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» watson v british boxing board of control 2001 case
watson v british boxing board of control 2001 case
watson v british boxing board of control 2001 casewatson v british boxing board of control 2001 case
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watson v british boxing board of control 2001 case
The Board assumes the responsibility of determining the nature of the medical facilities and assistance to be provided. He added : "If the plaintiff has been negligently injured by a failing by the PFA, I cannot see that it would be right to withhold relief from him simply on the ground that to grant that relief might cause a rise in the PFA's insurance premiums, or even cause a more expensive system of inspection to be substituted for that of the PFA.". He was present at the meeting held with the Minister for Sport after Mr Watson's injuries. In the final round, Watson lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital, arriving there nearly half an hour after the end of the fight and received resuscitation treatment. The precise nature of the company's constitution is not covered by the evidence. [5] Phillips noted that the BBBC had taken control of medically supervising the sport, and that the duty of care was not just to avoid injuries, but "to ensure that injuries already sustained are properly treated". Watson & British Boxing Board Of Control Ltd & Anor - Casemine There was also an ambulance standing by which had resuscitation equipment and a paramedic who knew how to use this. They support the proposition that the act of undertaking to cater for the medical needs of a victim of illness or injury will generally carry with it the duty to exercise reasonable care in addressing those needs. This is a further factor which tends to establish the proximity necessary for a duty of care. If it was held liable it might withdraw from its work, or have to pass on the cost of increased insurance to the detriment of small aircraft operators. Mr Morris, commenting in his Witness Statement on the Statement of Claim, stated: "We do collaborate with the medical profession, indeed we believe that our Rules are as good as currently can be devised, taking into account the medical interests of the boxers, and the requirements of the sport itself. Dealing with the arguments of policy advanced on behalf of PFA, Buxton L.J. In X (Minors) v Bedfordshire County Council [1995] 2 AC 633 five appeals were heard together by the House of Lords because they raised, by way of preliminary issues, similar questions about the duty of care. In case of any confusion, feel free to reach out to us.Leave your message here. After recovering consciousness, he sued the BBBC in negligence, and was awarded approximately 1 million by the High Court of Justice, who determined that the relationship between the BBBC and Watson was sufficient to create a duty of care. 2 - Negligence Duty of Care - Negligence: Duty of Care The - StuDocu Mr Walker urged that a duty of care should not be imposed upon the Board because it was a non profit-making organisation and did not carry insurance. In Caparo v Dickman at p.617 Lord Bridge considered a series of decisions of the Privy Council and the House of Lords in relation to the duty of care in negligence and summarised their effect as follows:-. Since 1929 the Board has been and continues to be the sole controlling body regulating professional boxing in the United Kingdom. The position as to the selection of doctors for a contest that prevailed in 1991 was as follows. Watson v British Boxing Board of Control[2001] QB 1134was a case of the Court of Appeal of England and Walesthat established an exception to the defence of consent to trespass to the personand an extension of the duty of care expected in cases of negligence. Treatment that should have been provided at the ringside. He gave evidence that he agreed with Mr Hamlyn's views. Because the facts of this case are so unusual, there is no category in which a duty of care has been established from which one can advance to this case by a small incremental step. Watson v British Boxing Board of Control [2001] QB 1134 was a case of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales that established an exception to the defence of consent to trespass to the person and an extension of the duty of care expected in cases of negligence. Mr Walker accepted that if Mr Watson had specifically asked the Board for advice as to the precautions that he ought to have in place for his fight, and the Board had given advice, the Board would have been under a duty to exercise care in giving that advice. While this may not be true of the volunteer who offers assistance at the scene of an accident, it will be true of a body whose purpose is or includes the provision of such assistance. The Board exercises its control of professional boxing through a system of eight Area Councils, subject to overall control by Stewards and Committees. These recommendations Mr Hamlyn set out in a detailed paper for the Board two days later. Another example was a general direction given, at about the same time, that an ambulance and crew should be in attendance at a boxing contest. 119. The distinction between negligent misstatement and other forms of conduct ceases to be legally relevant, although it may have a factual relevance to foresight or causation. depending upon the court's attitude to the case before it. Michael Watson suffered a near-fatal brain injury and spent 40 days in a coma after boxing against Chris Eubank, who still struggles to comprehend what happened on that fateful night 3.5.2 For British and Commonwealth Championship contests only, or In the leading judgment Hobhouse L.J. Since the seminal case of Condon v Basi [1985] . * Enter a valid Journal (must A Respondent's Notice was served contending that the Judge could and should have drawn an adverse inference from his failure to give evidence. 115. The L.A.S. that the negligence alleged fell into the category of directly causing foreseeable personal injury, both he and Swinton Thomas L.J. Next Mr. Walker argued that the duty of care alleged was one owed for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate number of persons. The third category is of particular importance in the context of this action. Mr Watson collapsed unconscious within a minute or so of this. . In delivering the leading speech Lord Browne-Wilkinson observed at p.739: "The question whether there is such a common law duty and if so its ambit, must be profoundly influenced by the statutory framework within which the acts complained of were done.". This concludes my consideration of cases dealing with the assumption of responsibility to exercise reasonable care to safeguard a victim from the consequences of an existing personal injury or illness. 60. Watson faces 400,000 compensation limit | Boxing | The Guardian The subject matter of the advice and activities of the professionals is the child. The Board next drew attention to evidence that a member of the public having sustained brain damage in a road accident would not expect to receive from the ambulance attending the scene the resuscitation service which the Judge held should have been available at the ringside. 3. Lord Steyn, however, gave short shrift to an argument based on assumption of responsibility: "Given that the cargo owners were not even aware of N.K.K. He could have been treated on the spot, and had an endotrachael tube inserted, been ventilated and thereafter transferred directly to a Neurosurgical Unit where CT scan facilities were available. The Board, however, arrogates to itself the task of determining what medical facilities will be provided at a contest by (i) requiring the boxer and the promoter to contract on terms under which the Board's Rules will apply and (ii) making provision in those Rules for the medical facilities and assistance to be provided to care for the boxer in the event of injury. At the third stage, questions of `proximity' and of what is `fair, just and reasonable' have to be considered. In this way the Board reduces this aspect of the promoter's responsibility to the boxer to the contractual obligation to comply with the requirements of the Board's Rules in relation to the provision of medical facilities and assistance. In Barrett v. Ministry of Defence [1995] 1 WLR a naval rating drank himself into a state of insensibility at the Royal Navy Air Station where he was serving. In 1991 there were only about 550 active boxers, of which almost all were semi-professional. c) Rules governing bandaging for the hands and the composition of boxing gloves (Rules 3.22 and 3.23). I confess I entertain no doubt on how that question should be answered. 13. English case law has developed, with various twists and turns, in the problematic field of factual causation. Professor Teasdale had some reservations about the effectiveness of some of this, but he accepted that this was standard practice. Each emphatically concluded that it was. I turn to consider the extent to which there are categories of cases, in which a duty of care has been held to exist, or alternatively held not to exist involving these features. Brain Injuries in Sport: Remedies under English Law Thus, it has members who pay membership fees or subscriptions in return for which it provides them with facilities. No one can take part, in any capacity, in professional boxing in this Country who is not licensed by the Board and, at the same time, a member of it, for the two are essentially synonymous. It was accepted that, if the survey had been negligent the loss of the cargo was a foreseeable consequence. I can summarise the position as follows. 47. In Caparo v Dickman the Court recognised a duty of care owed by auditors to all the members of a company. (Rule 8.1). Michael Watson was a boxer who, on 21 September 1991, fought Chris Eubank under the supervision of the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBC), the British professional boxing governing body. 107. Mr Hamlyn said, and I accept, that there would have been very few British neurosurgeons who at this time would have questioned the need to put up a line and administer this diuretic in a case such as the present. is darth vader more powerful than palpatine; modern warplanes mod apk unlimited money and gold 2022 [1997] QB 1004 at 1034. A British doctor's duty to offer help in emergencies outside of a a) Requirements as to protective covering for the ring floor and the corners (Rule 3.4). 428 Nield J. drew a distinction between a casualty department of a hospital that closes its doors and says no patients can be received, in which case he would, by inference, have held there was no duty of care, and the case before him where the three watchmen, who had taken poison, entered the hospital and were given erroneous advice, where a duty of care arose. Administrative, Personal Injury, Negligence, Updated: 02 November 2021; Ref: scu.135634. The duty will be owed to the victim of a road accident who is received by the hospital unconscious. Lord Woolf M.R. 's examination of the ship, and that the cargo owners simply relied on the undertakings of the shipowners, it is in my view impossible to force the present set of facts into even the most expansive view of the doctrine of voluntary assumption of responsibility.". There is no more justification for a blanket immunity in their cases than there was in Capital & Counties Plc v Hampshire Country Council [1997] QB 1004. The authority was to act on that advice in deciding what course to adopt in the best interests of the pupil with a learning difficulty. There is no question but that anyone with the appropriate expertise would have advised such a system whatever reservations they may have had, as had Professor Teasdale, about its ultimate utility.". It is on this basis that it is possible to draw a distinction between the doctor who goes to the assistance of the victim of a road accident and the hospital that receives that victim into its casualty department. 39. I agree that this appeal should be dismissed for the reasons given by Lord Phillips M.R. In this way the Board reduces this aspect of the promoter's responsibility to the boxer to the contractual obligation to comply with the requirements of the Board's Rules in relation to the provision of medical facilities and assistance. Letang v Cooper - Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 - Watson v British Boxing Board of Control - Bernstein of Leigh v Skyviews & General Ltd -. It has limited liability. Mr Watson was put on a stretcher, which was placed on a trolley and wheeled towards the ambulance. Again I disagree. .Cited Calvert v William Hill Credit Ltd ChD 12-Mar-2008 The claimant said that the defendant bookmakers had been negligent in allowing him to continue betting when they should have known that he was acting under an addiction. 3. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-3-0'); Cited by: Cited Binod Sutradhar v Natural Environment Research Council CA 20-Feb-2004 The defendant council had carried out research into a water supply in India in the 1980s. It much have been in the contemplation of the architect that builders would go on the site as the whole object of the work was to erect building there. It seems to me that this is almost implicit in Mr Walker's argument that to issue such a requirement expressly, was to instruct a doctor as to how to perform his duty. In order that, when complete, the aircraft can obtain first a provisional and then a full certificate of airworthiness, the assembly of the aircraft has to be supervised and checked by an inspector. 67. 117. Likewise, in Watson v British Boxing Board of Control [2001] QB 1134 the defendant was found to owe a duty of care to the Plaintiff boxer who had suffered more significant injury b.. Request a trial to view additional results 1 firm's commentaries Heading The Ball: Part Of The Game Or An Industrial Disease United Kingdom Mondaq UK The association exists to facilitate amateurs to enjoy facilities for flying light aircraft. the Hillsborough cases: e.g. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE Case No: QBENF1999/1137/A2, (1) BRITISH BOXING BOARD OF CONTROL LIMITED, (2) WORLD BOXING ORGANISATION INCORPORATED, (Transcript of the Handed Down Judgment of, Smith Bernal Reporting Limited, 190 Fleet Street, Tel No: 020 7421 4040, Fax No: 020 7831 8838, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, Mr C Mackay, QC and Mr Neil Block (instructed by Myers Fletcher & Gordon) appeared on behalf of the Respondent/Claimant. Any loss of consciousness was short lived - he regained his feet and walked to his corner. 88. It was Mr Walker's submission that there was no reliance. The Board controlled every aspect of that activity. I turn to the distinctive features of this case. ii) to identify any categories of cases in which these principles have given rise to a duty of care, or conversely where they have not done so. This passage was approved by Lord Steyn when the case reached the House of Lords [1996] AC 211 at 235. The brain benefits from the increased supply of oxygen and from a reduction in intra-cranial pressure in so far as this was attributable to excessive carbon dioxide. Medical knowledge does not enable one to say what, on the balance of probabilities, would have been the outcome if the protocol had been in place and followed. Crabtree And Evelyn Gardeners Hand Therapy Discontinued,
Royal Caribbean Refund Lawsuit,
Bath Police Chief Dies,
Charity Suffereth Long, And Is Kind Figure Of Speech,
Deadliest Catch: Bloodline,
Articles W
The Board assumes the responsibility of determining the nature of the medical facilities and assistance to be provided. He added : "If the plaintiff has been negligently injured by a failing by the PFA, I cannot see that it would be right to withhold relief from him simply on the ground that to grant that relief might cause a rise in the PFA's insurance premiums, or even cause a more expensive system of inspection to be substituted for that of the PFA.". He was present at the meeting held with the Minister for Sport after Mr Watson's injuries. In the final round, Watson lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital, arriving there nearly half an hour after the end of the fight and received resuscitation treatment. The precise nature of the company's constitution is not covered by the evidence. [5] Phillips noted that the BBBC had taken control of medically supervising the sport, and that the duty of care was not just to avoid injuries, but "to ensure that injuries already sustained are properly treated". Watson & British Boxing Board Of Control Ltd & Anor - Casemine There was also an ambulance standing by which had resuscitation equipment and a paramedic who knew how to use this. They support the proposition that the act of undertaking to cater for the medical needs of a victim of illness or injury will generally carry with it the duty to exercise reasonable care in addressing those needs. This is a further factor which tends to establish the proximity necessary for a duty of care. If it was held liable it might withdraw from its work, or have to pass on the cost of increased insurance to the detriment of small aircraft operators. Mr Morris, commenting in his Witness Statement on the Statement of Claim, stated: "We do collaborate with the medical profession, indeed we believe that our Rules are as good as currently can be devised, taking into account the medical interests of the boxers, and the requirements of the sport itself. Dealing with the arguments of policy advanced on behalf of PFA, Buxton L.J. In X (Minors) v Bedfordshire County Council [1995] 2 AC 633 five appeals were heard together by the House of Lords because they raised, by way of preliminary issues, similar questions about the duty of care. In case of any confusion, feel free to reach out to us.Leave your message here. After recovering consciousness, he sued the BBBC in negligence, and was awarded approximately 1 million by the High Court of Justice, who determined that the relationship between the BBBC and Watson was sufficient to create a duty of care. 2 - Negligence Duty of Care - Negligence: Duty of Care The - StuDocu Mr Walker urged that a duty of care should not be imposed upon the Board because it was a non profit-making organisation and did not carry insurance. In Caparo v Dickman at p.617 Lord Bridge considered a series of decisions of the Privy Council and the House of Lords in relation to the duty of care in negligence and summarised their effect as follows:-. Since 1929 the Board has been and continues to be the sole controlling body regulating professional boxing in the United Kingdom. The position as to the selection of doctors for a contest that prevailed in 1991 was as follows. Watson v British Boxing Board of Control[2001] QB 1134was a case of the Court of Appeal of England and Walesthat established an exception to the defence of consent to trespass to the personand an extension of the duty of care expected in cases of negligence. Treatment that should have been provided at the ringside. He gave evidence that he agreed with Mr Hamlyn's views. Because the facts of this case are so unusual, there is no category in which a duty of care has been established from which one can advance to this case by a small incremental step. Watson v British Boxing Board of Control [2001] QB 1134 was a case of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales that established an exception to the defence of consent to trespass to the person and an extension of the duty of care expected in cases of negligence. Mr Walker accepted that if Mr Watson had specifically asked the Board for advice as to the precautions that he ought to have in place for his fight, and the Board had given advice, the Board would have been under a duty to exercise care in giving that advice. While this may not be true of the volunteer who offers assistance at the scene of an accident, it will be true of a body whose purpose is or includes the provision of such assistance. The Board exercises its control of professional boxing through a system of eight Area Councils, subject to overall control by Stewards and Committees. These recommendations Mr Hamlyn set out in a detailed paper for the Board two days later. Another example was a general direction given, at about the same time, that an ambulance and crew should be in attendance at a boxing contest. 119. The distinction between negligent misstatement and other forms of conduct ceases to be legally relevant, although it may have a factual relevance to foresight or causation. depending upon the court's attitude to the case before it. Michael Watson suffered a near-fatal brain injury and spent 40 days in a coma after boxing against Chris Eubank, who still struggles to comprehend what happened on that fateful night 3.5.2 For British and Commonwealth Championship contests only, or In the leading judgment Hobhouse L.J. Since the seminal case of Condon v Basi [1985] . * Enter a valid Journal (must A Respondent's Notice was served contending that the Judge could and should have drawn an adverse inference from his failure to give evidence. 115. The L.A.S. that the negligence alleged fell into the category of directly causing foreseeable personal injury, both he and Swinton Thomas L.J. Next Mr. Walker argued that the duty of care alleged was one owed for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate number of persons. The third category is of particular importance in the context of this action. Mr Watson collapsed unconscious within a minute or so of this. . In delivering the leading speech Lord Browne-Wilkinson observed at p.739: "The question whether there is such a common law duty and if so its ambit, must be profoundly influenced by the statutory framework within which the acts complained of were done.". This concludes my consideration of cases dealing with the assumption of responsibility to exercise reasonable care to safeguard a victim from the consequences of an existing personal injury or illness. 60. Watson faces 400,000 compensation limit | Boxing | The Guardian The subject matter of the advice and activities of the professionals is the child. The Board next drew attention to evidence that a member of the public having sustained brain damage in a road accident would not expect to receive from the ambulance attending the scene the resuscitation service which the Judge held should have been available at the ringside. 3. Lord Steyn, however, gave short shrift to an argument based on assumption of responsibility: "Given that the cargo owners were not even aware of N.K.K. He could have been treated on the spot, and had an endotrachael tube inserted, been ventilated and thereafter transferred directly to a Neurosurgical Unit where CT scan facilities were available. The Board, however, arrogates to itself the task of determining what medical facilities will be provided at a contest by (i) requiring the boxer and the promoter to contract on terms under which the Board's Rules will apply and (ii) making provision in those Rules for the medical facilities and assistance to be provided to care for the boxer in the event of injury. At the third stage, questions of `proximity' and of what is `fair, just and reasonable' have to be considered. In this way the Board reduces this aspect of the promoter's responsibility to the boxer to the contractual obligation to comply with the requirements of the Board's Rules in relation to the provision of medical facilities and assistance. In Barrett v. Ministry of Defence [1995] 1 WLR a naval rating drank himself into a state of insensibility at the Royal Navy Air Station where he was serving. In 1991 there were only about 550 active boxers, of which almost all were semi-professional. c) Rules governing bandaging for the hands and the composition of boxing gloves (Rules 3.22 and 3.23). I confess I entertain no doubt on how that question should be answered. 13. English case law has developed, with various twists and turns, in the problematic field of factual causation. Professor Teasdale had some reservations about the effectiveness of some of this, but he accepted that this was standard practice. Each emphatically concluded that it was. I turn to consider the extent to which there are categories of cases, in which a duty of care has been held to exist, or alternatively held not to exist involving these features. Brain Injuries in Sport: Remedies under English Law Thus, it has members who pay membership fees or subscriptions in return for which it provides them with facilities. No one can take part, in any capacity, in professional boxing in this Country who is not licensed by the Board and, at the same time, a member of it, for the two are essentially synonymous. It was accepted that, if the survey had been negligent the loss of the cargo was a foreseeable consequence. I can summarise the position as follows. 47. In Caparo v Dickman the Court recognised a duty of care owed by auditors to all the members of a company. (Rule 8.1). Michael Watson was a boxer who, on 21 September 1991, fought Chris Eubank under the supervision of the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBC), the British professional boxing governing body. 107. Mr Hamlyn said, and I accept, that there would have been very few British neurosurgeons who at this time would have questioned the need to put up a line and administer this diuretic in a case such as the present. is darth vader more powerful than palpatine; modern warplanes mod apk unlimited money and gold 2022 [1997] QB 1004 at 1034. A British doctor's duty to offer help in emergencies outside of a a) Requirements as to protective covering for the ring floor and the corners (Rule 3.4). 428 Nield J. drew a distinction between a casualty department of a hospital that closes its doors and says no patients can be received, in which case he would, by inference, have held there was no duty of care, and the case before him where the three watchmen, who had taken poison, entered the hospital and were given erroneous advice, where a duty of care arose. Administrative, Personal Injury, Negligence, Updated: 02 November 2021; Ref: scu.135634. The duty will be owed to the victim of a road accident who is received by the hospital unconscious. Lord Woolf M.R. 's examination of the ship, and that the cargo owners simply relied on the undertakings of the shipowners, it is in my view impossible to force the present set of facts into even the most expansive view of the doctrine of voluntary assumption of responsibility.". There is no more justification for a blanket immunity in their cases than there was in Capital & Counties Plc v Hampshire Country Council [1997] QB 1004. The authority was to act on that advice in deciding what course to adopt in the best interests of the pupil with a learning difficulty. There is no question but that anyone with the appropriate expertise would have advised such a system whatever reservations they may have had, as had Professor Teasdale, about its ultimate utility.". It is on this basis that it is possible to draw a distinction between the doctor who goes to the assistance of the victim of a road accident and the hospital that receives that victim into its casualty department. 39. I agree that this appeal should be dismissed for the reasons given by Lord Phillips M.R. In this way the Board reduces this aspect of the promoter's responsibility to the boxer to the contractual obligation to comply with the requirements of the Board's Rules in relation to the provision of medical facilities and assistance. Letang v Cooper - Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 - Watson v British Boxing Board of Control - Bernstein of Leigh v Skyviews & General Ltd -. It has limited liability. Mr Watson was put on a stretcher, which was placed on a trolley and wheeled towards the ambulance. Again I disagree. .Cited Calvert v William Hill Credit Ltd ChD 12-Mar-2008 The claimant said that the defendant bookmakers had been negligent in allowing him to continue betting when they should have known that he was acting under an addiction. 3. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-3-0'); Cited by: Cited Binod Sutradhar v Natural Environment Research Council CA 20-Feb-2004 The defendant council had carried out research into a water supply in India in the 1980s. It much have been in the contemplation of the architect that builders would go on the site as the whole object of the work was to erect building there. It seems to me that this is almost implicit in Mr Walker's argument that to issue such a requirement expressly, was to instruct a doctor as to how to perform his duty. In order that, when complete, the aircraft can obtain first a provisional and then a full certificate of airworthiness, the assembly of the aircraft has to be supervised and checked by an inspector. 67. 117. Likewise, in Watson v British Boxing Board of Control [2001] QB 1134 the defendant was found to owe a duty of care to the Plaintiff boxer who had suffered more significant injury b.. Request a trial to view additional results 1 firm's commentaries Heading The Ball: Part Of The Game Or An Industrial Disease United Kingdom Mondaq UK The association exists to facilitate amateurs to enjoy facilities for flying light aircraft. the Hillsborough cases: e.g. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE Case No: QBENF1999/1137/A2, (1) BRITISH BOXING BOARD OF CONTROL LIMITED, (2) WORLD BOXING ORGANISATION INCORPORATED, (Transcript of the Handed Down Judgment of, Smith Bernal Reporting Limited, 190 Fleet Street, Tel No: 020 7421 4040, Fax No: 020 7831 8838, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, Mr C Mackay, QC and Mr Neil Block (instructed by Myers Fletcher & Gordon) appeared on behalf of the Respondent/Claimant. Any loss of consciousness was short lived - he regained his feet and walked to his corner. 88. It was Mr Walker's submission that there was no reliance. The Board controlled every aspect of that activity. I turn to the distinctive features of this case. ii) to identify any categories of cases in which these principles have given rise to a duty of care, or conversely where they have not done so. This passage was approved by Lord Steyn when the case reached the House of Lords [1996] AC 211 at 235. The brain benefits from the increased supply of oxygen and from a reduction in intra-cranial pressure in so far as this was attributable to excessive carbon dioxide. Medical knowledge does not enable one to say what, on the balance of probabilities, would have been the outcome if the protocol had been in place and followed.
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Royal Caribbean Refund Lawsuit,
Bath Police Chief Dies,
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Deadliest Catch: Bloodline,
Articles W
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