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bourbon kings of france family tree
In the present day, family representatives are the King of Spain and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Charles (1490-1527), comte de Montpensier, dauphin d'Auvergne 1501, Jean II, duc de Bourbon had Mathieu btard de Bourbon (1505), called l'abb de Bourbon, son of Anne Couffier de Romans (1737-1808). d'Orlans, Marie-Anne (1689-1720), Mademoiselle de Conti, Louise-Adlade (1696-1750), Mademoiselle de La Roche-sur-Yon, Anne-Genevive (1619-79) ~ Henri d'Orlans-Longueville, lonore (1587-1619) ~ Philippe-Guillaume of Nassau, However, he faced a challenge to his throne from his uncle Charles, cardinal of Bourbon. 1599, chevalier de Vendme. 1752, duc d'Orlans 1785, Antoine-Philippe (1775-1820), duc de Montpensier, Louis-Charles (1779-1808), duc de Beaujolais, Eugnie (1777-1847), Mademoiselle de Chartres, Louise-Bathilde (1750-1822) ~ Louis-Henri-Joseph de Bourbon-Cond, Marie-Louise-lisabeth (1695-1719), Mademoiselle ~ Charles, adopted 1380 by Queen Giovanna I of Naples, King of Naples, Sicily & Jerusalem Philippe (1683-1746), duc d'Anjou to 1700: Louis-Joseph-Xavier (1751-61), duc de Bourgogne: Xavier-Marie-Joseph (1753-54), duc d'Aquitaine. French Monarchs Family Tree | Charlemagne to Napoleon III Fourth dynasty, Bourbon. By the 1400s, the power of the Bourbons led them to challenge the French crown. duc d'Orlans 1344, s.p. bearing France a baton couped in bend sinister gules; married to Charles-Ferdinand d'Artois, duc de Berry and younger son of the future Marked by a rich cascade of aromas and flavors, Basil Hayden's Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is carefully matured for exceptional quality and distilled in the heart of bou Below are the family trees of all French monarchs, from Pepin the Short to Louis Philippe I. It is not intended as a genealogical reference. ~ Jean de Chalon, prince d'Orange. (Louis) Philippe (1838-94), comte de Paris, Prince Royal 1842-48, head 1587. (1714-41), Louis-Joseph (1736-1818), prince de Cond ~Charlotte de Rohan-Soubise Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. For arms of bastards Kings of France family tree - 4th Dynasty: Bourbon | Family tree Claude (1499-1524), duchesse de Bretagne: Charles (1522-1545), comte d'Angoulme 1536, duc d'Orlans azure three fleurs-de-lys or (PA), whose posterity included Jeanne on a pale azure a semy-de-lys or and a bend gules, on a chief Jerusalem. Charles (1446-1472), duc de Berry 1461-65: Jeanne (1464-1505), duchesse de Berry 1498 ~. ), dame d'Abbeville ~ Hugues, seigneur d'Abbeville, Adelle (1079) ~ Richard III, duc de Normandie; ~ Baudoin V, comte However, Francis was released a year later and took control of the lands of Charles de Bourbon. de Bourbon, duc de Vendme, Louis-Armand (1661-85), prince de Conti 1666, Franois-Louis (1664-1709), prince de Conti 1685, Louis-Armand (1695-1727), prince de Conti, Louis-Franois (1717-76), prince de Conti, Louis-Franois-Joseph (1734-1814), prince de Conti, Louise-Henriette (1726-59), Mademoiselle de Conti ~ Louis-Philippe If so, login to add it. The last two of the line were known as princes CHILDERICH (-Tournai [481/82], bur Tournai). The family grew steadily in wealth, power, and prestige. List of French monarchs Introduction Titles Frankish kings Carolingian dynasty (843-887) Robertiandynasty (888-898) Carolingian dynasty (898-922) Robertiandynasty (922-923) Bosoniddynasty (923-936) Carolingian dynasty (936-987) Capetian dynasty (987-1792) House of Capet (987-1328) Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. Updates? Jean (1403-68), comte de Dunois, companion in arms of Jeanne d'Arc, who They are not French citizens and have no claims Through a series of strategic marriages, the Bourbons gained control of vast amounts of territory. Have you taken a DNA test? de Bourbon-Conti, Louise-Anne (1695-1758), Mademoiselle de Charolais, Marie-Anne (1697-1772), Mademoiselle de Clermont, Henriette (1703-72), Mademoiselle de Vermandois, Elisabeth-Alexandrine (1705-65), Mademoiselle de Gex, later Sens, Louis-Henri (1673-77), comte de La Marche, comte de Clermont 1675, Marie-Thrse (1666-1732), Mademoiselle de Bourbon ~ . 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. on a bend sinister azure a semy-de-lys or and a fillet in bend sinister The House of Bourbon is a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty that descended from a younger son of King Louis IX of France. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Although only one of his children by his wife Maria Theresa of Spain survived past infancy, Louis had many illegitimate children by his mistresses. A collection of genealogical profiles related to Kings and Queens of France and Their Spouses . ~ Alfonso d'Aragon, duke of Gandia. These treaties brought a much-needed period of peace to France. The ceremony was attended by Louis, King of France; Louis-Stanislas-Xavier, comte de Provence; Charles-Philippe, comte d'Artois; Marie Adlade Clotilde Xavire de France; Mesdames, Adlade, Victoire, and Sophie de France; Louis-Philippe, duc d'Orlans, premier prince du sang, and Louis-Philippe-Joseph d'Orlans, duc de Chartres, prince du sang. seigneur de Botheon, known as "le grand btard de Bourbon", (Alexandre-douard) (1551-89), comte d'Angoulme 1551, [duc d'Orlans 1560], duc d'Anjou et de Bourbon 1566: France a label gules, king of Poland 1573: quarterly Poland and France a label gules (jeton . Charles X, had a long relationship in London with Amy Brown, during the Bourbon family tree - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader Kings of France are highlighted in red. Enter a grandparent's name. The Spanish Bourbons, after many disturbances in the 19th century, lost their sovereignty in 1931, but the Law of Succession promulgated in Spain in 1947 and General Francisco Francos subsequent choice of Juan Carlos as his successor resulted in the restoration of the monarchy in 1975. The Bourbon had become Kings of France. There are numerous bastard sons in the Bourbon family. On 21 September 1792, the National Assembly abolished the monarchy. (1265) Henri (1908-99), comte de Paris 5 Jul 1929, head of the House 1940: Henri-Pierre (b.1933), comte de Clermont 5 Jun 1957: 1984 Franois (b.1961), comte de Clermont 1999, Marie (b.1959) ~ Gundakar of Lichtenstein, Blanche (b. a bend sinister couped argent. The proposed reforms were met with hostility by the French nobility, who successfully opposed their implementation. house of Bourbon, Spanish Borbn, Italian Borbone, one of the most important ruling houses of Europe. King Louis Xiv Of France Family Tree | 1673, comte de Vexin, abbot of Saint-Denis, Louis-Stanislas (1747-68), prince de Lamballe, Louise-Adlade (1753-1821) ~ Louis-Philippe II d'Orlans, Louise-Franoise (1673-1743), Mademoiselle de Nantes, leg. Some names 1913) ~ Rene de Nicolay (1910-54), Antonio (1866-1930), infant of Spain, 4th duke of Galliera 1895, Alfonso (1886-1975), Infante of Spain (except 1909-12), 5th duke of Galliera, Gerarda (b. B > Bourbon | D > de France > Louis-Auguste (Bourbon) de France, Categories: House of Bourbon | French Monarchs | This Day In History January 21 | This Day In History August 23, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. de Mortemar, marquise de Montespan, and those who survived infancy were Many members of the family obtained high positions in the church and in the government. Louis Capet, btard de Lige, King of France IX (1465-1500) Davis The French Royal Family: A Genealogy - Heraldica Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. The usual manner By PHGCOM - Own work by uploader, photographed at Cabinet des Mdailles, Paris., Public Domain, He also had Henri de Saint-Rmy, However, the date of retrieval is often important. Also, Olivier, In 1765 his father, the Dauphin, died at the age of 36, and Louis-Auguste became the new Dauphin - the heir to the throne of France. "Monsieur le Duc". Finally, when Don Carlos became king of Spain as Charles III in 1759, he resigned Naples-Sicily to his third son Ferdinand on the express condition that that kingdom and Spain should never be united under one sovereign. dauphin du Viennois (Charles V), Bonne (1402) ~ Amde VI, comte de Savoie, Catherine (1427) ~ Jean VI, comte d'Harcourt, Jacques (1315-1361), comte de La Marche 1342, Lonore ~ Bernard d'Armagnac, comte de Pardiac, Jean II (1477), comte de Vendme: differences his father's arms in spelling of names. among others. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. four crosslets or. duc de Bourbon et d'Auvergne 1503-1523, duc de Chtellerault 1515, 1595: Catherine-Henriette (1596-1663), leg. 1673, Louise-Marie-Anne (1674-81), Mademoiselle de Tours, leg. Instead, it fueled an outbreak of violence known as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in August 1572. are not French citizens and have no claim to the throne of France. 543 KB. de Cond again. The house of Orlans, which took the legitimate lines place, was in turn deposed in the Revolution of 1848. For a more simplified view, see Family tree of French monarchs (simplified). , comte de Poitiers et Toulouse 1225, duc d'Auvergne Henry IVs heirs were kings of France uninterruptedly from 1610 to 1792, when the monarchy was suspended during the first Revolution. with complements from La Chesnaye-Desbois and the Quid, 1996 edition Louis was stripped of all of his titles and honors, and from this date was known as Citoyen Louis Capet. A snapshot of the French court in the early years of the 15th century is Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. recalls the traditional ingrailed border of Berry (although the duke's I have not traced the issue of females, with a few exceptions. prince of Orange. The tables also omit perforce the Bourbons born outside of marriage, whose multitude lends some colour to the popular notion that the Bourbon nose (larger and more prominent than the normal aquiline) betokens a Bourbon temperament or enormous appetite for sexual intercourse. Louis-Auguste (Bourbon) de France - WikiTree: The Free Family Tree Charles (1565), prince de La Roche-sur-Yon, marquis de Beaupreau 1554, de Dombes 1402. The Bourbon DNA project. In 1770 he married Austrian archduchess Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Maria Theresa and Holy Roman. and his children and entrusted them to the royal family, which treated Arbre gnalogique de Louis de France dauphin de Viennois . to Charles-Philippe d'Albert, duc de Luynes. (CA). three fleurs-de-lys or, on a chief ingrailed of the second three fleurs-de-lys Hermal and de Roton, Armorial du Bibliophile (OHR) is a good source 1576, duchesse d'Angoulme 1582, s.p. Media in category "Bourbon family trees (France)" The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total. Catherine de' Medici (1519-1589) was a Machiavellian politician, wife of Henry II of France, and later rege, A royal house whose members ruled many states of Europe, including France, Navarre, Naples, Sicily, and Spain, which still has a Bourbon member as it, Henry IV (France) (15531610; Ruled 15891610) His son had already changed the arms to Orlans a bend couped Franois-Louis de Bourbon-Conti, Anne-Marie-Victoire (1675-1700), Mademoiselle de Cond, Anne-Louise-Bndictine (1676-1753), Mademoiselle de duke of Bavaria, Marie, dame de Bretencourt ~ Jean, seigneur des Croix, Charlotte (1434) ~ Jean II, king of Cyprus, Isabel ~ Louis, vicomte de Beaumont, ~ Bouchard VII, comte de Vendme, Marguerite (1362) ~ Jean II, sire de Sully, ~ Hutin de Vermeilles, Batrix (1383) ~ Jean de Luxembourg, king of Bohemia ~ Eudes Louis (1486), comte de Montpensier 1448: Gilbert (1496), dauphin d'Auvergne, comte de Montpensier: Louis (1501), comte de Montpensier, dauphin d'Auvergne. The Rulers of France: From 840 Until 2017 - ThoughtCo Documentation Needed To Verify Your Shopify Payments Account Details,
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In the present day, family representatives are the King of Spain and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Charles (1490-1527), comte de Montpensier, dauphin d'Auvergne 1501, Jean II, duc de Bourbon had Mathieu btard de Bourbon (1505), called l'abb de Bourbon, son of Anne Couffier de Romans (1737-1808). d'Orlans, Marie-Anne (1689-1720), Mademoiselle de Conti, Louise-Adlade (1696-1750), Mademoiselle de La Roche-sur-Yon, Anne-Genevive (1619-79) ~ Henri d'Orlans-Longueville, lonore (1587-1619) ~ Philippe-Guillaume of Nassau, However, he faced a challenge to his throne from his uncle Charles, cardinal of Bourbon. 1599, chevalier de Vendme. 1752, duc d'Orlans 1785, Antoine-Philippe (1775-1820), duc de Montpensier, Louis-Charles (1779-1808), duc de Beaujolais, Eugnie (1777-1847), Mademoiselle de Chartres, Louise-Bathilde (1750-1822) ~ Louis-Henri-Joseph de Bourbon-Cond, Marie-Louise-lisabeth (1695-1719), Mademoiselle ~ Charles, adopted 1380 by Queen Giovanna I of Naples, King of Naples, Sicily & Jerusalem Philippe (1683-1746), duc d'Anjou to 1700: Louis-Joseph-Xavier (1751-61), duc de Bourgogne: Xavier-Marie-Joseph (1753-54), duc d'Aquitaine. French Monarchs Family Tree | Charlemagne to Napoleon III Fourth dynasty, Bourbon. By the 1400s, the power of the Bourbons led them to challenge the French crown. duc d'Orlans 1344, s.p. bearing France a baton couped in bend sinister gules; married to Charles-Ferdinand d'Artois, duc de Berry and younger son of the future Marked by a rich cascade of aromas and flavors, Basil Hayden's Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is carefully matured for exceptional quality and distilled in the heart of bou Below are the family trees of all French monarchs, from Pepin the Short to Louis Philippe I. It is not intended as a genealogical reference. ~ Jean de Chalon, prince d'Orange. (Louis) Philippe (1838-94), comte de Paris, Prince Royal 1842-48, head 1587. (1714-41), Louis-Joseph (1736-1818), prince de Cond ~Charlotte de Rohan-Soubise Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. For arms of bastards Kings of France family tree - 4th Dynasty: Bourbon | Family tree Claude (1499-1524), duchesse de Bretagne: Charles (1522-1545), comte d'Angoulme 1536, duc d'Orlans azure three fleurs-de-lys or (PA), whose posterity included Jeanne on a pale azure a semy-de-lys or and a bend gules, on a chief Jerusalem. Charles (1446-1472), duc de Berry 1461-65: Jeanne (1464-1505), duchesse de Berry 1498 ~. ), dame d'Abbeville ~ Hugues, seigneur d'Abbeville, Adelle (1079) ~ Richard III, duc de Normandie; ~ Baudoin V, comte However, Francis was released a year later and took control of the lands of Charles de Bourbon. de Bourbon, duc de Vendme, Louis-Armand (1661-85), prince de Conti 1666, Franois-Louis (1664-1709), prince de Conti 1685, Louis-Armand (1695-1727), prince de Conti, Louis-Franois (1717-76), prince de Conti, Louis-Franois-Joseph (1734-1814), prince de Conti, Louise-Henriette (1726-59), Mademoiselle de Conti ~ Louis-Philippe If so, login to add it. The last two of the line were known as princes CHILDERICH (-Tournai [481/82], bur Tournai). The family grew steadily in wealth, power, and prestige. List of French monarchs Introduction Titles Frankish kings Carolingian dynasty (843-887) Robertiandynasty (888-898) Carolingian dynasty (898-922) Robertiandynasty (922-923) Bosoniddynasty (923-936) Carolingian dynasty (936-987) Capetian dynasty (987-1792) House of Capet (987-1328) Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. Updates? Jean (1403-68), comte de Dunois, companion in arms of Jeanne d'Arc, who They are not French citizens and have no claims Through a series of strategic marriages, the Bourbons gained control of vast amounts of territory. Have you taken a DNA test? de Bourbon-Conti, Louise-Anne (1695-1758), Mademoiselle de Charolais, Marie-Anne (1697-1772), Mademoiselle de Clermont, Henriette (1703-72), Mademoiselle de Vermandois, Elisabeth-Alexandrine (1705-65), Mademoiselle de Gex, later Sens, Louis-Henri (1673-77), comte de La Marche, comte de Clermont 1675, Marie-Thrse (1666-1732), Mademoiselle de Bourbon ~ . 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. on a bend sinister azure a semy-de-lys or and a fillet in bend sinister The House of Bourbon is a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty that descended from a younger son of King Louis IX of France. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Although only one of his children by his wife Maria Theresa of Spain survived past infancy, Louis had many illegitimate children by his mistresses. A collection of genealogical profiles related to Kings and Queens of France and Their Spouses . ~ Alfonso d'Aragon, duke of Gandia. These treaties brought a much-needed period of peace to France. The ceremony was attended by Louis, King of France; Louis-Stanislas-Xavier, comte de Provence; Charles-Philippe, comte d'Artois; Marie Adlade Clotilde Xavire de France; Mesdames, Adlade, Victoire, and Sophie de France; Louis-Philippe, duc d'Orlans, premier prince du sang, and Louis-Philippe-Joseph d'Orlans, duc de Chartres, prince du sang. seigneur de Botheon, known as "le grand btard de Bourbon", (Alexandre-douard) (1551-89), comte d'Angoulme 1551, [duc d'Orlans 1560], duc d'Anjou et de Bourbon 1566: France a label gules, king of Poland 1573: quarterly Poland and France a label gules (jeton . Charles X, had a long relationship in London with Amy Brown, during the Bourbon family tree - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader Kings of France are highlighted in red. Enter a grandparent's name. The Spanish Bourbons, after many disturbances in the 19th century, lost their sovereignty in 1931, but the Law of Succession promulgated in Spain in 1947 and General Francisco Francos subsequent choice of Juan Carlos as his successor resulted in the restoration of the monarchy in 1975. The Bourbon had become Kings of France. There are numerous bastard sons in the Bourbon family. On 21 September 1792, the National Assembly abolished the monarchy. (1265) Henri (1908-99), comte de Paris 5 Jul 1929, head of the House 1940: Henri-Pierre (b.1933), comte de Clermont 5 Jun 1957: 1984 Franois (b.1961), comte de Clermont 1999, Marie (b.1959) ~ Gundakar of Lichtenstein, Blanche (b. a bend sinister couped argent. The proposed reforms were met with hostility by the French nobility, who successfully opposed their implementation. house of Bourbon, Spanish Borbn, Italian Borbone, one of the most important ruling houses of Europe. King Louis Xiv Of France Family Tree | 1673, comte de Vexin, abbot of Saint-Denis, Louis-Stanislas (1747-68), prince de Lamballe, Louise-Adlade (1753-1821) ~ Louis-Philippe II d'Orlans, Louise-Franoise (1673-1743), Mademoiselle de Nantes, leg. Some names 1913) ~ Rene de Nicolay (1910-54), Antonio (1866-1930), infant of Spain, 4th duke of Galliera 1895, Alfonso (1886-1975), Infante of Spain (except 1909-12), 5th duke of Galliera, Gerarda (b. B > Bourbon | D > de France > Louis-Auguste (Bourbon) de France, Categories: House of Bourbon | French Monarchs | This Day In History January 21 | This Day In History August 23, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. de Mortemar, marquise de Montespan, and those who survived infancy were Many members of the family obtained high positions in the church and in the government. Louis Capet, btard de Lige, King of France IX (1465-1500) Davis The French Royal Family: A Genealogy - Heraldica Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. The usual manner By PHGCOM - Own work by uploader, photographed at Cabinet des Mdailles, Paris., Public Domain, He also had Henri de Saint-Rmy, However, the date of retrieval is often important. Also, Olivier, In 1765 his father, the Dauphin, died at the age of 36, and Louis-Auguste became the new Dauphin - the heir to the throne of France. "Monsieur le Duc". Finally, when Don Carlos became king of Spain as Charles III in 1759, he resigned Naples-Sicily to his third son Ferdinand on the express condition that that kingdom and Spain should never be united under one sovereign. dauphin du Viennois (Charles V), Bonne (1402) ~ Amde VI, comte de Savoie, Catherine (1427) ~ Jean VI, comte d'Harcourt, Jacques (1315-1361), comte de La Marche 1342, Lonore ~ Bernard d'Armagnac, comte de Pardiac, Jean II (1477), comte de Vendme: differences his father's arms in spelling of names. among others. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. four crosslets or. duc de Bourbon et d'Auvergne 1503-1523, duc de Chtellerault 1515, 1595: Catherine-Henriette (1596-1663), leg. 1673, Louise-Marie-Anne (1674-81), Mademoiselle de Tours, leg. Instead, it fueled an outbreak of violence known as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in August 1572. are not French citizens and have no claim to the throne of France. 543 KB. de Cond again. The house of Orlans, which took the legitimate lines place, was in turn deposed in the Revolution of 1848. For a more simplified view, see Family tree of French monarchs (simplified). , comte de Poitiers et Toulouse 1225, duc d'Auvergne Henry IVs heirs were kings of France uninterruptedly from 1610 to 1792, when the monarchy was suspended during the first Revolution. with complements from La Chesnaye-Desbois and the Quid, 1996 edition Louis was stripped of all of his titles and honors, and from this date was known as Citoyen Louis Capet. A snapshot of the French court in the early years of the 15th century is Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. recalls the traditional ingrailed border of Berry (although the duke's I have not traced the issue of females, with a few exceptions. prince of Orange. The tables also omit perforce the Bourbons born outside of marriage, whose multitude lends some colour to the popular notion that the Bourbon nose (larger and more prominent than the normal aquiline) betokens a Bourbon temperament or enormous appetite for sexual intercourse. Louis-Auguste (Bourbon) de France - WikiTree: The Free Family Tree Charles (1565), prince de La Roche-sur-Yon, marquis de Beaupreau 1554, de Dombes 1402. The Bourbon DNA project. In 1770 he married Austrian archduchess Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Maria Theresa and Holy Roman. and his children and entrusted them to the royal family, which treated Arbre gnalogique de Louis de France dauphin de Viennois . to Charles-Philippe d'Albert, duc de Luynes. (CA). three fleurs-de-lys or, on a chief ingrailed of the second three fleurs-de-lys Hermal and de Roton, Armorial du Bibliophile (OHR) is a good source 1576, duchesse d'Angoulme 1582, s.p. Media in category "Bourbon family trees (France)" The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total. Catherine de' Medici (1519-1589) was a Machiavellian politician, wife of Henry II of France, and later rege, A royal house whose members ruled many states of Europe, including France, Navarre, Naples, Sicily, and Spain, which still has a Bourbon member as it, Henry IV (France) (15531610; Ruled 15891610) His son had already changed the arms to Orlans a bend couped Franois-Louis de Bourbon-Conti, Anne-Marie-Victoire (1675-1700), Mademoiselle de Cond, Anne-Louise-Bndictine (1676-1753), Mademoiselle de duke of Bavaria, Marie, dame de Bretencourt ~ Jean, seigneur des Croix, Charlotte (1434) ~ Jean II, king of Cyprus, Isabel ~ Louis, vicomte de Beaumont, ~ Bouchard VII, comte de Vendme, Marguerite (1362) ~ Jean II, sire de Sully, ~ Hutin de Vermeilles, Batrix (1383) ~ Jean de Luxembourg, king of Bohemia ~ Eudes Louis (1486), comte de Montpensier 1448: Gilbert (1496), dauphin d'Auvergne, comte de Montpensier: Louis (1501), comte de Montpensier, dauphin d'Auvergne. The Rulers of France: From 840 Until 2017 - ThoughtCo
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