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» cultural theories of disease causation in nigeria
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cultural theories of disease causation in nigeria
Presence of worry was also seen as part of being cause of illnesses, as one female participant explained: If he is angry, then he wont do his work, he would just be distracted by worrying too much, I think that might lead to other diseases.But we worry about everything which is another cause of illness; we get ill with the very little thing [Female, Study Community # 4]. A.A. 2015. A belief of disease causation where it is thought illness is caused by misbehavior or intervention of a supernatural being. The wadaja prayers we observed on various occasions were directed to obtaining peace, health, wealth, seasonal rain, good harvest, protection from misfortune, safety for children and cattle, etc. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Disease is an important entity in healthcare. Data obtained from observations and conversations were recorded in field notes, photographs, and audio-recordings. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2007. Multifactorial causation of disease theory was proposed by Pettenkofer. Sanders Thompson VL, Johnson-Jennings M, Baumann AA, Proctor E. Use of culturally focused theoretical frameworks for adapting diabetes prevention programs: a qualitative review. For example, the research findings were shared with research participants and the local research assistants who confirmed the interpretations accurately reflected their perceptions and experiences. Peterson DR. Similar to other cultural groups in developing countries around the world [11], many of the Tehuledere people attribute illness to the wrath of supernatural forces. We will also share examples on how these common beliefs provide explanation as cause of illness and its implications in our genetic counseling profession. Theories of Disease January 20, 2022 by Sagar Aryal A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs and symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury is called a disease. Published 1 October 1921. endstream
In total, 96 people participated in focus groups. Additionally, the authors thank Mr. Teshager Shiferaw for his help in data collection and early coding. Germ theory was the third disease causation theory with a characteristic marking of the onset of infectious diseases conquest. Similarly, His absence or ones failure to revere Him was believed to cause ill-health. 2015;12:140421. Disease etiologies in non-western medical systems. 2022 Jul 4. THEORIES CONCERNING THE CAUSATION OF DISEASE. 2015 Apr;24(2):213-24. doi: 10.1007/s10897-015-9823-y. Members of the study community believes that supernatural, natural and social elements are linked to ill-health causation. Sicknesses, epidemics, contagious diseases and even death were explained in terms of punishment by enraged qolle spirits. As part of this endeavor, we will describe in this paper seven common Filipino cultural beliefs: namamana, lihi, sumpa, gaba, pasma, namaligno, and kaloob ng Diyos. Weiss RS. The theory posited that diseases were the product of environmental factors such as contaminated water, foul air, and poor hygienic conditions. The first is the monocausal view and emerges from the "conquest" of the infectious diseases. Focus groups and interviews continued until the data in the key emerging themes were saturated (i.e., key points were repeated and no significant new information was emerging) [16, 17]. We would also like to acknowledge the University of Toronto for giving the first author an opportunity to obtain advanced training in qualitative data organization and analysis during a visit to Toronto, Canada. In-depth understanding of disease causation aids in planning prevention and steps to tackle the disease in a population. Krapf L. Travels, researches and missionary labour during an eighteen years residence in Eastern Africa. Triangulation of different data collection techniques including focus group, semi-structured interview data, observations and informal interviews with study participants was a strength of the study. Traditional healing and primary care: a socio-cultural study in a rural Tehuledere community, North-Eastern Ethiopia. Terms and Conditions, Finally the themes were incorporated into a conceptual model of the participants and their beliefs and perceptions in illness causation [18]. Learning from strangers: the art and method of qualitative interview studies. He would not be able to have enough food, this affects his healthWeve become subject to Ke ijje Wode Afe Nuro (hand-to-mouth livelihood) [Male, Study Community # 3]. Diagnosing diseases in African traditional religion. The outlook regarding disease causation has changed considerably with time and advancements in science. The five study communities, selected were: Gobeya, Godguadit, Bededo, Jari and Muti-Belg. These discoveries and a host of others at the turn of the century marked a turning point in our aetiological concepts. Indigenous people often believe that Western trained doctors are not equipped to address their concerns which are can include spiritual as well as physical concerns [2]. For example, Wadaja, a communal prayer ceremony, is a common rite practiced in Tehuluedere. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders. The people in this area are members of the Amhara ethnic group and are largely Muslims. It involves praising and glorifying the sky-god and seeking his spiritual assistance to ward off evil. Cultural norms function to support the fluid operation of society, and cultural values guide people in making choices. 2005;60:691700.
They speak Amharic, Ethiopias official language. Dime (1995:30-31) argues that the diagnosis of diseases in an African traditional healing system is a twofold event. It is not publicly known how much CIA staff who have . A world survey. Webs of Causation: Epidemiological concept. The capital of the Woreda, Haik, is situated 430 kms away from Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, people use indigenous medical systems as an alternative health care service along with the biomedical health services [1, 6]. In 1877, Robert Koch (1843-1910) showed that anthrax was caused by a bacteria. Most participants were Muslims (n=92) and the rest were Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. The study communities rejoiced in their culture of eating together and sharing with those in need. Philosophy. Gender-based violence is a key factor . The site is secure. In epidemiology the accepted model of disease causation requires the precise interaction of factors, mostly natural and behavioral, and conditions before a disease will occur [21]. By using this website, you agree to our Social change theory was used in this paper. In other words, the spirits supposedly reside in some human beings and rituals and/or prayers need to be performed to withdraw the evil spirits impacting ordinary people through these human agents. GERM THEORY Germ theory: Microbes (germs) were found to be the cause for many known diseases. 4th ed. Issues identified with administration and bureaucratic frameworks dont fit well with indigenous ill-health beliefs. Durowaye M, Adeboye M, Yahaya-Kongoila S, Adaje A, et al. The health extension workers also helped to select 96 participants for 10 focus group discussions and 20 individuals (two from each focus groups) were selected purposively for follow-up individual interviews based on their demonstrated knowledge and ability to describe their experiences in the focus groups. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Winkelman M. Culture and health: applying medical anthropology. In Step 1, age was entered. Methods for Cross-Cultural Communication in Clinic Encounters. 2015;29(2):12736. In addition to that, diseases may be communicable or non-communicable. For long, man was groping in darkness about the causation of disease. The emphasis on culture in our genetic counseling training recognizes its crucial role in molding an individual's conceptualization of health, as well as other life aspects, especially since the Filipino culture is a mixture of indigenous as well as imported and borrowed elements. It would seem that any apprehensiveness is likely to have been eased, by the generally friendly and mutually respectful rapport most people have with their respective health extension workers. The culture of a people is their identity as it affords them due recognition. Microbe after microbe was discovered in quick succession gonococcus in 1847; typhoid bacillus, pneumococcus in 1880; tubercle bacillus in 1882; cholera vibrio in 1883; diphtheria bacillus in 1884, and so on. First, germ theory separated the disease from the person suffering from the disease. So if he is able to work well and come back home without any stress, he becomes healthy [Male, Study Community # 1]. The culture of the Tehuledere region reflects a mix of pre-Christian indigenous beliefs, as well as Christian, Muslim and migrant Cushitic Oromo (largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia) influences. If Allah wants you to stay healthy, you stay healthy. A. Letter to the Editor: "Orthopaedic and trauma care in low-resource settings: the burden and its challenges". Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Accordingly, people used to please the gods by prayers and offerings or used to resort to witchcraft to tame the devils. Health education and care solutions found to be effective in one system may not work as well in other settings [32]; however, some of the lessons learned from this study may be applicable to other cultural contexts with similar beliefs. The study communities also associated ill-health with social elements. Why Covid lab-leak theory is so disputed. Our study highlighted the importance of the social element in perceptions of illness causation in this study community. Nigeria | 80 views, 8 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Catalyst Specialist Health Consult CSHC: Various Cultural theories of Disease causation in Nigeria Such infections, according to the theory, were not passed between individuals but would affect those within a locale that gave rise to such vapors. Only single germ is responsible for causation of a specific disease. This study found that among the Tehuledere there are a wide range of perceptions regarding the causation of illness. Social, economic and biological factors interact to drive a vicious cycle of poverty and disease from which, for many people, there is no escape." In short, poverty is instrumental in cultivating conditions that allow disease to spread. 2023 The Biology Notes. Coronado G, Chio-Lauri J, Cruz RD, Roman YM. and imbalance amongfour vital "humors within us. Glory Bassey. Before Witchcraft beliefs in diseases causation and health-seeking behaviour in pregnancy of women in Calabar South-Nigeria . Promot Educ Suppl. Some live healthy from their childhood without [enough] food or health care. The investigators consulted the Woreda health extension workers (primary health care practitioners) on the selection of study communities. A Seminar Work Presented to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar. The emphasis on culture in our genetic counseling training recognizes its crucial role in molding an individual's conceptualization of health, as well as other life aspects, especially since the Filipino culture is a mixture of indigenous as well as imported and borrowed elements. Tooth decay, measles, or a broken bone are examples. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Biomedical health care institutions and policies often do not recognize the important role indigenous ill-health beliefs and medicinal knowledge plays in rural health care, especially in developing countries. Braine T. Health systems research is the best medicine. The study employed a qualitative ethnographic method informed by Murdocks Theory of Illness. Many natural objects were believed to be capable of mediating between the supreme deity and the ordinary humans. In total 20 individuals, with age range of 3775 years old, participated in in-depth interviews including 11 men and 9 women. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Medical anthropology. 2nd ed. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. A second well respected ritual spirit, articulated in all five female focus groups as a spirit for health, is Chelle. Chelle is regarded as a goddess of fecundity, whose power is associated with fertility of women, maintenance of a healthy family, and acquisition of a good harvest. Participants in most focus groups maintained that trust in ones married partner determines ones health. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; 1970. p. 31527. MeSH These small organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. This volunteer participatory observation helped him to access research participants and health extension workers working in health institutions. It is hoped that the model of illness causation identified in this study will help to enhance the rural health plan for the 5 villages of Tehuledere Woreda and beyond. Careers. Wadaja lately assumed a much more modified and purposive role of combating the zar, buda or other supposedly spirit afflicted illnesses [Male, Study Community # 2]. Bookshelf As predominantly rural Woreda, most inhabitants rely on farming. What are Demonic and divine Theory and Ecological theory of disease? government site. The ascription of misfortunes to natural objects pervaded by spirits seems to have been prevalent where by sicknesses, epidemic or contagious diseases and even death were explained in terms of punishment by enraged spirits. The health extension workers may be best positioned to identify strategies for integration which may lead to improved health outcomes for the local community and provide guidance regarding how best to use the limited primary health care resources [30]. The other criterion was the interest shown by the health extension workers to collaborate in the study. Article He has published more than 15 research articles and book chapters in international journals and well-renowned publishers. A successful integrated primary health care strategy should include strategies for supporting patients needs in all three of these domains. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. January 29, 2022 by Sagar Aryal The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. Soc Sci Med. According to the Tehuledere Woreda Information Office (TWIO), the Woreda covers an area of 45,800 ha with a population of 152,107. Creswell JW. Permission to conduct the participant observation in the communities was provided by the heads of the health facilities. Cultural beliefs on disease causation in the Philippines: challenge and implications in genetic counseling. They also articulated the role of natural causes and social relationships in maintaining good health. Disobeying elders causes ailment. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Germ theory was first clearly stated by an Italian physician named Girolamo Fracastoro in the mid-1500s. New York: The Free Press; 1994. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies . Google Scholar. Am Anthropol. Mexican cultural beliefs and breastfeeding: a model for assessment and intervention. 13. These are the things that make up its constitution and cause its pains and health. Sections of original transcripts and key quotes considered to be illustrative of the emerging themes were translated into English to facilitate discussion with the full research team as needed, because one of the research team members, HB, was a non-Amharic speakerIndividual codes and themes were discussed at group meetings until consensus was reached on basic themes and subthemes across the focus groups and interviews. Download Free PDF %%EOF
Parks textbook of preventive and social medicine. The narratives of health among Tehuledere communities include three major themes that explained causes of ill-health: (i) supernatural (ii) natural elements or physical causes: (iii) social elements such as mistrust, social support/family dynamics as well as violation of taboos and moral injunctions. Health, religion, and meaning: a culture-centered study of Druze women. hbbd```b`` (0
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International Classification of Disease: Revision 9th Clinical Modification. 5th, Millennium edition U.S Department of Health and Human Services; 2000. I/C Epidemiology; Centre for Animal Disease Research Erickson fills this gap by clearly explaining the basic organizing principles that underlie all medical systems, the full range of theories of disease causation, the geographical distribution of medical practices, and the historical trends that led to biomedical dominance. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Ethiop J Health Dev. Bryman A. Beattie J, Middleton J, editors. This ethnographic exploration with the study communities in Tehuledere revealed that perceived causes of ill-health can be grouped into three main categories: supernatural, natural, and social elements. Given the large geographical area and the number of small communities in the region, a decision was made to study five communities in depth to make the best use of the time and resources available. Ali A. 2007;2:942. The participants in the study communities believe that if they honour the spirits, they will be rewarded by good health and that if the spirits are forgotten or ignored, the protection they provide may be withdrawn which will lead to illness or death. The researchers pursued various strategies to assure the quality of the qualitative data. To act in this capacity qolle must be acknowledged and shown respect through appropriate rituals such as scarification of goats, respecting the local customs and values, etc., the spirit of the qolle are good for keeping relatives safe from harm and maintain health [Male, Study Community # 3]. Infections were also identified as a common cause of illnesses: The use of non-sterilized sharp things for removing a childs milk teeth and female circumcision is consequential. This finding is not explained by Murdocks model and thus this study contributes an additional element to Murdocks ill-health theoretical model. WHO. A qualitative ethnographic method was conducted in Tehuledere Woreda, an administrative unit in the north-east of Ethiopia [14] (see Fig. Park, K. (n.d.). Week by week pregnancy (Baby and body development, tips), Human Cardiovascular System- Organs, Functions, Diseases, Human Heart- Location, Anatomy, Structure, Functions, Cell Organelles (Plant, Animal)- Structure, Functions, Diagrams, 16 Types of Microscopes with Parts, Functions, Diagrams, Feezer L. W. (1921). It states thatmicroorganismsknown aspathogensor germs can lead to disease. Miller addresses in a coherent and thoughtful way the problems faced by the Westerner who seeks to study African literature without colonizing that discourse. Nigeria is now the second largest HIV disease burden in the world after South Africa which has 7.1 million (19% of global epidemic) burden of the disease, though prevalence is stable at 3.4% [38,39]. Like all research, out study has both strengths and limitations. We will also share examples on how these common beliefs provide explanation as cause of illness and its implications in our genetic counseling profession. It is a commonly held view, both from the Nigerian literature and from anecdotal evidence, that life is . Table 1 Filipino word/s depicting cultural beliefs and their English translation Full size table Two analysts (MHK and another Amharic speaking team member, TS) immersed themselves in the data by reading and open coding the transcripts independently and developing preliminary codes. American journal of public health (New York, N.Y. : 1912),11(10), 908912. . The practice of epidemiology. Prev Chronic Dis. Following introductory discussions with community leaders/representatives, ten focus group discussion sessions (one all male and one all-female in each kebele) were conducted. Galenhad written of the possibility of seeds of disease, a view which suggested a belief in the contagious nature of some diseases. In: Nichter M, editor. All seek to elucidate principles capable of explaining social inequalities in health, and all represent what I would term theories of disease distribution,24which presume but cannot be reduced to mechanism-oriented theories of disease causation. Too often, indigenous medicine is criticized as harmful traditions as if it was a threat to human health. Bareilly, UP, India. An official website of the United States government. 2011; 26 (4):275-278. doi: 10.5001 . 93 0 obj
9 Natural history of disease epidemiological triad, Concept of Disease Control |, 2. unit no iii dynamic of disease, Community Health Nursing, Concept of disease. volume17, Articlenumber:124 (2017) Disease Causation; Theories; Models. These two terms seem to mean essentially the same thing and are often used interchangeably. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sagar Aryal is a microbiologist and a scientific blogger. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. .Gov their childhood without [ enough ] food or health care care in low-resource settings the... In most focus groups maintained that trust in ones married partner determines ones health causation... Has published more than 15 research articles and book chapters in international journals and well-renowned publishers has changed considerably time. 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Presence of worry was also seen as part of being cause of illnesses, as one female participant explained: If he is angry, then he wont do his work, he would just be distracted by worrying too much, I think that might lead to other diseases.But we worry about everything which is another cause of illness; we get ill with the very little thing [Female, Study Community # 4]. A.A. 2015. A belief of disease causation where it is thought illness is caused by misbehavior or intervention of a supernatural being. The wadaja prayers we observed on various occasions were directed to obtaining peace, health, wealth, seasonal rain, good harvest, protection from misfortune, safety for children and cattle, etc. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Disease is an important entity in healthcare. Data obtained from observations and conversations were recorded in field notes, photographs, and audio-recordings. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2007. Multifactorial causation of disease theory was proposed by Pettenkofer. Sanders Thompson VL, Johnson-Jennings M, Baumann AA, Proctor E. Use of culturally focused theoretical frameworks for adapting diabetes prevention programs: a qualitative review. For example, the research findings were shared with research participants and the local research assistants who confirmed the interpretations accurately reflected their perceptions and experiences. Peterson DR. Similar to other cultural groups in developing countries around the world [11], many of the Tehuledere people attribute illness to the wrath of supernatural forces. We will also share examples on how these common beliefs provide explanation as cause of illness and its implications in our genetic counseling profession. Theories of Disease January 20, 2022 by Sagar Aryal A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs and symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury is called a disease. Published 1 October 1921. endstream endobj startxref In total, 96 people participated in focus groups. Additionally, the authors thank Mr. Teshager Shiferaw for his help in data collection and early coding. Germ theory was the third disease causation theory with a characteristic marking of the onset of infectious diseases conquest. Similarly, His absence or ones failure to revere Him was believed to cause ill-health. 2015;12:140421. Disease etiologies in non-western medical systems. 2022 Jul 4. THEORIES CONCERNING THE CAUSATION OF DISEASE. 2015 Apr;24(2):213-24. doi: 10.1007/s10897-015-9823-y. Members of the study community believes that supernatural, natural and social elements are linked to ill-health causation. Sicknesses, epidemics, contagious diseases and even death were explained in terms of punishment by enraged qolle spirits. As part of this endeavor, we will describe in this paper seven common Filipino cultural beliefs: namamana, lihi, sumpa, gaba, pasma, namaligno, and kaloob ng Diyos. Weiss RS. The theory posited that diseases were the product of environmental factors such as contaminated water, foul air, and poor hygienic conditions. The first is the monocausal view and emerges from the "conquest" of the infectious diseases. Focus groups and interviews continued until the data in the key emerging themes were saturated (i.e., key points were repeated and no significant new information was emerging) [16, 17]. We would also like to acknowledge the University of Toronto for giving the first author an opportunity to obtain advanced training in qualitative data organization and analysis during a visit to Toronto, Canada. In-depth understanding of disease causation aids in planning prevention and steps to tackle the disease in a population. Krapf L. Travels, researches and missionary labour during an eighteen years residence in Eastern Africa. Triangulation of different data collection techniques including focus group, semi-structured interview data, observations and informal interviews with study participants was a strength of the study. Traditional healing and primary care: a socio-cultural study in a rural Tehuledere community, North-Eastern Ethiopia. Terms and Conditions, Finally the themes were incorporated into a conceptual model of the participants and their beliefs and perceptions in illness causation [18]. Learning from strangers: the art and method of qualitative interview studies. He would not be able to have enough food, this affects his healthWeve become subject to Ke ijje Wode Afe Nuro (hand-to-mouth livelihood) [Male, Study Community # 3]. Diagnosing diseases in African traditional religion. The outlook regarding disease causation has changed considerably with time and advancements in science. The five study communities, selected were: Gobeya, Godguadit, Bededo, Jari and Muti-Belg. These discoveries and a host of others at the turn of the century marked a turning point in our aetiological concepts. Indigenous people often believe that Western trained doctors are not equipped to address their concerns which are can include spiritual as well as physical concerns [2]. For example, Wadaja, a communal prayer ceremony, is a common rite practiced in Tehuluedere. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders. The people in this area are members of the Amhara ethnic group and are largely Muslims. It involves praising and glorifying the sky-god and seeking his spiritual assistance to ward off evil. Cultural norms function to support the fluid operation of society, and cultural values guide people in making choices. 2005;60:691700. They speak Amharic, Ethiopias official language. Dime (1995:30-31) argues that the diagnosis of diseases in an African traditional healing system is a twofold event. It is not publicly known how much CIA staff who have . A world survey. Webs of Causation: Epidemiological concept. The capital of the Woreda, Haik, is situated 430 kms away from Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, people use indigenous medical systems as an alternative health care service along with the biomedical health services [1, 6]. In 1877, Robert Koch (1843-1910) showed that anthrax was caused by a bacteria. Most participants were Muslims (n=92) and the rest were Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. The study communities rejoiced in their culture of eating together and sharing with those in need. Philosophy. Gender-based violence is a key factor . The site is secure. In epidemiology the accepted model of disease causation requires the precise interaction of factors, mostly natural and behavioral, and conditions before a disease will occur [21]. By using this website, you agree to our Social change theory was used in this paper. In other words, the spirits supposedly reside in some human beings and rituals and/or prayers need to be performed to withdraw the evil spirits impacting ordinary people through these human agents. GERM THEORY Germ theory: Microbes (germs) were found to be the cause for many known diseases. 4th ed. Issues identified with administration and bureaucratic frameworks dont fit well with indigenous ill-health beliefs. Durowaye M, Adeboye M, Yahaya-Kongoila S, Adaje A, et al. The health extension workers also helped to select 96 participants for 10 focus group discussions and 20 individuals (two from each focus groups) were selected purposively for follow-up individual interviews based on their demonstrated knowledge and ability to describe their experiences in the focus groups. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Winkelman M. Culture and health: applying medical anthropology. In Step 1, age was entered. Methods for Cross-Cultural Communication in Clinic Encounters. 2015;29(2):12736. In addition to that, diseases may be communicable or non-communicable. For long, man was groping in darkness about the causation of disease. The emphasis on culture in our genetic counseling training recognizes its crucial role in molding an individual's conceptualization of health, as well as other life aspects, especially since the Filipino culture is a mixture of indigenous as well as imported and borrowed elements. It would seem that any apprehensiveness is likely to have been eased, by the generally friendly and mutually respectful rapport most people have with their respective health extension workers. The culture of a people is their identity as it affords them due recognition. Microbe after microbe was discovered in quick succession gonococcus in 1847; typhoid bacillus, pneumococcus in 1880; tubercle bacillus in 1882; cholera vibrio in 1883; diphtheria bacillus in 1884, and so on. First, germ theory separated the disease from the person suffering from the disease. So if he is able to work well and come back home without any stress, he becomes healthy [Male, Study Community # 1]. The culture of the Tehuledere region reflects a mix of pre-Christian indigenous beliefs, as well as Christian, Muslim and migrant Cushitic Oromo (largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia) influences. If Allah wants you to stay healthy, you stay healthy. A. Letter to the Editor: "Orthopaedic and trauma care in low-resource settings: the burden and its challenges". Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Accordingly, people used to please the gods by prayers and offerings or used to resort to witchcraft to tame the devils. Health education and care solutions found to be effective in one system may not work as well in other settings [32]; however, some of the lessons learned from this study may be applicable to other cultural contexts with similar beliefs. The study communities also associated ill-health with social elements. Why Covid lab-leak theory is so disputed. Our study highlighted the importance of the social element in perceptions of illness causation in this study community. Nigeria | 80 views, 8 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Catalyst Specialist Health Consult CSHC: Various Cultural theories of Disease causation in Nigeria Such infections, according to the theory, were not passed between individuals but would affect those within a locale that gave rise to such vapors. Only single germ is responsible for causation of a specific disease. This study found that among the Tehuledere there are a wide range of perceptions regarding the causation of illness. Social, economic and biological factors interact to drive a vicious cycle of poverty and disease from which, for many people, there is no escape." In short, poverty is instrumental in cultivating conditions that allow disease to spread. 2023 The Biology Notes. Coronado G, Chio-Lauri J, Cruz RD, Roman YM. and imbalance amongfour vital "humors within us. Glory Bassey. Before Witchcraft beliefs in diseases causation and health-seeking behaviour in pregnancy of women in Calabar South-Nigeria . Promot Educ Suppl. Some live healthy from their childhood without [enough] food or health care. The investigators consulted the Woreda health extension workers (primary health care practitioners) on the selection of study communities. A Seminar Work Presented to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar. The emphasis on culture in our genetic counseling training recognizes its crucial role in molding an individual's conceptualization of health, as well as other life aspects, especially since the Filipino culture is a mixture of indigenous as well as imported and borrowed elements. Tooth decay, measles, or a broken bone are examples. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Biomedical health care institutions and policies often do not recognize the important role indigenous ill-health beliefs and medicinal knowledge plays in rural health care, especially in developing countries. Braine T. Health systems research is the best medicine. The study employed a qualitative ethnographic method informed by Murdocks Theory of Illness. Many natural objects were believed to be capable of mediating between the supreme deity and the ordinary humans. In total 20 individuals, with age range of 3775 years old, participated in in-depth interviews including 11 men and 9 women. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Medical anthropology. 2nd ed. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. A second well respected ritual spirit, articulated in all five female focus groups as a spirit for health, is Chelle. Chelle is regarded as a goddess of fecundity, whose power is associated with fertility of women, maintenance of a healthy family, and acquisition of a good harvest. Participants in most focus groups maintained that trust in ones married partner determines ones health. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; 1970. p. 31527. MeSH These small organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. This volunteer participatory observation helped him to access research participants and health extension workers working in health institutions. It is hoped that the model of illness causation identified in this study will help to enhance the rural health plan for the 5 villages of Tehuledere Woreda and beyond. Careers. Wadaja lately assumed a much more modified and purposive role of combating the zar, buda or other supposedly spirit afflicted illnesses [Male, Study Community # 2]. Bookshelf As predominantly rural Woreda, most inhabitants rely on farming. What are Demonic and divine Theory and Ecological theory of disease? government site. The ascription of misfortunes to natural objects pervaded by spirits seems to have been prevalent where by sicknesses, epidemic or contagious diseases and even death were explained in terms of punishment by enraged spirits. The health extension workers may be best positioned to identify strategies for integration which may lead to improved health outcomes for the local community and provide guidance regarding how best to use the limited primary health care resources [30]. The other criterion was the interest shown by the health extension workers to collaborate in the study. Article He has published more than 15 research articles and book chapters in international journals and well-renowned publishers. A successful integrated primary health care strategy should include strategies for supporting patients needs in all three of these domains. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. January 29, 2022 by Sagar Aryal The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. Soc Sci Med. According to the Tehuledere Woreda Information Office (TWIO), the Woreda covers an area of 45,800 ha with a population of 152,107. Creswell JW. Permission to conduct the participant observation in the communities was provided by the heads of the health facilities. Cultural beliefs on disease causation in the Philippines: challenge and implications in genetic counseling. They also articulated the role of natural causes and social relationships in maintaining good health. Disobeying elders causes ailment. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Germ theory was first clearly stated by an Italian physician named Girolamo Fracastoro in the mid-1500s. New York: The Free Press; 1994. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies . Google Scholar. Am Anthropol. Mexican cultural beliefs and breastfeeding: a model for assessment and intervention. 13. These are the things that make up its constitution and cause its pains and health. Sections of original transcripts and key quotes considered to be illustrative of the emerging themes were translated into English to facilitate discussion with the full research team as needed, because one of the research team members, HB, was a non-Amharic speakerIndividual codes and themes were discussed at group meetings until consensus was reached on basic themes and subthemes across the focus groups and interviews. Download Free PDF %%EOF Parks textbook of preventive and social medicine. The narratives of health among Tehuledere communities include three major themes that explained causes of ill-health: (i) supernatural (ii) natural elements or physical causes: (iii) social elements such as mistrust, social support/family dynamics as well as violation of taboos and moral injunctions. Health, religion, and meaning: a culture-centered study of Druze women. hbbd```b`` (0 (d9 lz`&&$ D&2$#dB@@lHDIe7sL@o30"? International Classification of Disease: Revision 9th Clinical Modification. 5th, Millennium edition U.S Department of Health and Human Services; 2000. I/C Epidemiology; Centre for Animal Disease Research Erickson fills this gap by clearly explaining the basic organizing principles that underlie all medical systems, the full range of theories of disease causation, the geographical distribution of medical practices, and the historical trends that led to biomedical dominance. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Ethiop J Health Dev. Bryman A. Beattie J, Middleton J, editors. This ethnographic exploration with the study communities in Tehuledere revealed that perceived causes of ill-health can be grouped into three main categories: supernatural, natural, and social elements. Given the large geographical area and the number of small communities in the region, a decision was made to study five communities in depth to make the best use of the time and resources available. Ali A. 2007;2:942. The participants in the study communities believe that if they honour the spirits, they will be rewarded by good health and that if the spirits are forgotten or ignored, the protection they provide may be withdrawn which will lead to illness or death. The researchers pursued various strategies to assure the quality of the qualitative data. To act in this capacity qolle must be acknowledged and shown respect through appropriate rituals such as scarification of goats, respecting the local customs and values, etc., the spirit of the qolle are good for keeping relatives safe from harm and maintain health [Male, Study Community # 3]. Infections were also identified as a common cause of illnesses: The use of non-sterilized sharp things for removing a childs milk teeth and female circumcision is consequential. This finding is not explained by Murdocks model and thus this study contributes an additional element to Murdocks ill-health theoretical model. WHO. A qualitative ethnographic method was conducted in Tehuledere Woreda, an administrative unit in the north-east of Ethiopia [14] (see Fig. Park, K. (n.d.). Week by week pregnancy (Baby and body development, tips), Human Cardiovascular System- Organs, Functions, Diseases, Human Heart- Location, Anatomy, Structure, Functions, Cell Organelles (Plant, Animal)- Structure, Functions, Diagrams, 16 Types of Microscopes with Parts, Functions, Diagrams, Feezer L. W. (1921). It states thatmicroorganismsknown aspathogensor germs can lead to disease. Miller addresses in a coherent and thoughtful way the problems faced by the Westerner who seeks to study African literature without colonizing that discourse. Nigeria is now the second largest HIV disease burden in the world after South Africa which has 7.1 million (19% of global epidemic) burden of the disease, though prevalence is stable at 3.4% [38,39]. Like all research, out study has both strengths and limitations. We will also share examples on how these common beliefs provide explanation as cause of illness and its implications in our genetic counseling profession. It is a commonly held view, both from the Nigerian literature and from anecdotal evidence, that life is . Table 1 Filipino word/s depicting cultural beliefs and their English translation Full size table Two analysts (MHK and another Amharic speaking team member, TS) immersed themselves in the data by reading and open coding the transcripts independently and developing preliminary codes. American journal of public health (New York, N.Y. : 1912),11(10), 908912. . The practice of epidemiology. Prev Chronic Dis. Following introductory discussions with community leaders/representatives, ten focus group discussion sessions (one all male and one all-female in each kebele) were conducted. Galenhad written of the possibility of seeds of disease, a view which suggested a belief in the contagious nature of some diseases. In: Nichter M, editor. All seek to elucidate principles capable of explaining social inequalities in health, and all represent what I would term theories of disease distribution,24which presume but cannot be reduced to mechanism-oriented theories of disease causation. Too often, indigenous medicine is criticized as harmful traditions as if it was a threat to human health. Bareilly, UP, India. An official website of the United States government. 2011; 26 (4):275-278. doi: 10.5001 . 93 0 obj <>stream 9 Natural history of disease epidemiological triad, Concept of Disease Control |, 2. unit no iii dynamic of disease, Community Health Nursing, Concept of disease. volume17, Articlenumber:124 (2017) Disease Causation; Theories; Models. These two terms seem to mean essentially the same thing and are often used interchangeably. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sagar Aryal is a microbiologist and a scientific blogger. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. .Gov their childhood without [ enough ] food or health care care in low-resource settings the... In most focus groups maintained that trust in ones married partner determines ones health causation... 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