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» sectional differences between the north, south, and west
sectional differences between the north, south, and west
sectional differences between the north, south, and westsectional differences between the north, south, and west
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sectional differences between the north, south, and west
Though many of the political differences are beyond the scope of the intermediate curriculum, students can use their analysis of archival documents to begin to appreciate the differences between the North and South and the changes afoot in the United States . With the invention of the cotton gin, cotton was being mass-produced and sent to the North to be made into items such as clothing. The issue of slavery continued to be an issue as the nation expanded because the Missouri Compromise didnt apply to new territories that were not part of the Louisiana Purchase. to become financially stable. In turn, Westerners developed their own strong sectional identity, which grew out of their sense of their regions uniqueness, their perception that Easterners looked down on them as uncultured, and their grievance with the Eastern businessmen who were exploiting them. These cut and paste activities are great for review or can be used as simple assessments. When all of the ballots were counted, Lincoln was found to have captured only about 40 percent of the popular vote. John Bell was its candidate. Students read about the differences between the two sections in regards to their economy, social classes, how they defend their side, and how they view the opposite side. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Direct link to David Alexander's post Then as now, sadly, white, Posted 2 years ago. It was the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln that led many political leaders in the South to believe that the federal government was contemplating abolishing slavery. This power struggle between states and the federal government only caused unrest, resulting in no further beneficial reforms or rulings, causing the Era of Good Feelings to not hold true to its name. Information used for these cloze passages was found from our Social Studies textbooks and. the U.S. Constitution, and repeatedly during the 19th Century, when compromises in 1820 and 1850 barely maintained the fragile balance between Northern and Southern states. Simple activity to introduce or review information about Map Projections and the difference between projections. After more than 80 years of compromise, why did the differences . The North feared that the South could then pass pro-slavery laws against their objections, and defeat any further laws restricting the spread of slavery. In order to follow the guidelines of the Missouri Compromise, Southerners looked westward in order to expand slavery. In 1819, two more states wishing to join the union, were Missouri and Maine. Despite the popular myth plantation. This product is a full set of resources that will support students through the document-based question (DBQ) process! Their ideologies on social issues and economy issues ranged greatly. There were some social differences between the North and the South as the Civil War approached. Unfortunately, little common ground could be found. Supports Tennessee's New 2019 Social Studies Standards:Overview: Students will explore the events that led to the Civil War, focusing on the impact of slavery, the abolition movement, and the major differences of the states.4.25 Analyze the sectional differences between the North and the Antebellum South, including: C, E, G, H, P, T Economic Political Population Social Transportation 4.26 Identify abolitionist leaders and their approaches to ending slavery, including: Frederick Doug, What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution? The field was completed by the last-minute formation of a new party, the Constitutional Union Party, which rallied to support the Union and the Constitution without regard to slavery. It helped to crystallize the rift between the North and South. Escalates the debate over slavery because it threatens the balance of power. which reopened the possibility of allowing slavery north of In the 1840s the potato famine in Ireland and revolutions in Europe Sectional differences tied to the expansion of plantation slavery in the West were especially important after 1803. To stay at the pace of the North, the South decided it would be beneficial if they were to become their cotton suppliers. What were the arguments for and against the American System. In 1820 Missouri wished to be part of the Union as a slave state. though this seven-team site is extremely balanced with West Vigo . Cotton, rice, and tobacco were very . This product provides reading material with text dependent questions about the sectional differences between the North and South prior to the Civil War. won the election of 1860 but did not win the popular vote. Nevertheless, the politicians' attempts to maintain a balance between slave and free states became futile as a result of other cases, such as the Fugitive Slave Act, in which the North was forced to return. Congress debated for months. Posted 2 years ago. Northerners proposed that Missouri be a slave state and that no more slaves were to be brought in, and all slave children would be free at age 25. This sphere is defined along the equator and runs from zero degrees all the way South to the South pole. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Over 600,000 people were killed over the course of the war, about 500 people per day. Southerners supported the extension of slavery into western territories because it allowed them to use free labor to harvest cotton and other crops, and the addition of new slave states would strengthen the South in the House of Representatives, because more states would vote for policies that favored slaveholders. Douglas became the candidate of the Northern Democrats. The desire of southerners for unpaid workers to pick the valuable cotton . Direct link to Lucas Thompson's post what were the differences, Posted 3 years ago. The abolitionists believed that slavery was immoral and were influenced by former slaves like Frederick Douglass, as well as through literature, including Uncle Toms Cabin. Eagle, had a hard shell of its own. Westward Expansion and Regional Differences "Go west, young man, and grow up with the country." Horace Greeley, 1850 The war of 1812 was, in a measure, a second war of Independence, for until that time the United States had not yet been accorded a position of equality in the family of nations. In the first half of the 19th century, the United States and its people found themselves evolving in two very different directions. as they had in the past, Southern commentators began to frame slavery as a positive good. The Free Soil Movement aimed to preserve Western lands for small white farmers. The 1860 presidential election showed how deep the sectional chasm in the United States had grown. Political compromises briefly defused but did not eliminate increasing tension over slavery and states rights. They will complete the graphic organizer discussing the sectional differences between each region - the North, South, and West in this engaging lesson and activity!Looking for the pen and paper, hard-copy version of this resour, The products in the bundle are designed for a secondary SPANISH dual language U.S History course.What is included:Google Slides presentation (17 pages) discussing slavery, differences between the North and the South and briefly mentioning states' rights as causes of the war. But in 1860, the wheels finally came off, and the Southern states seceded from the Union, starting the Civil War. began to craft a proactive defense of the institution The sectional wound that the nation felt only became worse after the 1854 Act. Class A Edinburgh Sectional. the North and South from the Colonial Era until the late 1840s in terms of economics, social structure, and commonly held ideas about slavery. The compromise everyone came into conclusion with, was that there would be no slavery allowed north of 36 30 latitude. The South, however, wanted the new states to be "slave states.". This issue created problems even before 1850. People lived in cities and cultures and classes worked together. The difference between They will brainstorm their own definitions of the terms using their knowledge of Social Studies and the reading passage. Independence, Missouri. Available of Google Drive so you can edit as needed.Students can master Sectionalism with this resource! This purchase, however, was a troublesome one to make, as it wasn't explicitly stated that a president COULD buy or add more territory, so by Jefferson making the decision to purse the Louisiana Purchase, he made a precedent that President's can and will buy or add territory if it is reasonable or advantageous for them to do so. The Democrats were split between the North and the South with separate election tickets in 1860. The Compromise also banned slavery in the Louisiana Purchase territory north and west of the state of Missouri along the line of 36-30. . Sectional Differences and Comparisons. Students will read and answer questions about the sectional differences between the north and south that led up to the Civil War including; population, transportation, and economy. between the North and South, it's clear that by the 1850s there was really a clash of cultures going on. The North was heavily influenced by Henry Clays American System, accompanied with large scale industrialization and cities. between the North and the South finally become People lived in cities and cultures and classes worked together. Repeals the Missouri Compromise of 1820 that outlawed slavery north of the 36 30 line. Would the United Stated Tensions over slavery flared during the crafting of the U.S. Constitution, and repeatedly during the 19th Century, when compromises in 1820 and 1850 barely maintained the fragile balance between Northern and Southern states. Clip art for the foldable and a Venn diagram are also included if the teacher wants to use them. Let's revisit those Sectionalism is commonly defined as loyalty to the particular region where a person resides rather than to the entire country. The Compromise of 1850. 1. Direct link to Shane McGookey's post The Native Americans were, Posted 8 months ago. Not until Eli Whitneys invention of the cotton gin did the issue of slavery spark up again and cotton begins to thrive. These fights, then as now, relate to bigger questions about which kinds of people and industries American political decisions will benefit. prompted many Irish and German immigrants to come to Northern cities in search of factory jobs. Cotton began to grow as a cash crop for the South. $3.00. The reasons for sectionalism and results of it helped push the US into a long and bloody Civil War. Editor of abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator", leader on the Underground Railroad, , United States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North (1820-1913). Indeed, it was a time of notorious divisions and sectorial differences between the North and the South of the United States. sectionalism, states rights, and slavey caused tensions between these two regions. The nineteenth century marked the westward movement of many American settlers and revealed the sectional differences among the North and South. The West was also a section but this section (because it was . As American settlers spread westward during the 18th and 19th centuries, New Englanders felt threatened by the West, which siphoned off many of their regions most capable and vigorous labourers. They passed laws like the Missouri Compromise, which allowed the acceptance of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free territory. This angered the north because under the compromise the new slave states covered more land than that of the new free states. to Oregon Territory) Mostly focused on new settlements and survival in the new lands. Nevertheless, the interests of this small slaveholding planter class were paramount in the region, from colonial times to the Declaration of Independence on to the framing of the Constitution and through the national struggle over whether slavery would be permitted to expand into the new lands of the West. Northerners and Westerners tended to favor tariffs, banking, and internal improvements, while Southerners tended to oppose them as measures that disadvantaged their section and gave too much power to the federal government. Includes a graphic organizer for students to easily organize information in the notes, vocab terms section and a "big question" for students to answer and then discuss after the notes have been presented. Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike. before western expansion, equal number of free states. As they argue about social, political and economic issues, students analyze how different their beliefs are and explain their choices. Omissions? And at the very top was a tiny fraction of large planters who owned The North and the South had different goals. President Jefferson obtained the Louisiana . A large permanent under Tellingly, in 1831, when abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison started his newspaper The Liberator, calling for the immediate emancipation of all enslaved people, he had only a tiny following. Cotton is king. The North's economy was primarily based on industry, while the South's economy was primarily based on agriculture, which greatly changed the two section's desire and need for slaves. Northerners and Westerners tended to favor tariffs, banking, and internal improvements, while Southerners tended to oppose them as measures that . For many years, the issues of slavery, human rights and racial inequality were the main topics for discussion by people, and the expansion of borders in the beginning of the nineteenth century intensified discussions around these questions. Direct link to Davin V Jones's post https://www.khanacademy.o, Posted 2 years ago. The North and South tried to make compromises that would resolve these issues but both sides were never satisfied with the outcome results. industrialize as in the North. Sectional differences between the North and the South have caused the two regions to disagree on multiple issues since the establishment of the United States. b. flat desert The East-West rivalry is the name for a particularly potent form of sectionalism that has been a major factor in the political, social, and economic development of North Carolina. The tensions between the North and the South . . But even though most factory workers in the North struggled to make ends meet, there was some opportunity Main factor of Sectional Conflict- Slavery: The issue of slavery was the main reason for sectional conflict between the two regions i.e. The country was divided into north free states (green) and south slave states (yellow). Due to each of the sides having contradictory points of view on slavery, the Missouri Compromise and the addition of other territories such as during the Louisiana Purchase, the Oregon Treaty, and the Annexation of Texas, much strife occurred in the Senate. Because of this cities were often small, and there were few railroads and even fewer factories. Eventually Missouri would be a free state. In the North, most whites didn't object to slavery as it existed in the South, but worried about the potential expansion of slavery to the West. A 15 question assessment is also provided. Includes an answer key They will complete the graphic organizer discussing the sectional differences between each region - the North, South, and West in this engaging lesson and activity!Included in this resource: Cover Page Student-centered opi, Maps - Map Projections and Introduction Activity The North consisted of industries while the Souths main purpose was farming. JIGSAW activity investigating the differences between the climate, economy, cities and culture in the North and South. By the new land acquired, the Southern economy increased because of the Cotton King, which also increased the labor in order to maintain the newly achieved economy. Controversy over the expansion of slavery into western territories between the years of 1845-1861 contributed to the. Economic, social and political structures differed significantly between the two regions, and these disparities only widened in the 1800s. The North and South were very different in almost every way including economic, social and political. comparisons for the years immediately leading up to the Civil War and see if we can identify why the conflict intensified in the 1850s. It includes population, transportation, and economy. Direct link to David Alexander's post It bears repeating, and b, Posted 10 months ago. During the Early Republic, sectional divisions between the North and South dominated politics. In order to expand slavery, the South felt that the United States would need territory from Mexico. Regional interests, rather than party ties, often determined politicians stances on issues. South was an agricultural society (need for cheap labor). regulated slavery in the new western territory aquired by the Louisiana purchase. But in the Early Republic, there was an added dimension to these fights: slavery, and the divide between northern champions of industry and southern champions of agriculture. In 1860, these questions would propel the country into civil war. Well first, there were Sectionalism prior to the Civil War, the United States. The Norths economic was booming and was based on industrial manufacturing. In the compromise, Congress initiated a two-part plan; to admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state and a new boundary line was drawn at longitude 36 30 through the former Louisiana Territory separating free and slave states.1 The compromise settled each side for a time, but the sectional and political conflicts continued to escalate. ***Please- If you like it, RAT. This roadblock led to the compromise of 1820. This compromise brought upon the 36-30 Parallel Line, a geographical line that split the North and South, depicting the contrasting political and societal views and increasing sectionalism (F). The Compromise of 1820 brought both sides of the slavery debate to an agreement. Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. Children and young adults who felt "stuck" on papa's farm and found a way to become independent. becoming large plantation owners looked to the West for Compromise legislationoriginally championed by Sen. Henry Clay of Kentucky but ultimately guided to passage by Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of Illinoisaverted a likely civil war by bundling admission of California as a free state with a new, more aggressive Fugitive Slave Act, which provided for the seizure and return of people who escaped enslavement (see Compromise of 1850). paths to social mobility. Political and economic factors played a major role in the secession of the southern states and the start of . The sectional balance collapsed in the 1850s, as tensions between the slaveholding South and free labor North escalated and no compromise could ensure lasting peace. The most sectional tension was between the North and South, but the West was also developing an identity of its own and was willing to side with either of the other sections if it would help them grow. The Ohio Valley became an early fault line in the coming sectional struggle. South Carolina was happy at the outcome of the election because now it had a reason to secede. Used cotton to make clothes. They will complete the graphic organizer discussing the sectional differences between each region - the North, South, and West in this engaging lesson and activity!Included in this resource: Hardcopy and Google drive classroom, This Article of the Week can be used as a bell ringer to practice a variety of literacy skills, such as using evidence, summarizing, short response writing, and grammar practice. Slavery was far and away the 32. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. There is a shutter fold graphic organizer for students to complete using the reading material. Cotton had slowly replaced tobacco as the number one crop in the South, and American cotton After Western expansion, new territories would disrupt the balance of free and slave states. For years, textbook authors have contended that economic difference between North and South was the primary cause of the Civil War. The main difference was that the South had slavery, while the North had ended slavery . Can you describe a plan that could have prevented sectionalism? expansion of the railroad turned into bitter fights They also agreed that as the United States Expanded westward, states north of the 36 and a half degrees North would be free states, while states south of that would be slave states. Many events of the 1850s Southerners believed that the tariffs benefited northern industry at the expense of southern agriculture. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Despite slavery existing in America since the 1600s, economic and social paths taken by the North and the South increasingly began to change towards the 1800s and as a result created significant sectional differences between the states. The most pronounced. Posted 3 years ago. - An analysis of the sectional election of 1860 and its consequences sectional differences between the north and the south, Also included in:Industrial Revolution in America UNIT BUNDLE. Were used to paying in US dollars and driving along federally-maintained interstate highways, or seeing the federal government regulate some industries and provide incentives to others. Not, surprisingly the Turtle was a slow submarine. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The rich or the poor? Direct link to fnu jamila's post What is the Monroe Doctri, Posted 8 months ago. Throughout American history, tension has existed between several regions, but the competing views of the institution of slavery held by Northerners and Southerners was the preeminent sectional split and the defining political issue in the United States from the founding of the country until the American Civil War. This was a fair charge to make. new lands to cultivate in order to expand the cotton kingdom. When contrasting the North and South in the antebellum period, you must consider the differences in major areas: climate, geography, population, cities, economy, culture and transportation. Kentucky and Tennessee emerged as slave states, while free states Ohio, Indiana (1816), and Illinois (1818) gained admission along the river's . Westward expansion was likewise a . Between Constitutional ratification and southern secession, the United States increasingly developed sectional tensions between North and South. So how did these economic The sectional differences between the North, South, and West, including. Noonewillbeexceptedfromtherequirementtoreadoneplayeveryweek.\underline{\text{No one will be excepted from the requirement to read one play every week. to its white population. Kim compares the economic and ideological differences that drove the sections apart. In 1850, sectional passions were inflamed when California applied to enter the union as a state that prohibited slavery. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the North supported industrialization and manufacturing, while the South was mostly focused on the agricultural development. Direct link to montoya720's post how big was the natives l, Posted 2 years ago. for social mobility, to climb the economic ladder. However, the insistence by Northern and Southern senators that they not be outnumbered by one another only highlighted the conflicting interests of the countrys great geographic sections. Fugitive slave act. The courts rulingthat the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and that, because Black Americans were not citizens, they had no right to bring suit before the courtwas acclaimed in the South but condemned and repudiated throughout the North. Northerners were against the expansion of slavery into Western territories because they believed slave labor undermined free white labor and took away job opportunities, and would disrupt the balance between free and slave states. Southern sectionalism drifted into southern nationalism; secessionist fire-eaters fashioned a new national identity for the southern states. The major sectional conflicts revolved around politics and economics and slavery. New settlers in the Lower South organized farms and plantations to develop agricultural sector. The main events related to slavery are as follows: 2.1 Missouri Compromise-1820: One of the biggest divisions between the north and south was slavery. In other videos we've As the North and South developed in the early 1800's they soon grew to be vastly different. They relied on factories and manufacturing to fuel their economy. These cut and paste activities are companions to my Civil War lessons on the same topics. Participants from the EndoAfrica study and PURE study were stratified according to tertiles of age. People living in cities or in rural areas? In this unique assignment, students read a fictional conversation between and stereotypical and hot-blooded Northerner and Southerner as they ride a train together before the Civil War. When Alabama first joined the Union in 1819, it made the political power between free and slave states completely equal, which made political leaders from both sides happy. Northern Democrats hoped for a long-term compromise between slave and free states in new territories, while Southern Democrats demanded federal protections of slavery and threatened secession if Congress refused to meet their demands. #civilwar #apush #ushistoryCheck out Mr. Betts' Civil War parody song. This led to the belief that later in the future slavery be prohibited north of the southern border of Missouri in the remaining of the Louisiana Purchase. Missouri wanted to join the union in the in the north, but as a slave state. 2. The impact that the Missouri Compromise had on the United States was tremendous and had many effects on issues such as national politics, the institution of slavery, and the overall togetherness of the nation as a whole. one-tenth of a percent of slaveholders owned Some Northerners responded by organizing an antislavery political party, called the Republican Party in most places. Cite the main ideas of the debate over slavery and states rights; explain how they resulted in major political compromises and, ultimately, war the mexican american war began over the unconstitutional . R, This document are fill in notes pertaining to the sectional differences between the north, south, and west and the build up of the Civil War including the Missouri Compromise , the fugitive slave act, popular sovereignty, bleeding Kansas, the Dred Scott Decision, and the Compromise of 1850. However, as pointed out, it created a line between slave states and Free states. Ultimately, to avoid disunion, Henry Clay helped to pass the. Poorer whites aspired Most Americans are aware of the fact that the issue of slavery strongly divided the north and the south, especially in the decades leading up to the Civil War. and international markets had always been the center of the economy. A cause of the civil war: North was a manufacturing and industrial society. Slavery could expand westward to states south of this line. Share Cite. Westward expansion brought the growing tension between the North and South to a head. over whether the government was prioritizing the needs the Federal Government promoted agriculture or manufacturing. On the back of the reading is a graphic organizer/flow chart. To attempt to satisfy the demands of both the North and South, the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was created to resolve issues of slavery in newer western states. The South was an extremely militant area because they feared that an uprising of the slaves could happen at any minute. They realized that this compromise threatened the balance between free and slave states; Maine and Missouri. The. Explore the different perspectives in the north, south, and west areas of the US and understand each region's positions on issues regarding land and tariffs. The South was based on agriculture, leaning towards strong local governments. Lonely people who, stuck on farms, had little social life, but who, living in dormitories near factories, could have a social life and seek mates. Many in the lower class held out hope that they could move out West and start a small family farm in order The whole economy of the southern states depended largely on the cotton production. A person resides rather than party ties, often determined politicians stances on issues lands cultivate! Civilwar # apush # ushistoryCheck out Mr. Betts & # x27 ; Civil War parody song angered North. When all of the page as a free territory slow submarine slavery because it threatens the balance free! It would be no slavery allowed North of 36 30 line to Lucas Thompson 's post what the. Of a percent of the North, but as a cash crop for the foldable and a Venn diagram also! 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Though many of the political differences are beyond the scope of the intermediate curriculum, students can use their analysis of archival documents to begin to appreciate the differences between the North and South and the changes afoot in the United States . With the invention of the cotton gin, cotton was being mass-produced and sent to the North to be made into items such as clothing. The issue of slavery continued to be an issue as the nation expanded because the Missouri Compromise didnt apply to new territories that were not part of the Louisiana Purchase. to become financially stable. In turn, Westerners developed their own strong sectional identity, which grew out of their sense of their regions uniqueness, their perception that Easterners looked down on them as uncultured, and their grievance with the Eastern businessmen who were exploiting them. These cut and paste activities are great for review or can be used as simple assessments. When all of the ballots were counted, Lincoln was found to have captured only about 40 percent of the popular vote. John Bell was its candidate. Students read about the differences between the two sections in regards to their economy, social classes, how they defend their side, and how they view the opposite side. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Direct link to David Alexander's post Then as now, sadly, white, Posted 2 years ago. It was the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln that led many political leaders in the South to believe that the federal government was contemplating abolishing slavery. This power struggle between states and the federal government only caused unrest, resulting in no further beneficial reforms or rulings, causing the Era of Good Feelings to not hold true to its name. Information used for these cloze passages was found from our Social Studies textbooks and. the U.S. Constitution, and repeatedly during the 19th Century, when compromises in 1820 and 1850 barely maintained the fragile balance between Northern and Southern states. Simple activity to introduce or review information about Map Projections and the difference between projections. After more than 80 years of compromise, why did the differences . The North feared that the South could then pass pro-slavery laws against their objections, and defeat any further laws restricting the spread of slavery. In order to follow the guidelines of the Missouri Compromise, Southerners looked westward in order to expand slavery. In 1819, two more states wishing to join the union, were Missouri and Maine. Despite the popular myth plantation. This product is a full set of resources that will support students through the document-based question (DBQ) process! Their ideologies on social issues and economy issues ranged greatly. There were some social differences between the North and the South as the Civil War approached. Unfortunately, little common ground could be found. Supports Tennessee's New 2019 Social Studies Standards:Overview: Students will explore the events that led to the Civil War, focusing on the impact of slavery, the abolition movement, and the major differences of the states.4.25 Analyze the sectional differences between the North and the Antebellum South, including: C, E, G, H, P, T Economic Political Population Social Transportation 4.26 Identify abolitionist leaders and their approaches to ending slavery, including: Frederick Doug, What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution? The field was completed by the last-minute formation of a new party, the Constitutional Union Party, which rallied to support the Union and the Constitution without regard to slavery. It helped to crystallize the rift between the North and South. Escalates the debate over slavery because it threatens the balance of power. which reopened the possibility of allowing slavery north of In the 1840s the potato famine in Ireland and revolutions in Europe Sectional differences tied to the expansion of plantation slavery in the West were especially important after 1803. To stay at the pace of the North, the South decided it would be beneficial if they were to become their cotton suppliers. What were the arguments for and against the American System. In 1820 Missouri wished to be part of the Union as a slave state. though this seven-team site is extremely balanced with West Vigo . Cotton, rice, and tobacco were very . This product provides reading material with text dependent questions about the sectional differences between the North and South prior to the Civil War. won the election of 1860 but did not win the popular vote. Nevertheless, the politicians' attempts to maintain a balance between slave and free states became futile as a result of other cases, such as the Fugitive Slave Act, in which the North was forced to return. Congress debated for months. Posted 2 years ago. Northerners proposed that Missouri be a slave state and that no more slaves were to be brought in, and all slave children would be free at age 25. This sphere is defined along the equator and runs from zero degrees all the way South to the South pole. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Over 600,000 people were killed over the course of the war, about 500 people per day. Southerners supported the extension of slavery into western territories because it allowed them to use free labor to harvest cotton and other crops, and the addition of new slave states would strengthen the South in the House of Representatives, because more states would vote for policies that favored slaveholders. Douglas became the candidate of the Northern Democrats. The desire of southerners for unpaid workers to pick the valuable cotton . Direct link to Lucas Thompson's post what were the differences, Posted 3 years ago. The abolitionists believed that slavery was immoral and were influenced by former slaves like Frederick Douglass, as well as through literature, including Uncle Toms Cabin. Eagle, had a hard shell of its own. Westward Expansion and Regional Differences "Go west, young man, and grow up with the country." Horace Greeley, 1850 The war of 1812 was, in a measure, a second war of Independence, for until that time the United States had not yet been accorded a position of equality in the family of nations. In the first half of the 19th century, the United States and its people found themselves evolving in two very different directions. as they had in the past, Southern commentators began to frame slavery as a positive good. The Free Soil Movement aimed to preserve Western lands for small white farmers. The 1860 presidential election showed how deep the sectional chasm in the United States had grown. Political compromises briefly defused but did not eliminate increasing tension over slavery and states rights. They will complete the graphic organizer discussing the sectional differences between each region - the North, South, and West in this engaging lesson and activity!Looking for the pen and paper, hard-copy version of this resour, The products in the bundle are designed for a secondary SPANISH dual language U.S History course.What is included:Google Slides presentation (17 pages) discussing slavery, differences between the North and the South and briefly mentioning states' rights as causes of the war. But in 1860, the wheels finally came off, and the Southern states seceded from the Union, starting the Civil War. began to craft a proactive defense of the institution The sectional wound that the nation felt only became worse after the 1854 Act. Class A Edinburgh Sectional. the North and South from the Colonial Era until the late 1840s in terms of economics, social structure, and commonly held ideas about slavery. The compromise everyone came into conclusion with, was that there would be no slavery allowed north of 36 30 latitude. The South, however, wanted the new states to be "slave states.". This issue created problems even before 1850. People lived in cities and cultures and classes worked together. The difference between They will brainstorm their own definitions of the terms using their knowledge of Social Studies and the reading passage. Independence, Missouri. Available of Google Drive so you can edit as needed.Students can master Sectionalism with this resource! This purchase, however, was a troublesome one to make, as it wasn't explicitly stated that a president COULD buy or add more territory, so by Jefferson making the decision to purse the Louisiana Purchase, he made a precedent that President's can and will buy or add territory if it is reasonable or advantageous for them to do so. The Democrats were split between the North and the South with separate election tickets in 1860. The Compromise also banned slavery in the Louisiana Purchase territory north and west of the state of Missouri along the line of 36-30. . Sectional Differences and Comparisons. Students will read and answer questions about the sectional differences between the north and south that led up to the Civil War including; population, transportation, and economy. between the North and South, it's clear that by the 1850s there was really a clash of cultures going on. The North was heavily influenced by Henry Clays American System, accompanied with large scale industrialization and cities. between the North and the South finally become People lived in cities and cultures and classes worked together. Repeals the Missouri Compromise of 1820 that outlawed slavery north of the 36 30 line. Would the United Stated Tensions over slavery flared during the crafting of the U.S. Constitution, and repeatedly during the 19th Century, when compromises in 1820 and 1850 barely maintained the fragile balance between Northern and Southern states. Clip art for the foldable and a Venn diagram are also included if the teacher wants to use them. Let's revisit those Sectionalism is commonly defined as loyalty to the particular region where a person resides rather than to the entire country. The Compromise of 1850. 1. Direct link to Shane McGookey's post The Native Americans were, Posted 8 months ago. Not until Eli Whitneys invention of the cotton gin did the issue of slavery spark up again and cotton begins to thrive. These fights, then as now, relate to bigger questions about which kinds of people and industries American political decisions will benefit. prompted many Irish and German immigrants to come to Northern cities in search of factory jobs. Cotton began to grow as a cash crop for the South. $3.00. The reasons for sectionalism and results of it helped push the US into a long and bloody Civil War. Editor of abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator", leader on the Underground Railroad, , United States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North (1820-1913). Indeed, it was a time of notorious divisions and sectorial differences between the North and the South of the United States. sectionalism, states rights, and slavey caused tensions between these two regions. The nineteenth century marked the westward movement of many American settlers and revealed the sectional differences among the North and South. The West was also a section but this section (because it was . As American settlers spread westward during the 18th and 19th centuries, New Englanders felt threatened by the West, which siphoned off many of their regions most capable and vigorous labourers. They passed laws like the Missouri Compromise, which allowed the acceptance of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free territory. This angered the north because under the compromise the new slave states covered more land than that of the new free states. to Oregon Territory) Mostly focused on new settlements and survival in the new lands. Nevertheless, the interests of this small slaveholding planter class were paramount in the region, from colonial times to the Declaration of Independence on to the framing of the Constitution and through the national struggle over whether slavery would be permitted to expand into the new lands of the West. Northerners and Westerners tended to favor tariffs, banking, and internal improvements, while Southerners tended to oppose them as measures that disadvantaged their section and gave too much power to the federal government. Includes a graphic organizer for students to easily organize information in the notes, vocab terms section and a "big question" for students to answer and then discuss after the notes have been presented. Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike. before western expansion, equal number of free states. As they argue about social, political and economic issues, students analyze how different their beliefs are and explain their choices. Omissions? And at the very top was a tiny fraction of large planters who owned The North and the South had different goals. President Jefferson obtained the Louisiana . A large permanent under Tellingly, in 1831, when abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison started his newspaper The Liberator, calling for the immediate emancipation of all enslaved people, he had only a tiny following. Cotton is king. The North's economy was primarily based on industry, while the South's economy was primarily based on agriculture, which greatly changed the two section's desire and need for slaves. Northerners and Westerners tended to favor tariffs, banking, and internal improvements, while Southerners tended to oppose them as measures that . For many years, the issues of slavery, human rights and racial inequality were the main topics for discussion by people, and the expansion of borders in the beginning of the nineteenth century intensified discussions around these questions. Direct link to Davin V Jones's post https://www.khanacademy.o, Posted 2 years ago. The North and South tried to make compromises that would resolve these issues but both sides were never satisfied with the outcome results. industrialize as in the North. Sectional differences between the North and the South have caused the two regions to disagree on multiple issues since the establishment of the United States. b. flat desert The East-West rivalry is the name for a particularly potent form of sectionalism that has been a major factor in the political, social, and economic development of North Carolina. The tensions between the North and the South . . But even though most factory workers in the North struggled to make ends meet, there was some opportunity Main factor of Sectional Conflict- Slavery: The issue of slavery was the main reason for sectional conflict between the two regions i.e. The country was divided into north free states (green) and south slave states (yellow). Due to each of the sides having contradictory points of view on slavery, the Missouri Compromise and the addition of other territories such as during the Louisiana Purchase, the Oregon Treaty, and the Annexation of Texas, much strife occurred in the Senate. Because of this cities were often small, and there were few railroads and even fewer factories. Eventually Missouri would be a free state. In the North, most whites didn't object to slavery as it existed in the South, but worried about the potential expansion of slavery to the West. A 15 question assessment is also provided. Includes an answer key They will complete the graphic organizer discussing the sectional differences between each region - the North, South, and West in this engaging lesson and activity!Included in this resource: Cover Page Student-centered opi, Maps - Map Projections and Introduction Activity The North consisted of industries while the Souths main purpose was farming. JIGSAW activity investigating the differences between the climate, economy, cities and culture in the North and South. By the new land acquired, the Southern economy increased because of the Cotton King, which also increased the labor in order to maintain the newly achieved economy. Controversy over the expansion of slavery into western territories between the years of 1845-1861 contributed to the. Economic, social and political structures differed significantly between the two regions, and these disparities only widened in the 1800s. The North and South were very different in almost every way including economic, social and political. comparisons for the years immediately leading up to the Civil War and see if we can identify why the conflict intensified in the 1850s. It includes population, transportation, and economy. Direct link to David Alexander's post It bears repeating, and b, Posted 10 months ago. During the Early Republic, sectional divisions between the North and South dominated politics. In order to expand slavery, the South felt that the United States would need territory from Mexico. Regional interests, rather than party ties, often determined politicians stances on issues. South was an agricultural society (need for cheap labor). regulated slavery in the new western territory aquired by the Louisiana purchase. But in the Early Republic, there was an added dimension to these fights: slavery, and the divide between northern champions of industry and southern champions of agriculture. In 1860, these questions would propel the country into civil war. Well first, there were Sectionalism prior to the Civil War, the United States. The Norths economic was booming and was based on industrial manufacturing. In the compromise, Congress initiated a two-part plan; to admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state and a new boundary line was drawn at longitude 36 30 through the former Louisiana Territory separating free and slave states.1 The compromise settled each side for a time, but the sectional and political conflicts continued to escalate. ***Please- If you like it, RAT. This roadblock led to the compromise of 1820. This compromise brought upon the 36-30 Parallel Line, a geographical line that split the North and South, depicting the contrasting political and societal views and increasing sectionalism (F). The Compromise of 1820 brought both sides of the slavery debate to an agreement. Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. Children and young adults who felt "stuck" on papa's farm and found a way to become independent. becoming large plantation owners looked to the West for Compromise legislationoriginally championed by Sen. Henry Clay of Kentucky but ultimately guided to passage by Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of Illinoisaverted a likely civil war by bundling admission of California as a free state with a new, more aggressive Fugitive Slave Act, which provided for the seizure and return of people who escaped enslavement (see Compromise of 1850). paths to social mobility. Political and economic factors played a major role in the secession of the southern states and the start of . The sectional balance collapsed in the 1850s, as tensions between the slaveholding South and free labor North escalated and no compromise could ensure lasting peace. The most sectional tension was between the North and South, but the West was also developing an identity of its own and was willing to side with either of the other sections if it would help them grow. The Ohio Valley became an early fault line in the coming sectional struggle. South Carolina was happy at the outcome of the election because now it had a reason to secede. Used cotton to make clothes. They will complete the graphic organizer discussing the sectional differences between each region - the North, South, and West in this engaging lesson and activity!Included in this resource: Hardcopy and Google drive classroom, This Article of the Week can be used as a bell ringer to practice a variety of literacy skills, such as using evidence, summarizing, short response writing, and grammar practice. Slavery was far and away the 32. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. There is a shutter fold graphic organizer for students to complete using the reading material. Cotton had slowly replaced tobacco as the number one crop in the South, and American cotton After Western expansion, new territories would disrupt the balance of free and slave states. For years, textbook authors have contended that economic difference between North and South was the primary cause of the Civil War. The main difference was that the South had slavery, while the North had ended slavery . Can you describe a plan that could have prevented sectionalism? expansion of the railroad turned into bitter fights They also agreed that as the United States Expanded westward, states north of the 36 and a half degrees North would be free states, while states south of that would be slave states. Many events of the 1850s Southerners believed that the tariffs benefited northern industry at the expense of southern agriculture. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Despite slavery existing in America since the 1600s, economic and social paths taken by the North and the South increasingly began to change towards the 1800s and as a result created significant sectional differences between the states. The most pronounced. Posted 3 years ago. - An analysis of the sectional election of 1860 and its consequences sectional differences between the north and the south, Also included in:Industrial Revolution in America UNIT BUNDLE. Were used to paying in US dollars and driving along federally-maintained interstate highways, or seeing the federal government regulate some industries and provide incentives to others. Not, surprisingly the Turtle was a slow submarine. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The rich or the poor? Direct link to fnu jamila's post What is the Monroe Doctri, Posted 8 months ago. Throughout American history, tension has existed between several regions, but the competing views of the institution of slavery held by Northerners and Southerners was the preeminent sectional split and the defining political issue in the United States from the founding of the country until the American Civil War. This was a fair charge to make. new lands to cultivate in order to expand the cotton kingdom. When contrasting the North and South in the antebellum period, you must consider the differences in major areas: climate, geography, population, cities, economy, culture and transportation. Kentucky and Tennessee emerged as slave states, while free states Ohio, Indiana (1816), and Illinois (1818) gained admission along the river's . Westward expansion was likewise a . Between Constitutional ratification and southern secession, the United States increasingly developed sectional tensions between North and South. So how did these economic The sectional differences between the North, South, and West, including. Noonewillbeexceptedfromtherequirementtoreadoneplayeveryweek.\underline{\text{No one will be excepted from the requirement to read one play every week. to its white population. Kim compares the economic and ideological differences that drove the sections apart. In 1850, sectional passions were inflamed when California applied to enter the union as a state that prohibited slavery. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the North supported industrialization and manufacturing, while the South was mostly focused on the agricultural development. Direct link to montoya720's post how big was the natives l, Posted 2 years ago. for social mobility, to climb the economic ladder. However, the insistence by Northern and Southern senators that they not be outnumbered by one another only highlighted the conflicting interests of the countrys great geographic sections. Fugitive slave act. The courts rulingthat the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and that, because Black Americans were not citizens, they had no right to bring suit before the courtwas acclaimed in the South but condemned and repudiated throughout the North. Northerners were against the expansion of slavery into Western territories because they believed slave labor undermined free white labor and took away job opportunities, and would disrupt the balance between free and slave states. Southern sectionalism drifted into southern nationalism; secessionist fire-eaters fashioned a new national identity for the southern states. The major sectional conflicts revolved around politics and economics and slavery. New settlers in the Lower South organized farms and plantations to develop agricultural sector. The main events related to slavery are as follows: 2.1 Missouri Compromise-1820: One of the biggest divisions between the north and south was slavery. In other videos we've As the North and South developed in the early 1800's they soon grew to be vastly different. They relied on factories and manufacturing to fuel their economy. These cut and paste activities are companions to my Civil War lessons on the same topics. Participants from the EndoAfrica study and PURE study were stratified according to tertiles of age. People living in cities or in rural areas? In this unique assignment, students read a fictional conversation between and stereotypical and hot-blooded Northerner and Southerner as they ride a train together before the Civil War. When Alabama first joined the Union in 1819, it made the political power between free and slave states completely equal, which made political leaders from both sides happy. Northern Democrats hoped for a long-term compromise between slave and free states in new territories, while Southern Democrats demanded federal protections of slavery and threatened secession if Congress refused to meet their demands. #civilwar #apush #ushistoryCheck out Mr. Betts' Civil War parody song. This led to the belief that later in the future slavery be prohibited north of the southern border of Missouri in the remaining of the Louisiana Purchase. Missouri wanted to join the union in the in the north, but as a slave state. 2. The impact that the Missouri Compromise had on the United States was tremendous and had many effects on issues such as national politics, the institution of slavery, and the overall togetherness of the nation as a whole. one-tenth of a percent of slaveholders owned Some Northerners responded by organizing an antislavery political party, called the Republican Party in most places. Cite the main ideas of the debate over slavery and states rights; explain how they resulted in major political compromises and, ultimately, war the mexican american war began over the unconstitutional . R, This document are fill in notes pertaining to the sectional differences between the north, south, and west and the build up of the Civil War including the Missouri Compromise , the fugitive slave act, popular sovereignty, bleeding Kansas, the Dred Scott Decision, and the Compromise of 1850. However, as pointed out, it created a line between slave states and Free states. Ultimately, to avoid disunion, Henry Clay helped to pass the. Poorer whites aspired Most Americans are aware of the fact that the issue of slavery strongly divided the north and the south, especially in the decades leading up to the Civil War. and international markets had always been the center of the economy. A cause of the civil war: North was a manufacturing and industrial society. Slavery could expand westward to states south of this line. Share Cite. Westward expansion brought the growing tension between the North and South to a head. over whether the government was prioritizing the needs the Federal Government promoted agriculture or manufacturing. On the back of the reading is a graphic organizer/flow chart. To attempt to satisfy the demands of both the North and South, the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was created to resolve issues of slavery in newer western states. The South was an extremely militant area because they feared that an uprising of the slaves could happen at any minute. They realized that this compromise threatened the balance between free and slave states; Maine and Missouri. The. Explore the different perspectives in the north, south, and west areas of the US and understand each region's positions on issues regarding land and tariffs. The South was based on agriculture, leaning towards strong local governments. Lonely people who, stuck on farms, had little social life, but who, living in dormitories near factories, could have a social life and seek mates. Many in the lower class held out hope that they could move out West and start a small family farm in order The whole economy of the southern states depended largely on the cotton production. A person resides rather than party ties, often determined politicians stances on issues lands cultivate! Civilwar # apush # ushistoryCheck out Mr. Betts & # x27 ; Civil War parody song angered North. When all of the page as a free territory slow submarine slavery because it threatens the balance free! It would be no slavery allowed North of 36 30 line to Lucas Thompson 's post what the. Of a percent of the North, but as a cash crop for the foldable and a Venn diagram also! 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