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» hhmi biointeractive tuskless elephants answer key
hhmi biointeractive tuskless elephants answer key
hhmi biointeractive tuskless elephants answer keyhhmi biointeractive tuskless elephants answer key
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hhmi biointeractive tuskless elephants answer key
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Describe how biological sex and gender differ from each other. Describe how mutations in a variety of genes can affect the development of internal and external sex characteristics. In 1989, when elephant ethologist Joyce Poole began carrying out surveys of three East African elephant populations to understand the impact that heavy poaching was having on them, she quickly noted several stark trends. In this article from professor Karen Avery, see how she uses this unassuming model organism to teach concepts in cellular biology and genetics. This activity guides the analysis of a published scientific figure from a study that measured species population declines on a global scale. Most African elephants have tusks, but someabout 2 to 6% of females and even fewer malesnever grow them. Look up the definition of the term poaching and summarize your understanding of what it means in the space below. Math.N-Q.A.1, Math.N-Q.A.3, Math.S-IC.3; MP2, MP3, IB Environmental Systems and Societies (2017), Teaching an Online Introductory Biology Lab Using Evolution and Ecology Resources, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, Why no tusks? No rights are granted to use HHMIs or BioInteractives names or logos independent from this Resource or in any derivative works. BioInteractive is committed to providing equitable learning opportunities to educators and students. Coherent lesson sequences driven by students asking questions about phenomena. 2. Most African elephants have tusks, but some never grow them especially in places that have a history of poaching, like Gorongosa National Park. Real science, real stories, and real data to engage students in exploring the living world. 318 0 obj
Because tusks continuously grow throughout an elephants lifetime, and because males tusks weigh about seven times those of females, older males tended to be the first to go, followed by younger males and then older females. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. Data Points are useful resources that use figures from the primary literature and guided sets of supporting questions. In this article, professor Phil Gibson discusses how he uses modified version of our Data Point activities as simplified case studies. This video follows the work of researchers conducting the first census. One type of evidence they use is genetic data. This interactive module explores how different animals elephants, birds, and bats have evolved distinct ways of using sound to communicate. This interactive, modular lab explores the evolution of the anole lizards in the Caribbean through data collection and analysis. The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation, The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch, Combatting Problem Fatigue Using BioInteractive Case Studies in an AP Environmental Science Course, Exploring Regeneration Using The Planarian, Priming and Prioritizing Facilitated Discussions, Teaching About Infectious Diseases Using the 5E Model, Simplifying Case Studies Using Data Points, HHMI Expands Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, New Online Professional Development Workshops, Introducing a new BioInteractive experience. This video case study explores whether elephants can detect, interpret, and respond to signals delivered by underground vibrations. Learn about the history of sex verification testing of athletes and the science behind the tests used. AQ` n&
biointeractive 232K subscribers Subscribe 142K views 6 years ago How many African elephants are left and where are they? 2. Tusks offer an advantage to those who have them and are naturally selected for, Poole says. IB Environmental Systems and Societies (2017). v0E H+1Q` d
Elephant Evolution and Adaptation. The module also shows how mutations in genes that encode cell cycle regulators can lead to the development of cancer. An audio descriptive version of the film is available via our media player. There was a huge skew in the sex ratio, with very few adult males. Pooles observationswhich were used a few months later to support a ban on international ivory tradewere alarming, but they mostly made sense. hbbd```b``"wH&NQ
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\`@=`6/Af Zl "30 0 r
Working in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Dr. Joyce Poole and colleagues make a striking observation: many female elephants lack tusks. Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. Poachers, she knew, prioritized elephants with the largest tusks. The added information provided at pause points within the animation How We Get Our Skin Color allows for a richer exploration of the topic of human skin structure and function. But the proportion of tuskless elephants has increased in some populations. If you're interested in using facilitated discussions to promote scientific literacy and empower students to make evidence-based decisions, this article from professor Holly Basta details how she restructured her course to promote student questioning and talk. Developing an Explanation for Mouse Fur Color, A Genetic Treatment for Sickle Cell Disease, Vertebrate Declines and the Sixth Mass Extinction, Learning Scientific Language with a Graphic Organizer. Only Meat: 19/129 * (100%) = 14.73% b. Poaching is artificially selecting for tuskless elephants who can better survive, mate, and pass on their genes to the next generation. This video follows scientists working in Gorongosa National Park as they try to determine the genes responsible for tusk development in elephants. This has left a notable gap in the literature that the new paper helps to fill. Lessons. This interactive module explores examples of how changes in one species can affect species at other trophic levels and ultimately the entire ecosystem. The Resource Google Folder link directs to a Google Drive folder of resource documents in the Google Docs format. Using those samples, they identified candidate regions in the genome that, when mutated, seemed to explain tusklessness and its apparent male lethality. Description. The Google Drive folder is set as View Only; to save a copy of a document in this folder to your Google Drive, open that document, then select File Make a copy. These documents can be copied, modified, and distributed online following the Terms of Use listed in the Details section below, including crediting BioInteractive. In population simulations, the researchers confirmed that it is extremely unlikely that tusklessness would have changed so drastically by chance alone. This activity guides students through learning and using key scientific terms, culminating in the creation of a customizable diagram. Fortunately, another research team was carrying out a collaring project to track matriarch elephants. video until time 1:46 and answer the following questions. PART 2: Video Activity . But in males with no other X chromosome to fall back on, that mutation appears to cause death in the womb. Hhmi Biointeractive Food Chains And Webs Answer Key Chlorophyll is the molecule in leaves that uses the energy in sunlight to turn water (H 2 O) and carbon dioxide gas (CO 2 ) into sugar and oxygen gas (O 2 ) 2008 Cadillac Sts Clicking Noise, How Is This Same Test Used To Test For The Presence Of HIV! It engages students in analyzing data to make evidence-based claims about the occurrence of tusklessness in elephant populations. 293 0 obj
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iU elephants were illegally killed was probably so that people could take their tusks (for ivory). Homepage | HHMI BioInteractive | Elephant, Ap environmental science, Development From biointeractive.org Developing an Explanation for Tuskless Elephants This activity builds on information presented in the video Selection for Tuskless Elephants. The first six weeks of the 15-week laboratory portion were conducted in a synchronous virtual format, using BioInteractive materials to teach the basic skills necessary to start the ethogram project. 482 0 obj
II. What did Dr. Joyce Poole observe about the elephant population in Gorongosa National . The accompanying worksheet guides students exploration. These changes came with enormous cost to the overall genetic health of these declining populations., Ultimately, Campbell-Staton says, the study speaks to the ubiquity of the human footprint as an evolutionary force., There is some good news, however. This interactive module explores the biology of sex determination and development in humans, set against the backdrop of the different sex testing policies implemented throughout sports history. Analyzing Data on Tuskless Elephants Pre-Video Activity 1. 0
It engages students in analyzing data to make evidence-based claims about the occurrence of tusklessness in elephant populations. It is important to track how many elephants are left and where they live to help protect them. Follow Nuwer on Twitter @RachelNuwerCredit: Nick Higgins. By watching segments of this video, students will follow the analyses and discoveries of Joyce Poole, a scientist who has studied elephants for many years. HS-LS1.A, HS-LS1.B, HS-LS3.B, HS-LS4.ASEP6, SEP8, IST-1.P, IST-1.J, IST-2.E, IST-4.A; SP1, SP2, SP4, SP6, IB Environmental Systems and Societies (2017), Teaching an Online Introductory Biology Lab Using Cellular and Molecular Biology Resources, Desktop App - macOS 10.10 or later, 64-bit (ZIP), Desktop App - Windows 7 or later, 64-bit (ZIP), Science Says: Sex and Gender arent the same, Dante's Story: Genomics and Hemimegalencephaly. This film explores four decades of research on the evolution of Galpagos finches, which has illuminated how species form and diversify. In Gorongosa National Park, Poole found that among the older female elephants that survived a period of heavy poaching in the park, over 50% are tuskless. Introduction In . The story of African elephants is a powerful case study of how science can inform conservation. Watch the . In this study, scientists used DNA profiling to determine where ivory seized from poachers had originated. Most African elephants have tusks, but some about 2% to 6% of females and even fewer males never grow them. To prevent his AP Environmental Science students from having "problem fatigue," Florida educator Scott Sowell focuses on how environmental solutions are developed, justified, implemented, and evaluated. Analyzing Data on Tuskless Elephants. ea`|wC"bSfoxjtZ&T2(i+q,|:m!J@ dP6H
EEH6~SlL.3a5, D is the correct answer A key challenge faced by flowering plants is dispersal: spreading offspring to a different location where they can grow into a new plant Howard hughes medical institute 2007 holiday lectures on science cells of the immune systemstudent worksheet answer the following questions as you proceed through the activity slides Published December . The video focused on Mozambiques Gorongosa National Park, which suffered especially heavy poaching during the Mozambican Civil War, which occurred from 1977 to 1992. After making these observations, Campbell-Staton decided it was time to use a whole-genome analysis to pinpoint the potential genetic factors. To learn more about the problems facing African elephants and their recovery in Gorongosa National Park, watch these two BioInteractive Scientists at Work videos: the first minute of The Great Elephant Census and all of Selection for Tuskless Elephants. As you watch the videos, complete the questions from the "Task 1" handout. Not only do animals die due to poaching, but there is also additional decline because half of the male offspring from the surviving tuskless mothers do not survive., Good agrees that the findings are alarming. Natural Selection Published October 2018 www.BioInteractive.org Page 3 of 6 Activity Student Handout Video Activity 7. Researchers have pinpointed how years of civil war and poaching in Mozambique have led to more elephants that will never develop tusks. Video Activity 7. Selection for Tuskless Elephants. It also includes a library of ready-to-use videos with embedded questions. Determine whether scientific results confirm or contradict a hypothesis. Explain how characteristics associated with biological sex may affect athletic performance. Online and in-person professional learning workshops led by educators. Poaching brings evolutionary pressure for tusklessness. This web tool provides a quick and easy way of visualizing and analyzing data without advanced technological requirements. The following statement reflects our current and specific actions. Elephant tusks are important for obtaining food and water, and essential to male elephants for competing for mates, so one might expect strong natural selection for having tusks. Provide evidence-based reasoning that uses available data to support a scientific claim. The Click & Learn uses ongoing debates about the eligibility of certain female athletes to participate in women's events as an entry point . Using Pooles database, they further confirmed that, with a single exception, female elephants with two tusks had never been observed to have a tuskless baby. %%EOF
As of 2014, about 350,000 savanna elephants were living in Africa. These declines may be a part of Earths next mass extinction. hb```lJB Most immune cells develop from stem cells in the bone marrow. Among the younger females, who were born after this period of heavy poaching, 33% are tuskless.For more short films and resources on elephants, visit http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/elephants This video follows Joyce Poole and other scientists working in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, who made the observation that many female elephants lack tusks. In this activity, students work with authentic research data to explore the impact of poaching on African elephants. Typically, though, such studies focus on small creatures that have large population sizes and fast generational turnovers because changes they undergo are easier to observe in real time. 316 0 obj
HHMI is investing in increasing racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in academic science to create environments in which everyone can thrive. The Click & Learn uses ongoing debates about the eligibility of certain female athletes to participate in women's events as an entry point for students to learn the processes involved in human reproductive development. keyboard_arrow_up Show footer Elephants with large tusks are targeted by poachers, who sell the tusks on the ivory market. Poole, who is a co-author on the new paper, combed through old natural history films and amateur videos to estimate the prevalence of tusklessness prior to the war. Scientists are trying to determine the genes involved in tusk development and how variations in these genes can lead to tusklessness. But why werent there any tuskless males?. Planarians can be used to investigate a variety of biological phenomena like animal behavior, mitosis, taxonomy, and more. Like other places that had undergone intense poaching, Gorongosas female elephants exhibited an abnormally high proportion of tusklessness. biointeractive 231K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share 130K views 5 years ago Elephants can communicate over long distances using low-frequency sounds that travel both in the air and through the. Developing an Explanation for Tuskless Elephant www.BioInteractive.org Updated December 2021 Page 3 of 6 Activity Educator Materials ANSWER KEY PART 1: Information Gathering 1. Perri Carr describes how she uses BioInteractives elephant resources to teach concepts ranging from biotechnology to genetics to ecology and conservation. 255 0 obj
This interactive module explores the diversity of viruses based on structure, genome type, host range, transmission mechanism, replication cycles, and vaccine availability. This interactive module explores how different animals elephants, birds, and bats have evolved distinct ways of using sound to communicate. Working in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Dr. Joyce Poole and colleagues make a striking observation: many female elephants lack tusks. adaptation, claim, evidence, frequency, phenotype, poaching, population, reasoning, selection, selective pressure, variation. 0
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endstream endobj 416 0 obj <. %PDF-1.5 % Describe how biological sex and gender differ from each other. Describe how mutations in a variety of genes can affect the development of internal and external sex characteristics. In 1989, when elephant ethologist Joyce Poole began carrying out surveys of three East African elephant populations to understand the impact that heavy poaching was having on them, she quickly noted several stark trends. In this article from professor Karen Avery, see how she uses this unassuming model organism to teach concepts in cellular biology and genetics. This activity guides the analysis of a published scientific figure from a study that measured species population declines on a global scale. Most African elephants have tusks, but someabout 2 to 6% of females and even fewer malesnever grow them. Look up the definition of the term poaching and summarize your understanding of what it means in the space below. Math.N-Q.A.1, Math.N-Q.A.3, Math.S-IC.3; MP2, MP3, IB Environmental Systems and Societies (2017), Teaching an Online Introductory Biology Lab Using Evolution and Ecology Resources, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, Why no tusks? No rights are granted to use HHMIs or BioInteractives names or logos independent from this Resource or in any derivative works. BioInteractive is committed to providing equitable learning opportunities to educators and students. Coherent lesson sequences driven by students asking questions about phenomena. 2. Most African elephants have tusks, but some never grow them especially in places that have a history of poaching, like Gorongosa National Park. Real science, real stories, and real data to engage students in exploring the living world. 318 0 obj <>stream Because tusks continuously grow throughout an elephants lifetime, and because males tusks weigh about seven times those of females, older males tended to be the first to go, followed by younger males and then older females. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. Data Points are useful resources that use figures from the primary literature and guided sets of supporting questions. In this article, professor Phil Gibson discusses how he uses modified version of our Data Point activities as simplified case studies. This video follows the work of researchers conducting the first census. One type of evidence they use is genetic data. This interactive module explores how different animals elephants, birds, and bats have evolved distinct ways of using sound to communicate. This interactive, modular lab explores the evolution of the anole lizards in the Caribbean through data collection and analysis. The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation, The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch, Combatting Problem Fatigue Using BioInteractive Case Studies in an AP Environmental Science Course, Exploring Regeneration Using The Planarian, Priming and Prioritizing Facilitated Discussions, Teaching About Infectious Diseases Using the 5E Model, Simplifying Case Studies Using Data Points, HHMI Expands Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, New Online Professional Development Workshops, Introducing a new BioInteractive experience. This video case study explores whether elephants can detect, interpret, and respond to signals delivered by underground vibrations. Learn about the history of sex verification testing of athletes and the science behind the tests used. AQ` n& biointeractive 232K subscribers Subscribe 142K views 6 years ago How many African elephants are left and where are they? 2. Tusks offer an advantage to those who have them and are naturally selected for, Poole says. IB Environmental Systems and Societies (2017). v0E H+1Q` d Elephant Evolution and Adaptation. The module also shows how mutations in genes that encode cell cycle regulators can lead to the development of cancer. An audio descriptive version of the film is available via our media player. There was a huge skew in the sex ratio, with very few adult males. Pooles observationswhich were used a few months later to support a ban on international ivory tradewere alarming, but they mostly made sense. hbbd```b``"wH&NQ fg`5jz XX$^feN3)R@1y"A9m v \`@=`6/Af Zl "30 0 r Working in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Dr. Joyce Poole and colleagues make a striking observation: many female elephants lack tusks. Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. Poachers, she knew, prioritized elephants with the largest tusks. The added information provided at pause points within the animation How We Get Our Skin Color allows for a richer exploration of the topic of human skin structure and function. But the proportion of tuskless elephants has increased in some populations. If you're interested in using facilitated discussions to promote scientific literacy and empower students to make evidence-based decisions, this article from professor Holly Basta details how she restructured her course to promote student questioning and talk. Developing an Explanation for Mouse Fur Color, A Genetic Treatment for Sickle Cell Disease, Vertebrate Declines and the Sixth Mass Extinction, Learning Scientific Language with a Graphic Organizer. Only Meat: 19/129 * (100%) = 14.73% b. Poaching is artificially selecting for tuskless elephants who can better survive, mate, and pass on their genes to the next generation. This video follows scientists working in Gorongosa National Park as they try to determine the genes responsible for tusk development in elephants. This has left a notable gap in the literature that the new paper helps to fill. Lessons. This interactive module explores examples of how changes in one species can affect species at other trophic levels and ultimately the entire ecosystem. The Resource Google Folder link directs to a Google Drive folder of resource documents in the Google Docs format. Using those samples, they identified candidate regions in the genome that, when mutated, seemed to explain tusklessness and its apparent male lethality. Description. The Google Drive folder is set as View Only; to save a copy of a document in this folder to your Google Drive, open that document, then select File Make a copy. These documents can be copied, modified, and distributed online following the Terms of Use listed in the Details section below, including crediting BioInteractive. In population simulations, the researchers confirmed that it is extremely unlikely that tusklessness would have changed so drastically by chance alone. This activity guides students through learning and using key scientific terms, culminating in the creation of a customizable diagram. Fortunately, another research team was carrying out a collaring project to track matriarch elephants. video until time 1:46 and answer the following questions. PART 2: Video Activity . But in males with no other X chromosome to fall back on, that mutation appears to cause death in the womb. Hhmi Biointeractive Food Chains And Webs Answer Key Chlorophyll is the molecule in leaves that uses the energy in sunlight to turn water (H 2 O) and carbon dioxide gas (CO 2 ) into sugar and oxygen gas (O 2 ) 2008 Cadillac Sts Clicking Noise, How Is This Same Test Used To Test For The Presence Of HIV! It engages students in analyzing data to make evidence-based claims about the occurrence of tusklessness in elephant populations. 293 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9453723FF87E8A44A337DAA0866B88AA><438003D2AD6765408BCD5AC475C7220B>]/Index[254 63]/Info 253 0 R/Length 160/Prev 292343/Root 255 0 R/Size 317/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream iU elephants were illegally killed was probably so that people could take their tusks (for ivory). Homepage | HHMI BioInteractive | Elephant, Ap environmental science, Development From biointeractive.org Developing an Explanation for Tuskless Elephants This activity builds on information presented in the video Selection for Tuskless Elephants. The first six weeks of the 15-week laboratory portion were conducted in a synchronous virtual format, using BioInteractive materials to teach the basic skills necessary to start the ethogram project. 482 0 obj <>stream II. What did Dr. Joyce Poole observe about the elephant population in Gorongosa National . The accompanying worksheet guides students exploration. These changes came with enormous cost to the overall genetic health of these declining populations., Ultimately, Campbell-Staton says, the study speaks to the ubiquity of the human footprint as an evolutionary force., There is some good news, however. This interactive module explores the biology of sex determination and development in humans, set against the backdrop of the different sex testing policies implemented throughout sports history. Analyzing Data on Tuskless Elephants Pre-Video Activity 1. 0 It engages students in analyzing data to make evidence-based claims about the occurrence of tusklessness in elephant populations. It is important to track how many elephants are left and where they live to help protect them. Follow Nuwer on Twitter @RachelNuwerCredit: Nick Higgins. By watching segments of this video, students will follow the analyses and discoveries of Joyce Poole, a scientist who has studied elephants for many years. HS-LS1.A, HS-LS1.B, HS-LS3.B, HS-LS4.ASEP6, SEP8, IST-1.P, IST-1.J, IST-2.E, IST-4.A; SP1, SP2, SP4, SP6, IB Environmental Systems and Societies (2017), Teaching an Online Introductory Biology Lab Using Cellular and Molecular Biology Resources, Desktop App - macOS 10.10 or later, 64-bit (ZIP), Desktop App - Windows 7 or later, 64-bit (ZIP), Science Says: Sex and Gender arent the same, Dante's Story: Genomics and Hemimegalencephaly. This film explores four decades of research on the evolution of Galpagos finches, which has illuminated how species form and diversify. In Gorongosa National Park, Poole found that among the older female elephants that survived a period of heavy poaching in the park, over 50% are tuskless. Introduction In . The story of African elephants is a powerful case study of how science can inform conservation. Watch the . In this study, scientists used DNA profiling to determine where ivory seized from poachers had originated. Most African elephants have tusks, but some about 2% to 6% of females and even fewer males never grow them. To prevent his AP Environmental Science students from having "problem fatigue," Florida educator Scott Sowell focuses on how environmental solutions are developed, justified, implemented, and evaluated. Analyzing Data on Tuskless Elephants. ea`|wC"bSfoxjtZ&T2(i+q,|:m!J@ dP6H EEH6~SlL.3a5, D is the correct answer A key challenge faced by flowering plants is dispersal: spreading offspring to a different location where they can grow into a new plant Howard hughes medical institute 2007 holiday lectures on science cells of the immune systemstudent worksheet answer the following questions as you proceed through the activity slides Published December . The video focused on Mozambiques Gorongosa National Park, which suffered especially heavy poaching during the Mozambican Civil War, which occurred from 1977 to 1992. After making these observations, Campbell-Staton decided it was time to use a whole-genome analysis to pinpoint the potential genetic factors. To learn more about the problems facing African elephants and their recovery in Gorongosa National Park, watch these two BioInteractive Scientists at Work videos: the first minute of The Great Elephant Census and all of Selection for Tuskless Elephants. As you watch the videos, complete the questions from the "Task 1" handout. Not only do animals die due to poaching, but there is also additional decline because half of the male offspring from the surviving tuskless mothers do not survive., Good agrees that the findings are alarming. Natural Selection Published October 2018 www.BioInteractive.org Page 3 of 6 Activity Student Handout Video Activity 7. Researchers have pinpointed how years of civil war and poaching in Mozambique have led to more elephants that will never develop tusks. Video Activity 7. Selection for Tuskless Elephants. It also includes a library of ready-to-use videos with embedded questions. Determine whether scientific results confirm or contradict a hypothesis. Explain how characteristics associated with biological sex may affect athletic performance. Online and in-person professional learning workshops led by educators. Poaching brings evolutionary pressure for tusklessness. This web tool provides a quick and easy way of visualizing and analyzing data without advanced technological requirements. The following statement reflects our current and specific actions. Elephant tusks are important for obtaining food and water, and essential to male elephants for competing for mates, so one might expect strong natural selection for having tusks. Provide evidence-based reasoning that uses available data to support a scientific claim. The Click & Learn uses ongoing debates about the eligibility of certain female athletes to participate in women's events as an entry point . Using Pooles database, they further confirmed that, with a single exception, female elephants with two tusks had never been observed to have a tuskless baby. %%EOF As of 2014, about 350,000 savanna elephants were living in Africa. These declines may be a part of Earths next mass extinction. hb```lJB Most immune cells develop from stem cells in the bone marrow. Among the younger females, who were born after this period of heavy poaching, 33% are tuskless.For more short films and resources on elephants, visit http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/elephants This video follows Joyce Poole and other scientists working in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, who made the observation that many female elephants lack tusks. In this activity, students work with authentic research data to explore the impact of poaching on African elephants. Typically, though, such studies focus on small creatures that have large population sizes and fast generational turnovers because changes they undergo are easier to observe in real time. 316 0 obj <>stream HHMI is investing in increasing racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in academic science to create environments in which everyone can thrive. The Click & Learn uses ongoing debates about the eligibility of certain female athletes to participate in women's events as an entry point for students to learn the processes involved in human reproductive development. keyboard_arrow_up Show footer Elephants with large tusks are targeted by poachers, who sell the tusks on the ivory market. Poole, who is a co-author on the new paper, combed through old natural history films and amateur videos to estimate the prevalence of tusklessness prior to the war. Scientists are trying to determine the genes involved in tusk development and how variations in these genes can lead to tusklessness. But why werent there any tuskless males?. Planarians can be used to investigate a variety of biological phenomena like animal behavior, mitosis, taxonomy, and more. Like other places that had undergone intense poaching, Gorongosas female elephants exhibited an abnormally high proportion of tusklessness. biointeractive 231K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share 130K views 5 years ago Elephants can communicate over long distances using low-frequency sounds that travel both in the air and through the. Developing an Explanation for Tuskless Elephant www.BioInteractive.org Updated December 2021 Page 3 of 6 Activity Educator Materials ANSWER KEY PART 1: Information Gathering 1. Perri Carr describes how she uses BioInteractives elephant resources to teach concepts ranging from biotechnology to genetics to ecology and conservation. 255 0 obj <> endobj This interactive module explores the diversity of viruses based on structure, genome type, host range, transmission mechanism, replication cycles, and vaccine availability. This interactive module explores how different animals elephants, birds, and bats have evolved distinct ways of using sound to communicate. Working in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Dr. Joyce Poole and colleagues make a striking observation: many female elephants lack tusks. adaptation, claim, evidence, frequency, phenotype, poaching, population, reasoning, selection, selective pressure, variation. 0 11{TO8+J1FOf%E%12Xbtb?S`8,A 7 \K(Dc6@ UJ This interactive module explores the biology of sex determination and development in humans, set against the backdrop of the different sex testing policies implemented throughout sports history. 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