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early release schedule pasco county 2021
early release schedule pasco county 2021early release schedule pasco county 2021
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early release schedule pasco county 2021
When a student receives a quarantine order from the Department of Health, students will be able to access learning materials connected to current lessons while at home via myPascoConnect and myLearning. Fine arts performances will resume with audiences. Cypress Bay High School Early Release Bell Schedule. First Day of School Grades 1-12: Aug. 30; Kindergarten: Sept. 1; Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 24 & 25; Winter Break: Dec. 19 - Jan. 2 The 2022-2023 School Year Calendar is available in two formats: a printable PDF version, and a Google Calendar version. Start Time: 9:36 Principal: Michele Boylan 22-23 Early Release Days. Social Security number, if available (verify number with card; do not copy card). Skip to Main Content. Start Time: 9:06 End Time: 4:00, New River Elementary School New Port Richey, FL 34654. 1827 Trinity Oaks Blvd. Start Time: 10:06 All travel for Special Olympics events is approved. End Time: 2:36, Zephyrhills High School The bell times, including theearlyreleasetimes for each school, canbe foundhere. 2022-2023 Pep Rally/Activity Bell Schedule. The school board, through its Charter Schools Department, monitors each school for compliance with the charter and local, state and federal regulations. 10 am - Midnight - Sat. Evidence of home ownership: deed or property tax assessment records, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents: auto registration, Florida drivers license, Florida ID card or voter registration. For Bexley Elementary the Early Release time will be 2:08 PM. Niche, the national website that ranks primary schools, colleges and universities, gives the Pasco County School District an overall grade of B. When possible, alternative dining space with supervision will be made available (commons areas, outdoors, etc. Parent-Teacher Association and School Advisory Committee meetings and parent conferences will resume and will be conducted virtually when possible. March 4, 2022 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pasco Students Speak Showcase #PascoStudentsSpeak is a culminating event where students share their speeches surrounding a personal inquiry topic aligned to Florida's B.E.S.T. End Time: 2:20, San Antonio Elementary School Start Time: 8:16 Teachers are encouraged to arrange the classroom environment to allow adequate space between students to the extent possible. Start Time: 8:16 Start Time: 7:16 See the Student Planner for bell schedule. Skip Sidebar Links. Wednesday October 6 th 2021. Archives. End Time: 3:20, Trinity Elementary School Here are the 2021-2022 school year start and dismissal times for every Escambia County School District school: ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 7:10 a.m. until 1:25 p.m. (11:35 a.m. early release) Pasco eSchool Dual Enrollment: Dual Enrollment Information Spring 2021 Online Registration & Course Request Worksheet Registration Testing Information Dual Enrollment Information - Pasco County Schools PERT Testing PERT Test Sign Up Advanced Placement: AP Course Descriptions ZHS Academies/Electives: End Time: 3:05, Pasco County Schools This meeting is to share new/important information/initiatives related to students with disabilities with IEPs or 504 plans and to present topics in parent identified areas of need. View Early Release Bell Times here. Start Time: 7:21 All schools will dismiss 3 hours earlier than their normal dismissal time during the last week of school: May 30 - June 2. Each of the four early release days (see schedule below) will fall on a Wednesday. Where: Wesley Chapel Performing Arts Center. End Time: 2:05, Land O Lakes High School (727) 774-2000, Early Release Days for the 2021-2022 School Year, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County. End Time: 2:20, Gulf Highlands Elementary School In a news release, county officials cited lower hospitalization rates for patients "with severe COVID-19 . Start Time: 8:26 No PM Early Release . Frequently touched surfaces around the campus will be disinfected throughout the day. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Start Time: 8:06 End Time: 1:30, Paul R. Smith Middle School As he was fighting for the Legislature to change state bail . Parents also have the options of teaching their children themselves at home. Title: 2021-2022 student calendar . Pasco County School Calendar . Head Start/Early Head Start; Staff; Calendars; Contact Us. Bond for DUI and BUI Crimes in Pasco County, FL. Hernando School District. Odessa Elementary School. 4380 Ballantrae Boulevard You may also wish to visit the school district homepage to check for any urgent or last-minute updates that may not have been incorporated into the official calendars. End Time: 3:30, Quail Hollow Elementary School x[n$}WpZpKr`zd]kFBJ/uHvZY1MXuTN++]G}v/vK~nSoNgW_]`_o.]eA7c]_nShLz1Zm^ u@o6vVmFw]+>E^lw.yomQn Current Florida Immunization Form transcribed by a health professional (See. Staff; Staff Contacts Distance Learning; Select Page. End Time: 4:00, Cotee River Elementary School End Time: 3:50, Calusa Elementary School Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Pasco County Schools website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar and 2023-2024 approved calendar. Start Time: 9:50 Contact Us. Parents can request a special assignment to a school outside the student's boundary zone, a magnet school or a career and technical school during an open enrollment window. Each of the four early release days (see. 2023 School Calendar: Early Release days have all been moved to a Friday and have also been moved to align with existing breaks. O}qa]y%Co7jTV
|yb* Election Dates. But not the one limiting jail releases. Kindergarten Registration 2022-23 school year, 2022-2023 Special Events and Fundraising Information. Phone: (813) 346-4300 End Time: 2:40, Anclote High School Start Time: 9:06 End Time: 2:30, Achieve Center at Wesley Chapel (352) 524-2000 This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 and 2024 school calendar for Pasco County Schools in Florida. End Time: 2:20, Pine View Elementary School 2021-2022. Longleaf Elementary School Principal: Jennifer McCormack 3253 Town Avenue New Port Richey, FL 34655 Phone: (727) 774-0800 Fax: (727) 774-0891. Start Time: 9:16 5126 School Rd, Land O Lakes, FL 34638 Phone: 813-794-1500 Fax: 813-794-1591 End Time: 3:30, Schrader Elementary School End Time: 4:20, Oakstead Elementary School Pasco County School's Early Release Dates. The early release days are as follows. End Time: 3:30, Longleaf Elementary School ISLOL follows the Pasco County School Calendar. Hillsborough County PUBLIC SCHOOLS Preparing Students for Life 2021-2022 Student Calendar . Visit the links above to view the full, original school calendar. 2023 Legislative Session. Previously, no alcohol sales were allowed before 11 a.m. on Sundays within the county . Tardy Bell at 8:40 AM East Lake Community Library. Cypress Bay High School Early Release Bell Schedule. End Time: 2:52, Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation Books will be for sale for $45.00 during both lunches until the last day of school (or until we run out). Start Time: 9:16 (727) 774-2000, Printable 2022-2023 Student/Teacher School Year Calendar Dates, NEXT YEAR'S Printable 2023-2024 Student/Teacher School Year Calendar Dates. Click here to find the starting and ending times for each school. (See. Next year's 2023-2024 School Year Calendar has also been added to Google Calendar,and is also available in a printable PDF version. Start Time: 9:36 Students receive free instructional support and guidance by highly qualified teachers. Get the dates for the first day of school, Christmas Break, Spring Break, and more. Wednesday February 2 nd 2022. Lacoochee Elementary Facebook Pasco County School Calendar. Parents interested in learning more about a charter school or for information on enrollment should contact the charter school directly. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org Richey Elementary School 6850 Adams Street New Port Richey, FL 34652 Phone: (727) 774-3500 Fax: (727) 774-3591 Principal: Amy Denney-Haskedakes 1 2 3 4 5 TIGER TALES Class of 2023 Get in touch. Uniform Assessment Calendar; Absent/Sick Line: 813-794-0774 Please let us know if your child will not be at school. Start Time: 9:36 (The bell times, including the early release times for each school, can be found here.). End Time: 4:20, Connerton Elementary School . Oakstead students will be released at 1:50 PM on the following days: January 3, a Tuesday, will now be a regular school day for students and staff. This is the third year Pasco County Schools is utilizinga monthly, two-hour-early release time to allow for staff to engage in professional development aligned with student needs and district and school priorities. Under the new four-tier system, schools will open every hour starting at 7:10 a.m. 919 North Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34601 View Map & Directions P: 352.797.7000 | F: 352.797.7101 Click here to find after-school enrichment programs. Close contact is defined as within six feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more. Notification will be limited to students or staff who are required to quarantine. #PascoStudentsSpeak is a culminating event where students share their speeches surrounding a personal inquiry topic aligned to Florida's B.E.S.T. Wednesday April 13 th, 2022. Start Time: 8:06 Land O Lakes, FL 34638 Principal: Latoya Jordan Districts must provide preferential treatment for special assignments to: Pasco County charter schools operate under performance contracts, called a charter, with the District School Board of Pasco County. Students and staff who have coronavirus-like will be required to stay home until: Parents and staff who need to report a confirmed positive case or close contact with a positive case can self-report the case using the COVID Notification form. Start Time: 8:21 This is an introduction to the fundamentals of behavior and reasons why children exhibit challenging behaviors. %PDF-1.3 DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF PASCO COUNTY 2021-2022 PLACE Client Calendar 12-Month Program Sites July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 . Start Time: 7:06 End Time: 1:36, Marchman Technical College . Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. Pasco County residents will be able to enjoy a mimosa or beer with Sunday brunch. Wild & Wacky Women Art Show. The first early release day is this Wednesday, January 13. Visit the Office for Student Support Programs and Services for more information. Students will continue to eat breakfast in the classroom. 2110 Washington Blvd Arlington, VA 22204 (703) 228-8000 HR: (703) 228-6176. Start Time: 8:06 End Time: 1:30, Pine View Middle School End Time: 1:42, Chasco Middle School The Polk County School Calendar for 2022-2023 has been approved. All classroom floors will be fully mopped daily. Walls, cabinets and furniture will be disinfected twice weekly. 7545 Little Road. Melissa Jarvis, Principal Jamie Gray, Assistant Principal. Start Time: 9:36 In 2020, the College Board, the national nonprofit organization that provides research and advocacy on colleges for parents, students and educators, named Pasco County Schools as the College Board Advanced Placement District of the Year for large districts. Start Time: 8:16 Start Time: 8:21 School Hours: 9:36 3:50, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Kindergarten Registration 2022-23 school year, 2022-2023 Special Events and Fundraising Information. End Time: 1:30, Seven Springs Middle School Follow @pascoschools Early Release Days for 2021-22: September 8 October 6 November 10 December 8 January 12, '22 February 2, '22 March 9, '22 April 13, '22 Students will be released 2-hours early. Secondary students may access Smart Tutoring, an online tutoring service within their myLearning courses. Ron DeSantis has issued an executive order preventing Florida's school districts from mandating that students wear face masks. 22844 Weeks Boulevard Land O' Lakes, FL 34639 Phone: (813) 794-1000 Fax: (813) 794-1091 Principal: Megan Hermansen 22 out of 69 for athletics ; No. End Time: 4:20, Cypress Elementary School Start Time: 8:06 End Time: 3:50, Mary Giella Elementary School (352) 524-2000 End Time: 4:20, Gulf Trace Elementary School Election Day. (813) 794-2000 Agents will answer questions around the clock. Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 Fax: 352-524-5691, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Pasco County Schools Early Release Dates. Fivay High School 12115 Chicago Avenue Hudson, FL 34669 (727) 246-4000 FHS Vision Each Student will be Life, Career, and College ready 1 2 3 4 5 Seniors Class of 2023 Juniors Class of 2024 Sophomores Class of 2025 Freshmen Class of 2026 FHS Calendar of Events Agenda February 2023 Collapse All Expand All Feb 27 Mon Band T-Shirt Sale Pasco County Schools transports more than 37,000 students to and from school each day for a total of more than eight million miles annually. Early release days will take place on the following dates: On each of the early release days, students will be released two hours early. Start Time: 8:06 School hours: 9:40 - 3:50 End Time: 3:30, Deer Park Elementary School Election Results. Start Time: 9:06 Start Time: 9:46 Parents' Bill of Rights Public Records Requests Social Security Number Disclosure Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County Pasco County Schools 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Phone: 352-524-5600 4 pm - Midnight - Fri. Feb. 24th. 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. The firewall on this server is blocking your connection. Read More . Leave us a message. Start Time: 7:06 CHASCO MIDDLE SCHOOL. Your blocked IP address is: For Bexley Elementary the Early Release Day dismissal time is 1:50 pm. Standards. May 17 went from an early dismissal day to a normal school day. AC filters will be replaced with greater frequency. We'll discuss proactive and positive strategies that you can implement immediately! 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Principal: Scott Atkins 12810 Interlaken Road New Port Richey, FL 34655 Phone: (727) 246-3700 End Time: 1:45, River Ridge High School End Time: 4:05/4:30, Fivay High School Florida Gov. WRHS School Sucess Plan 2021-2022 WRHS School Sucess Plan 2021 2022 Early Release Days Students will be released 2-hours early on the following September 8th October 6th November 10th December 8th January 12th February 2nd March 9th April 13th (727) 774-2000, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County, East Pasco Education Academy - James Irvin Campus, West Pasco Education Academy - Harry Schwettman Campus. Beginning in January 2021, our schools will be implementing a two-hour early release day every month. Out-of-county academic competitions will be allowed pending the school district's approval. Translate. The USDA has extended free breakfast and lunch for all students. New Port Richey, FL 34655 PH: 727-774-0900 Fax: 727-774-0991. 4 0 obj Start Time: 7:06 They obtain documentation of a negative PCR COVID-19 test or, Verified medical documentation of alternate diagnosis as the cause of symptoms, At least 24 hours have passed since the last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. On each of the early release days, students will be released two hours early. Bell times, including the early release times for each school can be found at pasco.k12.fl.us/site/pcs_bell_ 6:44 AM - 3 Sep 2021 23 Retweets There will be no early release day in May. Principal: Michele Boylan End Time: 4:00, Wiregrass Elementary School Wednesday December 8 th 2021. Feb. 26th (gate closes at 6 pm) 2023 Daily Schedule. Start Time: 9:36 webmaster@apsva.us. Start Time: 7:06 Parents of exceptional education students should also provide the most recent Individual Education Plan for the student. 2022-23 Key Dates. ZHS Event Calendar; Pasco County Schools; Contact. Start Time: 9:06 ), Directions for subscribing on Android, iOS, and Windows, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County. Get Directions. Students who must quarantine or isolate will be marked as excused for attendance purposes during the quarantine period. Students in sixth through 12th grades may enroll in Pasco eSchool as part-time or full-time students. Start Time: 9:46 End Time: 3:05, Wesley Chapel High School Start Time: 9:16 End Time: 3:30, Chasco Elementary School Special Olympics is currently requiring athletes to wear masks when they are on buses and when they are indoors. End Time: 4:00, Richey Elementary School Early Release Day This is the third year Pasco County Schools is utilizing a monthly, two-hour- . 11K views, 87 likes, 7 loves, 0 comments, 179 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Pasco County Schools: Again this year, Pasco County Schools is utilizing a monthly, two-hour-early release time to. End Time: 2:50, John Long Middle School Start Time: 7:11 Questions may also be emailed to covid-19@flhealth.gov. End Time: 2:30, Gulf Middle School Each class period is shortened and 4th period lunches moved to the end of the day. Cypress . End Time: 2:30, Chester W. Taylor Elementary School End Time: 3:20, Rodney B. Cox Elementary School 4380 Ballantrae Boulevard Start Time: 9:46 Start Time: 9:36 Fivay High School Principal: Erik Hermansen 12115 Chicago Avenue Hudson, FL 34669 Phone: (727) 246-4000 Fax: (727) 246-4091 School Hours: 8:10 am - 2:35 pm Directions Constitutional Amendments. Troopers Seek Driver Who Struck, Killed Pedestrian On Little Road, Fox Hollow Golf Course Executive Estate Available For $1.7 Million, 100 Blighted Buildings, Slum Structures Demolished By Pasco County, Ross Hosts Fundraiser For Boys & Girls Club, Proven Strategies for the Care of Aging People, Latest Pets Up For Adoption At New Port Richey Area Shelters, Video: Serengheti Flyer Takes Fans Of Thrill Rides To New Heights, New Bakery, Citrus Farm Sold, Lakeland Development: FL Business News, Undercover Child Predator Sting Nabs 30 Offenders In 2-Week Period, All district employees, students, visitors, and volunteers must conduct a health. End Time: 2:30, Crews Lake Middle School Students must attend the assigned school within their neighborhood's boundary zone. School Hours 9:36-3:50 Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. Land O Lakes, FL 34638 End Time: 2:50, Charles S. Rushe Middle School Bexley Elementary School Staff and students will be encouraged to practice social distancing when and where possible. End Time: 4:20, Centennial Elementary School New school start times would be 7:10 a.m., 8:10 a.m., 9:10 a . Where: Wesley Chapel Performing Arts Center VOLUNTEER SPONSOR April 18, 2023 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. End Time: 3:20, Starkey Ranch K-8 School February 2023; December 2022; November 2022; October 2022; July 2022; June 2022; . Start Time: 8:21 End Time: 3:50, Hudson Academy Start Time: 8:16 Early Release Days are scheduled throughout the new school year taking place on one Wednesday each month. Evidence of leasing a home: Current lease or rental agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents: auto registration, drivers license, Florida ID card, or voter registration. Wednesday March 9 th 2022. Under the current system, schools open at 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Land O Lakes, FL 34638 Wednesday September 8 th, 2021. End Time: 3:50, Bexley Elementary School End Time: 1:38, West Pasco Education Academy - Harry Schwettman Campus Sample Ballots. End Time: 2:40, R. B. Stewart Middle School See application guidelines. PASCO COUNTY, FL The 2021-22 school year is just around the corner, and Patch has put together the information every parent with a school-age child needs to know. The Department of Health will review each case and make a recommendation. To register for kindergarten, children must: Students entering Pasco County Public Schools from public or private schools out of state or out of country must register with the following documentation: Students previously enrolled in a Florida public school or private school must provide: All parents should set up an a MyStudent account here to access grades, assignments and other information about their student. 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When a student receives a quarantine order from the Department of Health, students will be able to access learning materials connected to current lessons while at home via myPascoConnect and myLearning. Fine arts performances will resume with audiences. Cypress Bay High School Early Release Bell Schedule. First Day of School Grades 1-12: Aug. 30; Kindergarten: Sept. 1; Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 24 & 25; Winter Break: Dec. 19 - Jan. 2 The 2022-2023 School Year Calendar is available in two formats: a printable PDF version, and a Google Calendar version. Start Time: 9:36 Principal: Michele Boylan 22-23 Early Release Days. Social Security number, if available (verify number with card; do not copy card). Skip to Main Content. Start Time: 9:06 End Time: 4:00, New River Elementary School New Port Richey, FL 34654. 1827 Trinity Oaks Blvd. Start Time: 10:06 All travel for Special Olympics events is approved. End Time: 2:36, Zephyrhills High School The bell times, including theearlyreleasetimes for each school, canbe foundhere. 2022-2023 Pep Rally/Activity Bell Schedule. The school board, through its Charter Schools Department, monitors each school for compliance with the charter and local, state and federal regulations. 10 am - Midnight - Sat. Evidence of home ownership: deed or property tax assessment records, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents: auto registration, Florida drivers license, Florida ID card or voter registration. For Bexley Elementary the Early Release time will be 2:08 PM. Niche, the national website that ranks primary schools, colleges and universities, gives the Pasco County School District an overall grade of B. When possible, alternative dining space with supervision will be made available (commons areas, outdoors, etc. Parent-Teacher Association and School Advisory Committee meetings and parent conferences will resume and will be conducted virtually when possible. March 4, 2022 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pasco Students Speak Showcase #PascoStudentsSpeak is a culminating event where students share their speeches surrounding a personal inquiry topic aligned to Florida's B.E.S.T. End Time: 2:20, San Antonio Elementary School Start Time: 8:16 Teachers are encouraged to arrange the classroom environment to allow adequate space between students to the extent possible. Start Time: 8:16 Start Time: 7:16 See the Student Planner for bell schedule. Skip Sidebar Links. Wednesday October 6 th 2021. Archives. End Time: 3:20, Trinity Elementary School Here are the 2021-2022 school year start and dismissal times for every Escambia County School District school: ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 7:10 a.m. until 1:25 p.m. (11:35 a.m. early release) Pasco eSchool Dual Enrollment: Dual Enrollment Information Spring 2021 Online Registration & Course Request Worksheet Registration Testing Information Dual Enrollment Information - Pasco County Schools PERT Testing PERT Test Sign Up Advanced Placement: AP Course Descriptions ZHS Academies/Electives: End Time: 3:05, Pasco County Schools This meeting is to share new/important information/initiatives related to students with disabilities with IEPs or 504 plans and to present topics in parent identified areas of need. View Early Release Bell Times here. Start Time: 7:21 All schools will dismiss 3 hours earlier than their normal dismissal time during the last week of school: May 30 - June 2. Each of the four early release days (see schedule below) will fall on a Wednesday. Where: Wesley Chapel Performing Arts Center. End Time: 2:05, Land O Lakes High School (727) 774-2000, Early Release Days for the 2021-2022 School Year, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County. End Time: 2:20, Gulf Highlands Elementary School In a news release, county officials cited lower hospitalization rates for patients "with severe COVID-19 . Start Time: 8:26 No PM Early Release . Frequently touched surfaces around the campus will be disinfected throughout the day. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Start Time: 8:06 End Time: 1:30, Paul R. Smith Middle School As he was fighting for the Legislature to change state bail . Parents also have the options of teaching their children themselves at home. Title: 2021-2022 student calendar . Pasco County School Calendar . Head Start/Early Head Start; Staff; Calendars; Contact Us. Bond for DUI and BUI Crimes in Pasco County, FL. Hernando School District. Odessa Elementary School. 4380 Ballantrae Boulevard You may also wish to visit the school district homepage to check for any urgent or last-minute updates that may not have been incorporated into the official calendars. End Time: 3:30, Quail Hollow Elementary School x[n$}WpZpKr`zd]kFBJ/uHvZY1MXuTN++]G}v/vK~nSoNgW_]`_o.]eA7c]_nShLz1Zm^ u@o6vVmFw]+>E^lw.yomQn Current Florida Immunization Form transcribed by a health professional (See. Staff; Staff Contacts Distance Learning; Select Page. End Time: 4:00, Cotee River Elementary School End Time: 3:50, Calusa Elementary School Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Pasco County Schools website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar and 2023-2024 approved calendar. Start Time: 9:50 Contact Us. Parents can request a special assignment to a school outside the student's boundary zone, a magnet school or a career and technical school during an open enrollment window. Each of the four early release days (see. 2023 School Calendar: Early Release days have all been moved to a Friday and have also been moved to align with existing breaks. O}qa]y%Co7jTV =; |yb* Election Dates. But not the one limiting jail releases. Kindergarten Registration 2022-23 school year, 2022-2023 Special Events and Fundraising Information. Phone: (813) 346-4300 End Time: 2:40, Anclote High School Start Time: 9:06 End Time: 2:30, Achieve Center at Wesley Chapel (352) 524-2000 This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 and 2024 school calendar for Pasco County Schools in Florida. End Time: 2:20, Pine View Elementary School 2021-2022. Longleaf Elementary School Principal: Jennifer McCormack 3253 Town Avenue New Port Richey, FL 34655 Phone: (727) 774-0800 Fax: (727) 774-0891. Start Time: 9:16 5126 School Rd, Land O Lakes, FL 34638 Phone: 813-794-1500 Fax: 813-794-1591 End Time: 3:30, Schrader Elementary School End Time: 4:20, Oakstead Elementary School Pasco County School's Early Release Dates. The early release days are as follows. End Time: 3:30, Longleaf Elementary School ISLOL follows the Pasco County School Calendar. Hillsborough County PUBLIC SCHOOLS Preparing Students for Life 2021-2022 Student Calendar . Visit the links above to view the full, original school calendar. 2023 Legislative Session. Previously, no alcohol sales were allowed before 11 a.m. on Sundays within the county . Tardy Bell at 8:40 AM East Lake Community Library. Cypress Bay High School Early Release Bell Schedule. End Time: 2:52, Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation Books will be for sale for $45.00 during both lunches until the last day of school (or until we run out). Start Time: 9:16 (727) 774-2000, Printable 2022-2023 Student/Teacher School Year Calendar Dates, NEXT YEAR'S Printable 2023-2024 Student/Teacher School Year Calendar Dates. Click here to find the starting and ending times for each school. (See. Next year's 2023-2024 School Year Calendar has also been added to Google Calendar,and is also available in a printable PDF version. Start Time: 9:36 Students receive free instructional support and guidance by highly qualified teachers. Get the dates for the first day of school, Christmas Break, Spring Break, and more. Wednesday February 2 nd 2022. Lacoochee Elementary Facebook Pasco County School Calendar. Parents interested in learning more about a charter school or for information on enrollment should contact the charter school directly. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org Richey Elementary School 6850 Adams Street New Port Richey, FL 34652 Phone: (727) 774-3500 Fax: (727) 774-3591 Principal: Amy Denney-Haskedakes 1 2 3 4 5 TIGER TALES Class of 2023 Get in touch. Uniform Assessment Calendar; Absent/Sick Line: 813-794-0774 Please let us know if your child will not be at school. Start Time: 9:36 (The bell times, including the early release times for each school, can be found here.). End Time: 4:20, Connerton Elementary School . Oakstead students will be released at 1:50 PM on the following days: January 3, a Tuesday, will now be a regular school day for students and staff. This is the third year Pasco County Schools is utilizinga monthly, two-hour-early release time to allow for staff to engage in professional development aligned with student needs and district and school priorities. Under the new four-tier system, schools will open every hour starting at 7:10 a.m. 919 North Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34601 View Map & Directions P: 352.797.7000 | F: 352.797.7101 Click here to find after-school enrichment programs. Close contact is defined as within six feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more. Notification will be limited to students or staff who are required to quarantine. #PascoStudentsSpeak is a culminating event where students share their speeches surrounding a personal inquiry topic aligned to Florida's B.E.S.T. Wednesday April 13 th, 2022. Start Time: 8:06 Land O Lakes, FL 34638 Principal: Latoya Jordan Districts must provide preferential treatment for special assignments to: Pasco County charter schools operate under performance contracts, called a charter, with the District School Board of Pasco County. Students and staff who have coronavirus-like will be required to stay home until: Parents and staff who need to report a confirmed positive case or close contact with a positive case can self-report the case using the COVID Notification form. Start Time: 8:21 This is an introduction to the fundamentals of behavior and reasons why children exhibit challenging behaviors. %PDF-1.3 DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF PASCO COUNTY 2021-2022 PLACE Client Calendar 12-Month Program Sites July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 . Start Time: 7:06 End Time: 1:36, Marchman Technical College . Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. Pasco County residents will be able to enjoy a mimosa or beer with Sunday brunch. Wild & Wacky Women Art Show. The first early release day is this Wednesday, January 13. Visit the Office for Student Support Programs and Services for more information. Students will continue to eat breakfast in the classroom. 2110 Washington Blvd Arlington, VA 22204 (703) 228-8000 HR: (703) 228-6176. Start Time: 8:06 End Time: 1:30, Pine View Middle School End Time: 1:42, Chasco Middle School The Polk County School Calendar for 2022-2023 has been approved. All classroom floors will be fully mopped daily. Walls, cabinets and furniture will be disinfected twice weekly. 7545 Little Road. Melissa Jarvis, Principal Jamie Gray, Assistant Principal. Start Time: 9:36 In 2020, the College Board, the national nonprofit organization that provides research and advocacy on colleges for parents, students and educators, named Pasco County Schools as the College Board Advanced Placement District of the Year for large districts. Start Time: 8:16 Start Time: 8:21 School Hours: 9:36 3:50, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Kindergarten Registration 2022-23 school year, 2022-2023 Special Events and Fundraising Information. End Time: 1:30, Seven Springs Middle School Follow @pascoschools Early Release Days for 2021-22: September 8 October 6 November 10 December 8 January 12, '22 February 2, '22 March 9, '22 April 13, '22 Students will be released 2-hours early. Secondary students may access Smart Tutoring, an online tutoring service within their myLearning courses. Ron DeSantis has issued an executive order preventing Florida's school districts from mandating that students wear face masks. 22844 Weeks Boulevard Land O' Lakes, FL 34639 Phone: (813) 794-1000 Fax: (813) 794-1091 Principal: Megan Hermansen 22 out of 69 for athletics ; No. End Time: 4:20, Cypress Elementary School Start Time: 8:06 End Time: 3:50, Mary Giella Elementary School (352) 524-2000 End Time: 4:20, Gulf Trace Elementary School Election Day. (813) 794-2000 Agents will answer questions around the clock. Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 Fax: 352-524-5691, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Pasco County Schools Early Release Dates. Fivay High School 12115 Chicago Avenue Hudson, FL 34669 (727) 246-4000 FHS Vision Each Student will be Life, Career, and College ready 1 2 3 4 5 Seniors Class of 2023 Juniors Class of 2024 Sophomores Class of 2025 Freshmen Class of 2026 FHS Calendar of Events Agenda February 2023 Collapse All Expand All Feb 27 Mon Band T-Shirt Sale Pasco County Schools transports more than 37,000 students to and from school each day for a total of more than eight million miles annually. Early release days will take place on the following dates: On each of the early release days, students will be released two hours early. Start Time: 8:06 School hours: 9:40 - 3:50 End Time: 3:30, Deer Park Elementary School Election Results. Start Time: 9:06 Start Time: 9:46 Parents' Bill of Rights Public Records Requests Social Security Number Disclosure Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County Pasco County Schools 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Phone: 352-524-5600 4 pm - Midnight - Fri. Feb. 24th. 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. The firewall on this server is blocking your connection. Read More . Leave us a message. Start Time: 7:06 CHASCO MIDDLE SCHOOL. Your blocked IP address is: For Bexley Elementary the Early Release Day dismissal time is 1:50 pm. Standards. May 17 went from an early dismissal day to a normal school day. AC filters will be replaced with greater frequency. We'll discuss proactive and positive strategies that you can implement immediately! 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Principal: Scott Atkins 12810 Interlaken Road New Port Richey, FL 34655 Phone: (727) 246-3700 End Time: 1:45, River Ridge High School End Time: 4:05/4:30, Fivay High School Florida Gov. WRHS School Sucess Plan 2021-2022 WRHS School Sucess Plan 2021 2022 Early Release Days Students will be released 2-hours early on the following September 8th October 6th November 10th December 8th January 12th February 2nd March 9th April 13th (727) 774-2000, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County, East Pasco Education Academy - James Irvin Campus, West Pasco Education Academy - Harry Schwettman Campus. Beginning in January 2021, our schools will be implementing a two-hour early release day every month. Out-of-county academic competitions will be allowed pending the school district's approval. Translate. The USDA has extended free breakfast and lunch for all students. New Port Richey, FL 34655 PH: 727-774-0900 Fax: 727-774-0991. 4 0 obj Start Time: 7:06 They obtain documentation of a negative PCR COVID-19 test or, Verified medical documentation of alternate diagnosis as the cause of symptoms, At least 24 hours have passed since the last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. On each of the early release days, students will be released two hours early. Bell times, including the early release times for each school can be found at pasco.k12.fl.us/site/pcs_bell_ 6:44 AM - 3 Sep 2021 23 Retweets There will be no early release day in May. Principal: Michele Boylan End Time: 4:00, Wiregrass Elementary School Wednesday December 8 th 2021. Feb. 26th (gate closes at 6 pm) 2023 Daily Schedule. Start Time: 9:36 webmaster@apsva.us. Start Time: 7:06 Parents of exceptional education students should also provide the most recent Individual Education Plan for the student. 2022-23 Key Dates. ZHS Event Calendar; Pasco County Schools; Contact. Start Time: 9:06 ), Directions for subscribing on Android, iOS, and Windows, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County. Get Directions. Students who must quarantine or isolate will be marked as excused for attendance purposes during the quarantine period. Students in sixth through 12th grades may enroll in Pasco eSchool as part-time or full-time students. Start Time: 9:46 End Time: 3:05, Wesley Chapel High School Start Time: 9:16 End Time: 3:30, Chasco Elementary School Special Olympics is currently requiring athletes to wear masks when they are on buses and when they are indoors. End Time: 4:00, Richey Elementary School Early Release Day This is the third year Pasco County Schools is utilizing a monthly, two-hour- . 11K views, 87 likes, 7 loves, 0 comments, 179 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Pasco County Schools: Again this year, Pasco County Schools is utilizing a monthly, two-hour-early release time to. End Time: 2:50, John Long Middle School Start Time: 7:11 Questions may also be emailed to covid-19@flhealth.gov. End Time: 2:30, Gulf Middle School Each class period is shortened and 4th period lunches moved to the end of the day. Cypress . End Time: 2:30, Chester W. Taylor Elementary School End Time: 3:20, Rodney B. Cox Elementary School 4380 Ballantrae Boulevard Start Time: 9:46 Start Time: 9:36 Fivay High School Principal: Erik Hermansen 12115 Chicago Avenue Hudson, FL 34669 Phone: (727) 246-4000 Fax: (727) 246-4091 School Hours: 8:10 am - 2:35 pm Directions Constitutional Amendments. Troopers Seek Driver Who Struck, Killed Pedestrian On Little Road, Fox Hollow Golf Course Executive Estate Available For $1.7 Million, 100 Blighted Buildings, Slum Structures Demolished By Pasco County, Ross Hosts Fundraiser For Boys & Girls Club, Proven Strategies for the Care of Aging People, Latest Pets Up For Adoption At New Port Richey Area Shelters, Video: Serengheti Flyer Takes Fans Of Thrill Rides To New Heights, New Bakery, Citrus Farm Sold, Lakeland Development: FL Business News, Undercover Child Predator Sting Nabs 30 Offenders In 2-Week Period, All district employees, students, visitors, and volunteers must conduct a health. End Time: 2:30, Crews Lake Middle School Students must attend the assigned school within their neighborhood's boundary zone. School Hours 9:36-3:50 Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. Land O Lakes, FL 34638 End Time: 2:50, Charles S. Rushe Middle School Bexley Elementary School Staff and students will be encouraged to practice social distancing when and where possible. End Time: 4:20, Centennial Elementary School New school start times would be 7:10 a.m., 8:10 a.m., 9:10 a . Where: Wesley Chapel Performing Arts Center VOLUNTEER SPONSOR April 18, 2023 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. End Time: 3:20, Starkey Ranch K-8 School February 2023; December 2022; November 2022; October 2022; July 2022; June 2022; . Start Time: 8:21 End Time: 3:50, Hudson Academy Start Time: 8:16 Early Release Days are scheduled throughout the new school year taking place on one Wednesday each month. Evidence of leasing a home: Current lease or rental agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents: auto registration, drivers license, Florida ID card, or voter registration. Wednesday March 9 th 2022. Under the current system, schools open at 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Land O Lakes, FL 34638 Wednesday September 8 th, 2021. End Time: 3:50, Bexley Elementary School End Time: 1:38, West Pasco Education Academy - Harry Schwettman Campus Sample Ballots. End Time: 2:40, R. B. Stewart Middle School See application guidelines. PASCO COUNTY, FL The 2021-22 school year is just around the corner, and Patch has put together the information every parent with a school-age child needs to know. The Department of Health will review each case and make a recommendation. To register for kindergarten, children must: Students entering Pasco County Public Schools from public or private schools out of state or out of country must register with the following documentation: Students previously enrolled in a Florida public school or private school must provide: All parents should set up an a MyStudent account here to access grades, assignments and other information about their student. 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