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» what does darth vader look like without his suit
what does darth vader look like without his suit
what does darth vader look like without his suitwhat does darth vader look like without his suit
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what does darth vader look like without his suit
Similarly to how Darth Maul survived, Vader survived by using the force to focus on his pain in order to keep him alive long enough - but that's a story for another time. Another Star Wars Lego set has been revealed by surprise via Lego's official store, and we can expect Darth Vader's Executor Super Star Destroyer to land in May - just in time for Star Wars day, as it happens. This system is made up of machines that do his breathing for him, though we don't see any of the . [7] The armor's belt and chest plate held the controls for the life support system, ensuring that Vader's body received enough oxygen, nutrients, and medicine; through this system, Vader could endure nearly any environment, including the vacuum of space. It is even mentioned in the novel, Rise of Darth Vader that he couldn't perform force lighting due to his arms and legs being mechanical and not biological. Darth Vader is the most iconic villain in all of Star Wars. Vader's own armorweave cape had some unique attributes to it. To save him, the medical droids installed an artificial lung made of iron in the back of his suit that remained hidden with the help of his cape. However, thanks to his incredibly pressurized helmet and boot soles, he can remain protected from the dangers of space. In fact, they show Vader without his helmet several times before his final reveal in the moments before he dies. It seems that both magic, the force, and machine must be applied to make Darth Vader a reality. Darth Vader. [44], For The Empire Strikes Back, the suit was redesigned to be more comfortable, with spares for looser parts of the costumes. Succumbing to his rage, Skywalker burst from his hiding place and viciously attacked Vader, beating him down and, in the final blow of the duel, cutting off Vader's right hand. It was designed to keep Vader alive after his body sustained irreparable damage.Darth Sidious. Their hope was to ensure, for his appearance in Rogue One, Vader's struts caused the cape to move in the exact same way as the original films. Darth Vader #12 sees the Sith Lord recovering from a battle with Emperor Palpatine that left his suit badly damaged. Refresh your browser window to try again. June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized; He's the pinnacle of dark lords, evilness, and, of course, Luke's father. Likewise, Vader possessed a technologically advanced version that prevented the Dark Lord from ever going to the washroom while staying eco-friendly. It is theorized that it smelled terrible and was a painful process to get it removed. There he scavenged various battle droid parts to use as replacements for the cybernetic limbs that his master destroyed. The brain itself needs enough REM cycles to maintain a person's sanity. Who knows how that must have felt like? Besides, she remembered from their records of the supervillains that this was one of Spider-Man's villains. I understand that at the time they thought he would be older than what he ended up getting retconned to with the PT. Designed with life support technology, the armor ensured Vader's survival following the lightsaber and burn injuries that he sustained in a duel with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Darth Vader Sixth Scale Action Figure Sideshow Star Wars deluxe Edition at the best online prices at eBay! Technically speaking, Darth Vader was a cyborg, although he isn't generally seen as one. Vader's charred helmet rested upon an obsidian pillar[42] within Ren's suite on board the vessel in orbit of Kijimi, and was disturbed when the pillar was shattered by Rey's lightsaber during her duel with Ren. Here's How Much Darth Vader's Suit Cost | Time Vader then tumbled down the volcanic planet's surface, near a river of lava, where his robes burst into flames, consuming his entire body. He also holds an emergency oxygen tank that provides him the necessary gas if anything were to go wrong and if Darth Vader was exposed to space. Ok why does Vader need a Helmet? (Not the breather, the - reddit At the end of the duel, Obi-Wan damaged Vader's chest plate and cut open half his helmet, revealing the left side of his scarred face. Dark Vader cannot breathe without his mask because his mask is connected to a life support system. Yesterday saw the . Vader's suit isn't basically indestructible because of its advanced technology, it's further protected by a magic alchemy from the Dark Side to be used by Sith priests when wanting to enchant armor to make it both better and stronger. [18], Prior to the Battle of Scarif, he spent some time in a bacta tank in his castle on Mustafar before donning the suit again to meet Director Orson Krennic. After Obi-Wan Kenobi: The case for a Darth Vader Star Wars series. Theko-shol gasses destroyed the interior of his lungs and the tissue around him. It was indeed the aspect of having a mechanical spine that dealt him the most pain as he walked in his suit, however it was specifically this area of his body that allowed him to stand at 1.88 meters tall. Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader's Castle, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Graphic Novel Adaptation, Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge Last Call, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, From Concept to Screen: Bringing Darth Vader to Life, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Helmets: Darth Vader, Master of the Dark Side, Weapons & Uniforms: Imperial High Command, Highlights of the Saga: Duel in Cloud City, Highlights of the Saga: The Capture of Han Solo, Highlights of the Saga: Ground Assault on Hoth, Highlights of the Saga: The Second Death Star, Highlights of the Saga: The Capture of the, Droid Directory: 2-1B-series Medical Droids, Part 1, Droid Directory: LOM-series Protocol Droids, Building the Galaxy: The Weapon of a Jedi. Know what you will become!The Son, to Anakin Skywalker, During the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano accidentally discovered the Mortis monolith, a gateway to another planet, while answering an ancient Jedi distress code. This is also where the iconic James Earl Jones voice comes from. This was decided by Sidious so Vader could feel every ounce of pain in order to make him angrier and stronger. His helmet was the most important tool to his survival. The helmet of my former apprentice Darth Vader was more than just a symbol of terror. A wise and powerful Jedi Master, Yoda has piqued the hearts of many Star Wars viewers for his force power despite his size. Vader needed to take breaks, dipping himself in a liquid chamber where he allowed himself to meditate as we saw in a deleted scene of Rogue One. During the span of his dangerous missions, Vader has been exposed to literal space. Theories suggest that due to his cybernetic arms, Vader could never even summon lightning if he even tried, given that force lightning needed to be summoned through actual arms and could never emerge from a pair of robotic fingers. An intricate collection of circuity could be found implanted into what's left of his charred body; sounds quite painful. It is exactly his machine-like build and his mask that made us fans want to know more about our favorite dark lord. It turns out that the whole process was 8 hours long, and Vader was kept awake for all of it. [10] The armor also featured a remote to prep Vader's interceptor for combat. he knows what I look like with and without the mask," Spider-Man explained, "It would probably be safer . Darth Vader vs Kylo Ren: Here's Who Would Win | GAMERS DECIDE Without it, he would perish within seconds, unless he was super angry and used the force to his advantage. What does Darth Vader look like without his helmet? - Quora How voiced darth vader? - sdnimik.bluejeanblues.net Waste Recyclers could be found equipped on asteroid miner's to prevent them from going to the bathroom. Spoiler alert: theyre not just for looks. In addition to its practical use, Vader's armor inspired fear and terror across the galaxy during the era of the Galactic Empire. Lucasfilm's Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series has wrapped its six-episode run and put the titular Jedi Master on one more collision . He technically can eat, but it would require him to take off his mask which is both a humiliating and difficult act. The air molecules of your body would be sucked out and your blood vessels would break, especially the blood vessels located in your poorly protected eyes within a matter of moments. Avengers: Darkness in Kingdom Hearts Chapter 12: The Return of Venom Not to mention, Vader's suit allowed him to survive the tallest of falls and the greatest of impacts. Darth Vader's armor | Wookieepedia | Fandom Star Wars: 15 Gross Facts About Darth Vader's Suit - CBR Sidious ordered the scientist Cylo to create Vader's armor, which he did obediently in a long night of reconstructive surgery. "He's more machine now than man," as an old Ben Kenobi would say. In Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker suffered severe burns and injuries after his lightsaber . It was only when Vader was angry enough to use the maximum of his force powers could he ignore the sheer weight of his heavy armor. Like another famous cyborg, (a favorite of mine) General Grievous underwent a similar process of cybernetic enhancements after having suffered the fate of an explosion from a bomb hidden on a ship. Believing he could never be Anakin . He also has an armored plate on his chest to protect his organs. Let the experts talk about : How much is Darth Vader helmet worth [Must Alas, it remains factual that Darth Vader's skin is no longer biological. Available to pre-order now for $69.99 direct from Lego (opens in new tab), or 59.99 in the UK (opens in new tab), this is a smaller kit at 630 pieces in total. However, even though Darth Vaders suit and helmet are what give him his ominous allure, not many fans know what they do. Even in A New Hope, Vaders image was pointing to the tragic story of his descent into the dark side of the Force. John Jackson "Jack-Jack" Parr is a major character in the 2004 DisneyPixar animated film, The Incredibles and its 2018 sequel. April 14, 2016 3:49 PM EDT. Just for once. When Vader underwent these procedures, he worried about going insane. We mentioned before that Vader underwent a long, complicated and painful process of having to replace his deceased and burnt skin by synthetic versions to keep his bodily organs intact. Yes, Jones lent his voice to Darth Vader. Unable to bear the sight of his son suffering, Vader returned to the light side and subsequently turned on his his master, by throwing him down a reactor shaft, effectively killing Sidious. Obi-Wan Kenobi: Leaked Art Reveals Creepy Darth Vader Design for [12] As a result, Vader gained new cybernetics and his armor was fully repaired. Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Darth Vader's Suit - ScreenRant Rumor: Hayden Christensen Will Film Scenes Without Darth Vader's Helmet Apparently, this had a disgusting taste, but was much easier for Vader to eat; if he wanted to consume something orally, he could, but needed to do so in his liquid chamber as he needed to take off his mask. You'd think that losing one arm would be enough, I'm sure these new gauntlets are sore reminders of what once was. Yet, Vader also practices a slower, methodical movement as a reflection of his power. 14 He Can't Eat Solid Food. To give a short answer, Darth Vaders suit helps keep him alive. Star Wars: Darth Vader Didn't Need His Suit - CBR June 20, 2021. The cape prevented hazardous materials from entering the system that would harm the suit's circuitry. How his suit allowed this was a complicated process. How do you find it? [40], By 35 ABY,[41] the helmet was transferred to the Star Destroyer Steadfast. In addition to its life-support functions, the Sith Lord's helmet contributed to giving him a frightening appearance, and could be removed to use a feeding tube in his private chamber due to his inability to eat normally. Sidious then left Vader on Mustafar and ordered him to survive on his own, but without the use of the Force. A More Powerful Darth Vader Returns in Obi-Wan Kenobi First Look Image Given how he doesn't need to eat, it's safe to assume he doesn't need to do the former either. In addition, his helmet completely hides his face, leaving his true identity a mystery until his final moments. [12], Upon my command, Vader's broken frame was remade, fitted with cybernetic parts and sheathed in obsidian armor. About the age of Dave Grohl today. How Long can Darth Vader SURVIVE WITHOUT His Suit? - YouTube [26], Three years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Vader engaged in a duel against his former apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, inside the Malachor Sith temple. The shell is what locks all the parts into place. Regardless whether it was from a lack of limbs or from a threat of perishing, Vader suffered a disadvantage, being secluded from one of the most popular and effective weapons a powerful Sith Lord could ever have. A urine bag with a tube up his urethra, we use those medically in the real world for sick/injured people. He actually chooses not to when given the opportunity given how he's elusively trying to be less human, doing so from hating his human form. Towards the end of the duel, Skywalker retreated to a hiding spot and refused to fight anymore. According to the Wookieepedia, his mask was made to look similar to a skull "in order to enhance the fear factor of the Dark Lord of the Sith . This tear-jerking scene shows how Vader had returned to the light side of the Force and had become Anakin Skywalker again. Darth Vader's haunting breathing sounds used Burtt's own breathing in a scuba regulator. Both the cape and Vader's tunic were constructed to protect him from difficult climates while remaining light enough in weight to keep him mobile. Baby Monkeys For Sale In Birmingham,
Articles W
Similarly to how Darth Maul survived, Vader survived by using the force to focus on his pain in order to keep him alive long enough - but that's a story for another time. Another Star Wars Lego set has been revealed by surprise via Lego's official store, and we can expect Darth Vader's Executor Super Star Destroyer to land in May - just in time for Star Wars day, as it happens. This system is made up of machines that do his breathing for him, though we don't see any of the . [7] The armor's belt and chest plate held the controls for the life support system, ensuring that Vader's body received enough oxygen, nutrients, and medicine; through this system, Vader could endure nearly any environment, including the vacuum of space. It is even mentioned in the novel, Rise of Darth Vader that he couldn't perform force lighting due to his arms and legs being mechanical and not biological. Darth Vader is the most iconic villain in all of Star Wars. Vader's own armorweave cape had some unique attributes to it. To save him, the medical droids installed an artificial lung made of iron in the back of his suit that remained hidden with the help of his cape. However, thanks to his incredibly pressurized helmet and boot soles, he can remain protected from the dangers of space. In fact, they show Vader without his helmet several times before his final reveal in the moments before he dies. It seems that both magic, the force, and machine must be applied to make Darth Vader a reality. Darth Vader. [44], For The Empire Strikes Back, the suit was redesigned to be more comfortable, with spares for looser parts of the costumes. Succumbing to his rage, Skywalker burst from his hiding place and viciously attacked Vader, beating him down and, in the final blow of the duel, cutting off Vader's right hand. It was designed to keep Vader alive after his body sustained irreparable damage.Darth Sidious. Their hope was to ensure, for his appearance in Rogue One, Vader's struts caused the cape to move in the exact same way as the original films. Darth Vader #12 sees the Sith Lord recovering from a battle with Emperor Palpatine that left his suit badly damaged. Refresh your browser window to try again. June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized; He's the pinnacle of dark lords, evilness, and, of course, Luke's father. Likewise, Vader possessed a technologically advanced version that prevented the Dark Lord from ever going to the washroom while staying eco-friendly. It is theorized that it smelled terrible and was a painful process to get it removed. There he scavenged various battle droid parts to use as replacements for the cybernetic limbs that his master destroyed. The brain itself needs enough REM cycles to maintain a person's sanity. Who knows how that must have felt like? Besides, she remembered from their records of the supervillains that this was one of Spider-Man's villains. I understand that at the time they thought he would be older than what he ended up getting retconned to with the PT. Designed with life support technology, the armor ensured Vader's survival following the lightsaber and burn injuries that he sustained in a duel with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Darth Vader Sixth Scale Action Figure Sideshow Star Wars deluxe Edition at the best online prices at eBay! Technically speaking, Darth Vader was a cyborg, although he isn't generally seen as one. Vader's charred helmet rested upon an obsidian pillar[42] within Ren's suite on board the vessel in orbit of Kijimi, and was disturbed when the pillar was shattered by Rey's lightsaber during her duel with Ren. Here's How Much Darth Vader's Suit Cost | Time Vader then tumbled down the volcanic planet's surface, near a river of lava, where his robes burst into flames, consuming his entire body. He also holds an emergency oxygen tank that provides him the necessary gas if anything were to go wrong and if Darth Vader was exposed to space. Ok why does Vader need a Helmet? (Not the breather, the - reddit At the end of the duel, Obi-Wan damaged Vader's chest plate and cut open half his helmet, revealing the left side of his scarred face. Dark Vader cannot breathe without his mask because his mask is connected to a life support system. Yesterday saw the . Vader's suit isn't basically indestructible because of its advanced technology, it's further protected by a magic alchemy from the Dark Side to be used by Sith priests when wanting to enchant armor to make it both better and stronger. [18], Prior to the Battle of Scarif, he spent some time in a bacta tank in his castle on Mustafar before donning the suit again to meet Director Orson Krennic. After Obi-Wan Kenobi: The case for a Darth Vader Star Wars series. Theko-shol gasses destroyed the interior of his lungs and the tissue around him. It was indeed the aspect of having a mechanical spine that dealt him the most pain as he walked in his suit, however it was specifically this area of his body that allowed him to stand at 1.88 meters tall. Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader's Castle, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Graphic Novel Adaptation, Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge Last Call, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, From Concept to Screen: Bringing Darth Vader to Life, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Helmets: Darth Vader, Master of the Dark Side, Weapons & Uniforms: Imperial High Command, Highlights of the Saga: Duel in Cloud City, Highlights of the Saga: The Capture of Han Solo, Highlights of the Saga: Ground Assault on Hoth, Highlights of the Saga: The Second Death Star, Highlights of the Saga: The Capture of the, Droid Directory: 2-1B-series Medical Droids, Part 1, Droid Directory: LOM-series Protocol Droids, Building the Galaxy: The Weapon of a Jedi. Know what you will become!The Son, to Anakin Skywalker, During the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano accidentally discovered the Mortis monolith, a gateway to another planet, while answering an ancient Jedi distress code. This is also where the iconic James Earl Jones voice comes from. This was decided by Sidious so Vader could feel every ounce of pain in order to make him angrier and stronger. His helmet was the most important tool to his survival. The helmet of my former apprentice Darth Vader was more than just a symbol of terror. A wise and powerful Jedi Master, Yoda has piqued the hearts of many Star Wars viewers for his force power despite his size. Vader needed to take breaks, dipping himself in a liquid chamber where he allowed himself to meditate as we saw in a deleted scene of Rogue One. During the span of his dangerous missions, Vader has been exposed to literal space. Theories suggest that due to his cybernetic arms, Vader could never even summon lightning if he even tried, given that force lightning needed to be summoned through actual arms and could never emerge from a pair of robotic fingers. An intricate collection of circuity could be found implanted into what's left of his charred body; sounds quite painful. It is exactly his machine-like build and his mask that made us fans want to know more about our favorite dark lord. It turns out that the whole process was 8 hours long, and Vader was kept awake for all of it. [10] The armor also featured a remote to prep Vader's interceptor for combat. he knows what I look like with and without the mask," Spider-Man explained, "It would probably be safer . Darth Vader vs Kylo Ren: Here's Who Would Win | GAMERS DECIDE Without it, he would perish within seconds, unless he was super angry and used the force to his advantage. What does Darth Vader look like without his helmet? - Quora How voiced darth vader? - sdnimik.bluejeanblues.net Waste Recyclers could be found equipped on asteroid miner's to prevent them from going to the bathroom. Spoiler alert: theyre not just for looks. In addition to its practical use, Vader's armor inspired fear and terror across the galaxy during the era of the Galactic Empire. Lucasfilm's Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series has wrapped its six-episode run and put the titular Jedi Master on one more collision . He technically can eat, but it would require him to take off his mask which is both a humiliating and difficult act. The air molecules of your body would be sucked out and your blood vessels would break, especially the blood vessels located in your poorly protected eyes within a matter of moments. Avengers: Darkness in Kingdom Hearts Chapter 12: The Return of Venom Not to mention, Vader's suit allowed him to survive the tallest of falls and the greatest of impacts. Darth Vader's armor | Wookieepedia | Fandom Star Wars: 15 Gross Facts About Darth Vader's Suit - CBR Sidious ordered the scientist Cylo to create Vader's armor, which he did obediently in a long night of reconstructive surgery. "He's more machine now than man," as an old Ben Kenobi would say. In Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker suffered severe burns and injuries after his lightsaber . It was only when Vader was angry enough to use the maximum of his force powers could he ignore the sheer weight of his heavy armor. Like another famous cyborg, (a favorite of mine) General Grievous underwent a similar process of cybernetic enhancements after having suffered the fate of an explosion from a bomb hidden on a ship. Believing he could never be Anakin . He also has an armored plate on his chest to protect his organs. Let the experts talk about : How much is Darth Vader helmet worth [Must Alas, it remains factual that Darth Vader's skin is no longer biological. Available to pre-order now for $69.99 direct from Lego (opens in new tab), or 59.99 in the UK (opens in new tab), this is a smaller kit at 630 pieces in total. However, even though Darth Vaders suit and helmet are what give him his ominous allure, not many fans know what they do. Even in A New Hope, Vaders image was pointing to the tragic story of his descent into the dark side of the Force. John Jackson "Jack-Jack" Parr is a major character in the 2004 DisneyPixar animated film, The Incredibles and its 2018 sequel. April 14, 2016 3:49 PM EDT. Just for once. When Vader underwent these procedures, he worried about going insane. We mentioned before that Vader underwent a long, complicated and painful process of having to replace his deceased and burnt skin by synthetic versions to keep his bodily organs intact. Yes, Jones lent his voice to Darth Vader. Unable to bear the sight of his son suffering, Vader returned to the light side and subsequently turned on his his master, by throwing him down a reactor shaft, effectively killing Sidious. Obi-Wan Kenobi: Leaked Art Reveals Creepy Darth Vader Design for [12] As a result, Vader gained new cybernetics and his armor was fully repaired. Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Darth Vader's Suit - ScreenRant Rumor: Hayden Christensen Will Film Scenes Without Darth Vader's Helmet Apparently, this had a disgusting taste, but was much easier for Vader to eat; if he wanted to consume something orally, he could, but needed to do so in his liquid chamber as he needed to take off his mask. You'd think that losing one arm would be enough, I'm sure these new gauntlets are sore reminders of what once was. Yet, Vader also practices a slower, methodical movement as a reflection of his power. 14 He Can't Eat Solid Food. To give a short answer, Darth Vaders suit helps keep him alive. Star Wars: Darth Vader Didn't Need His Suit - CBR June 20, 2021. The cape prevented hazardous materials from entering the system that would harm the suit's circuitry. How his suit allowed this was a complicated process. How do you find it? [40], By 35 ABY,[41] the helmet was transferred to the Star Destroyer Steadfast. In addition to its life-support functions, the Sith Lord's helmet contributed to giving him a frightening appearance, and could be removed to use a feeding tube in his private chamber due to his inability to eat normally. Sidious then left Vader on Mustafar and ordered him to survive on his own, but without the use of the Force. A More Powerful Darth Vader Returns in Obi-Wan Kenobi First Look Image Given how he doesn't need to eat, it's safe to assume he doesn't need to do the former either. In addition, his helmet completely hides his face, leaving his true identity a mystery until his final moments. [12], Upon my command, Vader's broken frame was remade, fitted with cybernetic parts and sheathed in obsidian armor. About the age of Dave Grohl today. How Long can Darth Vader SURVIVE WITHOUT His Suit? - YouTube [26], Three years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Vader engaged in a duel against his former apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, inside the Malachor Sith temple. The shell is what locks all the parts into place. Regardless whether it was from a lack of limbs or from a threat of perishing, Vader suffered a disadvantage, being secluded from one of the most popular and effective weapons a powerful Sith Lord could ever have. A urine bag with a tube up his urethra, we use those medically in the real world for sick/injured people. He actually chooses not to when given the opportunity given how he's elusively trying to be less human, doing so from hating his human form. Towards the end of the duel, Skywalker retreated to a hiding spot and refused to fight anymore. According to the Wookieepedia, his mask was made to look similar to a skull "in order to enhance the fear factor of the Dark Lord of the Sith . This tear-jerking scene shows how Vader had returned to the light side of the Force and had become Anakin Skywalker again. Darth Vader's haunting breathing sounds used Burtt's own breathing in a scuba regulator. Both the cape and Vader's tunic were constructed to protect him from difficult climates while remaining light enough in weight to keep him mobile.
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