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cross eyed one liners
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cross eyed one liners
You are not where you are supposed to be. But the labour was so exhausting she falls asleep for 24 hours solid. It said, "Between you and me, something smells. Akela 3. What do you call a dinosaur with one eye What did the man who rents jokes to people say to his new customer? Why was the eyeball relatively quick at learning new stuff? By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Fun Fact: The most difficult stunt for Dwayne Johson was between the rope swing and the fighting scene with the conquistadores. One turns to the other and says, It was a beautiful ceremony, wasnt it?!. When I say I am a bad electrician somebody gets shocked and my community still wonders why. The man said, "Not really. Why do hunters close one eye when they aim? I was supposed to attend a press conference with the amazing cast of Jungle Cruise, but since my daughters and I were in New York City visiting my brother and reuniting with my dad, Elisha attended on my behalf. 85. There is an old expression that goes like this, a hobo with one eye is good luck The blarney stone! What happened when the men tried to sleep the other night with one eye open? 16. He was a sniper. "I was the knight no one expected to appear on battlefield that day." Why do the snipers close one eye whenever they're aiming their shot? trans-, a travs 2. of mixed variety. Are you going to shear those sheep. Because if they closed both eyes they wouldn't be able to see. Banta has a cross-eyed bull that keeps bumping into things. He decided to light up some fireworks. Why did the girl always seem to lose her contact lenses? 101 Humorous One -liners By Mike Moore Whether you are speaking in front of a large audience or in social conversation I believe in the power of humorous one liners to help you connect with your audience. He replies, Im Ben Riordain, and I live in the flat above Paddy!'. They briefly open one eye. So an Irish woman gives birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Adam & Eve were the first ones to ignore the Apple terms and conditions. Q: What's the fastest way to a man's heart if you're a redhead? We exist to make planning your Irish Road Trip easy. decreased depth . Youre joking says the patient. Why'd the one eyed man marry the shallow girl? Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Youre a luck guy. 89. Funny PJ jokes & pj questions and answers Check your banana quotient: 1. 63. I missed half of your performance because I couldnt look at you with those snakes.. Of the jungle cruises you could have taken in the Amazon, this one is definitely the cheapest. He said, "Eye really sclera about you a lot. Theres a joke thatll tickle every sense of humour (weve stuck the offensive Irish jokes in at the end for those that would rather dodge them!). If you have a long or short Irish joke youd like to share, please feel free to pop it in below. She said, "Tell me something about my eyes.". What is a lost banana called ? Your privacy is important to us. What did the eyeball say after tasting a cheesecake for the first time? Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. We love good humor and obviously hilarious jokes followed by a healthy laughter! Trilingual Rajnandini has also published work in a supplement for 'The Telegraph', and had her poetry shortlisted in Poems4Peace, an international project. Q: What's the advantage of a blond over a redhead? The banter was strong with these ones! Yo mama's so cross-eyed, when she dropped a dime, she thought she picked up two nickels. 2/6/2013. the Queen as soon as asked Boris Johnson at a G7 summit. 11. What did the husband optometrist say to his wife? What do you call a woman who is paralyzed from the waist down? 3. Not a thing. Q: What do you call a lamb with a machine gun? It didnt work out. These Poems Are For Kids With a Sense of Humor. And as he went, I said, Listen, Im going to send you a video and just give her the video from me. So I gave her this video. 80. What is the banana listening to it called ? What's the eye's favourite musical group? 51. What is it when a woman talks dirty to a man? That's a bit of a stretch." "I don't have a girlfriend. This is one of the longer Irish jokes in this article, and its arguably best read rather than said aloud! It's so that you don't get the guac-oma. He often claims that his speaking lines were cut in the final edit, but he does have three lines that appear in the movie, spoken by Gothi, the troll priest. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. I'm guessing I'm not married because I'd take a bullet for a grilled cheese before I'd take one for a girl. F*ck this, shouted Anto as he ran out of the room. I dont care in the slightest. 66. No relation, I take it? What do you call a deer with only one eye? He calls up to vet to try to remedy the problem. Because only a few of them could pass the bar., Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher in the national school in Westport? 4. On my desk, I have a work station.. 23. What did the right eye mention to the left one when they were having an argument? These are my top 20 cow jokes. If you're cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right? Which of these Jungle Cruise quotes, jokes, and puns do you like best? $3.99 a minute. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. 57. He said, "Your eyes are so blue, I lose myself at see.". What is it when a man talks dirty to a woman? Why did the teacher have to start wearing sunglasses? The Black Eyed Peas. 10. if (year<1900) {year+=1900} document.write(year); After five minutes he shouted to the cop, Here! The bulls` eyes begin to straighten, but the vet soon looses his breath and the bulls` eyes are crossed again. 13. Yo mama's so pass-eyed, when she dropped a dime, she thought she picked up two nickels. Well, I don't see the porpoise. 2. He climbed out 4 times to take a piss.. It gives them eye-fives. 'Op in!". 105. Names, Two blondes were walking in the park. Anto and his wife were lying in bed in their house in Dublin one Saturday morning. Youre going to beg me to turn back. One blonde says, "Aw! The vet looks at Banta and says, "You look like a strong man, why don`t you give it a try." Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest! 74. Why do Australians hunt with one eye? iContact. I had a girlfriend once. Because they can't see if they close both. How do I get to the other side of the river?, shouted one lad to the other. "Shit!!!" Yeah, they put the squeeze on me. This is worse than death this is torture! One says,"We'll kill him!" We also popped out a question to our 250,000 Instagram followers (@instaireland) asking them what they thought were the best Irish jokes, so weve popped in suggestions from there, too. No, the man replied. What is the definition of "making love"? 27. "I wasn't talking to you" the judge replied. I stir it in with my left hand, replied the first lad. Home; About; Categories. In a few decades. The secretary's office is that way. "Justawareness. Well, he saw it with his eyes. 5. Airports in Ireland: Where They Are And Which Is The Best To Fly Into, How Much Does A Trip To Ireland Cost? One liner tags: life 63.72 % / 31 votes. Yes, this is another potentially offensive and dirty Irish joke involving sheep. Living the dream. If you doget offended by any of these, you need to get your noggin checked. And Jaime was so good at encouraging that as well. What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes One eyed ghosts. The optometrist examines him and says "You have a cataract." Lily isdeterminedto uncover an ancient tree with unparalleled healing abilitiespossessing the power to change the future of medicine. I have no eye-deer. The primary sign of strabismus is a visible misalignment of the eyes, with one eye turning in, out, up, down or at an oblique angle. Sign me up! He had a-stick-matism from then on. 10. How do I get to the other side of the river?, shouted one lad to the other. Cross-eyed Jokes Just a Weeee Bit An extraordinarily handsome man decided he had the God-given responsibility to marry the perfect woman so they could produce children beyond comparison. 59. T-shirt is actually short for tyrannosaurus shirt. 78. Why did the mum decide to buy new glasses? One said, Oo, oo, oo, aah aah aah! And Im so excited to actually be a speaking part in a Disney film. My mission is to help moms find peace, break cycles, and feel whole so they can be present, peaceful, and positive moms. | Trellis Framework by Mediavine, PRESS RELEASE - Tue, 28 Feb 2023 23:12:04, LOS ANGELES, CA February 28, 2023 (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) The Los Angeles County Department of Arts & Culture recently launched the Collective Memory Installation as part of its Illuminate LA initiative. What did he call the boy?". "The police are looking for a man with one eye named Murphy." And says "Oi! One liner tags: marriage, puns 73.71 % / 207 votes. Take away the fact that there is immense multi-faceted advancement daily, and that feeling remains. Did you hear about the cashier that scanned the eyes of one rude customer with his barcode reader? "Well," says the vet "Im going to have to put him down." Where would you take one eye that is depressed? The only drawback is only two can play. 83. Between you and me there's something that smells. See our new one liners or check one liner of the day. 8. What did the patient say when the optometrist asked him if he ever had his eyes checked out? I have been turned down by all the best clubs in Europe. A Russian visiting India went for an eye check up. Now it's become see salt. What would you call the eyeball who just got a pilot's license? What did the optometrist have to say about the painful eye pun? Loved reading the jokes. A: A Candy Baa. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of great family-friendly jokes/ for everyone to enjoy! travesa crossbow noun It sort of implies a bond of trust and loyalty. Its one of my boulder attractions. Sheamus drops into the local pub on the way back home from visiting the doctor. Theres a nun standing outside it. I said, Emily, you are the only one who can do this movie., Jack, attest to this as a British person, if someone comes on too strong-, Its just better to go, Okay. He went on to say: Many moons later, I went to Disney World for the first time and rode the ride then too, as well. Here are some of our favorite Jungle Cruise quotes: Lagrimas de Cristal (pause for dramatic effect). 'Op in!" What do you call a dinosaur with one eye Doyouthinkhesawus. Sorry, love, can I have a pint of Guinness and a packet of crisps where youre ready there. Between you and me something smells. Bee-auty. 71. What do you call an Irishman with a case of chickenpox? 34. Q: What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil? He'd be called the Sky Eye. #10 a dog licking its butt. 2. Fare? #11 a bunny on Hump Day. Everybody laughed at the premiere, people cheered. It'd be called Piiig. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Starring: Crystal Loverro & Barry Carlson Watch part 2 here: to more of Jason's work: htt. Banta agrees. Tazza: One Eyed Jack: Tazza: One Eyed Jack is a 2019 South Korean crime drama film directed by Kwon Oh-kwang, starring Park Jung-min, Ryoo Seung-bum, Choi Yu-hwa, Yoon Je-moon . These ,, Daily Affirmations for Success for a Positive and Powerful Life, Are You a Codependent Mom? ", What do you call a chef with one eye? I had to put my foot down. It could be that one persons world enough. I guess that's a site for sore eyes. A: An animal that's in a baaaaaaaad moooooood. Whats the story? Paddy asks when he sees the look on Sheamuss face. She says to a man next to her: ''The driver just insulted me!'' The man says: ''You go up there and tell him off. What did the judge have to say about a bad eye pun said during the trial? I don't know and I don't care. Because they can't aim if they close two. Disclaimer: I left themajorityof the more offensive Irish jokes to the end, but one of the lads sent me this in a text and I thought it was gas (Irish slang for funny)! Why should you never put any avocado in your eyes? Because she heard that they were playing some movies that were eye candy. Its not that funny, but its super funny. 87. Whats the bad news? 81. There exist delicate tissues in ragdoll brains that permit edge-to-edge and up-and-down mobility and govern it. He said, "Iris my case.". ", 73. 37. What did one eye say to the other? 101. To which the Chinese man replies "Noh, I drive Lincoln Coninenal. Yo mama' so cross-eyed, when she has sex she thinks its a threesome. What would you need to do to become a famous eyewear designer? A: I hear the doctor is taking us out tonight! It got too warm in the cockpit so he switched off the fan! I used up to now a woman who became pass-eyed. It says, "I see that you're still wrong". 93. The cat will be cross-eyed if both eyes are misguided towards the nose. Now all that's left is to test them out: embrace the corniest opener you can find and go make someone laugh or roll their eyes. Credit: Christmas cracker. He said, "Eye hope you start feeling better soon". Jungle Cruise Hoodie - Photo by Dustin Fuhs. "You Are Eye Sunshine". Have any short Irish jokes for adults that you want to share? Website and Mobile, Like us on Facebook:, Follow us on Twitter:, Instagram: It's ok computer, I go to sleep after 20 minutes of inactivity too. What would you call a fish that didn't have any eyes? 31. 8. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Cross Eye animated GIFs to your conversations. He arrived back up the stairs ten minutes later. What do you call a kid with one eye and a pirate's leg? Here are some of our favorite Jungle Cruise quotes: Lagrimas de Cristal (pause for dramatic effect) You are not where you are supposed to be. The Englishman pushes his pint away in disgust and orders up another. Your sister says what she thinks, with no regard to anyones feelings. A cross eyed cow keeps reproducing with cows and the spawn come out cross eyed. 55. I immediately just saw the potential of the opportunity. One of the questions was How do you stir sugar into your tea?. That scanned the eyes of one rude customer with his barcode reader can read! You find a hidden gem in your eyes are crossed again cashier that scanned the eyes of rude! Been turned down by all the best to Fly into, how Much does a Trip to Cost... Bull that keeps bumping into things, it was a beautiful ceremony, wasnt it?! mum! Plan a big day out of them could pass the bar., did you hear about cashier. 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Articles C
You are not where you are supposed to be. But the labour was so exhausting she falls asleep for 24 hours solid. It said, "Between you and me, something smells. Akela 3. What do you call a dinosaur with one eye What did the man who rents jokes to people say to his new customer? Why was the eyeball relatively quick at learning new stuff? By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Fun Fact: The most difficult stunt for Dwayne Johson was between the rope swing and the fighting scene with the conquistadores. One turns to the other and says, It was a beautiful ceremony, wasnt it?!. When I say I am a bad electrician somebody gets shocked and my community still wonders why. The man said, "Not really. Why do hunters close one eye when they aim? I was supposed to attend a press conference with the amazing cast of Jungle Cruise, but since my daughters and I were in New York City visiting my brother and reuniting with my dad, Elisha attended on my behalf. 85. There is an old expression that goes like this, a hobo with one eye is good luck The blarney stone! What happened when the men tried to sleep the other night with one eye open? 16. He was a sniper. "I was the knight no one expected to appear on battlefield that day." Why do the snipers close one eye whenever they're aiming their shot? trans-, a travs 2. of mixed variety. Are you going to shear those sheep. Because if they closed both eyes they wouldn't be able to see. Banta has a cross-eyed bull that keeps bumping into things. He decided to light up some fireworks. Why did the girl always seem to lose her contact lenses? 101 Humorous One -liners By Mike Moore Whether you are speaking in front of a large audience or in social conversation I believe in the power of humorous one liners to help you connect with your audience. He replies, Im Ben Riordain, and I live in the flat above Paddy!'. They briefly open one eye. So an Irish woman gives birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Adam & Eve were the first ones to ignore the Apple terms and conditions. Q: What's the fastest way to a man's heart if you're a redhead? We exist to make planning your Irish Road Trip easy. decreased depth . Youre joking says the patient. Why'd the one eyed man marry the shallow girl? Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Youre a luck guy. 89. Funny PJ jokes & pj questions and answers Check your banana quotient: 1. 63. I missed half of your performance because I couldnt look at you with those snakes.. Of the jungle cruises you could have taken in the Amazon, this one is definitely the cheapest. He said, "Eye really sclera about you a lot. Theres a joke thatll tickle every sense of humour (weve stuck the offensive Irish jokes in at the end for those that would rather dodge them!). If you have a long or short Irish joke youd like to share, please feel free to pop it in below. She said, "Tell me something about my eyes.". What is a lost banana called ? Your privacy is important to us. What did the eyeball say after tasting a cheesecake for the first time? Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. We love good humor and obviously hilarious jokes followed by a healthy laughter! Trilingual Rajnandini has also published work in a supplement for 'The Telegraph', and had her poetry shortlisted in Poems4Peace, an international project. Q: What's the advantage of a blond over a redhead? The banter was strong with these ones! Yo mama's so cross-eyed, when she dropped a dime, she thought she picked up two nickels. 2/6/2013. the Queen as soon as asked Boris Johnson at a G7 summit. 11. What did the husband optometrist say to his wife? What do you call a woman who is paralyzed from the waist down? 3. Not a thing. Q: What do you call a lamb with a machine gun? It didnt work out. These Poems Are For Kids With a Sense of Humor. And as he went, I said, Listen, Im going to send you a video and just give her the video from me. So I gave her this video. 80. What is the banana listening to it called ? What's the eye's favourite musical group? 51. What is it when a woman talks dirty to a man? That's a bit of a stretch." "I don't have a girlfriend. This is one of the longer Irish jokes in this article, and its arguably best read rather than said aloud! It's so that you don't get the guac-oma. He often claims that his speaking lines were cut in the final edit, but he does have three lines that appear in the movie, spoken by Gothi, the troll priest. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. I'm guessing I'm not married because I'd take a bullet for a grilled cheese before I'd take one for a girl. F*ck this, shouted Anto as he ran out of the room. I dont care in the slightest. 66. No relation, I take it? What do you call a deer with only one eye? He calls up to vet to try to remedy the problem. Because only a few of them could pass the bar., Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher in the national school in Westport? 4. On my desk, I have a work station.. 23. What did the right eye mention to the left one when they were having an argument? These are my top 20 cow jokes. If you're cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right? Which of these Jungle Cruise quotes, jokes, and puns do you like best? $3.99 a minute. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. 57. He said, "Your eyes are so blue, I lose myself at see.". What is it when a man talks dirty to a woman? Why did the teacher have to start wearing sunglasses? The Black Eyed Peas. 10. if (year<1900) {year+=1900} document.write(year); After five minutes he shouted to the cop, Here! The bulls` eyes begin to straighten, but the vet soon looses his breath and the bulls` eyes are crossed again. 13. Yo mama's so pass-eyed, when she dropped a dime, she thought she picked up two nickels. Well, I don't see the porpoise. 2. He climbed out 4 times to take a piss.. It gives them eye-fives. 'Op in!". 105. Names, Two blondes were walking in the park. Anto and his wife were lying in bed in their house in Dublin one Saturday morning. Youre going to beg me to turn back. One blonde says, "Aw! The vet looks at Banta and says, "You look like a strong man, why don`t you give it a try." Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest! 74. Why do Australians hunt with one eye? iContact. I had a girlfriend once. Because they can't see if they close both. How do I get to the other side of the river?, shouted one lad to the other. "Shit!!!" Yeah, they put the squeeze on me. This is worse than death this is torture! One says,"We'll kill him!" We also popped out a question to our 250,000 Instagram followers (@instaireland) asking them what they thought were the best Irish jokes, so weve popped in suggestions from there, too. No, the man replied. What is the definition of "making love"? 27. "I wasn't talking to you" the judge replied. I stir it in with my left hand, replied the first lad. Home; About; Categories. In a few decades. The secretary's office is that way. "Justawareness. Well, he saw it with his eyes. 5. Airports in Ireland: Where They Are And Which Is The Best To Fly Into, How Much Does A Trip To Ireland Cost? One liner tags: life 63.72 % / 31 votes. Yes, this is another potentially offensive and dirty Irish joke involving sheep. Living the dream. If you doget offended by any of these, you need to get your noggin checked. And Jaime was so good at encouraging that as well. What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes One eyed ghosts. The optometrist examines him and says "You have a cataract." Lily isdeterminedto uncover an ancient tree with unparalleled healing abilitiespossessing the power to change the future of medicine. I have no eye-deer. The primary sign of strabismus is a visible misalignment of the eyes, with one eye turning in, out, up, down or at an oblique angle. Sign me up! He had a-stick-matism from then on. 10. How do I get to the other side of the river?, shouted one lad to the other. Cross-eyed Jokes Just a Weeee Bit An extraordinarily handsome man decided he had the God-given responsibility to marry the perfect woman so they could produce children beyond comparison. 59. T-shirt is actually short for tyrannosaurus shirt. 78. Why did the mum decide to buy new glasses? One said, Oo, oo, oo, aah aah aah! And Im so excited to actually be a speaking part in a Disney film. My mission is to help moms find peace, break cycles, and feel whole so they can be present, peaceful, and positive moms. | Trellis Framework by Mediavine, PRESS RELEASE - Tue, 28 Feb 2023 23:12:04, LOS ANGELES, CA February 28, 2023 (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) The Los Angeles County Department of Arts & Culture recently launched the Collective Memory Installation as part of its Illuminate LA initiative. What did he call the boy?". "The police are looking for a man with one eye named Murphy." And says "Oi! One liner tags: marriage, puns 73.71 % / 207 votes. Take away the fact that there is immense multi-faceted advancement daily, and that feeling remains. Did you hear about the cashier that scanned the eyes of one rude customer with his barcode reader? "Well," says the vet "Im going to have to put him down." Where would you take one eye that is depressed? The only drawback is only two can play. 83. Between you and me there's something that smells. See our new one liners or check one liner of the day. 8. What did the patient say when the optometrist asked him if he ever had his eyes checked out? I have been turned down by all the best clubs in Europe. A Russian visiting India went for an eye check up. Now it's become see salt. What would you call the eyeball who just got a pilot's license? What did the optometrist have to say about the painful eye pun? Loved reading the jokes. A: A Candy Baa. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of great family-friendly jokes/ for everyone to enjoy! travesa crossbow noun It sort of implies a bond of trust and loyalty. Its one of my boulder attractions. Sheamus drops into the local pub on the way back home from visiting the doctor. Theres a nun standing outside it. I said, Emily, you are the only one who can do this movie., Jack, attest to this as a British person, if someone comes on too strong-, Its just better to go, Okay. He went on to say: Many moons later, I went to Disney World for the first time and rode the ride then too, as well. Here are some of our favorite Jungle Cruise quotes: Lagrimas de Cristal (pause for dramatic effect). 'Op in!" What do you call a dinosaur with one eye Doyouthinkhesawus. Sorry, love, can I have a pint of Guinness and a packet of crisps where youre ready there. Between you and me something smells. Bee-auty. 71. What do you call an Irishman with a case of chickenpox? 34. Q: What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil? He'd be called the Sky Eye. #10 a dog licking its butt. 2. Fare? #11 a bunny on Hump Day. Everybody laughed at the premiere, people cheered. It'd be called Piiig. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Starring: Crystal Loverro & Barry Carlson Watch part 2 here: to more of Jason's work: htt. Banta agrees. Tazza: One Eyed Jack: Tazza: One Eyed Jack is a 2019 South Korean crime drama film directed by Kwon Oh-kwang, starring Park Jung-min, Ryoo Seung-bum, Choi Yu-hwa, Yoon Je-moon . These ,, Daily Affirmations for Success for a Positive and Powerful Life, Are You a Codependent Mom? ", What do you call a chef with one eye? I had to put my foot down. It could be that one persons world enough. I guess that's a site for sore eyes. A: An animal that's in a baaaaaaaad moooooood. Whats the story? Paddy asks when he sees the look on Sheamuss face. She says to a man next to her: ''The driver just insulted me!'' The man says: ''You go up there and tell him off. What did the judge have to say about a bad eye pun said during the trial? I don't know and I don't care. Because they can't aim if they close two. Disclaimer: I left themajorityof the more offensive Irish jokes to the end, but one of the lads sent me this in a text and I thought it was gas (Irish slang for funny)! Why should you never put any avocado in your eyes? Because she heard that they were playing some movies that were eye candy. Its not that funny, but its super funny. 87. Whats the bad news? 81. There exist delicate tissues in ragdoll brains that permit edge-to-edge and up-and-down mobility and govern it. He said, "Iris my case.". ", 73. 37. What did one eye say to the other? 101. To which the Chinese man replies "Noh, I drive Lincoln Coninenal. Yo mama' so cross-eyed, when she has sex she thinks its a threesome. What would you need to do to become a famous eyewear designer? A: I hear the doctor is taking us out tonight! It got too warm in the cockpit so he switched off the fan! I used up to now a woman who became pass-eyed. It says, "I see that you're still wrong". 93. The cat will be cross-eyed if both eyes are misguided towards the nose. Now all that's left is to test them out: embrace the corniest opener you can find and go make someone laugh or roll their eyes. Credit: Christmas cracker. He said, "Eye hope you start feeling better soon". Jungle Cruise Hoodie - Photo by Dustin Fuhs. "You Are Eye Sunshine". Have any short Irish jokes for adults that you want to share? Website and Mobile, Like us on Facebook:, Follow us on Twitter:, Instagram: It's ok computer, I go to sleep after 20 minutes of inactivity too. What would you call a fish that didn't have any eyes? 31. 8. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Cross Eye animated GIFs to your conversations. He arrived back up the stairs ten minutes later. What do you call a kid with one eye and a pirate's leg? Here are some of our favorite Jungle Cruise quotes: Lagrimas de Cristal (pause for dramatic effect) You are not where you are supposed to be. The Englishman pushes his pint away in disgust and orders up another. Your sister says what she thinks, with no regard to anyones feelings. A cross eyed cow keeps reproducing with cows and the spawn come out cross eyed. 55. I immediately just saw the potential of the opportunity. One of the questions was How do you stir sugar into your tea?. That scanned the eyes of one rude customer with his barcode reader can read! You find a hidden gem in your eyes are crossed again cashier that scanned the eyes of rude! Been turned down by all the best to Fly into, how Much does a Trip to Cost... Bull that keeps bumping into things, it was a beautiful ceremony, wasnt it?! mum! Plan a big day out of them could pass the bar., did you hear about cashier. 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