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accident in alamo, tx today
Let our family protect yours. Officers investigating a report of a suspicious vehicle located a van parked in the roadway with the rear doors opened; when oficer approached the vehcile the driver put the vehicle in reverse and struck a patrol vehicle causing minor damage; the driver of the van accelerated from the location and refused to stop for officers in pursuit; pursuit terminated on U.S 281; suspect vehicle was later reported stolen; suspect vehicle later crashed into a Hill Country Village police vehicle and a Hollywood Park police vehicle before being apprehended. DWI (accident) Officers investigating an automobile crash discovered one of the drivers was under the influence of alcohol and impaired: 4/27/2022: 4900 blk. (210) 920-7759 Message Website. Alamo couple accused in infant's death Play Video February 29, 2020 7:39 PM ALAMO - A mother and her boyfriend are now charged in the death of her 19-month-old child. Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have a suspended driver's license; a continuing investigation discovered one passenger in possession of methamphetamines who was taken into custody, Female victim returned home to find a male acquaintance inside her apartment without her permission; the victim checked the apartment and discovered cash missing; when she confronted the subject he attacked her physically making threats to sexually assault her; responding officers took the subject into custody and discovered he had an active arrest warrant for DWI; subject booked into jail on multiple charges and the warrant; the subject remains under investigation for a theft of money from another near-by apartment. Officers alerted to a shoplifting in progress apprehended a male subject when he left the store with unpaid merchandise; store security watched the subject place over $600 in merchandice into a backpack and several re-usable shopping bags. Female subject stole a backpack from an unlocked vehicle. It has been called Dr. Seuss Day because of this. 3 reviews. MCALLEN, Texas (ValleyCentral) Lexus Live in McAllen presents an exclusive presale ticket offer for Blueys Big Play. Driver stopped for a speeding violation was found to be under the infuence of alcohol and impaired; a loaded pistol was discovered in the center console during an inventory search; An unknown person used another person's personal identifying information to open a bank account and withdraw money, While returning home from the bike park a 13 year-old male was pushed to the ground from his bicycle while the bicycle was in motion; the subject involved was an adult male not known by the victim, The designated driver of a vehicle stopped for speeding did not have a driver's license issued; during the contact three male passengers in the vehicle were found to be intoxicated from the consumption of alcohol, Male subject called in as suspicious was contacted and found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Terroristic Threats, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered and property stolen; surveillance video was used to identify and locate the subject involved; subject located in a near-by apartment was taken into custody and the property was recovered, Driver stopped for speeding was determined to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired; open containers found in vehicle, Individual suffering from mental crisis transported to hospital for evaluation, Catalytic converters stolen from two vehicles parked in private parking lots, Fraudulent Use of Identifying Information, Credit card account opened in the complainant's name using their personal identifying information, Motorized scooter stolen from an open carport during overnight hours, Officer investigating a parking violation determined the occupant of the vehicle had an active arrest warrant issued by Hays Co. for narcotics violations, Driver of a vehicle that struck a utility pole was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for DWI, Revoked Probation, Driver stopped for speeding was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Video surveillance recorded a male subject stealing a package from the front porch, During a traffic violation contact officers observed marijuana in open view within the passenger compartment; further investigation discovered more marijuana and cocaine, Officer initiated contact on a male subject loitering around a closed business during late night hours; investigation discovered the subject had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar, Bluetooth speaker stolen from outside a business, Person's identifying information used to open accounts in Florida, Unlocked vehicle rummaged through during overnight hours; no property reported stolen, Packages stolen from front porch during late evening hours; video surveillance captured the image of a disguised suspect whose image was captured at other criminal incidents, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered during overnight hours; cash and gift cards stolen, Locked vehicle parked in the roadway was unlawfully entered by breaking out a window to steal a purse; three other unlocked vehicles were entered but only rummaged through and no property stolen, Unlocked vehicle parked in the street during overnight hours was stolen by use of key fob left in vehicle, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered during overnight hours; no property stolen, Passenger car stolen from a residence during overnight hours, An alcohol fueled argument between spouses escalated to the male striking the female numerous times with his fist; during treatment for her injuries the female made threats to harm herself and expressed related symptoms of mental crisis; the male subject went to jail and the female to a hospital for evaluation, Officers detected a strong odor of burning marijuana coming from the interior of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation; a follow-up investigation discovered paraphernalia used for the ingestion of marijuana and a small amount of marijuana; the driver of the vehicle was also found to have controlled narcotic prescription drugs belonging to another person and a passenger was in possession of 3.7 grams of cocaine, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Obstruction of a Passageway/Highway, Witness reported he observed a vehicle strike a parked vehicle and drive to an apartment across the street; officers contacted the driver as described by the witness and determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Male subject attemping to pay for groceries became upset when his credit cards were denied by the issuing bank; the subject attempted to leave with the grocery cart and when stopped by store employees he physically assaulted several employees in his attempt to leave with the merchandise; subject arrested at the scene by responding officers, Resident reported an unknown person unsuccessfully attempted to make a large purchase using their identification at a department store in Illinois, Resident reported headphones ordered on-line were delivered to the residence but could not be found; investigation discovered a family member living at the residence had pawned the headphones, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for DWI; open container of alcohol found in vehicle at time of arrest, Forgery, Evading Arrest, Poss. The National Read Across America Day takes place every year on March 2, Geisels birthday. EDINBURG, Texas (ValleyCentral) The City of Edinburg will celebrate the up-and-coming Norteo group, Grupo Frontera with a day dedicated to the band. Resident reported someone attempted to apply for unemployment compensation using her personal information. Singer-songwriter Ben Kweller's 16-year-old son, Dorian Zev Kweller, has died, the singer said Tuesday. The U.S Attorneys Office said Orlando Candelario Almanza, 49, and Jose Felipe Lozano, 58, of Edinburg; Fidencio Salinas Jr., 51, and Javier Enrique Mendoza, 48, of Pharr; and Enrique Bernardo Gamez, 45, of Hidalgo, were charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and possession with intent to distribute cocaine. Male subject attempted to evade officers on foot after attempting to cash a forged check; subject apprehended and found to be in possession of credit/debit cards belonging to others; Cell phone and sunglasses stolen from an unattended backpack, An argument between roommates resulted in one roommate striking the other; assaulting roommate taken into custody, Male subject taken into custody for an active arrest warrant isssued by Bexar County for resisting arrest, Unknown person(s) entered an unoccupied residence through a rear sliding door; miscellaneous electronics were stolen, Video recording captured a recording of three female subjects who entered the store, each taking a shopping cart and going in separate directions; a store employee attempted to stop one subject leaving the store with a shopping cart filled with grocery items; subject proceeded to a vehicle, unloaded the groceries and left; the other two subjects attempted to leave the store with filled shopping carts but an employee took custody of the carts and the subjects walked away from the store, Class ring stolen from a jewelry box; suspects movers stole the ring, Wallet stolen from a vehicle left unattended with the doors unlocked and engine running, Resident reported an unknown male subject damaged the rear and both sides of his vehicle by scratching the exterior paint with a sharp instrument, Officers stopped a vehicle reported to be following a female driver for a long distance; the driver of the vehicle stated he thought the vehicle belonged to his ex-wife; officers observations during the contact led them to suspect the driver was intoxicated; further investigation confirmed the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, DWI w/3 or More Prior Convictions, Narcotics Violation, Driver stopped for speeding was found to not have a driver's license; further investigation determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired; driver also in possession of cocaine, Male subject on a bicycle was contacted for operating a bicycle in a roadway without lights or reflectors during hours of darkness; subject was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Assault w/Bodily Injury Against Family Member, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Tarrant Co. for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Theft of money by an ex-employee through misappropriation, Catalytic converters stolen from a vehicle in a parking lot, Male subject was reported lying down in a parking lot; officers determined the subject was in mental crisis and not taking prescribed medicines; subject transported to a hospital for evaluation, Officer responding to a reported overdose contacted a male subject who was having a bad drug reaction causing him to hallucinate and have disturbing visions; subject refused transport to a hospital by EMS; officers determine the subject's reactions qualified him for emergency detention; officers detained the subject and transported him to a hospital, Officers responded to a report of a person suffering from the effects of recent methamphetamine use; the reporting person was found to have four active warrants issued by Bexar County for Fleeing/Evading Police, Drive While License Invalid, Failure to Identify and Felony Possession of Methamphetamines, Aggravated Assault/Deadly Weapon, Wanted Person, Evading, Officers responding to a report of an active disturbance observed a female subject striking a male victim in the face; when approached by officers the female subject stated she had warrants and fled from officers (warrants confirmed); victim received numerous injuries to his face and bruising and scraping on his arms and back when the female subject struck him with the vehicle; female subject will have charges filed at large for the offenses committed, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation had a suspended driver's license and active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for narcotics violations; during a pre-impoundment inventory of the vehicle methamphetamines and marijuana were discovered, Officer responding to a report of a building damaged by a vehicle located the suspect vehicle crashed into landscape rocks and abandoned; a male subject was contacted near-by who admitted to driving the crashed vehicle when the accident occurred; investigation determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired; driver has a pending criminal case hearing for a previous DWI, Driver of a vehicle stopped for swerving within a single traffic lane and straddling the middle line of the roadway; investigation revealed the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Two female subjects entered a retail store one of which distracted the store clerk while the other shoplifted clothing, Officers made contact with a male subject found sleeping behind a business; investigation revealed the subject was in possession of credit cards and identification belonging to other persons; subject who is homeless stated he finds credit cards and identification on the ground when he is walking around; there was no record any of the credit cards were used, Window broken by a rocks at two business addresses; officers located a subject known to be involved in past incidents but witnesses could not identify him as the person who broke the windows, Bicycles secured by a cable on the side of the residence were stolen during overnight hours by someone who cut the cable, Male subject standing in the street during hours of darkness was determined to be in mental crisis; the subject was detained and transported to a hospital for evaluation, A juvenile driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to not have a valid driver's license; further investigation revealed a juvenile passenger was a reported missing person since February; juvenile returned to her guardian, Officer made contact with a subject reported as suspicious; investigation determined the subject was working on his vehicle which had stalled; it was also determined the subject had active arrest warrants issued by Alabama and Florida; both warrants were non-extraditable and active only in the state issued, Vehicle owner observed an unknown male subject inside his vehicle; when the owner approached, the subject pointed the owner's personal firearm at him which was left unsecured in the the vehicle while unattended; subject escaped in a vehicle reported stolen out of San Antonio, Fraudulent Use of Indentifying Information, Resident receivied noticed an attempt was made to open a credit card in his name; the resident also became aware of an address change at the US Post Office to redirect his mail to an address he is unfamiliar; resident contacted the bank issuing the card and the card was cancelled before any charges were made, Vehicle parked in front of a business was forcibly entered by prying a door handle; property stolen, A vehicle under police investigation was found to contain multiple packages stolen from front porches at several addresses in Olmos Park; investigation continuing, Male subject causing a disturbance on the side of the roadway was found to be in mental distress; subject transported to a hospital for further evaluation, An officer made contact with two subjects in a vehicle reported earlier as suspicious; upon contact officers recognized numerous paraphernalia items associated with the ingestion of methamphetamines; further investigation discovered six bottles of controlled narcotic prescription drugs belonging to other persons not present, An unsecured vehicle was stolen from the driveway of a residence; the keys and a purse were left in the vehicle and credit cards in the purse were used the following morning, A pharmacy received an on-line prescription from a medical provider that had been hacked; an unknown person later called to inquire if the prescription had been filled, Several offices within a single business location were unlawfully entered and miscellaneous property stolen, Unknown person attempted to open a credit card using his personal information, A male and female subject were detained after being reported leaving the store without paying for merchandise in their possession; further investigation discovered the female subject was in possession of controlled narcotic drugs without a prescription, Narcotics Violations, Forgery/Counterfeiting, Destruction of Evidence, An officer on patrol during early morning hours observed a vehicle parked in the roadway with the dome light on and a lower leg and foot outside the door; investigation discovered a female passed out across the center console with her arm tied off limiting blood flow to the lower arm; also observed was numerous syringes and a baggie containing suspected methamphetamine crystals; when awakened by officers the female put the bag of methamphetamines in her mouth and swallowed it; subject transported to hospital; a pre-impound inventory discovered evidence of methamphetamine preparation, several counterfeit $100 and $50 dollar bills, nine syringes loaded with liquid fentanyl and evidence of black tar heroin, Vehicle that fled from a traffic stop earlier was found in a driveway in the 400 blk. Passenger in a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for narcotics violations, Electronic Transmission of Sexually Explicit Visual Material, Sexually explicit texts received from an unknown provider, Assault by Threat, Offensive Touch/Family Violence, Argument between a male and female escalated to a physical altercation resulting in injury to the female and threats of continued violence by the male; male subject arrested for assault and active Alamo Heights Municipal Court traffic warrants, Vehicle window broken out to steal a backpack left in the front passenger area, Officers responding to a burglar alarm at a business found the rear door was forcibly damaged (kicked) to gain entry during overnight hours; no evidence that the suspect(s) actually entered the business, Assault/Family Violence, Deadly Weapon Deadly Conduct, Two family members reportedly used deadly weapons to physically assault another family member; the deadly weapons were reported used to threaten two non-family members who tried to intervene; the victim family member received injuries to the face and head, Male subject detained by store employees after leaving the store without paying for merchandise in his possession; subject issued a citation and released, Theft, Fraudulent Use/Possession of Identifying Information, Officers responding to a report of tool theft located a subject still in possession of the stolen property; during a post arrest search of the subject multiple stolen identification sources and credit/debit cards were found in his possession; persons contacted regarding their property reported their property was stolen in vehicle burglaries in San Antonio, Driver of a vehicle stopped for running a red light was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Male subject entered store with his own bag and stole female cosmetic products, Officers responded to a report of a male and female fighting; investigation determined the female subject aggressively attacked the male subject during an argument causing injury; female subject transported to jail, Theft / Shoplifting w/Previous Convictions, Officers were called to a grocery store for a shoplifter who had fled the property when confronted by employees; officers located the subject a short distance away where he was positively identified as the shoplifter; subject booked into jail on enhanced theft charges due to having multiple previous convictions for theft, Male subject taken into custody for returning to a business after being issued a criminal trespass warning previously, Resident reported he was contacted by a credit monitoring service notifying him of an attempt to change an address on a credit account; the resident learned multiple new accounts had been made using his personal information, Owner of a vehicle left parked and locked saw a male subject inside the vehicle upon his return; subject fled on foot to another vehicle which left the area; property stolen, Fraudulent Use/Possession of Identifying Information, Wanted Person, Two male subjects were contacted loitering behind a business; investigation discovered one of the subjects had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Assault / Bodily Injury; during a post arrest search a stolen passport was found in his possession, Male subject left the store without paying for two cases of beer, Male subject in mental crisis was transported to a hospital for evaluation, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Burglary w/Intent to Commit Assault, Male subject ran out of a store with two bottles of liquor without paying, Two juvenile victims received minor injuries when shot with paintball type projectiles fired from a moving vehicle; suspect vehicle identified, Criminal Trespass, Retaliation/Terroristic Threat, The two subjects escorted from the property were issued criminal trespass warnings before departing; officers received a return call to the location because one subject returned to the property and was refusing to leave; when the subject was taken into custody for criminal trespass he threatened the lives of the responding officers; subject was booked on additional charges, Apartment tenant contact police to escort two male subjects from his property; during the course of the investigation officers discovered methamphetamines and illegal mushroom caps; tenant was taken into custody, Male victim greeted a male subject not known to him in a parking lot; the male subject responding by striking the victim several times on his back; subject located near-by and processed for assault charges, Card owner in Corpus Christi reported someone used his gas credit card to make a large purchase of diesel fuel; card owner stated he does not know how anyone was able to get a duplicate of his credit card, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have never been issued a driver's license; further investigation discovered the driver had two active arrest warrants issued by Bexar County for Resisting Arrest and Criminal Trespass, Resident reported someone made a large credit card charge using her card information; unknown how the suspect(s) obtained her credit card information, Construction truck and miscellaneous tools stolen from construction site, A television was stolen from a building in the backyard of a residence; a neighbor's surveillance camera recorded a male subject carrying the television down the alleyway to a parked vehicle, A party of four persons left a restaurant without rendering payment for the meals, Two unlocked vehicles unlawfully entered during overnight hours; miscellaneous property stolen, Female victim reported she was struck in the face with a closed fist by her husband during a disagreement three days prior; husband not available when report made, Male subject observed placing miscellaneous merchandise into a computer laptop carrying case; when confronted outside the store by security the subject placed the bag on the ground and fled on foot, Male subject stopped for an extended period of time in a running vehicle during early morning hours was contacted by officers; investigation revealed the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Two secured vehicles were unlawfully entered by breaking out windows to access property left in open view within the passenger compartment, Officers responding to a suspicious person call initiated contact on a male subject fitting the description provided by the caller; investigation revealed the subject had two active arrest warrants for Terroristic Threats of Family/Household and one active arrest warrant for Assault w/Bodily Injury / Family Member issued by Bexar County, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to not have a driver's license; further investigation discovered the driver had an active arrest warrant issued by Atascosa County, Backhoe and tractor loaded on a transport trailer were stolen from a construction site during overnight hours, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have a suspended driver's license; pre-impoundment inventory of the vehicle discovered unmarked pill bottles containing three types of controlled narcotic prescription drugs; driver stated he did not have a prescription for the drugs. Principal Michael Ogg will talk tomorrow (Thursday) morning about various happenings and activities at the elementary school. A preview for Friends of the Alamo members will happen on Thursday. Yes, well if peter had done a better job of providing, perhaps patti would not have been working so hard and not been at that place that morning. Updated: Apr 27, 2021 / 07:03 PM CDT ALAMO, Texas ( KVEO) On Tuesday afternoon an accident caused Expressway 83 near the overpass of Cesar Chavez to partially close. Alamo, TX-- July 21, 2019, Roger Duane Cavazos was killed following an accident where his motorcycle crashed off the side of the highway.. Investigators with the Texas DPS reported that the incident happened at around 6:00 a.m. on I-2 near Cesar Chavez. Male subject was contacted for a reported disturbance he was creating on private property; officers determined the subject was in mental crisis and transported him to a hospital, Driver stopped for a traffic violation provided a driver's license issued to his brother; his brother was in the vehicle and confirmed his brother (driver) used his identification because he was wanted; when checked under his true name the driver was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Kleburg County for narcotics violations, Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation had loose mail scattered among metal water meter caps and parking restriction signs; the driver and a passenger gave false information regarding their identity and the mail was addressed to several other named persons; charges will be filed after further investigation, Officers investigated an accident involving a vehicle striking a utility pole; investigation determined the driver was talking on a cell phone and under the influence of alcohol and, Wallet left in an unsecured vehicle was stolen when the vehcile was left unattended by the gas pumps, An officer observed a vehicle being driven erractically and striking a curb; the driver of the vehicle was contacted and found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Officers located an intoxicated male subject who was involved in an earlier disturbance; subject was accompanied by his wife and was found to be under protective order requiring him to stay a distance of 3000 feet from his wife at all times, Officers responded to a report of a male subect brandishing a knife and talking to people who were not there; Officers did not find a weapon and determined the subject was in mental crisis and delusional; subject transported to a hospital for further evaluation, Driver of a vehicle contacted for speeding was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired; post-arrest search discovered controlled prescription drugs for which the driver did not have a prescription, Local business experiencing fraudulent activity on a business account, An officer investigating a disturbance was alerted to a shoplifter leaving the store with merchandise; the shoplifter was apprehended and property recovered, An argument between a couple resulted in a male subject pushing a female subject to the ground; no injuries sustained, Driver of a vehicle involved in a single vehicle accident was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Officers responded to check the welfare of a subject reported to have consumed a large quantity of alcohol and narcotics; officers confirmed the reported concern and after EMS cleared the subject medically the subject was transported to a hospital for further evaluation, An argument between a husband and wife escalated to a physical altercation resulting in the wife receiving multiple injuries, Minor Poss. 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How Did Dean Richards Die,
Articles A
Let our family protect yours. Officers investigating a report of a suspicious vehicle located a van parked in the roadway with the rear doors opened; when oficer approached the vehcile the driver put the vehicle in reverse and struck a patrol vehicle causing minor damage; the driver of the van accelerated from the location and refused to stop for officers in pursuit; pursuit terminated on U.S 281; suspect vehicle was later reported stolen; suspect vehicle later crashed into a Hill Country Village police vehicle and a Hollywood Park police vehicle before being apprehended. DWI (accident) Officers investigating an automobile crash discovered one of the drivers was under the influence of alcohol and impaired: 4/27/2022: 4900 blk. (210) 920-7759 Message Website. Alamo couple accused in infant's death Play Video February 29, 2020 7:39 PM ALAMO - A mother and her boyfriend are now charged in the death of her 19-month-old child. Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have a suspended driver's license; a continuing investigation discovered one passenger in possession of methamphetamines who was taken into custody, Female victim returned home to find a male acquaintance inside her apartment without her permission; the victim checked the apartment and discovered cash missing; when she confronted the subject he attacked her physically making threats to sexually assault her; responding officers took the subject into custody and discovered he had an active arrest warrant for DWI; subject booked into jail on multiple charges and the warrant; the subject remains under investigation for a theft of money from another near-by apartment. Officers alerted to a shoplifting in progress apprehended a male subject when he left the store with unpaid merchandise; store security watched the subject place over $600 in merchandice into a backpack and several re-usable shopping bags. Female subject stole a backpack from an unlocked vehicle. It has been called Dr. Seuss Day because of this. 3 reviews. MCALLEN, Texas (ValleyCentral) Lexus Live in McAllen presents an exclusive presale ticket offer for Blueys Big Play. Driver stopped for a speeding violation was found to be under the infuence of alcohol and impaired; a loaded pistol was discovered in the center console during an inventory search; An unknown person used another person's personal identifying information to open a bank account and withdraw money, While returning home from the bike park a 13 year-old male was pushed to the ground from his bicycle while the bicycle was in motion; the subject involved was an adult male not known by the victim, The designated driver of a vehicle stopped for speeding did not have a driver's license issued; during the contact three male passengers in the vehicle were found to be intoxicated from the consumption of alcohol, Male subject called in as suspicious was contacted and found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Terroristic Threats, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered and property stolen; surveillance video was used to identify and locate the subject involved; subject located in a near-by apartment was taken into custody and the property was recovered, Driver stopped for speeding was determined to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired; open containers found in vehicle, Individual suffering from mental crisis transported to hospital for evaluation, Catalytic converters stolen from two vehicles parked in private parking lots, Fraudulent Use of Identifying Information, Credit card account opened in the complainant's name using their personal identifying information, Motorized scooter stolen from an open carport during overnight hours, Officer investigating a parking violation determined the occupant of the vehicle had an active arrest warrant issued by Hays Co. for narcotics violations, Driver of a vehicle that struck a utility pole was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for DWI, Revoked Probation, Driver stopped for speeding was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Video surveillance recorded a male subject stealing a package from the front porch, During a traffic violation contact officers observed marijuana in open view within the passenger compartment; further investigation discovered more marijuana and cocaine, Officer initiated contact on a male subject loitering around a closed business during late night hours; investigation discovered the subject had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar, Bluetooth speaker stolen from outside a business, Person's identifying information used to open accounts in Florida, Unlocked vehicle rummaged through during overnight hours; no property reported stolen, Packages stolen from front porch during late evening hours; video surveillance captured the image of a disguised suspect whose image was captured at other criminal incidents, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered during overnight hours; cash and gift cards stolen, Locked vehicle parked in the roadway was unlawfully entered by breaking out a window to steal a purse; three other unlocked vehicles were entered but only rummaged through and no property stolen, Unlocked vehicle parked in the street during overnight hours was stolen by use of key fob left in vehicle, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered during overnight hours; no property stolen, Passenger car stolen from a residence during overnight hours, An alcohol fueled argument between spouses escalated to the male striking the female numerous times with his fist; during treatment for her injuries the female made threats to harm herself and expressed related symptoms of mental crisis; the male subject went to jail and the female to a hospital for evaluation, Officers detected a strong odor of burning marijuana coming from the interior of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation; a follow-up investigation discovered paraphernalia used for the ingestion of marijuana and a small amount of marijuana; the driver of the vehicle was also found to have controlled narcotic prescription drugs belonging to another person and a passenger was in possession of 3.7 grams of cocaine, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Obstruction of a Passageway/Highway, Witness reported he observed a vehicle strike a parked vehicle and drive to an apartment across the street; officers contacted the driver as described by the witness and determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Male subject attemping to pay for groceries became upset when his credit cards were denied by the issuing bank; the subject attempted to leave with the grocery cart and when stopped by store employees he physically assaulted several employees in his attempt to leave with the merchandise; subject arrested at the scene by responding officers, Resident reported an unknown person unsuccessfully attempted to make a large purchase using their identification at a department store in Illinois, Resident reported headphones ordered on-line were delivered to the residence but could not be found; investigation discovered a family member living at the residence had pawned the headphones, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for DWI; open container of alcohol found in vehicle at time of arrest, Forgery, Evading Arrest, Poss. The National Read Across America Day takes place every year on March 2, Geisels birthday. EDINBURG, Texas (ValleyCentral) The City of Edinburg will celebrate the up-and-coming Norteo group, Grupo Frontera with a day dedicated to the band. Resident reported someone attempted to apply for unemployment compensation using her personal information. Singer-songwriter Ben Kweller's 16-year-old son, Dorian Zev Kweller, has died, the singer said Tuesday. The U.S Attorneys Office said Orlando Candelario Almanza, 49, and Jose Felipe Lozano, 58, of Edinburg; Fidencio Salinas Jr., 51, and Javier Enrique Mendoza, 48, of Pharr; and Enrique Bernardo Gamez, 45, of Hidalgo, were charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and possession with intent to distribute cocaine. Male subject attempted to evade officers on foot after attempting to cash a forged check; subject apprehended and found to be in possession of credit/debit cards belonging to others; Cell phone and sunglasses stolen from an unattended backpack, An argument between roommates resulted in one roommate striking the other; assaulting roommate taken into custody, Male subject taken into custody for an active arrest warrant isssued by Bexar County for resisting arrest, Unknown person(s) entered an unoccupied residence through a rear sliding door; miscellaneous electronics were stolen, Video recording captured a recording of three female subjects who entered the store, each taking a shopping cart and going in separate directions; a store employee attempted to stop one subject leaving the store with a shopping cart filled with grocery items; subject proceeded to a vehicle, unloaded the groceries and left; the other two subjects attempted to leave the store with filled shopping carts but an employee took custody of the carts and the subjects walked away from the store, Class ring stolen from a jewelry box; suspects movers stole the ring, Wallet stolen from a vehicle left unattended with the doors unlocked and engine running, Resident reported an unknown male subject damaged the rear and both sides of his vehicle by scratching the exterior paint with a sharp instrument, Officers stopped a vehicle reported to be following a female driver for a long distance; the driver of the vehicle stated he thought the vehicle belonged to his ex-wife; officers observations during the contact led them to suspect the driver was intoxicated; further investigation confirmed the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, DWI w/3 or More Prior Convictions, Narcotics Violation, Driver stopped for speeding was found to not have a driver's license; further investigation determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired; driver also in possession of cocaine, Male subject on a bicycle was contacted for operating a bicycle in a roadway without lights or reflectors during hours of darkness; subject was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Assault w/Bodily Injury Against Family Member, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Tarrant Co. for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Theft of money by an ex-employee through misappropriation, Catalytic converters stolen from a vehicle in a parking lot, Male subject was reported lying down in a parking lot; officers determined the subject was in mental crisis and not taking prescribed medicines; subject transported to a hospital for evaluation, Officer responding to a reported overdose contacted a male subject who was having a bad drug reaction causing him to hallucinate and have disturbing visions; subject refused transport to a hospital by EMS; officers determine the subject's reactions qualified him for emergency detention; officers detained the subject and transported him to a hospital, Officers responded to a report of a person suffering from the effects of recent methamphetamine use; the reporting person was found to have four active warrants issued by Bexar County for Fleeing/Evading Police, Drive While License Invalid, Failure to Identify and Felony Possession of Methamphetamines, Aggravated Assault/Deadly Weapon, Wanted Person, Evading, Officers responding to a report of an active disturbance observed a female subject striking a male victim in the face; when approached by officers the female subject stated she had warrants and fled from officers (warrants confirmed); victim received numerous injuries to his face and bruising and scraping on his arms and back when the female subject struck him with the vehicle; female subject will have charges filed at large for the offenses committed, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation had a suspended driver's license and active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for narcotics violations; during a pre-impoundment inventory of the vehicle methamphetamines and marijuana were discovered, Officer responding to a report of a building damaged by a vehicle located the suspect vehicle crashed into landscape rocks and abandoned; a male subject was contacted near-by who admitted to driving the crashed vehicle when the accident occurred; investigation determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired; driver has a pending criminal case hearing for a previous DWI, Driver of a vehicle stopped for swerving within a single traffic lane and straddling the middle line of the roadway; investigation revealed the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Two female subjects entered a retail store one of which distracted the store clerk while the other shoplifted clothing, Officers made contact with a male subject found sleeping behind a business; investigation revealed the subject was in possession of credit cards and identification belonging to other persons; subject who is homeless stated he finds credit cards and identification on the ground when he is walking around; there was no record any of the credit cards were used, Window broken by a rocks at two business addresses; officers located a subject known to be involved in past incidents but witnesses could not identify him as the person who broke the windows, Bicycles secured by a cable on the side of the residence were stolen during overnight hours by someone who cut the cable, Male subject standing in the street during hours of darkness was determined to be in mental crisis; the subject was detained and transported to a hospital for evaluation, A juvenile driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to not have a valid driver's license; further investigation revealed a juvenile passenger was a reported missing person since February; juvenile returned to her guardian, Officer made contact with a subject reported as suspicious; investigation determined the subject was working on his vehicle which had stalled; it was also determined the subject had active arrest warrants issued by Alabama and Florida; both warrants were non-extraditable and active only in the state issued, Vehicle owner observed an unknown male subject inside his vehicle; when the owner approached, the subject pointed the owner's personal firearm at him which was left unsecured in the the vehicle while unattended; subject escaped in a vehicle reported stolen out of San Antonio, Fraudulent Use of Indentifying Information, Resident receivied noticed an attempt was made to open a credit card in his name; the resident also became aware of an address change at the US Post Office to redirect his mail to an address he is unfamiliar; resident contacted the bank issuing the card and the card was cancelled before any charges were made, Vehicle parked in front of a business was forcibly entered by prying a door handle; property stolen, A vehicle under police investigation was found to contain multiple packages stolen from front porches at several addresses in Olmos Park; investigation continuing, Male subject causing a disturbance on the side of the roadway was found to be in mental distress; subject transported to a hospital for further evaluation, An officer made contact with two subjects in a vehicle reported earlier as suspicious; upon contact officers recognized numerous paraphernalia items associated with the ingestion of methamphetamines; further investigation discovered six bottles of controlled narcotic prescription drugs belonging to other persons not present, An unsecured vehicle was stolen from the driveway of a residence; the keys and a purse were left in the vehicle and credit cards in the purse were used the following morning, A pharmacy received an on-line prescription from a medical provider that had been hacked; an unknown person later called to inquire if the prescription had been filled, Several offices within a single business location were unlawfully entered and miscellaneous property stolen, Unknown person attempted to open a credit card using his personal information, A male and female subject were detained after being reported leaving the store without paying for merchandise in their possession; further investigation discovered the female subject was in possession of controlled narcotic drugs without a prescription, Narcotics Violations, Forgery/Counterfeiting, Destruction of Evidence, An officer on patrol during early morning hours observed a vehicle parked in the roadway with the dome light on and a lower leg and foot outside the door; investigation discovered a female passed out across the center console with her arm tied off limiting blood flow to the lower arm; also observed was numerous syringes and a baggie containing suspected methamphetamine crystals; when awakened by officers the female put the bag of methamphetamines in her mouth and swallowed it; subject transported to hospital; a pre-impound inventory discovered evidence of methamphetamine preparation, several counterfeit $100 and $50 dollar bills, nine syringes loaded with liquid fentanyl and evidence of black tar heroin, Vehicle that fled from a traffic stop earlier was found in a driveway in the 400 blk. Passenger in a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for narcotics violations, Electronic Transmission of Sexually Explicit Visual Material, Sexually explicit texts received from an unknown provider, Assault by Threat, Offensive Touch/Family Violence, Argument between a male and female escalated to a physical altercation resulting in injury to the female and threats of continued violence by the male; male subject arrested for assault and active Alamo Heights Municipal Court traffic warrants, Vehicle window broken out to steal a backpack left in the front passenger area, Officers responding to a burglar alarm at a business found the rear door was forcibly damaged (kicked) to gain entry during overnight hours; no evidence that the suspect(s) actually entered the business, Assault/Family Violence, Deadly Weapon Deadly Conduct, Two family members reportedly used deadly weapons to physically assault another family member; the deadly weapons were reported used to threaten two non-family members who tried to intervene; the victim family member received injuries to the face and head, Male subject detained by store employees after leaving the store without paying for merchandise in his possession; subject issued a citation and released, Theft, Fraudulent Use/Possession of Identifying Information, Officers responding to a report of tool theft located a subject still in possession of the stolen property; during a post arrest search of the subject multiple stolen identification sources and credit/debit cards were found in his possession; persons contacted regarding their property reported their property was stolen in vehicle burglaries in San Antonio, Driver of a vehicle stopped for running a red light was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Male subject entered store with his own bag and stole female cosmetic products, Officers responded to a report of a male and female fighting; investigation determined the female subject aggressively attacked the male subject during an argument causing injury; female subject transported to jail, Theft / Shoplifting w/Previous Convictions, Officers were called to a grocery store for a shoplifter who had fled the property when confronted by employees; officers located the subject a short distance away where he was positively identified as the shoplifter; subject booked into jail on enhanced theft charges due to having multiple previous convictions for theft, Male subject taken into custody for returning to a business after being issued a criminal trespass warning previously, Resident reported he was contacted by a credit monitoring service notifying him of an attempt to change an address on a credit account; the resident learned multiple new accounts had been made using his personal information, Owner of a vehicle left parked and locked saw a male subject inside the vehicle upon his return; subject fled on foot to another vehicle which left the area; property stolen, Fraudulent Use/Possession of Identifying Information, Wanted Person, Two male subjects were contacted loitering behind a business; investigation discovered one of the subjects had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Assault / Bodily Injury; during a post arrest search a stolen passport was found in his possession, Male subject left the store without paying for two cases of beer, Male subject in mental crisis was transported to a hospital for evaluation, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Burglary w/Intent to Commit Assault, Male subject ran out of a store with two bottles of liquor without paying, Two juvenile victims received minor injuries when shot with paintball type projectiles fired from a moving vehicle; suspect vehicle identified, Criminal Trespass, Retaliation/Terroristic Threat, The two subjects escorted from the property were issued criminal trespass warnings before departing; officers received a return call to the location because one subject returned to the property and was refusing to leave; when the subject was taken into custody for criminal trespass he threatened the lives of the responding officers; subject was booked on additional charges, Apartment tenant contact police to escort two male subjects from his property; during the course of the investigation officers discovered methamphetamines and illegal mushroom caps; tenant was taken into custody, Male victim greeted a male subject not known to him in a parking lot; the male subject responding by striking the victim several times on his back; subject located near-by and processed for assault charges, Card owner in Corpus Christi reported someone used his gas credit card to make a large purchase of diesel fuel; card owner stated he does not know how anyone was able to get a duplicate of his credit card, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have never been issued a driver's license; further investigation discovered the driver had two active arrest warrants issued by Bexar County for Resisting Arrest and Criminal Trespass, Resident reported someone made a large credit card charge using her card information; unknown how the suspect(s) obtained her credit card information, Construction truck and miscellaneous tools stolen from construction site, A television was stolen from a building in the backyard of a residence; a neighbor's surveillance camera recorded a male subject carrying the television down the alleyway to a parked vehicle, A party of four persons left a restaurant without rendering payment for the meals, Two unlocked vehicles unlawfully entered during overnight hours; miscellaneous property stolen, Female victim reported she was struck in the face with a closed fist by her husband during a disagreement three days prior; husband not available when report made, Male subject observed placing miscellaneous merchandise into a computer laptop carrying case; when confronted outside the store by security the subject placed the bag on the ground and fled on foot, Male subject stopped for an extended period of time in a running vehicle during early morning hours was contacted by officers; investigation revealed the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Two secured vehicles were unlawfully entered by breaking out windows to access property left in open view within the passenger compartment, Officers responding to a suspicious person call initiated contact on a male subject fitting the description provided by the caller; investigation revealed the subject had two active arrest warrants for Terroristic Threats of Family/Household and one active arrest warrant for Assault w/Bodily Injury / Family Member issued by Bexar County, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to not have a driver's license; further investigation discovered the driver had an active arrest warrant issued by Atascosa County, Backhoe and tractor loaded on a transport trailer were stolen from a construction site during overnight hours, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have a suspended driver's license; pre-impoundment inventory of the vehicle discovered unmarked pill bottles containing three types of controlled narcotic prescription drugs; driver stated he did not have a prescription for the drugs. Principal Michael Ogg will talk tomorrow (Thursday) morning about various happenings and activities at the elementary school. A preview for Friends of the Alamo members will happen on Thursday. Yes, well if peter had done a better job of providing, perhaps patti would not have been working so hard and not been at that place that morning. Updated: Apr 27, 2021 / 07:03 PM CDT ALAMO, Texas ( KVEO) On Tuesday afternoon an accident caused Expressway 83 near the overpass of Cesar Chavez to partially close. Alamo, TX-- July 21, 2019, Roger Duane Cavazos was killed following an accident where his motorcycle crashed off the side of the highway.. Investigators with the Texas DPS reported that the incident happened at around 6:00 a.m. on I-2 near Cesar Chavez. Male subject was contacted for a reported disturbance he was creating on private property; officers determined the subject was in mental crisis and transported him to a hospital, Driver stopped for a traffic violation provided a driver's license issued to his brother; his brother was in the vehicle and confirmed his brother (driver) used his identification because he was wanted; when checked under his true name the driver was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Kleburg County for narcotics violations, Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation had loose mail scattered among metal water meter caps and parking restriction signs; the driver and a passenger gave false information regarding their identity and the mail was addressed to several other named persons; charges will be filed after further investigation, Officers investigated an accident involving a vehicle striking a utility pole; investigation determined the driver was talking on a cell phone and under the influence of alcohol and, Wallet left in an unsecured vehicle was stolen when the vehcile was left unattended by the gas pumps, An officer observed a vehicle being driven erractically and striking a curb; the driver of the vehicle was contacted and found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Officers located an intoxicated male subject who was involved in an earlier disturbance; subject was accompanied by his wife and was found to be under protective order requiring him to stay a distance of 3000 feet from his wife at all times, Officers responded to a report of a male subect brandishing a knife and talking to people who were not there; Officers did not find a weapon and determined the subject was in mental crisis and delusional; subject transported to a hospital for further evaluation, Driver of a vehicle contacted for speeding was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired; post-arrest search discovered controlled prescription drugs for which the driver did not have a prescription, Local business experiencing fraudulent activity on a business account, An officer investigating a disturbance was alerted to a shoplifter leaving the store with merchandise; the shoplifter was apprehended and property recovered, An argument between a couple resulted in a male subject pushing a female subject to the ground; no injuries sustained, Driver of a vehicle involved in a single vehicle accident was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Officers responded to check the welfare of a subject reported to have consumed a large quantity of alcohol and narcotics; officers confirmed the reported concern and after EMS cleared the subject medically the subject was transported to a hospital for further evaluation, An argument between a husband and wife escalated to a physical altercation resulting in the wife receiving multiple injuries, Minor Poss. 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