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» waiting for superman documentary transcript
waiting for superman documentary transcript
waiting for superman documentary transcriptwaiting for superman documentary transcript
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waiting for superman documentary transcript
Waiting for 'Superman' the title refers to a Harlem educators childhood belief that a superhero would fix the problems of the ghetto won an Audience Award at RHEE: I don't think they are. Since charter schools do not operate with the same restrictions as public institutions, they are depicted as having a more experimental approach to educating students. That means in the midterms. [39], There is also a companion book titled Waiting For "Superman": How We Can Save America's Failing Public Schools.[40]. An examination of the current state of education in America today. There are really, really bad charter schools across America. That's what our union has been trying to do for the last two years. They do allow us to figure out what's working and we should replicate it and what's not and we should close those charter schools that arent working so that we actually develop a science in our business about what works in what kinds of environments and in what kinds of communities. But when I saw you after the film, and I would -- being macho, hey, Davis, how you doing, man? Now, a couple of years ago, an independent group called Ed Sector actually surveyed a whole bunch of teachers and asked teachers the question about whether they needed or wanted a union. Sept. 23, 2010. The principal wants her to stay. We increased graduation rates. /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] We even tolerate mediocre teachers. You tried to change things and chances are good, because of it, you're going to get fired. I'm just wondering. You do not come off as the hero of this movie. That is the problem. BRZEZINSKI: Is there a possibility? "[21] Melissa Anderson of The Village Voice was critical of the film for not including enough details of outlying socioeconomic issues, writing, "macroeconomic responses to Guggenheim's querygo unaddressed in Waiting for "Superman," which points out the vast disparity in resources for inner-city versus suburban schools only to ignore them. I started to count the public schools that I was driving by. The attendance and the schools itself. /Parent 1 0 R Waiting for Superman is a documentary which investigates the different ways in which education is failing students and the development of the American public "[30], Diane Ravitch, Research Professor of Education at New York University and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, similarly criticizes the film's lack of accuracy. SCARBOROUGH: Last in, first out. Anthony's class visits the Seed School, the first urban public boarding school in the country. You fought the law and the law won. endobj >> Feb 22, 2013. You believe it. In a documentary called Waiting for Superman, contemporary education issues that the U.S. has been facing for several decades are addressed. Waiting For Superman was more widely released than any other documentary, and among the highest-grossing documentaries of 2010. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. "Waiting for Superman," a fascinating new documentary, is drawing attention to the state of our public school, directed by Davis Guggenheim, who brought us The film assumes that any student below proficient is "below grade level," but this claim is not supported by the NAEP data. /Font << /T1_1 20 0 R We need to do a lot more of what Debbie Kenny is doing in that school but we need to do whats going on in lots and lots and lots of public schools because at the end of the day, every single teacher I know wants to make a difference in the lives of kids. So they were trying to impose a cap on the number of charter schools that could be had in New York. /Rotate 0 You are not exactly what some would consider to be a conservative filmmaker. /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] & CEO, HARLEM CHILDRENS ZONE: I think the real important issue for us to face as Americans is if we don't fix this, we will not remain a great country. More importantly than our union, the new mayor is committed to it. >> ANTHONY: I stayed back one grade. There's a problem with our system and who know that there are children in this country who are falling behind. Mika and I want to welcome you to this special hour. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] When I see from my own experience as a school teach are for six years when evaluations didn't work and less than 20 percent of them think that evaluations work right now. And this is not America, the idea that one kid could have a great education and one kid can't. SCARBOROUGH: Michelle, let me ask you this. You believe it, don't you, Michelle? Michelle and I love great teachers. endobj Everyone in this room is feeling something powerful tonight. Coming up next, MSNBC's going to re-air the teacher town hall hosted by Brian Williams. It's must-see TV. Many of them. SCARBOROUGH: You mean against -- RHEE: Against Fenty, my boss. And it's more about a jobs program than it is about the kids. Take a look. SCARBOROUGH: All right. "Waiting for Superman" ( Superman & Lois), an episode of Superman & Lois. LEGEND: Yes. << John, tell us how you got involved in this. There's a complete and utter lack of accountability for the job that we're supposed to be doing, which is producing results for kids. New York City on a bad day outpaced Washington on a great day. >> /GS0 47 0 R We had at least 40 of us in one classroom and the teacher refused to teach. And it started to haunt me, the idea that kids in my own neighborhood, and I live in a pretty good neighborhood, aren't getting what my kids have. This is about the kids in the movie, and this is about how those of us on this stage help kids. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] The issue is, and we saw it and heard it in the town hall today a lot, we need to have instruments like they do in every other business to effectively judge and assess teachers. >> LEGEND: Well, it's been quite a learning experience because I get to meet great educators. That youre not going to look American with our 15,000 school system and say we're going to charter them, that's just not going to happen in my lifetime. /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] >> They said, look, this work is hard. We're also joined by Deborah Canny of the Harlem Village Academy. documentary /ExtGState << /Im0 19 0 R [37] It criticizes some public figures featured in Waiting for "Superman", proposes different policies to improve education in the United States and counters the position taken by Guggenheim. I think they put the money into this mayoral campaign because it was a symbol of reform in this country. /GS1 17 0 R >> So even though we may disagree about that, what this film does, it creates a moment in time. "[11] Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly gave the film an A, calling it "powerful, passionate, and potentially revolution-inducing. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] Broadcast: Saturday, September 25, 2010. I think he wants to do the right thing. WEINGARTEN: Let me -- SCARBOROUGH: If it wasn't about education, I mean, what was it about? /Resources << I knew -- as Davis said, I knew what was going to happen before she knew what was going to happen. [1], The film has earned both praise and negative criticism from commentators, reformers, and educators. 4 0 obj One of the most disheartening moments of the movie for me is when you were driving away from the meeting, your meeting, with the teachers, and it just showed your face. >> Waiting for 'Superman LESTE BELL, DAISYS TEACHER: She chose her college and she wrote a letter to the admissions and asking them to allow her to attend their college. << LEGEND: We need to be clear, you know, sometimes it sounds like everybody is on the same team up here because we all sound like we agree. /Properties << We're seeing all this great success in Harlem, there were forces that were trying to make sure that that couldn't be replicated on a larger scale. 100 percent of the kids pass the science regions. SCARBOROUGH: Because we've been up to Harlem, we've seen what's happening up there. This is about changing the political environment that we're operating in. BRZEZINSKI: Randi, really quickly. You said OK we're not going to penalize bad teachers. /Filter /FlateDecode BRZEZINSKI: You can hear the distrust here. When you hear, well, I get paid whether or not you learn or not, it sticks with you. Weve seen some innovation spread more than one place. It was so heartbreaking to see her upset and all of the other children around her not being called and not being picked. Waiting for Superman | Documentary Heaven I said mommy wanted you to stay in your school and she finished my sentence. First, I loved that town hall today. And I couldn't understand that why did it take this much to go through all of this? 4,789 Views. << Take a moment. It is impossible and we can fix it and I think that's what this movie gets to. DAISYS FATHER: Go like this. I said I don't want to go up. Waiting for Superman. I think he actually wants to do the right thing. It reveals that the two major problems [15] Deborah Kenny, CEO and founder of the Harlem Village Academies, made positive reference to the film in a The Wall Street Journal op-ed piece about education reform. Thank you so much for doing this and also sharing your story in the movie. /MC0 37 0 R The answer is we need great public education for all of our schools. Make sure the tenure is not ever construed as a job for life. endobj Because you would think that the parents of those children that Michelle was in there shaking up the system to save those children, if those parents would have rallied, but we have gotten so used to failure, we tolerate failure in places like D.C. and central Harlem and Detroit, we just tolerate that failure and we've got to say to this nation, no more. /Rotate 0 This documentary follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, and undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying "drop-out factories" and "academic sinkholes," methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable NAKIA: I was disturbed. I just think -- SCARBOROUGH: Do you really think he wants to the right thing? That's when we come back as we dive into the issues presented in "Waiting For Superman." endobj National Assessment of Educational Progress, Bill Gates Goes to Sundance, Offers an Education, "How Davis Guggenheim's Documentary 'Waiting for "Superman"' Will Further Fuel the Education Debate -- New York Magazine - Nymag", "Waiting for Superman Movie Reviews, Pictures", "How did 'Waiting for 'Superman's' ' Davis Guggenheim become the right wing's favorite liberal filmmaker? I mean, from my perspective, it really seemed like what was scary to people was this idea of beginning to differentiate folks. So we've got to open up this issue of innovation and we've got to make sure that in those places we allow real educators to come in and redesign this thing so it works. We're feeling a real sense of commitment. I mean, not all teachers are created equal. A teacher wants to stay. And we need to have good evaluation systems. SCARBOROUGH: The reformer. But I think that's false. KENNY: Now studying Shakespeare, passing the regions in physics, passing the regions in chemistry, 100 percent in U.S. history across the board, all of them are going to go to college. I mean I think that's what this whole debate is about in many ways. That was in the second grade, because my father had passed. /Contents [ 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R ] They have to go see this movie and have smaller conversations like this. BRZEZINSKI: Please help us welcome founder and CEO of the Harlem Children's Zone, Geoffrey Canada, Washington D.C.'s school's chancellor, Michelle Rhee, American Federation of Teacher's president Randi Weingarten and filmmaker Davis Guggenheim. LEGEND: This is a civil rights issue. Tomorrow morning Joes going to be live from Learning Plaza. Waiting For "Superman" is an inside look at the problems with education in America. BRZEZINSKI: Its worked for you and for hundreds of kids in Harlem. 100 Million Pesetas In Pounds In 1996,
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Waiting for 'Superman' the title refers to a Harlem educators childhood belief that a superhero would fix the problems of the ghetto won an Audience Award at RHEE: I don't think they are. Since charter schools do not operate with the same restrictions as public institutions, they are depicted as having a more experimental approach to educating students. That means in the midterms. [39], There is also a companion book titled Waiting For "Superman": How We Can Save America's Failing Public Schools.[40]. An examination of the current state of education in America today. There are really, really bad charter schools across America. That's what our union has been trying to do for the last two years. They do allow us to figure out what's working and we should replicate it and what's not and we should close those charter schools that arent working so that we actually develop a science in our business about what works in what kinds of environments and in what kinds of communities. But when I saw you after the film, and I would -- being macho, hey, Davis, how you doing, man? Now, a couple of years ago, an independent group called Ed Sector actually surveyed a whole bunch of teachers and asked teachers the question about whether they needed or wanted a union. Sept. 23, 2010. The principal wants her to stay. We increased graduation rates. /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] We even tolerate mediocre teachers. You tried to change things and chances are good, because of it, you're going to get fired. I'm just wondering. You do not come off as the hero of this movie. That is the problem. BRZEZINSKI: Is there a possibility? "[21] Melissa Anderson of The Village Voice was critical of the film for not including enough details of outlying socioeconomic issues, writing, "macroeconomic responses to Guggenheim's querygo unaddressed in Waiting for "Superman," which points out the vast disparity in resources for inner-city versus suburban schools only to ignore them. I started to count the public schools that I was driving by. The attendance and the schools itself. /Parent 1 0 R Waiting for Superman is a documentary which investigates the different ways in which education is failing students and the development of the American public "[30], Diane Ravitch, Research Professor of Education at New York University and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, similarly criticizes the film's lack of accuracy. SCARBOROUGH: Last in, first out. Anthony's class visits the Seed School, the first urban public boarding school in the country. You fought the law and the law won. endobj >> Feb 22, 2013. You believe it. In a documentary called Waiting for Superman, contemporary education issues that the U.S. has been facing for several decades are addressed. Waiting For Superman was more widely released than any other documentary, and among the highest-grossing documentaries of 2010. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. "Waiting for Superman," a fascinating new documentary, is drawing attention to the state of our public school, directed by Davis Guggenheim, who brought us The film assumes that any student below proficient is "below grade level," but this claim is not supported by the NAEP data. /Font << /T1_1 20 0 R We need to do a lot more of what Debbie Kenny is doing in that school but we need to do whats going on in lots and lots and lots of public schools because at the end of the day, every single teacher I know wants to make a difference in the lives of kids. So they were trying to impose a cap on the number of charter schools that could be had in New York. /Rotate 0 You are not exactly what some would consider to be a conservative filmmaker. /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] & CEO, HARLEM CHILDRENS ZONE: I think the real important issue for us to face as Americans is if we don't fix this, we will not remain a great country. More importantly than our union, the new mayor is committed to it. >> ANTHONY: I stayed back one grade. There's a problem with our system and who know that there are children in this country who are falling behind. Mika and I want to welcome you to this special hour. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] When I see from my own experience as a school teach are for six years when evaluations didn't work and less than 20 percent of them think that evaluations work right now. And this is not America, the idea that one kid could have a great education and one kid can't. SCARBOROUGH: Michelle, let me ask you this. You believe it, don't you, Michelle? Michelle and I love great teachers. endobj Everyone in this room is feeling something powerful tonight. Coming up next, MSNBC's going to re-air the teacher town hall hosted by Brian Williams. It's must-see TV. Many of them. SCARBOROUGH: You mean against -- RHEE: Against Fenty, my boss. And it's more about a jobs program than it is about the kids. Take a look. SCARBOROUGH: All right. "Waiting for Superman" ( Superman & Lois), an episode of Superman & Lois. LEGEND: Yes. << John, tell us how you got involved in this. There's a complete and utter lack of accountability for the job that we're supposed to be doing, which is producing results for kids. New York City on a bad day outpaced Washington on a great day. >> /GS0 47 0 R We had at least 40 of us in one classroom and the teacher refused to teach. And it started to haunt me, the idea that kids in my own neighborhood, and I live in a pretty good neighborhood, aren't getting what my kids have. This is about the kids in the movie, and this is about how those of us on this stage help kids. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] The issue is, and we saw it and heard it in the town hall today a lot, we need to have instruments like they do in every other business to effectively judge and assess teachers. >> LEGEND: Well, it's been quite a learning experience because I get to meet great educators. That youre not going to look American with our 15,000 school system and say we're going to charter them, that's just not going to happen in my lifetime. /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] >> They said, look, this work is hard. We're also joined by Deborah Canny of the Harlem Village Academy. documentary /ExtGState << /Im0 19 0 R [37] It criticizes some public figures featured in Waiting for "Superman", proposes different policies to improve education in the United States and counters the position taken by Guggenheim. I think they put the money into this mayoral campaign because it was a symbol of reform in this country. /GS1 17 0 R >> So even though we may disagree about that, what this film does, it creates a moment in time. "[11] Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly gave the film an A, calling it "powerful, passionate, and potentially revolution-inducing. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] Broadcast: Saturday, September 25, 2010. I think he wants to do the right thing. WEINGARTEN: Let me -- SCARBOROUGH: If it wasn't about education, I mean, what was it about? /Resources << I knew -- as Davis said, I knew what was going to happen before she knew what was going to happen. [1], The film has earned both praise and negative criticism from commentators, reformers, and educators. 4 0 obj One of the most disheartening moments of the movie for me is when you were driving away from the meeting, your meeting, with the teachers, and it just showed your face. >> Waiting for 'Superman LESTE BELL, DAISYS TEACHER: She chose her college and she wrote a letter to the admissions and asking them to allow her to attend their college. << LEGEND: We need to be clear, you know, sometimes it sounds like everybody is on the same team up here because we all sound like we agree. /Properties << We're seeing all this great success in Harlem, there were forces that were trying to make sure that that couldn't be replicated on a larger scale. 100 percent of the kids pass the science regions. SCARBOROUGH: Because we've been up to Harlem, we've seen what's happening up there. This is about changing the political environment that we're operating in. BRZEZINSKI: Randi, really quickly. You said OK we're not going to penalize bad teachers. /Filter /FlateDecode BRZEZINSKI: You can hear the distrust here. When you hear, well, I get paid whether or not you learn or not, it sticks with you. Weve seen some innovation spread more than one place. It was so heartbreaking to see her upset and all of the other children around her not being called and not being picked. Waiting for Superman | Documentary Heaven I said mommy wanted you to stay in your school and she finished my sentence. First, I loved that town hall today. And I couldn't understand that why did it take this much to go through all of this? 4,789 Views. << Take a moment. It is impossible and we can fix it and I think that's what this movie gets to. DAISYS FATHER: Go like this. I said I don't want to go up. Waiting for Superman. I think he actually wants to do the right thing. It reveals that the two major problems [15] Deborah Kenny, CEO and founder of the Harlem Village Academies, made positive reference to the film in a The Wall Street Journal op-ed piece about education reform. Thank you so much for doing this and also sharing your story in the movie. /MC0 37 0 R The answer is we need great public education for all of our schools. Make sure the tenure is not ever construed as a job for life. endobj Because you would think that the parents of those children that Michelle was in there shaking up the system to save those children, if those parents would have rallied, but we have gotten so used to failure, we tolerate failure in places like D.C. and central Harlem and Detroit, we just tolerate that failure and we've got to say to this nation, no more. /Rotate 0 This documentary follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, and undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying "drop-out factories" and "academic sinkholes," methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable NAKIA: I was disturbed. I just think -- SCARBOROUGH: Do you really think he wants to the right thing? That's when we come back as we dive into the issues presented in "Waiting For Superman." endobj National Assessment of Educational Progress, Bill Gates Goes to Sundance, Offers an Education, "How Davis Guggenheim's Documentary 'Waiting for "Superman"' Will Further Fuel the Education Debate -- New York Magazine - Nymag", "Waiting for Superman Movie Reviews, Pictures", "How did 'Waiting for 'Superman's' ' Davis Guggenheim become the right wing's favorite liberal filmmaker? I mean, from my perspective, it really seemed like what was scary to people was this idea of beginning to differentiate folks. So we've got to open up this issue of innovation and we've got to make sure that in those places we allow real educators to come in and redesign this thing so it works. We're feeling a real sense of commitment. I mean, not all teachers are created equal. A teacher wants to stay. And we need to have good evaluation systems. SCARBOROUGH: The reformer. But I think that's false. KENNY: Now studying Shakespeare, passing the regions in physics, passing the regions in chemistry, 100 percent in U.S. history across the board, all of them are going to go to college. I mean I think that's what this whole debate is about in many ways. That was in the second grade, because my father had passed. /Contents [ 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R ] They have to go see this movie and have smaller conversations like this. BRZEZINSKI: Please help us welcome founder and CEO of the Harlem Children's Zone, Geoffrey Canada, Washington D.C.'s school's chancellor, Michelle Rhee, American Federation of Teacher's president Randi Weingarten and filmmaker Davis Guggenheim. LEGEND: This is a civil rights issue. Tomorrow morning Joes going to be live from Learning Plaza. Waiting For "Superman" is an inside look at the problems with education in America. BRZEZINSKI: Its worked for you and for hundreds of kids in Harlem.
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