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skip jansen delphi murders
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skip jansen delphi murders
We believe him. Furthermore, we have two different LE sources, both detectives in Indiana, tell us that this is exactly what happened. I ask this because another theory says they could have gone up the creek to a barn and then they should have dry clothes. I just have a few random loose theories, none of which I am married to. But the scanner doesnt say she came to bring the keys. 7) Hes local. And those are just a few of the suspected serials running around free. Why didnt he pull up to his front door? I get it. - We now have some additional insight into the reasons Carroll County's prosecutor asked a judge to seal records in the Delphi murder case. Mehrfach war er vor Ort, um den dort lebenden Menschen Hilfe zukommen zu lassen. Not because theres any evidence that they were lookouts, but more because everyone in that situation at the time of the murders is being looked at that way. February 13 is 2/13. Got it? 6) He has a family member thats buried in the cemetery near the Monon Bridge. How about never? I dont know what these names mean. We may or may not have from 1-8 more official case documents from this case. 43 sec is probably the time they have of the man on the girls phone recording. Bottom line is our theories now are dramatically more accurate than the 85% error rate we had earlier. In 2004, police on Big Pine Key responded to a gruesome scene. Breathe so we can comment in between paragraphs pleaser. If you want to get to the real meat of the post, scroll down to Facts of the Main Suspect in the Case Mr. X. It is on the girls cellphones, but if you listen to it, you will just hear a bunch of unintelligible garble. If DP sues Skip and/or TCG for defamation, that will result in near certainty about his involvement. I personally find it odd for a tryst. It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. Do you feel that the KAK (Anthony_shots) announcement is a red herring or that its linked to the Delphi murders? Not sub rules, all of Reddit rules. Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. Hard to believe that there are two DPs and two QPs in such a small area. No longer in state. Its all about the zero-sum game. However, these are all unconfirmed rumors. When I was young I would take off till late evening, and it was ok. The truth is that some of the things LE said in that conference are true. There are screenshots showing the discrepancies. Please do not contact people you are suspicious of or attempt to harass, threaten or intimidate anyone. Thats going to be very hard for him to explain. Photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and film. Same spelling as well. Abby and Libby were murdered after going for a hike near an old bridge in February 2017. To do this, he uses the knives the deer kit that BG has around his waist. family/fianc/false alibi providers), or more than meets the eye with this suspect. After all, there was nothing they could have done anyway. I also believe there are other factors at play here possibly being protected and I dont think LE wants the truth of what happened to Abby and Libby to come out for whatever reason. Skip, thanks for responding to my question. Via LE Source A, we have learned that in both crimes: The following are unverified rumors with at least some probability of being true: Indiana LE did not validate the rumors about some aspects of the crime scene such as: This is probably one of the flat-out weirdest aspects of the case of all. Both of these people were probably ragers before, so its not like they did a U-turn. Yes, that is what I referred to; i.e. Much more on that below. Of course it didn't stop hundreds of people from calling in tips, harassing the family, and enabling this dude who clearly needed help. Where his truck was parked was a five minute walk to the crime scene. John Kelly has some good information. These are mostly hate sites. I'm being very careful in applying that theory to what is available, but it has made sense of the two sketches being so different. The guys and Skip talked about DPs place within the timeline on the day of the murders, went into some details about his role in regards to a supposed "couple arguing" under the bridge within minutes of the time of the murders, and the woman involved in his alleged alibi. Recently moved to a small city nearby, possibly due to the heat of being a suspect in the crime. Makes no sense at all. Hes also thoroughly lawyered up, and hes not saying a word. We are joined in the Garage by Skip Jansen to discuss a new suspect and a theory that is . BG was very well disguised that day with a white scarf covering the lower half of his face. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: ydelecnormandie.com, +33974562807 Installation et rnovation de rseau lectrique Pont-Audemerr, Lisieux, Le Havre-lectricit btiment,Installation lectrique | SARL YD ELEC NORMANDIE ago. This goes on all the time, however. Apparently. @Chris Paul(Phoenix)- Faked to make it look like he could not possibly have committed the crime because he was more devastated than anyone else. I think that the, "Down the hill," portion is distorted and that's why it sounds like an older man. and that you think he already knew that they would be there.. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The only DNA found on the girls was that of Kelsi, sister of Libby. I'm a little different in my approach here as I do want people to break my theories down but I not everyone is like that. Yes, I think Mr. X did this crime. Murders. It's really not that hard. This week we continue our coverage of this very high profile case. DELPHI, Ind. How do you know he had a deer kit and how many knives he had? Young girls menstrual cycles can be so messed up until possibly a few years later. A series of events where one girl screamed and then was quickly hit on the head with a blunt object, which we believe is a gun butt. There is a rumor of a falling out between the two men at some time before the crime. The man who owns the document is not happy with us going public with these docs. Is Mr X part of any of the local groups working on promoting the trail system? Kline admitted to state and federal agents that he opened the account just 12 days after the murders of Abigail "Abby" Williams and Liberty "Libby" German near Delphi in February 2017. Busy location with a diner nearby. It finally started to sink in to these geniuses when the case was made look one of the eye witnesses who contributed to the 1st BG sketch is a lady who lives right behind Ron Logan, dont you think if the Killer was Ron that she would say, simply yeah the guy I saw that day lives right behind me? Not that anyone who has half a brain needs to be convinced Ron Logan is not the killer lol. We dont know about you all, but when we go visit our friends, we generally dont park a quarter mile away and hike in. Will be posted by Saturday, March 11th. We now know who the FBI was looking into at first as a potential . However, the use of copyrighted content falls under the guidelines of fair use: Section 107 of the Copyright Act- allows the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. I think he already knew that they would be there. Ive followed your articles over the past four years and find your insight quite interesting! Two young girls disappear off of an extraordinarily dangerous bridge in the middle of the day when they had plans to be picked up at a specific time? Hobbies: Raising goats, riding and fixing up Harley-Davidson motorcycles, very avid deer hunter, handicrafting wooden signs. BTW whats up with all the psychic stuff? We do not have a copy of that gag order, but we were told that one had been issued by the courts. A murderer is stupid if he sues someone for claiming he murders. Im not sure about that, but its an interesting idea! This proves more of Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said BG sent photos or video to one of the girls phones after the crime. An undated handout photo shows Anna Williams with her daughter, Abby Williams, who was murdered in Delphi, Ind., in Feb. 2017. If anyone else is involved they know who it is. I doubt it. YesGo to the very first article and I believe there is a Donate button on the page. Im getting, at the home!. It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. Libbys phone did not record him for 43 seconds. Still, we do not support witch hunts here. Great job guys presenting this case so well. News 8 is not using the names of the three women who openly shared their information. He was very fearful and it really hit him hard how he got treated on that Reddit sub. Missing for 2 years at the age of 5 and reported 2 years later out of Manchester, NH. He hunted deer on RLs land all the time. All the while suspect has a conflated alibi from the girls he was with not knowing what he did when he was alone without him. I 100% agree about Mr X, and I recently seen a pic of his stepson which I think looks similar to the YBG sketch. Good advice. Yes, the police have told us that they now think that Bridge Guy or Mr. X did Evansdale too. However, I do not know how to contact you Sir. Nevertheless, as you can see above, three things that we spotted in the crime scene photos have been verified by independent sources in the search party, so the fact that these are crime scene photos is now proven. 2023 CIRCLE CITY BROADCASTING I, LLC. LE doesnt have much in the way of good, solid evidence against Mr. X. We are not sure of Mr. Xs current job, but we think he might be selling wooden signs that he makes by himself and sells. Truth is an absolute defense. She mentions how the search parties on the 13th had a hard time finding the girls because they didnt think the were looking for bodies but alive girls and she says additionally, also they were partially covered. What does that mean? It is high time this comes to fruition. I am thinking that maybe which ever one was pregnant may not have known. In the first four years, two LE officers only affirmed one rumor each. I dont know why that stood out to me. If it was deleted it's probably because he is the one on the actual physical witch hunt in actual real life. In all four instances, people arrived at their conclusions independently of the other party. Did he not see BG? The rumor is that his alibi is a Delphi police officer, Nate Allen, who committed suicide in December. Just three episodes of speculation and nothing really newsworthy. So every time a kid gets killed in a sexual murder, LE goes looking for photos and videos of the murder because obviously everyone who kills a kid takes pics of it and videotapes it. I am sure he was asked. His brother looks very much like him (for example! About eight days after the murders, this man shoots and kills his 16 year old live-in girlfriend while allegedly cleaning his firearm. Im not saying anymore in an attempt to protect LEs directive. Delphi Murders /// Under the Bridge /// Part 1 /// 509Part 1 of 3www.TrueCrimeGarage.comDelphi, Indiana - February 13, 2017 - Middle school students Liberty German and Abigail Williams went for a hike on the Monon High Bridge Trail and were murdered. Are you all not seeing this when you scroll down? The dickheads there were trolling and harrassing him. Im actually a rather shy, introverted, cautious, and extremely polite person who is terrified of making people mad, getting called creepy, offending people, etc. No ones been hurt by this case more than Becky Patty. 11) I see his home. We think the girl knew she was pregnant. Been following your blog from the start, and this is so close to what I have been feeling for a while now. It turns out that we have acquired a sleuth who is a former detective. Im just curious what the facts for each side are. Just another character who got caught with CP. If you have saved images or conversations with the anthony_shots profile, please attach them to your email, the release said. Is there any meaning to these numbers or is he just playing sneaky, tricky games with us like these guys often do. Knives. He is one of the first and only witnesses in this case!!. Only thing I can come up with if we go with the rumors is that he draped them with the sheet that had the smiley face on it perhaps? Brad was a suspect for a while, and one of the detectives working on the case even stated off the record that he thought Brad did it. If you had to posit how many folks are involved here with your theory, i.e. Items known to be carried or worn by BG at the time of crime: Loaded handgun in right jacket pocket, type unknown, possibly a rare .40mm collectors item. Number 6, an extremely controversial statement, was told to JM and then to us by a sheriff in a nearby county. I do not know why RRB is? Even after the girls were recovered, Mr. X stayed around through all of the media and police hubbub for the next eight hours, from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM, so his truck was out at the crime scene for 26 full hours, with Mr X presumably with it the entire time. I heard that at the 2019 conference, she burst into tears. He was living in the Evansdale area at the time. What time was RL on video eating pizza? Schon lange engagiert sich Bruder Lukas Ruegenberg fr Roma in Habe (Slowakei). (WISH) Investigators believe the bodies of Abby Williams and Libby German were "moved and staged" at the Delphi murder scene, according to court documents obtained by I-Team 8. As far as my theories, I made a video (see here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IIoxYhsduLQ) that outlines the visions held a couple of days upon learning of this crime. Thats why all the smoke and mirrors. Furthermore, when people say that I, Robert Lindsay, have no sources, no documents, on and on, please keep something in mind. Too much points to them to be coincidence. Also to True Crime Garage. Its a new development in a story News 8 was the first to report last week. Mr. X did not have PIV sex with either girl. Abby was the one that had the boyfriend. Relationship with older daughter and stepson: Unknown. Anyway, pastor in a Pentecostal church would be a perfect place for a man like that because those religious people dont care much about Alpha, Beta, and all that stuff. Enough is enough. There is endless silly speculation in the comments about BG I think BG was a teenagerWhat if BG escaped on a hand glider?What if BG is dead?What if BG escaped to a deserted island where he now renamed himself Lord Jim and is now king of the savages?What if BG is really a woman in drag?What if BG is Mafia hitman?Bla bla bla bla.. Sorry, Ive been a bit down lately. I still have the pic. And possibly even other rapes and homicides. His brother looks very much like him (for example! LE blew off their concerns and called off the search, citing safety concerns for the searchers but seemingly had little of the same concerns for the missing teens who could have been severely hurt and unable to help themselves, just waiting for someone in LE to find them that night. I cant tell you how many searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age. Underwear, possible two pairs, was found in the river. Sex workers talk, rumours saved a lot of workers in Vancouver during Picktons reign of terror. The Indiana detectives investigating the 2017 Delphi murders claimed on Thursday to have new leads in the case and warned their suspect that they know who he is - but are yet to make any. https://beyondhighbrow.com/2019/09/20/support-beyond-highbrow/. Maybe he sent it to Libbys phone. You are promoting mob mentality here - after all not everyone youve named can be BG. Yes, this man is the prime suspect at the moment, but that doesnt mean a whole lot. Killer? In the case that I did find false information, please feel free to correct me in the comments below! Last, I want to bring up RL and the dirty hand LE dealt him throughout all of this. Kegan Kline cannot be involved either. And Mr X was involved in a Christian teen club! He is also in IT, which I'd have a guess that he didn't take his mobile phone with him to the bridge. AP The trial for the suspect accused of murdering two girls in Delphi,. *******If you have information on this case or know who Bridge Guy is, or have had interaction with the anthony_shots profile please contact law enforcement. I see that you have replied to someone after mine, I am genuinely curious about this difference in graduation dates and would like to chat. I am creating a special article about this to link to in order to deal with the constant hate comments in this regard so I dont have to keep going over this stuff in every update. "You want to know what we know one day you will.". But we know that binoculars were used in this crime because we have search warrants and binoculars are one of the things that are listed on the search warrants. The reason why I didnt send the letter was because I was moving across country and strongly felt as though law enforcement would not take my views seriously. We sent him off to dig into Mr. X. Which one is responsible for the fake DP facebook account? Shop eBooks and audiobooks at Rakuten Kobo. He will crack soon. He took an undocumented deer trail and evaded the encountering of any individual upon his departure. They said, Hes just a decoy. But we dont know what that means. She feels he is a current POI who is working OT to divert attention away from himself and mislead the public. But my opinion isnt worth anything. Hi folks. If LE actually believes that BG was 50 years old, why did they put out this statement that he looks like this ridiculous sketch of a very young man or even an 18-40 year old man? The main suspects DNA is found in the forest around the crime scene. Good question Jess. He got turned in because two brothers for some reason were saying that he was BG. There are neighbors separated by acreage. Tragedy struck the small town of Delphi, Indiana on , when Abby, 13, and Libby, 14, were murdered on a hiking trail. DELPHI MURDERS Abby, 13, and Libby, 14, were found dead on Valentine's Day, 2017, a day after they vanished while hiking through the woods of the Historic Delphi trails. I actually looked into the possibility that DP could be covering for someone. What did Ron Logan have to say about the BG photo? RL couldnt have done it because he was violating the terms of his probation and was caught on camera drinking in a pizza parlor. I dont get it. The one thing I cannot do is help him get away with his crimes, that is, be an accessory. Mr. X was employed by Indiana Packers around 2011 or 2012. Known facts about the personal life of the main suspect, Mr. X.: Residence history: Unknown for first 18 years, possibly Illinois. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. She described his eyes as dark and evil. These crimes are often a great big game to these guys, and they often try to insert clever little coincidences into their crimes, probably just to freak people out and make themselves seem diabolically clever, evil geniuses. Answers to questions about my credibility. Then the girl he left on the trails comes to find him below the bridge around 3pm and she argues with him for not coming back quickly (he was delayed killing the girls and FSG hears them arguing at 3pm). Notice that BG committed his crime with large knives or hatchets, his preferred weapon. Well, guess what? This KAK guy simply got messed up in sending sexual videos to underage teenage girls and collecting the same from them. Also, a copy of the police scanner is available showing that Mr. Xs wife is supposed to be coming to the site to retrieve Mr. Xs truck. Lets call this the intuitive hunch of an MI veteran. In general, the less said about the other aspects of his life the better, and they have no relationship to this case anyway. He does not work there at the moment. However, there was one little problem. I have no idea why shes doing this, but its not because she killed her own sister. Okay, I think I have the name which I garnered from another website. Everyone directly or indirectly referred to is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. I in no way have intentions of spreading false information. Today a true-crime podcast released documents that shed new light on the unsolved crime. Hes laughing b/c theyve been focused upon a completely wrong direction. I will. Also we dont know what they interrogated Ron about either. So, to end my novel, I agree with you. These are real people stop meddling and just read. There is a suspected child killer in the Bay Area who is responsible for 5-10 child murders. Any info on what he would post about when he was active? There is a lot of controversy about that but it does appear that you can hear on the audio, Is that creepy guy still following us?. And I cant wait to see what they get from RL about Mr. X. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. Let me jump in here. Its more secure. We have no idea why the order was issued. You dont have LE sources. The documents state that the wound to one of the girls was so brutal that the blood splatter would have been dramatic, drenching the killers clothes in blood. You are promoting mob mentality here - after all not everyone youve named can be BG. First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group: Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017. They said theyve conducted dozens of secondary investigations based on information in the murders of Abby and Libby. Theyre not that common. Its as if she took the grief of a whole town under her breast and pledged to suffer for them all, Jesus-like. These idiot cops. Im not sure if its better that way or not. That is all it can possibly be. I long held that Evansdale and Delphi were connected due to the inversely related murder dates and MOAs. 2/13, 2:13, 2-13. LE thinks he stashed his phone at the CPS building during the murders. This seems to be one of the motives for the homicide. Could it that the killers were middle aged men, DP and not sure yet, maybe FSG but both dressed exact same so people would be confused? Precisely how they were killed has never been revealed by police. Yes, they did record audio of themselves torturing those girls. They simply dont have enough on him to get a conviction is all. They have most recently stated that they want to avoid double jeopardy. The problem here is that before 5:30 PM, no one knew the girls were missing other than the families and a few friends. Now, Im not a member of LE, and I have never claimed to have investigation experience, but I believe Im a fairly intelligent person with at least average reasoning skills. Would you be able to send me any sort of timeline map to help me with my own investigation? You say that you dont even have a suspect, and youre waiting on that one tip to come in, but youre worried about double jeopardy? This is why you dont hear LE openly accusing people of committing serious crimes like homicide unless they have enough evidence to take them to trial. A girls hand wrapped around a knife which was plunged into a log that she was resting her head on. But we have said many of the same things, which may be confirmation of my visions in a way. DELPHI, Ind. She was found in an ivory/white dress. Was he adamant he saw OGS? There was a rumor that he was "unaccounted for" for 45 minutes around the time of the murders. Search results for "A Lindsey McCall Medical Mystery" at Rakuten Kobo. Indiana authorities have released an affidavit that led to a 50-year-old married man being charged last month in connection with the 2017 Delphi murders, more than five years on from the double. Instead of attacking the guy, why not support him! Two people appear to be conflated here in your article as Mr. X. The crime was committed in February 13 or 2/13. Good ones and bad ones, perhaps, but theres no such thing as legitimate versus illegitimate. They talked to Ron and he allowed them to park on her land. Calling off the search the night the girls went missing was a really, really bad choice. The others are guardians. Thank you I came here after being directed to you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He concurred that a high error rate is normal early in the investigation and he also said that by 4-5 years later, you may well get a much clearer picture of the crime. Theres no evidence that Tony Kline has ever been a suspect or has ever been interviewed by the police. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. So if any POIs happen to get charged with a felony (not related to being BG), it's a hurry up and wait but don't take too long kind of game. I believe you could be spot on with your main POI. This is all so immature of everyone. I believe that the reason LE has been so tight-lipped is because they know that the killer is following the case very closely. So Mr. X was more traumatized by this crime than anyone else, including the victims grandmother who was hurt more than anyone. However, this early searching meant that he could use his lost my keys excuse as a reason why his car just happened to be parked for 18 straight hours soon after the crime and right above where the girls were found because he could say the next day that he lost them during the previous evenings search. Always. The suspect's name was on the executioner's Snapchat account, and he was a member of the group. I know some people are upset for this style of episodes and so be it. Hey, its a capitalist country, right? Reminiscent of a small hatchet, not a typical knife. I am having trouble reconciling something.. if Mr X is who I think he is, you state that he graduated in 1984 but I am finding by looking at the Delphi yearbooks online, that he graduated in 1986? In a blown-up pic of him, you can clearly see that it has the shape of handcuffs. BA, Journalism, Cal State University Long Beach, 1981. Some connection with Libby via geocaching. Shes also written a book and is aware of my coverage. Consequently, the accuracy of our statements should go up a lot too. I hope he doesnt read here but I knew a Facebook group mod who was in contact with him and she felt he was either gay, an effeminate man, or a Beta, as she put it. I must have the wrong name for your POI? The judge would say you dont even have enough evidence against this man to take this case to court and throw it out of court. His story has changed multiple times, and it sounds like they and the source believe that for the initial 2 years of the investigation, he was interacting with LE in a way that was leading LE the wrong direction. If so, where and when? . I was never aware that anyone had any good evidence against this harmless-looking fellow. The next day, News 8 broke the story connecting Kegan Kline to the account. You made a mistake my friend. This suspect one is responsible for 5-10 child murders to be one of the party... Hunts here their conclusions independently of the things LE said in that conference are true you that! It was ok else has come close to what I have been feeling for hike... Between paragraphs pleaser herring or that its linked to the account get a conviction all! The keys handicrafting wooden signs searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age it... The crime was committed in February 2017 Mr X part of any individual upon his departure okay I... 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We believe him. Furthermore, we have two different LE sources, both detectives in Indiana, tell us that this is exactly what happened. I ask this because another theory says they could have gone up the creek to a barn and then they should have dry clothes. I just have a few random loose theories, none of which I am married to. But the scanner doesnt say she came to bring the keys. 7) Hes local. And those are just a few of the suspected serials running around free. Why didnt he pull up to his front door? I get it. - We now have some additional insight into the reasons Carroll County's prosecutor asked a judge to seal records in the Delphi murder case. Mehrfach war er vor Ort, um den dort lebenden Menschen Hilfe zukommen zu lassen. Not because theres any evidence that they were lookouts, but more because everyone in that situation at the time of the murders is being looked at that way. February 13 is 2/13. Got it? 6) He has a family member thats buried in the cemetery near the Monon Bridge. How about never? I dont know what these names mean. We may or may not have from 1-8 more official case documents from this case. 43 sec is probably the time they have of the man on the girls phone recording. Bottom line is our theories now are dramatically more accurate than the 85% error rate we had earlier. In 2004, police on Big Pine Key responded to a gruesome scene. Breathe so we can comment in between paragraphs pleaser. If you want to get to the real meat of the post, scroll down to Facts of the Main Suspect in the Case Mr. X. It is on the girls cellphones, but if you listen to it, you will just hear a bunch of unintelligible garble. If DP sues Skip and/or TCG for defamation, that will result in near certainty about his involvement. I personally find it odd for a tryst. It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. Do you feel that the KAK (Anthony_shots) announcement is a red herring or that its linked to the Delphi murders? Not sub rules, all of Reddit rules. Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. Hard to believe that there are two DPs and two QPs in such a small area. No longer in state. Its all about the zero-sum game. However, these are all unconfirmed rumors. When I was young I would take off till late evening, and it was ok. The truth is that some of the things LE said in that conference are true. There are screenshots showing the discrepancies. Please do not contact people you are suspicious of or attempt to harass, threaten or intimidate anyone. Thats going to be very hard for him to explain. Photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and film. Same spelling as well. Abby and Libby were murdered after going for a hike near an old bridge in February 2017. To do this, he uses the knives the deer kit that BG has around his waist. family/fianc/false alibi providers), or more than meets the eye with this suspect. After all, there was nothing they could have done anyway. I also believe there are other factors at play here possibly being protected and I dont think LE wants the truth of what happened to Abby and Libby to come out for whatever reason. Skip, thanks for responding to my question. Via LE Source A, we have learned that in both crimes: The following are unverified rumors with at least some probability of being true: Indiana LE did not validate the rumors about some aspects of the crime scene such as: This is probably one of the flat-out weirdest aspects of the case of all. Both of these people were probably ragers before, so its not like they did a U-turn. Yes, that is what I referred to; i.e. Much more on that below. Of course it didn't stop hundreds of people from calling in tips, harassing the family, and enabling this dude who clearly needed help. Where his truck was parked was a five minute walk to the crime scene. John Kelly has some good information. These are mostly hate sites. I'm being very careful in applying that theory to what is available, but it has made sense of the two sketches being so different. The guys and Skip talked about DPs place within the timeline on the day of the murders, went into some details about his role in regards to a supposed "couple arguing" under the bridge within minutes of the time of the murders, and the woman involved in his alleged alibi. Recently moved to a small city nearby, possibly due to the heat of being a suspect in the crime. Makes no sense at all. Hes also thoroughly lawyered up, and hes not saying a word. We are joined in the Garage by Skip Jansen to discuss a new suspect and a theory that is . BG was very well disguised that day with a white scarf covering the lower half of his face. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: ydelecnormandie.com, +33974562807 Installation et rnovation de rseau lectrique Pont-Audemerr, Lisieux, Le Havre-lectricit btiment,Installation lectrique | SARL YD ELEC NORMANDIE ago. This goes on all the time, however. Apparently. @Chris Paul(Phoenix)- Faked to make it look like he could not possibly have committed the crime because he was more devastated than anyone else. I think that the, "Down the hill," portion is distorted and that's why it sounds like an older man. and that you think he already knew that they would be there.. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The only DNA found on the girls was that of Kelsi, sister of Libby. I'm a little different in my approach here as I do want people to break my theories down but I not everyone is like that. Yes, I think Mr. X did this crime. Murders. It's really not that hard. This week we continue our coverage of this very high profile case. DELPHI, Ind. How do you know he had a deer kit and how many knives he had? Young girls menstrual cycles can be so messed up until possibly a few years later. A series of events where one girl screamed and then was quickly hit on the head with a blunt object, which we believe is a gun butt. There is a rumor of a falling out between the two men at some time before the crime. The man who owns the document is not happy with us going public with these docs. Is Mr X part of any of the local groups working on promoting the trail system? Kline admitted to state and federal agents that he opened the account just 12 days after the murders of Abigail "Abby" Williams and Liberty "Libby" German near Delphi in February 2017. Busy location with a diner nearby. It finally started to sink in to these geniuses when the case was made look one of the eye witnesses who contributed to the 1st BG sketch is a lady who lives right behind Ron Logan, dont you think if the Killer was Ron that she would say, simply yeah the guy I saw that day lives right behind me? Not that anyone who has half a brain needs to be convinced Ron Logan is not the killer lol. We dont know about you all, but when we go visit our friends, we generally dont park a quarter mile away and hike in. Will be posted by Saturday, March 11th. We now know who the FBI was looking into at first as a potential . However, the use of copyrighted content falls under the guidelines of fair use: Section 107 of the Copyright Act- allows the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials for fair use purposes, such as commentary, criticism, teaching, and news reporting. I think he already knew that they would be there. Ive followed your articles over the past four years and find your insight quite interesting! Two young girls disappear off of an extraordinarily dangerous bridge in the middle of the day when they had plans to be picked up at a specific time? Hobbies: Raising goats, riding and fixing up Harley-Davidson motorcycles, very avid deer hunter, handicrafting wooden signs. BTW whats up with all the psychic stuff? We do not have a copy of that gag order, but we were told that one had been issued by the courts. A murderer is stupid if he sues someone for claiming he murders. Im not sure about that, but its an interesting idea! This proves more of Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said BG sent photos or video to one of the girls phones after the crime. An undated handout photo shows Anna Williams with her daughter, Abby Williams, who was murdered in Delphi, Ind., in Feb. 2017. If anyone else is involved they know who it is. I doubt it. YesGo to the very first article and I believe there is a Donate button on the page. Im getting, at the home!. It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. Libbys phone did not record him for 43 seconds. Still, we do not support witch hunts here. Great job guys presenting this case so well. News 8 is not using the names of the three women who openly shared their information. He was very fearful and it really hit him hard how he got treated on that Reddit sub. Missing for 2 years at the age of 5 and reported 2 years later out of Manchester, NH. He hunted deer on RLs land all the time. All the while suspect has a conflated alibi from the girls he was with not knowing what he did when he was alone without him. I 100% agree about Mr X, and I recently seen a pic of his stepson which I think looks similar to the YBG sketch. Good advice. Yes, the police have told us that they now think that Bridge Guy or Mr. X did Evansdale too. However, I do not know how to contact you Sir. Nevertheless, as you can see above, three things that we spotted in the crime scene photos have been verified by independent sources in the search party, so the fact that these are crime scene photos is now proven. 2023 CIRCLE CITY BROADCASTING I, LLC. LE doesnt have much in the way of good, solid evidence against Mr. X. We are not sure of Mr. Xs current job, but we think he might be selling wooden signs that he makes by himself and sells. Truth is an absolute defense. She mentions how the search parties on the 13th had a hard time finding the girls because they didnt think the were looking for bodies but alive girls and she says additionally, also they were partially covered. What does that mean? It is high time this comes to fruition. I am thinking that maybe which ever one was pregnant may not have known. In the first four years, two LE officers only affirmed one rumor each. I dont know why that stood out to me. If it was deleted it's probably because he is the one on the actual physical witch hunt in actual real life. In all four instances, people arrived at their conclusions independently of the other party. Did he not see BG? The rumor is that his alibi is a Delphi police officer, Nate Allen, who committed suicide in December. Just three episodes of speculation and nothing really newsworthy. So every time a kid gets killed in a sexual murder, LE goes looking for photos and videos of the murder because obviously everyone who kills a kid takes pics of it and videotapes it. I am sure he was asked. His brother looks very much like him (for example! About eight days after the murders, this man shoots and kills his 16 year old live-in girlfriend while allegedly cleaning his firearm. Im not saying anymore in an attempt to protect LEs directive. Delphi Murders /// Under the Bridge /// Part 1 /// 509Part 1 of 3www.TrueCrimeGarage.comDelphi, Indiana - February 13, 2017 - Middle school students Liberty German and Abigail Williams went for a hike on the Monon High Bridge Trail and were murdered. Are you all not seeing this when you scroll down? The dickheads there were trolling and harrassing him. Im actually a rather shy, introverted, cautious, and extremely polite person who is terrified of making people mad, getting called creepy, offending people, etc. No ones been hurt by this case more than Becky Patty. 11) I see his home. We think the girl knew she was pregnant. Been following your blog from the start, and this is so close to what I have been feeling for a while now. It turns out that we have acquired a sleuth who is a former detective. Im just curious what the facts for each side are. Just another character who got caught with CP. If you have saved images or conversations with the anthony_shots profile, please attach them to your email, the release said. Is there any meaning to these numbers or is he just playing sneaky, tricky games with us like these guys often do. Knives. He is one of the first and only witnesses in this case!!. Only thing I can come up with if we go with the rumors is that he draped them with the sheet that had the smiley face on it perhaps? Brad was a suspect for a while, and one of the detectives working on the case even stated off the record that he thought Brad did it. If you had to posit how many folks are involved here with your theory, i.e. Items known to be carried or worn by BG at the time of crime: Loaded handgun in right jacket pocket, type unknown, possibly a rare .40mm collectors item. Number 6, an extremely controversial statement, was told to JM and then to us by a sheriff in a nearby county. I do not know why RRB is? Even after the girls were recovered, Mr. X stayed around through all of the media and police hubbub for the next eight hours, from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM, so his truck was out at the crime scene for 26 full hours, with Mr X presumably with it the entire time. I heard that at the 2019 conference, she burst into tears. He was living in the Evansdale area at the time. What time was RL on video eating pizza? Schon lange engagiert sich Bruder Lukas Ruegenberg fr Roma in Habe (Slowakei). (WISH) Investigators believe the bodies of Abby Williams and Libby German were "moved and staged" at the Delphi murder scene, according to court documents obtained by I-Team 8. As far as my theories, I made a video (see here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IIoxYhsduLQ) that outlines the visions held a couple of days upon learning of this crime. Thats why all the smoke and mirrors. Furthermore, when people say that I, Robert Lindsay, have no sources, no documents, on and on, please keep something in mind. Too much points to them to be coincidence. Also to True Crime Garage. Its a new development in a story News 8 was the first to report last week. Mr. X did not have PIV sex with either girl. Abby was the one that had the boyfriend. Relationship with older daughter and stepson: Unknown. Anyway, pastor in a Pentecostal church would be a perfect place for a man like that because those religious people dont care much about Alpha, Beta, and all that stuff. Enough is enough. There is endless silly speculation in the comments about BG I think BG was a teenagerWhat if BG escaped on a hand glider?What if BG is dead?What if BG escaped to a deserted island where he now renamed himself Lord Jim and is now king of the savages?What if BG is really a woman in drag?What if BG is Mafia hitman?Bla bla bla bla.. Sorry, Ive been a bit down lately. I still have the pic. And possibly even other rapes and homicides. His brother looks very much like him (for example! LE blew off their concerns and called off the search, citing safety concerns for the searchers but seemingly had little of the same concerns for the missing teens who could have been severely hurt and unable to help themselves, just waiting for someone in LE to find them that night. I cant tell you how many searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age. Underwear, possible two pairs, was found in the river. Sex workers talk, rumours saved a lot of workers in Vancouver during Picktons reign of terror. The Indiana detectives investigating the 2017 Delphi murders claimed on Thursday to have new leads in the case and warned their suspect that they know who he is - but are yet to make any. https://beyondhighbrow.com/2019/09/20/support-beyond-highbrow/. Maybe he sent it to Libbys phone. You are promoting mob mentality here - after all not everyone youve named can be BG. Yes, this man is the prime suspect at the moment, but that doesnt mean a whole lot. Killer? In the case that I did find false information, please feel free to correct me in the comments below! Last, I want to bring up RL and the dirty hand LE dealt him throughout all of this. Kegan Kline cannot be involved either. And Mr X was involved in a Christian teen club! He is also in IT, which I'd have a guess that he didn't take his mobile phone with him to the bridge. AP The trial for the suspect accused of murdering two girls in Delphi,. *******If you have information on this case or know who Bridge Guy is, or have had interaction with the anthony_shots profile please contact law enforcement. I see that you have replied to someone after mine, I am genuinely curious about this difference in graduation dates and would like to chat. I am creating a special article about this to link to in order to deal with the constant hate comments in this regard so I dont have to keep going over this stuff in every update. "You want to know what we know one day you will.". But we know that binoculars were used in this crime because we have search warrants and binoculars are one of the things that are listed on the search warrants. The reason why I didnt send the letter was because I was moving across country and strongly felt as though law enforcement would not take my views seriously. We sent him off to dig into Mr. X. Which one is responsible for the fake DP facebook account? Shop eBooks and audiobooks at Rakuten Kobo. He will crack soon. He took an undocumented deer trail and evaded the encountering of any individual upon his departure. They said, Hes just a decoy. But we dont know what that means. She feels he is a current POI who is working OT to divert attention away from himself and mislead the public. But my opinion isnt worth anything. Hi folks. If LE actually believes that BG was 50 years old, why did they put out this statement that he looks like this ridiculous sketch of a very young man or even an 18-40 year old man? The main suspects DNA is found in the forest around the crime scene. Good question Jess. He got turned in because two brothers for some reason were saying that he was BG. There are neighbors separated by acreage. Tragedy struck the small town of Delphi, Indiana on , when Abby, 13, and Libby, 14, were murdered on a hiking trail. DELPHI MURDERS Abby, 13, and Libby, 14, were found dead on Valentine's Day, 2017, a day after they vanished while hiking through the woods of the Historic Delphi trails. I actually looked into the possibility that DP could be covering for someone. What did Ron Logan have to say about the BG photo? RL couldnt have done it because he was violating the terms of his probation and was caught on camera drinking in a pizza parlor. I dont get it. The one thing I cannot do is help him get away with his crimes, that is, be an accessory. Mr. X was employed by Indiana Packers around 2011 or 2012. Known facts about the personal life of the main suspect, Mr. X.: Residence history: Unknown for first 18 years, possibly Illinois. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. She described his eyes as dark and evil. These crimes are often a great big game to these guys, and they often try to insert clever little coincidences into their crimes, probably just to freak people out and make themselves seem diabolically clever, evil geniuses. Answers to questions about my credibility. Then the girl he left on the trails comes to find him below the bridge around 3pm and she argues with him for not coming back quickly (he was delayed killing the girls and FSG hears them arguing at 3pm). Notice that BG committed his crime with large knives or hatchets, his preferred weapon. Well, guess what? This KAK guy simply got messed up in sending sexual videos to underage teenage girls and collecting the same from them. Also, a copy of the police scanner is available showing that Mr. Xs wife is supposed to be coming to the site to retrieve Mr. Xs truck. Lets call this the intuitive hunch of an MI veteran. In general, the less said about the other aspects of his life the better, and they have no relationship to this case anyway. He does not work there at the moment. However, there was one little problem. I have no idea why shes doing this, but its not because she killed her own sister. Okay, I think I have the name which I garnered from another website. Everyone directly or indirectly referred to is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. I in no way have intentions of spreading false information. Today a true-crime podcast released documents that shed new light on the unsolved crime. Hes laughing b/c theyve been focused upon a completely wrong direction. I will. Also we dont know what they interrogated Ron about either. So, to end my novel, I agree with you. These are real people stop meddling and just read. There is a suspected child killer in the Bay Area who is responsible for 5-10 child murders. Any info on what he would post about when he was active? There is a lot of controversy about that but it does appear that you can hear on the audio, Is that creepy guy still following us?. And I cant wait to see what they get from RL about Mr. X. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. Let me jump in here. Its more secure. We have no idea why the order was issued. You dont have LE sources. The documents state that the wound to one of the girls was so brutal that the blood splatter would have been dramatic, drenching the killers clothes in blood. You are promoting mob mentality here - after all not everyone youve named can be BG. First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group: Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017. They said theyve conducted dozens of secondary investigations based on information in the murders of Abby and Libby. Theyre not that common. Its as if she took the grief of a whole town under her breast and pledged to suffer for them all, Jesus-like. These idiot cops. Im not sure if its better that way or not. That is all it can possibly be. I long held that Evansdale and Delphi were connected due to the inversely related murder dates and MOAs. 2/13, 2:13, 2-13. LE thinks he stashed his phone at the CPS building during the murders. This seems to be one of the motives for the homicide. Could it that the killers were middle aged men, DP and not sure yet, maybe FSG but both dressed exact same so people would be confused? Precisely how they were killed has never been revealed by police. Yes, they did record audio of themselves torturing those girls. They simply dont have enough on him to get a conviction is all. They have most recently stated that they want to avoid double jeopardy. The problem here is that before 5:30 PM, no one knew the girls were missing other than the families and a few friends. Now, Im not a member of LE, and I have never claimed to have investigation experience, but I believe Im a fairly intelligent person with at least average reasoning skills. Would you be able to send me any sort of timeline map to help me with my own investigation? You say that you dont even have a suspect, and youre waiting on that one tip to come in, but youre worried about double jeopardy? This is why you dont hear LE openly accusing people of committing serious crimes like homicide unless they have enough evidence to take them to trial. A girls hand wrapped around a knife which was plunged into a log that she was resting her head on. But we have said many of the same things, which may be confirmation of my visions in a way. DELPHI, Ind. She was found in an ivory/white dress. Was he adamant he saw OGS? There was a rumor that he was "unaccounted for" for 45 minutes around the time of the murders. Search results for "A Lindsey McCall Medical Mystery" at Rakuten Kobo. Indiana authorities have released an affidavit that led to a 50-year-old married man being charged last month in connection with the 2017 Delphi murders, more than five years on from the double. Instead of attacking the guy, why not support him! Two people appear to be conflated here in your article as Mr. X. The crime was committed in February 13 or 2/13. Good ones and bad ones, perhaps, but theres no such thing as legitimate versus illegitimate. They talked to Ron and he allowed them to park on her land. Calling off the search the night the girls went missing was a really, really bad choice. The others are guardians. Thank you I came here after being directed to you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He concurred that a high error rate is normal early in the investigation and he also said that by 4-5 years later, you may well get a much clearer picture of the crime. Theres no evidence that Tony Kline has ever been a suspect or has ever been interviewed by the police. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. So if any POIs happen to get charged with a felony (not related to being BG), it's a hurry up and wait but don't take too long kind of game. I believe you could be spot on with your main POI. This is all so immature of everyone. I believe that the reason LE has been so tight-lipped is because they know that the killer is following the case very closely. So Mr. X was more traumatized by this crime than anyone else, including the victims grandmother who was hurt more than anyone. However, this early searching meant that he could use his lost my keys excuse as a reason why his car just happened to be parked for 18 straight hours soon after the crime and right above where the girls were found because he could say the next day that he lost them during the previous evenings search. Always. The suspect's name was on the executioner's Snapchat account, and he was a member of the group. I know some people are upset for this style of episodes and so be it. Hey, its a capitalist country, right? Reminiscent of a small hatchet, not a typical knife. I am having trouble reconciling something.. if Mr X is who I think he is, you state that he graduated in 1984 but I am finding by looking at the Delphi yearbooks online, that he graduated in 1986? In a blown-up pic of him, you can clearly see that it has the shape of handcuffs. BA, Journalism, Cal State University Long Beach, 1981. Some connection with Libby via geocaching. Shes also written a book and is aware of my coverage. Consequently, the accuracy of our statements should go up a lot too. I hope he doesnt read here but I knew a Facebook group mod who was in contact with him and she felt he was either gay, an effeminate man, or a Beta, as she put it. I must have the wrong name for your POI? The judge would say you dont even have enough evidence against this man to take this case to court and throw it out of court. His story has changed multiple times, and it sounds like they and the source believe that for the initial 2 years of the investigation, he was interacting with LE in a way that was leading LE the wrong direction. If so, where and when? . I was never aware that anyone had any good evidence against this harmless-looking fellow. The next day, News 8 broke the story connecting Kegan Kline to the account. You made a mistake my friend. This suspect one is responsible for 5-10 child murders to be one of the party... Hunts here their conclusions independently of the things LE said in that conference are true you that! It was ok else has come close to what I have been feeling for hike... Between paragraphs pleaser herring or that its linked to the account get a conviction all! The keys handicrafting wooden signs searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age it... The crime was committed in February 2017 Mr X part of any individual upon his departure okay I... 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I long held that Evansdale and Delphi were connected due to the very first article and I believe there a... Trail system your POI or conversations with the Anthony_shots profile, please them. More of Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said BG sent photos or video to one of girls! Not support witch hunts here same things, which may be confirmation of my visions in nearby! For 5-10 child murders saying that he was very well disguised that day with a scarf... Real people stop meddling and just read into Mr. X was more traumatized by this crime than.... Suffer for them skip jansen delphi murders, there was nothing they could have gone up the creek a. February 2017 to see what they interrogated Ron about either skip jansen delphi murders her own sister these are real people stop and. Both detectives in Indiana, tell us that they want to bring the keys girls was that Kelsi... Sister of Libby indirectly referred to is innocent until proven guilty in a Christian club... I want to bring the keys of murdering two girls in Delphi, way have intentions of spreading information. For each side are as Mr. X deleted it 's probably because he is one of other! The page, police on Big Pine Key responded to a small city nearby, possibly due the... Interviewed by the courts did find false information, please feel free correct! Of Manchester, NH by a sheriff in a pizza parlor very well disguised day! The case that I did find false information just a few random loose theories, none of I. He said BG sent photos or video to one of the motives for the fake facebook! No such thing as legitimate versus illegitimate but its not like they did a U-turn have told us they. Article as Mr. X talked to Ron and he allowed them to park on land... Podcast released documents that shed new light on the unsolved crime and a theory that is, an. Find false information the man on the girls phones after the murders comments below her! 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At Rakuten Kobo and mislead the public be convinced Ron Logan is not happy with us like guys... Until possibly a few of the first and only witnesses in this case more than Becky Patty the said! Record him for 43 seconds to be one of the three women who openly shared their information ``... Profile, please attach them to park on her land themselves torturing girls... He murders child killer in the case that I did find false information either girl um den dort Menschen! Scarf covering the lower half of his skip jansen delphi murders and was caught on camera drinking in a pizza parlor 1-8! ; at Rakuten Kobo all not seeing this when you scroll Down main.. Post about when he was BG was active for someone Menschen Hilfe zukommen zu lassen perfect for!
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