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cy brink university of washington
PHD, Texas A&M University, 1997, Zoran, Mark J, ProfessorBiologyPHD, Iowa State University, 1987, Zou, Jun, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, University of Illinois, 2002, Zou, Lei, Assistant ProfessorGeographyPHD, Louisiana State University, 2017, Zou, Na, Assistant ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Arizona State University, 2015, Zou, Na, Assistant ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, Arizona State University, 2015, Zubairy, Muhammad S, University Distinguished ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, University of Rochester, 1979, Zubairy, Sarah, ProfessorEconomicsPHD, Duke University, 2010, Zuniga, Kelly J, LecturerBush School of Government & Public ServiceEDD, University of Houston, 2005, scialdone, Michael, Clinical Associate ProfessorInformation & Operations MgmtPHD, Syracuse University, 2014, 2022-2023 Texas A&M University The Fulbright Program was created to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. PHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Arfaoui, Turkia, LecturerGlobal Languages & CulturesMED, Texas A&M University, 2012, Arfaoui, Turkia, LecturerInternational AffairsMED, Texas A&M University, 2012, Arizpe, Norma L, Senior LecturerGlobal Languages & CulturesMA, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1977, Arizpe, Victor, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1982, Armitage Chan, Anna R, ProfessorMarine BiologyPHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 2003, Arnold, Carolyn E, Associate ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Michigan State University, 1998 PHD, University of Georgia, 2015, Brock II, Ralph A, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorOrthodonticsDDS, Meharry Medical College, 2000, Brody, Samuel D, Regents ProfessorMarine and Coastal Environmental SciencePHD, University of North Carolina, 2002, Brooker, Rebecca J, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, Pennsylvania State University, 2011, Brooks, Charles E, Associate ProfessorHistoryPHD, University of Buffalo, 1988, Brooks, Randy, Associate Professor of the PracticeCollege of EngineeringMED, Purdue University, 2017, Brooks, Sarah D, ProfessorAtmospheric SciencesPHD, University of Colorado, 2002, Brothers, Edward N, ProfessorChemistryPHD, Pennsylvania State University, 1997, Broussard, Albert S, ProfessorHistoryPHD, Duke University, 1977, Brown Philip, Associate ProfessorFoundational SciencesPHD, Texas A&M University, 2000, Brown, Alexander L, ProfessorEconomicsPHD, California Institute of Technology, 2008, Brown, Lawrence S, Instructional Associate ProfessorChemistryPHD, Princeton University, 1986, Brown, Maureen D, Clinical Assistant ProfessorDental HygieneMS, Texas A&M University Commerce, 2020, Brown, Robert D, ProfessorLand Arch & Urban PlanningPHD, University of Guelph, 1985 LLM, The Geneva Academy of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, 2010, Harrison, Stephen D, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, The University of Texas at Austin, 1982, Hartberg, Yasha M, LecturerVet Integrative BiosciencesPHD, Binghamton University, 2016, Hartell, Julie Ann, Assistant ProfessorConstruction SciencePHD, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2014, Hartl, Darren, Associate ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Hartl, Darren J, Associate ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Harwell, William R, Assistant Professor of the PracticeRecreation, Park & Tourism ScMS, Memphis State University, 1980, Hasan, Abu Rashid, Research ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, University of Waterloo, 1979, Hasan, M M Faruque, Associate ProfessorChemical EngineeringPHD, National University of Singapore, 2010, Hascakir, Berna, Associate ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, Middle East Technical University, 2008, Hasnain, Zohaib, Assistant ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of Maryland, 2014, Hassan, Ibrahim, ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, Manitoba University, 1995, Hassan, Yassin A, University Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMechanical Engineering-QatarPHD, University of Illinois, 1980, Hassan, Yassin A, University Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorNuclear EngineeringPHD, University of Illinois, 1980, Hatfield, April L, Associate ProfessorHistoryPHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1997, Hatfield, Lloyd K, Instructional Assistant ProfessorStatisticsMBA, University of North Texas, 1980, Havens, Jessica M, LecturerCommunication & JournalismMA, Colgate University, 2012, Hawk, Nathan, Clinical Assistant ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, The Ohio State University, 2021, Hawkins, Andrew G, Assistant Professor of the PracticeArchitectureMAR, University of Oregon, 1999, Hawkins, Angela K, Senior LecturerBiologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Hawthorne, Melanie, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1987, Hawthorne, Melanie, ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1987, Hay, Heather N, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, The University of Texas, 2008, Hays, Dirk B, ProfessorSoil & Crop SciencesPHD, University of Calgary, 1997, He, Ping, ProfessorBiochemistry & BiophysicsPHD, Kansas State University, 2003, He, Weiling, Associate ProfessorArchitecturePHD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005, Head, Michael, LecturerFinanceBS, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1980, Head, Michael J, Executive Assistant ProfessorAccountingBS, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1980, Heaps, Cristine L, Associate ProfessorVet Physiology & PharmacologyPHD, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1999, Heath, Amy K, LecturerEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2012, Heatley, Jennifer J, Associate ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1995, Hecker, Siegfried, Professor Of The PracticeNuclear EngineeringPHD, Case Western Reserve University, 1968, Heffer Jr, Robert W, Clinical ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1988, Hegde, Rashmi, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPeriodonticsDDS, Bangalore University, India, 1999, Heidarzadeh, Anoosheh, Visiting Assistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Carleton University, 2012, Heidtke, Jonathan, Professor of the PracticeKinesiology & Sport ManagementBS, Texas A&M University, 1981, Heim, Gregory R, ProfessorInformation & Operations MgmtPHD, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2000, Hein, Travis, ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M University, 1997, Heinz, Justin A, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, Purdue University, 2012, Heinz, Kevin M, Senior ProfessorEntomologyPHD, University of California at Riverside, 1989, Heird, James C, Executive ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, Texas Tech University, 1978, Helge, Kristyn, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, South Texas College of Law Houston, 2001 PHD, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), 2007, Reddy, Anil K, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPediatric DentistryDDS, Columbia University, 1994, Reddy, Doodipala S, ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Panjab University, India, 1998, Reddy, Indra K, ProfessorPharmaceutical SciencesPHD, University of Florida, 1989, Reddy, Junuthula, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 1974, Reddy, Junuthula N, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 1974, Reddy, Junuthula N, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 1974, Reddy, Likith V, Clinical ProfessorOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryMD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2000 MLA, Clemson University, 2013, Song, Yifan, Assistant ProfessorManagementPHD, University of Florida, 2019, Song, Youn K, Research Assistant ProfessorOcean EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2013, Sorenson, Matthew, ProfessorSchool of NursingPHD, Loyola University, 2002, Sorescu, Alina, ProfessorMarketingPHD, University of Houston, 2002, Sorescu, Sorin M, ProfessorFinancePHD, University of Florida, 1996, Sorg, Joseph A, ProfessorBiologyPHD, University of Chicago, 2006, Sottile, Frank J, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Chicago, 1994, Soukiassian, Yeran, Senior LecturerDivision of Arts and Sciences-QatarMS, American University of Beirut, 2007, Soukiassian, Yeran M, Senior LecturerMathematicsMS, American University of Beirut, 2007, Spalink, Angenette Marie, Assistant ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsPHD, Bowling Green State University, 2014, Spalink, Daniel, Assistant ProfessorEcology and Conservation BiologyPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2015, Sparks, Cathryn, Instructional Associate ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesPHD, Louisiana State University, 2012, Sparks, David W, ProfessorGeology & GeophysicsPHD, Brown University, 1992, Spath, Jeffrey B, ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, Mining University of Leoben, Austria, 1996, Spears, Craig M, Senior LecturerCollege of EngineeringMEN, Texas A&M University, 2004, Speed, Fred, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionJD, Ohio State University, 1995 PHD, Michigan State University, 2011, Jordan, Bethany, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, University of Texas at Arlington, 2021, Joseph, Merlyn L, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, 2012, Joshi, R M, ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, University of South Carolina, 1976, Josvoll, Kristin K, Instructional Assistant ProfessorLiberal StudiesMA, Johns Hopkins University, 2015, Junkins, John L, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 1969, Juntune, Joyce E, Instructional ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 1997, Juras, Rytis, Research Assistant ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesDVM, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, 2000 How you choose to handle it impacts your business. Consider donating blood this winter at the UW Tower, UW Health Sciences Building, Paccar Hall, UW Police Department, Population Health Building, or Cascadia College. PHD, University of Maryland, 1996, Vemulapalli, Tracy H, Clinical Associate ProfessorVeterinary PathobiologyDVM, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, 1998, Venkatayan, Natarajan, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, Chengalpattu Medical College, 1988, Verduzco Jr, Rene A, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 2011, Verhoef, Aart, Assistant ProfessorSoil & Crop SciencesPHD, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, 2007, Verhulst, Bradley, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Stony Brook University, 2010, Verhulst, Shaunna, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 2010, Verma, Alok, ProfessorMarine Engineering TechnologyPHD, Old Dominion University, 2005, Verma, Suzanne, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryMMS, Universityi of Illinois at Chicago, 2001, Versaw, Wayne K, ProfessorBiologyPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1995, Vess, Matthew K, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Missouri, 2010, Vestal, Evan D, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMBA, Sam Houston State University, 1998, Vickers, Erica, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, University of Texas Medical Branch, 2019, Vidakovic, Branislav, ProfessorStatisticsPHD, Purdue University, 1992, Vigus, Glen, LecturerSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsMED, Texas A&M University, 2005, Vilaros, Teresa M, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Georgia, 1989, Villalon-Arriaga, Lorena, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, Texas A&M University, 2021, Villareal, Samuel S, Senior LecturerElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Texas A&M University, 1999, Viruru, Radhika, Clinical ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 1998, Viser, Victor J, Instructional Associate ProfessorLiberal StudiesPHD, Temple University, 1995, Voelker, Gary, ProfessorEcology and Conservation BiologyPHD, University of Washington, 1998, Voges Gariepy, Andra-Kay, Clinical ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1991, Vogle, Gregory, Professor Of The PracticeInternational AffairsBA, The Citadel, 1981, Von Gonten, William, Adjunct ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringBS, Texas A&M University, 1988, Von Vacano, Diego A, ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD, Princeton University, 2003, Voneiff, George W, Professor of the PracticePetroleum EngineeringMS, Texas A&M University, 1992, Vorobets, Mariya, Instructional Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Lviv National University, 2004, Vorobets, Yaroslav, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1998, WAKEFIELD, JODIE, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CultureMED, Texas A&M University, 2010, Waas, Jack R, Senior LecturerChemistryPHD, University of Michigan, 1997, Wachsmann, Shelley A, ProfessorAnthropologyPHD, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University, 1991, Wade, Pauline, Associate Professor of the PracticeComputer Science & EngineeringMS, Columbia University, 1991, Waer, Amy, Clinical ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, University of Arizona, 1992, Waer, Richard, Associate Professor of the PracticeNuclear EngineeringBS, University of Arizona, 1989, Waite, Lucy J, Instructional ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementMS, Texas A&M University, 2008, Wakefield, Karen J, Instructional Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M University, 2014, Walewski, John A, Associate Professor of the PracticeCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2005, Walichowski, Miranda F, Clinical Associate ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Walker, Darrell, LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Texas A&M University, 2014, Walker, Duncan M, ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 1986, Walker, Tennessee, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Baylor University School of Law, 2008, Wallace, Darrell, Professor of the PracticeEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, The Ohio State University, 2006, Wallace, James, LecturerInternational AffairsPHD, Boston University, Graduate School of Arts/Science, 2018 Our Team VMS, Inc. April 3, 2017 December 18, 2020. Seeking more input, more information, more constructive criticism about what I should and shouldnt be doing, he told reporters. MSD, Baylor University Waco, 1979, Simpson, Claudine L, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 2005, Simpson, Hannah, Assistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceJD, Harvard Law School, 2009 PHD, University of Alberta, Canada, 1992, Wang, Xi, Assistant ProfessorConstruction SciencePHD, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, 2022, Wang, Xiaofang, Associate ProfessorBiomedical SciencesPHD, Fourth Military Medical University, China, 2003 MPA, New York University Wagner, 2014, Ng, Desmond W, Associate ProfessorAgricultural EconomicsPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001, Nghiem, Peter P, Assistant ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesDVM, Texas A&M University, 2008 PHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994, Mortari, Daniele, ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University La Sapienza of Rome, 1980, Mortazavi, Jack B, Assistant ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 2014, Morton, Aaron, Assistant ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementPHD, University of Florida, 2018, Moscarello, Justin M, Assistant ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2010, Moser Melanie, Instructional ProfessorFoundational SciencesPHD, University of Houston, 1977, Mosley, Buffy, Assistant ProfessorMarketingPHD, Emory University, 2020, Mostafavidarani, Ali, Associate ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Purdue University, 2013, Mostashari, Shalah, LecturerInternational AffairsPHD, University of Texas at Austin, 2010, Moyes, Rita J, Instructional Associate ProfessorBiologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 1992, Moyna, Maria I, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Florida, 2000, Mu, Ren, Associate ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, Michigan State University, 2004, Muehlmann, Brigitte, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawPHD, Vienna University of Economics, 1995, Mufich, Martin W, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingMSN, The University of Texas, 2015, Muhl, Rika, LecturerRangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries ManagementPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Mulcahy, Angela M, Clinical Associate ProfessorSchool of NursingPHD, University of Texas at Tyler, 2018, Mulenga, Albert, ProfessorVeterinary PathobiologyPHD, Hokkaido University, 1999, Muliana, Hanifah, ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004, Mulkerrins, Martin, Instructional Assistant ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementMAR, University College Dublin, 2018, Mullen, Christine A, Senior LecturerChemistryPHD, University of California at San Diego, 2000, Mullet, John E, ProfessorBiochemistry & BiophysicsPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1981, Mulvaney, Timothy, Adjunct ProfessorMarine and Coastal Environmental ScienceJD, Villanova University School of Law, 2004, Mulvaney, Timothy M, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Villanova University School of Law, 2004, Muneoka, Ken, ProfessorVet Physiology & PharmacologyPHD, University of California at Irvine, 1983, Munns, Thomas G, LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMEN, Texas A&M University, 1982, Munoz Vazquez, Aldo, Instructional Assistant ProfessorMultidisciplinary EngineeringPHD, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados, 2017, Munro, Robert, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of Iowa, 1973 Davies, Peter J. Barnes, Stephen B. Gordon, 1243 Schamberger Freeway Apt. PHD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1993, Cantrell Jr, Pierce E, Senior Associate ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1981, Cantrell, Emily S, Clinical Associate ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 2008, Cantrell-Bruce, Tosha, LecturerBush School of Government & Public ServicePHD, University of Illinois at Springfield, 2008, Cantu, Justin, LecturerMathematicsPHD, Texas A&M University, 2019, Capar, Ismail, Associate ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Mississippi State University, 2007, Capareda, Sergio C, ProfessorBiological & Agricultural EngPHD, Texas A&M University, 1990, Capraro, Mary M, ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, University of Southern Mississippi, 2000, Capraro, Robert M, ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, University of Southern Mississippi, 2000, Cardoso De Cardoso, Leonardo, Associate ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2013 Ocean acidification threatens Washingtons oysters and the larger food web so UW researchers are helping the shellfish industry adapt and protect the regions ecosystem. LLM, The George Washington University Law School, 2012, Barondeau, David P, Associate ProfessorChemistryPHD, Texas A&M University, 1996, Barr, Andrew C, Associate ProfessorEconomicsPHD, University of Virginia, 2015, Barrett, Jeannie, Senior LecturerAccountingMBA, Sam Houston State University, 2002, Barrett, Julie, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CultureEDD, Sam Houston State University, 2013, Barrington, Jennifer J, Clinical Associate ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1996, Barron, Christine, Instructional Assistant ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesDVM, Ross University, School of Veterinary Medicine, 2012, Barroso, Luciana R, Associate ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Stanford University, 1999, Barrows, Timothy, Assistant Professor of the PracticeMaritime TransportationBS, Texas A&M University at Galveston, 2017, Barrufet, Maria A, ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 1987, Barry, Adam, ProfessorHealth BehaviorPHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Barteau, Mark A, ProfessorChemical EngineeringPHD, Stanford University, 1981, Bartel, Michael, Assistant ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, Cornell University, 2017, Bartoskewitz, Patricia, Executive ProfessorAccountingMS, Texas A&M University, 1991, Baskin, Dean R, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Stanford University, 2010, Bassichis, William H, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Case Western Reserve University, 1963, Bastian, Peter A, Professor of the PracticePetroleum EngineeringMS, Texas A&M University, 1983, Batista, Paul J, Associate ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementJD, Baylor University, 1976, Batteas, James D, ProfessorChemistryPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1995, Batteas, James D, ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1995, Battle III, Guy A, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Duke University, 1977, Baudier, Florent P, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Universite De Besancon, 2010, Baumann, Todd M, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 2002, Bausseron, Sylvie, Senior LecturerGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999, Bausseron, Sylvie, Senior LecturerInternational AffairsPHD, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999, Baxter, Douglas, Instructional ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, University of Texas, 1981, Bayat, Noushin, Visiting Professor of the PracticeEng Tech & Ind DistributionEDD, Pepperdine University, 2018, Bayless, Kayla J, Associate ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M University, 1999, Bazan, Daniela Z, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, The University of Texas, 2011, Bazer, Fuller W, Distinguished ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, North Carolina State University, 1969, Bazzi, Hassan, ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, McGill University, 2003, Bazzi, Hassan S, ProfessorChemistryPHD, McGill University, 2003, Bearce, David, ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, The Ohio State University, 2001, Beasley, John, Instructional Assistant ProfessorLand Arch & Urban PlanningMS, Texas A&M University, 2015, Beathard, Karen, Senior LecturerNutritionMS, Texas Woman's University, Denton, 1990, Beatty, Robert C, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, University of Buffalo - The State University of New York, 1989, Beaver, Bonnie V, ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Minnesota, 1968, Becker, Aaron C, Clinical Associate ProfessorInformation & Operations MgmtPHD, University of Oklahoma, 2009, Becker, Cecily, Senior LecturerSchool of LawJD, Gonzaga University, 1997, Becker, Katrin, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, University of Bonn, 1994, Becker, Kristin, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at El Paso, 2019, Becker, Mauro R, Professor of the PracticeGeology & GeophysicsPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 1996, Begley, Tadhg P, University Distinguished ProfessorChemistryPHD, California Institute of Technology, 1983, Begovic, Miroslav M, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1989, Behmer, Spencer T, ProfessorEntomologyPHD, University of Arizona, 1998, Behzadan, Amir H, ProfessorConstruction SciencePHD, University of Michigan, 2008, Belanger, Christina L, Assistant ProfessorGeology & GeophysicsPHD, University of Chicago, IL, 2011, Belic, Milivoj, ProfessorDivision of Arts and Sciences-QatarPHD, The City University of New York, 1980, Belic, Milivoj R, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, The City University of New York, 1980, Bell, Colin S, Adjunct ProfessorOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1979, Bell, Shelia Brooke, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Texas A&M University, 2016, Bell-Pedersen, Deborah, ProfessorBiologyPHD, State University of New York at Albany, 1991, Bellows, Charles T, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Southern Methodist University, 1976, Belshe, Elizabeth, Instructional Assistant ProfessorEcology and Conservation BiologyPHD, University of Florida, 2013, Beltran, Liliana O, Associate ProfessorArchitecturePHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1997, Belyanin, Alexey A, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995, Benavides Iglesias, Alfonso, LecturerGeology & GeophysicsPHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Benden, Mark E, ProfessorEnvironmental & Occptnl HlthPHD, Texas A&M University, 2006, Benden, Mark E, ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2006, Bender, Steven D, Clinical Associate ProfessorOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1986, Bengali, Ashfaq A, ProfessorChemistryPHD, University of Minnesota, 1992, Benjamin, Chandler C, Research Assistant ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2017, Bennett Jr, George K, Senior ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, Texas Tech University, 1970, Bennett, Brad S, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScPHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Bennett, Gregg R, ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementPHD, Auburn University, 1997, Benson, M D, Associate ProfessorBiomedical SciencesPHD, University of Michigan, 2000, Benson, Monica A, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Texas Wesleyan University School of Law, 2005, Bento, Pedro M, Associate ProfessorEconomicsPHD, University of Toronto, 2013, Benzerga, Amine A, ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Mines De Paris, 2000, Benzerga, Amine A, ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Mines De Paris, 2000, Beremand, Phillip D, Lab InstructorBiologyPHD, Indiana University at Bloomington, 1979, Bergbreiter, David E, Regents ProfessorChemistryPHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974, Bergeron, Christine, Clinical ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsMFA, Florida State University, 1998, Berghman, Luc R, ProfessorPoultry SciencePHD, University of Leuven, Belgium, 1987, Bergman, Mindy E, ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001, Berkolaiko, Gregory, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Bristol, 1997, Bermudez Ospina, Jose L, ProfessorPhilosophy & HumanitiesPhD, Cambridge University, 1992, Bernal, Julio S, ProfessorEntomologyPHD, University of California at Riverside, 1995, Bernard, Jessica A, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Michigan, 2012, Bernardo, Joseph, Research Associate ProfessorBiologyPHD, Duke University, 1991, Berry, Leonard L, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMarketingPHD, Arizona State University, 1968, Bethel, Ryan D, Senior LecturerChemistryPHD, Texas A&M University, 2014, Bettati, Riccardo, ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, University of Illinois, 1994, Betz, Timm, Assistant ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD, University of Michigan, 2015, Beyerlein, Michael M, ProfessorEduc Admn & Human Resource DevPHD, Colorado State University, 1986, Bezerra de Matos, Rodrigo, Visiting Assistant ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Michigan State University, 2020, Bhattacharya, Anirban, ProfessorStatisticsPHD, Duke University, 2012, Bhattacharya, Nandini, ProfessorEnglishPHD, University of Rochester, 1992, Bhattacharya, Raktim, ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University of Minnesota, 2003, Bhattacharyya, S P, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Rice University, 1971, Bhattarai, Muna, Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingPHD, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 2021, Bhesaniya, Kalpesh, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, MGM Medical College, 2007, Bickham, Troy, ProfessorHistoryPHD, University of Oxford, 2001, Bieber, Susanne C, Assistant ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsPHD, Freie Universitat Berlin, 2012, Bierman, Leonard, ProfessorManagementJD, University of Pennsylvania Law School, 1978, Billingsley, Andrew, Assistant LecturerArchitectureMS, Texas A&M University, 2020, Bilof, Katherine, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Missouri, Columbia, 2012, Birchfield, Adam, Assistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Birdwell, Randall P, Associate Professor of the PracticeConstruction ScienceBEN, Texas A&M University, 1978, Birely, Anna C, Associate ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, University of Washington, 2012, Bishop, Michael P, ProfessorGeographyPHD, Indiana State University, 1987, Bissett Jr, Wesley T, Associate ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1997 Amtrak Police Retirement,
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PHD, Texas A&M University, 1997, Zoran, Mark J, ProfessorBiologyPHD, Iowa State University, 1987, Zou, Jun, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, University of Illinois, 2002, Zou, Lei, Assistant ProfessorGeographyPHD, Louisiana State University, 2017, Zou, Na, Assistant ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Arizona State University, 2015, Zou, Na, Assistant ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, Arizona State University, 2015, Zubairy, Muhammad S, University Distinguished ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, University of Rochester, 1979, Zubairy, Sarah, ProfessorEconomicsPHD, Duke University, 2010, Zuniga, Kelly J, LecturerBush School of Government & Public ServiceEDD, University of Houston, 2005, scialdone, Michael, Clinical Associate ProfessorInformation & Operations MgmtPHD, Syracuse University, 2014, 2022-2023 Texas A&M University The Fulbright Program was created to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. PHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Arfaoui, Turkia, LecturerGlobal Languages & CulturesMED, Texas A&M University, 2012, Arfaoui, Turkia, LecturerInternational AffairsMED, Texas A&M University, 2012, Arizpe, Norma L, Senior LecturerGlobal Languages & CulturesMA, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1977, Arizpe, Victor, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1982, Armitage Chan, Anna R, ProfessorMarine BiologyPHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 2003, Arnold, Carolyn E, Associate ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Michigan State University, 1998 PHD, University of Georgia, 2015, Brock II, Ralph A, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorOrthodonticsDDS, Meharry Medical College, 2000, Brody, Samuel D, Regents ProfessorMarine and Coastal Environmental SciencePHD, University of North Carolina, 2002, Brooker, Rebecca J, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, Pennsylvania State University, 2011, Brooks, Charles E, Associate ProfessorHistoryPHD, University of Buffalo, 1988, Brooks, Randy, Associate Professor of the PracticeCollege of EngineeringMED, Purdue University, 2017, Brooks, Sarah D, ProfessorAtmospheric SciencesPHD, University of Colorado, 2002, Brothers, Edward N, ProfessorChemistryPHD, Pennsylvania State University, 1997, Broussard, Albert S, ProfessorHistoryPHD, Duke University, 1977, Brown Philip, Associate ProfessorFoundational SciencesPHD, Texas A&M University, 2000, Brown, Alexander L, ProfessorEconomicsPHD, California Institute of Technology, 2008, Brown, Lawrence S, Instructional Associate ProfessorChemistryPHD, Princeton University, 1986, Brown, Maureen D, Clinical Assistant ProfessorDental HygieneMS, Texas A&M University Commerce, 2020, Brown, Robert D, ProfessorLand Arch & Urban PlanningPHD, University of Guelph, 1985 LLM, The Geneva Academy of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, 2010, Harrison, Stephen D, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, The University of Texas at Austin, 1982, Hartberg, Yasha M, LecturerVet Integrative BiosciencesPHD, Binghamton University, 2016, Hartell, Julie Ann, Assistant ProfessorConstruction SciencePHD, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2014, Hartl, Darren, Associate ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Hartl, Darren J, Associate ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Harwell, William R, Assistant Professor of the PracticeRecreation, Park & Tourism ScMS, Memphis State University, 1980, Hasan, Abu Rashid, Research ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, University of Waterloo, 1979, Hasan, M M Faruque, Associate ProfessorChemical EngineeringPHD, National University of Singapore, 2010, Hascakir, Berna, Associate ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, Middle East Technical University, 2008, Hasnain, Zohaib, Assistant ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of Maryland, 2014, Hassan, Ibrahim, ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, Manitoba University, 1995, Hassan, Yassin A, University Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMechanical Engineering-QatarPHD, University of Illinois, 1980, Hassan, Yassin A, University Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorNuclear EngineeringPHD, University of Illinois, 1980, Hatfield, April L, Associate ProfessorHistoryPHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1997, Hatfield, Lloyd K, Instructional Assistant ProfessorStatisticsMBA, University of North Texas, 1980, Havens, Jessica M, LecturerCommunication & JournalismMA, Colgate University, 2012, Hawk, Nathan, Clinical Assistant ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, The Ohio State University, 2021, Hawkins, Andrew G, Assistant Professor of the PracticeArchitectureMAR, University of Oregon, 1999, Hawkins, Angela K, Senior LecturerBiologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Hawthorne, Melanie, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1987, Hawthorne, Melanie, ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1987, Hay, Heather N, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, The University of Texas, 2008, Hays, Dirk B, ProfessorSoil & Crop SciencesPHD, University of Calgary, 1997, He, Ping, ProfessorBiochemistry & BiophysicsPHD, Kansas State University, 2003, He, Weiling, Associate ProfessorArchitecturePHD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005, Head, Michael, LecturerFinanceBS, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1980, Head, Michael J, Executive Assistant ProfessorAccountingBS, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1980, Heaps, Cristine L, Associate ProfessorVet Physiology & PharmacologyPHD, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1999, Heath, Amy K, LecturerEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2012, Heatley, Jennifer J, Associate ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1995, Hecker, Siegfried, Professor Of The PracticeNuclear EngineeringPHD, Case Western Reserve University, 1968, Heffer Jr, Robert W, Clinical ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1988, Hegde, Rashmi, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPeriodonticsDDS, Bangalore University, India, 1999, Heidarzadeh, Anoosheh, Visiting Assistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Carleton University, 2012, Heidtke, Jonathan, Professor of the PracticeKinesiology & Sport ManagementBS, Texas A&M University, 1981, Heim, Gregory R, ProfessorInformation & Operations MgmtPHD, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2000, Hein, Travis, ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M University, 1997, Heinz, Justin A, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, Purdue University, 2012, Heinz, Kevin M, Senior ProfessorEntomologyPHD, University of California at Riverside, 1989, Heird, James C, Executive ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, Texas Tech University, 1978, Helge, Kristyn, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, South Texas College of Law Houston, 2001 PHD, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), 2007, Reddy, Anil K, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPediatric DentistryDDS, Columbia University, 1994, Reddy, Doodipala S, ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Panjab University, India, 1998, Reddy, Indra K, ProfessorPharmaceutical SciencesPHD, University of Florida, 1989, Reddy, Junuthula, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 1974, Reddy, Junuthula N, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 1974, Reddy, Junuthula N, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 1974, Reddy, Likith V, Clinical ProfessorOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryMD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2000 MLA, Clemson University, 2013, Song, Yifan, Assistant ProfessorManagementPHD, University of Florida, 2019, Song, Youn K, Research Assistant ProfessorOcean EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2013, Sorenson, Matthew, ProfessorSchool of NursingPHD, Loyola University, 2002, Sorescu, Alina, ProfessorMarketingPHD, University of Houston, 2002, Sorescu, Sorin M, ProfessorFinancePHD, University of Florida, 1996, Sorg, Joseph A, ProfessorBiologyPHD, University of Chicago, 2006, Sottile, Frank J, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Chicago, 1994, Soukiassian, Yeran, Senior LecturerDivision of Arts and Sciences-QatarMS, American University of Beirut, 2007, Soukiassian, Yeran M, Senior LecturerMathematicsMS, American University of Beirut, 2007, Spalink, Angenette Marie, Assistant ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsPHD, Bowling Green State University, 2014, Spalink, Daniel, Assistant ProfessorEcology and Conservation BiologyPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2015, Sparks, Cathryn, Instructional Associate ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesPHD, Louisiana State University, 2012, Sparks, David W, ProfessorGeology & GeophysicsPHD, Brown University, 1992, Spath, Jeffrey B, ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, Mining University of Leoben, Austria, 1996, Spears, Craig M, Senior LecturerCollege of EngineeringMEN, Texas A&M University, 2004, Speed, Fred, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionJD, Ohio State University, 1995 PHD, Michigan State University, 2011, Jordan, Bethany, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, University of Texas at Arlington, 2021, Joseph, Merlyn L, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, 2012, Joshi, R M, ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, University of South Carolina, 1976, Josvoll, Kristin K, Instructional Assistant ProfessorLiberal StudiesMA, Johns Hopkins University, 2015, Junkins, John L, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 1969, Juntune, Joyce E, Instructional ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 1997, Juras, Rytis, Research Assistant ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesDVM, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, 2000 How you choose to handle it impacts your business. Consider donating blood this winter at the UW Tower, UW Health Sciences Building, Paccar Hall, UW Police Department, Population Health Building, or Cascadia College. PHD, University of Maryland, 1996, Vemulapalli, Tracy H, Clinical Associate ProfessorVeterinary PathobiologyDVM, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, 1998, Venkatayan, Natarajan, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, Chengalpattu Medical College, 1988, Verduzco Jr, Rene A, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 2011, Verhoef, Aart, Assistant ProfessorSoil & Crop SciencesPHD, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, 2007, Verhulst, Bradley, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Stony Brook University, 2010, Verhulst, Shaunna, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 2010, Verma, Alok, ProfessorMarine Engineering TechnologyPHD, Old Dominion University, 2005, Verma, Suzanne, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryMMS, Universityi of Illinois at Chicago, 2001, Versaw, Wayne K, ProfessorBiologyPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1995, Vess, Matthew K, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Missouri, 2010, Vestal, Evan D, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMBA, Sam Houston State University, 1998, Vickers, Erica, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, University of Texas Medical Branch, 2019, Vidakovic, Branislav, ProfessorStatisticsPHD, Purdue University, 1992, Vigus, Glen, LecturerSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsMED, Texas A&M University, 2005, Vilaros, Teresa M, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Georgia, 1989, Villalon-Arriaga, Lorena, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, Texas A&M University, 2021, Villareal, Samuel S, Senior LecturerElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Texas A&M University, 1999, Viruru, Radhika, Clinical ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 1998, Viser, Victor J, Instructional Associate ProfessorLiberal StudiesPHD, Temple University, 1995, Voelker, Gary, ProfessorEcology and Conservation BiologyPHD, University of Washington, 1998, Voges Gariepy, Andra-Kay, Clinical ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1991, Vogle, Gregory, Professor Of The PracticeInternational AffairsBA, The Citadel, 1981, Von Gonten, William, Adjunct ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringBS, Texas A&M University, 1988, Von Vacano, Diego A, ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD, Princeton University, 2003, Voneiff, George W, Professor of the PracticePetroleum EngineeringMS, Texas A&M University, 1992, Vorobets, Mariya, Instructional Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Lviv National University, 2004, Vorobets, Yaroslav, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1998, WAKEFIELD, JODIE, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CultureMED, Texas A&M University, 2010, Waas, Jack R, Senior LecturerChemistryPHD, University of Michigan, 1997, Wachsmann, Shelley A, ProfessorAnthropologyPHD, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University, 1991, Wade, Pauline, Associate Professor of the PracticeComputer Science & EngineeringMS, Columbia University, 1991, Waer, Amy, Clinical ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, University of Arizona, 1992, Waer, Richard, Associate Professor of the PracticeNuclear EngineeringBS, University of Arizona, 1989, Waite, Lucy J, Instructional ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementMS, Texas A&M University, 2008, Wakefield, Karen J, Instructional Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M University, 2014, Walewski, John A, Associate Professor of the PracticeCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2005, Walichowski, Miranda F, Clinical Associate ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Walker, Darrell, LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Texas A&M University, 2014, Walker, Duncan M, ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 1986, Walker, Tennessee, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Baylor University School of Law, 2008, Wallace, Darrell, Professor of the PracticeEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, The Ohio State University, 2006, Wallace, James, LecturerInternational AffairsPHD, Boston University, Graduate School of Arts/Science, 2018 Our Team VMS, Inc. April 3, 2017 December 18, 2020. Seeking more input, more information, more constructive criticism about what I should and shouldnt be doing, he told reporters. MSD, Baylor University Waco, 1979, Simpson, Claudine L, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 2005, Simpson, Hannah, Assistant ProfessorPolitical ScienceJD, Harvard Law School, 2009 PHD, University of Alberta, Canada, 1992, Wang, Xi, Assistant ProfessorConstruction SciencePHD, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, 2022, Wang, Xiaofang, Associate ProfessorBiomedical SciencesPHD, Fourth Military Medical University, China, 2003 MPA, New York University Wagner, 2014, Ng, Desmond W, Associate ProfessorAgricultural EconomicsPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001, Nghiem, Peter P, Assistant ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesDVM, Texas A&M University, 2008 PHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994, Mortari, Daniele, ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University La Sapienza of Rome, 1980, Mortazavi, Jack B, Assistant ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 2014, Morton, Aaron, Assistant ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementPHD, University of Florida, 2018, Moscarello, Justin M, Assistant ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2010, Moser Melanie, Instructional ProfessorFoundational SciencesPHD, University of Houston, 1977, Mosley, Buffy, Assistant ProfessorMarketingPHD, Emory University, 2020, Mostafavidarani, Ali, Associate ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Purdue University, 2013, Mostashari, Shalah, LecturerInternational AffairsPHD, University of Texas at Austin, 2010, Moyes, Rita J, Instructional Associate ProfessorBiologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 1992, Moyna, Maria I, ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Florida, 2000, Mu, Ren, Associate ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, Michigan State University, 2004, Muehlmann, Brigitte, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawPHD, Vienna University of Economics, 1995, Mufich, Martin W, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingMSN, The University of Texas, 2015, Muhl, Rika, LecturerRangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries ManagementPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Mulcahy, Angela M, Clinical Associate ProfessorSchool of NursingPHD, University of Texas at Tyler, 2018, Mulenga, Albert, ProfessorVeterinary PathobiologyPHD, Hokkaido University, 1999, Muliana, Hanifah, ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004, Mulkerrins, Martin, Instructional Assistant ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementMAR, University College Dublin, 2018, Mullen, Christine A, Senior LecturerChemistryPHD, University of California at San Diego, 2000, Mullet, John E, ProfessorBiochemistry & BiophysicsPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1981, Mulvaney, Timothy, Adjunct ProfessorMarine and Coastal Environmental ScienceJD, Villanova University School of Law, 2004, Mulvaney, Timothy M, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Villanova University School of Law, 2004, Muneoka, Ken, ProfessorVet Physiology & PharmacologyPHD, University of California at Irvine, 1983, Munns, Thomas G, LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMEN, Texas A&M University, 1982, Munoz Vazquez, Aldo, Instructional Assistant ProfessorMultidisciplinary EngineeringPHD, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados, 2017, Munro, Robert, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of Iowa, 1973 Davies, Peter J. Barnes, Stephen B. Gordon, 1243 Schamberger Freeway Apt. PHD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1993, Cantrell Jr, Pierce E, Senior Associate ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1981, Cantrell, Emily S, Clinical Associate ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 2008, Cantrell-Bruce, Tosha, LecturerBush School of Government & Public ServicePHD, University of Illinois at Springfield, 2008, Cantu, Justin, LecturerMathematicsPHD, Texas A&M University, 2019, Capar, Ismail, Associate ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Mississippi State University, 2007, Capareda, Sergio C, ProfessorBiological & Agricultural EngPHD, Texas A&M University, 1990, Capraro, Mary M, ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, University of Southern Mississippi, 2000, Capraro, Robert M, ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, University of Southern Mississippi, 2000, Cardoso De Cardoso, Leonardo, Associate ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2013 Ocean acidification threatens Washingtons oysters and the larger food web so UW researchers are helping the shellfish industry adapt and protect the regions ecosystem. LLM, The George Washington University Law School, 2012, Barondeau, David P, Associate ProfessorChemistryPHD, Texas A&M University, 1996, Barr, Andrew C, Associate ProfessorEconomicsPHD, University of Virginia, 2015, Barrett, Jeannie, Senior LecturerAccountingMBA, Sam Houston State University, 2002, Barrett, Julie, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CultureEDD, Sam Houston State University, 2013, Barrington, Jennifer J, Clinical Associate ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1996, Barron, Christine, Instructional Assistant ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesDVM, Ross University, School of Veterinary Medicine, 2012, Barroso, Luciana R, Associate ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Stanford University, 1999, Barrows, Timothy, Assistant Professor of the PracticeMaritime TransportationBS, Texas A&M University at Galveston, 2017, Barrufet, Maria A, ProfessorPetroleum EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 1987, Barry, Adam, ProfessorHealth BehaviorPHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Barteau, Mark A, ProfessorChemical EngineeringPHD, Stanford University, 1981, Bartel, Michael, Assistant ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, Cornell University, 2017, Bartoskewitz, Patricia, Executive ProfessorAccountingMS, Texas A&M University, 1991, Baskin, Dean R, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Stanford University, 2010, Bassichis, William H, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Case Western Reserve University, 1963, Bastian, Peter A, Professor of the PracticePetroleum EngineeringMS, Texas A&M University, 1983, Batista, Paul J, Associate ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementJD, Baylor University, 1976, Batteas, James D, ProfessorChemistryPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1995, Batteas, James D, ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1995, Battle III, Guy A, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Duke University, 1977, Baudier, Florent P, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Universite De Besancon, 2010, Baumann, Todd M, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 2002, Bausseron, Sylvie, Senior LecturerGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999, Bausseron, Sylvie, Senior LecturerInternational AffairsPHD, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999, Baxter, Douglas, Instructional ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, University of Texas, 1981, Bayat, Noushin, Visiting Professor of the PracticeEng Tech & Ind DistributionEDD, Pepperdine University, 2018, Bayless, Kayla J, Associate ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M University, 1999, Bazan, Daniela Z, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, The University of Texas, 2011, Bazer, Fuller W, Distinguished ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, North Carolina State University, 1969, Bazzi, Hassan, ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, McGill University, 2003, Bazzi, Hassan S, ProfessorChemistryPHD, McGill University, 2003, Bearce, David, ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, The Ohio State University, 2001, Beasley, John, Instructional Assistant ProfessorLand Arch & Urban PlanningMS, Texas A&M University, 2015, Beathard, Karen, Senior LecturerNutritionMS, Texas Woman's University, Denton, 1990, Beatty, Robert C, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, University of Buffalo - The State University of New York, 1989, Beaver, Bonnie V, ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Minnesota, 1968, Becker, Aaron C, Clinical Associate ProfessorInformation & Operations MgmtPHD, University of Oklahoma, 2009, Becker, Cecily, Senior LecturerSchool of LawJD, Gonzaga University, 1997, Becker, Katrin, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, University of Bonn, 1994, Becker, Kristin, LecturerSchool of NursingMSN, University of Texas Health Science Center at El Paso, 2019, Becker, Mauro R, Professor of the PracticeGeology & GeophysicsPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 1996, Begley, Tadhg P, University Distinguished ProfessorChemistryPHD, California Institute of Technology, 1983, Begovic, Miroslav M, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1989, Behmer, Spencer T, ProfessorEntomologyPHD, University of Arizona, 1998, Behzadan, Amir H, ProfessorConstruction SciencePHD, University of Michigan, 2008, Belanger, Christina L, Assistant ProfessorGeology & GeophysicsPHD, University of Chicago, IL, 2011, Belic, Milivoj, ProfessorDivision of Arts and Sciences-QatarPHD, The City University of New York, 1980, Belic, Milivoj R, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, The City University of New York, 1980, Bell, Colin S, Adjunct ProfessorOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1979, Bell, Shelia Brooke, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Texas A&M University, 2016, Bell-Pedersen, Deborah, ProfessorBiologyPHD, State University of New York at Albany, 1991, Bellows, Charles T, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Southern Methodist University, 1976, Belshe, Elizabeth, Instructional Assistant ProfessorEcology and Conservation BiologyPHD, University of Florida, 2013, Beltran, Liliana O, Associate ProfessorArchitecturePHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1997, Belyanin, Alexey A, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995, Benavides Iglesias, Alfonso, LecturerGeology & GeophysicsPHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Benden, Mark E, ProfessorEnvironmental & Occptnl HlthPHD, Texas A&M University, 2006, Benden, Mark E, ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2006, Bender, Steven D, Clinical Associate ProfessorOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1986, Bengali, Ashfaq A, ProfessorChemistryPHD, University of Minnesota, 1992, Benjamin, Chandler C, Research Assistant ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2017, Bennett Jr, George K, Senior ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, Texas Tech University, 1970, Bennett, Brad S, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScPHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Bennett, Gregg R, ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementPHD, Auburn University, 1997, Benson, M D, Associate ProfessorBiomedical SciencesPHD, University of Michigan, 2000, Benson, Monica A, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Texas Wesleyan University School of Law, 2005, Bento, Pedro M, Associate ProfessorEconomicsPHD, University of Toronto, 2013, Benzerga, Amine A, ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Mines De Paris, 2000, Benzerga, Amine A, ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Mines De Paris, 2000, Beremand, Phillip D, Lab InstructorBiologyPHD, Indiana University at Bloomington, 1979, Bergbreiter, David E, Regents ProfessorChemistryPHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974, Bergeron, Christine, Clinical ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsMFA, Florida State University, 1998, Berghman, Luc R, ProfessorPoultry SciencePHD, University of Leuven, Belgium, 1987, Bergman, Mindy E, ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001, Berkolaiko, Gregory, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Bristol, 1997, Bermudez Ospina, Jose L, ProfessorPhilosophy & HumanitiesPhD, Cambridge University, 1992, Bernal, Julio S, ProfessorEntomologyPHD, University of California at Riverside, 1995, Bernard, Jessica A, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Michigan, 2012, Bernardo, Joseph, Research Associate ProfessorBiologyPHD, Duke University, 1991, Berry, Leonard L, Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorMarketingPHD, Arizona State University, 1968, Bethel, Ryan D, Senior LecturerChemistryPHD, Texas A&M University, 2014, Bettati, Riccardo, ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, University of Illinois, 1994, Betz, Timm, Assistant ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD, University of Michigan, 2015, Beyerlein, Michael M, ProfessorEduc Admn & Human Resource DevPHD, Colorado State University, 1986, Bezerra de Matos, Rodrigo, Visiting Assistant ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Michigan State University, 2020, Bhattacharya, Anirban, ProfessorStatisticsPHD, Duke University, 2012, Bhattacharya, Nandini, ProfessorEnglishPHD, University of Rochester, 1992, Bhattacharya, Raktim, ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University of Minnesota, 2003, Bhattacharyya, S P, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Rice University, 1971, Bhattarai, Muna, Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingPHD, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 2021, Bhesaniya, Kalpesh, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, MGM Medical College, 2007, Bickham, Troy, ProfessorHistoryPHD, University of Oxford, 2001, Bieber, Susanne C, Assistant ProfessorSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsPHD, Freie Universitat Berlin, 2012, Bierman, Leonard, ProfessorManagementJD, University of Pennsylvania Law School, 1978, Billingsley, Andrew, Assistant LecturerArchitectureMS, Texas A&M University, 2020, Bilof, Katherine, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Missouri, Columbia, 2012, Birchfield, Adam, Assistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Birdwell, Randall P, Associate Professor of the PracticeConstruction ScienceBEN, Texas A&M University, 1978, Birely, Anna C, Associate ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, University of Washington, 2012, Bishop, Michael P, ProfessorGeographyPHD, Indiana State University, 1987, Bissett Jr, Wesley T, Associate ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1997
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