway Phantom crimes, but it was theorized in the same article that he wasn't the real killer - just perhaps taking the credit to scare his victim. I will admit the others when you catch me if you can! Thomas E. Sullivan portrayed Nathaniel Malick in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Authorities could never conclusively link Edward and Tommie with the other killings and mark them as the Phantom Freeway killer. Police quickly zeroed in on Askins as their suspect, but it wasn't until D.C. detective Lloyd Davis began interviewing Askins, and learned about his past, that he began to connect the man to the unsolved Freeway Phantom murders. However, despite there being no sign of sexual assault, police would find semen on Diane's clothing. One of the issues I haven't really touched on so far is the topic of race. In addition, Darlenia Johnson - just like Carol Spinks - had been found in the clothes she was wearing when she went missing, but was missing her shoes. "And this is probably one of the most massive and extensive investigations that was ever conducted in D.C.". After all, Brenda had asked specifically "Did my mother see me?" He might have received some kind of psychiatric treatment to help deal with negative emotions, like depression and anger towards women. Despite their differences in beliefs regarding this case, Trainum and Jenkins agree on a number of things regarding the Freeway Phantom. Described as both shy and petite, Carol had just cracked five feet tall, and was near the end of her seventh grade year at Johnson Junior High School. All were black. Two shared the first name Brenda. Despite claiming he intended the cyanide for himself, planning suicide, he was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to twenty years to life. The serial killer dubbed the "Freeway Phantom" had strangled and stabbed five young black girls over the span of six months, before disappearing for the better part of a year. One of its pockets contained a note from the killer:[12], this is tAntAmount to my She took it on in the mid-1980's, hoping to spark some kind of revival, but lacked the necessary resources and hours to do so. She hopped on the next bus, and that is when her trail went cold. [14][15] They also speculated that, given the absence of indications of duress in the writing, apart from evidence of dysgraphia, she may have known her kidnapper. Post author: Post published: January 24, 2023 Post category: what channel is nbc on directv in arizona Post comments: ae funeral services shawnee ok ae funeral services shawnee ok All of the known members of this gang had been locked up on charges relating to sexual violence at around the time that the Freeway Phantom crime spree came to an end, and had been incarcerated inside Virginia's Lorton Prison. They were a small gang that had operated in the region around Washington D.C. - primarily along the Washington Beltway, but extending out into Maryland. The only notable exception wasBrenda Denise Woodard, whose body still had the shoes worn. It wasn't until the following day that her absence was truly noted, and suspicions began to be raised about her whereabouts. She had been sexually assaulted and strangled, her body dumped about 200 yards south of the Suitland Parkway near Interstate 295. Ph: (781) 272-0050 "From that moment on, our lives were never the same," said Williams, 40, who is a police officer. Angela Denise Barnes was a 14-year old that disappeared on July 12th, 1971, just days after Darlenia Johnson had gone missing. Despite happening just a few years after the Freeway Phantom murders, the case of the Lyon sisters was worked on constantly over the years, and everything regarding the case was well-documented and preserved a far cry from the haphazard way the Freeway Phantom crime spree was investigated. January 26, 2023 by by They had cataloged the evidence, and kept it all in-storage. It was discovered that the victim had been found in the same clothing that she had disappeared in - a red sweater, blue shorts, and brown socks - but most unusually, her shoes were missing. He owned many scarves which belonged to women, which were described as "soiled." That ended up being 13 years later, in 1952, when he was re-indicted and convicted of the murder charges. Brenda Denise Woodard was an 18-year old, that lived with her family in Baltimore, Maryland, along Maryland Avenue. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. Logical investigation and intimate knowledge of the modus operandi of the Green Vega Gang brought them to the forefront. A search of Robert Askin's vehicle the next month ended up raising some more alarms, when police found two buttons and a gold earring underneath his back seat. In the second case - Darlenia Johnson - her remains were too decomposed to tell how quickly she had been killed or disposed of. They didn't want to let their lives be forever ruined because of the actions of one mad killer, and joined together to combat that. He was afraid that more details of his cooperation would be leaked to the media, and he refused to give any more statements. Brenda got off to catch a transfer, and said goodbye to her classmate. Part of me was just killed. [13], The Freeway Phantom case has seen a myriad of investigators and garnered much interest over the years. One of the known acquaintances of the Green Vega's was interviewed by police. Two years after Diane Williams's slaying, her aunt, Wilma Harper, started the Freeway Phantom Organization, a support group for the slain girls' families and other homicide survivors. This has yet to be verified. An examination of Brenda's clothing would find two different hair samples: one of which, authorities stated, belonged to a Caucasian man. She was the region's first female homicide detective - a feat made all the more incredible when you factor in Jenkins' ethnicity. Furthermore, colleagues at the National Science Foundation where Askins was employed reported that "tantamount" was a word that frequently cropped up in his speech. Speaking to the Post, Williams stated: "If it was a white girl, the police would have found the person. The classic prime time variety show most famous for its vaudeville acts and rock music performances. In face, the case of the Lyon sisters was reported on frequently in the media, and in 2017 - just a year or so ago - the case was finally resolved after more than 40 years. The fact that this victim had been stabbed multiple times pointed to this being a separate incident - perhaps one perpetrated by an individual that wasn't connected to the first four crimes. This neighbor had thought nothing of it at the time, since one of her family's friends drove a similar car. A couple of beat cops would be sent out to investigate the scene, but made very little attempt to locate the body. As the decades have gone on with no answers, the number of participants in this group have continued to dwindle. Note: The note left in Woodward's pocket claimed that the Phantom killed additional victims. "She had said she wanted to be a model," Harper, now 81, said of her niece. By that time, FBI agents had been distracted and called off to assist with the ongoing Watergate scandal, and the attention of almost everyone was diverted elsewhere. During this search, they began looking for those that knew the victim, and were able to quickly link this case to the missing 13-year old that had disappeared less than a week beforehand. Five months after being released in April 1952, Askins strangled 42-year-old Laura Cook to death. The Sullivans: With Paul Cronin, Steven Tandy, Reg Gorman, Vikki Hammond. No physical evidence was obtained and Askins was not charged in connection with the Freeway Phantom killings. A 17-year-old Ballou High School senior, Williams cooked dinner for her family and then visited her boyfriend's house. The most notable thing about the discovery was that the body was dressed except for the missing shoes. A search warrant was eventually obtained, and investigators dug through Askins' backyard. Holland, OH Leesburg, VA Ashburn, VA West Lafayette, IN Germantown, MD State College, PA. "My family was separated and weakened by that loss," said Crockett, who will attend today's service. Death Notices and Obituaries in the Buffalo News 2010 by Name Jenkins believes that the killer was either in the military, or lived some kind of transient lifestyle. Perhaps she knew her abductor, and wasn't too far away from her family's home at the time of the call. Her mother, Reatha, later stated that she told Brenda to take a friend with her, but it seems like 10-year old Brenda left by herself. Edward Sullivan and Tommie Simmons Sullivan and Simmons, two ex-cops, were arrested for the murder of Angela Denise Barnes. They were all of a similar build - small and petite - which led investigators to believe that the killer might have mistaken all of them for being in the same age range. The Ed Sullivan Show: With Ed Sullivan, Johnny Wayne, Frank Shuster, Ralph Paul. The girls' bodies were dumped near or along freeways in the District and Prince George's County, more than two decades ago. 43 Winn Street Burlington, MA 01803. ", "(Wanted Poster) Up to $150,000 Reward 'Freeway Phantom' Murders", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Freeway_Phantom&oldid=1139343201, CS1 Chinese (Taiwan)-language sources (zh-tw), Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from February 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 17:04. You see, not only was he a current employee of St. Elizabeth's Hospital - a psychiatric facility that focused on mental health. 3.90 avg rating 40 ratings published 2007. It's the story of six black girls, who were all abducted and brutally murdered over the span of a year-and-a-half. On the evening July 27th, 1971, at around 8:00 PM, many of the kids in Brenda's neighborhood were settling in for a movie night. James Groom was later arrested for the incident, and charged with both kidnapping and sexual assault. [5] Her body was found within three hours of her abduction, just off the shoulder of Pennsylvania Avenue in Prince George's County, Maryland. Both Ms. Johnson and Ms. Crockett were victims of the so-called Freeway Phantom homicides.". Carol Denise Spinks body was discovered by the authorities six days later from the day she was reported missing on April 25, 1971. She remained permanently scarred after the death of her sister, and later became a Washington D.C. police officer as a result. In the early 1970's, a mysterious killer targeted young black girls along the Washington Beltway. Hairs of two unknown males were found on the clothing of Brenda Woodward, hairs whose origin is unknown. Some leads were easily proven not to be viable, while others required substantial investigation. Askins remains one of the most popular suspects in the media, and many of the original detectives heavily favored him as the Freeway Phantom. They didn't care about us. This was less than two miles away from Diane's home. This was roughly a month after the last crime attributed to the Freeway Phantom, and Groom - who lived in Northwest Baltimore - had just been arrested for the kidnapping and sexual assault of a young woman. Investigation revealed that the minor girl was sexually assaulted and strangled to death. It was around 9:20 PM that this call came in, approximately two or so hours after Brenda had left for the store. Police believed that the culprit of this violent death had fed her in the interim few days. January 28, 2023 tim o'neill goldman sachs net worth . Now, she continues to ponder over the case, which still haunts her. He graduated from Harvard College in 1874, and was a pupil of Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris, where he took a gold medal. He ended up walking roughly 1500 feet south of Suitland Parkway, towards a grassy embankment along the Anacostia Freeway, where he discovered the body of a murdered young woman. The case of the Freeway Phantom remains open in the MPDC Homicide Division, but it is considered a cold case with no active lines of investigation. It's really infuriating, knowing that investigators might have come so close to solving at least one of the major mysteries in this case, but it got lost in a sea of bureaucracy and legalities. Their boss then decided to make a call to a friend of theirs - Charles Baden, a police sergeant in Washington D.C. Baden, was wasn't even on-duty that day, was able to make his way to the scene, where he finally got the police involved. Investigators would continue to ponder this theory over the coming months, as they began to inquire into possible leads. Barnes's slaying, originally thought to be linked to the Freeway Phantom killings, was later solved when two former police officers, Edward L. Sellman and Tommie B. Simmons, were convicted of her killing. jennifer 8 filming locations; what is a state vendor for nj familycare; the vintage new orleans happy hour menu This inmate - Morris Warren - began feeding investigators information about the Freeway Phantom crimes, which he alleged were perpetrated by a member of the Green Vega's. There were also cuts to various parts of her body: in particular, her face, torso, and arms. Want to Read. Through the 1960's and 1970's, more than 70% of the region's population was African American, who had had to endure an entire lifetime of racial tension and struggles. Barnes's slaying, originally thought to be linked to the Freeway Phantom killings, was later solved when two former police officers, Edward L. Sellman and Tommie B. Simmons, were convicted of. Eventually, the FBI would enter the fray once again in 1974. THOMAS SIMMONS OBITUARY. He denied any role in them, adding that he did not have "the depravity of mind required to commit any of the crimes."[28]. Despite finding these two hairs pretty early on, they were unable to make heads from tails of them - unable to confirm if either of them had come from the actual killer. She was asking for some groceries - all of which could be picked up from a 7-Eleven convenience store just down the street. It's very possible that he had nothing to do with the Freeway Phantom crimes, but his name is one I haven't seen mentioned before, and thought it worth bringing up. In addition to this . This lead seemed to be going places which is why it pains me to say that it eventually fell off the rails. The remains looked undisturbed, as if nobody had even given the body a glance, but the summer heat was beginning to take its toll. Carolyn Spinks Morris - the identical twin sister of Carol Spinks, the first victim - recalls the day that her family learned of Carol's murder. Here was a lead, that was as promising as any thus far, which had now evaporated into nothing. He walked her to a bus stop nearby, along Martin Luther King Avenue. She was found wearing the clothing she had disappeared in, but her shoes had been removed. The case files had been lost by DC police in the years since, and were nowhere to be found. In return, they could pick up a soda for themselves. It was only now, following the murder of Nenomoshia Yates, that the deaths of these four young black girls was officially linked. In the aftermath of this most recent discovery, police struggled to come to terms with the idea that Brenda Woodard had been killed by the same person that murdered Carol Sprinks, Darlenia Johnson, Brenda Crockett, and Nenomoshia Yates. Woodward, hairs whose origin is unknown could pick up a soda for themselves she began walking the. Were all abducted and brutally murdered over the case files had been killed disposed... Conclusively link Edward and Tommie with the other killings and mark them as the Phantom Freeway.... 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Articles E
Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. However, authorities would note that her feet seemed to be incredibly clean for someone that had been walking outside, become an odd footnote in the case-file. Common practice at the time was that case files at MPDC Detective Divisions were retained in files maintained by the detectives assigned to the case. Jury Convicts Man Accused in Green Vega Rapes, Talk Murder With Me - The Freeway Phantom Murders, Baltimore Afro American - Is he the Freeway Phantom (October 21st, 1972 issue), Indiana Evening Gazette - Washington, D.C. Police Seek Clues To Freeway Phantom (November 19th, 1971 issue), Santa Ana Register - 5-Man Gang Tied To Rapes, Killings (July 9th, 1975 issue), Two ex-cops from Washington held for Freeway Phantom murder of girl', Kimberly Riley & Jeremy Britt-Bayinthavong, Paul Skiba, Sarah Skiba, and Lorenzo Chivers, June & Jennifer Gibbons (The Silent Twins). insensititivity [sic] to people He also could've complained about how society was wronging him, and probably tried contacting a person of power by some means; however, said person presumably refused to listen to him, further fueling his anger and leading to the murders. St. Elizabeths Hospital was less than a mile away from the scene of Carol's disappearance, and was the area's primary mental health facility. Starkville. The most intriguing testimony they could obtain was that of a neighbor, who saw Neno Yates getting into a blue Volkswagon. Dumping his victims next to the freeway It was surmised that the body had only been decomposing for 2-3 days, despite her body being found close to a week after her abduction. meadowbrook country club estates; michael mullen obituary; pamela gluckin obituary new york; antonio tonyboy floirendo jr biography This was, truthfully, based off of statistical analysis at the time - which did show that killers tend to target their own racial demographic, more often than not - but had come after months of inactivity and perceived apathy. The prior decade had seen some major pieces federal legislation - such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 - and the racial divide was still fresh in everyone's mind. Investigators would find defensive marks on her hands and arms, indicating some kind of struggle that ensued between Brenda and the culprit. Several days passed, and Washington D.C. - already a warm and humid place - began to enter the dog days of summer. That year, a 24-year old woman was abducted at gunpoint by Robert Askins, and taken back to his home. Her body was discovered behind St. Elizabeths Hospital on a grassy embankment next to the northbound lanes of I-295, about 1,500 feet south of Suitland Parkway. She began walking down the street, towards the 7-Eleven. One of the original Freeway Phantom detectives, who long suspected Askins to be the killer, continued corresponding with the convict until his death in 2010. She recalls her mother's devastating sobbing, and the gloom that fell upon the entire neighborhood. Despite these numerous sightings of a body along the interstate, police seemed very hesitant to dedicate time to the matter. Both would eventually be convicted for the crime, and sentenced to lengthy stays in prison. She had been killed in 1971 - wedged in-between the 2nd and 3rd murders - but unlike the others, she had been murdered via gunshot. hugh o'brian estate; senior analyst job description accenture. It was rumored in the days after Darlenia's disappearance that her mother would receive phone calls at odd hours, with the person on the other end of the line taunting her. Her thoughts seemed to be scattered, and she gave concerning details about her whereabouts. Another witness would state that they had seen Johnson driving around with an older African-American male, in the time period after her supposed abduction. The Phantom also stabbed his fourth victim and left a taunting note in her coat pocket. This was just a stone's throw away from the first two abduction scenes - those of Carol Spinks and Darlenia Johnson - from more than a year beforehand. Ph: (781) 272-0050 During this period, an election was being held in Maryland, and one of the candidates publicly announced to the press that a break had occurred in the Freeway Phantom investigation, and provided that an inmate at Lorton Prison had given the information. Investigators had created a timeline of events, which they forced themselves to adhere to. Today, Williams and other relatives of the victims will hold a memorial service in honor of the girls, whose slayings, with the exception of one, remain unsolved. In her teenage years, as a result of her sister and best friend's tragic death, she ended up turning to drugs as an escape - a rabbit hole she would struggle to escape over several years of her life. edward sullivan and tommie simmons. Read. That is the hope of the families of the other girls who were slain from 1971 to 1972 in a string of killings that stunned the city and sparked an unprecedented police homicide investigation. Their resignation came following an incident after their guns went missing after Tommie, 26, claimed they were burglarized from his Temple Hills home in Maryland. One of the few pieces of evidence that police would find, during a thorough examination of Carol Spinks' remains, were small green fibers that were found on her clothing. episode Paradise . In addition to the stab wounds, investigators considered it bizarre that the victim was found with her shoes. Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/web/virtuals/167612/virtual/www/index.php on line 63 43 Winn Street Burlington, MA 01803. Trainum was able to recover many of the documents from the Maryland State Police - who had carefully stored the files - but had no idea what had been lost in the preceding decades. Are Green Vega Rapists Freeway Phantom? On December 30, only two days later, he stabbed to death another prostitute, 26-year-old Elizabeth Johnson, at the same location. Detective James Trainum last worked on the case in 2009, and as far as he knew, Maryland State Police had received the evidence but done nothing with it. Sellman and Simmons, two ex-cops, were arrested for the murder of Angela Denise Barnes. He tried to be more forceful on the phone than Bertha had been, but received most of the same information from Brenda: that a white man had picked her up, and she was going to head home in a cab. Barnes, 14, was at one point thought to be a victim of the serial killings. Now-retired, she always dreamed of being the one to crack the Freeway Phantom case, hoping to be the one to personally handcuff him. The Freeway Phantom targeted female children and teens ranging from 12-17 years of age. The inmate who provided the information said he was not involved in the homicide, and provided an alibi which was found to be verifiable. I can only guess if police investigated him for any involvement in the Freeway Phantom crimes, but it was theorized in the same article that he wasn't the real killer - just perhaps taking the credit to scare his victim. I will admit the others when you catch me if you can! Thomas E. Sullivan portrayed Nathaniel Malick in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Authorities could never conclusively link Edward and Tommie with the other killings and mark them as the Phantom Freeway killer. Police quickly zeroed in on Askins as their suspect, but it wasn't until D.C. detective Lloyd Davis began interviewing Askins, and learned about his past, that he began to connect the man to the unsolved Freeway Phantom murders. However, despite there being no sign of sexual assault, police would find semen on Diane's clothing. One of the issues I haven't really touched on so far is the topic of race. In addition, Darlenia Johnson - just like Carol Spinks - had been found in the clothes she was wearing when she went missing, but was missing her shoes. "And this is probably one of the most massive and extensive investigations that was ever conducted in D.C.". After all, Brenda had asked specifically "Did my mother see me?" He might have received some kind of psychiatric treatment to help deal with negative emotions, like depression and anger towards women. Despite their differences in beliefs regarding this case, Trainum and Jenkins agree on a number of things regarding the Freeway Phantom. Described as both shy and petite, Carol had just cracked five feet tall, and was near the end of her seventh grade year at Johnson Junior High School. All were black. Two shared the first name Brenda. Despite claiming he intended the cyanide for himself, planning suicide, he was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to twenty years to life. The serial killer dubbed the "Freeway Phantom" had strangled and stabbed five young black girls over the span of six months, before disappearing for the better part of a year. One of its pockets contained a note from the killer:[12], this is tAntAmount to my She took it on in the mid-1980's, hoping to spark some kind of revival, but lacked the necessary resources and hours to do so. She hopped on the next bus, and that is when her trail went cold. [14][15] They also speculated that, given the absence of indications of duress in the writing, apart from evidence of dysgraphia, she may have known her kidnapper. Post author: Post published: January 24, 2023 Post category: what channel is nbc on directv in arizona Post comments: ae funeral services shawnee ok ae funeral services shawnee ok All of the known members of this gang had been locked up on charges relating to sexual violence at around the time that the Freeway Phantom crime spree came to an end, and had been incarcerated inside Virginia's Lorton Prison. They were a small gang that had operated in the region around Washington D.C. - primarily along the Washington Beltway, but extending out into Maryland. The only notable exception wasBrenda Denise Woodard, whose body still had the shoes worn. It wasn't until the following day that her absence was truly noted, and suspicions began to be raised about her whereabouts. She had been sexually assaulted and strangled, her body dumped about 200 yards south of the Suitland Parkway near Interstate 295. Ph: (781) 272-0050 "From that moment on, our lives were never the same," said Williams, 40, who is a police officer. Angela Denise Barnes was a 14-year old that disappeared on July 12th, 1971, just days after Darlenia Johnson had gone missing. Despite happening just a few years after the Freeway Phantom murders, the case of the Lyon sisters was worked on constantly over the years, and everything regarding the case was well-documented and preserved a far cry from the haphazard way the Freeway Phantom crime spree was investigated. January 26, 2023 by by They had cataloged the evidence, and kept it all in-storage. It was discovered that the victim had been found in the same clothing that she had disappeared in - a red sweater, blue shorts, and brown socks - but most unusually, her shoes were missing. He owned many scarves which belonged to women, which were described as "soiled." That ended up being 13 years later, in 1952, when he was re-indicted and convicted of the murder charges. Brenda Denise Woodard was an 18-year old, that lived with her family in Baltimore, Maryland, along Maryland Avenue. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. Logical investigation and intimate knowledge of the modus operandi of the Green Vega Gang brought them to the forefront. A search of Robert Askin's vehicle the next month ended up raising some more alarms, when police found two buttons and a gold earring underneath his back seat. In the second case - Darlenia Johnson - her remains were too decomposed to tell how quickly she had been killed or disposed of. They didn't want to let their lives be forever ruined because of the actions of one mad killer, and joined together to combat that. He was afraid that more details of his cooperation would be leaked to the media, and he refused to give any more statements. Brenda got off to catch a transfer, and said goodbye to her classmate. Part of me was just killed. [13], The Freeway Phantom case has seen a myriad of investigators and garnered much interest over the years. One of the known acquaintances of the Green Vega's was interviewed by police. Two years after Diane Williams's slaying, her aunt, Wilma Harper, started the Freeway Phantom Organization, a support group for the slain girls' families and other homicide survivors. This has yet to be verified. An examination of Brenda's clothing would find two different hair samples: one of which, authorities stated, belonged to a Caucasian man. She was the region's first female homicide detective - a feat made all the more incredible when you factor in Jenkins' ethnicity. Furthermore, colleagues at the National Science Foundation where Askins was employed reported that "tantamount" was a word that frequently cropped up in his speech. Speaking to the Post, Williams stated: "If it was a white girl, the police would have found the person. The classic prime time variety show most famous for its vaudeville acts and rock music performances. In face, the case of the Lyon sisters was reported on frequently in the media, and in 2017 - just a year or so ago - the case was finally resolved after more than 40 years. The fact that this victim had been stabbed multiple times pointed to this being a separate incident - perhaps one perpetrated by an individual that wasn't connected to the first four crimes. This neighbor had thought nothing of it at the time, since one of her family's friends drove a similar car. A couple of beat cops would be sent out to investigate the scene, but made very little attempt to locate the body. As the decades have gone on with no answers, the number of participants in this group have continued to dwindle. Note: The note left in Woodward's pocket claimed that the Phantom killed additional victims. "She had said she wanted to be a model," Harper, now 81, said of her niece. By that time, FBI agents had been distracted and called off to assist with the ongoing Watergate scandal, and the attention of almost everyone was diverted elsewhere. During this search, they began looking for those that knew the victim, and were able to quickly link this case to the missing 13-year old that had disappeared less than a week beforehand. Five months after being released in April 1952, Askins strangled 42-year-old Laura Cook to death. The Sullivans: With Paul Cronin, Steven Tandy, Reg Gorman, Vikki Hammond. No physical evidence was obtained and Askins was not charged in connection with the Freeway Phantom killings. A 17-year-old Ballou High School senior, Williams cooked dinner for her family and then visited her boyfriend's house. The most notable thing about the discovery was that the body was dressed except for the missing shoes. A search warrant was eventually obtained, and investigators dug through Askins' backyard. Holland, OH Leesburg, VA Ashburn, VA West Lafayette, IN Germantown, MD State College, PA. "My family was separated and weakened by that loss," said Crockett, who will attend today's service. Death Notices and Obituaries in the Buffalo News 2010 by Name Jenkins believes that the killer was either in the military, or lived some kind of transient lifestyle. Perhaps she knew her abductor, and wasn't too far away from her family's home at the time of the call. Her mother, Reatha, later stated that she told Brenda to take a friend with her, but it seems like 10-year old Brenda left by herself. Edward Sullivan and Tommie Simmons Sullivan and Simmons, two ex-cops, were arrested for the murder of Angela Denise Barnes. They were all of a similar build - small and petite - which led investigators to believe that the killer might have mistaken all of them for being in the same age range. The Ed Sullivan Show: With Ed Sullivan, Johnny Wayne, Frank Shuster, Ralph Paul. The girls' bodies were dumped near or along freeways in the District and Prince George's County, more than two decades ago. 43 Winn Street Burlington, MA 01803. ", "(Wanted Poster) Up to $150,000 Reward 'Freeway Phantom' Murders", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Freeway_Phantom&oldid=1139343201, CS1 Chinese (Taiwan)-language sources (zh-tw), Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from February 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 17:04. You see, not only was he a current employee of St. Elizabeth's Hospital - a psychiatric facility that focused on mental health. 3.90 avg rating 40 ratings published 2007. It's the story of six black girls, who were all abducted and brutally murdered over the span of a year-and-a-half. On the evening July 27th, 1971, at around 8:00 PM, many of the kids in Brenda's neighborhood were settling in for a movie night. James Groom was later arrested for the incident, and charged with both kidnapping and sexual assault. [5] Her body was found within three hours of her abduction, just off the shoulder of Pennsylvania Avenue in Prince George's County, Maryland. Both Ms. Johnson and Ms. Crockett were victims of the so-called Freeway Phantom homicides.". Carol Denise Spinks body was discovered by the authorities six days later from the day she was reported missing on April 25, 1971. She remained permanently scarred after the death of her sister, and later became a Washington D.C. police officer as a result. In the early 1970's, a mysterious killer targeted young black girls along the Washington Beltway. Hairs of two unknown males were found on the clothing of Brenda Woodward, hairs whose origin is unknown. Some leads were easily proven not to be viable, while others required substantial investigation. Askins remains one of the most popular suspects in the media, and many of the original detectives heavily favored him as the Freeway Phantom. They didn't care about us. This was less than two miles away from Diane's home. This was roughly a month after the last crime attributed to the Freeway Phantom, and Groom - who lived in Northwest Baltimore - had just been arrested for the kidnapping and sexual assault of a young woman. Investigation revealed that the minor girl was sexually assaulted and strangled to death. It was around 9:20 PM that this call came in, approximately two or so hours after Brenda had left for the store. Police believed that the culprit of this violent death had fed her in the interim few days. January 28, 2023 tim o'neill goldman sachs net worth . Now, she continues to ponder over the case, which still haunts her. He graduated from Harvard College in 1874, and was a pupil of Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris, where he took a gold medal. He ended up walking roughly 1500 feet south of Suitland Parkway, towards a grassy embankment along the Anacostia Freeway, where he discovered the body of a murdered young woman. The case of the Freeway Phantom remains open in the MPDC Homicide Division, but it is considered a cold case with no active lines of investigation. It's really infuriating, knowing that investigators might have come so close to solving at least one of the major mysteries in this case, but it got lost in a sea of bureaucracy and legalities. Their boss then decided to make a call to a friend of theirs - Charles Baden, a police sergeant in Washington D.C. Baden, was wasn't even on-duty that day, was able to make his way to the scene, where he finally got the police involved. Investigators would continue to ponder this theory over the coming months, as they began to inquire into possible leads. Barnes's slaying, originally thought to be linked to the Freeway Phantom killings, was later solved when two former police officers, Edward L. Sellman and Tommie B. Simmons, were convicted of her killing. jennifer 8 filming locations; what is a state vendor for nj familycare; the vintage new orleans happy hour menu This inmate - Morris Warren - began feeding investigators information about the Freeway Phantom crimes, which he alleged were perpetrated by a member of the Green Vega's. There were also cuts to various parts of her body: in particular, her face, torso, and arms. Want to Read. Through the 1960's and 1970's, more than 70% of the region's population was African American, who had had to endure an entire lifetime of racial tension and struggles. Barnes's slaying, originally thought to be linked to the Freeway Phantom killings, was later solved when two former police officers, Edward L. Sellman and Tommie B. Simmons, were convicted of. Eventually, the FBI would enter the fray once again in 1974. THOMAS SIMMONS OBITUARY. He denied any role in them, adding that he did not have "the depravity of mind required to commit any of the crimes."[28]. Despite finding these two hairs pretty early on, they were unable to make heads from tails of them - unable to confirm if either of them had come from the actual killer. She was asking for some groceries - all of which could be picked up from a 7-Eleven convenience store just down the street. It's very possible that he had nothing to do with the Freeway Phantom crimes, but his name is one I haven't seen mentioned before, and thought it worth bringing up. In addition to this . This lead seemed to be going places which is why it pains me to say that it eventually fell off the rails. The remains looked undisturbed, as if nobody had even given the body a glance, but the summer heat was beginning to take its toll. Carolyn Spinks Morris - the identical twin sister of Carol Spinks, the first victim - recalls the day that her family learned of Carol's murder. Here was a lead, that was as promising as any thus far, which had now evaporated into nothing. He walked her to a bus stop nearby, along Martin Luther King Avenue. She was found wearing the clothing she had disappeared in, but her shoes had been removed. The case files had been lost by DC police in the years since, and were nowhere to be found. In return, they could pick up a soda for themselves. It was only now, following the murder of Nenomoshia Yates, that the deaths of these four young black girls was officially linked. In the aftermath of this most recent discovery, police struggled to come to terms with the idea that Brenda Woodard had been killed by the same person that murdered Carol Sprinks, Darlenia Johnson, Brenda Crockett, and Nenomoshia Yates. Woodward, hairs whose origin is unknown could pick up a soda for themselves she began walking the. Were all abducted and brutally murdered over the case files had been killed disposed... Conclusively link Edward and Tommie with the other killings and mark them as the Phantom Freeway.... 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