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» 365 reasons why i love you list
365 reasons why i love you list
365 reasons why i love you list365 reasons why i love you list
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365 reasons why i love you list
63. I trust you with my deepest secrets, darkest thoughts, and craziest dreams. For being who you are because thats just what it takes to make me feel this way about you. 61. Write out 365 (or more) reasons why you love your partner. 31. How cute you look when trying to study or read with one of our kids snuggled up beside you on the couch. I love lazy Sunday mornings together. When you're holding my hand, I feel like I can do anything. I love you because I know I'm incredibly lucky and blessed to have you. 206. 64. You are very good at making difficult decisions quickly and efficiently, even under pressure. You dont give a flying fig about how I look; you love me for me. 317. Youre the kindest person Ive ever met. I love you because you make me feel like I am the most important person in the whole world. The way you look at me when you get jealous. You let me win at board games and cards. 21. The way our hearts beat as one is magical! 49. You think of the consequences before acting. I love when you compliment me, and it makes me feel like a million bucks. Your ability to make me feel loved, wanted, and appreciated every day. I love you because we can take pictures with the most awkward facial expressions or postures, yet we still see each other as the cutest person on earth. Sense of humour is a key component to a relationship, so using any of these funny reasons why you love your partner will be sure to make their day, and make them smile on top of that. And you do that all the time. History. 20. 92. Hopefully this will show you just how much thought and effort Ive put into loving you. I love that you respect my boundaries. 105. Your optimism towards life always makes me feel better about whatever is going on in my world. No matter who walks into our life, well never let anyone come between us because what we have is too special. You know how to make me feel important. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I cant believe how lucky I am to have someone as wonderful as you by my side. You make me feel like I'm the center of your universe. How much you care about not only my feelings but others feelings too. I love when were together, it feels like nothing else matters in the world. You are always quick to make up after we had a fight. I love how you always know the right thing to say in every situation. I love feeling that you are home for me. I love watching you work hard at something that matters to you. Are you into the big surprise? 220. I love how you make me feel like were a team. 86. 75. You can drive for hours just to see me for a minute. Youre strong and are always ready to help me move mountains if need be. You come up with the cutest, sweetest nicknames. You have thought me how to love unconditionally. 57. You never miss a chance to tell me all the reasons why you love me. 7. 282. 15 Answers You Need To Know. I love how comfortable I feel around you. You never cross the line into meanness when teasing me. Write a poem or love letter including your favorites. Your ability to understand new things and make a plan on how to get better. 43. 263. 58. You encourage me to pursue my passions. 268. Heres 365 more reasons why I love you! 175. 50. 340. Youre passionate about seeing the world with me by your side. 179. (See other fun family rituals HERE), 7. You know how to make me feel better when Im down. I laugh every time you laugh. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I hope that someday all of your dreams come true just as mine have with you by my side. You have never doubted me and have been the only person who always believed in me. You treat your friends with love and kindness. The way you look at me with those bright eyes of yours makes me feel like we could conquer the world together. 132. 92. You help me see things differently when everything seems dark. You all the time put my wants and desires earlier than yours. I feel like I can take on the world with such a courageous person by my side. You have a uniqueness that is only you. You make sure that nothing harms me. 39. You make me laugh, and you know how to make me happy. 191. And if youre still having trouble, read on. The wacky look you give me when I make a stupid joke is the absolute best. I love being able to share my thoughts and feelings with you. When youre away, it seems like a part of me is missing. 94. (Please dont tell my mom.). I love watching you _________. 34. 172. I never have to second-guess you because youre always forthright. You help pick me up every time I fall. Youre incredibly detailed and help me be more responsible. You always have ideas on what fun thing we could do. I am still blown away by everything you do. When it comes to love, you dont play games. 3. 233. 36. 1. I love how you fill our home with light and laughter. You make me reach my full potential. Just start writing and youll know a number when you cant think of morethere are probably way more than you think! Sometimes we dont even have to talk to understand each other. Make this sweet list a whole gift for them! Youre mature and arent afraid to work for what you want. There isnt an exact time when you should give this beautiful present to your loved one but letting them know every single day that they mean the world to you could be what will make your relationship work. You love me even when I dont love myself. Watch. 33. 197. (cook, bathe the kids, deal with conflict, etc.). 222. The sound of you quietly breathing while you sleep makes me feel safe. No matter what, youre never too tired to cuddle close with me day, afternoon, or night. 43. Youre the perfect amount of jealous, but not in an overbearing, concerning, obnoxious way. 327. The way you say my nickname makes me melt every time. All content on Healthy Happy Impactful is for educational and informational purposes only. 276. When we first met it felt like fate had brought us together, and now after all this time, I know that fate is our destiny! The way you will run to me when I come home from a long day at work to give me a big hug and kiss because you missed me. When it comes to my intuition, you always trust it. I love the way you make me feel like I can do anything. 49. We might have our differences, but I would never change that about you. I love that we can talk about anything, even if it involves feelings or difficult discussions. You are the best husband I could have ever asked for. You make everything smell like man, and I love it. One per piece of paper. Give me exact reasons." We get it. It may be uncouth to say, but you make everyone jealous and I love it! 140. 63. I love how I never have to worry about anyone else, because you always say Im the only one for you. Theyre kind, generous, lovely people whose existence is a positive force in the world. 224. 264. 255. and know that well respect each others opinions. Without you, my world would fall apart and I would be lost. You light up when I give you a compliment. 60. 25. You are very understanding and supportive of my goals, dreams and aspirations. 279. 31. 160. 127. You share all your feelings with me. See our full disclosure policy here. You bust into song around the house and you have the most beautiful voice. I love that we dont scream, curse, and yell at each other. I love that we can talk about meaningful, deep things. You inspire me to grow and advance. I love how resourceful you are when were in a tough spot. It's not that you don't love them, but coming up with "the reasons I love you" on the spot can be difficult. 218. Its so handy! 26. Posted on Last updated: December 15, 2021. I love that you cheer on my accomplishments as your own. 74. Nobody is 100% certain why, but study after study shows that writing down your feelings and thoughts is excellent for your mental and physical health. When we're together, all my problems disappear. 296. 50. I love when you look at me with love and intent. 44. You give me a chance at our happily ever. You always remember to text me before bed and first thing in the morning. You make me feel like I am good enough. You make my heart melt with just a look from across the room. But here are 365 of the most important reasons why I love you. 154. You are confident and you say what you mean. 10. You make me realize what Im doing right as a partner, parent, and person in general. I love you for making me try new things. 361. 90. That we share so many interests and values in life. 363. 5. Youre not a pushover, but youre always willing to compromise. The thought of you takes my breath away. I love your eyes when you are happy. You can make a Reasons Why I Love You Jar, or add Reasons Why I Love You Cards. I love you for washing the dishes every morning, without complaint, and doing a fantastic job. I love that we have the same ________ (socks, hat, book, etc. 29. I love you because even though you are completely drop dead gorgeous on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside. Because I can feel that you care about me just by how close you are to me. Every single time Im with you, I realize that life is so much better with you around. The way we understand each other even without words is simply amazing! 360. 82. The way you look at me. You take good care of me when Im sick. 252. I love you because you are my rock, my foundation, and I know that no matter what life throws at us we can weather it together as one. I adore how curious you are about the world around you. 8. 2. 30. Helping around the house isnt beneath you and you do things for me when I cant. You always give me the benefit of the doubt. We laugh at all of the same crazy stuff, sometimes . Your presence makes me love life more and more. 88. 261. Use these 100 + reasons why I love you! So try casting aside the cynicism and trying on some unapologetic effusiveness. You always consider my opinions and seek them out when making a difficult decision. 42. I dont need to chase you or win you over. Together we can find a solution to any issue. 14. You know me better than I know myself most days. 143. I appreciate how unique you are. I love that I can be open, honest, and weird with you. And you are mine. I love how you pretend that I am perfect. Because no one else gives me butterflies like this, every single time you smile at me. I love how you can be completely honest with how you feel. No one else can make a face like that and you are the cutest person in the world even when you make awkward facial expressions. You are the luckiest person in the whole wide world for getting to cause it with these beautiful love notes. Just being by your side gives me so much strength and courage! Your voice is the most beautiful sound there is. You make me feel like a princess every single day! 343. You help me get up when I fall and think that I have failed. Start by writing out as many reasons as you can think of to let your person know the reasons why you love them. 32. 83. You can reach the top shelf in the kitchen. 153. 76. Youre a wonderful provider who never makes me feel guilty about it. You make me feel like being the nerd I am is the coolest thing in the entire world. You never get upset when I call you cute nicknames when other people are around. 313. You are thoughtful and always remember to do the sweet little things. 95. 81. I love you because together, we are weird . How cute you are. You have the courage to go after your dreams. 5. Things I do never go unnoticed or unappreciated. 43. 77. You are someone I can count on when times get tough, and you never let me down. 4. I love when you tell me what you think of something important to you. I love how you are always up for watching whatever I want to watch. 241. 38. Your devotion to God and his path for your life is so amazing. 249. The way you say my name when Im in trouble makes me smile every time. Im so glad I met you because you make me feel like me again. Youre so reliable! Or, if you want something more current (and less dusty) than the traditional paper lists, you can even text them each day with a new number, so they can look forward to receiving a text from you each day. I appreciate how you listen intently, and keep an open mind. 150. I love that you are ready to take risks with me. Theyre supportive friends who always have our back (even when were not fully in the right). 219. I love when you play ____________ with me. I love that you listen when I need to vent. 98. How helpful you are around the house with chores or other tasks. 176. Your sense of humor 3. You know exactly how to help me escape my demons. 235. 17 Signs Hes Falling In Love With You, 17 Under-The-Radar Ways To Nudge A Guy To Ask You Out. You are a very fast learner, especially when it comes to new skills and abilities required for our everyday life as working parents. 114. 94. 38. 112. 337. You keep me on the straight and narrow. 239. 350. 290. 90. Do you need inspiration to show someone you care? 63. 210. We have built together something amazing and I wont let anyone ruin it. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met. I love you because everything is more fun and exciting with you there. You are everything to me, and I am truly blessed because I get the chance to spend each day with someone as wonderful as you. 233. Youre shockingly handsome. 306. The memories we make together could never be replaced. You make my bedsheets smell fantastic. 195. 144. You never judge me and always want to hear my side of the story. 307. I love how you make me feel cherished. 2. 3. I love how much care and effort you put into. 23. 166. When life gets tough, just being by your side makes me feel strong enough to handle it all with ease. 238. I love the way you can keep a secret and not tell anyone else. 2. 180. 59. 100 Reasons to Love Him. 283. You give me enough space and time for myself. I love you for always being there to support me. You made me regain my faith in people. 209. I love that you help me forget my fears. 33. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 87. I love how ambitious you are in life career, family, friends etc. I cant imagine spending another day without you by my side. 17. I love how you are always checking in on me to make sure I am ok. No one else makes me feel like the most special girl in the world like you do. This bonus section is perfect to add to your list of reasons why I love my child. You are very good at making decisions and seeing the big picture, especially when it comes to our familys future. There are so many reasons why I love you, and I could never list them all. You always see the good in people and in every situation. 258. I love how much you have helped me improve my life. You make me feel like the most attractive person in any room. You have an amazing sense of style and always look so handsome. This bonus section is great to add to your reasons why I love you for your partner. You never try to be someone or something youre not. That we understand each other perfectly just by the sound of each others voice. 133. For always smiling back at me when I smile at you. 156. Your heart beats perfectly when its next to mine. Were family and therefore have a strong bond. 299. The way you can make me feel better just by holding me in your arms. 3. I love the way you kiss me after we have spent time apart. I love that I can be myself around you and know that youll understand, accept me, and appreciate me for who I am. How good you are with technology and things like that I always need help! 146. I love the way you act when you are nervous. A sense of security is a good reason to love someone and you make me feel safer than I ever felt before. You dont talk about me behind my back. Your ability to handle crisis situations with grace and ease under pressure. Its never too hard for you to apologize, even if you are not the one who is wrong. 270. Youre not obnoxious when youre drunk. You can even make your own list of reasons, but read on anyway because our list of reasons could inspire you to come up with your own. 26. 168. 45. "You are my sunshine! 41. 10. I love that you always make an effort on my birthday (and other holidays). You are my perfect match in every single way! My only sunshine" You absolutely make me happy, even when the skies are gray. 3. Youre my rock-solid anchor never wavering. We love each other - fully. You taught me that true love doesnt expire. 205. Your smile is contagious! 70. 170. Its so handy. 8. 198. Youre the only person who agreed to a second date! We wont let anything stand in our way. 171. 78. 365 Reasons Why I love You The way you look at meThe way you make me look at youThe way you make me smileYou let me be myselfYou don't try to change meYour shitty brown eyes just kidding I love your eyesThe way your hair smellsThe way your skin smells especially right after a showerThe shape of your feetYou knew this was coming - the softness 241. Youre the most charming individual Ive ever met. You are generally a kind person and you treat everyone well. I have faced my fears with you by my side and I can now do anything. Condescension is not in your vocabulary. 316. Have you ever found yourself tongue-tied and momentarily stupefied when a partner asks, Why do you love me? 29. I love how your instinct is always to take care and protect me. I love how you make me feel lovedalways. 11. When I make mistakes, he gets upset and comforts me at the same time. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud, To make your relationship work, you have to say the reasons, 365 reasons why I love you every day of the year, There are 365 reasons why I love you because you need to give them a reason. 137. Your intelligence and wit 4. 8. 244. Youre demonstrably proud to have me by your side, which feels sensational. I am a better person because of you, and I hope that I make you want to become a better man. I love you because you are always making sure our life is a beautiful adventure. Ive changed for the better ever since Ive been with you. 111. For always putting our happiness first. 35 Subtle Signs A Guy Likes You More Than A Friend, Your email address will not be published. 230. I love that you share good and bad news with me before anyone else. 131. 13. I love you because even when you're not around, I see the colour of your smile. 40. Youre an incredible influence and push me to be the best me I can be. I appreciate how patient you are with me/the kids. 298. I couldnt imagine living without all of these wonderful, loving things about you. 24. 50. 46. I love you for your tenderness Your positive attitude towards life 302. Other Benefits of Writing Out Your Love Feelings, 63 Things I Love About You (Best Qualities), Is He Throwing You Shade? I never want to kiss another set of lips but yours. It takes forethought (and a way with. 87. 128. I love you because you leave me sweet love notes that make me smile. 1. #3 | I love that we share everything - from our good days and bad days to our favorite bottle of wine. You see my strength as a plus, not a minus. You always call me to check in on me. There isnt a piece of furniture that you cannot put together. 2. How comfortable you make me feel about ourselves as a couple. Instead, you do the mature thing and bring things up with me when they arise. You have been with me through thick and thin. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the things you could include. 23. I appreciate that you have given me new perspectives and ways of thinking over the years. Youre smoking hot and no one can turn me on like you do. You cook my favorite meals, even when youre in the mood for something else. You love to show me off, which boosts my self-esteem. 148. I love that youve stuck by my side through thick and thin. You are everything I ever wished for. You always treat my family and friends with respect. 26. 298. Youre the best texter and always know what to say. Were both [insert name of favorite sports team] fans. 39. I could never live without you because I now know what its like to be with you. 84. I love the way you look at me like you really know me and you have let me learn who you are so I can look at you the same way. 67. But couples who give it a shot rave about how its a welcome and positive force in their relationships. The thought of hiding me never crossed your mind. You still remember the first time we met like it was yesterday. Because no matter where life takes us together, well always have each otherforever. I am so proud when people ask who my partner is because when they hear its you, their face lights up with a smile from ear to ear. I love knowing that no matter what happens, well be there for each other to face any challenges that come our way. You always know just what to say to help me feel better after a bad day. 7. 174. 123. Your family treats me like I am part of the gang. Waking up next to you never gets old. 304. Every memory with you is worth remembering. You make my silliest wishes come true. 4. So instead, Ill give you just one reason per day for 365 days. You love me when Im at my best and worst. 1. 29. 207. You always keep your promises to me. So, to that end, we offer you our "365 things I love about you" ideas. You are always there to help me accomplish whatever goals I set. If you find yourself at a loss for words, we've compiled this I love you list so you'll be ready the next time the question lands in your lap. Your partner will be able to read the jar every day and be reminded of why you are in love with him or her. Your patience with others is awe inspiring thank you for helping me learn to be more understanding of others too. You respect my need for personal space. Thats not a small thing. 96. I love the life weve built and are building. You always compliment me when you know I have a bad hair day. Our love for friends, children, and other family members differs from our love for romantic partners. Every day is Valentines Day when you have true love and you will want to make your life partner the happiest person in the whole world with these love notes. You are very good at working with your hands and fixing things. I love how you bring me breakfast in bed. 32. Youre always willing to try new things. You always know how to make me feel better when Im upset about something. 157. I would do anything for you, and trust you with my life anytime. 12. You worked so hard by my side to build our fabulous life. 20. 258. Reasons Why I Love You Best Friend 1. You have a wonderful way with words. I love you more than I will ever be able to put into words. I love you because you were there to support me through everything life brought our way, and I will always be here for you. I love how you hold my hand no matter where we are. Additionally, it: If youre looking at your honey and wondering, What should I write for why I love you? then use these benefits as guide posts for figuring it out. 363. 184. 17. I love how beautiful you make me feel. 135. Just being next to you makes everything okay. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. You prioritize my needs, often ahead of your own. I love you because you never say negative things about me and it makes me feel like you dont see negative things about me at all. You are a fast learner and you are smart. For being strong enough to get through all of lifes toughest challenges. The Ultimate 365 Reasons I Love You List We all love to know we're loved! You are a great cook, and I love your food. 48. We've compiled the best list of 365 reasons of why i love you to share with the special person in your life. I love how much sense of adventure you have. Youre so personable, even around people you dont necessarily enjoy. Career, family, friends etc. ) God and his path for your partner all lifes... You could include would fall apart and i would never change that about you me up every time intently and! 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Articles OTHER
63. I trust you with my deepest secrets, darkest thoughts, and craziest dreams. For being who you are because thats just what it takes to make me feel this way about you. 61. Write out 365 (or more) reasons why you love your partner. 31. How cute you look when trying to study or read with one of our kids snuggled up beside you on the couch. I love lazy Sunday mornings together. When you're holding my hand, I feel like I can do anything. I love you because I know I'm incredibly lucky and blessed to have you. 206. 64. You are very good at making difficult decisions quickly and efficiently, even under pressure. You dont give a flying fig about how I look; you love me for me. 317. Youre the kindest person Ive ever met. I love you because you make me feel like I am the most important person in the whole world. The way you look at me when you get jealous. You let me win at board games and cards. 21. The way our hearts beat as one is magical! 49. You think of the consequences before acting. I love when you compliment me, and it makes me feel like a million bucks. Your ability to make me feel loved, wanted, and appreciated every day. I love you because we can take pictures with the most awkward facial expressions or postures, yet we still see each other as the cutest person on earth. Sense of humour is a key component to a relationship, so using any of these funny reasons why you love your partner will be sure to make their day, and make them smile on top of that. And you do that all the time. History. 20. 92. Hopefully this will show you just how much thought and effort Ive put into loving you. I love that you respect my boundaries. 105. Your optimism towards life always makes me feel better about whatever is going on in my world. No matter who walks into our life, well never let anyone come between us because what we have is too special. You know how to make me feel important. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I cant believe how lucky I am to have someone as wonderful as you by my side. You make me feel like I'm the center of your universe. How much you care about not only my feelings but others feelings too. I love when were together, it feels like nothing else matters in the world. You are always quick to make up after we had a fight. I love how you always know the right thing to say in every situation. I love feeling that you are home for me. I love watching you work hard at something that matters to you. Are you into the big surprise? 220. I love how you make me feel like were a team. 86. 75. You can drive for hours just to see me for a minute. Youre strong and are always ready to help me move mountains if need be. You come up with the cutest, sweetest nicknames. You have thought me how to love unconditionally. 57. You never miss a chance to tell me all the reasons why you love me. 7. 282. 15 Answers You Need To Know. I love how comfortable I feel around you. You never cross the line into meanness when teasing me. Write a poem or love letter including your favorites. Your ability to understand new things and make a plan on how to get better. 43. 263. 58. You encourage me to pursue my passions. 268. Heres 365 more reasons why I love you! 175. 50. 340. Youre passionate about seeing the world with me by your side. 179. (See other fun family rituals HERE), 7. You know how to make me feel better when Im down. I laugh every time you laugh. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I hope that someday all of your dreams come true just as mine have with you by my side. You have never doubted me and have been the only person who always believed in me. You treat your friends with love and kindness. The way you look at me with those bright eyes of yours makes me feel like we could conquer the world together. 132. 92. You help me see things differently when everything seems dark. You all the time put my wants and desires earlier than yours. I feel like I can take on the world with such a courageous person by my side. You have a uniqueness that is only you. You make sure that nothing harms me. 39. You make me laugh, and you know how to make me happy. 191. And if youre still having trouble, read on. The wacky look you give me when I make a stupid joke is the absolute best. I love being able to share my thoughts and feelings with you. When youre away, it seems like a part of me is missing. 94. (Please dont tell my mom.). I love watching you _________. 34. 172. I never have to second-guess you because youre always forthright. You help pick me up every time I fall. Youre incredibly detailed and help me be more responsible. You always have ideas on what fun thing we could do. I am still blown away by everything you do. When it comes to love, you dont play games. 3. 233. 36. 1. I love how you fill our home with light and laughter. You make me reach my full potential. Just start writing and youll know a number when you cant think of morethere are probably way more than you think! Sometimes we dont even have to talk to understand each other. Make this sweet list a whole gift for them! Youre mature and arent afraid to work for what you want. There isnt an exact time when you should give this beautiful present to your loved one but letting them know every single day that they mean the world to you could be what will make your relationship work. You love me even when I dont love myself. Watch. 33. 197. (cook, bathe the kids, deal with conflict, etc.). 222. The sound of you quietly breathing while you sleep makes me feel safe. No matter what, youre never too tired to cuddle close with me day, afternoon, or night. 43. Youre the perfect amount of jealous, but not in an overbearing, concerning, obnoxious way. 327. The way you say my nickname makes me melt every time. All content on Healthy Happy Impactful is for educational and informational purposes only. 276. When we first met it felt like fate had brought us together, and now after all this time, I know that fate is our destiny! The way you will run to me when I come home from a long day at work to give me a big hug and kiss because you missed me. When it comes to my intuition, you always trust it. I love the way you make me feel like I can do anything. 49. We might have our differences, but I would never change that about you. I love that we can talk about anything, even if it involves feelings or difficult discussions. You are the best husband I could have ever asked for. You make everything smell like man, and I love it. One per piece of paper. Give me exact reasons." We get it. It may be uncouth to say, but you make everyone jealous and I love it! 140. 63. I love how I never have to worry about anyone else, because you always say Im the only one for you. Theyre kind, generous, lovely people whose existence is a positive force in the world. 224. 264. 255. and know that well respect each others opinions. Without you, my world would fall apart and I would be lost. You light up when I give you a compliment. 60. 25. You are very understanding and supportive of my goals, dreams and aspirations. 279. 31. 160. 127. You share all your feelings with me. See our full disclosure policy here. You bust into song around the house and you have the most beautiful voice. I love that we dont scream, curse, and yell at each other. I love that we can talk about meaningful, deep things. You inspire me to grow and advance. I love how resourceful you are when were in a tough spot. It's not that you don't love them, but coming up with "the reasons I love you" on the spot can be difficult. 218. Its so handy! 26. Posted on Last updated: December 15, 2021. I love that you cheer on my accomplishments as your own. 74. Nobody is 100% certain why, but study after study shows that writing down your feelings and thoughts is excellent for your mental and physical health. When we're together, all my problems disappear. 296. 50. I love when you look at me with love and intent. 44. You give me a chance at our happily ever. You always remember to text me before bed and first thing in the morning. You make me feel like I am good enough. You make my heart melt with just a look from across the room. But here are 365 of the most important reasons why I love you. 154. You are confident and you say what you mean. 10. You make me realize what Im doing right as a partner, parent, and person in general. I love you for making me try new things. 361. 90. That we share so many interests and values in life. 363. 5. Youre not a pushover, but youre always willing to compromise. The thought of you takes my breath away. I love your eyes when you are happy. You can make a Reasons Why I Love You Jar, or add Reasons Why I Love You Cards. I love you for washing the dishes every morning, without complaint, and doing a fantastic job. I love that we have the same ________ (socks, hat, book, etc. 29. I love you because even though you are completely drop dead gorgeous on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside. Because I can feel that you care about me just by how close you are to me. Every single time Im with you, I realize that life is so much better with you around. The way we understand each other even without words is simply amazing! 360. 82. The way you look at me. You take good care of me when Im sick. 252. I love you because you are my rock, my foundation, and I know that no matter what life throws at us we can weather it together as one. I adore how curious you are about the world around you. 8. 2. 30. Helping around the house isnt beneath you and you do things for me when I cant. You always give me the benefit of the doubt. We laugh at all of the same crazy stuff, sometimes . Your presence makes me love life more and more. 88. 261. Use these 100 + reasons why I love you! So try casting aside the cynicism and trying on some unapologetic effusiveness. You always consider my opinions and seek them out when making a difficult decision. 42. I dont need to chase you or win you over. Together we can find a solution to any issue. 14. You know me better than I know myself most days. 143. I appreciate how unique you are. I love that I can be open, honest, and weird with you. And you are mine. I love how you pretend that I am perfect. Because no one else gives me butterflies like this, every single time you smile at me. I love how you can be completely honest with how you feel. No one else can make a face like that and you are the cutest person in the world even when you make awkward facial expressions. You are the luckiest person in the whole wide world for getting to cause it with these beautiful love notes. Just being by your side gives me so much strength and courage! Your voice is the most beautiful sound there is. You make me feel like a princess every single day! 343. You help me get up when I fall and think that I have failed. Start by writing out as many reasons as you can think of to let your person know the reasons why you love them. 32. 83. You can reach the top shelf in the kitchen. 153. 76. Youre a wonderful provider who never makes me feel guilty about it. You make me feel like being the nerd I am is the coolest thing in the entire world. You never get upset when I call you cute nicknames when other people are around. 313. You are thoughtful and always remember to do the sweet little things. 95. 81. I love you because together, we are weird . How cute you are. You have the courage to go after your dreams. 5. Things I do never go unnoticed or unappreciated. 43. 77. You are someone I can count on when times get tough, and you never let me down. 4. I love when you tell me what you think of something important to you. I love how you are always up for watching whatever I want to watch. 241. 38. Your devotion to God and his path for your life is so amazing. 249. The way you say my name when Im in trouble makes me smile every time. Im so glad I met you because you make me feel like me again. Youre so reliable! Or, if you want something more current (and less dusty) than the traditional paper lists, you can even text them each day with a new number, so they can look forward to receiving a text from you each day. I appreciate how you listen intently, and keep an open mind. 150. I love that you are ready to take risks with me. Theyre supportive friends who always have our back (even when were not fully in the right). 219. I love when you play ____________ with me. I love that you listen when I need to vent. 98. How helpful you are around the house with chores or other tasks. 176. Your sense of humor 3. You know exactly how to help me escape my demons. 235. 17 Signs Hes Falling In Love With You, 17 Under-The-Radar Ways To Nudge A Guy To Ask You Out. You are a very fast learner, especially when it comes to new skills and abilities required for our everyday life as working parents. 114. 94. 38. 112. 337. You keep me on the straight and narrow. 239. 350. 290. 90. Do you need inspiration to show someone you care? 63. 210. We have built together something amazing and I wont let anyone ruin it. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met. I love you because everything is more fun and exciting with you there. You are everything to me, and I am truly blessed because I get the chance to spend each day with someone as wonderful as you. 233. Youre shockingly handsome. 306. The memories we make together could never be replaced. You make my bedsheets smell fantastic. 195. 144. You never judge me and always want to hear my side of the story. 307. I love how you make me feel cherished. 2. 3. I love how much care and effort you put into. 23. 166. When life gets tough, just being by your side makes me feel strong enough to handle it all with ease. 238. I love the way you can keep a secret and not tell anyone else. 2. 180. 59. 100 Reasons to Love Him. 283. You give me enough space and time for myself. I love you for always being there to support me. You made me regain my faith in people. 209. I love that you help me forget my fears. 33. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 87. I love how ambitious you are in life career, family, friends etc. I cant imagine spending another day without you by my side. 17. I love how you are always checking in on me to make sure I am ok. No one else makes me feel like the most special girl in the world like you do. This bonus section is perfect to add to your list of reasons why I love my child. You are very good at making decisions and seeing the big picture, especially when it comes to our familys future. There are so many reasons why I love you, and I could never list them all. You always see the good in people and in every situation. 258. I love how much you have helped me improve my life. You make me feel like the most attractive person in any room. You have an amazing sense of style and always look so handsome. This bonus section is great to add to your reasons why I love you for your partner. You never try to be someone or something youre not. That we understand each other perfectly just by the sound of each others voice. 133. For always smiling back at me when I smile at you. 156. Your heart beats perfectly when its next to mine. Were family and therefore have a strong bond. 299. The way you can make me feel better just by holding me in your arms. 3. I love the way you kiss me after we have spent time apart. I love that I can be myself around you and know that youll understand, accept me, and appreciate me for who I am. How good you are with technology and things like that I always need help! 146. I love the way you act when you are nervous. A sense of security is a good reason to love someone and you make me feel safer than I ever felt before. You dont talk about me behind my back. Your ability to handle crisis situations with grace and ease under pressure. Its never too hard for you to apologize, even if you are not the one who is wrong. 270. Youre not obnoxious when youre drunk. You can even make your own list of reasons, but read on anyway because our list of reasons could inspire you to come up with your own. 26. 168. 45. "You are my sunshine! 41. 10. I love that you always make an effort on my birthday (and other holidays). You are my perfect match in every single way! My only sunshine" You absolutely make me happy, even when the skies are gray. 3. Youre my rock-solid anchor never wavering. We love each other - fully. You taught me that true love doesnt expire. 205. Your smile is contagious! 70. 170. Its so handy. 8. 198. Youre the only person who agreed to a second date! We wont let anything stand in our way. 171. 78. 365 Reasons Why I love You The way you look at meThe way you make me look at youThe way you make me smileYou let me be myselfYou don't try to change meYour shitty brown eyes just kidding I love your eyesThe way your hair smellsThe way your skin smells especially right after a showerThe shape of your feetYou knew this was coming - the softness 241. Youre the most charming individual Ive ever met. You are generally a kind person and you treat everyone well. I have faced my fears with you by my side and I can now do anything. Condescension is not in your vocabulary. 316. Have you ever found yourself tongue-tied and momentarily stupefied when a partner asks, Why do you love me? 29. I love how your instinct is always to take care and protect me. I love how you make me feel lovedalways. 11. When I make mistakes, he gets upset and comforts me at the same time. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud, To make your relationship work, you have to say the reasons, 365 reasons why I love you every day of the year, There are 365 reasons why I love you because you need to give them a reason. 137. Your intelligence and wit 4. 8. 244. Youre demonstrably proud to have me by your side, which feels sensational. I am a better person because of you, and I hope that I make you want to become a better man. I love you because you are always making sure our life is a beautiful adventure. Ive changed for the better ever since Ive been with you. 111. For always putting our happiness first. 35 Subtle Signs A Guy Likes You More Than A Friend, Your email address will not be published. 230. I love that you share good and bad news with me before anyone else. 131. 13. I love you because even when you're not around, I see the colour of your smile. 40. Youre an incredible influence and push me to be the best me I can be. I appreciate how patient you are with me/the kids. 298. I couldnt imagine living without all of these wonderful, loving things about you. 24. 50. 46. I love you for your tenderness Your positive attitude towards life 302. Other Benefits of Writing Out Your Love Feelings, 63 Things I Love About You (Best Qualities), Is He Throwing You Shade? I never want to kiss another set of lips but yours. It takes forethought (and a way with. 87. 128. I love you because you leave me sweet love notes that make me smile. 1. #3 | I love that we share everything - from our good days and bad days to our favorite bottle of wine. You see my strength as a plus, not a minus. You always call me to check in on me. There isnt a piece of furniture that you cannot put together. 2. How comfortable you make me feel about ourselves as a couple. Instead, you do the mature thing and bring things up with me when they arise. You have been with me through thick and thin. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the things you could include. 23. I appreciate that you have given me new perspectives and ways of thinking over the years. Youre smoking hot and no one can turn me on like you do. You cook my favorite meals, even when youre in the mood for something else. You love to show me off, which boosts my self-esteem. 148. I love that youve stuck by my side through thick and thin. You are everything I ever wished for. You always treat my family and friends with respect. 26. 298. Youre the best texter and always know what to say. Were both [insert name of favorite sports team] fans. 39. I could never live without you because I now know what its like to be with you. 84. I love the way you look at me like you really know me and you have let me learn who you are so I can look at you the same way. 67. But couples who give it a shot rave about how its a welcome and positive force in their relationships. The thought of hiding me never crossed your mind. You still remember the first time we met like it was yesterday. Because no matter where life takes us together, well always have each otherforever. I am so proud when people ask who my partner is because when they hear its you, their face lights up with a smile from ear to ear. I love knowing that no matter what happens, well be there for each other to face any challenges that come our way. You always know just what to say to help me feel better after a bad day. 7. 174. 123. Your family treats me like I am part of the gang. Waking up next to you never gets old. 304. Every memory with you is worth remembering. You make my silliest wishes come true. 4. So instead, Ill give you just one reason per day for 365 days. You love me when Im at my best and worst. 1. 29. 207. You always keep your promises to me. So, to that end, we offer you our "365 things I love about you" ideas. You are always there to help me accomplish whatever goals I set. If you find yourself at a loss for words, we've compiled this I love you list so you'll be ready the next time the question lands in your lap. Your partner will be able to read the jar every day and be reminded of why you are in love with him or her. Your patience with others is awe inspiring thank you for helping me learn to be more understanding of others too. You respect my need for personal space. Thats not a small thing. 96. I love the life weve built and are building. You always compliment me when you know I have a bad hair day. Our love for friends, children, and other family members differs from our love for romantic partners. Every day is Valentines Day when you have true love and you will want to make your life partner the happiest person in the whole world with these love notes. You are very good at working with your hands and fixing things. I love how you bring me breakfast in bed. 32. Youre always willing to try new things. You always know how to make me feel better when Im upset about something. 157. I would do anything for you, and trust you with my life anytime. 12. You worked so hard by my side to build our fabulous life. 20. 258. Reasons Why I Love You Best Friend 1. You have a wonderful way with words. I love you more than I will ever be able to put into words. I love you because you were there to support me through everything life brought our way, and I will always be here for you. I love how you hold my hand no matter where we are. Additionally, it: If youre looking at your honey and wondering, What should I write for why I love you? then use these benefits as guide posts for figuring it out. 363. 184. 17. I love how beautiful you make me feel. 135. Just being next to you makes everything okay. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. You prioritize my needs, often ahead of your own. I love you because you never say negative things about me and it makes me feel like you dont see negative things about me at all. You are a fast learner and you are smart. For being strong enough to get through all of lifes toughest challenges. The Ultimate 365 Reasons I Love You List We all love to know we're loved! You are a great cook, and I love your food. 48. We've compiled the best list of 365 reasons of why i love you to share with the special person in your life. I love how much sense of adventure you have. Youre so personable, even around people you dont necessarily enjoy. Career, family, friends etc. ) God and his path for your partner all lifes... You could include would fall apart and i would never change that about you me up every time intently and! 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