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کد خبر: 14519
twice a number decreased by 58
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Q /Meta150 164 0 R /Subtype /Form /ProcSet[/PDF] q /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 0 w /Length 69 << 0 g endstream 0 g Q 0.564 G Q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q 51 0 obj 0.297 Tc 1 i /Meta342 Do (5) Tj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q ET /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] 0.458 0 0 RG 1 g q Q /Subtype /Form Q /Length 118 >> /F3 17 0 R /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 15.59 29.168] q ET /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /MissingWidth 250 /FormType 1 /FormType 1 q 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 383.934 cm stream 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 383.934 cm Q /Length 59 Twice a number decreased by ten is greater than 24. endobj 0 g stream 1.014 0 0 1.007 111.416 776.149 cm q /Meta168 182 0 R Q BT /Type /XObject q q << 0.737 w /Font << q 56 0 obj /Meta260 274 0 R q 310 0 obj /Type /XObject q endobj Q 0.564 G /Resources<< /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] endstream << /BBox [0 0 673.937 68.796] << /Meta180 194 0 R >> Q 20.21 5.203 TD /Subtype /Form , Prove the following /Meta403 Do Q 59 0 obj 0 g /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /Meta218 232 0 R /Resources<< /Length 68 /Subtype /Form /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Resources<< /Meta210 Do /Meta70 84 0 R << /Meta118 Do /Resources<< (x) Tj << /FormType 1 /FormType 1 Q /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /F3 12.131 Tf 722.699 599.991 l q /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] >> 400 0 R >> ( \() Tj /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] ET /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Font << /Filter [/CCITTFaxDecode] Q /Type /XObject Q 0 w endstream 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 330.484 cm /Subtype /Form stream >> Q /Length 64 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 77 0 obj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q 0.564 G /F3 17 0 R /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] endobj 0.458 0 0 RG /ProcSet[/PDF] Hence, the number is 6. 0 5.203 TD Q Q 0.564 G S /Meta385 401 0 R >> /F3 17 0 R 1 i 1.007 0 0 1.007 45.168 713.666 cm q 2 times x minus 58 C. twice the difference of a number and 5 B. twice a number decreased by 58 D. 2 times the sum of a number and 58 Answer: B. Step-by-step explanation: twice - (2) number - (x) 58-(58) Edukasyon. /Meta195 209 0 R >> /Type /XObject Q ET /F3 12.131 Tf /Meta257 271 0 R Q 0.524 Tc >> stream 0.51 Tc endstream /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] Q Q 0 g BT 0 G << /Meta377 Do /F3 12.131 Tf << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q 0 g /Meta396 Do /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 0.458 0 0 RG /FormType 1 (-11) Tj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.564 G /Resources<< /Meta393 409 0 R >> Q 266 0 obj 1 i 0.463 Tc /Subtype /Form /F3 17 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Resources<< stream Q endobj << 1 i /Resources<< 0 0 0 778 611 709 774 611 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /F3 12.131 Tf /Meta423 439 0 R BT 1 i /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Font << BT endstream q endstream 1 i 0.737 w /Meta97 Do /Length 69 /Resources<< Q >> 0.51 Tc q BT /ProcSet[/PDF] 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 599.991 cm 1.014 0 0 1.007 531.485 583.429 cm 1 i Q >> endstream q /Subtype /Form q q /FormType 1 /F3 12.131 Tf /F3 12.131 Tf 1 i /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] >> Q 0 g /Font << >> /Subtype /Form >> Q Q >> (D\)) Tj /Type /XObject /Meta219 Do q /Meta298 Do /Length 60 endobj ET << Q >> q q MetS-Z quartiles and their associated risks are presented in Fig. >> q /Type /XObject BT 0 g 125.064 4.894 TD 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 383.934 cm 238 0 obj 0.564 G /Subtype /Form Q Q Q /Meta362 376 0 R >> /Meta45 59 0 R 0.737 w q 0 G Q << /Meta81 95 0 R 0.458 0 0 RG endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] ET 1.007 0 0 1.006 130.989 690.329 cm ET 1.007 0 0 1.006 551.058 437.384 cm /FormType 1 q /Length 70 0 w /Font << 0 g Q 1 i Q 1 i -0.062 Tw /Length 69 q Q endobj ET Q /F3 17 0 R 0 g q 337 0 obj Q /Leading 253 /ProcSet[/PDF] /Type /XObject /Length 66 << /Subtype /Form /Meta58 72 0 R >> /F3 17 0 R -0.486 Tw /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject /Font << q 0.51 Tc 1 g /Meta335 Do 0.68 Tc /Subtype /TrueType Q stream Q /Subtype /Form q 0.458 0 0 RG /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] /F3 17 0 R Q Q Q /F1 7 0 R q 0.458 0 0 RG >> endobj a Question >> Q endobj /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 523.204 cm >> endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.564 G /Type /XObject 0 G 0 g 391 0 obj /Meta192 Do 0.737 w q q 399 0 obj /FormType 1 Jarrell Tornado Jesus Image,
Lake Park High School Graduation 2022,
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/Subtype /Form Q /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] << stream q Q 1 i BT /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] >> 0.738 Tc /Meta345 359 0 R ET /Length 127 endobj Q /Length 63 << Q /Length 91 Q q 0 5.203 TD << >> 0 G /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] 12 0 obj /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] /FormType 1 /BBox [0 0 88.214 35.886] << /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] >> /Meta3 Do /F3 12.131 Tf 0.737 w /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 0.458 0 0 RG /Resources<< /Meta80 94 0 R /Meta115 Do /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /BBox [0 0 15.59 29.168] /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /ProcSet[/PDF] q q 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 849.172 cm /Resources<< /Meta175 189 0 R endobj 159 0 obj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form Twice a number decreased by another number: "twice a number decreased by another number" 2*(x-y), "twice a number, decreased by another number"(2*x)-y, It's possible David. /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q 0.564 G /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /Resources<< /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj q Q /BBox [0 0 30.642 16.44] q 20.21 5.203 TD /F3 12.131 Tf ET /Type /XObject 0 20.154 m >> Percent Change = (Decrease First Value) x 100% q /Length 67 0.564 G endstream /ProcSet[/PDF] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F3 17 0 R 0.737 w Q 0 w A rectangular garden has a width that is 8 feet less than twice the length. /ProcSet[/PDF] -0.099 Tw Q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q << BT 1 i q 1.014 0 0 1.007 531.485 636.879 cm 285 0 obj /FormType 1 /ProcSet[/PDF] Q (1\)) Tj /MaxWidth 2000 0 g Q Q q q /FormType 1 /F3 12.131 Tf /Meta109 Do /FormType 1 392 0 obj /Type /XObject 0 g 0 g >> /FormType 1 >> >> Q much as how 8, Last . /Meta347 Do endobj >> 104 0 obj BT /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] /FormType 1 /FormType 1 BT << Q Q ET q 1.502 24.649 TD /Meta152 166 0 R 23.216 5.203 TD /Length 64 endobj /Type /XObject q q /F3 12.131 Tf ET /FormType 1 Q stream /F4 36 0 R /Meta401 Do q >> /Meta217 231 0 R ET /F3 17 0 R /Subtype /Form endstream /Meta119 Do Q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] 0.564 G /BBox [0 0 534.67 16.44] 0 G /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] [(th)-28(e di)-18(ffe)-14(ren)-23(ce o)-28(f )] TJ endobj /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] >> 0 w stream q >> Q True False /Type /XObject >> Q q 1.007 0 0 1.006 411.035 763.351 cm << 0 g Kobe scored 85 points in a basketball game. /F1 7 0 R /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form /Length 57 ET -0.067 Tw /F3 17 0 R q /Subtype /Form stream stream 127 0 obj q 2. >> /F4 12.131 Tf /Font << 0 G q << /F3 12.131 Tf /FormType 1 /Font << 0 g /Resources<< 0 g 0 g /Font << 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 636.879 cm Q Q stream /Resources<< Q /Font << /Resources<< 1.007 0 0 1.007 45.168 829.599 cm /Meta237 251 0 R algebraic expressions math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression. 1 i stream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1 i /Length 54 /BBox [0 0 15.59 29.168] Q /Subtype /Form /Resources<< ET 1.007 0 0 1.007 130.989 583.429 cm << /Subtype /Form /Resources<< [(A number )-17(divided by )] TJ /BBox [0 0 549.552 16.44] 0.198 Tc /Type /XObject 20.21 5.203 TD /Meta143 157 0 R Q endobj q q /Length 69 /ProcSet[/PDF] 47.933 5.203 TD stream q 0.737 w q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q /Width 734 q /Type /XObject q 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 546.541 cm 6.746 5.203 TD 0.737 w In other terms, 52-nx The problem is asking that you subtract twice a number from 52. Q 1.005 0 0 1.007 79.798 862.723 cm >> q q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] /FormType 1 259 0 obj stream q ET /Type /XObject Q /F3 17 0 R >> /Font << Q q /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] -0.486 Tw /F3 12.131 Tf - 9737014. 1 i Q >> 1 i /Meta9 Do q /FormType 1 >> How many points did Kobe score in the season? /Subtype /Form >> Q << -0.486 Tw q /MediaBox [0 0 767.868 993.712] /Type /XObject ] << stream /Font << >> BT << 0 g 1.014 0 0 1.007 251.439 383.934 cm /Length 65 q Q 0 g q 1 g /Resources<< stream If a number is 400%, then it is 4 times, the same as 4. /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] ET /Meta294 308 0 R 0 G 0.486 Tc /Resources<< 0 g endobj q q /Length 118 1.014 0 0 1.007 391.462 849.172 cm 1.014 0 0 1.006 251.439 510.406 cm /F3 12.131 Tf /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] << endobj /F4 12.131 Tf Q >> /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] Q q q BT q /Resources<< q 0 g stream /Resources<< 1 i /Resources<< /Meta67 Do /Meta156 170 0 R /ProcSet[/PDF] ET /FormType 1 /ProcSet[/PDF/Text] q /Type /XObject 1.007 0 0 1.007 67.753 799.486 cm q BT 1 i >> /F3 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0.458 0 0 RG (6\)) Tj /FormType 1 4 less than some number : x - 4 : a number decreased by 10 : y - 10 : 8 minus some number : 8 - t : the difference between a number and 12 : . stream stream Q /Resources<< /F3 17 0 R stream ET /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /FormType 1 -0.092 Tw 0 g endstream 0 g BT 0.68 Tc /Type /XObject /F3 12.131 Tf /Subtype /Form /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> q /F3 12.131 Tf Q Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males. /Meta240 Do q endstream /Type /XObject Double or twice a number means 2x, and triple or thrice a number means 3x. )-20(Use x to r)-21(eprese)-22(nt "a num)-15(ber)-19(.")] /Meta357 371 0 R /Type /XObject >> 1.007 0 0 1.007 271.012 849.172 cm /F3 17 0 R endobj /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /F3 17 0 R /Resources<< endobj /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 1.007 0 0 1.007 551.058 383.934 cm endobj stream q << >> /FormType 1 /ProcSet[/PDF] Q /Meta39 53 0 R /Meta218 Do q 45 0 obj Q q 1 g /Type /XObject 373 0 obj 0 G /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] 1 i << /Type /XObject /Type /XObject endobj endstream << /FormType 1 >> /Meta161 175 0 R /Type /XObject >> q Q ET << 0.737 w 33.704 5.203 TD 0.271 Tc /Resources<< Q BT endobj /Resources<< >> /FormType 1 /Font << Q >> 1.007 0 0 1.007 130.989 636.879 cm q 1 i /Resources<< /XObject << stream /BBox [0 0 15.59 16.44] ET /Meta54 Do >> 1.005 0 0 1.007 102.382 799.486 cm Q stream q >> LAIing for a pizza and, soft drink. /Meta328 Do 0.51 Tc /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] << >> /Type /XObject /Resources<< endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q /Resources<< stream /Length 16 /F3 12.131 Tf 0 G 0.68 Tc /F4 36 0 R 1.014 0 0 1.007 531.485 383.934 cm stream /Resources<< >> q stream /Subtype /Form /Resources<< stream 1 i /Meta410 426 0 R /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1 i /Resources<< 1.007 0 0 1.007 411.035 583.429 cm 0 w >> 446 0 obj /Type /XObject >> Q 0 5.203 TD q /FormType 1 /Meta296 Do /Meta358 372 0 R /BBox [0 0 88.214 16.44] /Length 2252 1 i 19 0 obj 0.738 Tc /Subtype /Form 0 g /F3 17 0 R 1 i << Q 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