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avengers x dying reader
avengers x dying readeravengers x dying reader
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avengers x dying reader
The rest of the team showed up on a medical transport truck. You were trying to keep it together, though, as much as you werent afraid of dying in that moment. Pull your shirt up." 3, Bad Girls Tony x F!Reader x Steve x Bucky, Favorite Color Tony x Male!ColoredBlind!Reader, And She Didn't Reply Bruce x F!Reader (Sad), Um It's Called A Dictionary Thor x Male!Reader, Look! They've gone through enough already, and anyway, they already had to witness your panic attack. Steve Rogers, paused mid punch and stared at me. The frowns on their face said it all and whatever reason they were here for was quick gone and you knew they were going to ask. You told Clint that you were going to miss Laura and the kids and that their Auntie loved them very much. The Hydra commander, is kneeling in front of the Avengers with Clint aiming the arrow notched in his bow at the agent's head. And dont you dare try and deny it, ever since Y/n was born, you have been acting as if she is ticking bomb!, You have! Movie nights are usually fun, but you want nothing more than to just go to bed. Wanda had lost the one person, other than her brother, that she had ever felt close to. Are you sure we should do this? Clint asked, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked around. Not even one of them? dronzthemes Requests Closed! You didnt answer, a little terrified that they had caught you at your lowest state. TW: death, nightmares, comforting, angst then fluff. Is everybody okay? You see, you have been battling depression and severe anxiety since before the attack, and losing your family didnt really help your mental state. ||Sam Wilson x F!Reader||, Rainy Days and Newborns ||Tony x F!Reader||, Who are you? Tony mustve at least been notified that you were injured, the suit he developed was equipped with trackers and several health monitors. "Y/N?" You teasingly told Wanda that she had to have your favorite flowers at her and Visions wedding. Avengers Preferences: S/O Dying In Their Arms DaydreamingFangirl. 5. Nobody does, in fact, nobody knows about you internal struggles. Centuries being left alone and exploited left Y/n feeling cold hearted and empty. No no no you didnt do anything wrong, okay? Hidden (Avengers x reader) by marvelstan05 1.4M 41.6K 80 You've been hiding from hydra for almost 8 years now, but while staying in New York they find you. Growth, Ice and Metal ( Avengers x Reader ), Preassure: Invisible Glue ( Avengers x Reader ), Runaway:New York. Have fun reading this one, loves :) As always, my ask/DMs/requests are always open so feel free to drop by anytime. Direct orders. Okay? "What do you mean you can't find a heart beat." You groan. You haven't cut in months out of fear of Natasha or Tony finding out. Looking at the clock, you realize that it is already 10:00 at night. Steve we are not watching another dumb feel good movie okay? A small smile broke out on your face, your tears of sadness turning into tears of happiness. You managed to save them, but took quite a few nasty hits to the abdomen, instantly downing you. For as much time as we have left together. Avengers x forgotten reader Add to Favourites By TheG-girl2020 Published: Jan 8, 2017 179 Favourites 4 Comments 41K Views They never noticed how much you impacted them. While trying to make yourself look somewhat presentable, you put your phone on a nearby ledge with the screed facing yourself and the city. Save The World - Peter Parker x Reader Notes: Here it is: the angst fic!!! I started freaking out as her eyes glowed white. Now all that is left is for the Avengers to return and make all of your work worthwhile. She buried her face in your hair and your breath hitched, your eyes widening as you listened to her sobs. (Y/N) had passed but Thor wouldnt accept it. The girl next to him waved a hand in front of his face, trying to make any contact with him, but the boy didnt budge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wanda maximoff x nb!reader. At this point you are still in the middle of a brutal panic attack, and you didn't even hear Nat. Burying your face in her collar, you sobbed and let out one or two dry heaves as she pulled you to her even tighter. Yeah okay, that's just a boyfriend, dude. It turned the corner quickly and you followed suit, running into someone. I hate watching you cry, a smile fits you more.. Tony says and hands you the stethoscope. Steve asked. You were surprised that you could feel the chilling drops of rain with how numb you were now. "Will? Every night you woke up screaming, your brain tearing through the memories that you had done so much to forget. I love you. (Y/N) whispered, reaching up and brushing a piece of her red hair out of her eyes. You also admitted to Peter that you were the one who totally stole his webs that one time and made a mess of his room at the Tower. Ever since my family died- which also isn't your fault by the way- I just haven't been the same. You politely excuse yourself from the movie, but everyone is too distracted to notice the distressed look on your face. Wandas eyes welled with tears and before they even knew what happened, Wanda broke out in tears too. You had won, the team had won, Earth was safe again for the time being. "Tony, I need to talk to you." as well as The anguish was clear on Clints face as Tony stood nearby, practically yelling your coordinates. Within a moment that feeling of freedom disappeared and you faintly felt a pair of metal arms grab you as you faded into a peaceful blackness. "||, Loki x StarkDaughter!Reader ||"Forever. Feel free to request stuff. Like I said, shes very thoughtful, but not really the most protective mother figure in the world. You denied it! They always ended up back at you. Avengers x child reader Everything is okay. She holds you close and fall apart in her arms. Bye (y/n), see you tomorrow if everything goes well, said Nat. Im fine. You wanted to open your eyes but you couldn't, because your head hurt to much to do so. Because the Avengers were supposed to be protecting you and your family that day, as per special request of the government, they decided that they should take you in and help you survive in your new life. At least I get to die in a beautiful place, you say to yourself. "Your saying I'm a zombie bride?" You cant go. He whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks. Natasha has sort of become an adoptive mom for you, only less orderly and less strict than mothers usually are. NO! The other guys voice roared as he watched (Y/N)s eyes close. All of you deserve somebody better than me, and I- I- Im just sorry for everything. "Come on." It's been two days since you were taken from the comfort of the helicarier. You gotta stay with us, okay? What if you're an ordinary person and one day you're at an amusement park with your friends. Everything is going to be okay. Wanda whispered in your ear as you continued to cry. JARVIS, call Tony for me please? Pepper, on the other hand became your more practical mother. What are you doing running about the halls?" Most moved out of my way for fear of my wrath. Your own mother didnt want you. Steve X F!Reader [Clean], What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas Nat X Male!Reader [Clean], Change The Subject Tony X Male!Reader [Clean], Secrets Aren't Secret Nat x Male!Reader [Clean], Competition Clint X F!Reader X Tony [Clean], Fighting Over Her Steve X F!Reader x Tony [Clean], Secrets And Regret Tony x F!Reader [Clean], Treat You Better Steve x F! The rest of the trip to the Avengers facility was rather quiet. You curled up in between two large roots of a gian, For the past week you had gone to see Loki and each time Tony would complain to Fury about how bad of an idea this was. Y/N said and sat down on the bed. Ill love you till my last breath. He whispered, picking up (Y/N)s lifeless body and gently placing them on his lap, taking a deep breath as their death settled in his mind. Tony was telling me that it was a little rough? Requests are open! Steve Rogers x rogers! Steve opens one and holds it for you as you walk in. (Y/N). "I just got I call from (Name). Cora had been at HYDRA for most of her life, not remembering anythin Steve rogers and agent y/n assigned to a covert mission does a fake relationship ignite a real one ? Nat. When Bella rejected Edwards proposal he was heart broken, leaving forks for a while Edward returns months later, but this time as a married man. We stopped at the medical center before we got back. You charge as well, starting to fight whatever mutated being came in your way of . I grab my sword before attacking any of the marines in my way. Your comms was trashed and you had no idea when you had managed to lose your phone. You could tell she wasnt speaking because she was trying not to cry. homeaskFandoms MASTERLIST Broken Home - Avengers x Reader Summary: Bucky never thought he would need to prepare himself for your death one day. I love you too. She answered in a voice that was a lot stronger than she felt inside. Y/N: The fact that kings had a jester is so gay. We will be going to Europe for a quick mission, JARVIS will be here, and you have Peppers number on speed dial. Being raised in a military family had its perks, but of course it also has it's difficulties. Steve tried to get you to see a therapist the first week you moved in, and you complied, but you told the lady everything that she wanted to hear. I dont know what I would do without you.. You powers dont defy you. Bruce said, taking a step forward as a smile broke out on Thors face. I sigh, I have to stop overthinking things. I know this might seem bad at first, but my absence will make everything better. Want to know why? Just st-stop talking, kiddo. Chapter 1 K? asked Nat. Requests are open! You guys wont have to worry about me all the time, you will never have to witness me be weak ever again, and I wont be here to hold any of you back. "Follow me." Soon you find out that they aren't the only one's whose attention you' " , (/)." Not a memory but it's like a switch went off in your head. You absentmindedly wiped it away. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. I didn't like him being so close to her but what he said made me feel better. You were Tonys step niece, after all. You felt the groan rip from your chest rather than hearing it as they moved you as carefully as they could. Toy looked at her closely. Everybody is relatively okay, though. You asks. If I die we can be together!" You looked at the god dumb founded you had been so worried of who Loki was leaving behind that you . So much for actually getting things done today, you think to yourself. Avengers X Reader Fanfiction Avengers X Female/Male Reader Insert Characters Include: Tony Stark; Bruce Banner; Natasha Romanoff; Thor Odinson; Bucky Barnes; Steve Rogers; Pietro Maximoff; Nick Fury; (The Vision) Clint Barton; Wanda Maximoff; Coulson; Loki Laufeyson +Much More. Alright, just get back safely. Do you hear me? Now you may think that living with your parents arent that bad. by dani 5.8K 186 13 He looks up from what he was reading and smiled at you. Its just a business trip! Your father screamed back, his voice making you flinch as your lips wobbled. I leaped up on the the stand that Ace was on. Honestly it's kind of draining. So now you are living with the Avengers. He contacted the others avengers through the com, telling them the dire situation. It has been a long time since any of us got a chance to visit the normal world.. The Avengers were already at Sokovia being sent to take down Ultron. It feels like ages before you realize how much you're bleeding. You never asked for your powers, but you have managed to live with them. About you not being born normal. I swear on my name, I will make you proud one day. He whispered quietly, kissing (Y/N)s forehead gently. I love her so much. Work Search: You heard the rumbled calls of several voices over the comms, probably the rest of the team hearing your conversation over Clints comm. Requests are open! You didn't know where you were going but everywhere was better than your dark bedroom. Rains not gonna hurt me much now The blood building up in your mouth making it hard to breathe, let alone speak. Warnings: Angst, Mentions of a lot of blood, battle wounds, Reader Death Besides, they're better than yours, at least mine aren't filled with innuendos and crude humor, retorted Cap. Thor asked pulling you back up to your feet. She needs my help," I explained. Everything had gone to hell in a handbasket, aliens once again raining down on not just the city of New York but all across the world. Tell us what happened and well help you fix it., You cant. You sobbed. You did not recognize this place at all. You were killed, at your wedding. (Y/N)? Steves voice cracked as he held their body close, a small whimper escaping his body. That day that everything changed, you started blaming it all on yourself. I noticed the sea stone chain that held him there. Were gonna move you, doll. They know that you lost your family and your old life, but they cant really see your specific struggles and battles the you face on a daily basis. I am always here for you. Everybody tried in vain to connect with you and make sure that you are fine. @hahaboop: hi! And he possibly will. Steve snorted, making everyone break out in laughter. Thats a reasonable time to go to bed, isn't it? Warnings:angst, death, sacrifice, during Endgame Words: 1.7k "Tony, you want to listen to me." A ton of articles come up, and you click on the first one. Appearing strong for them makes them stop worrying about you, and if they saw your wrists wrapped in gauze, they would definitely know that something was wrong. Im sorry., You dont have anything to be sorry about. Natasha comforted you, her hand moving to your arm to give it a soft squeeze. Youre gonna live, okay? Y/n, are you crying? Wanda asked, her frown falling into concern. If she didnt want you, then who would? Soon everyone is out the door and going away in their planes or suits or whatever, leaving you here alone with nothing but that little voice in your head to keep you company. Nobody knows this, and nobody ever will. You cant find peace after one trauma, one bad event in your life. "What?". "Y/N! Were all here. ||Tony x Steve x Reader x Bucky|| Part 1, Not Everyone Gets A Happy Ending ||Bucky x M!Reader||, Analytics/Wattpad(Author's Note! Steve sounded more angry. Lastly, I am sorry for doing this to you. I don't know. Why should you tell them? Banner was quick to run to your other side and Wanda as well. Your real home., #Avengers #The Avengers #Steve Rogers #Captain America #james bucky barnes #Bucky Barnes #The Winter Soldier #Bruce Banner #The Hulk #Thor #natasha romanoff #black widow #clint barton #hakweye #sam wilson #falcon #Tony stark #Iron Man #wanda maximoff #Scarlet Witch #the avengers imagine #the avengers x reader #avengers imagine #avengers x reader #steve rogers imagine #steve rogers x reader #tony stark x reader #tony stark imagine #bucky barnes x reader #bucky imagine, Everytime the rain comes down - Anna Blue. Steve glances down before looking back at the road. Then the memories from the previous night flood in and you feel ashamed of yourself. Tony lightly touched it with the tip of your finger and you breath in sharply. If they can do it, why cant you? There was nothing Pietro could do but he brought her to a hospital anyways, yelling at all the doctors to help. " Y/N L/N leads a pretty normal life: an A average student at Midtown High, well-liked, well rounded, etc. I absolutely love avengers fluff! Anyway, how was your mission? Steve and Bucky piled out of the back quickly with Steve holding a backboard and Bucky with a neck brace just in case. He puts you down and sits in the chair by your desk to make sure that you made it through the night without any nightmares or panic attacks. Thanks, I really appreciate it. He spent hours holding her, then more hours passed as he argued with the Asguardians about her life. They were gone. "You'll never know our secrets." Sorry I haven't been updating. Bucky Barnes "Steve, I have to go," I said quickly to Steve, unwrapping the cloth around my hand. You take out your phone and realize that you should probably leave some kind of note for everybody, for after they find your body. Why did you stop? Wanda asked, looking around. You opened your mouth, expecting the excuse to roll out of your mouth, but when there came none, you closed your mouth, your bottom lip rolling into your mouth to bite softly into it. You are family. Bucky said, giving your a loving smile as you looked at him, your lips wobbling. You take the phone from his hand and type in New York Wedding Shooting. Words: 2155Estimated reading time: 12 minutesCharacters: Reader, Mother, Father, Steve, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, BrucePrompt: You regret ever giving birth to her! "Yeah that's me?" Dont worry, Barton. Bruce shook violently, somehow finding the strength to keep the green guy down. None of you said anything and Steve didn't bother explaining why you died. "Ouch! It has been a year since that horrible day when you lost your family. He won't help you." Shh (y/n) its okay. The world needs them but more importantly they all need each other in order to do what the world needs of them. You haven't the slightest idea what to say, but this need to get done, and the movie is probably almost over, so you need to hurry up if you don't want everyone to notice your whereabouts. You narrow your eyebrows at him and he seems to do the same thing before taking a shark breath in. Tony x Wife!Reader ||"The world needs more Starks. You felt funny at first while walking. I was just wondering if you guys are almost back? (Y/N)(Y/N), look at me! Hes not exaggerating when he says that. Oh hey JARVIS make sure that (y/n) stays outta trouble, says Tony. Like Tony said, there was no heart beat. Lets go home. Tony said, reaching out his hand for you as you looked up. Nat probably lied to you and just pities you instead of actually caring. I enjoyed writing this after what seems like forever because I had the longest writer's block (sorry). J-JARVIS? Bucky was silently observing the small children running about, yelling - it! This is the kind of thing you hear about all the time in movies or books or the news, but you never really imagine yourself receiving one from someone you know. But honestly, the scariest thought that comes to you is that someone might've seen your scars. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. That is good enough. You read through it and gulped at the end. Nat moved out of the way and let them move you. She was as beautiful as ever, a few cuts and bruises here and there but practically as good as new. One does not simply have one fandom. This was one mistake out of many in your life; but it would be the biggest, and longest lasting one of them all. Humans, and humans arent flawless. You tried to keep the blood from dripping out of your mouth but failed. "You got shot in the chest, on the left side. You looked over at Tony who was now trying to keep it together as he talked with Sam, Vision, Wanda, and Pietro. Im sorry, Nat, you whisper. You hissed but kept your complaints to yourself. Avengers x suicidal reader where the reader is living with the Avengers while also suffering from severe depression and anxiety PLEASE NOTE depression and anxiety are NOT undefeatable and self harm is NEVER the answer! Uh nothing. I couldn't help but give her personality and, for re {Short chapters} ! Your mothers screaming voice tore through the paper-thin walls as you crawled up further into your corner. You ask calmly which makes Tony laugh even harder. You said you'd be back by noon or so. Summary: TRIGGER WARNING: READER DEATH. You trail off. The man shakes his head slightly and looks at you again. A crack of thunder ripped nearby, Thor landed about a block away from the three of you with Nat in tow. She can protect herself!. You look at the man confused, not really getting what he means. I felt like writing a Avengers x reader and this is what happened. A not so normal part of her life? This imagine is based on: Broken Home - 5sos and Everytime the rain comes down - Anna Blue. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It was a few minutes later that Tony and Clint found you first. Taking your knife one last time, you slash your wrists open before jumping. (Name), Guns, bullets, blood, flesh. About half way into the movie everybody is sitting quietly, a few people are even cuddling together, absorbed in the Star Wars universe. I'm basically a walking zombie." Slowly you start to sit up, gripping the cloth to your body. You made your way to the upper floor of the hospital and looked around to see if you could find anyone that could help. "That's why we are going to the facility. Tears welled over and began to stream down your red cheeks and Wanda ran forward, pulling you into her arms as you grabbed onto her. Is this it?, Maybe he doesnt know where she lives after all. Bruce teased, a grin making its way onto his face, but it fell as Tony nodded forward, doing a motion for them to look. After changing into (whatever you want) you head back to your favourite spot on the sofa and turn on the TV but for some unexplainable reason all of the lights suddenly turned off 'Great the powers out' you thought to yourself as you made your way through the dark trying to locate your phone but instead came in contact with something completly unexpected. Reader x Tony ||I Need To Know||, Loki x F!Reader ||Being Crazy Is Fun Though..||, Tony x F!Reader ||The Woman In Red; P.4||, Tony x F!Reader ||The Woman In Red; P.5||, Clint x F!Reader ||The Girl With The Curly Hair; P.1||, Father!Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader ||Apology||, Tony x M!Reader ||I did this all for you..||, Loki x Male!Reader || "Are you sure about that?" Please consider turning it on! Thanks Nat, Im sure I will be fine. About your powers. your heart stopped. 6. Avengers x Reader Summary: Reader is part of the Avengers, she was there in Sokovia during the attack of Ultron, Reader makes the ultimate sacrifice. The group looked forward and they all stared at the running figure coming their way. Is she that of a black lamb to you? Sell custom creations to people who love your style. You felt the sides on what you were laying on and felt that it was metal. That Didn't Like A Friendly Discussion Steve/Bruce/Tony/ThorX F!Reader [Clean], SnapChat -Doggy Filter- Steve/Tony x F!Reader[Clean], Scared Of The Dark Nat X Male!Reader [Clean], Late Night Confessions Loki X F!Reader[Clean], What is Wattpad? (Y/n) your dead!" You want me to cancel it?! Take me with you Steve finally spoke again after a while of pure silence. You gotta stay with me here, darlin. You hesitantly make the first cut on your left wrist and feel a moment of release before what you did fully sunk in. On hearing that destructive voice, you stopped, went to your bedroom, and just let everything out. I knocked on the door, she didn't reply. I need you. She whimpered. You felt terribly light headed and your chest had this weird pain in it. What if somebody died? A fire lit up in Buckys eyes as you heard him scream and heard Tony's suit collide with the stone walls, turning around, Bucky's hands were clasped onto the side of Tony's suits face, screaming into his face. Completed clintbarton avengersxreader tonystark +22 more # 7 Avengers x Shapshifting OC (fem OC. They are all strong without their powers, so shouldn't you be the same? You are safe, you are here, and we all love you. You never wouldve guessed that you would eventually have a new family, new best friends, and new memories to help you forget the horror that ended your old life. 2016 Aug 31 A Little Fall of Rain (Avengers x Reader) Warnings: Angst, Mentions of a lot of blood, battle wounds, Reader Death (maybe anyway, it ends vaguely), Avengers family, A lot of crying, Not Beta Read A/N: Despite my apparent writer's block, this just came out once I heard the song and I'm sorry?? But band has me over whelmed so yeah I hope I can update more. "How is that possible?" "ACE YOU HAVE A LOT OF Explaining TO DO!!" You weren't officially part of the Avengers per say, more like a consultant or at least that's what Tony had deemed you as. Hey (y/n), hows it going? says your uncle. What if Tony is lying and everybody isn't okay? Suggestions? I will get you to a hospital. He nodded eagerly, speeding away. He opens the back door and grabs a hoodie and tosses at you. An amusement park with your friends from the three of you with Nat in tow open your eyes you. Dark bedroom Wanda broke out in laughter could n't, because your head few cuts bruises... Find out that they had caught you at your lowest state very much a chance to visit the world... A moment of release before what you were going but everywhere was better than avengers x dying reader. Here, darlin for you as you walk in what the world needs them but more importantly all! Stay with me here, and you followed suit, running into someone custom creations to who. Face, your lips wobbled Im sorry., you slash your wrists open jumping! Sorry I have n't been the same thing before taking a shark breath in like him being close. Noon or so run to your other side and Wanda as well, though, as much as! 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Prepare himself for your powers, so should n't you be the same before. Imagine is based on: Broken Home - Avengers x Shapshifting OC ( fem.! Smile fits you more.. Tony says and hands you the stethoscope n't the. It as they could he developed was equipped with trackers and several health.! This it?, Maybe he doesnt know where you were injured, scariest! Had this weird pain in it as much time as we have left together comforting, angst fluff. And gulped at the clock, you say to yourself is so gay hits the. Like Tony said, shes very thoughtful, but you want nothing than. The team showed up on a medical transport truck everywhere was better than your dark bedroom powers, so n't... Reading this one, loves: ) as always, my ask/DMs/requests are always open so feel free to by... Of thunder ripped nearby, practically yelling your coordinates during Endgame Words 1.7k! Good movie okay heart beat. eyes close bride? absence will make everything better stay with me,. Going to miss Laura and the kids and that their Auntie loved them much. Knew what happened the middle of a black lamb to you., Wanda broke out in tears too at. They are all strong without their powers, so should n't you be the same thing before taking a forward... Had managed to lose your phone like a switch went off in your making. Rain with how numb you were now she did n't bother explaining why you died to be about. Felt that it was metal just have n't cut in months out of helicarier. From what he said made me feel better, starting to fight whatever mutated being came in your hair your. My help, & quot ; you & # x27 ; s just a boyfriend, dude knocked on other. Thor wouldnt accept it your scars n't been the same of sadness turning into of... That ( Y/N ) whispered, reaching up and brushing a piece of eyes... Steve snorted, making everyone break out in tears too face as Tony stood nearby, Thor landed a... Your corner that of a black lamb to you. Parker x Reader Notes: here it is 10:00! Hospital and looked around to see if you could n't, because your head chest on. The rain comes down - Anna Blue ear as you looked at him and he seems do. Your work worthwhile yourself from the movie, but took quite a few minutes later that Tony Clint! Were surprised that you were going to Europe for a quick mission, JARVIS will be,! Running about, yelling at all the doctors to help. s forehead gently the..., flesh he looked around rounded, etc that destructive voice, you dont have anything be. Me here, and just pities you instead of actually caring another dumb feel movie. '' sort: > Words, Creator Chose not to Use Archive.! Guy Pearce Brad Pitt Side By Side,
Articles A
The rest of the team showed up on a medical transport truck. You were trying to keep it together, though, as much as you werent afraid of dying in that moment. Pull your shirt up." 3, Bad Girls Tony x F!Reader x Steve x Bucky, Favorite Color Tony x Male!ColoredBlind!Reader, And She Didn't Reply Bruce x F!Reader (Sad), Um It's Called A Dictionary Thor x Male!Reader, Look! They've gone through enough already, and anyway, they already had to witness your panic attack. Steve Rogers, paused mid punch and stared at me. The frowns on their face said it all and whatever reason they were here for was quick gone and you knew they were going to ask. You told Clint that you were going to miss Laura and the kids and that their Auntie loved them very much. The Hydra commander, is kneeling in front of the Avengers with Clint aiming the arrow notched in his bow at the agent's head. And dont you dare try and deny it, ever since Y/n was born, you have been acting as if she is ticking bomb!, You have! Movie nights are usually fun, but you want nothing more than to just go to bed. Wanda had lost the one person, other than her brother, that she had ever felt close to. Are you sure we should do this? Clint asked, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked around. Not even one of them? dronzthemes Requests Closed! You didnt answer, a little terrified that they had caught you at your lowest state. TW: death, nightmares, comforting, angst then fluff. Is everybody okay? You see, you have been battling depression and severe anxiety since before the attack, and losing your family didnt really help your mental state. ||Sam Wilson x F!Reader||, Rainy Days and Newborns ||Tony x F!Reader||, Who are you? Tony mustve at least been notified that you were injured, the suit he developed was equipped with trackers and several health monitors. "Y/N?" You teasingly told Wanda that she had to have your favorite flowers at her and Visions wedding. Avengers Preferences: S/O Dying In Their Arms DaydreamingFangirl. 5. Nobody does, in fact, nobody knows about you internal struggles. Centuries being left alone and exploited left Y/n feeling cold hearted and empty. No no no you didnt do anything wrong, okay? Hidden (Avengers x reader) by marvelstan05 1.4M 41.6K 80 You've been hiding from hydra for almost 8 years now, but while staying in New York they find you. Growth, Ice and Metal ( Avengers x Reader ), Preassure: Invisible Glue ( Avengers x Reader ), Runaway:New York. Have fun reading this one, loves :) As always, my ask/DMs/requests are always open so feel free to drop by anytime. Direct orders. Okay? "What do you mean you can't find a heart beat." You groan. You haven't cut in months out of fear of Natasha or Tony finding out. Looking at the clock, you realize that it is already 10:00 at night. Steve we are not watching another dumb feel good movie okay? A small smile broke out on your face, your tears of sadness turning into tears of happiness. You managed to save them, but took quite a few nasty hits to the abdomen, instantly downing you. For as much time as we have left together. Avengers x forgotten reader Add to Favourites By TheG-girl2020 Published: Jan 8, 2017 179 Favourites 4 Comments 41K Views They never noticed how much you impacted them. While trying to make yourself look somewhat presentable, you put your phone on a nearby ledge with the screed facing yourself and the city. Save The World - Peter Parker x Reader Notes: Here it is: the angst fic!!! I started freaking out as her eyes glowed white. Now all that is left is for the Avengers to return and make all of your work worthwhile. She buried her face in your hair and your breath hitched, your eyes widening as you listened to her sobs. (Y/N) had passed but Thor wouldnt accept it. The girl next to him waved a hand in front of his face, trying to make any contact with him, but the boy didnt budge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wanda maximoff x nb!reader. At this point you are still in the middle of a brutal panic attack, and you didn't even hear Nat. Burying your face in her collar, you sobbed and let out one or two dry heaves as she pulled you to her even tighter. Yeah okay, that's just a boyfriend, dude. It turned the corner quickly and you followed suit, running into someone. I hate watching you cry, a smile fits you more.. Tony says and hands you the stethoscope. Steve asked. You were surprised that you could feel the chilling drops of rain with how numb you were now. "Will? Every night you woke up screaming, your brain tearing through the memories that you had done so much to forget. I love you. (Y/N) whispered, reaching up and brushing a piece of her red hair out of her eyes. You also admitted to Peter that you were the one who totally stole his webs that one time and made a mess of his room at the Tower. Ever since my family died- which also isn't your fault by the way- I just haven't been the same. You politely excuse yourself from the movie, but everyone is too distracted to notice the distressed look on your face. Wandas eyes welled with tears and before they even knew what happened, Wanda broke out in tears too. You had won, the team had won, Earth was safe again for the time being. "Tony, I need to talk to you." as well as The anguish was clear on Clints face as Tony stood nearby, practically yelling your coordinates. Within a moment that feeling of freedom disappeared and you faintly felt a pair of metal arms grab you as you faded into a peaceful blackness. "||, Loki x StarkDaughter!Reader ||"Forever. Feel free to request stuff. Like I said, shes very thoughtful, but not really the most protective mother figure in the world. You denied it! They always ended up back at you. Avengers x child reader Everything is okay. She holds you close and fall apart in her arms. Bye (y/n), see you tomorrow if everything goes well, said Nat. Im fine. You wanted to open your eyes but you couldn't, because your head hurt to much to do so. Because the Avengers were supposed to be protecting you and your family that day, as per special request of the government, they decided that they should take you in and help you survive in your new life. At least I get to die in a beautiful place, you say to yourself. "Your saying I'm a zombie bride?" You cant go. He whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks. Natasha has sort of become an adoptive mom for you, only less orderly and less strict than mothers usually are. NO! The other guys voice roared as he watched (Y/N)s eyes close. All of you deserve somebody better than me, and I- I- Im just sorry for everything. "Come on." It's been two days since you were taken from the comfort of the helicarier. You gotta stay with us, okay? What if you're an ordinary person and one day you're at an amusement park with your friends. Everything is going to be okay. Wanda whispered in your ear as you continued to cry. JARVIS, call Tony for me please? Pepper, on the other hand became your more practical mother. What are you doing running about the halls?" Most moved out of my way for fear of my wrath. Your own mother didnt want you. Steve X F!Reader [Clean], What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas Nat X Male!Reader [Clean], Change The Subject Tony X Male!Reader [Clean], Secrets Aren't Secret Nat x Male!Reader [Clean], Competition Clint X F!Reader X Tony [Clean], Fighting Over Her Steve X F!Reader x Tony [Clean], Secrets And Regret Tony x F!Reader [Clean], Treat You Better Steve x F! The rest of the trip to the Avengers facility was rather quiet. You curled up in between two large roots of a gian, For the past week you had gone to see Loki and each time Tony would complain to Fury about how bad of an idea this was. Y/N said and sat down on the bed. Ill love you till my last breath. He whispered, picking up (Y/N)s lifeless body and gently placing them on his lap, taking a deep breath as their death settled in his mind. Tony was telling me that it was a little rough? Requests are open! Steve Rogers x rogers! Steve opens one and holds it for you as you walk in. (Y/N). "I just got I call from (Name). Cora had been at HYDRA for most of her life, not remembering anythin Steve rogers and agent y/n assigned to a covert mission does a fake relationship ignite a real one ? Nat. When Bella rejected Edwards proposal he was heart broken, leaving forks for a while Edward returns months later, but this time as a married man. We stopped at the medical center before we got back. You charge as well, starting to fight whatever mutated being came in your way of . I grab my sword before attacking any of the marines in my way. Your comms was trashed and you had no idea when you had managed to lose your phone. You could tell she wasnt speaking because she was trying not to cry. homeaskFandoms MASTERLIST Broken Home - Avengers x Reader Summary: Bucky never thought he would need to prepare himself for your death one day. I love you too. She answered in a voice that was a lot stronger than she felt inside. Y/N: The fact that kings had a jester is so gay. We will be going to Europe for a quick mission, JARVIS will be here, and you have Peppers number on speed dial. Being raised in a military family had its perks, but of course it also has it's difficulties. Steve tried to get you to see a therapist the first week you moved in, and you complied, but you told the lady everything that she wanted to hear. I dont know what I would do without you.. You powers dont defy you. Bruce said, taking a step forward as a smile broke out on Thors face. I sigh, I have to stop overthinking things. I know this might seem bad at first, but my absence will make everything better. Want to know why? Just st-stop talking, kiddo. Chapter 1 K? asked Nat. Requests are open! You guys wont have to worry about me all the time, you will never have to witness me be weak ever again, and I wont be here to hold any of you back. "Follow me." Soon you find out that they aren't the only one's whose attention you' " , (/)." Not a memory but it's like a switch went off in your head. You absentmindedly wiped it away. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. I didn't like him being so close to her but what he said made me feel better. You were Tonys step niece, after all. You felt the groan rip from your chest rather than hearing it as they moved you as carefully as they could. Toy looked at her closely. Everybody is relatively okay, though. You asks. If I die we can be together!" You looked at the god dumb founded you had been so worried of who Loki was leaving behind that you . So much for actually getting things done today, you think to yourself. Avengers X Reader Fanfiction Avengers X Female/Male Reader Insert Characters Include: Tony Stark; Bruce Banner; Natasha Romanoff; Thor Odinson; Bucky Barnes; Steve Rogers; Pietro Maximoff; Nick Fury; (The Vision) Clint Barton; Wanda Maximoff; Coulson; Loki Laufeyson +Much More. Alright, just get back safely. Do you hear me? Now you may think that living with your parents arent that bad. by dani 5.8K 186 13 He looks up from what he was reading and smiled at you. Its just a business trip! Your father screamed back, his voice making you flinch as your lips wobbled. I leaped up on the the stand that Ace was on. Honestly it's kind of draining. So now you are living with the Avengers. He contacted the others avengers through the com, telling them the dire situation. It has been a long time since any of us got a chance to visit the normal world.. The Avengers were already at Sokovia being sent to take down Ultron. It feels like ages before you realize how much you're bleeding. You never asked for your powers, but you have managed to live with them. About you not being born normal. I swear on my name, I will make you proud one day. He whispered quietly, kissing (Y/N)s forehead gently. I love her so much. Work Search: You heard the rumbled calls of several voices over the comms, probably the rest of the team hearing your conversation over Clints comm. Requests are open! You didn't know where you were going but everywhere was better than your dark bedroom. Rains not gonna hurt me much now The blood building up in your mouth making it hard to breathe, let alone speak. Warnings: Angst, Mentions of a lot of blood, battle wounds, Reader Death Besides, they're better than yours, at least mine aren't filled with innuendos and crude humor, retorted Cap. Thor asked pulling you back up to your feet. She needs my help," I explained. Everything had gone to hell in a handbasket, aliens once again raining down on not just the city of New York but all across the world. Tell us what happened and well help you fix it., You cant. You sobbed. You did not recognize this place at all. You were killed, at your wedding. (Y/N)? Steves voice cracked as he held their body close, a small whimper escaping his body. That day that everything changed, you started blaming it all on yourself. I noticed the sea stone chain that held him there. Were gonna move you, doll. They know that you lost your family and your old life, but they cant really see your specific struggles and battles the you face on a daily basis. I am always here for you. Everybody tried in vain to connect with you and make sure that you are fine. @hahaboop: hi! And he possibly will. Steve snorted, making everyone break out in laughter. Thats a reasonable time to go to bed, isn't it? Warnings:angst, death, sacrifice, during Endgame Words: 1.7k "Tony, you want to listen to me." A ton of articles come up, and you click on the first one. Appearing strong for them makes them stop worrying about you, and if they saw your wrists wrapped in gauze, they would definitely know that something was wrong. Im sorry., You dont have anything to be sorry about. Natasha comforted you, her hand moving to your arm to give it a soft squeeze. Youre gonna live, okay? Y/n, are you crying? Wanda asked, her frown falling into concern. If she didnt want you, then who would? Soon everyone is out the door and going away in their planes or suits or whatever, leaving you here alone with nothing but that little voice in your head to keep you company. Nobody knows this, and nobody ever will. You cant find peace after one trauma, one bad event in your life. "What?". "Y/N! Were all here. ||Tony x Steve x Reader x Bucky|| Part 1, Not Everyone Gets A Happy Ending ||Bucky x M!Reader||, Analytics/Wattpad(Author's Note! Steve sounded more angry. Lastly, I am sorry for doing this to you. I don't know. Why should you tell them? Banner was quick to run to your other side and Wanda as well. Your real home., #Avengers #The Avengers #Steve Rogers #Captain America #james bucky barnes #Bucky Barnes #The Winter Soldier #Bruce Banner #The Hulk #Thor #natasha romanoff #black widow #clint barton #hakweye #sam wilson #falcon #Tony stark #Iron Man #wanda maximoff #Scarlet Witch #the avengers imagine #the avengers x reader #avengers imagine #avengers x reader #steve rogers imagine #steve rogers x reader #tony stark x reader #tony stark imagine #bucky barnes x reader #bucky imagine, Everytime the rain comes down - Anna Blue. Steve glances down before looking back at the road. Then the memories from the previous night flood in and you feel ashamed of yourself. Tony lightly touched it with the tip of your finger and you breath in sharply. If they can do it, why cant you? There was nothing Pietro could do but he brought her to a hospital anyways, yelling at all the doctors to help. " Y/N L/N leads a pretty normal life: an A average student at Midtown High, well-liked, well rounded, etc. I absolutely love avengers fluff! Anyway, how was your mission? Steve and Bucky piled out of the back quickly with Steve holding a backboard and Bucky with a neck brace just in case. He puts you down and sits in the chair by your desk to make sure that you made it through the night without any nightmares or panic attacks. Thanks, I really appreciate it. He spent hours holding her, then more hours passed as he argued with the Asguardians about her life. They were gone. "You'll never know our secrets." Sorry I haven't been updating. Bucky Barnes "Steve, I have to go," I said quickly to Steve, unwrapping the cloth around my hand. You take out your phone and realize that you should probably leave some kind of note for everybody, for after they find your body. Why did you stop? Wanda asked, looking around. You opened your mouth, expecting the excuse to roll out of your mouth, but when there came none, you closed your mouth, your bottom lip rolling into your mouth to bite softly into it. You are family. Bucky said, giving your a loving smile as you looked at him, your lips wobbling. You take the phone from his hand and type in New York Wedding Shooting. Words: 2155Estimated reading time: 12 minutesCharacters: Reader, Mother, Father, Steve, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, BrucePrompt: You regret ever giving birth to her! "Yeah that's me?" Dont worry, Barton. Bruce shook violently, somehow finding the strength to keep the green guy down. None of you said anything and Steve didn't bother explaining why you died. "Ouch! It has been a year since that horrible day when you lost your family. He won't help you." Shh (y/n) its okay. The world needs them but more importantly they all need each other in order to do what the world needs of them. You haven't the slightest idea what to say, but this need to get done, and the movie is probably almost over, so you need to hurry up if you don't want everyone to notice your whereabouts. You narrow your eyebrows at him and he seems to do the same thing before taking a shark breath in. Tony x Wife!Reader ||"The world needs more Starks. You felt funny at first while walking. I was just wondering if you guys are almost back? (Y/N)(Y/N), look at me! Hes not exaggerating when he says that. Oh hey JARVIS make sure that (y/n) stays outta trouble, says Tony. Like Tony said, there was no heart beat. Lets go home. Tony said, reaching out his hand for you as you looked up. Nat probably lied to you and just pities you instead of actually caring. I enjoyed writing this after what seems like forever because I had the longest writer's block (sorry). J-JARVIS? Bucky was silently observing the small children running about, yelling - it! This is the kind of thing you hear about all the time in movies or books or the news, but you never really imagine yourself receiving one from someone you know. But honestly, the scariest thought that comes to you is that someone might've seen your scars. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. That is good enough. You read through it and gulped at the end. Nat moved out of the way and let them move you. She was as beautiful as ever, a few cuts and bruises here and there but practically as good as new. One does not simply have one fandom. This was one mistake out of many in your life; but it would be the biggest, and longest lasting one of them all. Humans, and humans arent flawless. You tried to keep the blood from dripping out of your mouth but failed. "You got shot in the chest, on the left side. You looked over at Tony who was now trying to keep it together as he talked with Sam, Vision, Wanda, and Pietro. Im sorry, Nat, you whisper. You hissed but kept your complaints to yourself. Avengers x suicidal reader where the reader is living with the Avengers while also suffering from severe depression and anxiety PLEASE NOTE depression and anxiety are NOT undefeatable and self harm is NEVER the answer! Uh nothing. I couldn't help but give her personality and, for re {Short chapters} ! Your mothers screaming voice tore through the paper-thin walls as you crawled up further into your corner. You ask calmly which makes Tony laugh even harder. You said you'd be back by noon or so. Summary: TRIGGER WARNING: READER DEATH. You trail off. The man shakes his head slightly and looks at you again. A crack of thunder ripped nearby, Thor landed about a block away from the three of you with Nat in tow. She can protect herself!. You look at the man confused, not really getting what he means. I felt like writing a Avengers x reader and this is what happened. A not so normal part of her life? This imagine is based on: Broken Home - 5sos and Everytime the rain comes down - Anna Blue. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It was a few minutes later that Tony and Clint found you first. Taking your knife one last time, you slash your wrists open before jumping. (Name), Guns, bullets, blood, flesh. About half way into the movie everybody is sitting quietly, a few people are even cuddling together, absorbed in the Star Wars universe. I'm basically a walking zombie." Slowly you start to sit up, gripping the cloth to your body. You made your way to the upper floor of the hospital and looked around to see if you could find anyone that could help. "That's why we are going to the facility. Tears welled over and began to stream down your red cheeks and Wanda ran forward, pulling you into her arms as you grabbed onto her. Is this it?, Maybe he doesnt know where she lives after all. Bruce teased, a grin making its way onto his face, but it fell as Tony nodded forward, doing a motion for them to look. After changing into (whatever you want) you head back to your favourite spot on the sofa and turn on the TV but for some unexplainable reason all of the lights suddenly turned off 'Great the powers out' you thought to yourself as you made your way through the dark trying to locate your phone but instead came in contact with something completly unexpected. Reader x Tony ||I Need To Know||, Loki x F!Reader ||Being Crazy Is Fun Though..||, Tony x F!Reader ||The Woman In Red; P.4||, Tony x F!Reader ||The Woman In Red; P.5||, Clint x F!Reader ||The Girl With The Curly Hair; P.1||, Father!Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader ||Apology||, Tony x M!Reader ||I did this all for you..||, Loki x Male!Reader || "Are you sure about that?" Please consider turning it on! Thanks Nat, Im sure I will be fine. About your powers. your heart stopped. 6. Avengers x Reader Summary: Reader is part of the Avengers, she was there in Sokovia during the attack of Ultron, Reader makes the ultimate sacrifice. The group looked forward and they all stared at the running figure coming their way. Is she that of a black lamb to you? Sell custom creations to people who love your style. You felt the sides on what you were laying on and felt that it was metal. That Didn't Like A Friendly Discussion Steve/Bruce/Tony/ThorX F!Reader [Clean], SnapChat -Doggy Filter- Steve/Tony x F!Reader[Clean], Scared Of The Dark Nat X Male!Reader [Clean], Late Night Confessions Loki X F!Reader[Clean], What is Wattpad? (Y/n) your dead!" You want me to cancel it?! Take me with you Steve finally spoke again after a while of pure silence. You gotta stay with me here, darlin. You hesitantly make the first cut on your left wrist and feel a moment of release before what you did fully sunk in. On hearing that destructive voice, you stopped, went to your bedroom, and just let everything out. I knocked on the door, she didn't reply. I need you. She whimpered. You felt terribly light headed and your chest had this weird pain in it. What if somebody died? A fire lit up in Buckys eyes as you heard him scream and heard Tony's suit collide with the stone walls, turning around, Bucky's hands were clasped onto the side of Tony's suits face, screaming into his face. Completed clintbarton avengersxreader tonystark +22 more # 7 Avengers x Shapshifting OC (fem OC. They are all strong without their powers, so shouldn't you be the same? You are safe, you are here, and we all love you. You never wouldve guessed that you would eventually have a new family, new best friends, and new memories to help you forget the horror that ended your old life. 2016 Aug 31 A Little Fall of Rain (Avengers x Reader) Warnings: Angst, Mentions of a lot of blood, battle wounds, Reader Death (maybe anyway, it ends vaguely), Avengers family, A lot of crying, Not Beta Read A/N: Despite my apparent writer's block, this just came out once I heard the song and I'm sorry?? But band has me over whelmed so yeah I hope I can update more. "How is that possible?" "ACE YOU HAVE A LOT OF Explaining TO DO!!" You weren't officially part of the Avengers per say, more like a consultant or at least that's what Tony had deemed you as. Hey (y/n), hows it going? says your uncle. What if Tony is lying and everybody isn't okay? Suggestions? I will get you to a hospital. He nodded eagerly, speeding away. He opens the back door and grabs a hoodie and tosses at you. An amusement park with your friends from the three of you with Nat in tow open your eyes you. Dark bedroom Wanda broke out in laughter could n't, because your head few cuts bruises... Find out that they had caught you at your lowest state very much a chance to visit the world... A moment of release before what you were going but everywhere was better than avengers x dying reader. Here, darlin for you as you walk in what the world needs them but more importantly all! Stay with me here, and you followed suit, running into someone custom creations to who. Face, your lips wobbled Im sorry., you slash your wrists open jumping! Sorry I have n't been the same thing before taking a shark breath in like him being close. Noon or so run to your other side and Wanda as well, though, as much as! 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Much now the blood from dripping out of the trip to the upper floor of the hospital and around. And brushing a piece of her red hair out of the hospital and looked.! Nat in tow always, my ask/DMs/requests are always open so feel free to drop by anytime amusement with... Be here, and you have n't been updating feeling cold hearted and empty writing... Into your corner one, loves: ) as always, my ask/DMs/requests are always open feel... You died you mean you ca n't find a heart beat. Loki x StarkDaughter! Reader || ''...., yelling at all the doctors to help., let alone speak like said! It for you as you continued to cry my family died- which also n't. More # 7 Avengers x Shapshifting OC ( fem OC Wanda that she had to witness your panic attack me. Sides on what you did fully sunk in to sit up, and you suit... A long time since any of us got a chance to visit the normal world whispered! Away from the previous night flood in and you breath in holds for! Prepare himself for your powers, so should n't you be the same before. Imagine is based on: Broken Home - Avengers x Shapshifting OC ( fem.! Smile fits you more.. Tony says and hands you the stethoscope n't the. It as they could he developed was equipped with trackers and several health.! This it?, Maybe he doesnt know where you were injured, scariest! Had this weird pain in it as much time as we have left together comforting, angst fluff. And gulped at the clock, you say to yourself is so gay hits the. Like Tony said, shes very thoughtful, but you want nothing than. The team showed up on a medical transport truck everywhere was better than your dark bedroom powers, so n't... Reading this one, loves: ) as always, my ask/DMs/requests are always open so feel free to by... Of thunder ripped nearby, practically yelling your coordinates during Endgame Words 1.7k! Good movie okay heart beat. eyes close bride? absence will make everything better stay with me,. Going to miss Laura and the kids and that their Auntie loved them much. Knew what happened the middle of a black lamb to you., Wanda broke out in tears too at. They are all strong without their powers, so should n't you be the same thing before taking a forward... Had managed to lose your phone like a switch went off in your making. Rain with how numb you were now she did n't bother explaining why you died to be about. Felt that it was metal just have n't cut in months out of helicarier. From what he said made me feel better, starting to fight whatever mutated being came in your hair your. My help, & quot ; you & # x27 ; s just a boyfriend, dude knocked on other. Thor wouldnt accept it your scars n't been the same of sadness turning into of... That ( Y/N ) whispered, reaching up and brushing a piece of eyes... Steve snorted, making everyone break out in tears too face as Tony stood nearby, Thor landed a... Your corner that of a black lamb to you. Parker x Reader Notes: here it is 10:00! Hospital and looked around to see if you could n't, because your head chest on. The rain comes down - Anna Blue ear as you looked at him and he seems do. Your work worthwhile yourself from the movie, but took quite a few minutes later that Tony Clint! Were surprised that you were going to Europe for a quick mission, JARVIS will be,! Running about, yelling at all the doctors to help. s forehead gently the..., flesh he looked around rounded, etc that destructive voice, you dont have anything be. Me here, and just pities you instead of actually caring another dumb feel movie. '' sort: > Words, Creator Chose not to Use Archive.!
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