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richmond zoning ordinance
1105 . 01 Acknowledgements. Once slected click on the print icon and print the PDF that is created, ANR Atlas Linkhttps://anrmaps.vermont.gov/websites/anra5/, 203 Bridge St. P.O. Lois Wagner Memorial Library. Facilities. The second meeting of each month usually is reserved for discussion of policy issues such as proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, the Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, or the Comprehensive Community Plan. You may also navigate the pdf using the up and down arrow keys. Locates and appraises tangible and personal property in Richmond County subject to ad valorem taxation, adhering to Georgia laws governing same, Department of Revenue regulations and applicable . Appointments will not be made for application processing or payment services. Please contact Brian Mercer at Brian.Mercer@rva.gov or (804) 646-6704 with any questions or comments on the three zoning changes. Town Road and Bridge Standards Policy 2013. Zoning Changes | Richmond City-Initiated Zoning Changes The Department of Planning and Development Review is undertaking initiatives to rezone areas of the City to fit adopted plans and make changes to the Zoning Ordinance. [Adopted March 12, 1996] 102 Title This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Zoning Ordinance, Town of Richmond, New Hampshire." . Codified Ordinances of Richmond Heights, OH PART ELEVEN - PLANNING AND ZONING CODE PART ELEVEN - PLANNING AND ZONING CODE TITLE ONE - Platting Chap. Richmond Town Events Home Rule Charter Town Code of Ordinances Land Development and Subdivision Regulations Comprehensive Community Plan Financial Town Meetings Town Council Planning Board Zoning Board 1 Enter keywords or phrase 2 Select documents 3 Additional search options All of the words Any of the words Exact phrase Boolean Near term The Zoning Lookup shows how the zones and overlay districts are applied throughout the City. File a zoning violation using the automated request process at RVA 311. Esta aplicacin no sustituye su derecho de obtener una traduccinprofesional provista por la Ciudad de Richmond como parte del Plan de Acceso aLenguaje. Assembly uses, which include restaurants, day nurseries and other uses that have gatherings of individuals,do not requirea Certificate of Zoning Compliance. The Zoning and Subdivision Regulations include land use regulations and development standards for zoning districts, citywide standards, and permitting and review procedures that will enable the City to implement General Plan policies in a fair and equitable manner and achieve the City's vision and goals for economic development, the physical Telephone: (859) 624-4780 Fax: (859) 624-4736 Office Hours: 8AM - 4:30PM M-F 135 W Irvine, 3rd Floor Richmond, KY 40475. 03 Table of Contents. City of Richmond Zoning Map. This attachment is a summary of the basic zoning districts in Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia. The focus groups were open to anyone interested in the three zoning changes. Zoning Administration of the local Zoning Ordinance to ensure that land uses are compatible with each other and as a tool in implementing the Comprehensive Plan. Administration, Enforcement and Penalty. The Zoning District Map applies a classification to each lot within the City's jurisdiction. The Zoning Administration Division provides a variety of functions related to permitting and planning services. Click here to learn more about what is required for starting a businessand please contact the Zoning Administration Office for questions regarding these application types. All Development Ordinances (PDF) are located in the Planning and Zoning Department. It also provides information about current Land Use projects as described in the section below. Changes to the Zoning Map must be approved by the Richmond . Initiating a zoning ordinance amendment process to update Article 15.04.610.270 of the Richmond Municipal Code, adding regulations for adult-use commercial cannabis, and temporarily restricting the approval of adult-use cannabis businesses until such regulations are developed, except that existing permitted cannabis businesses shall be . A Certificate of Occupancy (H-CO) is required for these uses and must be submitted through One Drive. Layers contained in the Zoning map are as follows: RVA.gov usa Google Translate para proveer una traduccin genrica en el idioma desu preferencia. Home Departments/Offices Planning and Zoning Zoning Ordinance. View All 1107 . Once your address has been slected go to the tool icon on the top right of the map. Circuit Court Clerk for the City of Richmond, VA, Brian Mercer 1103 . Inclusionary Housing Zoning Ordinance; Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Community Meeting The City of Richmond Department of Planning and Building Services is considering making amendments to the City's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (RMC 15.04.603) to create housing options for residents at various income levels. The Town Planner is responsible for assisting the Town to implement the goals and objectives outlined in the Town Plan. Position Type. Recording of the Virtual Meeting on August 10th Selectboard Rules of Procedure 2015. Closed most federal holidays, City of Richmond, KY Codes, Planning, Safety, and Risk Management, MCM2 Public Participation & Involvement, MCM3 Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination, MCM5 Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment, MCM6 Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping. Land Development Review We do, too. Schedule: This position requires you to spend the majority of the time working directly with clients in Randolph, Harnett, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Anson, Richmond, and Hoke. Richmond, Virginia Zoning Districts Explained. Projects that require review and approval by either the Commission of Architectural Review (CAR), City Planning Commission (CPC), or Urban Design Committee (UDC) may also require concurrent zoning approval. Address: 239 West Main St. Richmond, KY 40475. 900 E. Broad St., Room 511 Town of Richmond Maine Ordinances 2018 Richmond, Me. Ordinances Comprehensive Plan ; Code of Ordinances . The Zoning and Subdivision Regulations include land use regulations and development standards for zoning districts, citywide standards, and permitting and review procedures that will enable the City to implement General Plan policies in a fair and equitable manner and achieve the Citys vision and goals for economic development, the physical environment, the social environment,and cultural environment. We hope you are able to easily move around the site. 10/20/2021. CONTACT: For more information, please contact City Clerk Candice Reid at 804.646.7955 or Candice.Reid@rva.gov. Code enforcement issues include: The staff takes appropriate actions to obtain voluntary compliance with the zoning regulations or, if necessary, initiates court proceedings to force compliance. The Richmond City Council approved the transfer of $3.5 million from the Capital Maintenance Reserve to fund improvements to the Diamond baseball stadium in Monday night's meeting. No more than two types of related fencing materials shall be used in any fence or wall. 13 Fax: 513-553-7699 Email: blindhorst@newrichmond.org QUICK LINKS NEW! The Richmond Parcel Mapper for Land Use Projects permits querying and display of real estate parcels found in the city of Richmond. For more information about the 10/19/22 Public Hearing (Regarding the Residential/Commercial District and the Village Residential/Commercial District), see here:Planning Commission 10/19/22 - Town of Richmond, VT (richmondvt.gov), For more information about the 11/2/22 Public Hearing (Regarding the Gateway Commercial District and the Gateway Residential/Commercial District), see here:Planning Commission 11/2/22 - Town of Richmond, VT (richmondvt.gov), Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays: 8 am to 4 pm. Address and Phone Number for Ray County Planning and Zoning Department, a Building Department, at West Main Street, Richmond MO. PDR Staff promoted these focus groups in Phase 1 of community outreach. 23-02 Ordinance (Amend water surcharge Storm Water Fund) signed copy, 22-05 Ordinance (Zone Change Faith Baptist), 22-06 Ordinance (Zone Change Big Hill- Boggs Ln), 22-07 Ordinance (Zone Change 474 Eastern By-pass), 22-22 Ordinance (Section 8 Budget FY 22-23), 22-23 Ordinance (TIF District Goggins Lane), 22-25 Ordinance (Adopting 2021 International Property Maintence Code), 22-26 Ordinance (Updated Code Fee Schedule), 22-27 Ordinance (Amend Dev. During these meetings, subject matter experts from the Department of Planning and Development Review shared the requested zoning changes, discussed potential elements that may change in the zoning ordinances, and addressed any questions regarding these potential changes. These zones and overlay districts implement the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Town Center Meeting Room Policy 2016. of this chapter. Zoneomics operates the most comprehensive zoning database for Richmond Virginia and other zoning maps across the U.S. Zoneomics includes over 50 million real estate properties, each property features zoning code/district, permitted land uses, development standards, rezoning and variance data. Ordinance Appendix A), 22-28 Ordinance (Hampton Way Zone Change), 22-29 Ordinance (Intent to Annex - Arlington Farms), 22-30 Ordinance (Zone Change 441 E. Irvine St), 22-31 Ordinance (Ad Valorem 2022 Tax Rates), 22-33 Ordinance (Zoning Change for Southern Hills Subdivision), 22-34 Ordinance (Liberty Place 21-22 Budget), 22-41 Ordinance (Development Ordinance- Parking Requirements), 22-42 Ordinance (Development Ordinance- Certificates/Forms Required), 22-43 Ordinance (Residential Solid Waste- Rumpke), 22-44 Ordinance (Commercial Solid Waste- Rumpke), 22-49 Ordinance (Lancaster Ave Zone Change), Ordinance 22-08 (Telecommunications Franchise), Ordinance 22-09 (Zone Change 2031 Pace Ramsey Road), Ordinance 22-13 (Amending Grades and Salary Ranges), Ordinance 22-14 (Establish Entertainment District), Ordinance 22-17 (Purchasing Policy for Awarded Federal Funds), Ordinance 22-19 (Water Rate Change-Wholesale Users), 21-01 Ordinance (Closure of S. Robinson Road) (PDF), 21-02 Ordinance (Liberty Place Budget Amendment) (PDF), 21-03 Ordinance (Declaration of Emergency) (PDF), 21-04 Ordinance (Supplements of Ordinances) (PDF), 21-05 Ordinance (Street Dedication of Sycamore Park) (PDF), 21-06 Ordinance (Budget Amendment FY 2021) (PDF), 21-07 Ordinance (Payscale and Paygrade Amendment) (PDF), 21-08 Ordinance (Intent to Annex 1326 Barnes Mill Road) (PDF), 21-09 Ordinance (City Budget FY 2021 to 2022) (PDF), 21-10 Ordinance (Liberty Place Covid19 Budget) (PDF), 21-11 Ordinance (Goggins Lane and 2209 Lexington Road Zone Change) (PDF), 21-12 Ordinance (Duckhorn Drive Zone Change) (PDF), 21-13 Ordinance (Section 8 Housing Budget FY 2021 to 2022) (PDF), 21-14 Ordinance (Airport Board Members) (PDF), 21-15 Ordinance (Unsolicited Marketing Materials) (PDF), 21-16 Ordinance (Barnes Mill and Goggins Lane Annex) (PDF), 21-17 Ordinance (649 Caleast Rd Intent to Annex) (PDF), 21-18 Ordinance (Zone Change Killarney and Shamrock Lane) (PDF), 21-19 Ordinance (Open Records Amendments) (PDF), 21-20 Ordinance (Establish Section 8 Board) (PDF), 21-21 Ordinance (Richmond Utility Board Compensation) (PDF), 21-22 Ordinance (Alcohol Sale Amendments) (PDF), 21-23 Ordinance (2021 Property Tax) (PDF), 21-24 Ordinance (Purchasing Policy Amendment) (PDF), 21-25 Ordinance (Shipping Containers) (PDF), 21-26 Ordinance (Repealing Ordinance 19-14) (PDF), 21-27 Ordinance (Zone Change 320 Cycle Drive) (PDF), 21-28 Ordinance (Zone Change 907 911 Linden Street) (PDF), 21-29 Ordinance (TIF Richmond Development District) (PDF), 20-01 Ordinance (Federal Grant Procurement) (PDF), 20-02 Ordinance (Electric Franchise) (PDF), 20-05 Ordinance (Boggs Lane Zone Change) (PDF), 20-06 Ordinance (Ash Park Zone Change) (PDF), 20-07 Ordinance (Budget Amendment FY 2019 to 2020) (PDF), 20-08 Ordinance (Skyline Drive Zone Change) (PDF), 20-09 Ordinance (Declaration of Emergency) (PDF), 20-10 Ordinance (Liberty Place Budget FY 2019 to 2020) (PDF), 20-11 Ordinance (Section 8 Budget FY 2020 to 2021 (PDF), 20-12 Ordinance (City Budget FY 2020 to 2021) (PDF), 20-13 Ordinance (Amending Chapter 90 Code of Ordinances) (PDF), 20-14 Ordinance (Adopting City Ordinance Codification) (PDF), 20-15 Ordinance (Zone Change- Fritz Family Trust and Frazier Reality Co.) (PDF), 20-16 Ordinance (Zone Change- Spring House Development) (PDF), 20-17 Ordinance (Intent Annexation Concord Road and Tate Farm) (PDF), 20-18 Ordinance (Ad Valorem 2020 Tax Rate) (PDF), 20-19 Ordinance (Zone Change 165 Killarney Lane) (PDF), 20-20 Ordinance (Turnberry Zone Change) 11-10-2020 Second Reading (PDF), 20-21 Ordinance (Tate Family Annexation off Concord Road) 11-10 (PDF), 19-01 Ordinance (Liberty Place Budget) (PDF), 19-03 Ordinance (Zone Change Main and Norwood Drive) (PDF), 19-05 Ordinance (Zone Change 606 Lancaster Ave) (PDF), 19-06 Ordinance (Solid Waste Amendment) (PDF), 19-08 Ordinance (FY 2019 to 2020 Budget) (PDF), 19-09 Ordinance (Cable TV Franchise) (PDF), 19-10 Ordinance (FY 2019 to 2020 Section 8 Budget) (PDF), 19-13 Ordinance (Safety Training Officer) (PDF), 19-14 Ordinance (Hotel Nuisance Properties) (PDF), 19-16 Ordinance (Hotel and Motel Nuisance Amendments) (PDF), 19-17 Ordinance (Nuisance Abatement Language Amended) (PDF), 19-18 Ordinance (Richmond Utility Refunding Bond Series 2019) (PDF), 19-19 Ordinance (2019 Ad Valorem Tax Rates) (PDF), 19-20 Ordinance (Veterinary Offices B2 Zones) (PDF), 19-21 Ordinance (Codification of 2018 Ordinances) (PDF), 19-22 Ordinance (635 W Main Street Zone Change) (PDF), 19-23 Ordinance (Ash Park Street Dedication) (PDF), 18-01 Ordinance (Residential Parking) (PDF), 18-03_Ordinance (Golden Leaf Street Dedications) (PDF), 18-05 Ordinance (Codification of Ordinances) (PDF), 18-07 Ordinance (Pay scale Salary Ranges) (PDF), 18-10 Ordinance (Dimensional Industrial Buildings) (PDF), 18-11 Ordinance (Codes Enforcement Board) (PDF), 18-13 Ordinance (Commercial Garbage Bulk Items) (PDF), 18-14 Ordinance (Update Grant Purchasing Policy) (PDF), 18-15 Ordinance (Renaming a Portion of Georgia Street) (PDF), 18-16 Ordinance (Section 8 Housing Budget) (PDF), 18-18 Ordinance (Concealed Weapon-Police Officers) (PDF), 18-19 Ordinance (Pawnshop Firearms Amendment) (PDF), 18-20 Ordinance (Delinquent Taxes Prohibiting Services) (PDF), 18-21 Ordinance (City Manager authority No Parking) (PDF), 18-24 Ordinance (531 Big Hill Ave Zone Change) (PDF), 18-25 Ordinance (Red House Road Zone Change) (PDF), 18-26 Ordinance ( Grey Oaks Zone Change) (PDF), 18-27 Ordinance (Property Tax at 2 Percent) (PDF), 18-29 Ordinance (Cooperative Purchasing) (PDF), 18-30 Ordinance (Zone Change Four Mile) (PDF), 17-02 Ordinance Zone Change for 105 E Street and 504 Hillsdale Ave (PDF), 17-03 Ordinance Codification Supplement (PDF), 17-04 Ordinance Liberty Place Budget Amendment (PDF), 17-05 Ordinance Zone Change Amberly Way (PDF), 17-06 Ordinance Zone Change Charles Claibourne Court (PDF), 17-09 Ordinance Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule (PDF), 17-10 Ordinance 2040 Pace Ramsey Zone Change (PDF), 17-11 Ordinance Heritage Place Zone Change (PDF), 17-12 Ordinance Closing Old Duncannon Lane (PDF), 17-14 Ordinance Park Board Amendments (PDF), 17-16 Ordinance Bryson Way Zone Change (PDF), 17-17-Ordinance 45 Casey Circle Zone Change (PDF), 17-18 Ordinance FY 2017 to 2018 Budget (PDF), 17-18 Ordinance FY 2017 to 2018 Budget Line Items (PDF), 17-18 Ordinance FY 2017-to 2018 Budget Message (PDF), 17-19 Ordinance Section 8 Budget FY 2017-to 2018 (PDF), 17-19 Ordinance Section 8 Budget Message (PDF), 17-20 Ordinance 715 E. 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1105 . 01 Acknowledgements. Once slected click on the print icon and print the PDF that is created, ANR Atlas Linkhttps://anrmaps.vermont.gov/websites/anra5/, 203 Bridge St. P.O. Lois Wagner Memorial Library. Facilities. The second meeting of each month usually is reserved for discussion of policy issues such as proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, the Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, or the Comprehensive Community Plan. You may also navigate the pdf using the up and down arrow keys. Locates and appraises tangible and personal property in Richmond County subject to ad valorem taxation, adhering to Georgia laws governing same, Department of Revenue regulations and applicable . Appointments will not be made for application processing or payment services. Please contact Brian Mercer at Brian.Mercer@rva.gov or (804) 646-6704 with any questions or comments on the three zoning changes. Town Road and Bridge Standards Policy 2013. Zoning Changes | Richmond City-Initiated Zoning Changes The Department of Planning and Development Review is undertaking initiatives to rezone areas of the City to fit adopted plans and make changes to the Zoning Ordinance. [Adopted March 12, 1996] 102 Title This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Zoning Ordinance, Town of Richmond, New Hampshire." . Codified Ordinances of Richmond Heights, OH PART ELEVEN - PLANNING AND ZONING CODE PART ELEVEN - PLANNING AND ZONING CODE TITLE ONE - Platting Chap. Richmond Town Events Home Rule Charter Town Code of Ordinances Land Development and Subdivision Regulations Comprehensive Community Plan Financial Town Meetings Town Council Planning Board Zoning Board 1 Enter keywords or phrase 2 Select documents 3 Additional search options All of the words Any of the words Exact phrase Boolean Near term The Zoning Lookup shows how the zones and overlay districts are applied throughout the City. File a zoning violation using the automated request process at RVA 311. Esta aplicacin no sustituye su derecho de obtener una traduccinprofesional provista por la Ciudad de Richmond como parte del Plan de Acceso aLenguaje. Assembly uses, which include restaurants, day nurseries and other uses that have gatherings of individuals,do not requirea Certificate of Zoning Compliance. The Zoning and Subdivision Regulations include land use regulations and development standards for zoning districts, citywide standards, and permitting and review procedures that will enable the City to implement General Plan policies in a fair and equitable manner and achieve the City's vision and goals for economic development, the physical Telephone: (859) 624-4780 Fax: (859) 624-4736 Office Hours: 8AM - 4:30PM M-F 135 W Irvine, 3rd Floor Richmond, KY 40475. 03 Table of Contents. City of Richmond Zoning Map. This attachment is a summary of the basic zoning districts in Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia. The focus groups were open to anyone interested in the three zoning changes. Zoning Administration of the local Zoning Ordinance to ensure that land uses are compatible with each other and as a tool in implementing the Comprehensive Plan. Administration, Enforcement and Penalty. The Zoning District Map applies a classification to each lot within the City's jurisdiction. The Zoning Administration Division provides a variety of functions related to permitting and planning services. Click here to learn more about what is required for starting a businessand please contact the Zoning Administration Office for questions regarding these application types. All Development Ordinances (PDF) are located in the Planning and Zoning Department. It also provides information about current Land Use projects as described in the section below. Changes to the Zoning Map must be approved by the Richmond . Initiating a zoning ordinance amendment process to update Article 15.04.610.270 of the Richmond Municipal Code, adding regulations for adult-use commercial cannabis, and temporarily restricting the approval of adult-use cannabis businesses until such regulations are developed, except that existing permitted cannabis businesses shall be . A Certificate of Occupancy (H-CO) is required for these uses and must be submitted through One Drive. Layers contained in the Zoning map are as follows: RVA.gov usa Google Translate para proveer una traduccin genrica en el idioma desu preferencia. Home Departments/Offices Planning and Zoning Zoning Ordinance. View All 1107 . Once your address has been slected go to the tool icon on the top right of the map. Circuit Court Clerk for the City of Richmond, VA, Brian Mercer 1103 . Inclusionary Housing Zoning Ordinance; Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Community Meeting The City of Richmond Department of Planning and Building Services is considering making amendments to the City's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (RMC 15.04.603) to create housing options for residents at various income levels. The Town Planner is responsible for assisting the Town to implement the goals and objectives outlined in the Town Plan. Position Type. Recording of the Virtual Meeting on August 10th Selectboard Rules of Procedure 2015. Closed most federal holidays, City of Richmond, KY Codes, Planning, Safety, and Risk Management, MCM2 Public Participation & Involvement, MCM3 Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination, MCM5 Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment, MCM6 Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping. Land Development Review We do, too. Schedule: This position requires you to spend the majority of the time working directly with clients in Randolph, Harnett, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Anson, Richmond, and Hoke. Richmond, Virginia Zoning Districts Explained. Projects that require review and approval by either the Commission of Architectural Review (CAR), City Planning Commission (CPC), or Urban Design Committee (UDC) may also require concurrent zoning approval. Address: 239 West Main St. Richmond, KY 40475. 900 E. Broad St., Room 511 Town of Richmond Maine Ordinances 2018 Richmond, Me. Ordinances Comprehensive Plan ; Code of Ordinances . The Zoning and Subdivision Regulations include land use regulations and development standards for zoning districts, citywide standards, and permitting and review procedures that will enable the City to implement General Plan policies in a fair and equitable manner and achieve the Citys vision and goals for economic development, the physical environment, the social environment,and cultural environment. We hope you are able to easily move around the site. 10/20/2021. CONTACT: For more information, please contact City Clerk Candice Reid at 804.646.7955 or Candice.Reid@rva.gov. Code enforcement issues include: The staff takes appropriate actions to obtain voluntary compliance with the zoning regulations or, if necessary, initiates court proceedings to force compliance. The Richmond City Council approved the transfer of $3.5 million from the Capital Maintenance Reserve to fund improvements to the Diamond baseball stadium in Monday night's meeting. No more than two types of related fencing materials shall be used in any fence or wall. 13 Fax: 513-553-7699 Email: blindhorst@newrichmond.org QUICK LINKS NEW! The Richmond Parcel Mapper for Land Use Projects permits querying and display of real estate parcels found in the city of Richmond. For more information about the 10/19/22 Public Hearing (Regarding the Residential/Commercial District and the Village Residential/Commercial District), see here:Planning Commission 10/19/22 - Town of Richmond, VT (richmondvt.gov), For more information about the 11/2/22 Public Hearing (Regarding the Gateway Commercial District and the Gateway Residential/Commercial District), see here:Planning Commission 11/2/22 - Town of Richmond, VT (richmondvt.gov), Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays: 8 am to 4 pm. Address and Phone Number for Ray County Planning and Zoning Department, a Building Department, at West Main Street, Richmond MO. PDR Staff promoted these focus groups in Phase 1 of community outreach. 23-02 Ordinance (Amend water surcharge Storm Water Fund) signed copy, 22-05 Ordinance (Zone Change Faith Baptist), 22-06 Ordinance (Zone Change Big Hill- Boggs Ln), 22-07 Ordinance (Zone Change 474 Eastern By-pass), 22-22 Ordinance (Section 8 Budget FY 22-23), 22-23 Ordinance (TIF District Goggins Lane), 22-25 Ordinance (Adopting 2021 International Property Maintence Code), 22-26 Ordinance (Updated Code Fee Schedule), 22-27 Ordinance (Amend Dev. During these meetings, subject matter experts from the Department of Planning and Development Review shared the requested zoning changes, discussed potential elements that may change in the zoning ordinances, and addressed any questions regarding these potential changes. These zones and overlay districts implement the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Town Center Meeting Room Policy 2016. of this chapter. Zoneomics operates the most comprehensive zoning database for Richmond Virginia and other zoning maps across the U.S. Zoneomics includes over 50 million real estate properties, each property features zoning code/district, permitted land uses, development standards, rezoning and variance data. Ordinance Appendix A), 22-28 Ordinance (Hampton Way Zone Change), 22-29 Ordinance (Intent to Annex - Arlington Farms), 22-30 Ordinance (Zone Change 441 E. Irvine St), 22-31 Ordinance (Ad Valorem 2022 Tax Rates), 22-33 Ordinance (Zoning Change for Southern Hills Subdivision), 22-34 Ordinance (Liberty Place 21-22 Budget), 22-41 Ordinance (Development Ordinance- Parking Requirements), 22-42 Ordinance (Development Ordinance- Certificates/Forms Required), 22-43 Ordinance (Residential Solid Waste- Rumpke), 22-44 Ordinance (Commercial Solid Waste- Rumpke), 22-49 Ordinance (Lancaster Ave Zone Change), Ordinance 22-08 (Telecommunications Franchise), Ordinance 22-09 (Zone Change 2031 Pace Ramsey Road), Ordinance 22-13 (Amending Grades and Salary Ranges), Ordinance 22-14 (Establish Entertainment District), Ordinance 22-17 (Purchasing Policy for Awarded Federal Funds), Ordinance 22-19 (Water Rate Change-Wholesale Users), 21-01 Ordinance (Closure of S. Robinson Road) (PDF), 21-02 Ordinance (Liberty Place Budget Amendment) (PDF), 21-03 Ordinance (Declaration of Emergency) (PDF), 21-04 Ordinance (Supplements of Ordinances) (PDF), 21-05 Ordinance (Street Dedication of Sycamore Park) (PDF), 21-06 Ordinance (Budget Amendment FY 2021) (PDF), 21-07 Ordinance (Payscale and Paygrade Amendment) (PDF), 21-08 Ordinance (Intent to Annex 1326 Barnes Mill Road) (PDF), 21-09 Ordinance (City Budget FY 2021 to 2022) (PDF), 21-10 Ordinance (Liberty Place Covid19 Budget) (PDF), 21-11 Ordinance (Goggins Lane and 2209 Lexington Road Zone Change) (PDF), 21-12 Ordinance (Duckhorn Drive Zone Change) (PDF), 21-13 Ordinance (Section 8 Housing Budget FY 2021 to 2022) (PDF), 21-14 Ordinance (Airport Board Members) (PDF), 21-15 Ordinance (Unsolicited Marketing Materials) (PDF), 21-16 Ordinance (Barnes Mill and Goggins Lane Annex) (PDF), 21-17 Ordinance (649 Caleast Rd Intent to Annex) (PDF), 21-18 Ordinance (Zone Change Killarney and Shamrock Lane) (PDF), 21-19 Ordinance (Open Records Amendments) (PDF), 21-20 Ordinance (Establish Section 8 Board) (PDF), 21-21 Ordinance (Richmond Utility Board Compensation) (PDF), 21-22 Ordinance (Alcohol Sale Amendments) (PDF), 21-23 Ordinance (2021 Property Tax) (PDF), 21-24 Ordinance (Purchasing Policy Amendment) (PDF), 21-25 Ordinance (Shipping Containers) (PDF), 21-26 Ordinance (Repealing Ordinance 19-14) (PDF), 21-27 Ordinance (Zone Change 320 Cycle Drive) (PDF), 21-28 Ordinance (Zone Change 907 911 Linden Street) (PDF), 21-29 Ordinance (TIF Richmond Development District) (PDF), 20-01 Ordinance (Federal Grant Procurement) (PDF), 20-02 Ordinance (Electric Franchise) (PDF), 20-05 Ordinance (Boggs Lane Zone Change) (PDF), 20-06 Ordinance (Ash Park Zone Change) (PDF), 20-07 Ordinance (Budget Amendment FY 2019 to 2020) (PDF), 20-08 Ordinance (Skyline Drive Zone Change) (PDF), 20-09 Ordinance (Declaration of Emergency) (PDF), 20-10 Ordinance (Liberty Place Budget FY 2019 to 2020) (PDF), 20-11 Ordinance (Section 8 Budget FY 2020 to 2021 (PDF), 20-12 Ordinance (City Budget FY 2020 to 2021) (PDF), 20-13 Ordinance (Amending Chapter 90 Code of Ordinances) (PDF), 20-14 Ordinance (Adopting City Ordinance Codification) (PDF), 20-15 Ordinance (Zone Change- Fritz Family Trust and Frazier Reality Co.) (PDF), 20-16 Ordinance (Zone Change- Spring House Development) (PDF), 20-17 Ordinance (Intent Annexation Concord Road and Tate Farm) (PDF), 20-18 Ordinance (Ad Valorem 2020 Tax Rate) (PDF), 20-19 Ordinance (Zone Change 165 Killarney Lane) (PDF), 20-20 Ordinance (Turnberry Zone Change) 11-10-2020 Second Reading (PDF), 20-21 Ordinance (Tate Family Annexation off Concord Road) 11-10 (PDF), 19-01 Ordinance (Liberty Place Budget) (PDF), 19-03 Ordinance (Zone Change Main and Norwood Drive) (PDF), 19-05 Ordinance (Zone Change 606 Lancaster Ave) (PDF), 19-06 Ordinance (Solid Waste Amendment) (PDF), 19-08 Ordinance (FY 2019 to 2020 Budget) (PDF), 19-09 Ordinance (Cable TV Franchise) (PDF), 19-10 Ordinance (FY 2019 to 2020 Section 8 Budget) (PDF), 19-13 Ordinance (Safety Training Officer) (PDF), 19-14 Ordinance (Hotel Nuisance Properties) (PDF), 19-16 Ordinance (Hotel and Motel Nuisance Amendments) (PDF), 19-17 Ordinance (Nuisance Abatement Language Amended) (PDF), 19-18 Ordinance (Richmond Utility Refunding Bond Series 2019) (PDF), 19-19 Ordinance (2019 Ad Valorem Tax Rates) (PDF), 19-20 Ordinance (Veterinary Offices B2 Zones) (PDF), 19-21 Ordinance (Codification of 2018 Ordinances) (PDF), 19-22 Ordinance (635 W Main Street Zone Change) (PDF), 19-23 Ordinance (Ash Park Street Dedication) (PDF), 18-01 Ordinance (Residential Parking) (PDF), 18-03_Ordinance (Golden Leaf Street Dedications) (PDF), 18-05 Ordinance (Codification of Ordinances) (PDF), 18-07 Ordinance (Pay scale Salary Ranges) (PDF), 18-10 Ordinance (Dimensional Industrial Buildings) (PDF), 18-11 Ordinance (Codes Enforcement Board) (PDF), 18-13 Ordinance (Commercial Garbage Bulk Items) (PDF), 18-14 Ordinance (Update Grant Purchasing Policy) (PDF), 18-15 Ordinance (Renaming a Portion of Georgia Street) (PDF), 18-16 Ordinance (Section 8 Housing Budget) (PDF), 18-18 Ordinance (Concealed Weapon-Police Officers) (PDF), 18-19 Ordinance (Pawnshop Firearms Amendment) (PDF), 18-20 Ordinance (Delinquent Taxes Prohibiting Services) (PDF), 18-21 Ordinance (City Manager authority No Parking) (PDF), 18-24 Ordinance (531 Big Hill Ave Zone Change) (PDF), 18-25 Ordinance (Red House Road Zone Change) (PDF), 18-26 Ordinance ( Grey Oaks Zone Change) (PDF), 18-27 Ordinance (Property Tax at 2 Percent) (PDF), 18-29 Ordinance (Cooperative Purchasing) (PDF), 18-30 Ordinance (Zone Change Four Mile) (PDF), 17-02 Ordinance Zone Change for 105 E Street and 504 Hillsdale Ave (PDF), 17-03 Ordinance Codification Supplement (PDF), 17-04 Ordinance Liberty Place Budget Amendment (PDF), 17-05 Ordinance Zone Change Amberly Way (PDF), 17-06 Ordinance Zone Change Charles Claibourne Court (PDF), 17-09 Ordinance Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule (PDF), 17-10 Ordinance 2040 Pace Ramsey Zone Change (PDF), 17-11 Ordinance Heritage Place Zone Change (PDF), 17-12 Ordinance Closing Old Duncannon Lane (PDF), 17-14 Ordinance Park Board Amendments (PDF), 17-16 Ordinance Bryson Way Zone Change (PDF), 17-17-Ordinance 45 Casey Circle Zone Change (PDF), 17-18 Ordinance FY 2017 to 2018 Budget (PDF), 17-18 Ordinance FY 2017 to 2018 Budget Line Items (PDF), 17-18 Ordinance FY 2017-to 2018 Budget Message (PDF), 17-19 Ordinance Section 8 Budget FY 2017-to 2018 (PDF), 17-19 Ordinance Section 8 Budget Message (PDF), 17-20 Ordinance 715 E. 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