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stellaris megastructures id
stellaris megastructures idstellaris megastructures id
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stellaris megastructures id
Command to remove Megastructures? : r/Stellaris - Reddit They will work together with the FTL megastructures of another empire unless borders are closed or the empires are at war with each other. Essential information on Stellaris' titantic feats of engineering. Megastructures have changed significantly since I first wrote this article. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. An Orbital Assembly Complex Holding provides additional bonuses to each module. Youll also need the Galactic Wonders Ascension perk and have previously built a multi-stage megastructure. Example: effect add_deposit = d_black_soil, Can be removed with the effect remove_deposit = command to remove modifiers from planets. I've been looking for the Sentry Array ID so I can spawn it in my game using the console but I've had no luck googling or trying out plausible names in the console. How many megastructures are you allowed to have? :: Stellaris General The Aetherophasic Engine is a megastructure that will appear in the capital system of every empire that reaches the final crisis level. There are less rules and restrictions around. In my experience, the tech doesn't spawn without that archeological site being . It must be built around a star in a one-star system that has no other structures in it. These gargantuan feats of engineering were first introduced in the first Stellaris DLC Utopia and range from habitats and gateways, to more specialised structures such as Dyson Spheres, giant art galleries, and a device that can destroy the entire galaxy. They cannot be built in orbit of a celestial body that has an uninvestigated anomaly. All megastructures except Gateways are destroyed if a Star-Eater destroys the system. IKindaLikeGames Sep 23, 2018 @ 7:57am. 1. They can be upgraded twice via decisions once all district slots are filled, up to size 8. Ring Worlds can have their habitable segments destroyed by a Colossus as well as by Crisis factions and cannot be repaired again. Megastructures are colossal constructions. Stellaris Best Megastructures: What to Build First Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 18:27,, Play Stellaris - Gigastructural Engineering Overview (Nicoll-Dyson Beams Ahead!) Unlike other megastructures, orbital ones do not require a construction site and are finished in a single stage by the construction ship. All Stellaris Cheats and Console Commands - Pro Game Guides The Mod can be found here;. While exploring the galaxy, empires may find abandoned gateways that were once part of a massive, galaxy-spanning network. All megastructures have a different texture depending on the empire that built or repaired them. Other than gateways, they are the only other single-stage megastructures in Stellaris, and are built in one go with a construction ship. Stellaris Cheats is your know-it-all companion for Stellaris. Habitats can be destroyed by a Colossus as well as Crisis factions and cannot be rebuilt once destroyed. Gateways can travel to any other gateway, so long as the empire that owns the destination gate has its borders open and is not at war with the travelling fleets empire. Habitats can be obtained the following way: Constructing and upgrading habitats requires the following: The Voidborne ascension perk adds +20%habitability to habitats (resulting in 90% habitability without other modifiers) and unlocks +2building slots. Hyper Relay links are shown on the galaxy map as a thicker hyperlane. Damaged segments can be repaired with the Mega-Engineering technology for the same cost as finishing a new segment. A link may be inactive because of closed borders, war, or if the relay is ruined. Ruined found in space. Hyper Relay links are shown on the galaxy map as a thicker hyperlane. If a planet is selected the modifier is added as a planet modifier. Example: effect add_modifier = { modifier = eat_the_titans days = -1 }, if used without a target planet the entire empire will have the modifier, Can be removed with the effect remove_modifier = command to remove modifiers from planets. They can be upgraded twice via decisions once all district slots are filled, up to size 8. While they upgrade from their broken to a fully functional state in one step, they do not count for any achievements. If it has multiple stages, the following stages do not require a construction ship. ID - Stellaris Wiki - Paradox Wikis Otherwise it is added as an empire modifier. Privacy Policy. Cookie Notice Home - Gigastructural Engineering & More Hyper Relay edicts require the empire's capital system to be part of the network, while the benefits granted by subject specializations require a connection between the overlord's capital and the subject's capital. Can be built around any planet. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Cookie Notice Can be added with the effect add_district = command combination to add districts to planets. Half megastructure and half starbase, Orbital Rings can be built around colonized planets to act as an additional starbase or provide useful bonuses for the planet below. You'll also need the Galactic Wonders Ascension perk and have previously built a multi-stage megastructure. Stellaris Cheats is your know-it-all companion for Stellaris. Stellaris Technology ID List A searchable list of all technology codes from Stellaris. the command I used was this. Multi-stage megastructures start with a construction site that provides no benefit. There is two ways to do it either you build one by first research_all_technologies Influence 1000 Alloys 100000 (or a equaly big number) Instant_build Option 2 (never tried it in game the other one is just easier imo) but its on the wiki so it should technicaly work create_megastructure and the megastructure id EX: think_tank_1 3 Neither does conquering such structures from other empires. Hyper Relays can be built from the galaxy view, and will be placed semi-randomly within the system. r/Stellaris on Reddit: Megastructure Spawning Location via Console Subjects do not benefit from their overlord's network effects. This includes mining and research stations. A ruined Hyper Relay can be restored for 500energy, 500alloys, and 100rare crystals, taking 6 months to complete. Subjects do not benefit from their overlord's network effects. Valve Corporation. and our A few bonuses affect megastructure construction speed. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If it has multiple stages, the following stages do not require a construction ship. They're like regular structures you can build in your systems but much much much bigger and they of course come with much much much stronger. It is also only possible to build, upgrade, or restore one of these structures at a time, although there are some things that can increase this cap. It has five stages after building the initial site. Expensive and time-consuming to build or repair, these remarkable feats of engineering are nonetheless important wonders that provide large bonuses, demonstrating the technological and economic primacy of the builders' empire. Stellaris may have launched all the. planet_class [planet class id] - Changes the selected celestial body . Stellaris Megastructures. Habitats are artificial living spaces that are constructed above planets. The construction site is built in 3 years and costs 75influence and 2500alloys. It is only visible to you. Enter the name of an event to filter the entries in the table. In addition to most of the regular starbase buildings, Orbital Rings can construct a set of buildings that improve the planet's output. You wont be able to research and build any new ones though apart from gateways without some DLC. Stellaris megastructures - multi-stage There are ten other megastructures in Stellaris, all multi-stage, and all requiring different expansions. Habitats still require colonization, but the colony develops twice as fast on a habitat. Welcome to the Official Gigastructural Engineering & More Wiki. Stellaris is a huge space exploration playground, but cheats and codes activated from the game's debug console commands can add a whole new dimension on PC. This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 18:27. Stellaris? Multi-stage megastructures must be built either over an uninhabitable planet or the central star of the system (with the exception of the Quantum Catapult). Stellaris - Megastructures Overview (Dysonspheres, Ringworlds, Science How to Gain More Envoys in Stellaris: Federations, Tune into Next Thursdays Capcom Direct for Resident Evil 4 and More, Dead by Daylight is Becoming a Blumhouse Movie, With a Sequel Arriving Soon, Figment is Free on Steam, The Wolf Among Us 2 Has Been Delayed Until 2024, How Resident Evil 4 Changed the Modern Gaming Landscape, Preview: Road 96 Prequel, Mile 0, is a More Focused Experience That Youre Going to Want to Play. IDs refer to the internal names used by all assets within the game files. Each planet can only have one orbital megastructure, which can be further upgraded. This item requires all of the following DLC, Small Collection (outdated, somehow has 65k views), Gigastructural Engineering - Submods & Expansions, Gigastructural Engineering - Compatibility Patches, Gigastructural Engineering - Shipsets & Asset Sources, Gigastructural Engineering - Legacy Versions. Use the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change the way the codes are displayed. We include affiliate links in articles. Gateways allow travel to any other gateway instantly, so long as the borders are open and the destination is not controlled by an enemy empire. To build the Ring World megastructure in Stellaris, you'll need the Utopia DLC. on Paradox technology, Legal Megastructures are colossal constructions. create_megastructure district_hab_housing. Stellaris Technology List with Cheat IDs | Stellaris Cheats Gateways take two years, 6,000 Energy, and 2,500 Alloys to build. Thank you, sentient! Home to tools, guides and resources for the everyday Stellaris player. r/Stellaris on Reddit: Help with Gigastructure IDs and how to spawn Complete Stellaris Events ID List | Stellaris Cheats Stellaris Event ID List A searchable list of all event codes from Stellaris. In systems with wormholes or existing gateways, it is recommended to go into the system view to manually place the Hyper Relay near to the wormhole or gateway to better facilitate travel. Expensive and time-consuming to build or repair, these remarkable feats of engineering are nonetheless important wonders that provide large bonuses, demonstrating the technological and economic primacy of the builders' empire. They can be built in any system (even with other mega-structures), outside the systems gravitational pull of the system. This article has been verified for the current PC. However, Hyper Relays cannot connect through wormholes or gateways. Aeternum will receive a bunch of extra ships when awakening. I think if you hit tab (possibly twice) after create_megastructure, the different names will show up. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Heres how to build every megastructure in Stellaris: Federations. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Stellaris, like all Paradox Interactive games, keeps the traditions of cheats very much alive. Stellaris Dev Diary #144 - Megastructures, Habitats and Minor Artifacts Hyper Relays can be constructed once the Hyper Relays technology is researched and allow ships to jump to Hyper Relays in adjacent systems instead of using the existing hyperlane connections, thereby avoiding having to traverse systems at sublight speeds. When a gateway is reactivated for the first time in the galaxy, another random gateway will also reactivate along with it. Acquiring intel is pretty straightfoward, each Aeternite ship has a 1% chance of giving some. It has four stages after initial construction. Interactive corporate website, d_toxic_god_blight_upon_the_land_upgraded, d_toxic_god_pestilential_wasteland_upgraded, resolution_commerce_buzzword_standardization, resolution_commerce_leveraged_privateering, resolution_commerce_underdeveloped_system_utilization, resolution_commerce_holistic_asset_coordination, resolution_commerce_profit_maximization_engines, resolution_industry_regulatory_facilitation, resolution_industry_collective_waste_management, resolution_industry_building_a_better_tomorrow, resolution_industry_environmental_ordinance_waivers, resolution_galactic_market_ban_sentient_organic_slave_trade, resolution_galactic_market_ban_sentient_slave_trade, resolution_greatergood_greater_than_ourselves, resolution_greatergood_balance_in_the_middle, resolution_greatergood_universal_prosperity_mandate, resolution_ecology_environmental_control_board, resolution_galacticstudies_cooperative_research_channels, resolution_galacticstudies_astral_studies_network, resolution_galacticstudies_advanced_xenostudies, resolution_galacticstudies_ethical_guideline_refactoring, resolution_galacticstudies_extradimensional_experimentation, resolution_divinity_tithe_on_the_soulless, resolution_mutualdefense_the_readied_shield, resolution_mutualdefense_military_readiness_act, resolution_mutualdefense_enemy_of_my_enemy, resolution_mutualdefense_castigation_proclamation, resolution_mutualdefense_renegade_containment, resolution_rulesofwar_independent_tribunals, resolution_rulesofwar_last_resort_doctrine, resolution_rulesofwar_demobilization_initiative, resolution_defenseprivatization_defense_contracts, resolution_defenseprivatization_private_support_troops, resolution_defenseprivatization_condottieri, resolution_defenseprivatization_security_business, resolution_defenseprivatization_corporate_warlords, resolution_intergalacticdirective_regulated_growth, resolution_intergalacticdirective_ensured_sovereignty, resolution_intergalacticdirective_a_voice_for_all, resolution_bureaucraticsurveillance_administrative_insight, resolution_bureaucraticsurveillance_borderless_authority, resolution_bureaucraticsurveillance_personal_oversight, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_contingency, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_prethoryn, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_unbidden, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_greatkhan, resolution_galactic_focus_war_in_heaven_denounce_both, resolution_galacticreforms_abolish_council, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_1, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_2, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_3, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_4, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_5, resolution_galacticreforms_enable_council_denouncement, resolution_galacticreforms_enable_council_veto, resolution_galacticreforms_disable_council_denouncement, resolution_galacticreforms_disable_council_veto, resolution_galactic_threats_committee_repeal, resolution_custodian_extend_custodianship, resolution_custodian_perpetual_custodianship, resolution_custodian_galactic_mobilization, trait_clone_soldier_infertile_full_potential, leader_trait_expertise_field_manipulation, building_coordinated_fulfillment_center_1, Universal Productivity Alignment Facility, building_coordinated_fulfillment_center_2, NAME_Reanimated_Adopted_Amoeba_Centenarian, Covenant: Instrument of Desire (starting), Covenant: Instrument of Desire (upgraded), Covenant: Whispers of the Void (starting), Covenant: Whispers of the Void (upgraded), artifact_vultaum_research_completed_suppressed, artifact_vultaum_research_completed_machine, Signs of Precursor Activity (First League). Paano Mapapahalagahan Ang Mga Kontribusyon Ng Sinaunang Kabihasnan,
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Command to remove Megastructures? : r/Stellaris - Reddit They will work together with the FTL megastructures of another empire unless borders are closed or the empires are at war with each other. Essential information on Stellaris' titantic feats of engineering. Megastructures have changed significantly since I first wrote this article. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. An Orbital Assembly Complex Holding provides additional bonuses to each module. Youll also need the Galactic Wonders Ascension perk and have previously built a multi-stage megastructure. Example: effect add_deposit = d_black_soil, Can be removed with the effect remove_deposit = command to remove modifiers from planets. I've been looking for the Sentry Array ID so I can spawn it in my game using the console but I've had no luck googling or trying out plausible names in the console. How many megastructures are you allowed to have? :: Stellaris General The Aetherophasic Engine is a megastructure that will appear in the capital system of every empire that reaches the final crisis level. There are less rules and restrictions around. In my experience, the tech doesn't spawn without that archeological site being . It must be built around a star in a one-star system that has no other structures in it. These gargantuan feats of engineering were first introduced in the first Stellaris DLC Utopia and range from habitats and gateways, to more specialised structures such as Dyson Spheres, giant art galleries, and a device that can destroy the entire galaxy. They cannot be built in orbit of a celestial body that has an uninvestigated anomaly. All megastructures except Gateways are destroyed if a Star-Eater destroys the system. IKindaLikeGames Sep 23, 2018 @ 7:57am. 1. They can be upgraded twice via decisions once all district slots are filled, up to size 8. Ring Worlds can have their habitable segments destroyed by a Colossus as well as by Crisis factions and cannot be repaired again. Megastructures are colossal constructions. Stellaris Best Megastructures: What to Build First Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 18:27,, Play Stellaris - Gigastructural Engineering Overview (Nicoll-Dyson Beams Ahead!) Unlike other megastructures, orbital ones do not require a construction site and are finished in a single stage by the construction ship. All Stellaris Cheats and Console Commands - Pro Game Guides The Mod can be found here;. While exploring the galaxy, empires may find abandoned gateways that were once part of a massive, galaxy-spanning network. All megastructures have a different texture depending on the empire that built or repaired them. Other than gateways, they are the only other single-stage megastructures in Stellaris, and are built in one go with a construction ship. Stellaris Cheats is your know-it-all companion for Stellaris. Habitats can be destroyed by a Colossus as well as Crisis factions and cannot be rebuilt once destroyed. Gateways can travel to any other gateway, so long as the empire that owns the destination gate has its borders open and is not at war with the travelling fleets empire. Habitats can be obtained the following way: Constructing and upgrading habitats requires the following: The Voidborne ascension perk adds +20%habitability to habitats (resulting in 90% habitability without other modifiers) and unlocks +2building slots. Hyper Relay links are shown on the galaxy map as a thicker hyperlane. Damaged segments can be repaired with the Mega-Engineering technology for the same cost as finishing a new segment. A link may be inactive because of closed borders, war, or if the relay is ruined. Ruined found in space. Hyper Relay links are shown on the galaxy map as a thicker hyperlane. If a planet is selected the modifier is added as a planet modifier. Example: effect add_modifier = { modifier = eat_the_titans days = -1 }, if used without a target planet the entire empire will have the modifier, Can be removed with the effect remove_modifier = command to remove modifiers from planets. They can be upgraded twice via decisions once all district slots are filled, up to size 8. While they upgrade from their broken to a fully functional state in one step, they do not count for any achievements. If it has multiple stages, the following stages do not require a construction ship. ID - Stellaris Wiki - Paradox Wikis Otherwise it is added as an empire modifier. Privacy Policy. Cookie Notice Home - Gigastructural Engineering & More Hyper Relay edicts require the empire's capital system to be part of the network, while the benefits granted by subject specializations require a connection between the overlord's capital and the subject's capital. Can be built around any planet. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Cookie Notice Can be added with the effect add_district = command combination to add districts to planets. Half megastructure and half starbase, Orbital Rings can be built around colonized planets to act as an additional starbase or provide useful bonuses for the planet below. You'll also need the Galactic Wonders Ascension perk and have previously built a multi-stage megastructure. Stellaris Cheats is your know-it-all companion for Stellaris. Stellaris Technology ID List A searchable list of all technology codes from Stellaris. the command I used was this. Multi-stage megastructures start with a construction site that provides no benefit. There is two ways to do it either you build one by first research_all_technologies Influence 1000 Alloys 100000 (or a equaly big number) Instant_build Option 2 (never tried it in game the other one is just easier imo) but its on the wiki so it should technicaly work create_megastructure and the megastructure id EX: think_tank_1 3 Neither does conquering such structures from other empires. Hyper Relays can be built from the galaxy view, and will be placed semi-randomly within the system. r/Stellaris on Reddit: Megastructure Spawning Location via Console Subjects do not benefit from their overlord's network effects. This includes mining and research stations. A ruined Hyper Relay can be restored for 500energy, 500alloys, and 100rare crystals, taking 6 months to complete. Subjects do not benefit from their overlord's network effects. Valve Corporation. and our A few bonuses affect megastructure construction speed. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If it has multiple stages, the following stages do not require a construction ship. They're like regular structures you can build in your systems but much much much bigger and they of course come with much much much stronger. It is also only possible to build, upgrade, or restore one of these structures at a time, although there are some things that can increase this cap. It has five stages after building the initial site. Expensive and time-consuming to build or repair, these remarkable feats of engineering are nonetheless important wonders that provide large bonuses, demonstrating the technological and economic primacy of the builders' empire. Stellaris may have launched all the. planet_class [planet class id] - Changes the selected celestial body . Stellaris Megastructures. Habitats are artificial living spaces that are constructed above planets. The construction site is built in 3 years and costs 75influence and 2500alloys. It is only visible to you. Enter the name of an event to filter the entries in the table. In addition to most of the regular starbase buildings, Orbital Rings can construct a set of buildings that improve the planet's output. You wont be able to research and build any new ones though apart from gateways without some DLC. Stellaris megastructures - multi-stage There are ten other megastructures in Stellaris, all multi-stage, and all requiring different expansions. Habitats still require colonization, but the colony develops twice as fast on a habitat. Welcome to the Official Gigastructural Engineering & More Wiki. Stellaris is a huge space exploration playground, but cheats and codes activated from the game's debug console commands can add a whole new dimension on PC. This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 18:27. Stellaris? Multi-stage megastructures must be built either over an uninhabitable planet or the central star of the system (with the exception of the Quantum Catapult). Stellaris - Megastructures Overview (Dysonspheres, Ringworlds, Science How to Gain More Envoys in Stellaris: Federations, Tune into Next Thursdays Capcom Direct for Resident Evil 4 and More, Dead by Daylight is Becoming a Blumhouse Movie, With a Sequel Arriving Soon, Figment is Free on Steam, The Wolf Among Us 2 Has Been Delayed Until 2024, How Resident Evil 4 Changed the Modern Gaming Landscape, Preview: Road 96 Prequel, Mile 0, is a More Focused Experience That Youre Going to Want to Play. IDs refer to the internal names used by all assets within the game files. Each planet can only have one orbital megastructure, which can be further upgraded. This item requires all of the following DLC, Small Collection (outdated, somehow has 65k views), Gigastructural Engineering - Submods & Expansions, Gigastructural Engineering - Compatibility Patches, Gigastructural Engineering - Shipsets & Asset Sources, Gigastructural Engineering - Legacy Versions. Use the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change the way the codes are displayed. We include affiliate links in articles. Gateways allow travel to any other gateway instantly, so long as the borders are open and the destination is not controlled by an enemy empire. To build the Ring World megastructure in Stellaris, you'll need the Utopia DLC. on Paradox technology, Legal Megastructures are colossal constructions. create_megastructure district_hab_housing. Stellaris Technology List with Cheat IDs | Stellaris Cheats Gateways take two years, 6,000 Energy, and 2,500 Alloys to build. Thank you, sentient! Home to tools, guides and resources for the everyday Stellaris player. r/Stellaris on Reddit: Help with Gigastructure IDs and how to spawn Complete Stellaris Events ID List | Stellaris Cheats Stellaris Event ID List A searchable list of all event codes from Stellaris. In systems with wormholes or existing gateways, it is recommended to go into the system view to manually place the Hyper Relay near to the wormhole or gateway to better facilitate travel. Expensive and time-consuming to build or repair, these remarkable feats of engineering are nonetheless important wonders that provide large bonuses, demonstrating the technological and economic primacy of the builders' empire. They can be built in any system (even with other mega-structures), outside the systems gravitational pull of the system. This article has been verified for the current PC. However, Hyper Relays cannot connect through wormholes or gateways. Aeternum will receive a bunch of extra ships when awakening. I think if you hit tab (possibly twice) after create_megastructure, the different names will show up. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Heres how to build every megastructure in Stellaris: Federations. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Stellaris, like all Paradox Interactive games, keeps the traditions of cheats very much alive. Stellaris Dev Diary #144 - Megastructures, Habitats and Minor Artifacts Hyper Relays can be constructed once the Hyper Relays technology is researched and allow ships to jump to Hyper Relays in adjacent systems instead of using the existing hyperlane connections, thereby avoiding having to traverse systems at sublight speeds. When a gateway is reactivated for the first time in the galaxy, another random gateway will also reactivate along with it. Acquiring intel is pretty straightfoward, each Aeternite ship has a 1% chance of giving some. It has four stages after initial construction. Interactive corporate website, d_toxic_god_blight_upon_the_land_upgraded, d_toxic_god_pestilential_wasteland_upgraded, resolution_commerce_buzzword_standardization, resolution_commerce_leveraged_privateering, resolution_commerce_underdeveloped_system_utilization, resolution_commerce_holistic_asset_coordination, resolution_commerce_profit_maximization_engines, resolution_industry_regulatory_facilitation, resolution_industry_collective_waste_management, resolution_industry_building_a_better_tomorrow, resolution_industry_environmental_ordinance_waivers, resolution_galactic_market_ban_sentient_organic_slave_trade, resolution_galactic_market_ban_sentient_slave_trade, resolution_greatergood_greater_than_ourselves, resolution_greatergood_balance_in_the_middle, resolution_greatergood_universal_prosperity_mandate, resolution_ecology_environmental_control_board, resolution_galacticstudies_cooperative_research_channels, resolution_galacticstudies_astral_studies_network, resolution_galacticstudies_advanced_xenostudies, resolution_galacticstudies_ethical_guideline_refactoring, resolution_galacticstudies_extradimensional_experimentation, resolution_divinity_tithe_on_the_soulless, resolution_mutualdefense_the_readied_shield, resolution_mutualdefense_military_readiness_act, resolution_mutualdefense_enemy_of_my_enemy, resolution_mutualdefense_castigation_proclamation, resolution_mutualdefense_renegade_containment, resolution_rulesofwar_independent_tribunals, resolution_rulesofwar_last_resort_doctrine, resolution_rulesofwar_demobilization_initiative, resolution_defenseprivatization_defense_contracts, resolution_defenseprivatization_private_support_troops, resolution_defenseprivatization_condottieri, resolution_defenseprivatization_security_business, resolution_defenseprivatization_corporate_warlords, resolution_intergalacticdirective_regulated_growth, resolution_intergalacticdirective_ensured_sovereignty, resolution_intergalacticdirective_a_voice_for_all, resolution_bureaucraticsurveillance_administrative_insight, resolution_bureaucraticsurveillance_borderless_authority, resolution_bureaucraticsurveillance_personal_oversight, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_contingency, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_prethoryn, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_unbidden, resolution_galactic_focus_crisis_greatkhan, resolution_galactic_focus_war_in_heaven_denounce_both, resolution_galacticreforms_abolish_council, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_1, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_2, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_3, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_4, resolution_galacticreforms_council_size_5, resolution_galacticreforms_enable_council_denouncement, resolution_galacticreforms_enable_council_veto, resolution_galacticreforms_disable_council_denouncement, resolution_galacticreforms_disable_council_veto, resolution_galactic_threats_committee_repeal, resolution_custodian_extend_custodianship, resolution_custodian_perpetual_custodianship, resolution_custodian_galactic_mobilization, trait_clone_soldier_infertile_full_potential, leader_trait_expertise_field_manipulation, building_coordinated_fulfillment_center_1, Universal Productivity Alignment Facility, building_coordinated_fulfillment_center_2, NAME_Reanimated_Adopted_Amoeba_Centenarian, Covenant: Instrument of Desire (starting), Covenant: Instrument of Desire (upgraded), Covenant: Whispers of the Void (starting), Covenant: Whispers of the Void (upgraded), artifact_vultaum_research_completed_suppressed, artifact_vultaum_research_completed_machine, Signs of Precursor Activity (First League).
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